Chain Drilling

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1.1 The Background of the Study

Language has a broad contribution in society. Language enables people communicate in society.

Language is an important means of self-identification. People can bound-up our ethnic society

through language. Through language people can express their feeling to other people and

understand with the other meant. Language is also an identity marker of the nation. Everyone

wants to communicate with all people in the world but they may face some difficulties, one of

them is different language. To solve the problem, it is necessary to make international language.

English is one of a contributed language all over the world. It has a very important role on

world’s economy development, politic, science, technology, education as well as on international

relationship and so on. This reality makes English as a very well known language in the world.

In some countries, governments construct English as a core subject in educational curriculum,

like Indonesia itself. Even in non-English speaker country, people in the early age have leant

English as well. Therefore, English has been used broadly from young learner up to adult.

There are four integrated skills in studying English, they are speaking, listening, reading and

writing. But generally we find speaking is the hardest of the four skills. Unlike, reading, writing,

listening, what makes speaking is the harder than other skills is that speaking happens in a real

time and people’s understanding is based on what we say. They claim someone knows a

language, it doesn’t mean that he can speak on that language. Scot Thornburry (2005:12), no

wonder speaking represents a real challenge to most language learners. Speaking is a skill, and as

such needs to be developed and practiced independently of the grammar curriculum. That is, you
learn the grammar and you learn some vocabularies and you make sentences which you

pronounce properly, and you can speak. It means that speaking needs people’s background

knowledge before they speak.

Learning English in the classroom includes the language skill. Language skill divided into four

skills namely speaking, listening, reading and writing. All skills are important. But in general,

speaking is hardest. Nunan (2005:16) stated speaking is physically situated face to face

interaction. According Harmer (2001:270) without speaking people do not understand and do not

agree with speaker is saying. Speaking is very important to human communication. Speaking

skill most used to express opinion, explanation, and make argument in daily life. Speaking is a

skill that enable students to communicate in English. If student is able to pronounce well, it

means that students have speaking skill. They will enjoy their study so they will get better result

in learning English without causing a problem.

Speaking becomes one of the most important components to be mastered. Why that is important

components? That is because our live can not be separated with communication and from

communication it self we will use language both oral language or body language. Speaking skill

serves the students to be able to communicate their opinion, feeling and expression, with no

limitation of different native language, culture or country. Students can express themselves and

learn how to follow social and cultural rules appropriate in any communicative circumstance. In

addition, they can prepare themselves to gain more challenge for applying better job, enrolling

competitive university, or participating in international communicates.

Based on writer’s experience in PPL, the writer found that students have problems to learn

English subject. Some factors of student’s problems in learning English especially speaking
those are (1) The students were not attractive to learn English especially in speaking. (2) The

students had difficulty to express vocabularies in English. (3) The students felt shy and afraid to

speak English. (4) The students were bored when they learned English. (5) There are many of

students did not enjoy to learn English was provided by teacher, the cause was the teacher’s

technique and activities of teaching learning were bored and less interesting. (6) Many of

students preferred teacher to teach English with the interesting method or technique. Based

explanation above, the student’s speaking ability was low, it happened because the teacher did

not use appropriate technique. Besides, the class condition was boring and the students did not

enjoy learning English.

Seeing those conditions, there are many students of SMP Negeri 37 Medan, especially of the

eight grade cannot speak English in daily activity. The writer gives solution by conducting a

suitable technique called Chain Drill. Freeman (2000:46) state Chain Drill is one of technique

from Audio-Lingual method. Chain Drill gets name from the chain conversation that forms

around the room as students, one by one, ask and answer question of each other. Based on the

theory above, Chain Drill is one teaching technique that focus on classroom instruction for

teaching students in the classroom by using ask and answer.

Chain drill technique is one of technique that suitable for teaching speaking. Chain Drill is a

good technique for teaching speaking because the students are easy to learn English by using ask

and answer questions with each other.“Chain Drills is one of teaching technique. Chain Drill is a

good format for practicing new patterns, especially questions and answer and theycan improve

their speaking ability in the classroom, Franca (2008:14). It is supported by Brooks, “It is easier

to teach speaking by using Chain Drills and vocabulary than it is by teaching complex rules on

the language.”
Thus, Chain Drill is an alternative technique that teacher can use in the teaching speaking. The

teacher not only tries to improve students‟ vocabulary and their pronunciation by using

Chain Drill technique but also teacher makes them able for speaking with each other by using

foreign language in confidently and fluently.

Based on the writer explanation above, the writer was conducted Chain Drill as an alternative

technique for teaching English, especially for teaching students’ speaking ability. Finally, the

research entitled this research “The effect of Using Chain Drill Technique On Speaking Ability

at the First Semester of the Eight Grade Students of SMP Negeri 37 Medan.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

In line with the background of the study, a study problem is formulated as the following: Does

the use of chain drill technique effect on speaking ability of the eight grade students at SMP

Negeri 37 Medan?

1.3 The Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem, the objective of this study is to find out whether the use of Chain Drill

Technique affects speaking ability of the eight grade students at SMP Negeri 37 Medan

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This research will be focused on the teaching of speaking by using Chain Drill technique on

student’s speaking ability and will be apply for junior high school especially to the second grade

at SMP Negeri 37 Medan and it consists of two classes .

1.5 The Significances of the Study

The significances of the study are :

1. Theoretically

This study hopefully will provide information about Chain Drill technique to teach speaking and

as additional information for further research.

2. Practically

a. It is expected to give a better solution in applying a better technique in teaching proses

especially in speaking English teacher about the effect of using Chain Drill Technique

towards students speaking ability.

b. Giving description to English teacher about how to apply Chain Drill technique in

teaching and learning process.

c. Motivate students in learning English to improve their speaking ability.

d. Other researcher, to provide conducting similar research study about speaking.

1.6 Hypothesis

H0: There is no significant the effect of using Chain Drill technique on student’s speaking ability

at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 37 Medan in academic year of 2019/2020.

Ha : There is a significant the effect of using Chain Drill technique on student’s speaking ability

at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 37 Medan in the academic year of



2.1 Theoretical Framework

This chapter presents a review of related literature and explains the related materials in order to

give more ideas and concepts of this study. These concepts and ideas will lead to a broader

analysis of the variables selected by the writer in order not to raise confusion and

misunderstanding in comprehending the ideas and concepts explained in this study.

2.2 Speaking

2.2.1 Concept of Speaking Ability

Speaking is one of two productive skills in a language teaching. It is defined as a process of

building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal or oral form Thombuly (2002:46).
Moreover, Kushartanti (2005:32) defines speaking asset of voices uttered by one and understood
by someone else.

Walter (2004:23) defines speaking as the development of the relationship between speaker and
listener. In addition, speaking determining which logical linguistic, psychological a physical
rules should be applied in a given communication situation. It means that the main objective of
speaking is for communication.

From the definitions about speaking above, it will be concluded that Speaking is a form to say or
talk something to give information with expressing of ideas, opinions, views, and description to
other for getting response or way of conveying a message in order to make understanding of
wishes to other and to contribute to the other.

Based on Thornburry (2005:45) “Speaking is interactive and requires the ability to cooperate in

the management of speaking turn. Speaking is a skill, and as such needs to be developed and

practiced independently of the grammar curriculum”. It means that, speaking ability has been

considered as activities by which the students try to express thought, feeling, opinion, and to
exchange information by using utterances in the form of communication. Therefore, the teacher

has to give opportunity for students to speak and improve their speaking ability.

According to Fulcher (2003:16) “Speaking is the verbal use of language to communicate with

others; the focus of its skill is to in crease the students‟ ability to communicate in the language

target”.It means that, speaking skill is the ability to use language in an oral form. For most

foreign language learners, speaking skill is somewhat difficult. This probably because they think

that the language target is different with their native language. Sometimes they feel it affects the

mastery of another language. Teaching students speak a foreign language is not easy. It needs a

hard work and a long process. Just like other abilities, speaking is needed to practice. Thus, the

students have to speak foreign language in their daily activity. It will be effective for students

and they will know about components of language from those process. According to Haris

(2004:33), there are five components must be fulfilled in speaking classroom which recognized

in analysis of speech process, “Those arepronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and

comprehension”. The elaboration of each component is described below:

1. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is practiced to know how to pronounce of words same as native speakers. In the

pronunciation, the people will know about accent, there are two common accents in English;

those are British and America which related to use segmental features, vowel, consonants, stress

and intonation.

2. Grammar

Grammar is structure and system of a language, grammar is very important in speech process

because when people will say something they have to arrange some of words to be sentences that

related in the situation. Actually they do not need to memorize all of pattern from grammar
because it will be difficult for them to speak English. They have to know about subject, predicate

and form of word that related with the time and situation.

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is collection of words or a set of words which have meaning. It has function for

building sentences. The people can not to communicate well if they do not have sufficient

vocabulary. If the people have improved their speaking ability, it will be seen from vocabulary

and the kind of word is used by them.

4. Fluency

Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency in a language

means speaking easily, reasonably, quickly and without having to stop and pause alot.

5. Comprehension

Comprehension is the understanding idea. It means that the people can answer or express the

sentence well correctly; it shows that he/she comprehends or understands well.

All of those components will produce speech that can be understood in communication, good

pronunciation, grammatically knowledge, vocabularies mastery, comprehension in meaning and

fluency are needed in building a speech. However it must be remembered that language and

speech are meant for communication. It is not enough for students to learn words, phrases and

grammatical only. Students have to produce speech in their daily communication. Learning

language is about practicing and generating speech. Students need to express their meaning by

doing much practice inspeaking.

Thus, students‟ speaking ability is their ability to express their ideas, opinions, feelings

and experience with good pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. It is

going to be indicated with score achieved by students from test given.

2.2.2The Purpose of Speaking

Speaking is a process of interaction, Harmer (2001:40) statethat communication occurs because

there is communicative purpose between speaker and listener. The purposes of communication

for the speaker are:

1. They want to say something

2. They have some communicative purposes, speaker say something because they want to

something to happen as a result of what they say

3. They select from their language store. Speakers have in inventive capacity to create new

sentence. To achieve this communicative purpose, they will select the language they

think is appropriate for this purpose.

2.2.3The Function of Speaking

Several languages have many functions in human interaction. According to Brown and Yule, as

quoted by Richards (2008:21) “The function of speaking are classified in to three: they are talk

as interaction, talks as interaction and talk as performance. Each of these speech activities is

quite distinct in term of form and function and requires different teaching approaches”. Below

are the explanation of function of speaking.

2.2.4 Elements of Speaking

The ability to speak English presupposes the elements necessary for speak production. Jeremy
Harmer (2001:269) states in his book The Practice of English Language Teaching that the
speakers have to be competent in speaking skill, those are language features in which contains
four points. They are:
1. Connected speech. It is the sound’s modifying in producing utterance when people speak.
In which includes modifying (assimilation), omitting (elision), adding (linking), or
weakening (through contraction and stress patterning).
2. Expressive devices. It is the stress and pitch variation in producing utterance in order to
convey the truth of the messages meant by the speaker. It includes the variation of the
volume and speed of the speech. By using these devices, people will be able to show
what and how they feel to whom they are talking to.
3. Grammar and lexis. People live in different ways, places and environments which is
causing a different mindset too. Therefore, teachers need to supply their students with
various phrases for different function in their speaking classroom activity. For instance,
students will know what expressions they have to use appropriately in different stages of
4. Negotiation language. This is the speech clarification. It is the use of language on how to
clarify and to show what they means. Sometimes people do not hear or understand what
other people’s saying. Therefore, it is necessary to have an appropriate language of how
to clarify in order to avoid misunderstanding between the speaker and the listener
In addition, Harmer (2001:270) concerned with other elements of speaking that is necessary to
be mastered by a successful speaker, those are mental/social processing and the rapid processing
which involves language processing, interaction, and information processing.
1. Language processing. Effective speakers need to be able to process language in their
own head and put it into a coherent order so that it comes out in forms that are not
only comprehensible but also convey the meaning that is intended.
2. Interaction. Most speaking involves interaction with one or more participants. It
means that effective speaking also involves a good deal of listening, an understanding
of how others felt and a knowledge of how the linguistically to take tums or allow
others to do so.
3. Information processing. Quite apart from our response to other’s feelings, we also
need to be able to process the information they take us the moment we get it.
Those elements mentioned above showed that the speakers must be communicatively
competence in the language they use. As it is stated by Walter in her book, about communicative
competence that it defines as the ability to use language appropriately in a variety of context
(Walter,2008:18) which involves:

1. Grammatical Competence. It is a competency that focuses on the accuracy and

correctness of using language code such as vocabulary, spelling, grammar,
pronunciation and so on in the language skill especially speaking and writing.
2. Sociolinguistics Competence. It is a competency that focuses on the use of
appropriate language in the various social setting. Here, the target language
speaker is demanded to know how, where and when the language will be uttered
by them the inappropriate situation, such as how to invite, how to asking
information, how to describe something and etc.
3. Discourse Competence. It is a competency that focuses on the appropriateness of
combining and connecting phrases and sentences in engaging conversation.
4. Strategic Competence. It is a competency that focuses on manipulation of
language in achieving the communication goals. This competency involves the
use of both verbal and nonverbal, such as changing the voice tone, using the body
language and emphasizing the specific word (Walter 2008:19)
2.2.5 Components of Speaking

The components of extra linguistic knowledge that effect speaking include such as things as

topic and cultural knowledge, knowledge of the context, and familiarity with the other

speakers.Thornbury (2000:26) state there are two important components of speaking; knowledge

that is independent of language (extra linguistic knowledge) and knowledge as features of

language (linguistic knowledge). The components of linguistic knowledge include:

1. Genre knowledge: it can be classified that speaking genres according to their general

purposes, the kind of participation they involve, and the degree of planning.

2. Discourse knowledge: within the structure of a specific genre, its individual elements need to

be connected so as to form coherent stretches of discourse. Discourse competence means

knowing how to organize and connect individual utterances, as well as how to map this

knowledge on to the turn-taking structure of interactive talk.

3. Pragmatic knowledge: pragmatics describes the relation between language and its context of

use, including the purposes for which language is being used. Pragmatic knowledge consists

of speech act, the co-operative principle, politeness, and register.

4. Grammar: it is theoretically possible to have short conversation where each utterance merely

consist of a single word or short phrase. So, in order to generate a much more sophisticated

range of meanings, the resources of language’s grammar need to be enlisted.

5. Vocabulary: speakers also employ a lot of words and expressions that express positive or

negative appraisal. The number of words used in speaking is less than the number used in


6. Phonology: the lowest level of knowledge a speaker draws on is that of pronunciation.

Normally, the way we pronounce individual words, and the sounds that they are composed of,

is not something that involves conscious choices. Phonology includes both pronunciation and


2.2.6 Concept of Teaching Speaking

Speaking is the important English skill that comprehended by students. It is very essential for

language teachers to pay more attention to teach speaking, rather than leading students to only

receive information given by the teacher. Since, it is productive skill, teaching speaking should

givestudents opportunity to produce something by giving more practice to speak in the target

language. Based on Richards, “Teachers and textbooks make use of a variety of approaches,

ranging from direct approaches focusing on specific features of oral interaction ( turn-taking,

topic management, and questioning strategies) to indirect approaches that create conditions for
oral interaction through group work, task work, and other strategies”.Therefore, students can

learn to practice language they have learned orally. They will also automatically learn words and

the sentences of language spontaneously in speaking English.

In teaching English as a foreign language, there are many students get less achievement in

speaking because they are seldom to practice. The students feel afraid to speak English and

making mistake in speaking English. Moreover, teacher does not motivate the students. It makes

speaking learning process does not increase. Therefore, the students need to practice in speaking

and interested in learning English. According to Jeremy (2007:221), there are three basic for

teachers to give thestudents speaking task which provoke them to use all and any language at

their command, they are:

1. Rehearsal

It is getting students to have a free discussion gives them a chance to rehearse having discussion

outside the classroom. Having them take part in a role-play at an airport check-in desk allows

them to rehearse such a real-life even in the safety of the classroom. This is not the same as a

practice in which more detailed study takesplace; instead itis away for students to get the feel‟of

what communicating in the foreign language really feelslike.

2. Feedback

Speaking tasks where students are trying to use all and any language they know provides

feedback for both teacher and students. Teachers can see how well their class is doing and what

language problems they are having (that is a good reason for „boomerang‟lessons) students can

also see how easy to find a particular kind of speaking and what they need to do to improve.

Speaking activities can givethem enormous confidence and satisfaction, and with sensitive

teacher guidance can encourage them to the further study.

3. Engagement

Good speaking activities can and should be highly motivating. If all the students are participating

fully and if the teacher has set up the activity properly and can then give sympathetic and useful

feedback – they will get tremendous satisfaction

from it. Many speaking tasks (role playing, discussion, problem solving etc.) are intrinsically

enjoyable in themselves.

Based on the explanation above, learning of speaking needs the teaching technique which are

contained the application of technique and task will be given to students. All those things must

be corresponding with three basic of speaking task above. This assumption is made that the

objective of teaching spoken language is the development of the ability to interact successfully in

that language, and this involves comprehension as well as production. It is also assumed that at

the earliest stages of learning formal testing for this ability will not be called for, informal

observation providing diagnostic information that isneeded.

2.2.7 Activities in TeachingSpeaking

An activity in teaching speaking is promoting the speaking ability that can be used by teacher to

make students speaking in learning activities. Good speaking activities can motivate students.

According to Brown (2001:270) there are two activities in teaching speaking. They are as


1. Monologue

Monologue is divided in two parts: planned and unplanned. Monologue means that when a

speaker used spoken language as in speeches, lectures‟ readings, newbroadcast, and the like. The

listener must process long stretches of speech without interrupting the stream of speech will go

on whether or not listener comprehends.

2. Dialogue

Dialogue is divided into interpersonal and transactional. Dialogue involves two or more speakers

and can be subdivided into those exchanges that promote social relationship (interpersonal) and

those for which the purpose is to convey proportional or factual information (transactional).

Transactional dialogue, which is carried out for the purposes of conveying or exchanging

specific information is an extended out for from responsive language. For example may have

more of negotiate nature to them than does responsive speech.

From the explanation above, the research comes to the consideration that dialogue is one of type

of speaking that can be used in this research. The writer hopes that the students will improve

their speaking ability and all of the students are participating fully in the classroom activity and

make students more active in teaching and learning process and at the same time makes their

learning more meaningful fun for them.

2.3.Concept of Chain Drill Technique

Speaking skill is preceded by listening. Through listening, people know vocabulary that they do

not know before. Brown (2001:272) strengthened the idea above, “Speaking is a productive skill

that can be directly and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the

accuracy and effectiveness of a test takers listening skill, which necessarily compromises the

reliability and validity of an oral production test”. It means that, speaking skill is influenced by

listening skill because for the first time people learn about language same as baby, the students

will start to learn English from hear, speak, read and write. Thus, the students need some

methods or techniques that will help them to learn English in improving their speaking skill in

foreign language and they can improve all aspects from English.

Chain Drill technique is integrating both skills, speaking and listening in learning process. It is
supported Mary (2000:201), “Chain Drill also requires the students listen to each other, and

attention is diverted from the fact that they are drilling and toward actual use of the language”.

Therefore, the teacher is modeling for students to pronounce of words with using good

pronunciation. The students will hear and repeat from the teachers‟ pronunciation and gradually

they will be building the sentence from those words up until complete.

Another definition about chain drill technique, According to David (2004:12), “Chaining is a

technique by which the teacher adds new elements to gradually increase the length of the

repeated phrase”. Therefore, a Chain Drill technique also lets students use the expressions in

communication with someone else. The teacher also will teach the students how to add some

phrases or vocabularies for construct a complete sentence and then the teacher will be a model

for students to practice in pronunciation some of words from sentences. It makes the teaching

and learning speaking is more effective in learning process, because the students can improve

theirvocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, fluency and comprehension. The teacher also will

give more knowledge and motivation in practicingspeaking.

According to Franca (2000:89), “Chain Drills provide a through control of the teacher on

students ‟practice and enable students to exercise pronunciation as well as that new sentence

pattern they had been introduced to through speaking”. It means that, Chain Drill technique can

be applied in communication among the students by using ask andanswer the questions. The

teachercan correct the students‟pronunciation. Any mistakes that probably occur can be corrected

directly as soon as possible by teacher. Therefore, using of Chain Drill technique can help them

to add new vocabulary or phrase when the students ask or answers the question. It also creates a

new habit to use English in communicating with others that will improve their speaking ability as

Teaching By using a Chain Drill technique is more effective. The teacher can immediately

correct the students‟mistakes. Teacher isable to give more attention and positive feedback to the

students in order to give them more knowledge and motivation in practicing speaking. As a

result, by using Chain Drill technique, the students are more interested in learning speaking and

they can improve their speaking ability.

A drill is a classroom teaching technique used to practice new language in a foreign language or

second language learners. According to Richards and Smith (2008:169) “Drill is a technique

commonly used in older methods of language teaching particularly the Audio-Lingual Method

and used for practicing sounds or sentence patterns in a language, based on guided repetition or

practice”. Therefore, drill is brought from Audio lingual method that language is speech and sets

of habits. Beside it, drill which practices some aspect of grammar or sentence formation is often

known as pattern practice.

According to Brown (2003:269)“Drills offer students an opportunity to listen and to orally repeat

certain sounds or sentence pattern of language that may contain linguistics difficulty, either about

phonological or grammatical”. It means that the teacher will focus on one element of language in

a controlled activity. The teacher can help students to establish a good habit in target language

and to associate selected form with their appropriatecontext.

From definition of drills above, the writer concludes that a drill is a teaching technique which

used for practicing sound or sentence pattern of new language. There are many kinds of drill that

commonly used in teaching speaking. Based on Larsen-Freeman (2000:46) there may be

techniques described below that the teachers are already using or can adapt to their approach.

1. Dialogmemorization
Dialogs or short conversations between two people are often used to begin a new lesson.

Students memorize the dialog through mimicry; students usually take the role of one person in

the dialog, and the teacher the other.

2. Backward build-up drill

This is used when a long line of dialog is giving students trouble. The teacher breaks down the

line into several parts. The students repeat a part of the sentence, usually the last phrase or line.

Then, following the teachers cue, the students expand what they are repeating part by part until

they are able to repeat the entire line.

3. Repetition drill

Students are asked to repeat the teachers model as accurately and as quickly as possible. This

drill is often used to teach the lines of the dialogue.

4. Chain drill

Students ask and answer each other one by one in a circular chain around the classroom.

5. Single slot substitution drill

Teacher says a line, usually from the dialog. Next, the teacher says a word or a phrase called the

cue. The students repeat the line the teacher has given them, substituting the cue into the line in

its proper place. The major purpose of this drill is to give the students practice in finding and

filling in the slots of asentence.

6. Multiple-slot substitution drill

This drill is similar to the single slot substitution drill. The difference is that the teacher gives cue

phrases, on at a time that fit into different slots in the dialog line. The students must recognize

what part of speech each cue is, or at least where it fits into the sentence, and make any other
changes, such as subject verb agreement.

7. Transformation drill

The teacher gives students a certain kinds of sentence pattern, an affirmative sentence for

example. Students are asked to transform this sentence into a negative sentence. Other examples

of transformations to ask of students are changing a statement into a question, an active sentence

into passive one, or direct speech into reportedspeech.

8. Question and answer drill

This drill gives students practice with answering questions. The students should answer the

teachers questions very quickly.

9. Use of minimal pairs

The teacher works with pairs of words which differ in only one sound; for example, “ship/sheep‟

Students are first asked to perceive the differencebetween the two words and later to be able to

say the two words. The teacher selects the sounds to work on after she has done a contrastive

analysis, a comparison between thestudents‟native language and the language theyarestudying.

10. Complete the dialog

Selected words are erased from a dialog students have learned. Students complete the dialog by

filling the blanks with the missing words.

11. Grammar game

Games like the supermarket alphabet game described in this chapter are used in the Audio-

Lingual Method. The games are designed to get students to practice grammar point within a

context. Students are able to express themselves, although it is rather limited in this game. Notice

there is also a lot of repetition in this game.

Those kinds of drills are useful to the teacher in improving students‟ speaking ability. In this
research the writer used chain drill technique to improve students‟ speaking ability in inside class

moreover in outside class. The writer hopes the use of Chain Drill may improve students‟

speaking ability.

2.3.2 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Chain DrillTechnique The Advantages of Using Chain Drill Technique

There are the advantages of using chain drill, they are:
a. Chain Drill technique gives students an opportunity to say the lines

individually and they have to respond by using their ownideas.

b. It allows the teacher to check and to make corrections as necessary before

errors become embedded in students.

Chain Drill is suitable technique for teaching speaking because it generally can motivate students

in learning English particularly speaking and gains a better achievement in English subject and

specifically increase students‟ speaking ability. The Disadvantages of Using Chain Drill Technique

There is a disadvantage of using Chain Drilltechnique:

When applying chain Drill Technique, Based on Freeman, “A Chain DrillAllows Some

Controlled Communication, even though it is limited”.It means that, Chain Drill technique gave

students an opportunity to said the lines individually. They have to respond by using their own

ideas or repeat the phrase but for the large class it is not quite effective. Because the teacher has

limited time to check one by one and making corrections for eachstudent.

From the statement above, the writer concludes that this technique has some advantages and

disadvantages that can influence in teaching speaking. But this a disadvantages can be solved by

using group work. It supported by Pollard (1985:40), “Group work involves students working
together in groups of 3, 4, 5 etc. The advantages of using group, students can be using time more

efficiently and they more actively involved in their work: no snoozing at the back of classroom”.

Thus, the students can practice in groups for responding to the previous question posed by

teachers in Chain Drill technique process. Therefore, the teacher can save time and the teacher

can control all of the students‟speaking ability.

2.3.3 Procedureof Teaching Speaking Through Chain DrillTechnique

The procedure in teaching speaking through Chain Drill technique is by presenting the target

language dialogue which involves asking and answering. According to Freeman (2000:46)there

are steps of a procedure in speakingthey are:

1. The teacher begins the chain by greeting a particular student, or asking him or

her question.

2. The first student gives respond to thequestion.

3. The first student takes turn to ask another student sitting next to him orher.

4. This activity will be continuously until the last turn of the laststudents.

Based on the theory above, the teacher will begin by asking to the particular students or the first

student which related about the theme being studied by students. After that, the first student

answers the questions. Then, the first student asks the same question to student who is sitting

next to him or her. The second student answers the question and the activity by using ask and

answer will continue until the last students in the classroom.

2.3.4 Teaching Speaking Through Chain Drill

Based on the preliminary research, it is obvious that students get difficult when they study

speaking. The writer found some problem such as students are low in speaking because they
seldom practice and they have limited vocabulary in speaking English. The teacher focuses to

achieve the target of student scores in the exam. Therefore, the teacher more focuses on writing

and reading skill. Students did not get motivation and stimulation because the activity of

speaking in the classroom is boring and monotonously. Beside that, the teacher has used dialog

memorization technique that inappropriate to improve students ‟speaking ability.

In this research, the writer assumes that the use of Chain Drill as a technique in teaching

speaking class which is effective to improve students ‟speaking ability. Chain Drill technique

gives students opportunity to creative and to built up complete sentence without ignore the aspect

of speech in speaking process because the research aims helps students to get a good speaking

ability. In this opportunity, the teacher listens to the students‟ pronunciation and the

students‟mistake will be corrected by the teacher. It is possible to motivate students to speak

English as well as to improve their speaking ability. In conclusion, Chain Drill technique is one

of interesting teaching techniques that can be applied for English teaching learning.

2.4 Previous Research

The writer has some relevant researches that support this research. There are two previous


The first, a thesis written by Kusuma Utami Handayani (2011). Her title is using a Chain Drill to

Improve Students; Fluency in Speaking English (The Case of Seventh Grade Students of “SMP

N 5 Sragen in the Academic Year of 2010/2011. In Kusuma’sresearch , she use classroom

research , which subject of this study was 24 students of year seven of SMPN 5 Sragen in the

academic year of 2010/2011. The method of the test was interview. The students were asked

some questions and they had to answer them orally. The result after the treatments by using the
Chain Drill, the students fluency in speaking English improved. It is proved by improving mean

score from the pre-test into the second cycle test. It improved from 1.3 to 3.5. it shows that this

technique effectively help the students to improve their fluency in speaking English.

The differences between Kusuma’s research and this research will be in the method of pre-test

and the research method, Kusumah’s research used classroom action research and this research

uses experimental research. In addition, the method of test, she used interview and in this

research the writer will use performance conversation test.

The second, a thesis written by YuliSafriana , the student of English Education, Syiah Kuala

University. Her title is The Impact of Chain Drill Technique in Students; Speaking Aspects (An

experimental study at second grade of SMKN 2 Banda Aceh). In thus research, Yuli used

experimental research. She took two classes as samples of the research, which are XI TGB as

experimental class (EC). The experimental class has significant aspect was 42,80 and 62,50 on

post-test. The mean of CC for speaking on pretest was 39,50 and 45,90,29

Based on the previous research above, it is found that the use of Chain Drill for students in order

to facilitate students in learning English especially in speaking. Therefore, a teacher should give

an interesting atmosphere in teaching and learning process. Those results motivated the writer to

do the research with drilling technique in developing student speaking skill.

2.5 Conceptual Framework

Speaking is a communicative activity that involves more than one participant in order to gain

information. By speaking activity, people share their ideas, feeling and intention in daily life. In

order to speak, speaker has to have communicative competence (Grammatical competence,

Sociolinguistic competence, Discourse competence and Strategic competence)

There are many different techniques in teaching speaking. Therefore, teacher should choose a

suitable technique in teaching speaking. Teacher may choose Chain Drill is a technique that

enable students success in speaking ability. However by applying Chain Drill technique students’

speaking ability will be increased.

The independent of variable

Chain Drill technique is giving opportunity for students to improve their speaking ability by

using ask and answer questions of each other.

The dependent of variable

The Students’ speaking ability is their ability to express their ideas, opinions, and feelings

experiences by showing good mastery of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and

comprehension. It is indicated by score achieved by students from the test given.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

(Technique) (Learning Skill)

Chain Drill Technique Speaking Ability



3.1 Research Design

This research was conducted by applying quantitative-experimental research. Creswell

(2003:162) says that an experimental method discussion follows a standard form: participants,

materials, procedures, and measures. These four topics generally are sufficient. Quantitative is

broadly use to describe what can be counted or measured and can therefore be considered


Based on the explanation above, qualitative research design is different with quantitative

research. The researcher concludes that quantitative research is an objective research as the data

collected in the form of numerical data.

In conducting the experimental research, the sample was divided into two groups, namely

experimental group and control group. The experimental group is the group which receives

treatment by applying Chain Drill Technique in teaching speaking.

The design can be figured out as follows:

Table 3.1
Research Design
NO Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

1 Experimental Group Using Chain Drill Technique

2 Control Group Using Conventional Method

3.2 Population and Sample of the Research

3.2.1 Population

Population is all individual that becomes the target in a research. According to Arikunto

(2002:40), “Population is the total number of students’ research .Based on the definition above,

the writer was concluded that the population in every subject that would be researched in the

research. The population of this research was all of the students in the first semester of the eighth

grade of SMP Negeri 37 Medan in the academic year of 2019/2020. The total numbers of

population were 183 students that consist of five classes.

3.2.2 Sample

According to Arikunto (2000:46) “Sample is the part of population which will be investigated”.

It means that, a sample was a group in research study on which information is obtained.

Therefore, the writer was not take all the subjects of the population. The sample of this research

were two classes, VIII C as experimental class and VIII D as control class consist 70 students.

3.3 The Instrument of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the researcher gave a speaking test. Both control group and experimental

group were given pre-test and post-test. The treatment was conducted after the administration of

pre-test. The experimental group was taught by using Chain Drill technique, while control group

was taught by using conventional method. The writer recorded the students’ speaking in pre-test

and post-test.
3.4 The Procedure of Test Research

The research procedure was conducted in the first semester 2019, before conducting the

research; the writer asked the permissions to the headmaster and the English teacher at the

school. Then, the writer conducted through the following steps:

1. Determining the subject

The writer chose the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 37 Medan as the subject of

the research.

2. Determining the sample

In taking the sample of the research, the writer used random sampling. The writer chose two

classes as the sample of the research; one class as the experimental class and other one as the

control class.

3. Selecting the material

The writer determinated the material was taught to the students, the material was given about the

expression of asking and giving for opinions. This material based on syllabus at the first

semester of the eighthgrade.

4. Doing a pre-test to get the data

It was done for the students in the control class and experimental class in order to find out the

students’ speaking ability before the treatment.

5. Conducting the treatments

The writer gave the treatment in four meetings for experimental and control classes each. In the

treatment, the writer as the teacher taught the students by using Chain Drill technique in the

experimental class. Meanwhile, in the control class, the students was taught by using

conventional method
6. Doing the post - test to get the data

The writer conducted the post test after the treatments. By giving the post-test, to knew students’

ability in speaking, the writer gave oral test to the students.

7. Analyzing the result of the posttest

In analyzing the result, the writer was done to compared the result of post test between

experimental class and control class. To know whether the post - test score of experimental class

be higher than control class.

The researcher was conducted the study in three meetings for each group (control and

experimental group)


The First Meeting The First Meeting

Researcher gives Pre-test/ Speaking Test Researcher gives Pre-test/ Speaking Test

- Researcher greeted and check the students’ - Researcher greeted and check the students’
attendance attendance
- Researcher gave some topics that was - Researcher gave some topics that was
chose by the students chose by the students
- Researcher asked the students to create a - Researcher asked the students to create a
short dialog based on the topic short dialog based on the topic
- Researcher asked the students to deliver - Researcher asked the students to deliver
the dialog in front of the class the dialog in front of the class
- Researcher recorded the students’ voice - Researcher recorded the students’ voice
- Researcher transcribed the students’ voice - Researcher transcribed the students’ voice
in to written text. in to written text.
- Researcher scored the students - Researcher scores the students
The Second Meeting The Second Meeting

Researcher gives the treatment (using Chain Drill Researcher teach the students in the conventional
technique) way of teaching speaking

- Researcher greeted and check the students’ - Researcher greeted and check the students’
attendance attendance
- Researcher introduced and explained the - Researcher gave some topics that will be
concept of the chain of conversation that chosen by the students
forms around the room as students one by - Researcher discuss the topic with the
one , ask and answer question of each other students
(using Chain Drill technique)
- Researcher explained the role of each
speaker exactly making conversation in
- Researcher gave motions/topics
- Researcher asked the students to make
conversation in dialog
- The students chese a motion/topic to let
them to have a researcher about the
evidence of the motion.
The Third Meeting The Third Meeting

Researcher gave Post-Test / Speaking Test Researcher gave Post-Test / Speaking Test

- Researcher greeted and check the students’ - Researcher greeted and check the students’
attendance attendance
- Researcher gave warm-up to the students - Researcher asked students to deliver a
- Researcher asked the students to deliver speech in front of the class based on what
the speech in front of the class with the conversation dialog in the previous
conversation in dialog motion in the meeting
previous meeting. - Researcher recorded the students voice in
- Researcher recorded the students voice to written text.

- Researcher transcribed the students’ voice - Researcher gave score the students
in to written text
- Researchers scored the students
- Researcher asked students to deliver a
speech in front of the class based on what
conversation dialog in the previous
- Researcher gave score to the students

3.5 The Scoring System

There are five criterias of speaking scales. They are grammar, vocabulary, comprehension,

fluency, pronunciation. In this research, the writer used the oral English rating sheet that

proposed by Harris. The Table showed the fifth criterias of the ranting sheet score. It can be seen

on the tables below:

Table 3.3
Criteria for Evaluating Students’ Speaking Ability
No Criteria Rating Comment
1 Pronunciation 5 Has few traces foreign accent

4 Always intelligible, though one is conscious of a

definite accent.
3 Pronunciation problems necessitate concentrated
listening and occasionally lead to
2 Very hard to understand because of
pronunciation problem, must frequently be asked to
1 Pronunciation problems so severe as to make speech
virtually unintelligible.

2 Grammar 5 Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar

or word order.

4 Occasionally makes grammatical and/ or word -

order errors which do not, however, obscure meaning.

3 Makes frequent errors of grammar and word

order which occasionally obscure meaning.
2 Grammar and word order errors make comprehension
difficult. Must often rephrase sentence and / or restrict him
self to basic

1 Errors in grammar and word order so severe as

to make speech virtually unintelligible.
3 Vocabulary 5 Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually that of
a native speaker.
4 Sometime use in appropriate terms and ormust
rephrase ideas because of lexicalinadequacies.
3 Frequently use the wrong words; conversation
somewhat limited because of lexical
2 Misuse of words and very limited vocabulary
make comprehension quiet difficult.
1 Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make
conversation virtually impossible.
4 Fluency 5 Speech as fluent and effortless as that of a native
4 Speeds of speech seem to be slightly affected by
language problem.
3 Speed and fluency are farther strongly affected
by language problems.
2 Usually hesitant; often forced into silence by
language limitation
1 Speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make
conversation virtually impossible.
5 Comprehension 5 Appears to understand everything without
4 Understand nearly everything at normal speed,
although occasional repetition may be necessary.

3 Understand most of what is said at slower-than-

normal speed with repetition.
2 Has great difficulty following what is said. Can comprehend
only “social comprehension”
spoken slowly and with frequent repetition.
1 Cannot be said to understand even simple
conversation English.

Criteria for the score:


4 = Very Good
3 = Good
2 = Average
1 =Poor

However, there are five components usually used to analyze speech performance, they are

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. The scoring also can include

accuracy, articulation, the eye contact, expression, intonation and gesture of the speaker. The

writer used those speaking scoring rubric to collect the data.

3.6 Validity and Reliability

3.6.1 Validity
An instrument can call valid when it can measure what is want. In other words, an instrument

can call valid if it can show the data of variables that are being research correctly. According to
Arikunto (2002:48), he says that validity is measurement which shows the degree of instrument.

To know the validity of the test, the writer will use content and construct validity.

1. Content validity

Content validity concerns whether the test are good reflection of the materials that

needs to be tested. Content validity refers to instruments that are parallel with matter that

will be measured. Because in this research the test had been intended to measure students’

speaking ability of the eighth grade of junior high school, the test had been given to the

students was the test that can measure students’ ability about speaking which based on what

they have learnt before on the curriculum.

In this case, the instrument had agreement with the objective of the learning in the school which

was based on the syllabus because the test was to measure the students’ speaking ability at the

eighth grade of junior high school. To make sure the writer consulted the instrument had of the

test to the English teacher at SMP Negeri 37 Medan . It was done to make sure that the

instrument was valid. The teacher said the instrument was valid and agreed with the writer to

conduct the instruments to the students.

2. Construct validity

According to Mujis (2004:27), “Construct validity is a slightly more complex issue

relating to the internal structure of an instrument and the concept it is measuring. Once again,

this is related to our theoretical knowledge of the concept we are wanting to measure”. It means

that, Construct validity refresh to assumption, showing the measurement was used contains

correct operational definition, which was based on the theoretical concept. In other words,

Construct validity was focused on the kind of the test that was used to measure the ability. In this

research, the writer administered a speaking test. The scoring covers five aspects of speaking that
are adapted from Haris. They are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary fluency, comprehension.

The writer will consult the instrument to the English teacher at SMP Negeri 37 Medan to make

sure the instrument had been valid or not. As the result, teacher said that the instrument of the

data was valid.

3.6.2 Reliability

Arikunto (2010:178) say that reliability shows as instrument that can be trusted use as a tool of

collecting the data because it has already a good enough. A good instrument is tendencies to lead

the respondent in choosing certain answer. If thr data appropriate to the fact, the result will be the

same although it is exercises many times. It means that reliability refers to the consistency of the

measurement.order to find out whether the test reliable or not, the researcher used the formula of

Kuder Richardson (KR21) in Arikunto (2010 : 233-240) as following :

R11= 1−

Where :

R : Reliability of Instrument.

n : The number of items in the test.

M : The mean of the test score.

T : Total of variance

S : Standard deviation of the test score.

The calculation shows that the reliability of instrument of the test was R=

0.0-0.20 : The reliability is very low

0.20-0.40 : The reliability is low

0.40-0.60 : The reliability is fair

0.60-0.80 : The reliability is high

0.80-1.0 : The reliability is very high

3.7 Technique of Collecting Data

In the research, the writer used test as a technique to collect the data. According to Donald

(2002:54), “A test is a set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the

basis of which a numerical score can be assigned”. Based on the definition above, the writer used

test to collect the data. To know whether there is any influence of using Chain Drill technique

towards students speaking ability. Some tests will be conducted to collect the data. They are:

1. Pre - test, it had been done to know the research the students’ speaking ability before

the treatment. The test had been done orally by asking the students to come forward in

groups to practice dialogue. The scoring was used on the pronunciation, grammar,

vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

2. Post test, it had been conducted to know the students’ speaking ability after the

treatment. The system and the difficulty of post test was the same as the pre - test,

because both of them were used to measure the students’ speaking ability in order to

know the development of students’ speaking ability after the treatment.

3.7 The Technique Analyzing Data

To analyze the data, the researcher used score of post-test of the experimental and control

groups. These scores were analyzed by using statistical analysis. The data were analyzed by

using T-test (pair sample t-test).

To know the effect of result of this research, the test was calculated using-test formula as follow

that developed by Arikunto :



Mx = the mean of experimental group

My = the mean of control group

dx2 = standard deviation of experimental group

dy2 = standard deviation of control group

Nx = the total number of experimental group

Ny = the total number of control group

The T-table will be employed to see whether or not there is significant different between the

mean score in both experimental and control groups.

The writer used parametric statistic. In parametric statistics, there are assumptions which must be

fulfilled; they are normality and homogeneity test.

1. Fulfillment of the Assumptions

Parametric statically significances tests, such as analysis of variance and least squares regression,

are widely used by writer in many disciplines, including statistics parametric test to produce

accurate results, the assumption underlying them such as normality and homogeneity test must be


a. Normality Test

The normality test is used to measure the data in the experimental class and control classes are
normally distributed or not. In this study, the writer used statistical computation by using SPSS

(Statistical Package for the Social Science) for normality of test. The tests of normality employed

are Kolmogorov - Smirnov and Shapiro Wilk.

The hypotheses for the normality test are formulated as follows:

H0: The data have normal distribution.

Ha : The data do not have normal distribution

While the criteria for acceptance of hypotheses of the normality test is as follows:

H0is accepted if Sig (P value) > α =0.05

Ha is accepted if Sig (P value) < α =0.05

b. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is used to know whether the data in experimental class and control class are

homogenous or not.

The hypothesis are :

H0: the variances of the data is homogenous

Ha : the variances of the data is homogenous

While the criteria for acceptance of the homogeneity test is as follows:

H0is accepted if Sig (P value) > α =0.05

Ha is accepted if Sig (P value) < α =0.05

2. Hypothetical Test
If the fulfillment of the assumptions normality test and homogeneity test are fulfilled, the writer

will use t-test. In this case,

While criteria of acceptance for the hypothesis is as follows:

H0 is accepted if Sig. > α =0.05

Ha is accepted if Sig. < α =0.05

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