New Syllabus - Teaching Math in The Primary Grades

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Republic of the Philippines

Wesleyan University - Philippines

Maria Aurora, Aurora

Bachelor in Elementary Education

General Education

Course Syllabus

Name of Instructor: JORDAN R. NAMORO

Office Hours:
Phone Number: 09399254822
E-mail Add: [email protected]

Course Number:
Number of Units: 3
Number of Hours: 3
Course Description: This course equips prospective teachers with pedagogical content knowledge for the teaching of basic contents in mathematics in the primary level. Understanding
of key concepts and skills of whole numbers up to 10,000, fractions, measurement, simple geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts and data representation and
analysis are applied using appropriate technology. Teaching strategies include problem solving, critical thinking, differentiated instruction, inquiry-based learning with
the use of manipulative based on cultural context will be emphasized.
Expected Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate basic mathematical skills and problem-solving process.
2. Demonstrate the ability to solve and formulate problems in math.
3. Demonstrate mastery of math concepts needed in order to teacher elementary mathematics effectively.
4. Demonstrate intuitive understanding of the basic ideas in geometry and measurements.
5. Make research-based instructional materials in teaching mathematics for primary grade.


Course Overview
Status of K-3 Learners
K-12 Curriculum Guide
THE MATHEMATICS A Course Module for Teaching
CURRICULUM IN THE Math in the Primary Grades
Week 1 Describe Importance of 1. Mathematics in Assess
Mathematics in Primary Primary Grades Challenge
Experience Harness
Demonstrate understanding 2. Mathematics
and appreciation of the Curriculum in Primary Grades Think Assess
Mathematics Curriculum in the Experience Harness
Primary Grades
Week 2 Demonstrate understanding 3. Constructivist Theory
and appreciation of the in Teaching Mathematics in
constructivist learning theory the Primary Grades
Determine how the Think Assess
constructivist learning theory is Experience Harness
applied in teaching
mathematics in the early
Demonstrate an INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING A Course Module for Teaching
understanding and 4. The Teaching Cycle Think Assess Math in the Primary Grades
appreciation of the Experience Harness
instructional planning cycle
Week 3 Demonstrate understanding 5. Things to Consider in
and appreciation of the things Planning Instruction in Assess
Mathematics in the Primary Think
to consider in planning Challenge
Grades Experience Harness
instruction in mathematics in
the primary grades
Demonstrate understanding 6. Instructional Planning
and appreciation of most Models Assess
commonly used instructional Challenge
Experience Harness
planning models in the
INSTRUCTIONAL A Course Module for Teaching
STRATEGIES FOR Math in the Primary Grades
Week 4 Plan a lesson that uses 7. Problem Solving Think Assess
problem Solving Strategy Experience Challenge
Plan a lesson that allows 8. Inductive Learning
Think Assess
students to inductively learn a
Experience Challenge
Week 5 Plan a lesson that applies 9. Concept Attainment Think Assess A Course Module for Teaching
concept attainment strategy Experience Challenge Math in the Primary Grades
Generate investigative tasks 10. Mathematical
and anticipate possible Investigation Think Assess
problems that may arise from Experience Challenge
the task
Week 6 Execute the empathize, 11. Design Thinking A Course Module for Teaching
define, ideate, prototype and Think Assess Math in the Primary Grades
test stages of the design Experience Challenge
thinking process
Develop a game to motivate 12. Game-Based
students, cater mathematical Learning Think Assess
investigation, or practice a Experience Challenge
mathematical skill
Week 7 Develop a manipulative to aid 13. Use of Manipulative Think Assess A Course Module for Teaching
mathematical instruction Experience Challenge Math in the Primary Grades
To plan a lesson in which 14. Values Integration
values education can be Think Assess
incorporated into existing Experience Challenge
mathematics curricula
Week 8 Design collaborative activities 15. Collaboration A Course Module for Teaching
that will encourage Math in the Primary Grades
Think Assess
involvement, interdependence,
Experience Challenge
and a fair division of labor
among students
Formulate purposeful 16. Teaching by Asking Think Assess
questions that encourage the Experience Challenge
students to participate in
classroom discussions
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES A Course Module for Teaching
FOR MATHEMATICS IN THE Math in the Primary Grades
Week 9 Demonstrate understanding 17. Assessing Learning
and appreciation of
Think Assess
Experience Challenge
Differentiate formative and
summative assessments
Develop a traditional 18. Traditional Think Assess
assessment tool Assessment Experience Challenge
Week 10 Construct a performance task 19. Authentic Assessment Think Assess
in Mathematics Experience Challenge
Create a learning portfolio in 20. Designing Learning Think Assess
Mathematics Portfolios Experience Challenge
Grading System: Examination 40
Performance Task 50
-Participation, Modules
Attendance 10
TOTAL 100%
Class Policies/Requirements: Written Examinations/Major Examinations
Demonstration Teaching Primary Math

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