BPED 253 - Philippine Traditional Dances

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Ormoc City Campus

Control No. EVSU-ACA-F-005
Title of Form: Course Syllabus in BPED 253 Revision No. 03
Date August 21, 2021

VISION Institutional Outcomes (IO) Program Educational Objectives (PEO) Program Outcomes (PO) Course Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate personal and collective adherence

A Leading State University in Technological to high standards and distinctive achievement. BPEd Program PO2 – Movement Competency and
and Professional Education Practicing professional teachers 1. Disciplinal Knowledge: Apply scientific Proficiency:
demonstrating high level of pedagogical and evidence-based practices critical to Demonstrate Skillful
performance in a variety of
Instill the value for lifelong learning among content knowledge and use of appropriate the educational and learning processes.
physical activities.
2. Movement Competency and
MISSION graduates who are guided with highest practice teaching techniques and technology. Proficiency: PO5 – Communication
of ethics, principles and moral standards. 2.1Demonstrate skillful performance in - Communicate effectively with
Develop a Strong a variety of physical activities.
PE practitioners, other
Technologically and professionals and
2.2Adapt performance to a variety of
Show commitment and motivation to exist with stakeholders
Professionally Competent relevance and significance in providing physical activity settings (e.g. formal - Use oral, written, and
Productive Human Resource assistance to clientele. classes, recreational, and competitive). technology formats
Imbued with Positive Values 3. Curriculum and Program Planning,
Implementation, Monitoring and
Needed to Propel Sustainable
Development Manifest a desire to life-long learning and 3.1Critically examine the curriculum
Create an environment which respect each career development through graduate studies (e.g. content, pedagogy and
CORE VALUES other’s worth, beliefs and talents towards a and participation in professional assessments) and program, and enhance
synergistic goal. (e.g. innovate) them necessarily.
organizations and activities. 3.2Plan and implement safe and
effective physical activity programs to
Provide platforms for technological competence address the needs of individual and
and skills development. groups in school and/or non-school
. 3.3Monitor and evaluate physical activity
programs in school and/or non-school
E – Excellence settings.
V – Value-Laden Demonstrate the attributes of a model 3.4Use appropriate assessments in, as and
S – Service-Driven teacher guided with the highest practice of for student or client learning.
3.5Use information, media and technology
U – Unity in Diversity ethical and moral standards in service for the
in pedagogy and for lifelong learning.
community and society that helps uplift the 4. Professional Accountability and
lives of the people. Responsibility:
4.1Demonstratefirm work /professional
4.2Cultivate solidarity by working and
dealing with/relating to others harmoniously.

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Course Information

Course Code BPED 233 Course Description

Course Title Philippine Traditional Dances

Applies practical skills and understanding the rudiments of folk dancing from the raw materials of
Credit Units 3 published and unpublished dances. Analysis of dance instructions and technical interpretations
from the written materials are underscored. Emphasis is given to valuing the context of dance as
Lec/Lab Hours 3
basis for interpreting dance movements with underpinning of preserving the legacy of the Filipino
Class Schedule Wednesday 8-10 & 12-3 heritage.

Prerequisite(s) BPED 273


Week Course
Topics Resources & References Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Learning Evidence
No. Learning Outcomes
Course Orientation on  Instructor- supplied
Acknowledge the course Internal policies for the notes, exercises and  Practical
policies and procedures course other research  Give lecture performance
Reflection Paper
1 - Schools VMGO materials  Give Oral recitation  Group Activity
Provide overview of the - Class Rules  Aquino, Francisca R.  Give quizzes and exam  Quiz
subject - Course Philippine Folk Dances Long Exams
Overview Vols. I, II, III, IV, V, and
Understand the history VI  Discuss the History and Nature
History and Nature of
and nature of the  Gabao, Larry A. Dance of Philippine Folk Dance and
Philippine Folk Dances
Philippine Folk Dance with Me. PNU Press Ethnic Dance Culture  Quiz
2 Test Result
Ethnic Dance Culture  Sayaw: Dances of the  Long Exams
Distinguish different Philippine Islands.
ethnic dance culture Philippine Folk Dance
3 Identify the pointers in Staging of Folk Dances Society  Discuss the aspects of Staging a  Quiz Test Result
performing folkdance Folk Dance and the difference of  Long Exams
Philippine Costume: every costumes.
Distinguish the art forms Fusion of History, Artistry
of costumes and its and Identity
unique identity

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Analyze musical
Key to System of  Discuss and perform the Key
Counting  Quiz
4 Elucidate, and perform System of Counting and Dance Test Result
dance terminologies  Long Exams
Dance Terms Terminologies
depending on their

Fundamental  Execute the Fundamental

Demonstrate various Movements: Basic Movements: Basic Dance Steps  Practical Video record
5-8 fundamental Dance Steps in Folk
movements Dancing in 2/4 and ¾ in Folk Dancing in 2/4 and ¾ performance
time signature time signature
9 MIDTERM EXAM WEEK (Execution of Basic Dance Steps with Music and 30 item exam)
Identify the different  Instructor- supplied
dances classified under notes, exercises and
the Rural Dance. other research  Interpret a dance literature and
 Practical Video record
10-12 Rural Dances materials execute the dance steps in its
Interpret and performance
 Aquino, Francisca R. musical accompaniment
demonstrate one dance Philippine Folk Dances
from the Rural Vols. I, II, III, IV, V, and
13-14 VI
Identify the different  Gabao, Larry A. Dance
dances classified under with Me. PNU Press
the Cordillera Dance.  Sayaw: Dances of the  Interpret a dance literature and
Philippine Islands.  Practical
Cordillera Dances execute the dance steps in its Video record
Interpret and Philippine Folk Dance performance
musical accompaniment performance
demonstrate one dance Society
from the Cordillera

Identify the different

dances classified under
the Muslim Dance.  Interpret a dance literature and
 Practical Video record
15-17 Muslim Dances execute the dance steps in its
Interpret and performance
musical accompaniment
demonstrate one dance
from the Muslim
18 FINAL EXAM WEEK (Online Culmination: Sakuting, Cariñosa, Tinikling, Sua cu Sua,)

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Culminating Activity

 Interpret folk dance literatures
 Showcase a Philippine folk dance performance through online culmination

Grading System Class Policies

 Wear proper P.E uniform.
Attendance 10%  Regularly come to class on time.
Project 20%  Submit projects/outputs on specific time requirement.
Outputs 20%  All examinations are closed books and closed notes.
Practical Exam 20%  Wear rubber/ tennis shoes every physical activity.
Final Exam 30%  Submit medical certificate for medical problems.
------  Submit a letter of excuse in every absent made signed by the parents/guardians.
TOTAL 100%  No one is allowed to use the rooms without a teacher’s supervision.

INC if there is missing any of the course requirements listed. Given 1

year to comply the INC.

Effectivity and Revision Information

Effectivity Date: Revision Date: Revision Number: Notes on Revision:
October 05, 2020 September 5-10, 2020 2 (Your notes on revision will be written

Prepared by: Checked by: Reviewed by: Recommending Approval: Approved:

JR.,LPT Head, Department Ph.D. OIC-Vice President for
Program Coordinator
Faculty Campus Director Academic Affairs

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