The Business Model Canvas: Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions

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The Business Model Canvas

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Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments

• Receiving / Inbound • Email

• Transporter / 3PL • Storing • Kualitas dan Kuantitas Penyimpanan • Business to Business (Warehouse):
• Microsoft Teams
• Order Picking Barang yang Aman dan Terjaga - Polygon
• Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal Laut (EMKL) • Whatsapp
• Packing / Re-packing • Ketepatan dan Keakuratan Pengiriman - OEM
• Vendor Warehouse • Labelling • Report
Barang secara Kuantitas, Kualitas dan - Marin
• Tenaga Kerja Bongkar Muat (TKBM) • Shipping / Outbound • Direct Approachment
• Delivery Waktu - Rodalink
• Telpon
• Claim • Customer Service yang Handal - Dispoly
• Return (Reverse Logistics) - WIM
- PT. Insera Sena

• Area Coverage Logistic:

Key Resources Channels - Sumatra
- Jawa

• Transport - Kalimantan
• Sumber Daya Manusia
• Ekspedisi - Sulawesi
- Karyawan
- Tenaga Kerja Bongkar
Muat (TKBM)
• Asset (Material Handling,DC
Warehouse, Kendaraan)
• Teknologi Informasi

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

• Indirect Material, Indirect Labor & • Insurance / EPF / CPF, SDL & FWL
• Handling In
FOH • Claim Medical – Staff • Maintenance Vehicle • Storage
• Plant / Warehouse Rental • Petrol • Maintenance Toiletries & • Handling Out
• Maintenance Building • Parking & Toll General
• Packing / Re-packing
o Total Indirect Material, Indirect • Labor Outsource Fee
• Labelling
Labor & FOH • Taxes
• Transportation Charges • Wrapping
• Office Electricity
• Local Handling • Delivery
• Office Water / PDAM
o Total Sales Expense • Printing & Stationery
o General Expensse
• Staff Salary
• Staff Meals

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