Case 2 4 Ethics and Airbus
Case 2 4 Ethics and Airbus
Case 2 4 Ethics and Airbus
One September, a fraud squad, led by Jean-Claude Van Espen, a Paris Orly to Charles de Gaulle airport, which is Air France’s main
Belgian magistrate, raided Airbus’s headquarters in Toulouse. base with better onward connections.
“They wanted to check whether there was possible falsification Aircraft purchases have long been associated with controversy.
of documents, bribery or other infractions as part of the sale of In the 1970s, when Lockheed was still making civil jets, it was
Airbus aircraft to Sabena,” says Van Espen’s spokesman. The team caught bribing Japanese officials to buy its L1011 wide-bodied air-
of 20 Belgian and French investigators interviewed several Airbus liner. A Japanese prime minister was later charged and convicted
employees during its three-day stay in Toulouse and carted away in 1983 for taking a bribe. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
boxes of documents. was also disgraced for his involvement with Lockheed. This scan-
In November 1997, Sabena had approved an order for 17 Air- dal led in 1977 to Congress passing the Foreign Corrupt Practices
bus A320s (narrow-bodied aircraft), which it did not need. Even Act (FCPA), which forbids American companies, their officers, or
more oddly, it had doubled the order at the last minute to 34, a their representatives from bribing foreign officials.
move that helped trigger the airline’s collapse four years later. Critics have often pointed out that American firms can side-
Although nominally controlled by the Belgian government, step the FCPA by using foreign subsidiaries and nationals to pay
Sabena was run by the parent company of Swissair, SAirGroup, bribes. Boeing says that its policy is to adhere to the spirit and
which had owned a stake of 49.5 percent since 1995 and which also letter of the FCPA, that its systems of controls ensure employees
went bust in 2001. A former Sabena manager, who arrived after the comply with this policy, and that no Boeing employee has been
Airbus order was placed, says that the planes were not needed: “It charged under the FCPA. In 1982 Boeing pleaded guilty to false
was a fatal business decision.” A Belgian parliamentary commis- statements about commissions on the sale of commercial aircraft
sion’s recent report confirms that the Airbus order was a big cause prior to 1977. Boeing also says that there have been public hear-
of Sabena’s collapse. ings in the Bahamas over allegations of bribery in the 1990 sale of
Van Espen’s separate criminal investigation is continuing. Ac- deHavilland aircraft to Bahamas Air, during Boeing’s ownership
cording to the report, it started in October 2001 after Philippe of deHavilland.
Doyen, then a Sabena employee, lodged a complaint. Among Airbus has not been subject to such constraints. France ratified
other things, he suggested to Van Espen that he interview Peter an OECD convention to outlaw bribery of foreign public officials
Gysel, a former Swissair employee now working at Airbus, who in 2000. Until then the government even permitted French compa-
put together Sabena’s deal with Airbus. Gysel denies any impro- nies tax deductions for giving bribes.
priety. The former Sabena manager says: “I never got the slightest For years, as they steadily lost market share to the European
whiff that the decision was driven by kickbacks, side-payments, challenger, the Americans have been outspokenly critical of
and so on. But I cannot rule anything out.” Neither does Van Airbus. In the 1980s the beef was the huge subsidies that European
Espen. governments poured into the industry. Now that Airbus repays
Today airlines are ordering about 400 aircraft a year. But in such launch aid, that is less relevant, especially as Boeing receives
good times, 800 planes, worth around $60 billion, are sold a indirect subsidies through America’s defense budget and space
year. In the past ten years Airbus (originally a consortium, now program.
owned 80 percent by EADS and 20 percent by BAE Systems) But the American government has also spoken out on the
has caught up with Boeing, which had enjoyed two-thirds of subject of bribery. Grant Aldonas, an undersecretary for inter-
the market since its 747 jumbo-jet entered commercial service national trade, told a congressional committee: “Unfortunately
in 1970. this [aircraft manufacturing] is an industry where foreign cor-
Many aircraft are no doubt bought and sold in entirely con- ruption has a real impact . . . this sector has been especially vul-
ventional ways. But many are not. After all, lots of airlines are still nerable to trade distortions involving bribery of foreign public
state-owned and not subject to normal business rules. Commis- officials.”
sion payments (licit or illicit) on multimillion-dollar aircraft deals According to a European Parliament report, published in 2001,
increase the capital cost of aircraft, which are therefore subject to America’s National Security Agency (NSA) intercepted faxes and
higher depreciation or operating-lease charges, or both. But these phone calls between Airbus, Saudi Arabian Airlines, and the Saudi
extra costs are barely discernible in the pool of red ink created by government in early 1994. The NSA found that Airbus agents were
the carriers’ perennial losses. offering bribes to a Saudi official to secure a lion’s share for Airbus
Aircraft purchases drag on for years, as airlines play Boeing in modernizing Saudi Arabian Airlines’ fleet. The planes were in a
and Airbus off against each other. Especially in a buyer’s market, $6 billion deal that Edouard Balladur, France’s then prime minister,
deep discounts are common, performance guarantees are demand- had hoped to clinch on a visit to see King Fahd in January 1994. He
ing, and manufacturers have to offer all sorts of sweeteners (e.g., went home empty-handed.
aircraft trade-ins, unusual guarantees) to persuade an airline to James Woolsey, then director of the Central Intelligence
switch to their aircraft. Agency, recounted in a newspaper article in 2000 how the Ameri-
Unsurprisingly, given the regulated nature of international air can government typically reacted to intelligence of this sort.
travel, politics plays a part. For instance, no sooner had Air Mauri- “When we have caught you [Europeans] . . . we go to the govern-
tius bought Airbus A340s in 1994 than it obtained an upgrade from ment you’re bribing and tell its officials that we don’t take kindly
to such corruption,” he wrote. Apparently this (and a direct sales a subsidiary, Aviation Lease and Finance Company (ALAFCO),
pitch from Bill Clinton to King Fahd) swung the aircraft part of the which al Mishari had set up in Bermuda in September 1992.
deal Boeing’s and McDonnell Douglas’s way. ALAFCO was to buy the aircraft and lease them to KAC. In late
1992 al Mishari confirmed to Pierson that ALAFCO would buy
the nine planes and sent off a $2.5 million deposit. By buying the
KUWAITI KICKBACKS? planes through ALAFCO, al Mishari intended to bypass formal
Not even the NSA, however, knows about everything in the air- governmental approval.
craft-manufacturing industry as it actually happens. Consider the There was more to the deal. Airbus chipped in a total of
history of an Airbus order placed by Kuwait Airways Corporation $450,000 between 1992 and 1994 to help with the costs of setting
(KAC), another state-owned airline. up and running ALAFCO. On December 15, 1992, ALAFCO ap-
In November 1995, Reuters reported that Kuwaiti prosecutors pointed a part-time commercial adviser, Mohamed Habib El Fekih,
had questioned Bader Mallalah, KAC’s then chief financial officer, a Tunisian national. His day job was then as head of sales in the
over allegations of embezzlement made against him by KAC. The Middle East—for Airbus. Under his ALAFCO contract of employ-
firm’s chairman, Ahmed al Mishari, had suspended Mallalah from ment, a copy of which The Economist has and which was to run for
his job the previous month. But KAC had trumped up the allega- three years from January 1993, El Fekih received $5,000 a month
tions against Mallalah to put the lid on a story of corruption in and $80,000 in back pay for “services” rendered to ALAFCO from
which its then chairman was himself involved. February 1, 1990—31 months before ALAFCO’s incorporation—
That story began exactly five years earlier in Cairo, where KAC to December 31, 1992. The $5,000 was paid each month from
had set up temporary headquarters after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait ALAFCO’s account number 201-901-04 at the Commercial Bank
in August 1990. Most of its planes would inevitably be lost or dam- of Kuwait in New York to El Fekih’s personal account at Crédit Ly-
aged, so al Mishari was planning a shiny new postwar fleet. Nat- onnais’s branch in Blagnac, France, where Airbus is based on the
urally, both Boeing and Airbus were asked to tender. Both firms outskirts of Toulouse.
expected politics to play a part in KAC’s choice, especially after an By 1993 three of the nine aircraft under option, all cargo planes,
American-led coalition had liberated Kuwait. were nearly ready for delivery. However, Mallalah, who was also
Shortly after the liberation of Kuwait, Boeing and KAC met in ALAFCO’s chief executive, insisted that the transaction be sub-
London. One person present says al Mishari gave the impression ject to formal procedure in Kuwait. This meant competitive ten-
that the order would be Boeing’s. After all, until then, American ders from Airbus and Boeing. Unsurprisingly, Airbus, with inside
companies had won most of the large reconstruction contracts knowledge from its two-hatted vice president, El Fekih, was able
from a grateful government. to match exactly offers from Boeing, after Boeing came in over
Airbus hoped otherwise. In 1991, shortly before the Paris Air $50 million cheaper. With nothing to choose between the offers,
Show, Jean Pierson, the then-boss of Airbus, met al Mishari at the ALAFCO selected Airbus, on the grounds that KAC’s fleet now
Churchill Hotel in London. The two talked in private for part of comprised predominantly Airbus aircraft.
the time, so what they discussed is not known. Two clear infer- The deal sailed through KAC’s board and the Ministry of Fi-
ences can, however, be drawn from subsequent events: al Mishari nance. However, Mallalah provided Kuwait’s public spending
promised the order to Airbus, and Pierson pressed for an an- watchdog with full details of ALAFCO’s order for the cargo planes.
nouncement at the imminent air show. It refused to sanction the deal. Consultants concluded in early 1995
As substantial public funds were involved, KAC was supposed that the purchase of the cargo aircraft was not justified. The Min-
to follow the formal process in Kuwait before placing the order. istry of Finance told KAC not to proceed. After Mallalah submit-
This process included approvals from the Ministry of Finance and ted a report to KAC’s board on the affair, El Fekih resigned from
the public-spending watchdog. None of these approvals was sought ALAFCO in March 1995.
before the air show. In June 1991, at the show, al Mishari stunned El Fekih says that he acted in an honest way; Pierson approved
Kuwaiti officials and Boeing when he announced a firm order for his ALAFCO contract, as did the boards of KAC and ALAFCO;
15 Airbus aircraft, worth $1.1 billion, and options for nine more, his ALAFCO contract had nothing to do with the sale of Airbus to
worth up to $900 million. A delighted Pierson trumpeted the deal KAC; KAC canceled its option; ALAFCO never bought any Air-
as Airbus’s first single order for all its aircraft types. bus aircraft; he acted as a consultant to help set up ALAFCO as an
Most unusually, Boeing was not asked for its “best and final” aircraft-financing company; and he declared his earnings to the tax
offer, according to a former KAC employee. Boeing’s response to man. Airbus says that it offers this sort of support to customers,
the announcement was to offer generous discounts to KAC—so when asked. The present owners of the ALAFCO business confirm
that its package was around $100 million cheaper than its rival’s— that ALAFCO bought three Airbus aircraft.
but it was too late. The upshot of a meeting in the summer of 1991 Of the other six aircraft under option, three were not converted
between the boss of Boeing Commercial, furious American offi- into firm orders. Two Airbus A320s were leased to Shorouk Air in
cials, and the Crown Prince of Kuwait was a messy compromise. Egypt. This joint-venture between KAC and EgyptAir was specifi-
KAC would order the engines for the Airbuses from General Elec- cally set up to find a home for them but is being liquidated because
tric; Boeing would receive an order for two wide-bodied planes as of massive losses. Kuwait’s Ministry of Finance leased another.
a sop; and the firm order for 15 Airbus aircraft would go ahead Al Mishari, sacked as the chairman of KAC in 1999 after
provided that KAC bought from Boeing in future. spending almost his entire career with the airline, owns a shop-
This compromise left al Mishari in a rather awkward spot. ping complex in the Salmiya district of Kuwait, which local wags
KAC had an option to buy nine more aircraft from Airbus. An have dubbed the “Airbus Centre.” Al Mishari, whose family is
airline is usually able to walk away from an option deal if it forfeits wealthy, suffered financial problems when the Kuwaiti stock mar-
the modest deposit paid. But this case was far from normal. The ket collapsed in the early 1980s. Al Mishari declines to comment,
company that was to take up the option was not KAC itself but as does KAC.
It is not irrelevant to ask if the price of the Airbus aircraft was narrow-bodied rival to the A320, with a discount of $5 million per
inflated to allow for kickbacks. No evidence of graft has ever come plane. This offer would reduce IA’s investment in new planes by
to light. However, no policeman, in Kuwait (or elsewhere), has $140 million, stated Elliott. IA’s board brushed the offer aside on
looked for any. the grounds that “if Boeing was [sic] too serious . . . they [sic] could
have made the offer earlier.”
The Delhi court has a withering opinion of the help Airbus has
INDIA INK given the CBI. It allowed Wadehra to add Airbus’s Indian subsid-
What about cases where police have carried out investigations? In iary to his action on the grounds that Airbus in France was not
March 1990 India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) filed a cooperating. Airbus told Wadehra that French law forbade it from
first information report (FIR). It was investigating allegations that answering his questions. “[Airbus] sells its aircraft on their merits,”
Airbus had bribed highly placed public servants and others to in- the firm insisted.
duce Indian Airlines (IA) to order its aircraft. The court has castigated the CBI for its dilatory approach. It
In March 1986 state-owned IA had ordered 19 Airbus A320s, took the Indian authorities until 1995 to contact Airbus for in-
worth $952 million, with an option for 12 more, later exercised. formation, only to be told that such requests should be routed
This order was despite the fact that, when IA set up a committee through the French government. The CBI told Wadehra, despite
in 1983 to recommend replacement aircraft for its aging Boeing trying Interpol and diplomatic channels, it was not getting any help
fleet, the A320 was not considered—it had not then been launched from the French government. The French embassy in Delhi in ef-
or flown. With approval from the Indian government, IA had in fect told Wadehra to get lost when he wrote to ask why France was
July 1984 paid Boeing a deposit for 12 Boeing 757s, large narrow- not cooperating.
bodied aircraft. Wadehra’s case is now topical, because in March last year, IA’s
Several civil servants and IA officials were named in the FIR. board approved an order for 43 Airbus planes, worth around
One name not on the list was that of Rajiv Gandhi, India’s prime $2 billion. The order now needs government approval. However,
minister in 1984–89, who was killed in a bomb explosion in May in September 2000, the Delhi court ruled that the Indian govern-
1991. ment should not approve further purchases from Airbus until the
How has the CBI’s investigation progressed in the intervening CBI had obtained the information it wanted from the French.
13 years? Hardly at all, despite the hounding on public-interest The upshot of the IA story is that no serious attempt has been
grounds of the CBI in Delhi’s High Court since 1998 by B. L. Wa- made to establish whether or not Airbus paid kickbacks to Gandhi
dehra, an anti-corruption lawyer based in Delhi. The Economist and associates. The CBI has not answered written questions.
has examined the publicly available court documents—the CBI’s
status reports on its investigation are secret—from Wadehra’s
These papers allege, first, that in October 1984, weeks before But there are police forces that have shown rather more resolve and
Gandhi, a former pilot, succeeded his mother, IA received an offer initiative than the CBI. One important case establishes that Airbus
from Airbus for A320 aircraft, a smaller and less expensive plane has paid “commissions” to individuals hiding behind shell compa-
than Boeing’s 757. It required urgent attention. Second, in Novem- nies in jurisdictions where ownership of companies is not a matter
ber, the aviation ministry gave IA just three days to appraise the of public record, and where strict bank secrecy applies.
offer for Gandhi’s office. Airbus’s first big sale in North America was a $1.5 billion deal,
Much later, in 1990, Indian Express, an Indian newspaper, re- signed in 1988, to sell 34 aircraft to the then state-owned Air
ported a leaked manuscript note which showed that Gandhi had Canada. The middleman was Karlheinz Schreiber, a German-
decided at a meeting on August 2, 1985, that IA “should go in for Canadian with connections to politicians in Germany and Canada.
Airbus A320 aircraft.” Schreiber emerged as a figure in the financing scandal that en-
Gandhi’s correspondence file on the deal mysteriously vanished. gulfed Germany’s Christian Democrat party and its top politician,
The court papers show that civil servants reconstructed 29 pages Helmut Kohl, a former chancellor, in the late 1990s.
of the missing file for the CBI by obtaining copy correspondence In August 1999 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, acting on
from government departments. Remarkably, this task took seven a German arrest warrant, nabbed Schreiber. In 2000, Schreiber was
years—and even then the reconstruction was only partial. charged in Germany with tax evasion on money he had received for
After the green light from Gandhi, approvals from IA and gov- the Airbus transaction and other deals. The Süddeutsche Zeitung,
ernment bodies were a formality. For instance, the IA board ap- a German daily, supplied a copy of Schreiber’s indictment to The
proved the Airbus order at a meeting on August 30, 1985, which Economist. According to this document, Airbus signed a consul-
started at noon. The quality of the analysis presented to the board tancy contract (amended four times) with International Aircraft
on the competing offers was pitiful. The board considered only one Leasing (IAL) in March 1985. IAL, which was to help with the Air
criterion—comparative fuel efficiency. Even for that, the data were Canada deal, was a shell company based in Vaduz, Liechtenstein,
incomplete. The A320 with the engine chosen by IA had yet to be and a subsidiary of another Liechtenstein-registered shell, Kens-
tried and tested anywhere; provisional data only were included in ington Anstalt.
the report for Boeing 737s “since no technical data were supplied According to the indictment, between September 30, 1988,
by the company.” and October 21, 1993 (i.e., as Air Canada took delivery of
But Boeing had not been asked for any, because two hours Airbus planes), Airbus paid a total of $22,540,000 in “commis-
before the board meeting, at 9:50 a.m. IA’s managing director, sions” to IAL. Then $10,867,000 was paid into IAL’s account at
who is named in the FIR as an alleged recipient of kickbacks, re- the Verwaltungs-und Privat-Bank in Vaduz and $11,673,000 into
ceived a letter from Richard Elliott, then Boeing’s regional sales IAL’s account numberat Swiss Bank Corporation (SBC) in Zurich.
director. Boeing offered to supply up to 35 of its 737 aircraft, its During extradition proceedings against Schreiber in 1999, Airbus
admitted to these payments. In October 2000, Schreiber won a sus- very long haul as he tries to establish whether “commissions” in-
pension of execution of his case. fluenced Sabena’s decision to buy Airbuses. The order for the 34
The court ruled that IAL belonged to Schreiber, but also that, A320s could be viewed as incompetence. But nobody can predict
to the extent that Schreiber had paid out the Airbus “commissions” the results of Van Espen’s inquiry.
as Schmiergelder (“grease monies”), these payments could be tax The parliamentary report says Sabena’s board received some
deductible. Schreiber’s German tax lawyer later told the court: lacunary information that was misleading. The choice of Airbus
“Schmiergelder were not openly paid to the ‘greased’ person by supposedly meant Sabena was confident of strong sales growth. Yet
[Airbus]. It was through third persons to make reception anony- a month after the order was placed, SAirGroup’s chief executive,
mous and the Schmiergelder unrecognizable as such.” who also sat on Sabena’s board, said: “We’re now in the last year or
So who got the commissions? After years of police investiga- years of the boom in air travel.” (We do not mean to imply by infer-
tions in at least five jurisdictions, it is still not clear. According to ence that the chief executive was corrupt.)
The Last Amigo, a well-researched book on the affair by Harvey Most of what is recounted in this case happened before Air-
Cashore and Stevie Cameron, both Canadian journalists, a lot was bus’s present top management team arrived, before it was estab-
withdrawn in cash. Cashore, a producer on “The Fifth Estate,” the lished as a proper company, and before France adopted the OECD
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s main investigative program, convention on bribery.
says that Schreiber’s bank records and diaries showed that he usu- No one doubts the company’s ability to compete across the
ally followed a simple formula for dividing up the money: half for whole product range with Boeing. By the time the Paris Air Show
Canadians and half for Europeans. is over, Airbus will probably be well ahead of its rival in market
The book alleges that there may have been a smaller scam share, thanks to an attractive range of planes. But if charges of
within the bigger scam: an Airbus employee may have got some of corruption involving Airbus were to emerge from Van Espen’s
the money. Some of the money was transferred into subaccounts investigation of Sabena, that would deal the company’s reputation
at SBC in Zurich. One of the subaccounts, code-named “Steward- a severe blow.
ess,” received as much as one-eighth of the commissions. The book
suggests that this account was intended for Stuart Iddles, Airbus’s AIRBUS LOBBIES TO RELAX
senior vice president from 1986 to 1994.
Iddles’s wife bought Casa Las Estacas, a luxurious beachfront
villa in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in September 1992. Documents Newly released documents have revealed how companies used
in The Economist’s possession show the price was $1.5 million. their lobbying power to loosen official rules designed to stop
According to a person involved in the deal, the money was wired corruption. In behind-the-scenes maneuvers, Rolls-Royce, BAE
from an account in the name of the Ciclon Foundation at the Zu- Systems, and the aircraft giant Airbus persuaded trade secretary
rich branch of Lloyds, a British bank. Mrs. Iddles confirms that Patricia Hewitt to allow them to keep secret details of the middle-
she bought the villa in 1992 but says she has not the “foggiest men used to secure international contracts.
idea” how much it cost, or which bank the money came from. Mr. She brushed aside the advice of U.K. government officials
Iddles has denied any impropriety. Airbus says it has not been who argued that these middlemen are often used to channel
indicted in any jurisdiction over the Air Canada deal, or over bribes to foreign politicians and officials to win contracts. The
any other sales. It adds that no investigator has found unethical government’s Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD)
behavior on its part. had proposed that exporters had to disclose the identities of
middlemen when they applied for financial support from the
taxpayer. The government required the details as part of tougher
SYRIAN SCANDALS measures to stop the payment of bribes overseas by British
Only one case of Airbus’s colluding with a middleman apparently companies.
to bribe officials to buy its aircraft has led to convictions. Accord- The documents were released by the ECGD following a free-
ing to Syria’s state news agency, three people were sentenced in dom of information request from The Guardian (a British news-
Syria in October 2001 to 22 years’ imprisonment each (later re- paper) and a recent court case. Minutes of a meeting on August
duced to 10 years) for “serious irregularities” in connection with 9, 2004, show that the three companies told the ECGD that infor-
state-owned Syrianair’s order for six Airbus A320s in 1996. The mation about these middlemen was “very commercially sensitive.”
court also imposed a fine on the three of $268 million. They were a The minutes continued: “The network of agents/intermediaries
former minister for economic affairs, a former transport minister, was a valuable asset built up over a number of years and offered
and Munir Abu Khaddur, the middleman. Khaddur was sentenced important commercial advantages such as being able to open
in absentia and is reportedly living in Spain. The court found that doors. . . . The intermediaries themselves may have valid and justi-
the men had forced the airline to buy the planes, worth $240 mil- fiable reasons for wanting to remain anonymous.”
lion, and as a result Syrianair had incurred “big financial losses.” The companies claimed that the names of the agents would
The only inferences to be drawn are either that there was a mis- leak from the ECGD, enabling competitors to poach them.
carriage of justice or that bribes were paid. If the latter, the news Hewitt agreed that the companies did not have to give the names
agency did not release details of how much the men embezzled. or addresses of these middlemen, provided the firms gave an
Quite why bribes would have been necessary is puzzling. Because explanation.
America deems Syria to be a sponsor of terrorism, Boeing has long At a meeting on October 7, the companies wanted “confirma-
been prohibited from exporting there. The Syrian government de- tion that commercial confidentiality would be accepted as a valid
clines to comment. reason for not identifying its agents.” Hewitt has been forced to
The result of investigations into instances of corruption or al- rethink the anti-bribery rules because of a legal victory by anti-
leged corruption by Airbus suggests that Van Espen will have a corruption campaigners, the Corner House group. Susan Hawley,
for the group, said: “Knowing who is the middleman is crucial to 3. What steps might Boeing take to defend itself from this sort
stopping corruption, otherwise the taxpayer will end up directly of competition?
supporting bribery.” BAE is alleged to have made corrupt payments 4. Do you think that Boeing and Airbus behave differently in
through middlemen in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and India. Rolls-Royce marketing their aircraft around the globe? How and why?
is accused of paying £15 million to win a contract in India.
5. Had France adopted the OECD convention on bribery
ahead of these transactions, would the firm’s behavior have
QUESTIONS differed? Why?
1. In each of the cases described, who benefits and who suf-
fers from the alleged ethical and legal lapses of Airbus? Sources: “Airbus’ Secret Past—Aircraft and Bribery,” The Economist, June 14, 2003,
pp. 55–58; Rob Evans and David Leigh, “Firms Can Keep Secret Agents: Minis-
2. How should the public relations staff at Airbus respond to ter Persuaded to Ease Anti-bribery Rules,” The Guardian, January 25, 2005, p. 18;
the articles appearing in The Economist, The Guardian, and “EADS Says Airbus Audit Shows No Wrongdoing,” Reuters News, April 3, 2007.
Reuters News?