3.3 Secondary and Localized Surface Preparation: 3.3.1 General Description

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3 Secondary and localized surface preparation

3.3.1 General description

a. The preparation grade shall be complied with IMO PSPC.

b. Fume of welding and flame cutting shall be properly removed, but remaining trace may be

c. It is recommended that steel rust grade A or B plates to be used by way of the ballast tank areas
to ensure the stipulated profiles of 30–75 µ m are reliably obtained and the profile gauging may
be reduced accordingly when these plates are used. Where steel plate rust grade C is used then
the extent of inspection should be increased focusing on profile gauging.

d. Welding defects such as the localized blow hole, etc. in welding beads found during surface
preparation inspection shall either be repaired by welding or marked with tape for later repair.

e. Shop coating may be applied with Builder's standard primer to the flame cut edge, welding
bead and damaged area as far as applicable at the Builder's convenience.

3.3.2 Surface preparation at block stage

a. Blasting to Sa 2½ shall be applied on damaged shop primer and welds.

a. "Damaged shop primer" means the areas where the condition of the shop primer in the opinion
of the coating inspector or coating manufacturer of main coating system, will result in a reduced
performance of the main coating system, (example areas of burnt damage or corrosion)

b. The contamination such as zinc salt, etc. on retained shop primer shall be removed with
appropriate method like disc sweeping or sweep blasting, etc. in accordance with the coating
manufacturer's recommendation

c. No further treatment shall be done in other areas than above-mentioned areas except cleaning of
contamination, i.e. the sound film of shop primer needs not to be removed or roughened as the
paint having good compatibility with shop primer is used for 1st coat.

d. Profile shall be 30~75 µ m in case of full or partial blasting with the comparators.

e. St 3 shall be accepted as the method of rectification for the small areas where blasting is omitted
or insufficiently treated after blasting.

f. The steel surface shall be tested for levels of remaining NaCI (Sodium chloride) in at least one
location per block.

g. NaCI (Sodium chloride) shall be not more than 50 mg/m2

h. If the steel plates in some cases the steel plates may arrive at the yard already shop primed from
the steel plant or paint subcontractors. In such cases full blasting to Sa 2½ for shop primed
surface shall be carried out in addition to the requirements of the standard for secondary surface
preparation, unless all requirements of the standard for primary surface preparation have been
complied with, including the inspection requirements of mentioned in the standard. All
inspections and tests should be documented by the Coating Inspector before initiating secondary
surface preparation.

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3.3.3 Surface preparation after pre-erection and erection at P.E./Dock/Quay
stage (surface treatment after erection)
a. Butts (erection joint) shall be treated to St 3 or better or Sa 2½ where practicable at the Builder's
convenience. (Butt refers to the erection joint)

b. St 3 shall be applied to the small damages up to 2% of the total area of the water ballast tanks.

Sa 2½ shall be applied to the contiguous damages over 25 m2 or over 2% of the total area of the
water ballast tank.

c. Damage means the areas where the damage reaches steel surface. Otherwise, defects within
coating layers shall be touched up to the specified dry film thickness after appropriate treatment
of coating surface.

Defects are shall not be counted towards the 2% or 25 m2 assessment.

d. Coating in overlap shall be treated according to the coating manufacturer's recommendation.

Compatibility between main coatings shall be confirmed by the coating manufacturer, where a
certified main coating inevitably contacts or overlaps with another type of certified main
coating, e.g. partial re-coating of damaged part and coating nearby butts, where different
seasonal type of coatings have to be applied due to the change in environmental condition.

e. Inspection for the erection joint prior to coating shall mainly be visual inspection at the coating
inspector's discretion. It is recommended to take at least one sample test for chlorides
(according to ISO 8502-9) and dust level (according to ISO 8502-3).

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3.4 Application of paint
3.4.1 Cleaning standard for painting

a. Moisture shall be removed until no visible moisture remains.

b. Oil and grease contaminants shall be removed with appropriate method, but trace may be visible.
Cleaning of oil contamination shall be treated as thinner wiping, etc. according to the coating
manufacturer's recommendation.

c. Dust and mud contaminants shall be removed with rag, broom, brush, compressed air or
vacuum cleaner, etc. However, fine dust which could be excluded by the pressure from spray
gun may be accepted subject to the coating manufacturer's advice and the Builder's work

a. Dust quantity rating "1" shall be applied for dust size class "3", "4" or "5" according to IMO
PSPC. Lower dust size classes shall be removed if visible on the surface to be coated without
magnification. Lower dust size classes less than "3" are invisible on the steel surface unless they
are accumulated in large quantity. Visible accumulated dust shall be removed to the extent of
invisible level. After surface preparation and cleaning, visual inspection to check dust on the
steel surface shall be carried out.

b. If there is no dispute among all parties to the inspection and it is agreed by those parties that it is
unnecessary, then tape test for dust may be dispensed with.

c. If there is no agreement, at least one measurement per block shall be carried out to confirm dust
quantity level according to the ISO 8502-3.

d. In case of quantity rating over "1", corrective action shall be taken to the satisfaction of coating

d. Suitable marker shall be used and not be removed, marker to be confirmed by the coating

3.4.2 Painting standard

a. Overall/main coating

In general, airless spray shall be applied; however, hand brush or roller may be applied
where it is more suitable than airless spray.

The factors such as recoating interval, mixing ratio, etc. shall be in accordance with the
coating manufacturer's recommendation.

Painting work shall not be carried out while relative humidity is above 85% or surface
temperature is less than 3°C above dew point.

Minor sags and runs (covering less than ½ m2) shall remain unless they are excessive
and/or cover large area extensively or is running over welding seam or edges building up
dry film thickness to above the maximum specified dry film thickness.

The difference of color due to the different coating stage/time and aging of coating shall
be considered as natural state and it shall be left as it is, unless the performance and
quality of the coating are affected.

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The damaged part of galvanized steel surface, mainly incurred from welding, shall be
touched up with one coat of Builder's standard zinc rich primer.

However, the damaged part of galvanized steel, mainly incurred from mechanical
damage, may be touched up with surrounding paint or equivalent.

Wet film thickness of each coating is typically checked by the painter for reference to
achieve objectives of dry film thickness.

Representative dry film thickness shall be measured after each coat except for final coat
for reference as guidance for subsequent work, and the total dry film thickness after
completion of final coat shall be confirmed.

NDFT 320 µm with 90/10 rule shall be applied.

Maximum total dry film thickness shall be in according to the coating manufacturer's
detailed specifications.

Meanwhile, care shall be taken to avoid increasing the thickness in an exaggerated way.

Thinner shall be applied as per coating manufacturer's recommendation.

The top coat shall be of a light color in order to facilitate in-service inspection.

Light color means a color that reflects light to an extent that a simple flash light (hand
torch) will make inspection easy and fast. Normally light grey, buff, off-white, swimming
pool blue/green, etc. are easily distinguishable from rust.

b. Stripe coat (touch up)

Stripe coating is painting of edges, welds, hard to reach areas, etc., to ensure good paint
adhesion and proper paint thickness in critical areas.

The stripe coating shall be properly applied by brush or equivalent method.

There shall be a minimum of two stripe coats except that the second stripe coat, by way
of welded seams only, may be reduced in scope where it is proven that the NDFT can be
met by the coats applied in order to avoid unnecessary over thickness. Any reduction in
scope of the (second) stripe coat shall be fully detailed in the CTF.

To dispense the (second) stripe coat in scope, the DFT measurement adjacent to the
welds, not further than 15mm from the welds, is acceptable. Statistical sampling
measurement similar to those for flat surface is acceptable for the verification of NDFT.
Welded seams mean both butt and fillet welds.

The reduction of 2nd stripe coat on the welds shall be decided by the builder and
approved by Coating Inspector. This is subject to the satisfaction of the actual dry film

In case two (2) stripe coats to be applied, the colour of 1st stripe coat will be different

from 1st main coat and 2nd stripe coat will be same as final main coat.

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Stripe coats shall be applied as follows:

No. in
Item Sub-item Treatment Example of area Stripe coating Remark
after 1 and
Small hole nd
2 coat

Hole edge st
after 1 and
Large hole nd
2 coat

By grinding st
Flame-cut after 1 and
Collar plate nd
edge 2 coat

Edge Free edge st

after 1 and
Stiffener nd
2 coat

By rolling after 1 and
T-bar longi. nd
machine 2 coat

Rolled By rolling Angle-longi., 

after 1 and
edge machine Rolled flat bar 2 coat
By welding st
Automatic after 1 or
machine/ Joint of longi. and plate nd O
welding 2 coat

Joint of collar plate
(where it is impracticable after 1 or
Welding O

to obtain sufficient DFT 2 coat
Manual By hand by spraying)
welding welding Joint of stiffener
(where it is practicable to after 1 or

obtain sufficient DFT by 2 coat
Remark "O": If NDFT cannot be met two stripe coats shall be applied.

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3.5 Treatment of paint failure
The paint failure shall be treated as follows:

Failure Treatment

1) Scraping blister.
2) Power tool cleaning the surface and coating as original coating.

Exceeding of overcoat 1) Roughening the surface with sand paper or disc sander.
2) Applying subsequent coating.

1) Minor extent or confined space shall be accepted as it is.

Blushing 2) Visible space with major extent shall be treated with thinner wiping.

3) If necessary, recoating may be done.

1) Disc sweeping the area to which reaches.

2) Applying coats as the Specification.

1) Scraping off affected film surface.

Peeling off
2) Power tool cleaning and coating as original system.

Sagging / Running 1) Leaving it as it is unless it is excessive and covers large area.

2) If necessary, touching up the area.

Bleeding Leaving it as it is.

Detailed repair shall be done as per the Builder's work procedure and Coating manufacturer's

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4 Inspection
4.1 Inspection procedure

Inspection of surface preparation and coating processes shall be agreed upon between the Owner, the
Builder and the coating manufacturer and presented to the Class for review. The Class may, if it so
requires, participate in the agreement process. Clear evidence of these inspections shall be reported
and be included in the Coating Technical File (CTF). The details for procedures and which coating to
use should be agreed in a pre-meeting between all relevant parties.

The Coating inspector shall be certified to NACE Coating Inspector Level 2, FROSIO Inspector
Level III.

The choice of coating inspector(s) should be part of the inspection agreement. Any of the parties
involved in the inspection agreement have the right to request for replacement of the inspector who is
deemed unsuitable or unsatisfactory for the proper progress of the vessel's construction. If the parties
to the agreement consider that such a request is justified, the inspector shall be replaced as soon as
conveniently possible.

If the coating inspector requires assistance from other persons to do the part of the inspections under
the coating inspector's supervision, those persons shall be to the coating inspector's satisfaction with
the Builder's agreement.

Coating inspectors shall inspect surface preparation and coating application during the coating
process by carrying out, as a minimum, those inspection items identified in this practice.
Representative structural members shall be non-destructively examined for coating thickness.

Results from the inspection shall be recorded by the inspector and shall be included in the CTF.

4.1.1 Inspection of painting work

a. General provisions for inspection

The agreed certified coating inspector will inspect the condition of surface preparation and
quality coating work with the acceptable manner of this practice.

b. The attendance of inspector

The Builder will give the coating inspector notice of daily inspection schedule for the items.
The results of inspection shall be recorded on the daily application sheet, if any, with some
notes for references.

c. Notice for inspection

The Builder shall provide a notice of inspection at the same day early in the morning when the
painting inspection is scheduled to be done.
Considering the specific nature of painting work, the Builder's inspector can rearrange and
notify the inspection schedule for the items which are cancelled or supplemented by the Builder
due to unexpected yard's situation.
The Builder shall use reasonable efforts to conduct painting inspection during normal working
hours throughout the entire period of construction of vessel. However, if it becomes necessary
in order to meet the Builder's construction schedule to arrange the inspection beyond the
Builder's normal working hours including on weekend and/or holiday, the Builder will inform
the coating inspector of it in advance, and the coating inspector shall cooperate with the Builder
to be present at such inspection.

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In the case of the coating inspector's absence after due notice, the coating inspector shall
cooperate for the Builder's and owners inspector and the coating manufacturer to proceed the
inspection not to disturb the smooth progress of construction. It should be clearly defined in
agreement with all relevant parties on which inspectors have the authority to approve specific
work and make reports according to the given standard.

d. Judgment of inspection result

If the coating inspector requires additional test, measurement and inspection above the
requirement of this practice, the coating inspector has to have clear reason and can have the
right to require additional measurement.
A reasonable inspection judgment shall be made on the basis of the PSPC and common sense,
and agreed among the inspectors concerned.

e. Inspection items for coating inspector

Coating inspectors shall inspect surface preparation and coating application during the coating
process by carrying out, as a minimum, those inspection items identified as following table.
Construction Inspection Item Remark
Primary surface Surface temperature of steel, Periodic spot check
preparation relative humidity, dew point (once per week, in general)
Soluble salt of steel surface
Cleanliness of oil, grease and
other contamination
Thickness of shop primer
Block assembly Steel surface treatment Visual inspection after completing
(e.g. edge treatment) construction of the block and before
secondary surface preparation starts
Surface temperature of steel, Monitoring and recording during the coating
relative humidity, dew point application and curing
Cleanliness of oil, grease and Visual inspection after blasting/grinding/
other contamination cleaning and prior to coating
Soluble salt, dust, profile level - Soluble salt: one location per block
of steel surface - Dust: tape test one location per block
Condition of stripe coat
DFT measurement
Erection Surface temperature of steel, Inspection for confirming suitable conditions
relative humidity, dew point for the erection joint prior to coating may be
limited to visual inspection at the coating
Cleanliness of oil, grease and inspector' s discretion
other contamination
Soluble salt, dust, profile level
of steel surface

Condition of stripe coat

DFT measurement
Block final inspection (of finish after final coating at block stage) will be usually done before
pre-erection or erection of block. However, it can be also done after pre-erection or erection
with proper inspection condition, if considered necessary.

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