Ezekiel's Essay On Naipaul
Ezekiel's Essay On Naipaul
Ezekiel's Essay On Naipaul
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widelydistributed,that choice is not opento all, the escape for mostis not
fromthe community but into it. To forgetthis is to be whollysubjective,
whollyself-righteous,to thinkfirst and last of one1s ownexpectations,
one's extremediscomfort.If onlyMr.Naipaulcould haverealized howutterly
unreasonablethis attitude is! It nearlyundermines the validity of his
"To be in Bombaywas to be exhausted. Themoistheat sappedenergyand
will ..." Fromthat startingpoint, nothingcan be done; the evidenceof
Indianbureaucraticstupiditybecomessuspect. In A Passage to India, which
Mr.Naipaulquotesfromadmiringly, Adelaaccuses Aziz of havingtried to rape
her. Later, she confessesthat her behaviourwas like that of certainwomen
whohonestlybelieve that theyhavereceivedoffersof marriagewhennonewere
intended. Forstertoo makesmuch,and rightly,of the heat and the exhaustion,
but his bookis a novel. He has to makethe situation plausible, bothpsycho-
logically and circumstantially.Mr. Naipaul's is a travel book,thoughan
unorthodox one. Dealingwiththe samematerial,he wouldprobablyrelate how
an IndiantooktwoEnglishladies to see somecaves and tried to rape one of
themthere. It wouldnot be an impossiblestory,onlyan appallingone.
Mr.Naipaulsuggestsover and over again that appallingstories don't
appal Indians. He keepsrunning into obtuse,unsympathetic Indians,bland,
silly and of
incapable understanding his simplestproblems. It maybe true,
but somehow one feels that Mr.Naipaul's aloof, sullen, aggressivemanner
contributed to his difficulties, accentuatedthem. Whatis to be thought of
a manwhowrites, "I stood in the shadeof Churchgate Stationand debated
whether I had it in meto cross the exposedstreet to the TouristOffice?"
Mr.Naipaulwill no doubtbe bitterlyscornfulif it is hintedthat some
of his experiencesseemself-flagellatory. Hewill take it as furtherevidence
of the Indianunwillingness to see. But I amnot in fact doubtinghis veracity,
onlyhis approachtowardsthe discoveryof the truth. He makesthe truth
aboutIndia seemsimple« I don't believe it is simple. Honestlyand frankly,
he exposeshis state of mind. I cannotbelieve that in sucha state of mind,
truthcan be discovered. ThetruthaboutMr.Naipaul,certainly,but not the
wholetruthaboutIndia. He asserts loudlythat in India for the first time
in his life he was one of the crowd,and that it upsethimto be so»
What,in God's name,is thereto be upsetaboutthat, unless one has
abandoned humilityaltogether? "Therewas nothingin myappearanceor dress
to distinguishmefromthe crowdeternallyhurrying into ChurchgateStation."
Why should there be? In what way is it reassuring to be differentin dress
andappearance?"In Trinidadto be an Indianwas to be distinctive . . .
To be an Indianin Englandwas distinctive . . . Nowin Bombay I entereda
shop or a restaurantand awaited a of
special quality response." Is this
so much as intelligent, is it fair! "Andtherewas nothing. It was like
beingdeniedpart of myreality. Againandagain I was caught. I was face-
less. I mightsink withouta trace into that Indiancrowd« I hadbeenmade
byTrinidadand England;recognitionof mydifferencewas necessaryto me. I
felt the needto imposemyself,and didn't know how."