Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Steel Wire Drawing: March 2013

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Microstructure and tensile properties of steel wire drawing

Conference Paper · March 2013

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1 author:

Sahib Mahdi
Mustansiriyah University


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Microstructure and tensile properties of steel wire drawing
Lecturer Sahib M. Mahdi
Materials Engineering Department
Al-mustansiriya University
E-mail : [email protected]

Keywords: Wire drawing, microstructure, strain hardening index(n), strengthening

coefficient(K), ASTM grain size number (G).

Wire drawing process is one of important production processes, the process involves
the introduction piece of wire in a fixed die, may be the process through a series of sequence
dies. Where a reduction is take place in the section through each die until getting the desired
wire. In this study steel wire is drawn from initial diameter 6.5 mm ,once as if the wire as
received and other case by annealing heat treatment, at a temperature of 850 °c for one hour.
In the first case we managed to form a wire across two stages only to diameter 5 mm and 4 mm
and unable for farther reduction because the wire intermittence. In the case of annealing, it is
able to make reduction to 5 mm diameter, then to 4 mm diameter and finally to 2.85 mm
diameter. The samples were taken from all stages of wire drawing for microscopic examination
of the microstructure. From the photograph of the microstructure were calculated grains Size
number (G) using linear intercept ASTM E112. As well tensile testing, from tensile testing a
work hardening index (n) and strengthening coefficient (K) have been calculated. And also the
yield strength and elongation percent have been listed. Drawing the graphical relationships
between the tensile properties obtained with grain size number values. The results shows that
with the increased of grain size number (increasing the smoothness of the grain) the
elongation percent and the work hardening index(n) both are decrease, because of the increase
in the yield strength and strengthening coefficient (K) of the wire drawn with grain structure
softening .

‫التركيب المجھري و خواص الشد ألسالك السحب المصنوعة من الصلب‬

‫المدرس صاحب محمد مھدي‬
‫قسم ھندسة المواد – كلية الھندسة‬
‫الجامعة المستنصرية‬
[email protected]
‫ رقم الحجم‬، (k)‫ معامل زيادة المقاومة‬، (n) ‫ عامل االصالد االنفعالي‬، ‫ التركيب الدقيق‬، ‫ سحب االسالك‬:‫مفتاح الكلمات‬
.ASTM ‫(بالمواصفات القياسية‬G) ‫الحبيبي‬

‫ تتضمن العملية إدخال قطعة سلك في قالب ثابت وقد تكون العملية‬، ‫تعتبر عملية سحب األسالك من عمليات اإلنتاج المھمة‬
‫ في ھذه‬.‫ حيث يحصل تخصر في المقطع عبر كل قالب حتى نحصل السلك المطلوب‬، ‫عبر سلسلة من القوالب المتتالية‬

‫ ومرة بإجراء المعاملة‬،‫ ملم مرة كما ھي حالة السلك الخام‬6.5 ‫الدراسة تم إجراء عملية سحب سلك من الصلب من قطر أولي‬
‫ ففي الحالة األولى تمكنا من تشكيل السلك عبر مرحلتين‬.‫ مئوية لمدة ساعة واحدة‬850 ‫الحرارية التخمير عند درجة حرارة‬
‫ إما في حالة‬.‫ ملم ولم نستطع إجراء تشكيل إضافي لقطر اصغر الن السلك يتقطع‬4 ‫ ملم ومن ثم إلى قطر‬5 ‫فقط ھي إلى قطر‬
‫ وقد تم اخذ عينات‬.‫ ملم‬2.85 ‫ ملم وأخيرا إلى قطر‬4 ‫ ملم ومن ثم‬5 ‫إجراء التخمير فقد تمكنا من إجراء عملية التخصر لقطر‬
‫ ومن صور التركيب المجھري تم حساب رقم‬. ‫من جميع مراحل سحب األسالك وجرى لھا الفحص ألمجھري للتركيب الدقيق‬
‫ وكذلك‬. ASTM E112 ‫( باستخدام طريقة تقاطع الخطي المدون بالمواصفات العالمية الختبار المعادن‬G) ‫الحجم الحبيبي‬
‫( وكذلك تسجيل مقاومة الخضوع‬K) ‫( ومعامل المقاومة‬n) ‫ ومن اختبار الشد تم حساب معامل االصالد االنفعالي‬، ‫اختبار الشد‬
‫ ومن رسم العالقات البيانية بين كل من خواص الشد التي تم الحصول عليھا مع قيم رقم الحجم‬. ‫والنسبة المئوية للمطيلية‬
‫ كانت النتائج ھي مع زيادة رقم الحجم الحبيبي ) زيادة النعومة للحبيبات ( قلت كل من النسبة المئوية للمطيلية‬.‫الحبيبي‬
‫( الناتجة من تنعيم‬K) ‫( بسبب الزيادة الحاصلة في كل من مقاومة الخضوع ومعامل المقاومة‬n)‫وعامل االصالد االنفعالي‬
.‫الحبيبات للسلك المسحوب‬
The process of wire or bar drawing is an operation that dates back to between AD 1000 and 1500.
It is a procedure where the cross-section of solid rod, or wire, is reduced or changed in shape by
pulling it through a die (figure 1). Drawn rods are used for shafts, small pistons, and as the raw
material for the manufacturing of rivets, bolts, and screws. Wire drawing involves smaller
diameters than rod drawing, with sizes down to 0.001 mm for magnet wire[1]. Wire and wire
products cover a wide range of applications, such as electrical and electronic wiring, cables,
springs, and paper clips .Wire drawing is one of the most commonly used techniques for
producing the wires used in such mechanical applications as rivets, screws, welding wire, and so
forth. However, to obtain the required plastic strain and tolerance values of the drawn product,
the area reduction ratio, the choice of lubricant, the drawing speed and the die angle must all be
carefully controlled[2]. In the wire drawing process, the cross-section is reduced by forcing the
wire via a whole series of dies. It should be noted that the drawing capability process depends on
three main parameters:(i) the wire material properties, (ii) the die geometries (such as die angle
and die length) and (iii) the processing conditions such as drawing speed and friction at the
interface between the die and the wire[3]. During the drawing operation, a plastic deformation is
achieved, and depending on the material characteristics, and particularly its drawability, different
percentage of reductions can be obtained. Because drawing is mostly employed for wires
manufacturing, axis-symmetrical converging dies are usually involved for the purpose [4,5].
Quality of a wire drawing die will directly affect the quality of the final wire produced, which in
turn, hurt client's profit margin[6].Internal cracks and flaws on the surface of drawn wires induce
problems such as decreases in the productivity and quality due to wire brakes. Even micro flaws
on the surface of wires, lead to cracks, and ultimately, to the breakage of wires, upon repetitive
application of stress loading. Therefore, there is a possibility that even a micro flaw will cause a
fatal defect in a product[7]. After annealing both the crystallographic and metallographic texture
keep unchanged. Nevertheless, the result of annealing is the return of the interphase microstress
behaviour characteristic for undrawn in pearlite.. The strength of the drawn pearlite increases up
to very high level with this lamellar structure evolution. At the same time, significant ductility is
retained[8]. In a typical wiredrawing operation, a number of parameters need to be addressed
besides the draw forces, which are cumulative effects of all passes. These include the degree of
non uniformity of deformation, changes in mechanical properties of wire, temperature of wire at
the contact interface and history of temperature, residual stresses and cumulative effects on wire

Figure (1) shows the wire drawing process.

This research is done in private steel wire drawing factory, the process is shown in fig.(2) It is
used to reduce wire diameter from 6.5 mm to 2.85mm in multiple drawing Dies. The chemical
composition of the drawn steel in listed in table (1). Annealing heat treatment is useful to increase
ductility of the raw wire steel. The main problem was the drawn wire is suffer of cut in second
stage because of high work hardening effect[11]. To eliminates this problem, and increase
reduction ratio, pre-annealing is important factor can be used to overcome this problem. This
study has been done to recognize the drawing circumstance that associate in this operation. By
applying the wire drawing process in the ordinary case as it is done by the factory, the reduction
was from 6.5 mm to 5 mm diameter in first drawing die with drawing force 467 KN, then to 4
mm diameter in second drawing die with drawing force 309 KN, for further reduction the wire is
intermittence. The other case was anneal the wire (fig. 3) , in electric furnace which shown in
fig.(4) at 850oC temperature for one hour, then drawn the wire from 6.5 mm to 5 mm diameter in
first drawing die with drawing force 390 KN, then to 4 mm diameter with drawing force 214 KN,
then reduce to 2.85 mm diameter with drawing force 181 KN. Taking samples from each drawing
stage for tensile and microstructure tests[12,13].The microstructure of the test specimens have been
prepared by the grinding then polishing and etching with 2% nitel. The tensile machine is shown
in fig.(5). From tensile test data, finding the strengthening coefficient (K), and strain(working)
hardening index (n) from using power law.
σ = Kεn ………………………….(1)
Where σ is the true stress in plastic deformation range.
ε is the true strain in plastic deformation range.
And K , n are strengthening coefficient and work hardening index respectively.
log σ = log K + n log ε …………..……..(2)
From drawing the relation between log σ and log ε , the slope of the line will be ( n ) and the
stress at ε = 1 will be ( K ). This is done by using excel program.
The microstructure is used to estimate the grain size of each drawing stage by using ASTM E112
Standard Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size (Heyn- Intercept Method)[14,15].
n = 2 G-1 ………………….…………………(3)
where : n = number of grains/in2at 100X , and G = ASTM Grain Size Number
Fig.(2) wire drawing process. Fig.(3) wire drawing sample.

Table (1) the chemical composition of the steel wire used for wire drawing.
C% Si% Mn% P% S% Cu% Cr% Fe%
0.2 – 0.21 0.18 – 0.21 0.4 – 0.42 0.01 – 0.02 0.03 - 0.04 0.01 - 0.02 0.01 - 0.015 Rem.

Fig.(4) The electric furnace for heat- Fig.(5) The tensile test machine.

N =  , P =  …………………….(4)
Where: N = number of grains intercepted
P = number of grain boundary intersections
LT is the true test line length(line length/magnification)
NL is the interceptions Per Unit Length
PL is the intersections Per Unit Length
NL is a measure of the number of interceptions with phase or grain particles per unit length of test
line. It is calculated from:
N =  ∝ …………………..(5)

Nα is the number of interceptions.

PL is a measure of the number of point intersections with phase or grain boundaries per unit
length of test line. It is calculated from:

P = ∝ …………………(6)

Pα is the number of intersections.

Mean Lineal Intercept, l = = ………………….(7)
G = [6.644Log10(NL or PL)] – 3.288 ………………….(8a)
G = [-6.644Log10(l)] – 3.288 ………………………….(8b)
Note: Units are in mm-1 (for NL and PL) or mm (for l)
 ( )
∝ = ∝  ……………………….(9)
For our case where there are two phases, the intercept Method for Two-Constituents
Nα = Number of α grains intercepted
VVα= Volume fraction of the α phase
Using Microsoft office excel program for Draw the relations between the tensile parameters and
the ASTM grain size Number (G), then discussion the results. All these steps and equations are
used for estimating grain size number (G),which is used for drawing the relations between the
wire drawing mechanical properties and grain size Number for each step of reduction.

From the true stress – true strain curves of the drawing wire, taking a number of plastic
deformation points, by using excel program to draw log σ vs. log ε (to carrying out equation 2) ,
for calculate (K) and (n) from liner equation of the curves as shown in the example shown in
fig.(6) for non heat treatable wire steel. And so on for other cases. Table (2) shows the (K) and
(n) values for all drawing cases that has been calculated from equation (2) by using excel
Microsoft for drawing and calculating the slopes (n) values and the strengthening coefficient (K).

2.78 y = 0.023x + 2.696
log σ

-0.573 -0.489 -0.421 -0.366
log ε

Figure(6) the relations between log true stress - log true strain,
and the equation of the related line.

Table (2) Shows the calculated strengthening coefficient (K) and the work
hardening index (n) for both cases of drawing
Non heat treated drawing Annealing drawing
before First stage Second before First stage Second Third stage
drawing drawing (5 stage drawing drawing (5 stage drawing
(6.5Dia. Dia. mm) drawing (4 (6.5 Dia. Dia. mm) drawing (4 (2.85 Dia.
mm) Dia. mm) mm) Dia. mm) mm)
coefficient (K) 496.6 843.3 995.4 359.7 694.2 897.4 904.7
work hardening
index (n) 0.023 0.018 0.015 0.053 0.041 0.0149 0.014

3.1 Microstructure:-
The microstructures shown in figures (7,9 and 11) are for non heat- treated steel , first pass
drawing and second pass drawing respectively. Where figures (8,10,12 and 13) shows the
microstructures of the annealed wire drawn , first pass , second pass and third pass respectively.

Fig. (7) the microstructure of the 6.5 Fig. (8) the microstructure of the
mm wire diameter, used for wire annealed 6.5 mm wire diameter, used
drawing, G=7.3 for wire drawing, G = 4.7

Fig. (9) the microstructure of the first Fig. (10) the microstructure of the
drawing stage of 5 mm wire first drawing stage of annealed 5 mm
diameter, G=7.8 wire diameter, G = 5.8
Fig. (11) the microstructure of the Fig. (12) the microstructure of the
second drawing stage of 4 mm wire second drawing stage of annealed 4
diameter, G=9 mm wire diameter, G= 7.6

Fig. (13)the microstructure of the

third drawing stage of annealed 2.85
mm wire diameter, G=8.8

3.2The tensile properties:-

Figures (14) and (15) show the relation between elongations vs. Grain size Number for non
heat treated and annealed wires respectively. The figures (16 and 17) show the relation between
work hardening index vs. Grain size Number for non heat treated and annealed wires
Figures (18) and (19) show the yield strength vs. Grain size Number for non heat treated and
annealed wires respectively. Where figures (20) and (21) show the strengthening coefficient vs.
Grain size Number for non heat treated and annealed wires respectively.



elongation % , e% 0.4
R² = 1



7.3 7.8 9
Grain size number, G

Fig.(14) elongation% vs ASTM grain size number for non heat

treated wire steel, R= is the standard deviation.

elongation % , e%

0.3 R² = 0.967

4.7 5.8 7.6 8.8
Grain size number, G

Fig.(15) elongation% vs ASTM grain size number for annealed

wire steel.



Strain hardening indx, n 0.015

0.01 R² = 1


7.3 7.8 9
Grain size number, G

Fig.(16) strain hardening index vs ASTM grain size number for

non heat treated wire steel.


sStrain hardening indx, n



R² = 0.925

4.7 5.8 7.6 8.8
Grain size number, G

Fig.(17) strain hardening index vs ASTM grain size number for

heat treated wire steel.


Yield strength ,sy N/mm2

R² = 1
7.3 7.8 9
Grain size number, G

Fig.(18) yield strength vs ASTM grain size number for non heat
treated wire steel.


R² = 0.953
Yield strength ,sy N/mm2





4.7 5.8 7.6 8.8
Grain size number, G

Fig.(19) yield strength vs ASTM grain size number for heat

treated wire steel.


Strength coefficient K, N/mm2

1000 R² = 1





7.3 7.8 9
Grain size number, G

Fig.(20) strengthening coefficient vs ASTM grain size number for

non heat treated wire steel.

Strength coefficient K, N/mm2

R² = 0.998
4.7 5.8 7.6 8.8
Grain size number, G

Fig.(21)strengthening coefficient vs ASTM grain size number

for heat treated wire steel.

From table (1) the wire steel is of low carbon steel, that’s mean, it is ductile material, with
two phases’ ferrite and small quantity of pearlite. From fig. (7) ,for the raw material steel, there is
grain with deformed medium size. Where is after annealing for fig. (8) there is annealed large
grains size. The grains became smaller in size after any pass of reduction for both cases (figures
9, 10, 11, 12, and 13). That is because of the high deformation ratio, with uniform die force
applied. The finer grain size generated from the recystalliztion process, which occurs during
plastic deformation of drawing, and it is more occurrences in annealed condition. Table (2) show
that the strengthening coefficient increase with increasing deformation for both cases, while work
hardening index(n) decrease. For the figures (14&15) the elongation percent is decrease with
decreasing grain size number, the same things occur in the figures (16&17) the relation between
strain hardening index and ASTM grain size number (G). This is because of high deformation
sustain for each pass of drawing. Elongation and strain hardening index effect reversely with
grains become finer.And also these are because of the strain hardening occurrence because of the
plastic deformation of the drawing process. This case can be confirming in the figures (18&19)
yield strength vs. ASTM grain size number, it is clear that the yield strength is increased with
decreasing grain size. Because of metal strength increases as the grains become smaller in size.
For the figures (20&21) the strengthening coefficient (K) vs. ASTM grain size number, it is
shows an increasing in the curve because of the metal strengthening due to drawing deformation
and the grains softening. To clarify the reason of the intermittence of the wire in case of non heat
treated wire after second stage, is due to high strengthening of the metal with low ductility
because of high deformation with small grain size, whereas for annealed wire, the metal is still
has a ductility and with normal strengthening, that allow more reduction in more drawing pass.
All curves equation obtained is of second order with standard deviation about (R≅1).

By the results that have been reached conclusions can be inserted in the following points:
1- Annealed drawn samples need less drawing force than that not annealed.
2- Annealing process is very important for softening drawn metal, which help in increase
reduction ratio.
3- Annealing process reduce the work hardening, which reduce the Probability of wire break
during drawing.
4- The elongation and work hardening index (n) are decrease with grain size became finer, for
annealing case and non heat treated case.
5- The yield strength and strengthening coefficient (k) are increased with grain size became finer,
for both cases.

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