2, 3 & 5 Marks Q & A Lesson 1 To 11 (EM)

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Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers


1. Natural of Physical World and 8. Describe the relation of Physics with Biology.
 It is impossible to study biology without microscope
Measurement designed using physical principles.
 Invention of electron microscope has made
1. What is meant by Scientific method? possible to see even the structure of a cell.
The scientific method is a step-by-step approach  X-ray diffraction and neutron diffraction techniques
in studying natural phenomena and establishing laws are helped to understand the structure of nucleic
which govern these phenomena. acids, which helps to control vital life processes.
 X-rays are used for diagnostic purposes.
2. What are the general features of scientific method?  Radio-isotopes are used in radiotherapy for the
 Systematic Observation treatment of cancer and other diseases.
 Controlled experimentation  Now-a-days biological processes are being studied
 Qualitative and quantitative reasoning from the physical point of view.
 Mathematical modeling
 Prediction and verification or falsification of 9. Describe the relation of Physics with mathematics.
theories.  Physics is a quantitative science.
 Physics is closely related to mathematics as a tool
3. What type of approaches are followed in studying for its developement.
 Unification 10.Describe the relation of Physics with Astronomy.
 Reductionism  Astronomical telescopes are used to study the
motion of the planets and other celestial bodies in
4. What is Unification? Give the example.
the sky.
An attempt to explain various physical
 Radio telescopes are used to observe distant
phenomena with a few concepts and laws is Unification.
points of the universe.
 Studies of the universe are done using physical
Ex: Newton’s universal law of gravitation
explains various events like motion of freely falling body,
motion of the planets around the sun, motion of the moon
11.Describe the relation of Physics with Geology.
around the earth.
 Diffraction techniques helps to study the crystal
structure of various rocks.
5. What is reductionism? Give the example.
 Radioactivity is used to estimate the age of rocks,
An attempt to explain a macroscopic system in
fossils and the age of the Earth.
terms of its microscopic constituents is reductionism.
12.Describe the relation of Physics with Oceanography.
Ex: Macroscopic properties like temperature,
 Oceanographers seek to understand the physical
entropy, etc., of bulk systems can be easily interpreted in
and chemical processes of the oceans.
terms of the molecular motion(microscopic constituents).
 For that, they measure parameters such as
temperature, salinity, current speed, gas fluxes
6. What is technology?
and chemical components of the ocean.
Technology is the application of principles of
physics for practical purposes.
13.Describe the relation of Physics with Psychology.
 All the psychological interactions can be derived
7. Describe the relation of Physics with Chemistry.
from a physical process.
 Studies of structure of atom, radioactivity, X-ray
 The movements of neurotransmitters are governed
diffraction, etc., in physics have been used in
by the physical properties of diffusion and
chemistry to arrange elements in periodic table on
molecular motion.
the basis of atomic numbers.
 The function of our brain is related to our
underlying dualism (wave -particle nature).
 It is further helped to know the nature of valence
and chemical bonding and to understand the
14.What is measurement?
complex chemical structures.
The comparison of any physical quantity with its
standard unit is known as measurement.
 Inter-disciplinary branches like Physical chemistry
and Quantum chemistry plays vital role here.
15.What is physical quantity? Give the examples.
Quantities that can be measured and in terms of
which laws of physics are described are called physical
quantities. Ex : length, mass, time, force, energy, etc.,

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
16.What is fundamental or base quantities? Give the 26. What is the SI standard of time? (or) What is one
examples. second in SI system of units?
The quantities, which cannot be expressed in One second is the duration of 9,192,631,770
terms of any other physical quantities, are called periods of radiation corresponding to the transition
fundamental or base quantities. between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of
Cesium-133 atom.
Ex: length, mass, time, electric current,
temperature, luminous intensity and amount of 27. What is the SI standard of electric current? (or) What
substance. is one ampere in SI system of units?
One ampere is the constant current, which flows
17.What is derived quantities? Give the examples. through the two parallel straight conductors of infinite
Quantities that can be expressed in term of length with negligible cross-section, held one meter apart
fundamental quantities are called derived quantities. in vacuum, shall produce a force per unit length of
Ex: area, volume, velocity, acceleration, force. 2 x 10-7 Nm-1 between them.

18.What is an unit? 28. What is the SI standard of temperature? (or) What is

An arbitrarily chosen standard of measurement of one kelvin in SI system of units?
a quantity, which is accepted internationally is called unit
One kelvin is the fraction of of the
of the quantity. .
thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of the
19.What is System of Units? water.
A complete set of units which is used to measure
all kinds of fundamental and derived quantities is called a 29. What is the SI standard of amount of substance ? (or)
system of units. What is one mole in SI system of units?
One mole is the amount of substance which
20.What is the f.p.s system? contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms
The f.p.s system is the British Engineering in 0.012 kg of pure carbon-12.
system in which length, mass and time are measured in
foot, pound and second respectively. 30. What is the SI standard of luminous intensity? (or)
What is one candela in SI system of units?
21.What is the c.g.s system? One candela is the luminous intensity of a source
The c.g.s system is the Gaussian system in in a given direction that emits monochromatic radiation of
which length, mass and time are measured in centimeter, frequency 5.4 x 10-14 Hz and that has a radiant intensity
gram and second respectively. of watt / steradian in that direction.

22.What is the m.k.s system? 31. what is length? Give its SI unit.
In the m.k.s system, length, mass and time are Length is defined as the distance between any
measured in meter, kilogram and second respectively. two points in space. Its SI unit is metre.

23.What are the advantages of SI unit system? 32. what is one radian?
 It is a rational system, in which only one unit is used One radian is the plane angle subtended by an
for one physical quantity. arc whose arc length is equal to its radius.
 It is a coherent system, which means all the
derived units can be easily obtained form basic and 33. What is one steradian?
supplementary units. One steradian is the solid angle subtended by the
 It is a metric system, which means multiples and partial surface of a sphere whose suface area is equal to
submultiples can be expressed as powers of 10. the square of its radius.

24.What is the SI standard of length? (or) What is one 34. Explain the use of Screw gauge in measuring smaller
meter in SI system of units? distances.
One meter is the length of the path travelled by
light in vacuum in of a second.  It is used to measure accurately the dimension of
, ,
objects upto the maximum of 50 mm.
25.What is the SI standard of mass? (or) What is one
 The principle of the instrument is the magnification
kilogram in SI system of units?
of linear motion using circular motion of a screw.
One kilogram is the mass of the prototype
cylinder of platinum iridium alloy (whose height is equal
 The least count of the screw gauge is 0.01 mm.
to its diameter), preserved at the International Bureau of
Weights and Measures at Serves, near Paris, France.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
35. Explain the use of vernier caliper in measuring smaller 45. What is meant by Systematic error?
distances.  Systematic errors are reproducible inaccuracies
 It is a versatile instrument for measuring the that are consistently in the same direction.
dimensions of an object like diameter and depth of  These occur offen due to a problem that persists
a hole. throughout the experiment.
 The least count of the vernier caliper is 0.1 mm.
46. What are the Classifications of Systematic errors?
36. What are the methods adopted in measuring larger  Instrumental errors
distances?  Imperfections in experimental techniques or
 Triangulation method procedure.
 Parallax method  Personal errors
 Radar method  Errors due to external causes.
 Least count error
37. What is Parallax?
The shift in the position of an object (say a pen) 47. Describe Instrumental errors. How is it minimised?
when viewed with left and right eye alternatively is known  It is happened when an instrument is not calibrated
as Parallax. properly at the time of manufacture.
(or)  For example, If a measurement is made with a
The apparent chage in position of an object with meter scale whose end is worn out, result obtains
respect to its background, when viewed from two different error.
locations is called Parallax.  These errors can be rectified by using the good
quality instruments.
38. What is the abbreviation for RADAR?
The word RADAR stands for RAdio Detection 48. Describe Imperfections in experimental technique or
And Ranging. procedure. How can it be overcomed?
 These errors arise due to the limitations in the
39. What is 1 light year ? Give its value. experimental arrangements.
1 light year is the distance travelled by light in  For example, Calorimeter experiment is done
vacuum in one year. without insulation makes radiation loss. This
1 light year = 9.467 x 1015 m. results errors.
 It can be overcomed by applying necessary
40. What is 1 astronomical unit(AU)? Give its value. correction.
1 astronomical unit is the mean distance between
earth and the sun. 49. Describe the Personal errors.
1 AU = 1.496 x 1011 m. These errors occur due to individual performing
experiment without initial setting up or careless
41. What is 1 parsec (Parallactic second)? Give its value. observation without precautions.
1 parsec is the radial distance of an arc of arc
length 1 AU subtends an angle of 1 second. 50. Describe the errors due to external causes.
1 parsec = 3.08 x 1016 m = 3.26 light year. These errors are due to external conditions like
change in temperature, humidity or pressure during an
42. Define mass? experiment.
Mass of a body is defined as the quantity of
matter contained in a body. The SI unit of mass is 51. Describe the least count error. How can it be
kilogram. minimised?
43. What is the difference between Accuracy and  Least count is the smallest value that can be
Precision? measured by an instrument.
S.No. Accuracy Precision  The error due to the measurement in least count is
Measurements close Measurements close called least count error.
to true value. to each other.  It can be minimised by using high precision
All the accuracy All the precised values instrument.
values are precised. are not accurate.
52. Describe Random errors. How can it be minimised?
44. What is meant by an error? Name its types.  Random errors may arise due to random and
The uncertainity in a measurement is called an unpredictable variation in experimental conditions
error. like pressure,temperature, voltage supply,etc.,
 It is also due to personal errors.
Types:Systematic errors, Random errors & Gross errors  These errors are happened by chance, so it is
called “Chance error”.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 It can be minimised by calculating arithmatic mean 57. What is meant by Percentage error? Explain.
of measurements taken. i.e. If ‘n’ number of The relative error expressed in percentage is
readings a1, a2, a3, ....,an are done, the arithmatic called percentage error.
mean is given by, ∆
Percentage error = x 100 %
+ + +⋯+
58. What are the factors affecting error in final result?
 The errors in the individual measurements.
1  Nature of mathematical operations.

59. What are significant figures?

53. Describe Gross error. How can it be minimised? The number of digits which are counted
The error caused due to the complete reasonably sure in making a measurement are called
carelessness of an observer is called gross error. significant figures.
Example :
 Reading an instrument without setting properly. 60. Explain the significant figures in addition and
 Taking observations in a wrong manner without subtraction with the examples.
considering source of errors and the precautions. In addtion and subtraction, the final result should
 Recording wrong observations. retain as many decimal places as there are in the original
 Using wrong values of the observations in number with the smallest number of decimal places.
calculations. Example:
These errors can be minimised only when an (i) Addition:
observer is careful and mentally alert. 3.1 + 1.780 + 2.046 = 6.926 is rounded off to 6.9 as
the number 3.1 has least one decimal place.
54. What is meant by Absolute error? Explain. (ii) Subtraction:
 The magnitude of difference between true value 12.637 – 2.42 = 10.217 is rounded off to 10.22 as the
and measured value of a quantity is called absolute number 2.42 has least two decimal places.
 If a1, a2, a3, ....,an are the measured values of any 61. Explain the significant figures in multipliication and
quantity, then the arithmatic mean is the true value division with the examples.
of the measurements. In multiplication and division, the final result
+ + +⋯+ should retain as many significant figures as there are in
the original number with the smallest number of
significant figures.
1 Examples:
= (i) Multiplication:
1.21 x 36.72 = 44.4312 is rounded off to 44.4 as the
 The absolute error is given by,
number 1.21 has least 3 significant figures.
∆ =| − |
(ii) Division:
∆ =| − |
......................... 36.72 ÷ 1.2 = 30.6 is rounded off to 31 as the number
......................... 1.2 has least 2 significant figures.
∆ =| − |
55. What is meant by mean Absolute error? Explain. 62. What is dimension?
The arithmatic mean of the magnitude of The dimensions of a physical quantity are the
absolute errors in all the measurements is called the powers to which the unit of base quantities are raised to
mean absolute error. represent a derived unit of that quantity.
|∆ | + |∆ | + |∆ | + ⋯ + |∆ |
∆ = 63. What is dimensional formula? Give an example.
Dimensional formula is an expression which
shows how and which of the fundamental units are
∆ = |∆ | required to represent the unit of a physical quantity.

Ex: [M0LT-2] is the dimensional formula of acceleration.

56. What is meant by Relative error? Explain.
The ratio between mean absolute error to the 64. What is dimensional equation? Give an example.
mean value is called relative error. This is also called When the dimensional formula of a physical
fractional error. quantity is expressed in the form of an equation, such
equation is known as the dimensional equation.

= Ex: acceleration = [M0LT-2]

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
65. What is dimensional variables? 5 Marks Q & A:
Physical quantities, which have dimension and
have variable values are called dimensional variables.
1. Explain the propagation of error in the sum of two
Examples: length, velocity, acceleration, etc., quantities?
 Let A and B be the absolute errors in the two
66. What is dimensionless variables? quantities A and B respectively.
Physical quantities,which have no dimension and  Then,
have variable values are called dimensional variables. Measured value of A = A  A
Measured value of B = B  B
Examples: specific gravity, strain, refractive index,etc., Consider the sum, Z = A + B
 The error Z in Z is given by,
67. What is dimensional constants? Z  Z = (A  A) + (B  B)
Physical quantities, which have dimension and Z  Z = ( A + B )  ( A + B)
have constant values are called dimensional constants. Z  Z = Z  ( A + B) [∵ = + ]
Z = A + B
Examples: gravitational constant, planck’s constant, etc.,  The maximum possible error in the sum of two
quantities is equal to the sum of the absolute
68. What is dimensionless constants? errors in the individual quantities.
Physical quantities,which have no dimension and 2. Explain the propagation of error in the difference of
have constant values are called dimensionless constants. two quantities?
Examples: , e, numbers, etc.,  Let A and B be the absolute errors in the two
quantities A and B respectively.
69. What is principle of homogeneity of dimensions?  Then,
The principle of homogeneity of dimension states Measured value of A = A  A
that the dimensions of all the terms in a physical
Measured value of B = B  B
expression should be the same.
Consider the difference, Z = A - B
 The error Z in Z is given by,
70. What are the applications of dimensional analysis
method? Z  Z = (A  A) - (B  B)
Z  Z = ( A - B )  ( A + B)
 Convert a physical quantity from one system of Z  Z = Z  ( A + B) [∵ = − ]
units to another. Z = A + B
 The maximum possible error in the difference of
 Check the dimensional correctness of a given two quantities is equal to the sum of the absolute
physical equation. errors in the individual quantities.
3. Explain the propagation of error in the product of two
 Establish relations among various physical quantities?
quantities.  Let A and B be the absolute errors in the two
quantities A and B respectively.
71. What are the limitations of dimensional analysis  Then,
method? Measured value of A = A  A
Measured value of B = B  B
 It gives no information about the dimensionless Consider the product, Z = A . B -----> (1)
constants like numbers, , e, etc., in the formula.  The error Z in Z is given by,
Z  Z = (A  A) . (B  B)
 It cannot decide whether the given quantity is a Z  Z = AB  A.B  B.A  A.B -----> (2)
scalar or vector. Dividing equation (2) by (1) we get,
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
 It is not suitable to derive relations involving 1± =1± ± ± .
trignometry, exponential and logarithmic ∆ ∆
As and are both smaller values, their
∆ ∆
products . can now be neglected. The
 It cannot be applied to an equation involving
maximum fractional error in Z is,
more than three physical quantities. ∆ ∆ ∆
= +
 It can only check dimensional correctness of an  The maximum fractional error in the product of
equation but not the correctness of the equation. two quantities is equal to the sum of the fractional
errors in the individual quantities.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
4. Explain the propagation of error in the division or 6. Explain the rules framed to count significant figures
quotient of two quantities? with the examples.
 Let A and B be the absolute errors in the two S.
Rule Example
quantities A and B respectively. No.
All non-zero digits are 1342 has four significant
 Then, significant figures
Measured value of A = A  A All zeros between two
2008 has four significant
Measured value of B = B  B 2. non-zero digits are
Consider the division, Z =
All zeros right to non-
zero digit but left to 30700. has five
 The error Z in Z is given by, 3.
decimal point are significant figures
∆ significant.
A ± ∆A A 1 ±
 = = The terminal or trailing
B ± ∆B B 1 ± ∆ zeros in the number 30700 has three
without decimal point are significant figures.
 ∆ ∆
1 = 1± 1± not significant.
All zeros are significant if
30700 m has five
5. the number given with
 By using binomial theorem,(1+x) = 1+ nx , when
significant figures.
measurement unit.
x<<1, we get,
 ∆ ∆ (i) 0.00345 has three
1 = 1± 1∓ If a number is less than1,
significant figures.
the zeros between
 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
1 =1± ∓ ± . decimal point and first
(ii) 0.030400 has five
∆ ∆ 6. non-zero digit are not
As and are both smaller values, their significant figures.
significant but the zeros
∆ ∆ right to last non-zero digit
products . can now be neglected. The (iii) 40.00 has four
are significant.
maximum fractional error in Z is, significant figures.
∆ ∆ ∆ The number of significant
= + 1.53 cm, 0.0153 m,
figures doesn’t depend
7. 0.0000153 km all have
on the system of units
three significant figures.
 The maximum fractional error in the product of used
two quantities is equal to the sum of the fractional
errors in the individual quantities. 7. Explain the rules framed for rounding off the numbers
with the examples.
5. Explain the propagation of error in the power or a S.
quantity? Rule Example
 Let A and B be the absolute errors in the two If the dropping digit is
quantities A and B respectively. less than 5, then
1. 7.32 is rounded off to 7.3
preceding digit kept
 Then, unchanged.
Measured value of A = A  A If the dropping digit is
Measured value of B = B  B greater than 5, then 17.26 is rounded off to
Consider the n power of A, Z =
th preceding digit must be 17.3
raised by 1.
 The error Z in Z is given by, If the dropping digit is 5
∆ followed by non-zero 7.352 is rounded off to
 = (  ) = 1± 3.
digits then preceding 7.4
∆ digit must be raised by1
 = 1±
If the dropping digit is 5
or 5 followed by zero, 3.35 & 3.350 are
By using binomial theorem, we solve and get, 4.
then preceding digit must rounded off to 3.4
 ∆
1 = 1±n be raised by 1 if it is odd.
If the dropping digit is 5
 ∆A
=n or 5 followed by zero, 3.45 & 3.450 are
A 5.
then preceding digit is rounded off to 3.4
not changed if it is even.
The fractional error in the nth power of a quantity is n times
the fractional error in that quantity.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
8. Explain the Triangulation method to find the height of 10.Explain the RADAR method to find the distance of a
the tree or the tower. nearby Planet.
 Let AB = h be the height of the tree or tower.  The word RADAR stands for RAdio Detection
 Let C be the the point of observation at distance And Ranging.
x from B.  In this method, radio waves are sent from
 Place a range finder at C and measure the angle transmitters which after reflected from the planet
of elevation, ACB =  as shown in figure. are detected by the receiver.

 From ⊿ , = =
 By measuring the time interval between the
or h = x tan instants the radio waves are sent and received,
 Knowing the distance x, the height h can be the distance of the planet(d) can be detemined
determined. as,
Distance = Speed of radio waves X time taken,
9. Explain the Parallax method to find the distance of ×
the Moon from Earth. =
 Let C be the centre of the Earth.  Where v is the speed of radio waves and t is the
 A & B are two diametrically opposite places on the time taken by radio waves to travel forward and
surface of the Earth. backward hence t/2 is the time taken to cover the
 AB is the diameter of the Earth and MC is the distance d.
distance of the Moon from Earth.
 1 & 2 are the parallactic angles of the Moon with 11.Explain the conversion of physical quantity from one
respect to some distant stars S1 & S2 respectively. system of units to another with the examples.
 1 and 2 are determined by using an astronomical  The product of the numerical value (n) and its
telescope. corresponding unit [u] is constant.
n [u] = constant
 Consider Physical quantity which has dimension
‘a’ in mass, ‘b’ in length and ‘c’ in time.
 If the fundamental unit in one system are
M1 , L1 & T1 and in other system are M2 , L2 & T2,
then we can write,
[ ]= [ ]
Example: 1

Convert 76 cm of mercury into Nm-2 using the method of

Data => h = 76 cm ;  = 13.6 g cm-3 ; g = 980 cm s-2.
 Thus, the total parallactic angle(parallax) of the P1 = hg =76 x 13.6 x 980 = 1.01 x 106 dyne cm-2.
Moon subtended on Earth, AMB = 1 + 2 = .
 The dimension formula of pressure P is [M L-1 T-2]
 From the figure, = = [∵ = ] So, a = 1 , b = -1 , c = -2
[ ]= [ ]

= =

 Knowing the values of AB and , We can M1 = 1 g L1 = 1 cm T1 = 1 s

calculate distance of the Moon from Earth (MC). M2 = 1 kg L2 = 1 m T2 = 1 s

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
1 1 1 Example 1:
= 1.01 × 10
1 1 1
10 10 1 Obtain an expression for the time period of T of a simple
= 1.01 × 10 pendulam. The time period T depends upon (i) mass ‘m’
1 1 1
of the bob (ii) length ‘l’ of the pendulam and (iii)
= 1.01 x 106 x 10-3 x 102 x 1
acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ at the place where the
P2 = 1.01 x 105 Nm-2.
pendulam is suspended. (Constant k = 2)
Example 2:
If the value of universal gravitational constant in SI is
6.6 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2 , then find its value in CGS System?
Solution: T  ma l b gc
Let GSI be the gravitational constant in SI system and T = k ma l b gc -----> (1)
Gcgs be in cgs system.
GSI = 6.6 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2  Here k is dimensional constant. Applying
dimensions on both sides, we get,
 The dimensional formula for G is M-1 L3 T-2 . [T] = [Ma] [Lb] [LT-2]c
a = -1, b = 3, c = -2
[M0 L0 T1] = [Ma Lb+c T-2c]
 Comparing the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
M1 = 1 kg L1 = 1 m T1 = 1 s a = 0, b + c = 0, -2c = 1 .
M2 = 1 g L2 = 1 cm T2 = 1 s  Solving it, we get, a = 0, b =1/2, c= -1/2

 From equation (1),

1 1 1
= 6.6 x 10
1 1 1 T = 2 m0 l1/2 g-1/2

1 1 1
= 6.6 x 10
10 10 1 = 2
= 6.6 x 10-11 x 10-3 x 106 x 1
Gcgs = 6.6 x 10-8 dyne cm2 g-2
12.Check the dimensional correctness of a given Example 2:
equation with the examples.
Example 1: The force F acting on a body moving in a circular path
Consider an equation, v = u + at depends on mass of the body (m), velocity and radius (r)
of the circular path.Obtain the expression for the force by
Apply dimensions on both sides, we get, dimensional analysis method. (Take the value of k = 1)
[LT-1] = [LT-1] + [LT-2] [T-1]
[LT-1] = [LT-1] + [LT-1] Solution:
Since dimensions on both sides are same, the F  ma v b rc
given equation is dimensionally correct.
F = k ma v b rc -----> (1)
Example 2:
Consider an equation, =  Here k is dimensional constant. Applying
Apply dimensions on both sides, we get, dimensions on both sides, we get,
[M] [LT-1]2 = [M] [LT-2] [L] [M L T-2] = [Ma] [LT-1]b [L]c
[ML2T-2] = [ML2T-2]
Since dimensions on both sides are same, the [M L T-2] = [Ma Lb+c T-b]
given equation is dimensionally correct.
 Comparing the powers of M, L, T on both sides,
13.Explain how to establish the relation among various a = 1, b + c = 1, -b = -2 .
physical quantities with the examples.  Solving it, we get, a = 1, b = 2, c= -1
 If physical quantity Q depends on Q1, Q2 and Q3,
then we write, ∝  From equation (1),
= F = m1 v2 r-1
 Where k is dimensionless constant. Applying the
dimensions of Q1, Q2 and Q3 and using principle =
of homogeneity, the powers of M, L and T are
made equal on both sides. Then we get values
of a, b and c to form relation.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
14.How will you measure the diameter of the Moon using Mark distribution
parallax method?
 Let  be the angle subtended by the Moon at the
Exam Total marks Pass mark
surface of the Earth.
Theory 70 15
 d is the distance of the Moon from Earth.
 D is the diameter of the Moon. Practical 20 20
Internal (or)
Assessment Exam attended
Total 100 35

Internal Assessment:
1. Attendance: 2
Above 80% - 2 Marks
75-80 % - 1 Mark
2. Internal class test: 4
(Calculated to 4 marks
from best three test)
3. Assignment : 2
4. Co-curricular activities 2
(Any 3 activities out of 33 given)
Total : 10

 From figure, External Exam:

1. Record Note 3
Arc angle, = 2. Expt. Skill 2
 From this, diameter of the Moon, D = d .  3. Practical Exam 15
 Knowing the values of d and , we can
calculate the diameter of the Moon. Total : 20

Question Pattern :
Part/ No. of No. of
Question Marks questions questions to
type asked be answered
1 15 15 15
1 marks
2 8+1(9) 5+1(6) 12
Short Q
3 8+1(9) 5+1(6) 18
Brief Q
IV (with
5 5 25
Long Q internal

ªñ£î¢îñ¢ 70

Note : Part II and Part III have one compulsory question


Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
2. Kinematics 11. What is two dimensional motion? Give the examples
Curved motion of a particle in a plane is called
1. What is kinematics? two dimensional motion.
Kinematics is the branch of mechanics which Example: (i) Motion of a coin on a carrom board.
deals with the motion of objects without taking force into (ii) An insect crawling over the floor.
12. What is three dimensional motion?Give the examples
2. What is meant by Frame of reference? If a particle moving in a three dimensional space,
Frame of reference is a coordinate system with then it is called three dimensional motion.
respect to which position of an object is described. Example: (i) A bird flying in the sky.
(ii) Random motion of molecules.
3. What is meant by Cartesian coordinate system? (iii) Flying kite on a windy day.
Cartesian coordinate system is the frame of
reference with respect to which the position of the object 13. What is Scalar? Give examples
is described in terms of position coordinates(x,y,z). A physical quantity which can be described only
by magnitude is called Scalar.
4. What is the point mass? Give the examples. Ex: Distance, mass, temperature, speed, energy, etc.,
The mass of an object, which is concentrated at
a point is called “point mass”. It has no internal structures 14. What is Vector? Give examples
like shape and size. A physical quantity which can be described by
Example:(i) In the event of motion of Earth around the both magnitude and direction is called Vector.
Sun, Earth can be treated as point mass. Ex: Force, velocity, displacement, acceleration, etc.,
(ii) When stone is thrown in space, stone is
considered as point mass. 15. How to denote a vector quantity?
A vector quantity can be geometrically
5. What are the types of motion? represented by line arrow, in which lengh of the line
 Linear motion denotes magnitude and arrow denotes its direction.
 Circular motion
 Rotational motion 16. What are the types of vectors?
 Vibratory (or) Oscillatory motion.  Equal vectors
6. What is linear motion? Give the examples.  Collinear vectors
When an object is moving in a straight line, it is  Parallel vectors
called linear motion.  Anti-parallel vectors
Example: (i) An athlete running on a straight track.  Unit vectors
(ii) A particle falling vertically downwards.  Orthogonal unit vectors

7. What is circular motion? Give the examples. 17. What is equal vectors?
When an object is moving in a circular path, it is Two vectors of same physical quantity having
called circular motion. same magnitude and direction are called equal vectors.
Example: (i) The whirling motion of a stone attached to a
string. 18. What is collinear vectors?
(ii) The motion of a satellite around the Earth. Two vectors acting along the same line act either
8. What is Rotational motion? Give the examples. both in same direction or opposite to each other are called
If any object is revolving about an axis, the collinear vectors.
motion is called Rotational motion.
Example: (i) Rotation of a disc about its central axis. 19. What is parallel vectors?
(ii) Spinning of the Earth about its own axis. Two vectors act in the parallel lines along the
same direction are called parallel vectors.
9. What is vibratory motion? Give the examples.
If an object executes to and fro motion about a 20. What is anti-parallel vectors?
fixed point, it is called vibratory or oscillatory motion. Two vectors act in the parallel lines along the
Example: (i) Vibration of a string on a guitar. opposite directions are called anti-parallel vectors.
(ii) movement of a swing.
21. What is unit vector?
10. What is one dimensional motion? Give the examples. A vector with unit magnitude is called unit vector.
Motion of a particle along a straight line is called It is equal to the ratio of a vector and its magnitude.
one dimensional motion.
Example: (i) Motion of a train along a straight track. ⃗
(ii) An object falling freely down under gravity. ⃗

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
22. What is orthogonal unit vector? 30. Define average velocity.
If unit vectors are mutually perpendicular to each The average velocity is defined as the ratio of
other, then they are called orthogonal unit vectors. change in displacement vector to the corresponding time
interval. ⃗ =∆
23. State triangle law of addition of two inclined vectors.
It is stated that if two vectors are represented by
the two adjacent sides of a triangle in same order, then 31. Define average speed.
the resultant is given by the third side of the triangle in The average speed is defined as the ratio of total
opposite order. path length travelled by the particle to a given interval of
24. Define Scalar or Dot product of two vectors.
32. Define speed.
The scalar or dot product of two vectors is
The speed is defined as the change of distance
defined as the product of the magnitude of the both
with respect to time.
vectors and the cosine of the angle between them.
33. Define instantaneous velocity or velocity. Give its
⃗∙ ⃗ = = unit.
The velocity at an instant is defined as the
25. Define Vector or Cross product of two vectors. change in position vector with respect to time. Its unit is
The Vector or Cross product of two vectors is ms-1.
defined as the product of the magnitude of the both
∆⃗ ⃗
vectors and the sine of the angle between them. ⃗ = lim =
∆ → ∆
34. What are the differences between velocity and
⃗× ⃗ = = ⃗
average velocity?
Velocity (or)
26. State right hand thumb rule in vector product.
S.No Instantaneous Average velocity
According to this law, if the curvature of the right
hand fingers represents rotating direction of a vector ⃗ Velocity at an
towards another vector ⃗, then the stretched thumb Ratio of change in
instant of time (or)
1. displacement vector to the
points out the direction of resultant vector ⃗. Rate of change of
time interval.
displacement vector
27. What is distance? Give its unit. It is measured at
Distance is the actual path length travelled by an It is measured for a given
2. particular instant of
object in the given interval of time during the motion. Its interval of time in motion.
time in motion.
unit is metre. ∆⃗ ⃗ ∆⃗
3. ⃗ = lim = ⃗ =
28. What is displacement? Give its unit. ∆ → ∆ ∆
Displacement is the shortest distance between
35. What is momentum (or) linear momentum? Give its
initial and final position of the object in the given interval
of time during the motion. Its unit is metre.
The momentum or linear momentum is the
product of mass of a particle and its velocity. Its unit is
29. What are the differences between distance and
displacement? kg ms-1 . i.e. ⃗ = ⃗
Distance Displacement 36. What is relative velocity?
The velocity of one object with respect to another
1 It is shortest distance object is called relative velocity.
It is total length of path
between initial and final
position of an object. 37. What is uniform motion?
2 It is a scalar quantity. It is a vector quantity. If an object is moving with constant velocity, then
3 It can be zero or the motion is called uniform motion.
It can be zero, positive and
positive but not
negative 38. What is non-uniform or accelerated motion?
4 It may be equal to or If an object is moving with various velocity with
It may be equal to or less
greater than the time, then the motion is called non-uniform or accelerated
than the distance.
displacement. motion.
5 It has many values It has only one value
between two positions between two positions of 39. What is uniform accelerated motion?
of an object. an object. If change in velocity of an object in given interval
of time is constant, then the motion is called uniform
accelerated motion.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
40. What is non-uniform accelerated motion? 51. What is angular displacement? Give its unit.
If change in velocity of an object in given interval The angle described by the particle about the
of time is not constant, then the motion is called axis of rotation in a given time is called angular
non-uniform accelerated motion. displacement. Its unit is radian.
41. Define average acceleration.
Average acceleration is defined as the ratio of 52. Define one radian.
change in velocity over the given time interval. One radian is defined as the angle subtended by
∆⃗ the arc of unit radius and unit arc length.
⃗ =
∆ 53. What is angular velocity? Give its unit.
42. Define instantaneous acceleration or acceleration.
The rate of change of angular displacement is
Give its unit.
called angular velocity. Its unit is rad s-1 .
The acceleration at an instant is defined as the
change in velocity with respect to time. Its unit is ms-2.

= lim
∆⃗ ⃗ ∆ → ∆
⃗ = lim = 54. What is angular acceleration? Give its unit.
∆ → ∆ The rate of change of angular velocity is called
43. What is free fall of a body?
angular acceleration. Its unit is rad s-2 .
The motion of a body falling towards the Earth
from a small altitude, purely under gravitational force is
∝⃗= lim
called free fall of a body. ∆ → ∆

44. What is meant by a projectile? Give the examples. 55. What is tangential acceleration?
An object is thrown in the air with some initial The acceleration which is acting along the
velocity and allowed to move under gravity is called a direction of linear velocity and tangent to the circular
projectile. motion is called tangential acceleration.
 An object dropped from window of a moving train 56. What is uniform circular motion?
 A bullet fired from a rifle. When an object is moving on a circular path with
 A ball thrown in any direction. constant speed, it is called uniform circular motion.

45. What are the types of projectile motion? 57. What is non-uniform circular motion?
 Projectile given initial velocity in the horizontal When an object is moving on a circular path with
direction. change in speed and direction, it is called non-uniform
 Projectile given initial velocity at an angle to the circular motion.
58. What is centripetal acceleration or radial acceleration
46. What are the assumptions made in projectile motion? or normal acceleration?
 Air resistance is neglected. The acceleration which is acting towards the
 The effect due to rotation of Earth and curvature center along the radial direction and perpendicular to
of earth is negligible. linear velocity of circular motion is called centripetal
 The acceleration due to gravity is constant acceleration.
throughout the motion of the projectile.
47. What is trajectory? 59. How do you deduce that two vectors are
The path followed by the projectile is called perpendicular?
trajectory. If the scalar product of two vectors results zero,
they are said to be mutually perpendicular.
48. What is time of flight?
The time interval between the instant of
projection and the instant when the projectile hits the

49. What is horizontal range?

The maximum horizontal distance between the
point of projection and the point where the projectile hits
the ground.

50. What is maximum height?

The maximum vertical distance travelled by the
projectile during its journey is called maximum height.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
5 Marks Q & A: 2. Discuss Subtraction of two vectors geometrically and
write the equations for magnitude and direction of
1. Find the magnitude and direction of resultant of the resultant vector.
two vectors by using triangle law of vector addition.  Let ⃗ and ⃗ are two vectors they are inclined at
⃗ ⃗
 Let and are two vectors they are inclined at angle  between them.
angle  between them.
 Obtain - ⃗ as in figure and now angle between ⃗
 According to triangle law of vector addition, head and ⃗ is 1800 - .

of the vector is connected to tail of the vector ⃗
and both are represented in adjescent side of a
triangle in some order.

 Let ⃗ be the resultant vector, which is

represented in third closing side of the triangle in
opposite order.

 Let  be the angle made by the resultant vector

⃗ with vector ⃗.

 Thus we can write, ⃗ = ⃗ + ⃗

 Thus, Resultant ⃗ = ⃗ + (− ⃗) = ⃗ − ⃗

 According to triangle law of vectors,

(a) Magnitude of difference :

= ⃗− ⃗ = + +2 (180 − )
(a) Magnitude of resultant vector :
Since, cos(1800 - ) = -cos
 From ⊿ABN,
⃗− ⃗ = 2 2
= ; = + −2
= ; =
(b) Direction of difference :

 From ⊿OBN, (180 − )

OB2 = ON2 + BN2 + (180 − )

But sin(1800 - ) = sin

=( + ) +( )

= + +2 + =

= ⃗+ ⃗ = + +2
3. Tabulate linear and angular equations of motion.

(b) Direction of resultant vector : Linear equation of Angular equation of

motion motion
 From ⊿OBN, 1. = + = +
= = 1 1
2. = + = +
+ 2 2
3. = +2 = +2
= + +
+ 4. = =
2 2

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
4. Give the Comparison of the properties of Scalar and 5. Elucidate the significance of velocity – time graph.
Vector product.  By using velocity – time graph we can find out the
S. distance and displacement by calculating the
Scalar / Dot product Vector / Cross product
No area under the curve.
Product quantity C= ⃗ ∙ ⃗ Product quantity
is always a scalar. ⃗ = ⃗ × ⃗ is always a
⃗ ∙ ⃗ = + if  is acute Vector. ⃗ is always
(<900) orthogonal to ⃗ & ⃗ but ⃗
⃗ ∙ ⃗ = − if  is obtuse and ⃗ may or may not be
(900 >  < 1800) mutually orthogonal.

It doesn’t obey
Commutative law.
It obeys Commutative ⃗ × ⃗ ≠ ⃗ × ⃗. But,
law. ⃗ ∙ ⃗ = ⃗ ∙ ⃗ ⃗ × ⃗ = − ⃗ × ⃗ and
⃗× ⃗ = ⃗× ⃗ .

It obeys Distributive law. It obeys Distributive law.

3 ⃗∙ ⃗+ ⃗ ⃗× ⃗+ ⃗  We know, velocity =
⃗ ⃗
= ∙ + ∙ ⃗ ⃗ = ⃗× ⃗+ ⃗× ⃗ or dx = v dt

When ⃗ & ⃗ are parallel, When ⃗ & ⃗ are parallel, By integrating both sides, we get,
 = 00 , ( ⃗ ∙ ⃗) =  = 00 , ( ⃗ × ⃗) =0
When ⃗ & ⃗ are anti- When ⃗ & ⃗ are anti-
Displacement, x2 – x1 = Area under the curve
5 parallel,  = 1800 , parallel,  = 1800 ,
( ⃗ ∙ ⃗) =− ( ⃗ × ⃗) =0  If area under the curve is negative, the
displacement of the particle is negative
When ⃗ & ⃗ are When ⃗ & ⃗ are
6 perpendicular,  = 900, perpendicular,  = 900 ,
⃗∙ ⃗ = 0 ( ⃗ × ⃗) =
Self-dot product of a Self-cross product of a
7 vector, vector,
⃗∙ ⃗= 0 = ⃗× ⃗= 0 = 0⃗
Self-dot product of a unit Self-cross product of a
vector, unit vector,
8 6. Discuss about relative velocity.
∙ = 1×1 0 =1 × = 1 × 1 0 = 0⃗
 When two objects A and B moving with different
̂∙ ̂= ̂∙ ̂= ∙ =1 ̂ × ̂ = ̂ × ̂ = × = 0⃗
velocities, then the velocity of one object with
Cross product of respect to another is called relative velocity.
Dot product of orthogonal unit vectors,
(a) Case 1 : A and B moving in same direction.
9 orthogonal unit vectors, ̂ × ̂ = ; ̂× ̂=−
 Let VA and VB are the uniform velocities of A and
̂∙ ̂= ̂∙ = ∙ ̂=0 ̂× = ̂ ; × ̂=−̂
B respectively.
× ̂= ̂ ; ̂× =− ̂
 If A and B are moving in same direction,
Vector product of vector
Scalar product of vector
components, The relative velocity of A with respect to B is,
⃗∙ ⃗ = ̂ ̂ ⃗= ⃗− ⃗
⃗∙ ⃗ =
10 ̂+ ̂+ ∙
( ̂+ + ) The relative velocity of B with respect to A is,
= ̂ − + ⃗= ⃗− ⃗
⃗∙ ⃗ = + ̂( − )+  Thus, magnitude of relative velocity of one object
+ − with respect to other is equal to difference in
magnitude of two velocities.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
(b) Case 2 : A and B moving in opposite direction. 8. Elucidate the significance of acceleration–time graph.
 Let VA and VB are the uniform velocities of A and  By using acceleration– time graph we can find out
B respectively. the speed and velocity by calculating the area
under the curve.
 If A and B are moving in opposite direction,

The relative velocity of A with respect to B is,

⃗= ⃗− − ⃗ = ⃗+ ⃗

The relative velocity of B with respect to A is,

⃗=− ⃗− ⃗=− ⃗+ ⃗
 Thus, magnitude of relative velocity of one object
with respect to other is equal to sum of magnitude
of two velocities.

(c) Case 3 : A and B moving with an angle .  We know, acceleration =

 Let VA and VB are the uniform velocities of A and or dv = a dt
B respectively inclined at an angle  between
them. By integrating both sides, we get,

 The relative velocity of A with respect to B is

⃗= ⃗− ⃗ =

⃗ is given by, Velocity, V2 – V1 = Area under the curve

Then, the magnitude of

= + −2 9. Obtain kinematic equations for uniformally

accelerated motion.
 Consider an object moving along a straight line
The direction of ⃗ is given by, with uniform or constant acceleration ‘a’.
 Let ‘u’ be the initial velocity at time t=0 and ‘v’ be
= the final velocity at time t.

 (1) When  = 0 ( VA & VB in same direction)
0  Let ‘S’ be the displacement.
VAB = VA – VB along the direction of ⃗.
(a) Velocity – time relation :
VBA = VB – VA along the direction of ⃗.
 Acceleration, =
 (2) When  = 180 (VA & VB in opposite direction)
or =
VAB = VA + VB along the direction of ⃗.  By integrating both sides, we get,
VBA = VB + VA along the direction of ⃗.
= = = [ ]
 (3) When  = 90 0

(VA & VB in perpendicualr direction) − =

= + along the direction of ⃗.
= +
= + along the direction of ⃗.
(b) Displacement – time relation :
7. Write the expression for magnitude and direction of
relative velocity of rain with respect to man.  Velocity, =
 If velocity of man ⃗ is right angle to velocity of or = =( + )
rain ⃗ falling veritically downwards, Then the [∵ = + ]
relative velocity of the rain with respect to the
man is,  By integrating both sides, we get,
⃗= ⃗− ⃗
 Magnitude = + = ( + )
Direction =
∫ = ∫ + ∫
 In order to save himself from rain he should hold
the umbrella at an angle  with the verticle. = +
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
(c) Velocity - displacement relation :  The Speed of the object when it reaches the
 Acceleration, = = = ground,
=2 ℎ
= 2 ℎ
 By integrating both sides, we get,
1 1 11. Derive the equations of motion for a particle projected
= = vertically upward.
 Consider an object of mass ‘m’ thrown vertically
1 upward with an initial velocity u.
= ( − )
2  Assume that there is no air resistance and
− =2 acceleration due to gravity is constant near
surface of the Earth.
= +2  The final velocity and displacement at any time
‘t’ is v and y respectively. Further acceleration
(d) Displacement – average velocity relation : a is equal to -g.
 Final Velocity, = +
= − -----> (1)  Therefore equations of motion are,
 We know displacement, = −
1 1
= + = −
2 2
 Substituting equation(1) , we get, = −2
= + ( − ) 12. Obtain the following expressions in the event of
1 1 horizontal projection of a projectile from the top of a
= + − tower of height ‘h’ (a) the path of the projectile
2 2
(b) time of flight (c) horizontal range (d) resultant
( + ) velocity and (e) speed of the projectile when hits the
= ground.
 Consider an object is thrown horizontally with initial
10. Derive the equations of motion for a particle falling velocity u along x-direction.
 Consider an object of mass ‘m’ falling from a  Since acceleration due to gravity acts vertically
height h. downwards, velocity along the horizontal
 Assume that there is no air resistance and x-direction ux doesn’t change throught the motion.
acceleration due to gravity is constant near the Whereas velocity along the y-direction uy is
surface of the Earth. changed.
 If the object is thrown with an initial velocity u
along the Y-axis, then its final velocity and
displacement at any time ‘t’ is v and y
respectively. Further acceleration a is equal to g.

 Therefore equations of motion are,

= +
= +
= +2

 Suppose initial velocity u = 0, then

1 (a) The path of the projectile :
=2 (i) Motion along horizontal direction:
 Time taken by the object to reach the ground(T),
If t= T and y = h, then
 The horizontal distance travelled by the projectile
1 at a point P after a time t can be written as,
2ℎ 1
= = +

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Here, Sx = x , ux = u and ax = 0, Therefore, (d) Resultant Velocity at any time : (v)
=  The velocity of the projectile at point p after the
time t has two components Vx and Vy.
= ---------> (1)
 The velocity component along x-direction is,
(ii) Motion along downward direction:
= +
 The downward distance travelled by the projectile
at a point P after a time t can be written as,
Since, ux = u, ax = 0, we get, =
= +  The velocity component along y-direction is,
 Here, Sy = y , uy = 0 and ay = g , Therefore, = +
1 Since, uy = 0, ay = g, we get, =
 Substituting equation (1), we get,  Hence the resultant velocity at any time t is,
1 ⃗= ̂+ ̂
= =
2 2 ⃗= ̂+ ̂

= --------> (2)  The magnitude of resultant velocity or speed is

Where = is a constant. given by,

= +
 The equation(2) represents the equation of a
parabola. Thus, the path travelled by the projectile
is a parabola. = +

(b) Time of flight : (Tf)

 The time of flight(Tf) is the time taken by the (e) Speed of the projectile when hits the ground :
projectile to hit the ground after thrown.  As the horizontal component of the velocity is
same as initial velocity, =
 The downward distance travelled by the projectile
at a time t can be written as,  The vertical component of the velocity at a time t
1 is,
= +
2 = +
 Here substituting the values Sy = h, t = Tf , uy = 0,
 Here uy = 0 , ay = g and t = Tf . Substituting this
and ay = g we get,
we get,
ℎ= =
or =
 Therefore, = = 2gh

(c) Horizontal range : (R)  The speed of the projectile when hits the ground,

= +
 The horizontal range(R) is the maximum horizontal
distance covered by the projectile from the foot of
the tower to the point where the projectile hits the = +2 ℎ
13. Obtain the following expressions in the event of
 The horizontal distance travelled by the projectile angular projection of a projectile with the horizontal
at a time t can be written as, (a) the path of the projectile (b) maximum height
1 (c) time of flight (d) horizontal range.
= +
2  Consider an object is thrown with initial velocity
at an angle  with the horizontal.
 Here, Sx = R , ux = u , ax = 0 and t = Tf
=  Since acceleration due to gravity acts vertically
downwards, velocity along the horizontal
x-direction ux doesn’t change throught the motion.
 Therefore, =u ∵ = Whereas velocity along the y-direction uy is

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Time of flight : (Tf)
 The time of flight(Tf) is the time taken by the
projectile to hit the ground after thrown.

 The downward distance travelled by the projectile

at a time t can be written as,
= +
 Here substituting the values Sy = 0, t = Tf ,
uy = u sin , and ay = -g we get,
0= . −
 The path of the projectile : 2
Therefore, =
(i) Motion along x-direction:
 The horizontal distance travelled by the projectile
at a point P after a time t can be written as,  Horizontal range : (R)
1  The horizontal range(R) is the maximum horizontal
= + distance distance between the point of projection
2 and the point where the projectile hits the ground.
 Here, Sx = x , ux = u cos and ax = 0, Therefore,  The horizontal distance travelled by the projectile
= ∙ at a time t can be written as,
= ---------> (1) 1
= +
(ii) Motion along y-direction:  Here, Sx = R , ux = u cos , ax = 0 and t = Tf
 The downward distance travelled by the projectile = ∙
at a point P after a time t can be written as, 2 2
1 = ∙ =
= +
 Here, Sy = y , uy = u sin and ay = -g , Therefore, ∵ =
= ∙ −  Therefore, =
 Substituting equation (1), we get,
= ∙ − [∵ sin 2 = 2 ∙ ]
2  For maximum range, 2 = 1

1 2
= − 2 =
2 2 2 2
 Thus, the path travelled by the projectile is an
inverted parabola. =
 Maximum Height : (hmax)
The maximum range is, =
 The maximum vertical distance travelled by the
projectile during its journey is called maximum
height. 14. Obtain the relation between linear velocity and
angular velocity.
 For the vertical part of the motion,
= +2

 Here, Vy =0, Sy = hmax , uy = u sin and ay = -g ,


0= −2 ℎ

ℎ =

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Consider an object moving along a circle of  In uniform circular motion,
radius r. In a time t, the object travels an arc = | ⃗| = | ⃗| and = | ⃗| = | ⃗|
distance S as shown in figure. The  From figure, the geometrical relationship
corresponding angle subtended is . between the magnitude of position and velocity
vectors is given by,
 From figure, the S can be written as, ∆ ∆
∆ = ∆ =− =
 Dividing both sides by t, we get,  Here the negative sign implies that v points
∆ ∆ radially inward, towards the center of the circle.
∆ ∆ ∆
 In the limit  → 0, the above equation becomes, ∆ =−
=  Dividing both sides by t, we get,
∆ ∆
 Here, = and = , therefore,
∆ ∆
 Applying the limit  → 0, We get,

= =−
15. Derive an expression for tangential acceleration in  Since = and = , we can write,
the circular motion.

Where ac is the centripetal acceleration.
17. Derive an expression for magnitude and direction of
total acceleration in the non-uniform circular motion.
 Consider the non-uniform circular motion of an
object. (Ex: vertical circular motion)

 In non-uniform circular motion both centripetal

 Consider the circular motion of radius r with and tangential acceleration act on the object as
linear velocity v and angular velocity . In this, shown in figure.
 Differentiating the above equation with respect to
time, we get,

 Here, = and = , therefore,

where at is the tangential acceleration and  is
the angular acceleration  The resultant acceleration is obtained by vector
sum of centripetal and tangential acceleration.
16. Derive an expression for centripetal acceleration in  Hence, ⃗= ⃗+ ⃗
the uniform circular motion.
 Consider the position vectors and velocity  Therefore, the magnitude of resultant
vectors shift through the some angle  in a small acceleration is given by,
interval of time t as shown in figure.
= +
= + ∵ =
 The angle of resultant acceleration with the radial
vector is,
= =

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
3. Laws of motion 10. What are the steps followed in developing the free
body diagram?
 Identify the forces acting on the object
1. State the Newton’s first law of motion.  Represent the object as a point.
Every body continues its state of rest or in  Draw the vectors representing the forces acting
uniform motion until external force acting on it. on the object.

2. What is inertia? What are its types? 11. What is concurrent forces?
The inability of an object to change its state of The lines of forces acting at a common point are
rest or motion. called concurrent forces.
Types :
 Inertia of rest 12. What is coplanar forces?
 Inertia of motion The lines of forces they are in the same plane are
 Inertia of direction called coplanar forces.
3. What is inertia of rest? Give an example. .
The inability of an object to change its state of 13. State Lami’s theorem.
rest is called inertia of rest. If a system of three concurrent and coplanar
Example: forces is in equilibrium, each force is directly proportional
When a bus start to move from rest position, all to sine of the angle between the other two forces.
the passengers inside the bus suddenly will be pushed
back. Here passengers cannot change their state of rest 14. State law of conservation of total linear momentum.
on its own that’s why they pushed back. If there is no external force acting on the system,
the total linear momentum of the system is always a
4. What is inertia of motion? Give an example. constant vector.
The inability of an object to change its state of
motion on its own is called inertia of rest. 15. What is impulsive force or impulse? Give its unit.
Example: If a very large force acts on an object in a very
When a bus in motion suddenly braked, all the short time, the force is called impulsive force.Its unit is Ns.
passengers inside the bus will move forward. Here = ×∆
passengers cannot change their state of motion on its 16. Illustrate the average force with the examples.
own that’s why they moved forward.  When a cricket player catches the ball, he pulls his
hands gradually in the direction of the ball’s motion
5. What is inertia of direction? Give an example. because to reduce average large force which hurts
The inability of an object to change its state of his hands.
direction on its own is called inertia of rest.  When a car meets with an accident, the air bag
Example: system inside a car prevents the passengers by
When a stone attached to a string is in reducing average forces acting on them.
whirling motion suddenly cut out, the stone will move in  When a two wheeler bumps on the road, the shock
the tangential direction of the circle. Here the whirling absorbers make comfort to rider by reducing
stone cannot change its state of direction on its own that’s average force.
why it couldn’t continue its circular motion.  Jumping on a concrete cemented road is more
dangerous than jumping on the sand since the
6. State Newton’s second law of motion. sand reduces the average force on jumping.
The force acting on an object is equal to the rate
of change of its momentum. 17. What is meant by static friction?
Static friction is the force which opposes the
7. Define one Newton. initiation of motion of an object on the surface.
One Newton is defined as the force which acts on
1 kg of mass to give an acceleration 1 ms-2 in the direction 18. What is meant by kinetic friction?
of the force. Kinetic friction is the force which opposes the
motion of an object during movement.
8. State Newton’s third law.
For every action there is an equal and opposite 19. Define angle of friction.
reaction. The angle of friction is defined as the angle
between the normal force(N) and resultant force(R) of
9. What is free body diagram? normal force and maximum friction force(fsmax).
Free body diagram is a simple tool to analyse the
motion of the object using Newton’s laws. 20. Define angle of repose.
The angle of repose is defined as the angle of the
inclined plane at which the object starts to slide.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
21. Describe the applications of angle of repose. 29. What are non-inertial frames?
 Antilons make sand traps in such way that its angle The frame of reference, which is accelerated, is
of inclination is made equal to angle of repose. So known as non-inertial frame. Newton’s laws are not
that insects enter the edge of the trap start to slide applicable in these frames.
towards the bottom where the antilons hide itself.
30. Illustrate the centripetal force with the examples.
 Children sliding boards are always inclined just  In the whirling motion of a stone tied with a string,
above the angle of repose. So that children playing the centripetal force is given by tensional force
on that slide smoothly. At the same time, much through the string.
greater inclined angle may hurt the sliding children.
22. Compare the static and kinetic friction.  In the motion of satellites around the Earth, the
S.No. Static friction Kinetic friction gravitational force gives the centripetal force.
It opposes relative
It opposes initiation of
motion of the object with  When a car is moving on a circular track, the
respect to the surface. frictional force between road and tyre gives the
Independent of surface Independent of surface centripetal force.
contact contact
k depends on the  When the planets orbit around the Sun experience
s depends on the nature the centripetal force towards the sun is given by the
nature of material and
3. of material in mutual gravitational force of the Sun.
temperature of the
31. What is meant by banking of tracks?
Depends on the Independent of
When the coefficient of static friction is not
4. magnitude of applied magnitude of applied
enough on the leveled circular road, the outer edge of the
force. force.
road is slightly raised compared to the inner egde to avoid
It takes values from 0 to It is always equal to skidding. It is called banking of tracks.
sN. kN.
6. 32. What is centrifugal force?
> <
If a particle is in circular motion with respect to a
7. > < non-inertial frame, there is a pseudo force acting away
23. State the empirical laws of static and kinetic friction. from the center of the circle is called centrifugal force.
 The empirical law of static friction states that the
static frictional force is directly proportional to the 33. Compare the centripetal and centrifugal forces.
normal force. i.e. = where, 0 ≤ ≤ . S.No. Centripetal force Centrifugal force
It is a real force given by
 The empirical law of kinetic friction states that the external agencies like
It is a pseudo force or
kinetic frictional force is directly proportional to the fictitious force cannot be
1. gravitational force,
normal force. i.e. = . derived from any
tensional force, normal
24. What is rolling friction? external agencies.
The rolling friction is the minimal force, which
opposes the rotational motion of the wheel on the surface. Acts in both inertial and Acts only in non-inertial
non-inertial frames frames(rotating frames)
25. What is centripetal force?
It acts away from the
If a particle is in uniform circular motion with It acts towards the axis
axis of rotation or
respect to an inertial frame, there is a force acting towards 3. of rotation or center of
center of the circular
the center of the circle is called centripetal force. the circular motion.
26. Suggest a few methods to reduce friction. Real force and has real Pseudo force but has
 By using lubricants in machinary parts. effects. real effects.
 By using ball bearings.
27. What is meant by pseudo force? It orginates from It orginates from inertia
The pseudo force is a fictitious force. It is just an interaction of two objects of the object.
apparent but it makes real effect. It is represented only in
non-inertial frames. It is included in free body It is included in free
Example : centrifugal force. 6. diagram for both inertial body diagram for only
and non-inertial frames. non-inertial frames.
28. What are inertial frames?
Magnitudely it is equal to Magnitudely it is equal
The frame of reference, which is not accelerated, 7.
centrifugal force. to centripetal force.
is known as inertial frame. Newton’s laws are applicable
in these frames.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
Conceptual Questions: 43. When you walk on the tiled floor where water is
spilled, you are likely to slip. Why?
Water on tiled floor reduces the coefficient of
34. Why it is not possible to push a car from inside? friction of the surface. So when we walk on wet tile, it
It is not possible to push a car from inside drags our leg to slide. Now the friction becomes kinetic
because the pushing force is equalised by the reactional friction, which is much weaker than static friction. That’s
force of the car seat. why we likely to slip.

35. There is a limit beyond which polishing of a surface 44. When a bicycle moves in the forward direction, what
increases frictional resistance rathar than decreasing is the direction of frictional force in the rear and front
it why? wheels?
Polishing the surface beyond the certain limit  When a bicycle moves in the forward direction,
induces the electrostatic addisive force on the surface, static friction in the rear wheel acts forward.
which will inturn developes the frictional resistance.  So that front wheel gets backward static friction.
When wheels slip friction becomes kinetic friction.
36. Can a single isolated force exist in nature? Explain  In addition to static friction, rolling friction also acts
your answer. both wheels in the backward direction.
No. It cannot. According to Newton’s third law
“For every action there is an equal and opposite 45. Under What condition will a car skid on a leveled
reaction”. So the forces always exist in pairs. circular road?
When a car moves on a leveled circular road with
37. Why does a parachute descend slowly? greater speed, static friction given by road not able
The large area covered by the parachute provide enough centripetal force to turn. So that car will
experiences more air resistive force acting opposite to start to skid.
downward gravitational force. So that the parachute
descends slowly. 46. It is dangerous to stand near the open door (or) steps
while travelling in the bus. Why?
38. When we walk on ice one should take short steps. When the bus takes sudden turn, the person
Why? standing near the open door or steps is pushed away
As the surface of the ice is very smooth, in order from the bus due to centrifugal force.
to avoid skidding, short steps help us to make necessary
static friction to walk.

39. When a person walks on a surface, the frictional force

exerted by the surface on the person is opposite to
the direction of motion. True or false?
False. When the person walks on the surface, he
pushes the surface backward, whereas surface gives
frictional force forward which is in the direction of motion.

40. Can the coefficient of friction be more than one?

Yes. The coefficient of friction can be more than
one. It means friction is greater than normal force. For
example, rubber has coefficient of friction 1.16.

41. Can we predict the direction of motion of a body from

the direction of force on it?
No. It cannot. The direction of motion can be
along the direction of force or opposite to force or
perpendicular force or without the force.

42. The momentum of a system of particle is always

conserved. True or false?
False. The momentum of a system of particle is
conserved only when external force acting on it is zero.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
5 Marks Q & A: (e) Newton’s 2nd law is second order differential equation
 Since the acceleration is the second order
1. Discuss the significance of Newton’s laws. derivative of position vector of the body,
d2 ⃗
i.e. ⃗= dt 2 the force can be written as,
(a) Newton’s laws are vector laws.
 From Newton’s 2nd law, ⃗ = ⃗ d2 ⃗
⃗ = m⃗ = m
 It can be written in the components as, dt 2
̂+ ̂+ = ̂+ ̂+  So that Newton’s 2nd law is second order
 By comparing components on both sides, differential equation.
 = . The acceleration along x-direction
depends on component of force along x direction. (f) Newton’s first and second laws are internally
 = . The acceleration along y-direction consistent.
depends on component of force along y direction.  If force acting on the body is zero, according to
 = . The acceleration along z-direction Newton’s 2nd law,
depends on component of force along z direction. dv⃗
 So that Force acting along one direction doesn’t m =0
affect force acting along the other direction. dt

(b) The acceleration experienced by the body at time  It implies v

⃗ = constant. It is essentially Newton’s
depends only on the force at that instant. first law. Though Newton’s 2nd law is internally
 Time dependent force can be written as, consistent with first law, it cannot be derived from
⃗( ) = ⃗( ) each other.
 So that acceleration of the object doesn’t depend
on the previous history of the force. (g) Newton’s second law is cause and effect relation.
 For example, when a ball is bowled, the  Since Newton’s 2nd law is cause and effect relation,
acceleration of the ball leaves the hand doesn’t conventionally cause (Force) should be written in
depend on the force in which it is bowled. right and effect (m ⃗) in the left of the equation.
m⃗ = ⃗
(c) Direction of motion doesn’t depend on the direction of
Case(i): Force and motion in the same direction. dp⃗
= ⃗
When an apple falls from a tree, direction of dt
motion of the apple is along the gravitational force.
2. Obtain the expressions for acceleration and speed of
Case(ii): Force and motion not in the same direction. an object moving in an inclined plane.
The Moon experiences a force in different  When an object of mass m slide on a frictionless
direction when it revolves elliptically around the Earth. inclined surface at an angle .

Case(iii): Force and motion in the opposite direction.  The forces acting on the object is (i) Downward
If an object is thrown vertically upwards, the gravitational force (ii) Normal force perpendicular
direction of motion and gravitational force are opposite. to the inclined surface.

Case(iv): Zero net force, but there is motion.

When a raindrop gets detached from the cloud,
downward gravitational force is equalised by the air drag
(viscous) force in upward direction in certain time. Now
raindrops moves with constant velocity without the net
force till the surface of the Earth.

(d) Net force of multiple forces provides acceleration.

If multiple forces ⃗, ⃗, ⃗, … ⃗ act on the same
body, then the total force ( ⃗ ) is equal to the vector sum
of the individual forces. Their net force provides the

⃗ = ⃗ + ⃗ + ⃗ + ⋯+ ⃗ +

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 To draw free body diagram the block is assumed 3. Obtain the expressions for acceleration of two bodies
to be point mass. Now the coordinate system is of different masses and show that forces acting on
taken parallel to inclined surface. each other is equal and opposite.
 Consider two blocks of masses m1 and m2 (m1>m2)
 The gravitational force mg is resolved into kept in contact with each other on horizontal
mgsin and mgcos. They are parallel and frictionless surface as shown in figure.
perpendicular to inclined surface respectively.

 The angle made by the mg with mg cos is  as

shown in figure.

 By the application of a horizontal force F, both the

blocks move with acceleration a simultaneously
along F.
 If m = m1 + m2 , according to Newton’s 2nd law,
 As the normal force N is compensated by ⃗= ⃗
mgcos, there is no motion along y-axis.  If motion is along x-direction,
− ̂+ ̂=0 ̂= ̂
̂= ̂  Comparing the components on both sides,
 Comparing components on both sides,
=( + ) [m = m1 + m2]
 The acceleration of the system is given by,
 Since the component mgsin is not compensated
by any force, the object starts to slide along =
x-direction. By using Newton’s 2nd law, We write, +
̂= ̂ Proof : Forces acting on each other is equal and opposite.
 Let f12 and f21 are forces of contact exerted by m2
 Comparing components on both sides,
on m1 and m1 on m2 respectively.

 The acceleration of the object is, =

 If  =900 , the object moves vertically downward

with acceleration a = g .

 Applying 3rd equation of motion along

x-direction, we get,
= +2  According to the above free body diagram,
̂− ̂= ̂
 Here the initial speed u = 0 and a = gsin , the
speed of the object sliding can written as,  By comparing the components, we get,
= 2 − =
= −

 Substituting the value of ‘a’, we get,

= −
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Let T be the tension in the string. When the system
= 1− is released m1 moves downward and m2 moves
upward with the same acceleration ‘a’.
 In vector form, the contact force on m1 by m2 is
given by,
⃗ =− ̂
The –ve sign indicates that ⃗ is along negative

(a) To find acceleration:

 Applying Newton’s 2nd law for m2, we get,
̂− ̂= ̂
 Comparing the components on both sides,
 According to the above free body diagram, − = ------> (1)
 Applying Newton’s 2nd law for m1, we get,
̂= ̂
 By comparing the components, we get, ̂− ̂=− ̂
= The –ve sign on R.H.S denotes m1 moves along
the negative y-direction.
 Substituting the value of ‘a’, we get,
 Comparing the components on both sides,
= − =−
− = -------> (2)
 In vector form, the contact force on m1 by m2 is
given by,  Adding equations (1) & (2), we get,
− = +
⃗ = ̂ ( − ) =( + )
⃗ is along positive x-direction. −
= − −−→ (3)
 Therefore, ⃗ = − ⃗ , which confirm Newton’s
3rd law.  If m1 = m2, then a = 0. It shows if masses are equal
4. Explain the motion of blocks connected by a string in whole system will be at rest.
verticle direction.
 Consider two blocks of masses m1 and m2 (m1>m2)
are connected by a light inextensible string that  In vector form, ⃗=− ̂ for m1
passes over a pulley.
⃗= ̂ for m2

(b) To find the tension in the string :

 Substituting equation (3) in (1), we get,

− =

= +

= 1+
+ + −
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
5. Explain the motion of blocks connected by a string in + =−
horizontal direction.
 Consider the m2 is kept on a frictionless horizontal
table.The mass m2 is connected with hanging = − −−→ (3)
mass m1 by a string which pass through a small
pulley as shown in figure.  Substituting equation (3) in (2), we get,


 It is shown that tension in the string for horizontal

motion is half that in vertical motion for same m1
and m2.

6. State and Prove the law of conservation of linear

 Statement : If there is no external force acting on
the system, the total linear momentum of the
system is always a constant vector.
 As both the blocks are connected to the
unstretchable string, m1 moves downward and m2
 When two particles interact with each other, F12
moves horizontal with same acceleration.
and F21 are the forces exerted by the particle 2
on 1 and by the particle 1 on 2 respectively.
 Forces acting on m1 and m2 are as shown in free
body diagram.
 According to Newton’s 3rd law,
⃗ = − ⃗ ------->(1)

 According to Newton’s 2nd law,

⃗ ⃗
⃗ = ⃗ = −→ (2)
Here p1 and p2 are the linear momentum of particle
1 and 2.

 Substituting equation (2) in (1), we get,

⃗ ⃗
 Applying Newton’s 2nd law for m1, we get,
⃗ ⃗
̂− ̂=− ̂ + =0
 Comparing the components on both sides,
(⃗ + ⃗ ) = 0
− =− ------> (1)

 Applying Newton’s 2nd law for m2, we get, ⃗ + ⃗ =

̂= ̂
 Hence the the total linear momentum ( ⃗ + ⃗ )
 Comparing the components on both sides, of the system is a constant vector.
= ------> (2)
7. Using conservation of linear momentum, find the
 As gravitation force on m2 and Normal force are recoil velocity of a gun when a bullet is fired from it.
balanced, there is no vertical acceleration in m2.  Consider ⃗ and ⃗ are the initial momentum of a
̂− ̂=0 bullet and a gun before firing.

 Comparing the components on both sides,  Since initially both the gun and bullet are at rest,
− =0 ⃗ =0 ⃗ =0
=  Hence, total linear momentum before firing can be
written as,
 Substituting equation (2) in (1), we get,
⃗ + ⃗ =0
− =
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 When the gun is fired, the momentum of the bullet 9. Using free body diagram, show that it is easy to pull
changes from ⃗1 to ⃗ and the momentum of the an object than push it.
gun changes from ⃗ to ⃗ . (a) Pushing an object :
 When an object is pushed at an arbitrary angle ,
 According to conservation of linear momentum, the applied force F can be resolved into two
total linear momentum after firing must be equal to components as shown in figure.
total linear momentum before firing. So that,
⃗ + ⃗ = 0 ------> (1)

 Let mb & mg are the mass of the bullet and the gun
and vb & vg are the velocity and recoil velocity of
the bullet and the gun respectively.

 Hence ⃗ and ⃗ can be written as,

⃗ = ⃗ and ⃗ = ⃗

 Substituting the valus of ⃗ and ⃗ in equation (1),  From the diagram the normal force N is balance by
we get, the total downward force mg + Fcos. Thus,
⃗ + ⃗ =0 = +
 Hence, the recoil velocity of the gun is given by,  In this case, maximum static friction can be
⃗ =− ×⃗ written as,
8. Obtain the impulse – momentum equation.
 If a large force F acts on a object in a very short = ( + ) --->(1)
time dt, Newton’s 2nd law can be written as,
(b) Pulling an object :
=  When an object is pulled at an arbitrary angle ,
the applied force F can be resolved into two
= components as shown in figure.
 Integrating over the time from an initial time ti to a
final time tf, we get

Here pi and pf are the initial and final momentum at

time ti and tf .

 If force F is constant over the time interval, then

 From the diagram the normal force N is balance by
= the total downward force mg - Fcos. Thus,
= −
− = ( − )
 In this case, maximum static friction can be
written as,
∆ = ∆ ------>(1)
∆ = [∵ = ∆ ]
= ( − )--->(2)
 Here ∆ = − , change in momentum
 From equation (1) and (2), to overcome and
and ∆ = − , time interval.
to move the object, it is easier to pull an object than
to push it.
 The equation (1) is called momentum – impulse
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
10. Prove that the coefficient of static friction is equal to  From the figure, the component mg cos is
tangent of the angle of friction. balanced by Normal force N can be written as,
 Let N be the normal force, be the maximum =
friction force, R be the resultant force of N and
and  be the angle between R and as  When the object start to slide, the maximum static
shown in figure. friction is given by,
= ----->(1)

 From the figure, can also be wrtten as,

= ----->(2)

 Equating equation (1) and (2), we get


= ------> (3)
 From the figure, the resultant force is given by,
 It shows that equation (3) is like the definition of
= ( ) + angle of friction = where  is the angle
of friction.
 And from the figure,

=  Thus, the angle of repose  in equation (3) is same

as the angle of friction.

12. Obtain the conditions for safe and unsafe(skid) turn

 Since = , = of a car on a leveled circular road.
 Consider a car of mass ‘m’ moving at a speed ‘v’
 Hence, = in the circular track of radius ‘r’ .

or =

 Therefore, the coefficient of static friction is equal

to tangent of the angle of friction.

11. Show that in an inclined plane, the angle of friction is

equal to angle of repose.
 Consider an inclined plane on which an object is
placed as shown in figure.

 When the car is on the road, the normal force N is

balanced by gravitational force mg is given by,
 When the car turns on the circular track, the static
friction provides the centripetal force can be
expressed as,

 Let  be the angle of inclined plane with the

 As we know, ≤ , there are two
horizontal, which is made equal to the angle of
conditions possible.
repose. So that the object placed on it start to slide.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
(a) For safe turn :  Dividing equation (2) by (1), we get

≤ ( ) ≥ ( ) ≥ =

 In this case static friction gives necessary =

centripetal force to bend the car on the road.
 The banking angle  and radius of curvature of the
 Here the co-efficient of friction between tyre and
road or track(r) determines the safe speed of the
the surface of the road determines what maximum
car at the turning.
speed the car can have for safe turn.
 When the car just exceeds the safe speed, it will
(b) For unsafe(skid) turn :
start to skid outward but the frictional force will
provide additional centripetal force to prevent the
> ( ) <
outward skidding.

 In this case, static friction is not able to provide  When the car little slows the safe speed, it will start
enough centripetal force to turn, the car will start to to skid inward but frictional force will reduce
skid. centripetal force to prevent the inward skidding.

 However, frictional force cannot prevent the car

13. Obtain the expression for safe speed of a car when it
from skidding when the car speed is much greater
turns on a banking of tracks and discuss how it
than the safe speed.
prevents from skidding.
14. Calculate the centripetal acceleration of moon
 Consider a banking of track, whose outer edge is
towards the Earth.
raised at an angle  with the horizontal as shown
 The centripetal acceleration is given by,
in figure.
= = [∵ = ]

 If Rm is the distance between Earth and the Moon,

r = Rm. The centripetal acceleration of the Moon
due to Earth’s gravity is written as,

 As we know the angular velocity, =

2 4
= =

 Here, Rm = 60R = 60 x 6.4 x 106 = 384 x 106 m

[R – Radius of the Earth]

T = 27.3 days = 27.3 x 24 x 60 x 60 =2.358 x 106 s

 Substituting the values, we get,

 So that the normal force makes same angle  with 384 × 10 × 4 × 3.14 × 3.14
the vertical, can be resolved into N cos and N sin
2.358 × 10 × 2.358 × 10
 From the diagram, the component N cos is = 0.00272
balanced by mg is written as,
= -----> (1)  The centripetal acceleration of the Moon towards
the Earth, = 0.00272
 From the diagram, the centripetel force is given by
N sin can be written as,

= −→ (2)

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
4. Work, Enegy and Power 11.What is conservative force? Give examples.
 If the work done by or against the force in moving
body doesn’t depend the nature of the path
1. What is work? Give its SI unit and dimension. between initial and final position of the body, the
 Work is said to be done by the force when the force force is called conservative force.
applied on a body displaces it. Its SI unit is joule.
= ⃗. ⃗ =  Example: Elastic spring force, electrostatic force,
 Work is a scalar quantity. Its dimentional formula is magnetic force, gravitational force, etc.
12.What is non-conservative force?Give examples.
2. Explain how the definition of work in physics is  If the work done by or against the force in moving
different from general perception. body depends on the path between initial and final
 In general, any activity refers to work. It may be position of the body, the force is called non-
physical or mental work. conservative force.

 But in Physics, work is treated as a physical  Examples: Frictional forces, viscous force
quantity with a precise definition.
13.Write difference between conservative and non-
3. Define Energy. Give its SI unit and dimension. conservative forces.
 Energy is defined as the capacity to do work. Its SIS.
unit is joule. Conservative force Non-conservative force
1. It is independent of path. It depends on the path.
 Energy magnitudely equal to work. It is also a Work done in a round trip Work done in a round trip
scalar. Its dimension is [ML2T-2]. 2.
is zero. is not zero.
Work done is completely Work done is not
4. Write some other units used in energy and equate 3.
recoverable. completely recoverable.
them to joule. Total energy remains Energy dissipated as heat
 1 erg (CGS unit) = 107 J 4.
constant. energy.
 1 electron volt (1 eV) = 1.6 x 10-19 J Force is the negative No such relation exist.
 1 calorie (1 cal) = 4.186 J 5. gradient of potential
 1 kilowatt hour (1kWh) = 3.6 x 106 J =1 unit. energy.

5. What are the types of mechanical energy? 14.State law of conservation of energy.
 Kinetic energy. The law of conservation of energy states that
 Potential energy. energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. One
form of energy can be transformed to another form but
6. What is Kinetic energy? total energy of an isolated system remains constant.
The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its
motion is called Kinetic energy. 15.Define power. Give its unit.
 Power is defined as the rate of work done or energy
7. State Work – Kinetic energy theorem. delivered. Its unit is watt.
The work done by the force on the body changes ( )
the kinetic energy of the body. This is called  ( )= ( )
Work – Kinetic energy theorem.
16.Define average power.
8. What is Potential energy?  The average power is defined as the ratio of the
The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its total work done to the total time taken.
its position is called Potential energy.

9. What are the types of Potential energy?

 ( )=
 Gravitational potential energy.
 Elastic potential energy. 17.Define instantaneous power.
 Electrostatic potential energy.  The instantaneous power is defined as the power
delivered at an instant. (i.e ∆ → 0)
10.What is elastic potential energy?  =
The potential energy possessed by a spring due
to a deforming force which stretches or compress the
18.Define one watt.
spring is termed as elastic potential energy.
One watt is defined as the power when one joule
of work is done in one second.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
19.Write some other units used in power and equate
them to watt.
 1 kW = 103 W
 1 MW = 106 W
 1 GW = 109 W
 1 hp (horse power) = 746 W
20.What is meant by collision? Give the examples.  In 1st case, xi = 0 and xf = x
 The interaction of two bodies with or without
physical contacts, is known as collision.
 = − = ( − 0) =
 Examples: Carom, billiards, marbles, etc.
21.What are the types of collisions?
 Elastic collision.
 Inelastic collision.
22.What is elastic collision? Give an example.
 The collision in which total kinetic energy before
collision is equal to the total kinetic energy after
collision, is known as elastic collision.  In 2nd case, xi = x and xf = 2x
 Example: electron-electron collision.
 = −
23.What is inelastic (or) plastic collision? Give an  = (4 − ) = 3 =3
 The collision in which total kinetic energy before  Therefore, =
collision is not equal to the total kinetic energy after 27.Which is conserved in inelastic collision?Total energy
collision, is known as inelastic collision. (or ) Kinetic energy?
Total energy, because in the inelastic collison
 Example: Clay putty or bubblegum is thrown on a total kinetic energy after the collision is changed.
moving vehicle. 28.Is there any net work done by external forces on a car
moving with a constant speed along a straight road?
24.Compare between elastic and inelastic collisions. No. When the car is moving with constant speed
S. in a straight road, according to Newton’s law there will be
Elastic collision Inelastic collision
No. no acceleration and external force. Hence, there is no
Total momentum is Total momentum is external work done on a car.
conserved. conserved. 29.A car starts from rest and moves on a surface with
Total kinetic energy is Total kinetic energy is not uniform acceleration. Draw the graph of kinetic energy
conserved. conserved. versus displacement. What information do you can get
Forces involved are Forces involved are from that graph?
conservative forces. non-conservative forces.
Mechanical energy is not Mechanical energy is
4. dissipated. dissipated into heat, light,
sound, etc.

25.Define COR (or) coefficient of restitution(e).

 It is defined as the ratio of velocity of seperation
after collision to the velocity of approach before

 In general, values of COR(e) lies beween 0<e<1.

 For perfect elastic collision, e = 1.
 For perfect inelastic collision, e = 0. In a frictionless environment, the energy gets
transferred from kinetic to potential and potential kinetic
repeatedly such that the total energy of the car remains
Conceptual Questions:
30.A charged particle moves towards another charged
26.A spring which initially in unstretched condition, is first particle. Under what conditions the total momentum
stretched by a length x and again by a further length and the total energy of the system conserved?
x. The work done in the first case W1 is one third of When they undergo collision process, the total
the work done in second case W2 . True or false? momentum and the total energy of the system are
 True. conserved.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
5 Marks Q & A:  The graphical representation of the work done
1. Write a brief note on work done. by a constant force is shown in figure.
 Work is said to be done by the force when the
force applied on a body displaces it. Its SI unit is
= ⃗. ⃗ =

 Work is a scalar quantity. Its dimentional formula

is [ML2T-2].

 The work done by the force depends on the 3. Describe the work done by a variable force.
force (F), displacement(dr) and the angle()  When a variable force F acts on a body, the small
between them. work done(dw) by the force for the smaller
displacement is given by,
 Work done is zero in the following cases. =( )
(i) When the force is zero (F =0) Where F and  are variables.
Ex: A body is moving on a horizontal
frictionless surface without force.  The total work done from initial (ri) and final (rf)
dispalcement is given by,
(ii) When the displacement is zero (dr =0)
Ex: When force is applied on a regid wall,
there is no dispalcement. =

(iii)When the force and displacement are

perpendicular ( = 900)
Ex: When a body moves in a horizontal
= ( )
direction, the gravitational force and
displacement are perpendicular to each other.
 The graphical representation of the work done by
 Work done is negative, when the force and a variable force is shown in figure.
displacement are opposite to each other.

Ex: When the goal keeper catches the ball in foot

ball game, the applied force and displacement of
the ball are opposite to each other till the ball
comes to rest.

2. Describe the work done by a constant force.

 When a constant force F acts on a body, the
small work done(dw) by the force for the smaller 4. State and prove Work – Energy theorem.
displacement(dr) is given by,  Work-Energy theorem: The work done by the
force on the body changes the kinetic energy of
=( )
the body.
 The total work done from initial (ri) and final (rf)
 Cosider a body of mass m at rest on a frictionless
dispalcement is given by,
horizontal surface.

=  The work(W) done by the constant force (F) for a

displacement (s) in the same direction is,
= --------> (1)
= ( )
 The constant force is given by,
= -------> (2)

=( )  The 3rd equation of motion can be written as,

= +2
=( ) − −
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Substituting the value of ‘a’ in equation(2), we  The gravitational force force acting on the body
get, is,
− ⃗ =− ̂
= − −→ (3)
 Substituting equation(3) in (1), We have,  If the body is lifted with constant velocity, the
− applied force (Fa) is equal and opposite to the
= gravitational force (Fg). So that,
⃗ =−⃗ = ̂
1 1
= −
2 2
 As the right hand side of the equation represents  The gravitational potential energy(U) can be
change in kinetic energy(KE) of the body, then written as,
we can write, ⃗ ∙ ⃗= ⃗ ⃗
 This is the equation of Work-Energy theorem.  Since the force and displacement are in the same
direction,  = 00 . Hence, cos00 =1 , ⃗ = and
5. Derive the relation between momentum and kinetic ⃗ = dr.
 Consider an object of mass m moving with a
velocity ⃗.

 The linear momentum is, ⃗= ⃗ ------->(1)

= [ ]
 KInetic energy is, = ---------->(2) = ℎ

 Multiply and divide the equation(2) by ‘m’,we get, 7. Obtain an expression for elastic potential energy of a
1 ( ⃗. ⃗) spring stretched along horizontal direction.
=  Consider a spring-mass system. One end of the
2 spring is fixed to a rigid wall and the other end is
1 ( ⃗). ( ⃗) attached to the mass ‘m’, which is placed on a
2 smooth horizontal table as shown in figure.
1 ( ⃗. ⃗)
= [∵ = ]
= [∵ ⃗. ⃗ = ]
 The magnitude of linear momentum can be
written as,
= 2 ( )

6. Derive an expression for the potential energy near the

surface of the Earth.
 Consider a body of mass m being moved from
ground to the height h against the gravitational
force as shown in figure.

 Here x=0 is the equilibrium position of the mass.

In this position potential energy is zero.

 Now the spring is stretched by a distance ‘x’

along the direction of applied force ⃗ .

 So that a restoring force( ⃗ ) is set in the spring,

which is equal and opposite to the applied force.
⃗ =−⃗
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 According to Hooke’s law,  Let ⃗ be the radius of the circle, which is equal to
⃗ =− ⃗ length of the string, and  be the angle made by
The –ve sign indicates that the spring force is the radial vector ⃗ with the vertical downward
always opposite to the displacement ⃗. Here k direction.
is the force constant.
 In the tangential direction, applying Newton’s 2nd
 Now the applied force can be written as,
⃗ = =

 The work done by the applied force on the spring =− − −→ (1)
stretched to a smaller displacement ⃗ , is stored
as elastic potential energy(dU). Where =− is tangential retardation.
= ⃗ ∙ ⃗= ⃗ ⃗
 In the radial direction,
 For the displacement ⃗,
− =
= = − = − −→ (2)

 Since = and  = 0, the potential energy can Where = is the centripetal acceleration.
be written as,
 Consider v1 , T1 and v2 , T2 are the velocities and
= tensions at lowest point 1 and highest point 2

=  Tension at lowest point (1) :

2 Here  = 00 , T= T1 and v = v1 . Substituting these
1 values in equation (2), we get,
2 − =
 If the position of the mass changed from xi to xf ,
the potential energy can be written as,
= − = + − −→ (3)
 Thus, we observe that the elastic potential
energy depends on force constant k and  Tension at highest point (2) :
elongation or compression x. Here  = 1800 , T= T2 and v = v2 . Substituting
these values in equation (2), we get,
8. Obtain an expression for difference in tension of a
string at lowest and highest points of a vertical circular + =
motion of a body. Also find minimum speed of the
body at lowest and highest points. = − − −→ (4)
 Consider a body mass ‘m’ attached to one end
of a massless inextensible string, which executes
vertical circular motion as shown in figure.  From equations (3) & (4), it is seen that T1 > T2.

 Difference in tension :
Subtracting equation(4) from (3), we get,

− = + − +

− = [ − ]+2 − −→ (5)

 Applying law of conservation of energy at point

1 and 2, we have,
Total energy at point 1 = Total energy at point 2
+ = + − −→ (6)
Where U1 , U2 and KE1 , KE2 are the potential
and kinetic energies at points 1 and 2.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Here U1 = 0 (since point 1 is base point) , 9. Derive the relation between power and velocity.
U2 = mg (2r) , = and = ,  The work done by a force ⃗ for a displacement
So that from equation(6), ⃗ can be written as,
1 1 = ⃗∙ ⃗
0+ = (2 ) +
2 2
 Dividing by ‘dt’ on both sides,
 Rearranging we get, ⃗
1 = ⃗∙
( − )=2
− =4 − −→ (7) ⃗
 But, the power = and the velocity ⃗= ,
 Substituting equation(7) in (5), we have, Therefore,
− = [4 ]+2 = ⃗∙ ⃗

 Therefore, the difference in tension is, 10.Arrive at an expression for elastic collision in one
dimension and discuss various cases.
− =6  Consider two elastic bodies of masses m1 and m2
moving in a straight line along +ve x-direction on
 Minimum speed at the highest point (2) :
a frictionless horizontal surface as shown in
If the tension T2 = 0, the body will get minimum
speed to move on vertical circle. Therefore, from
equation (4), we get,

0= −

=  Let u1 & v1 and u2 & v2 be the initial and final

velocities of masses m1 & m2 respectively.
 When u1 > u2 , collision happends. For elastic
= − −→ (8) collision, the total linear momentum and kinetic
energies of two masses before and after collision
must remain same.
 Hence, the body must have a speed
≥ at point 2 to stay in the circular path.  According to law of conservation of linear
 Minimum speed at the lowest point (1) :
Total linear momentum Total linear momentum
To have minimum speed at point 2, the body =
before collision (p1) after collision (p2)
must have minimum speed at point 1.
+ = +
 From equation(7), ( − )= ( − )−→ (1)
− =4
 For elastic collision,
 Substituting = , we get,
Total kinetic energy Total kinetic energy
before collision (KE1) after collision (KE2)
− =4
1 1 1 1
=5 + = +
2 2 2 2
( − )= ( − )
= 5 − −→ (9)
( + )( − )= ( + )( − )
 Hence, the body must have a speed
≥ 5 at point1 to stay in the circular path.  Dividing equation (2) by (1), we get,
( + )( − ) ( + )( − )
 From equations (8) and (9), it is clear that, the =
( − ) ( − )
minimum speed v1 at point 1 should be √5 times
greater than the minimum speed v2 at point 2 in + = +
order to loop the circle. − = −
− = −( − ) − −→ (3)
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 It shows that for any elastic head on collision, Case 4 : The 2nd body is very much lighter than 1st body
relative speed before collision is equal and and second mass is at rest.. i.e. m2 << m1 & u2 = 0.
opposite to relative speed after collision.  In this case, m1 + m2  m1 and ≈0
 From equation (3),
 From equation (6),
= + − − −→ (4)
and = 1− + 2 ×
= + − − −→ (5)
 To find final velocities v1 and v2 :
Substituting equation(5) in (1), we get, = (1 − 0) +0
( − )= ( + − − )
( − )= ( + −2 ) =
− = + −2
 From equation (7),
− +2 = +
( − ) +2 =( + ) =2 + −1
− 2
= + −→ (6)
+ + =2 + (0 − 1) (0)
 Simillarly, substituting equation(4) in (1), we get,
2 − =2
= + −→ (7)
+ +  It shows that after collision 1st body moves with
its initial velocity and the 2nd body moves with
Case 1: When two bodies have same mass. i.e. m1 = m2 two times the initial velocity of 1st body.
 From equations (6) & (7),
v1 = u2 and v2 = u1 11. Arrive an expression for common velocity after
collision in one-dimensional perfect inelastic collision
 It shows that after collision their velocities are of two bodies.
exchanged.  Consider a perfect inelastic collision of two
masses m1 and m2 moving in a straight line along
Case 2 : When two bodies have same mass and second +ve x-direction on a frictionless horizontal
mass is at rest. i.e. m1 = m2 & u2 = 0. surface.
 From equations (6) & (7),
v1 = 0 and v2 = u1  After the collision, the objects stick together and
move with common velocity ‘v’ as shown in
 It shows that after collision when 1st body comes figure.
to rest, the 2ndbody moves with the initial velocity
of 1st body.

Case 3 : The 1st body is very much lighter than 2nd body
and second mass is at rest.. i.e. m1 << m2 & u2 = 0.
 In this case, m1 + m2  m2 and ≈0
 .According to law of conservation of linear
 From equation (6),

= −1 +2 Total linear momentum Total linear momentum

before collision (p1) after collision (p2)
= (0 − 1) + 2 (0)
 From equation (7), + =( + )
= 2 × + 1−  Hence, the common velocity after collision is,
= (0) + 1 (0)
=0 =
( + )
 It shows that after collision 1st body returns back
with its initial velocity and the 2nd body remains
at rest.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
12.Find the loss of kinetic energy in one-dimensional
perfect inelastic collision of two bodies.
 Consider a perfect inelastic collision of two
masses m1 and m2 moving in a straight line along
+ve x-direction on a frictionless horizontal

 After the collision, the objects stick together and

move with common velocity ‘v’ as shown in

 Total kinetic energy before collision,

1 1
= +
2 2
 Total kinetic energy after collision,
= ( + )
 Then the loss of kinetic energy is,
∆ = −
1 1 1
∆ = + − ( + )
2 2 2

 But = ( )
, therefore loss of kinetic

∆ = ( − )
2 +

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
5. Motion of System of Particles and 14. What are the stable equilibrium conditions?
 Linear and angular momentum are zero
Rigid bodies  The body tries to come back to equilibrium if
1. What is a rigid body? slightly disturbed and released.
A rigid body is the one, which maintains its  The center of mass of the body shifts slightly
dimension and fixed shape even when an external force higher if disturbed from equilibrium
acts on it.  Potential energy of the body is minimum and it
2. Define center of mass. increases if disturbed.
The center of mass of a body is defined as a point 15. What are the unstable equilibrium conditions?
where the entire mass of the body appears to be  Linear and angular momentum are zero
concentrated.  The body cannot come back to equilibrium if
3. What is a point mass? slightly disturbed and released.
A point mass is a hypothetical point which has  The center of mass of the body shifts slightly
non-zero mass and no size or shape. lower if disturbed from equilibrium
4. Define torque. Give its unit.  Potential energy of the body is not minimum and
Torque is defined as the moment of the external it decreases if disturbed.
applied force about a point or axis of rotation. Its unit is 16. What are the neutral equilibrium conditions?
N m.  Linear and angular momentum are zero
i.e. ⃗ = ⃗ × ⃗  The body remains at the same equilibrium if
5. Give the examples of torque in day-to-day life. slightly disturbed and released.
 The opening and closing of a hinged door.  The center of mass of the body does not shifts
 Turning of a nut using a wrench. higher or lower if disturbed from equilibrium
6. What are the conditions in which force can not  Potential energy remains same even if disturbed.
produce torque? 17. Distinguish between stable and unstable equilibrium.
S.No. Stable equilibrium Unstable equilibrium
 Force ⃗ acts along or opposite to the direction of ⃗¢.
1. The body returns back The body does not return
i.e.  = 00 or  = 1800.
to equilibrium after back to equilibrium after
 Force acts at the reference point. i.e. r = 0.
slight disturbance. slight disturbance.
7. Define angular momentum. Give its unit.
The angular momentum of a point mass is 2. The center of mass of The center of mass of
defined as the moment of its linear momentum. Its unit is the body shifts higher the body shifts lower
kg m2 s-1 . during disturbance. during disturbance.
3. Potential energy is Potential energy is
i.e. ⃗ = ⃗ × ⃗ minimum and maximum and decreased
8. What is meant by mechanical equilibrium of a rigid increased during during disturbance.
body? disturbance.
A rigid body is said to be in mechanical 18. Define a couple.
equilibrium when both its linear momentum and angular A couple is defined as a pair of forces, which are
momentum remain constant. equal and opposite and seperated by a perpendicular
9. What are the types of equilibrium? distance causes a turning effect.
 Translational equilibrium 19. Define moment of a couple.
 Rotational equilibrium The moment of a couple is defined as the turning
 Static equilibrium effect caused by a pair of forces, which are equal and
 Dynamic equilibrium opposite and seperated by a perpendicular distance.
 Stable equlibrium 20. Give some examples for couple.
 Unstable equlibrium  Opening a cap of a pen.
 Neutral equilibrium  Turning a steering wheel of a car.
10. What are translational equilibrium conditions?  opening a water tap.
 Linear momentum is constant 21. State principle of moments.
 Net force is zero When an object is in equilibrium the sum of the
11. What are rotational equilibrium conditions? anticlockwise moments about a turning point must be
 Angular momentum is constant equal to the sum of the clockwise moments.
 Net torque is zero 22. What is center of gravity?
The center of gravity of a body is the point at
12. What are static equilibrium conditions? which the entire weight of the body acts irrespective of the
 Linear and angular momentum are zero position and orientation of the body.
 Net force and net torque are zero 23. What do you mean by the moment of inertia? Give its
unit and dimension.
13. What are dynamic equilibrium conditions? The moment of inertia is a measure of rotational
 Linear and angular momentum are constant inertia. Its unit is kg m2 and dimension is M L2.
 Net force and net torque are zero
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
24. Define moment of inertia. 32. What is the condition for pure rolling?
Moment of inertia is defined as the sum of the In pure rolling, the total kinetic energy must be
products of the mass and the square of the perpendicular equal to the sum of kinetic energies of translational and
distance to the axis of rotation of each particle in a body rotational motion.
rotating about an axis.
33. Comparison of translational and rotational quantities.
. . = S. Translational Motion Rotational motion about a
No fixed axis
25. Mention any two physical significance of moment of 1. Displacement, x Angular displacement, θ
inertia. 2. Time, t Time, t
 Lesser the moment of inertia, greater the speed 3. Velocity, = Angular velocity, =
of rotation.
 Greater the mass concentrated away from the 4. Acceleration, a= Angular acceleration,
axis of rotaion, greater the moment of inertia. =
5. Mass, m Moment of inertia, I
26. What is radius of gyration? Give its unit.
The radius of gyration of an object is the 6. Force, = Torque,  =
perpendicular distance between the axis of rotation and
the center of mass of the object. Its unit is metre. 7. Linear momentum, Angular momentum,
= L=
27. Define radius of gyration. 8. Impulse, Δ = Δ Angular Impulse, Δ = Δ
Radius of gyration is defined as the root mean 9. Work done by force, Work done by torque,
square (rms) distance of the particles of the body from the w= =
axis of rotation. 10. Kinetic energy, Rotational Kinetic energy,
+ + + ⋯+ = =
. . = 11. Power, = Rotational Power, =

28. State parallel axis theorem.

The moment of inertia of a body about any axis 34. Find out the center of mass for the given geometrical
is equal to the sum of its moment of inertia about a parallel structures. a) Equilateral triangle b) Cylinder c)
axis through its center of mass and the product of the Square.
mass of the body and the square of the perpendicular  For evenly distributed mass, center of mass will be
distance between the two axes. at the geometrical center of the uniform shape.
i.e. = + a) Center of mass for equilateral triangle :
29. State perpendicular axis theorem. Draw the Perpendicular lines
The moment of inertia of a plane laminar body from vertices A, B and C to
about an axis perpendicular to its plane is equal to the opposite sides. The lines meet at
sum of moments of inertia about two perpendicular axes one point C, which is the center
lying in the plane of the body such that all the three axes of mass.
are mutually perpendicular and concurrent.
i.e. = +
30. State law of conservation of angular momentum. b) Center of mass for Cylinder :
When no external torque acts on the body, the Draw the perpendicular cross line ED
net angular momentum of a rotating rigid body remains at the mid of the height of the cylinder.
constant. This intersect the axis of cylinder at C,
Which is the center of mass.
31. Distinguish between sliding and slipping.
S.No. Sliding Slipping
1. The translation is more The rotation is more than
than rotation. translation.
c) Center of mass for Square :
2. Relative velocity Relative velocity between Draw the diagonals AE and BD,
between point of point of contact and the which will intersect at C. The point
contact and the surface surface is zero. C is the center of mass.
is non-zero.
3. It happens when the It happens when the
moving vehicle vehicle is start to move
suddenly stopped on a on a slippery road or in
slippery road. mud.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
Conceptual Questions: 40. A rectangle block rests on a horizontal table. A
horizontal force is applied on the block at a height h
35. When a tree is cut, the cut is made on the side facing above the table to move the block. Does the line of
the direction in which the tree is required to fall. Why? action of the normal force N exerted by the table on
The side on which the cut is made is no longer the block depend on h?
supported by the normal force from the bottom, therefore,
the gravitational force acts on the tree, tries to rotate it.
The torque provided by the gravity will rotate the tree such
that the tree falls on the side where it was cut.

36. Why does a porter bend forward while carrying a sack

of rice on his back?
A porter bends forward while carrying a sack of
rice on his back because to change the position of centre
of gravity such that he gets the stability.

37. Why is it much easier to balance a meter scale on

your fingertip than balancing on a match stick?
The center of gravity of the meter scale is higher  Yes. The line of action of the normal force N
than the center of gravity of the matchstick. Higher the exerted by the table on the block depend on h.
center of gravity makes lesser torque. So that it is easier
to balance a meter scale on your fingertip than balancing  When height of the appiled force ‘h’ increases, a
on a match stick. torque is produced by the applied force and
frictional force such that block start to tilt.
38. Two identical water bottles one empty and the other
filled with water are allowed to roll down an inclined  To balance this effect, line of action of normal force
plane. Which one of them reaches the bottom first? shift away from applied force and make a opposite
Explain your answer. torque, joining with gravitational force ‘W’.
Water filled bottle. Because the moment of inertia 41. Three identical solid spheres move down through
of the empty bottle is higher than the moment of inertia of three inclined planes A, B and C all same dimensions.
the water filled bottle. A is without friction, B is undergoing pure rolling and
39. Write the relation between angular momentum and C is rolling with slipping. Compare the kinetic
rotational kinetic energy. Draw a graph for the same. energies EA, EB and EC at the bottom.
For two objects of same angular momentum,  In this case, when three identicle solid spheres
compare the moment of inertia using the graph. starts to move on the inclined planes, they all have
same potential energy.
Relation: Rotational kinetic energy,
 During the motion, the potential energy is
= converted into kinetic energy.
where L is angular momentum and I is moment of inertia.
 According to law of conservation of energy, at the
bottom all the potential energy is converted into
Graph between KE and L :
kinetic energy.
I2  Such that all three spheres have same kinetic
energy at the bottom whatever be the type of
KE KE1 motion. i.e. EA = EB = EC .
KE2 I1 < I2
42. Give an example to show that the following statement
is false. ‘Any two forces acting on a body can be
combined into single force that would have same
 Consider two equal and opposite forces acting on
L = const. L a wheel.
 If two foces combined and acting on single point on
The graph shows that of the two bodies of same the wheel, there will be no effect. However, if they
angular momentum, those one have less rotational kinetic act seperatly on the edges of the wheel, there will
energy has higher moment of inertia. be a rotating effect.
 This example falsifies the given statement.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
5 Marks Q & A: 2. Find the center of mass of two point masses by
1. Find the center of mass for a collection of ‘n’ point shifting the origin.
masses.  Consider the point masses m1 and m2 which are
positioned as x1 and x2 along X-axis. The center of
 Consider the point masses m1,m2,m3,...mn whose mass can be found in this system in three ways as
position coordinates from orgin O along X-direction follows.
are x1,x2,x3,...xn as shown in figure.
 When the masses are on positive X-axis :
 The origin is taken arbitrarily as shown in figure.

 The center of mass along X-axis is,

 When the origin coincides with any one of the

 The equation for the X coordinate of the center of  If the orgin coincide with mass m1 as shown in
mass is, figure, its position x1 = 0.


Where, ∑ = , is the total mass of all the


 Hence,  The center of mass along X-axis is,

= (0) +
= =
+ +
 Similarly, the Y and Z coordinates of center of
mass can be written as,  When the origin coincides with center of the mass
∑ itself :
 If the origin coincide with center of mass as
shown in figure, XCM = 0. Hence, the position x1
∑ is negative.

 The position of the center of mass of these masses

is ( XCM , YCM , ZCM ). In general, the position of
center of mass in vector form can be expresssed
∑ ⃗  The center of mass along X-axis is,
⃗ =
(− ) +
Where, ⃗ = ̂+ ̂+ is the +
position vector of the center of mass and
⃗ = ̂+ ̂+ is the position vector of the =
distributed point mass.
 The above equation is known as principle of
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
3. From a uniform disc of radius R, a small disc of radius  The rod is along x-axis. Let dm be the small mass
is cut and removed as shown in the diagram. Find of elemental length dx at a distance x from the
the center of mass of the remaining portion of the origin.
 Let us consider the mass of the uncut full disc be  If  is the linear mass density (i.e. = ), the mass
M. Its center of mass would be at the geometric of small element dm is,
center of the disc on which the origin coincides.
 Now the small disc of the mass m is cut from the  Now the center of mass of the rod is,
disc M. So that the center of mass the small disc is

at R/2 as shown in figure. =

∫ l
l 1
= =
1 1 l2
= =
l 2 l 2
 Hence, the center of mass of remaining disc is =
shifted to x distance left to the origin.
 Therefore, the center of mass of the uniform rod is
 Applying principle of moments, at its geometrical center.
( − ) =( )
2 5. Obtain the relation between torque and angular
= −→ (1)  Consider a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis. A
( − ) 2
point mass m in the body will execute a circular
 If  is the surface mass density (i.e. = ), motion about a fixed axis as shown in figure.
the mass m of small disc is,
= ×

= ×
= × = × × =
2 4 4

 Substituting the value of m in equation(1), we get,

 Let ⃗ be a tangential force acting on the point mass
produces the torque for rotation and ⃗ be the
= = position vector of the point mass.
− 2 2
 The torque produced by the force on the point
= mass m about the axis of rotation is written as,
 Therefore, the center of mass of the remaining = sin 90 = [∵ sin 90 = 1]
portion is at a distance of R/6 left to the center of = [∵ = ]
disc. = = [∵ = ]
= − −→ (1)
4. Locate the center of mass of a uniform rod of mass M
and length l .
 For all particles of the body, =∑
 Consider a uniform rod of mass M and length l
whose one end coincides with the origin as shown
in figure.  Therefore, = (∑ )
Where, = ∑ , moment of inertia of the rigid

 In vector form,
⃗= ⃗
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
6. Obtain the relation between angular momentum and 8. State and prove principle of moments. Also get the
angular velocity. expression for mechanical advantage.
 Consider a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis. A  Statement : When an object is in equilibrium the
point mass m in the body will execute a circular sum of the anticlockwise moments about a turning
motion about a fixed axis as shown in figure. point must be equal to the sum of the clockwise

 Proof :
Consider a light rod of negligible mass which is
pivoted at a point along its length.

 Let two parallel forces F1 and F2 act at the two

ends at distances d1 and d2 from the point of pivot
and the normal reaction force N at the point of pivot
 let ⃗ be the angular momentum which is as shown in figure.
perpendicular to position vector ⃗ and linear
momentum vector ⃗.

 As the angular momentum is the moment of linear

= 90 [∵ sin 90 = 1]
 Since the rod has to remain stationary in horizontal
[∵ ] position, it should be in transitional and rotational
= = =
equilibrium. Then, both the net force and net torque
must be zero.
 For net force to be zero,
 For all particles of the body, =∑ − + − =0
 For net torque to be zero,
 Therefore, = (∑ ) − =0
= = −→ (1)
 The above equation represents principle of
Where, = ∑ , moment of inertia of the rigid moments.
 The beam balance used for weighing goods uses
 In vector form, this princilple with d1 = d2 and F1 = F2 .
⃗= ⃗  Mechanical Advantage (MA) :
From the equation(1),
7. Obtain the relation between torque and angular
momentum. = −→ (2)
 The angular momentum expression is,
= − −→ (1)
 If F1 is the load and F2 is our effort, we get
 The torque expression is, advantage when d1 < d2 .This implies that F1 > F2.
Hence we can lift a large load with small effort.
= = ∵ =
 In equation(2), the term is called mechanical
( ) advantage of the simple lever. The pivot point is
= − −→ (2)
called fulcrum.

 Substituting equation(1) in (2), we get,  Thus, the mechanical advantage(MA) is

expressed as,
ℎ ( )=
 In vector form,
⃗  There are many simple machines that work on the
⃗= above principle.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
9. Explain why a cyclist bends while negotiating a curve
road? Arrive at the expression for angle of bending =
for a given velocity.
 Consider a cyclist negotiating a circular level
 But from ABC, AB = AC sin & BC = AC cos.
road(not banked) of radius r with a speed v about
Therefore, the above equation can be written as,
the center O as shown in figure.

 It shows that while negotiating a circular road of

radius r at velocity v, a cyclist has to bend an
angle  from vertical, to avoid a fall.

10. Obtain the expression for moment of inertia of a

uniform rod.
 Consider a uniform rod of mass M and length l as
 Let m be the mass of the system, which includes shown in figure.
cycle and cyclist and C be the center of gravity of
this system.

 Let us consider horizontal is along x-axis and

vertical is along Z-axis.

 The system as a frame rotating about Z-axis and

the system is at rest in this rotating frame Z.

 In this rotating frame, the centrifugal force acts  Let us consider the rod is along the x-axis and the
away from center O and passing through the center moment of inertia of the rod is found about the
of gravity C as shown below. axis, which passes through center of mass
(here the geometrical center) of the rod ‘O’.

 Now the moment of inertia of an infinitesimal

small mass ‘dm’ of length dx of the rod, which is
at a distance ‘x’ from O can be expressed as,
=( ) −→ (1)

 The moment of inertia(I) of the entire rod can be

found by integrating the equation(1) as,

= = ( ) −→ (2)

 As the system is in rotational equilibrium, the net  If  is linear mass density(i.e. = ), the small
torque must be zero. Thus, mass dm can be written as,
⃗ =0
= =
− + =0
 Substituting the ‘dm’ value in equation(2), we get,
Here, the clock wise moment (mg AB) is taken as / /

negative and the anti clockwise moment = =

is taken as positive. l l
/ /

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
3 + /2 12. Obtain the expression for moment of inertia of a
= uniform disc.
l 3  Consider a uniform disc of mass M and radius R as
− /2
shown in figure.
l3 l3 l3
= + =2
l 24 24 l 24

= l2

11. Obtain the expression for moment of inertia of a

uniform ring.
 Consider a uniform ring of mass M and radius R as
shown in figure.
 The moment of inertia of the disc is found about
the axis, which passes through its center and
perpendicular to the plane. This disc is made up
of many infinitesimally small rings.

 Now consider the moment of inertia of an ring,

which has infinitesimal small mass ‘dm’ ,
thickness dr and radius ‘r’, which can be
expressed as,
=( ) −→ (1)
 The moment of inertia of the ring is found about
the axis, which passes through its center and  The moment of inertia(I) of the entire disc can be
perpendicular to the plane. found by integrating the equation(1) as,

 Now the moment of inertia of an infinitesimal

small mass ‘dm’ of length dx of the ring, which is
= = ( ) −→ (2)
at a distance ‘R’ from the center can be
expressed as,
=( ) −→ (1)  If  is surface mass density (i.e. = ), the
small mass dm can be written as,
 The moment of inertia(I) of the entire ring can be 2
found by integrating the equation(1) as,
= 2πr dr = 2
2πr dr = 2
r dr

 Substituting the ‘dm’ value in equation(2), we get,
= = ( ) −→ (2)
2 2
= 2
r dr = 2
 If  is linear mass density (i.e. = ), the small
mass dm can be written as, 2
= 2
= = 4
2πR 2 4
= −0
 Substituting the ‘dm’ value in equation(2), we get, 2
 

= = 1 2
2πR 2 =

= [ ]0  13. State and prove parallel axis theorem.

2  Statement : The moment of inertia of a body about
any axis is equal to the sum of its moment of inertia
= [2 − 0] about a parallel axis through its center of mass and
2 the product of the mass of the body and the square
of the perpendicular distance between the two
= R2 axes.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 Proof : 14. State and prove perpendicular axis theorem.
Let us consider a rigid body as shown in figure.
 Statement : The moment of inertia of a plane
laminar body about an axis perpendicular to its
plane is equal to the sum of moments of inertia
about two perpendicular axes lying in the plane of
the body such that all the three axes are mutually
perpendicular and concurrent.

 Consider a plane laminar object of negligible

thickness on which the origin O lies. The mutually
perpendicular axes X and Y are lying on the the
plane and z-axis is perpendicular to palne as
shown in figure.

 Let IC be the moment of inertia of the body about

an axis AB, which passes through center of mass.

 Consider I is the moment of inertia of the body to

be found about an axis DE, which is parallel to AB.
and d is the perpendicular distance between DE  Let us consider a point mass P of mass m, which
and AB. is at a distance r from origin O.

 Let P be the point mass of mass m, which is  The moment of inertia of the point mass about the
located at a distance x from its center of mass. Z-axis is,
 The moment of inertia of the point mass about the
axis DE is,  The moment of inertia of the whole body about the
= ( + ) Z-axis is,

 The moment of inertia of the whole body about the =

axis DE is,

= ( + )  Here, = + , So that,
= ( + )
= ( + +2 )
= +
= ( + +2 )

 But ∑ = , the moment of inertia of the

= + +2 body about the Y-axis and ∑ = , the
moment of inertia of the body about the X-axis.
 Here, ∑ = , the moment of inertia of
the body about the center of mass and
 Therefore, = +
∑ = 0 (since x has +ve and –ve values
about the axis AB)
or = +

 Hence, the perpendicular axis theorem is proved.

 Therefore, The moment of inertia of the whole
body about the axis DE can be expressed as,
15. Discuss the conservation of angular momentum with
= + example.
 According to law of conservation of angular
momentum, when no external torque acts on the
 But ∑ = , mass of the whole body. Thus, body, the net angular momentum of a rotating rigid
= + body remains constant.

 Hence, the parallel axis theorem is proved. i.e. If = = 0 , L = Constant.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
 But = , So that,  When a tangential force applied on the body, it
= produces a small displacement ds on the point P.
or  Now the work done by a force F for the
displacement ‘ds’ is,
 It shows that if the moment of inertia I increases, =
the angular velocity  decreases and vice versa.
 From the figure, ds can be expressed as,
 Example: =
 The ice dancer spins slowly when the hands are
stretched out as this position increases moment  Substituting ds value, dw becomes,
of inertia and spis faster when the hands are
brought close to the body as it decreases
moment of inertia as shown in figure.
= [∵ = ]

 This the work done by a torque.

17. Obtain an expression for rotational kinetic energy.

 Consider a rigid body with all particles rotating with
angular velocity  about an axis as shown in figure.

 A diver while in air increases the number of

somersaults by curling his body close, to
decrease the moment of inertia as shown in

 The tangential velocity v is varied for every particle

in rotation, based on its positions from the axis of

 If mi is the mass of a ith particle with tangential

velocity vi , situated at a distance ri from axis of
rotation, the kinetic energy of this particle is,
16. Find the work done by a torque.
 Consider a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis.
Let P be a point on the body which rotates about  We know, = , so that,
the axis perpendicular to the plane of the paper as 1 1
shown in figure. = ( ) = ( )
2 2
 Now the kinetic energy for whole body is,

 But ∑ = , the moment of inertia of the

whole body. Therefore, the rotational kinetic
energy becomes,
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
18. Obtain the relation between rotational kinetic energy
and angular momentum.
 But = and = . Here K is the
 Consider a rigid body of moment of inertia ‘I’ rotate radius of gyration. So that,
with angular velocity . = +

 The angular momentum of the rigid body is,  Substituting the values of IO and  in KE relation,
= we get,
 The rotational kinetic energy of the rigid body is, = ( + )
1 1
= = 1+
2 2
 Multiplying and dividing the R.H.S of the equation
by L, we get, 21. A solid sphere is undergoing pure rolling. What is the
ratio of its translational and rotational kinetic energy?
1 1( )
= =  The expression for total kinetic energy in pure
2 2 rolling is,
= = + −→ (1)
 For any object the total kinetic energy can be
 This is the relation between rotational kinetic arrived as,
energy and angular momentum. 1 1
= + −→ (2)
19. Arrive at an expression for kinetic energy in pure 2 2
rolling with center of mass as reference.
 As the pure rolling consist of both translational and  Comparing the equations (1) & (2), we get,
rotational motion, the total kinetic energy of pure 1
rolling is the sum of kinetic energies of translational =
and rotational motion. 1
= + =
 If M be the mass of the rolling object, VCM be the
velocity of center of mass, ICM be the moment of  Now the ratio between and is,
inertia about the center of mass and  be the
angular velocity, then,
∶ =1∶
1 1
= +
2 2  For solid sphere, = , Therefore,
 But = and = . Here K is the ∶ =1∶
radius of gyration. So that, or ∶ =5∶ 2
1 1
= + ( ) 22. Discuss the rolling on inclined plane and arrive at the
2 2
1 1 expressions for the acceleration, the final velocity and
= + the time taken for rolling down the inclined plane.
2 2
1  Consider a round object of mass m and radius R is
= 1+ rolling down on an inclined plane without slipping
as shown in figure.
20. Arrive at an expression for kinetic energy in pure
rolling with point of contact as reference.
 If IO is the moment of inertia of the object about the
point of contact, the rotational kinetic energy is,
 By parallel axis theorem,
= +
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
(a) Acceleration of the rolling object : 2 ℎ
 From the figure, it is seen that the component of = −→ (4)
gravitational force(mg cos) perpendicular to 1+
inclined plane is balanced by the normal force N.
(c) Time taken for rolling down the inclined plane :
 Therefore, the component of gravitational force  If the object starts rolling from rest, initial velocity
(mg sin) parallel to inclined plane and the frictional u = 0. Therefore, from 1st equation of motion
force f, combinely causes the motion.
= + ,
 For translational motion, =
− = −→ (1)
 For rotational motion, let us take a torque with
respect to the center of the object. mg sin cannot
 Substituting equations (3) & (4), we have,
make any torque as it passes through the center of
the object, but the frictional force f can set a torque
= =
 But we know, = ,thus,
= 1+
2 ℎ
= ×
 Substituting, the angular acceleration = and 1+
the moment of inertia = , we get,
2ℎ 1 +
= =

= −→ (2)
 It suggest that for a given inclined angle, the object
with least value of radius of gyration K will reach
 Substituting equation (2) in (1), we have, the bottom of the inclined plane first.

− =

= +

1+ =

= −→ (3)

(b) Final velocity of the rolling object :

 When the object starts rolling on the inclined plane
at the height h from rest, initial velocity u = 0 and
the length of the inclined plane = .

 Substituting the values of u, s and ‘a’ in 3rd

equation of motion = +2 ,

= 2×
2 ℎ

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
6. Gravitation 10. Define Gravitational potential energy. Give its unit.
The gravitational potential energy is defined as
1. State Ptolemy’s Geocentric model theory. the work done to bring the mass m2 from infinity to a
According to the Geocentric model, the Earth is distance ‘r’ in the gravitational field of mass m1. Its unit is
at the center of the universe and all celestial objects joule.
including the Sun, the Moon, and other planets orbit the . . ( )=−

2. State Copernicus Heliocentric model theory. 11. Define Gravitational potential. Give its unit.
According to the Heliocentric model, Sun was The gravitational potential at a distance r due to
considered to be at the center of the solar system and all a mass is defined as the amount of work required to bring
planets including the Earth orbited the Sun in circular unit mass from infinity to the distance r.
. . ( )=−
3. State Kepler’s First law (Law of orbits).
Each planet moves around the Sun in an elliptical 12. What is acceleration due to gravity?
orbit with the Sun at one of the foci. The acceleration experienced by the object near
the surface of the Earth due to its gravity is called
4. State Kepler’s Second law (Law of area). acceleration due to gravity.
The radial vector (line joining the Sun to a planet)
sweeps equal areas in equal intervals of time.
. . | |=
13. What is meant by escape speed of the Earth?
5. State Kepler’s Third law (Law of period). The minimum speed required by an object to
The square of the time period of revolution of a escape Earth’s gravitational field is called the escape
planet around the Sun in its elliptical orbit is directly speed.
proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the
. . = 2 = 11.2
ellipse. i.e. T2  a3 .
14. What is meant by the Orbital speed of the satellite
6. State Newton’s universal law of gravitation.
around the Earth?
The force of attraction between any two bodies in
The orbital speed is the horizontal speed given to
the universe is directly proportional to the product of their
the satellite, to orbit the Earth at a calculated height from
masses and is inversely proportional to the square of the
the Earth’s surface.
distance between them.

. . ⃗= ̂ . . =
( + ℎ)
7. Define gravitational constant. What is its value? 15. What are geo-stationary satellites?
The gravitational constant is defined as the The satellites revolving the Earth at the height of
gravitational force experienced between two bodies of 36000 km above the equator, are appear to be stationary
unit masses, which are seperated by unit distance.Its when seen from Earth is called geo-stationary satellites.
value is G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2 .
16. What are Polar satellites?
8. Define gravitational field intensity (or) gravitational The satellites which revolve from north to south
filed. Give its unit. of the Earth at the height of 500 to 800 km from the Earth
The gravitational field intensity at a point is surface are called Polar satellites.
defined as the gravitational force experienced by unit
mass placed at that point. Its unit is N kg-1 (or) m s-2 . 17. What is meant by state of weightlessness?
⃗ When downward acceleration of the object is
. . ⃗= = ̂ equal to the acceleration due to the gravity of the Earth,
the object appears to be weightless. This is called the
state of weightlessness.
9. State Superposition principle for gravitational field.
The total gravitational field due to all masses in 18. Why do the astronauts experience weightlessness
the system is given by the vector sum of gravitational field inside the spacecraft?
due to the individual masses. The spacecraft orbits the Earth and the
astronauts inside it get the same gravitational force of the
. . ⃗ = ⃗ + ⃗ + ⃗ +⋯+ ⃗ = ̂ Earth. So the astronauts don’t fell any reactional force
from the floor of the spacecraft. Hence, the astronauts
experience weightlessness inside the spacecraft.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
19. Why there is no lunar and solar eclipse every month? 27. What is the difference between gravitational potential
Since Moon’s orbit is tilted 50 with respect to and gravitational potential energy?
Earth’s orbit, only during certain periods of the year, the Gravitational potential
S.No. Gravitational potential
Sun, Earth and Moon align in straight line leading to either energy
lunar eclipse or solar eclipse depending on the alignment. 1. It is the potential It is the potential energy
energy per unit mass. of a mass.
20. Why do we have seasons on Earth? 2. It is written as, It is written as,
The seasons in the Earth arise due to the rotation
of Earth around the Sun with 23.50 tilt. The part of the ( )=− ( )=−
Earth nearer to the Sun becomes summer, and other 3. Its unit is Its unit is Joule .
becomes winter during this tilt rotation. Joule / kilogram .
28. Why is the energy of a satellite (or any other planet)
21. Why do Pole stars appear stationary? Name our Pole negative?
star. The negative sign in the total energy of a satellite
Pole star is a star located exactly above the (or any other planet) implies that the satellite or the planet
Earth’s axis of rotation. Hence, it appears to be is bound to the Earth or the Sun and it cannot escape
stationary. The Star Polaris is our pole star. from the Earth.
22. If Kepler’s third law was “r3 T2 = constant” instead of 29. Define weight.
“ = constant”, (i) what would be the new law of Weight is defined as the product of mass and
gravitation? (ii) Would it still be an inverse square acceleration due to gravity. It is also known as
law? (iii) How would the gravitational force change gravitational force. . . =
with distance? (iv) In this new law of gravitation, will
Neptune experience greater gravitational force or 30. How will you prove that Earth itself is spinning?
lesser gravitational force when compared to the Consider a light source as Sun and a globe as
Earth? Earth. If the globe is allowed to spin near the light source,
(i) The new law of gravitation becomes, we may find ‘light and shadow’ at particular part of the
4 globe periodically. Similarly ‘day and night’ event
= ; = happens periodically in the Earth. Hence, it proves that
(ii) No. It would not be an inverse square law. the Earth itself spinning as the globe.
(iii) The gravitational force is directly proportional to the
fourth power of the distance. Conceptual Questions:
(iv) In this new law of gravitation, Neptune will get
greater gravitational force than the Earth. 31. In the following, what are the quantities conserved
and non-conserved? a) Linear momentum of a planet
23. Water falls from the top of a hill to the ground. Why? b) Angular momentum of a planet c) Total energy of
This is because the top of the hill is a point of a planet d) Potential energy of a planet.
higher gravitational potential than the surface of the Earth
i.e. Vhill > Vground. a) Linear momentum of the planet is not conserved as
its linear velocity changes during the orbital motion.
24. Suppose you move towards east-west along the
same latitude. Will the value of g′ (variation of g with b) Angular momentum of the planet is conserved as
latitude) change? its angular velocity is constant during orbital motion
No. It will not change.
c) Total energy of a planet is also conserved because
25. Will the angular momentum of a planet be the sum of its potential and kinetic energy is
conserved? Justify your answer. constant.
Since the angular velocity of the planet in the
orbital motion is constant, the angular momentum of the d) As the distance between Sun and planet changes
planet is conserved. during the elliptical motion, potential energy of the
planet is not conserved.
26. Is potential energy the property of a single object?
Justify. 32. The work done by Sun on Earth in one year will be
No. Potential energy is a property of a system Zero, Non zero, positive or negative?
rather than of a single object. An object's gravitational The work done by the Sun on Earth in one year
potential is due to its position relative to the surroundings or at any finite interval of time will always be Zero,
within the Earth-object system. because centripetal force raised by Sun on Earth and the
direction of displacement of Earth is perpendicular
throughout the orbital motion.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
33. If a comet suddenly hits the Moon and imparts
energy, which is more than the total energy of the
Moon, what will happen?
If it so happens, could replace the moon by comet
in orbiting the earth, by the principles of elastic collision in

34. If the Earth’s pull on the Moon suddenly disappears,

what will happen to the Moon?
If the Earth’s pull on the Moon suddenly
disappears, the moon will travel along the tangent of the

35. If the Earth has no tilt, what happens to the seasons

of the Earth?
If the Earth has no tilt, there will be no season as
like now and the duration of day and night will be equal
throughtout the year.

36. A student was asked a question ‘why are there

summer and winter for us? He replied as ‘since Earth
is orbiting in an elliptical orbit, when the Earth is very
far away from the Sun(aphelion) there will be winter,
when the Earth is nearer to the Sun(perihelion) there
will be summer’. Is this answer correct? If not, what
is the correct explanation for the occurrence of
summer and winter?
No. The occurrence of summer and winter is due
to Earth’s tilt. Due to this tilt, one hemisphere near to the
sun gets summer and another one has winter.

37. The following photographs are taken from the recent

lunar eclipse, which occurred on January 31, 2018. Is
it possible to prove that Earth is a sphere from these

When we observe the shadow of Earth on the

moon, it seems outline of the shadow is curved one.
Therefore, we can prove Earth surface is curved and
hence Earth would be a sphere.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
7. Properties of matter 11. What is restoring force?
When a body is subjected to a deforming force,
internal force is developed against it. This internal force
1. What is matter? Name their forms.
is called restoring force.
Matter is a physical substance. The various forms
of matter are Solid, liquid and gas.
12. What is Stress? Give its unit and dimension.
The force per unit area is called as stress. Its unit
2. Write a short note on Solids.
is N m-2 or pascal and the dimension is [ML-1T2].
 Solid is a form of matter in which atoms are well
bound each other through various types of , = =
 It has a definite shape and volume. 13. What are the types of stress?
 Ex: Ice cube.  Longitudinal stress or normal stress – The stress
normal to cross section. . . =∆
3. Write a short note on liquids.  Shearing stress – The stress tangential to cross
 Liquid is a form of matter in which atoms or
molecules are losely bound. So that they wander
section area. . . =∆
around. It is formed when a solid is heated above  Volume stress – The stress, which happens
the melting point. everwhere normal to the body. . . =
 It has a fixed volume and has no definite shape.
 Ex: Water. 14. What are the types of longitudinal stress?
 Tensile stress : The longitudinal stress, which
4. Write a short note on gases. elongates the body.
 Gas is a form of matter in which atoms or  Compressive stress : The longitudinal stress,
molecules have weak bond or no bond at all. So which compress the body.
that they move freely and quickely. It is formed
when a liquid is heated above the boiling point. 15. What is strain?
Strain is a measure of deformation of a body,
 It has no definite shape and volume but it adopts When a force is applied on it. It is the ratio of change in
the shape and volume of the container. size to the original size.

 Ex: Stream. . . , =

5. What is meant by melting? 16. What are the types of strain?

 Longitudinal strain.
The process of changing of Solid in to liquid is
called melting.  Shearing strain.
 Volume strain.
6. What is meant by evaporation? 17. Define longitudinal strain.
The longitudinal strain is defined as the ratio of
The process of changing of liquid in to gas is
called evaporation. increase in length to the original length.

. . =
7. What are the additional physical states of matter
available in extreme environments? 18. What are the types of longitudinal strain?
The additional physical states of matter available  Tensile strain : Increase of length from its original.
in extreme environments are plasma, Bose-Einstein  Compressive stress : Decrease of length from its
condensates and quark-gluon plasmas. original.

8. What is deforming force? 19. Define shearing strain.

The force, which changes the size or shape of a The Shearing strain is defined as the angle of
body is called a deforming force. shear.
. . = ℎ =
9. What is elasticity? Give examples. 20. Define volume strain.
Elasticity is the property of a body in which it The volume strain is defined as ratio of change in
regains its origional shape and size after the removal of volume to the original volume.
deforming force. Ex: Rubber,metals, steel ropes. ∆
. . =
10. What is plasticity? Give an example. 21. What is meant by elastic limit?
Plasticity is the property of a body in which it does The maximum stress within which the body
not regains its origional shape and size after the removal regains its original size and shape after the removal of
of deforming force. Ex: Glass. deforming force is called the elastic limit.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
22. State Hooke’s law. 31. Define Pressure. Give its unit and dimension.
Hooke’s law states that the stress is directly The pressure is defined as the force acting per
proportional to the strain with in the elastic limit of the unit area. Its unit is N m-2 or pascal and dimension is
body. i.e.    . [ML-1T-2] .

23. Define modulus of elasticity. Name its types. . . =

Modulus of elasticity is defined as the ratio of the 32. Define 1 atm or atmospheric pressure. Give its value.
stress to the strain. Atmospheric pressure is defined as the pressure
exerted by the atmosphere at sea level.
Types: (a) Young’s modulus
1 atm = 1.013 x 105 N m-2.
(b) Bulk modulus.
(c) Rigidity (or) shear modulus.
33. Define density of a fluid. Give its unit and dimension.
24. Define Young’s modulus. Give its unit.
Young’s modulus is defined as the ratio of tensile The density of a fluid is defined as its mass per
unit volume. Its unit is kg m-3 and dimension is [ML-3] .
or compressive stress to the tensile or compressive
strain. Its unit is N m-2 or pascal.
. . =
. . = = 34. Define relative density or specific gravity.
25. Define Bulk modulus. Give its unit. The relative density of a substance is defined as
Bulk modulus is defined as the ratio of volume the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of
stress to the volume strain. Its unit is N m or pascal. water at 4 C.

. . = = ∆
35. State Pascal’s law.
If the pressure in a liquid is changed at a
26. What is compressibility? particular point, the change is transmitted to the entire
The reciprocal of the bulk modulus is called liquid without being diminished in magnitude.
compressibility. It is defined as the fractional change in
volume per unit increase in pressure. 36. What is buoyancy?
∆ The upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes
1 the weight of an immersed object in a fluid is called
. . = =− = upthrust or buoyant force and the phenomenon is called

27. Define rigidity or shear modulus. Give its unit. buoyancy.
The rigidity modulus is defined as the ratio of
shearing stress to the shearing strain(angle of shear). Its 37. State Archimedes principle.
unit is N m-2 or pascal. It states that when a body is partially or wholly
immersed in a fluid, it experiences an upward thrust equal
Δ to the weight of the fluid displaced by it and its upthrust
. . = = acts through the centre of gravity of the liquid displaced.
28. Define poisson’s ratio.
38. State law of floatation.
Poisson’s rato() is defined as the ratio of relative
The law of floatation states that a body will float
contraction(lateral strain) to the relative expansion
in a liquid if the weight of the liquid displaced by the
(longitudinal strain).
immersed part of the body equals the weight of the body.
29. What are the applications of elasticity?
39. Give the examples of floating bodies.
 Elasticity is used in structural engineering in which
 A swimming person.
bridges and buildings are designed such a way that
 Ice cubes float on water.
it can withstand load of flowing traffic, the force of
 A ship float on the sea.
winds and even its own weight.
40. Define viscosity.
 The material of high Young’s modulus is used in
Viscosity is defined as ‘the property of a fluid to
constructing beams.
oppose the relative motion between its layers’.
30. Why do we prefer steel for design of heavy-duty
41. State Newton’s law of viscosity.
machines and iron rods in the construction of
It states that the force of viscosity F acting
tangentially between two layers of a liquid is proportional
We prefer steel for design of heavy-duty
machines and iron rods in the construction of buildings to (i) area A of the liquid and (ii) the velocity gradient .
because steel has higher Young’s modulus and elasticity
than other materials like aluminium, copper and iron. . . =−
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
42. Define coefficient of viscosity. Give its unit and 51. Explain the Stoke’s law application in raindrop falling.
dimension. According to Stoke’s law, terminal velocity is
The coefficient of viscosity is defined as the force directly proportional to square of radius of the spherical
of viscosity acting between two layers per unit area and body. So that smaller raindrops having less terminal
unit velocity gradient of the liquid. Its unit is Nsm-2 and velocity float as cloud in air. When they gather as bigger
dimension is [ML-1T-1]. drops get higher terminal velocity and start falling.

43. What is streamlined flow of the liquid? 52. Write the applications of Stoke’s law.
When a liquid flows such that each particle of the  Floatation of clouds
liquid passing through a point moves along the same path  Hurting of larger raindrops.
with the same velocity as its predecessor then the flow of  Parachute riding.
liquid is said to be a streamlined flow.
53. What are the applications of viscosity?
44. What is meant by tube of flow?  Viscosity of liquids helps in choosing the lubricants
If we assume a bundle of streamlines having the for various machinery parts. Low viscous lubricants
same velocity over any cross section perpendicular to the are used in light machinery parts and high viscous
direction of flow then such bundle is called a ‘tube of lubricants are used in heavy machinery parts.
45. What is meant by the critical velocity of the liquid?  As high viscous liquids damp the motion, they are
Critical velocity is the velocity below which flow of used in hydraulic brakes as brake oil.
liquid becomes streamlined.
 Blood circulation through arteries and veins
46. What is turbulent flow of the liquid? depends upon the viscosity of fluids.
When the speed of the moving fluid exceeds the  Viscosity is used in Millikan’s oil-drop method to
critical speed, the motion becomes irregular. This flow of find the charge of an electron.
liquid is called turbulent flow.
54. What is meant by cohesive force?
47. What is Reynold’s number? Write its formula. The force between the like molecules which
Reynold’s number(Rc) is a dimensionless holds the liquid together is called ‘cohesive force’.
number, which is used to find out the nature of flow of the
liquid. 55. What is meant by adhesive force?
The force between the unlike molecules which
. . = holds the solid and liquid together is called ‘adhesive
Where,  - density of the liquid force’.
v – the velocity of flow of liquid.
56. What is meant by sphere of influence?
D- diameter of the pipe.
The range at which the influence of the molecular
 - the coefficient of viscosity of the fluid
forces can be felt in all directions is called sphere of
S.No. Reynold’s number Flow influence. Its value is about 10-9 m or 10 Å .
1. Rc < 1000 Streamlined flow
2. 1000 < Rc < 2000 Unsteady 57. Define Surface tension. Give its unit and dimension.
3. Rc > 2000 Turbulent flow The surface tension of a liquid is defined as the
force of tension acting perpendicularly on both sides of an
48. State law of similarity. imaginary line of unit length drawn on the free surface of
It states that when there are two geometrically the liquid.
similar flows, both are essentially equal to each other, as
long as they embrace the same Reynold’s number. . . =
49. What is the terminal velocity? The surface tension of a liquid is defined as the
The maximum constant velocity acquired by a energy per unit area of the surface of a liquid.
body while falling freely through a viscous medium is
called the terminal velocity. . . = =

50. State Stoke’s law. Its unit is N m-1 and dimension is [MT-2] .
The viscous force F acting on a spherical body of
radius r depends directly on 58. How do water bugs and water striders walk on the
i) radius (r) of the sphere surface of water?
ii) velocity (v) of the sphere When the water bugs or water striders are on the
and iii) coefficient of viscosity η of the liquid surface of the water, its weight is balanced by the surface
. . =6 tension of the water. Hence, they can easily walk on it.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
59. Give some examples for surface tension. 67. What physical quantity actually do we check by
 Clinging of painting brush hairs, when taken out of pressing the tyre after pumping?
water. After pumping the tyre, we actually check the
 Needle float on the water. compressibility of air by pressing the tyre. For smooth
 Camphor boat. riding, rear tyre should have less compressibility than the
60. What are factors affecting the surface tension of a front.
 Contamination or 68. Which one of these is more elastic steel or rubber?
impurities - increase surface tension Why?
 Dissolved substances - increase surface tension Steel is more elastic than rubber because the
 Electrification - decrease surface tension steel has higher young’s modulus than rubber. That’s
 Temperature - decrease surface tension why, if equal stress is applied on both steel and rubber,
61. What is surface energy of a liquid? Give its unit. the steel produces less strain.
The work done in increasing the unit surface area
of the liquid against the surface tension is called ‘surface 69. A spring balance shows wrong readings after using
energy’. Its unit is J m-2 or N m-1 . for a long time. Why?
When the spring balances have been used for a
= = long time they develop elastic fatigue in them and

62. What is angle of contact? therefore the reading shown by such balances will be
The angle between the tangent to the liquid wrong.
surface at the point of contact and the solid surface is
known as the angle of contact. 70. What is the effect of temperature on elasticity?
If the temperature of the substance increases, its
63. What is meant by capillarity or capillary action? Name elasticity decreases.
their types.
The rise or fall of a liquid in a narrow tube is called 71. Distinguish between streamlined flow and turbulent
capillarity or capillary action. flow.
Types: (i) Capillary rise. (ii) Capillary fall. Streamlined flow Turbulent flow
The particles are flowing The particles are flowing
64. What are the practical applications of capillarity? 1.
in the same direction. randomly.
 Rising of Oil in the cotton wick of earthen lamp. 2. The flow is steady. The flow is speedy.
 Rising of Sap from root to plant’s leaves and The velocity of flow is
branches. The velocity of flow is less
3. greater than the critical
 Absorption of ink by a blotting paper. than the critical velocity.
 Draining of tear fluid from the eye. The value of Reynold’s
 Absorption of Sweat by cotton dress. The value of Reynold’s
4. number is greater than
65. What are the applications of surface tension? number is less than 1000.
 Oil pouring on the water reduces suface tension. Ex: Water flowing in the Ex: Water flowing in the
So that the floating mosquitoe eggs drown and 5.
stream. flood.
 Finely adjusted surface tension of the liquid makes
72. Two streamlines cannot cross each other. Why?
droplets of desired size, which helps in desktop No two streamlines can cross each other. If they
printing, automobile painting and decorative items.
do so, the particles of the liquid at the point of intersection
 Specks of dirt are removed from the cloth when it will have two different directions for their flow, which will
is washed in detergents added hot water, which
destroy the steady nature of the liquid flow.
has low surface tension.
 A fabric can be made waterproof, by adding
73. Distinguish between cohesive and adhesive forces.
suitable waterproof material (wax) to the fabric.
This increases the angle of contact due to surface Cohesive force Adhesive force
It exists between similar It exists between
66. State Bernoulli’s theorem. 1.
molecules. dissimilar molecules.
According to Bernoulli’s theorem, the sum of
It can be hydrogen bonds It can be either
pressure energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy per
2. or Van der Waal mechanical or
unit mass of an incompressible, non-viscous fluid in a
attraction electrostatis forces.
streamlined flow remains a constant.
Ex: Molecular force
1 Ex: Molecular force
. . + + ℎ= 3. between liquid
2 between liquid and solid.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
74. What happens to the pressure inside a soap bubble
when air is blown into it?
When air is blown into the soap bubble, the
radius of the bubble is increased. So that the excess
pressure inside it decreases.

75. A drop of oil placed on the surface of water spreads

out. But a drop of water place on oil contracts to a
spherical shape. Why?
 A drop of oil placed on the surface of water spreads
because the force of adhesion between water and
oil molecules dominates the cohesive force of oil
 On the other hand, cohesive force of water
molecules dominates the adhesive force between
water and oil molecules. So drop of water on oil
contracts to a spherical shape.

76. State the principle and usage of Venturimeter.

 Bernoulli’s theorem is the principle of
 Venturimeter is used to measure the rate of flow or
flow speed of the incompressible fluid flowing
through a pipe.

Conceptual Questions:
77. Why coffee runs up into a sugar lump (a small cube
of sugar) when one corner of the sugar lump is held
in the liquid?
The coffee runs up into the pores of sugar lump
due to capillary action of the liquid.

78. Why two holes are made to empty an oil tin?

When oil comes out from a hole of an oil tin,
pressure inside it decreased than the atmosphere.
Therefore, the surrounding air rush up into the same hole
prevents the oil to come out. Hence two holes are made
to empty the oil tin.

79. We can cut vegetables easily with a sharp knife as

compared to a blunt knife. Why?
Since the stress produced on the vegetables by
the sharp knife is higher than the blunt knife, vegetables
can be cut easily with the sharp knife.

80. Why the passengers are advised to remove the ink

from their pens while going up in an aeroplane?
When an aeroplane ascends, the atmospheric
pressure is decreased. Hence, the ink from the pen will
leak out. So that, the passengers are advised to remove
the ink from their pens while going up in the aeroplane.

81. We use straw to suck soft drinks. why?

When we suck the soft drinks through the straw,
the pressure inside the straw becomes less than the
atmospheric pressure. Due to the difference in pressure,
the soft drink rises in the straw and we are able to enjoy
it conveniently.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
8. Heat and Thermodynamics 11.What is thermal expansion?
The increase in dimension of a body due to the
increase in its temperature is called thermal expansion.
1. What is heat? Give its unit.
Heat is the energy in transit, which flows from an 12.What are the kinds of thermal expansion?
object of higher temperature to lower one. Its unit is joule.  Linear expansion - The expansion in length.
 Area expansion - The expansion in area.
2. What is meant by temperature? Give its unit.  Volume expansion - The expansion in volume.
Temperature is the degree of hotness or
coolness of a body. Its unit is kelvin. 13.Define coefficient of linear expansion. Give its unit.
The coefficient of linear expansion is defined as
3. State Boyle’s law. the fractional change in length per small change in
When the gas is kept at constant temperature, temperature. Its unit is 0C-1 or K-1 .
the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to the ∆
volume. . . =

1 14.Define coefficient of area expansion. Give its unit.
. . ∝ The coefficient of area expansion is defined as
4. State Charles’ law. the fractional change in area per small change in
When the gas is kept at constant pressure, the temperature. Its unit is 0C-1 or K-1 .
volume of the gas is directly proportional to absolute ∆
temperature. . . =

. . ∝ 15.Define coefficient of volume expansion. Give its unit.
5. Define Avogadro’s number. Give its value. The coefficient of volume expansion is defined as
The Avogadro’s number (NA) is defined as the the fractional change in volume per small change in
number of carbon atoms contained in exactly 12g of temperature. Its unit is 0C-1 or K-1 .
Carbon-12. Its value is 6.023 x 1023 mol-1 . ∆
. . =

6. What is one mole? 16.What is anomalous expansion of water?
One mole is the amount of the substance, which When water is cooled from room temperature it
contains Avagadro number of particles. first contracts in volume and becomes increasingly dense
as do other liquids, but at 40 C water reaches its maximum
7. Write the equation of state for an ideal gas or write density. On further cooling from 40C to 00C, not like other
ideal gas law. liquids, it starts expanding and becomes less dense. This
= ( ) = unusual behaviour of water is called anomalous
expansion of water.
Where, P – Pressure ; V – Volume
 - No. of moles ; N – No. of particles. 17.What are the different processes of change of states?
k – Boltzmann constant(1.381x10-23JK-1)  Melting (solid to liquid)
R- Universal gas constant  Evaporation (liquid to gas)
T - Temperature  Sublimation (solid to gas)
8. Define heat capacity. Give its unit.  Freezing / Solidification (liquid to solid)
Heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat  Condensation (gas to liquid)
energy required to raise the temperature of a substance
by 1 Kelvin or 10C. Its unit is J K-1. 18.Define latent heat capacity. Give its unit.
∆ Latent heat capacity of a substance is defined as
. . = the amount of heat energy required to change the state

9. Define specific heat capacity. Give its unit. of a unit mass of the material. Its unit is J kg-1 .
Specific heat capacity of a substance is defined
as the amount of heat energy required to raise the
. . =
temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1 Kelvin or 10C. Its 19.What is latent heat of fusion?
unit is J kg-1 K-1. The latent heat for a solid - liquid state change is
∆ called the latent heat of fusion (Lf).
. . = =
∆ 20.What is latent heat of vaporization?
10.Define molar specific heat capacity. Give its unit.
The latent heat for a liquid - gas state change is
Molar specific heat capacity is defined as heat
called the latent heat of fusion (Lv).
energy required to increase the temperature of one mole
of substance by 1K or 10C. Its unit is J mol-1 K-1. 21.What is latent heat of sublimation?
∆ The latent heat for a solid - gas state change is
. . = =
∆ called the latent heat of sublimation (Ls).
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
22.What is triple point? 32.What is a black body?
The triple point of a substance is the temperature A black body is a idealized physical body which
and pressure at which the three phases (gas, liquid and absorbs and radiates all kinds of electromagnetic wavelengths.
solid) of that substance coexist in thermodynamic
equilibrium. 33.State Stefan Boltzmann law.
[ Triple point temperature of the water = 273.1 K Stefan Boltzmann law states that, the total
Triple point pressure of the water = 611.657 Pa ] amount of heat radiated per second per unit area of a
black body is directly proportional to the fourth power of
23.What is meant by Calorimetry? its absolute temperature.
Calorimetry means the measurement of the . . =
amount of heat released or absorbed by thermodynamic Where  = 5.67 X 10-8 W m-2 K-4, Stefan’s
system during the heating process. constant.

24.What are three modes of heat transfer? 34.Define emissivity.

 Conduction Emissivity is defined as the ratio of the energy
 Convection radiated from a material’s surface to that radiated from a
 Radiation perfectly black body at the same temperature and
25.What is Conduction?
Conduction is the process of direct transfer of 35.State Wien’s displacement law.
heat through matter due to temperature difference. Wien’s law states that, the wavelength of
maximum intensity of emission of a black body radiation
26.What is thermal conductivity or coefficient of thermal is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature of
conductivity? Give its unit. the black body.
The quantity of heat transferred through a unit
length of a material in a direction normal to unit surface . . =
area due to a unit temperature difference under steady Where, b =2.898 x 10 m K , Wien’s constant.
state conditions is known as thermal conductivity of a 36.What is thermodynamics?
material. Its unit is J s-1 m-1 K-1 or W m-1 K-1 . Thermodynamics is a branch of physics, which
describes the laws governing the process of conversion
. . = of work into heat and conversion of heat into work.

27.What is steady state? 37.Differentiate the thermodynamic system and the
The state at which temperature attains constant surrounding with examples.
value everywhere and there is no further transfer of heat  A thermodynamic system is a finite part of the
anywhere is called steady state. universe.
 The remaining part of the universe is called
28.What is meant by convection? surrounding.
Convection is the process in which heat transfer Examples :
is by actual movement of molecules in fluids such as S.No. Thermodynamic
liquids and gases. system
1. Bucket of water Open atmosphere
29.What is meant by radiation? Give the examples. 2. Air molecules Outside air
Radiation is a form of energy transfer from one 3. Human body Open atmosphere
body to another by electromagnetic waves. 4. Fish in the sea Sea of water
38.What is meant by thermal equilibrium?
Example: 1. Solar energy from the Sun. Two systems are said to be in thermal equilibrium
2. Radiation from room heater. with each other if they are at the same temperature, which
will not change with time.
30.State Newton’s law of cooling.
Newton’s law of cooling states that the rate of 39.What is meant by mechanical equilibrium?
loss of heat of a body is directly proportional to the System is said to be in mechanical equilibrium if
temperature difference between that body and its no unbalanced force acts on the thermodynamic system
surroundings. or on the surrounding by thermodynamic system.

31.State Prevost theory of heat exchange. 40.What is meant by chemical equilibrium?

Prevost theory states that all bodies emit thermal If there is no net chemical reaction between two
radiation at all temperatures above absolute zero thermodynamic systems in contact with each other then
irrespective of the nature of the surroundings. it is said to be in chemical equilibrium.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
41.What is meant by thermodynamic equilibrium? 52.State first law of thermodynamics.
If two systems are set to be in thermodynamic It states that ‘Change in internal energy (ΔU) of
equilibrium, then the systems are at thermal, mechanical the system is equal to the difference between heat
and chemical equilibrium with each other. supplied to the system (Q) and the work done by the
system (W) on the surroundings’. i.e. U = Q – W.
42.What is thermodynamic or state variables? Give the
examples 53.Tabulate the changes occur on internal energy, heat
A set of variables used to represent the state of supplied to the system and work done by the system
a thermodynamic system is called thermodynamic or depending upon the various factors.
state variables. Internal Heat Work done
Example: Pressure, temperature, volume, Factors
energy(U) supplied(Q) (W)
internal energy, etc., System gains heat increases positive -
43.What are the types of thermodynamic variables? System loses heat decreases negative -
 Extensive variable Work done on the
increases - negative
 Intensive variable. system
44.What is extensive variable? Work done by the
decreases - positive
The variable, which depends on the size or mass system
of the system, is called extensive variable.
54.What is quasi-static process?
Example: Volume, total mass, entropy, internal
A quasi-static process is an infinitely slow
energy, heat capacity etc.,
process in which the system changes its variables (P,V,T)
45.What is intensive variable? so slowly such that it remains in thermal, mechanical and
Intensive variables do not depend on the size or chemical equilibrium with its surroundings throughout.
mass of the system.
Example: Temperature, pressure, specific heat 55.What is P-V diagram? why it is used?
capacity, density etc., P-V diagram is a graph between pressure P and
volume V of the system. It is used to calculate the amount
46.What is equation of state? Give the examples. of work done by the gas during expansion or on the gas
The equation, which connects the state variables during compression.
in a specific manner, is called equation of state.
56.What is specific heat capacity at constant pressure?
Example: a) Ideal gas equation.
The amount of heat energy required to raise the
b) Van der Waals equation.
temperature of one kg of a substance by 1 K or 1 0C by
47.State zeroth law of thermodynamics. keeping the pressure constant is called specific heat
The zeroth law of thermodynamics states that if capacity of at constant pressure (Sp).
two systems A and B are in thermal equilibrium with a
third system C, then A and B are in thermal equilibrium 57.What is specific heat capacity at constant volume?
with each other. The amount of heat energy required to raise the
temperature of one kg of a substance by 1 K or 10C by
48.What is internal energy? keeping the volume constant is called specific heat
The internal energy of a thermodynamic system capacity of at constant volume (Sv).
is the sum of kinetic and potential energies of all the
molecules of the system with respect to the center of 58.What is molar specific heat capacity at constant
mass of the system. pressure?
. . = + The amount of heat energy required to raise the
49.What is internal kinetic energy? temperature of one mole of a substance by 1 K or 10C by
The energy due to molecular motion including keeping the pressure constant is called molar specific
translational, rotational and vibrational motion is called heat capacity of at constant pressure (Cp).
internal kinetic energy (EK).
59.What is molar specific heat capacity at constant
50.What is internal potential energy? volume?
The energy due to molecular interaction is called The amount of heat energy required to raise the
internal potential energy (EP). temperature of one mole of a substance by 1 K or 10C by
keeping the volume constant is called molar specific heat
51.What is Joule’s mechanical equivalent of heat? or
capacity of at constant volume (Cv).
Define one Calorie.
The energy required to raise the temperature of
60.What is isothermal process?
1g of an object by 10C is called Joule’s mechanical
Isothermal process is a process in which the
equivalent of heat or one Calorie.
temperature remains constant but the pressure and
[Joule’s mechanical equivalent = 4.186 J = 1 calorie ]
volume of a thermodynamic system will change.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
61.What is isotherm? 69.What is irreversible process? Give the examples.
The pressure - volume graph for constant A thermodynamic process, which does not
temperature is also called isotherm. retrace the path in the opposite direction as like direct
process is called irreversible process.
62.What is adiabatic process?
Adiabatic process is a process in which no heat Example: All natural processes are irreversible.
flows into or out of the system (Q = 0).
 The gas molecules came out from the bottle will
63.What is isobaric process? never get back in to it.
Isobaric process is a thermodynamic process
that occurs at constant pressure. Even though pressure  Suppose one drop of an ink is dropped and
is constant in this process, temperature, volume and spreads in the water. It is impossible to get the ink
internal energy are not constant. droplet back.

64.What is isochoric process?  When an object hits the earth from some height all
Isochoric process is a thermodynamic process in the kinetic energy of the object is converted to
which the volume of the system is kept constant. But kinetic energy of the molecules at the earth
pressure, temperature and internal energy continue to be surface. This spreaded kinetic energy cannot be
variables. retrieved back by the object to go up.

65.What is cyclic process? 70.State Clausius form of second law of thermodynamics

Cyclic process is a thermodynamic process in Clausius form of second law of thermodynamics
which the thermodynamic system returns to its initial state states that “Heat always flows from hotter object to colder
after undergoing a series of changes. object spontaneously”.

66.What is the Limitation of first law of thermodynamics? 71.What is reservoir? Name its types.
The first law of thermodynamics explains well the Reservoir is defined as a thermodynamic system,
inter convertibility of heat and work. But it does not which has very large heat capacity. Giving or taking heat
indicate the direction of change. will not not affect the reservoir’s temperature.

Example: Types: (a) Hot reservoir (Or) Source.

 According to 1st law of thermodynamics, heat (b) Cold reservoir (Or) Sink.
energy can flow from hot body to cold and vice
versa. However, in nature heat flows only from hot 72.What is heat engine? Name their parts.
body to cold. Heat engine is a device, which takes heat as
input and converts this heat in to work by undergoing a
 When brake is applied in a car, it stops due to cyclic process.
friction. The work done against this friction is
converted into heat. But this heat is not Parts: (a) Hot reservoir
reconvertible to the kinetic energy of the car. (b) Working substance
(c) Cold reservoir.
67.What is reversible process? Give the examples.
A thermodynamic process, which retrace the 73.What is hot reservoir or Source?
path in the opposite direction in such a way that the Hot reservoir is a thermodynamic system, which
system and surroundings pass through the same states supplies heat to the engine. It is always maintained at a
as in the initial direct process is called reversible process. high temperature TH.

Example: A quasi–static isothermal expansion of gas, 74.What is working substance?

slow compression and expansion of a spring. Working substance is a substance like gas or
water, which converts the heat supplied into work.
68.What are the conditions for reversible process?
75.What is Cold reservoir or Sink?
 The process should proceed at an extremely slow
Cold reservoir is a thermodynamic system, which
receives heat from the engine. It is always maintained at
a low temperature TL.
 The system should remain in mechanical, thermal
and chemical equilibrium state at all the times with 76.Define efficiency of the heat engine.
the surroundings, during the process. The efficiency of the heat engine is defined as the
ratio of the work done (out put) to the heat absorbed
 No dissipative forces such as friction, viscosity, (input) in one cyclic process.
electrical resistance should be present.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
77.State Kelvin – Planck statement . 85.Why does heat flow from a hot object to a cold object?
It is impossible to construct a heat engine that When heat flows from a hot object to a cold
convert the heat completely into work in a cycle. This object, the entropy increases. Suppose heat flows from
implies that no heat engine in the universe can have cold to hot object, entropy will decrease, which violates
100% efficiency. 2nd law of thermodynamics.

78.What is Carnot engine? 86.Define coefficient of performance (COP).

A reversible heat engine operating in a cycle Coefficient of performance(COP) is defined as
between two temperatures in a particular way is called a the ratio of heat extracted from the cold body (sink) to the
Carnot Engine. external work done by the compressor W. It is used to
measure efficiency of refridgerator.
79.What is carnot’s cycle?
The working substance is subjected to four
successive reversible processes, which is called Carnot’s
. . = = = =
− −
87.What are the inferences arrived in COP of
80.What are the processes involved in a Carnot engine? refridgerator?
 Quasi-static isothermal expansion  The greater the COP, the better is the condition of
 Quasi-static adiabatic expansion the refrigerator. A typical refrigerator has COP
 Quasi-static isothermal compression around 5 to 6.
 Quasi-static adiabatic compression
 Lesser the difference in the temperatures of the
81.What are the important results arrived in efficiency of cooling chamber and the atmosphere, higher is the
Carnot engine? COP of a refrigerator.
 Efficiency of heat engines() is always less than
one since TL < TH and also it is practically  In the refrigerator, the heat is flowed from cold
impossible to make TL = 0 K. object to hot object by doing external work. It
increases the entropy and thereby obeys 2nd law of
  doesn’t depend on working substance. But it thermodynamics.
depends on temperature difference between
source and sink. 88.‘An object contains more heat’- is it a right statement?
If not why?
 When TH = TL the efficiency η = 0. No engine can No. ‘Heat’ is the energy in transit and it is not a
work having source and sink at the same quantity. Therefore, the statement ‘An object contains
temperature. more heat’ is wrong, instead ‘Object is hot’ will be
 Carnot engine is a reversible engine. But the
practical heat engines like petrol engine, deisel 89.Obtain an ideal gas law from Boyle’s and Charles’
engine and steam engine are not perfectly law.
reversible. So that they have less efficiency than  According to Boyle’s law, ∝ When T= const.
Carnot engine.
 According to Charles’ law, V ∝ When P= const
82.State Carnot theorem.  Combining these two we get,
Carnot theorem states that no heat engine
working in a cycle between two constant temperature Where C is positive constant, which is proportional
to no. of particles in the gas.
reservoirs can be more efficient than a reversible Carnot
engine working between the same reservoirs. i.e. C  N or C = kN
Where k is Boltzmann constant.
83.What is meant by entropy?  Therefore, PV = NkT
Entropy is nothing but ‘measure of disorder’. All  This is called ideal gas law.
natural process occur such that the disorder should
90.Are internal energy and heat energy the same?
always increases.
No. Internal energy and heat energy are different.
84.State second law of thermodynamics in terms of
Internal energy depends on size or mass of the system.
Hot water with high temperature in a tumbler has less
It states that the entropy always increases for all
internal energy than the normal water with low
natural process (irreversible process). However, entropy
temperature in the bucket. Moreover, heat energy flows
doen’t change for reversible process.
form hot to cold irrespective of internal energy.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
91.Did Joule convert mechanical energy to heat energy? 95.Draw the PV diagram for a) Isothermal process
Explain. b) Adiabatic process c) isobaric process d) Isochoric
No. Joule actually converted mechanical energy process.
into internal energy not into heat energy. Because heat Process P - V Diagram
energy is not a quantity. It is a energy in transit.

92.Can we measure the temperature of the object by Isothermal

touching it? expansion
No, we cannot. If we touch both a carpet and a (T =const.)
tile, we feel tile is cooler than the carpet even though both
are at same room temperature. Because the tile transfer
heat energy at higher rate than the carpet. Therefore, by
touching the object we can measure only the rate of heat
energy transfer, not the temperature. Isothermal
93.Explain why the specific heat capacity at constant (T =const.)
pressure is greater than the specific heat capacity at
constant volume.
To increase the temperature of the gas at
constant volume requires less heat than increasing the
temperature of the gas at constant pressure. Therefore,
specific heat capacity at constant pressure(SP) is always Adiabatic expansion
greater than the specific heat capacity at constant (T)

94.Give equation of state and work done expression for

isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric and isochoric.
Equation of compression
Process Work done (ideal gas)
state (T)
PV = Constant =
(P and V)
(T =const.) (W>0 , Q >0)

Isothermal Isobaric expansion

PV = Constant =
compression (T)
(P and V)
(T =const.) (W<0 , Q <0)

PV = Constant = −
expansion −1
(P and V)
(T) (W>0 , Q = 0)
Adiabatic compression
PV = Constant = −
compression −1
(P and V) (T)
(T) (W< 0 , Q = 0)

= = − = ∆
(W>0 , Q >0)
(P=constant) (V and T))

Isobaric Isochoric (T)

= = − = ∆
(W<0 , Q <0)
(P=constant) (V and T))

Isochoric =
(P and T)
Isochoric (T)
Isochoric =
(P and T)

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
96.If the piston of a container is pushed fast inward, will
the ideal gas equation be valid in the intermediate
stage? If not, why?
No. It is not valid. Ideal gas equation is only valid
for equilibrium state. When the piston is pushed fast
inward, it goes to non-equilibrium state, in which we
cannot determine pressure, temperature or internal
energy by using ideal gas equation.

97.Can the given heat energy be completely converted to

work in a cyclic process? If not, when can the heat can
completely converted to work?
No. For non-cyclic process like an isothermal
expansion, the heat is completely converted into work.

98.How does the water kept in an earthen pot become

cool during summer? Does the earthern pot act as a
No. cyclic process is the necessity for heat
engine or refrigerator. In earthern pot, the cooling process
is not due to any cyclic process. The cooling happens due
to evaporation of water through the pores of the pot by
taking heat energy from the water inside the pot.

99.When two objects of same mass are heated or cooled

at equal rates, which one does faster?
The object with smaller specific heat capacity will
have a faster temperature increase during heating and
faster temperature drop during cooling.

100. During the day, sunrays warm up the land more

quickly than sea water but during the night time it is
vice versa. Why?
 It is because land has less specific heat capacity
than water. As a result during the day, the air above
the land becomes less dense due to expansion and
rises. At the same time the cooler air above the sea
flows to land and it is called ‘sea breeze’.

 During the nighttime, the air molecules above sea

are warmer than air molecules above the land. So
the cooler air molecules from the land replace air
molecules above the sea. It is called ‘land breeze’.

101. All reversible processes are quasi-static but all

quasi-static processes need not to be reversible.
Explain with example..
when we push the piston very slowly(quasi-static
process), due to the friction between the cylinder wall and
the piston some amount of energy is lost to the
surroundings, which cannot be retrieved back. Though it
is a quasi-static process, it is not reversible.

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
9. Kinetic Theory of Gases 6. State Charles’ law.
For a fixed pressure, the volume of the gas is
proportional to internal energy of the gas or average
1. State Postulates of kinetic theory of gases. kinetic energy of the gas and the average kinetic energy
 All the molecules of a gas are identical, elastic is directly proportional to absolute temperature.
∝ ∝∈∝ ; =
 The molecules of different gases are different.
 The number of molecules in a gas is very large and
7. Deduce Charles’ law based on kinetic theory.
the average separation between them is larger
 From kinetic theory equations,
than size of the gas molecules.
 The molecules of a gas are in a state of continuous =
random motion. 3
 The molecules collide with one another and with
the walls of the container. 2 2 2 3
 These collisions are perfectly elastic so that there = = = =
3 3 3 2
is no loss of kinetic energy during collisions.
 Between two successive collisions, a molecule  At constant pressure, we get,
moves with uniform velocity.
 The molecules do not exert any force of attraction ∝ ∝∈∝ ; =
or repulsion on each other except during collision.
The molecules do not possess any potential  This is called Charle’s law.
energy and the energy is wholly kinetic.
8. State Avagadro’s law.
 The collisions are instantaneous. The time spent
Avagadro’s law states that at constant
by a molecule in each collision is very small
temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all gases
compared to the time elapsed between two
contain the same number of molecules.
consecutive collisions.
 These molecules obey Newton’s laws of motion
9. Deduce Avagadro’s law based on kinetic theory.
even though they move randomly.
 For two different gases at the same temperature
and pressure, the kinetic theory equation can be
2. What is the microscopic origin of pressure?
expressed as,
According to kinetic theory, microscopic origin of
1 1
pressure is the force exerted by molecules or atoms = = −→ (1)
impacting on the walls of a container. 3 3
 At the same temperature, average kinetic energy
3. What is the microscopic origin of temperature? per molecule is same for two gases, so that,
According to kinetic theory, microscopic origin of 1 1
= −→ (2)
temperature is the average kinetic energy of the 2 2
molecules.  Dividing equation(1) by (2), we get,
4. State Boyle’s law.  This is Avagadro’s law.
Boyle’s law states that pressure of a given gas is
inversely proportional to its volume provided the 10. Define root mean square speed (vrms).
temperature remains constant. Root mean square speed (vrms) is defined as the
1 square root of the mean of the square of speeds of all
∝ ; = molecules.

5. Deduce Boyle’s law based on kinetic theory. = = = 1.73
 From kinetic theory equations,
= = 11. Why the Moon has no atmosphere?
 We get, The escape speed of gases on the surface of
2 Moon is much less than the root mean square speeds of
= gases due to low gravity. Due to this all the gases escape
 For constant temperatures, average kinetic energy from the surface of the Moon.
is constant. Thus,
12. Why the Earth’s atmosphere has no hydrogen?
= As the root mean square speed(vrms) of hydrogen
1 is much higher than that of nitrogen, which is majority in
∝ ; = atmosphere, hydrogen can easily escape from the earth’s
 This is called Boyle’s law. atmosphere.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
13. Define Mean or average speed. 20. What are the factors affecting the mean free path?
Mean or average speed is defined as the mean  Mean free path increases with increasing
(or) average of all the speeds of molecules. temperature.
+ + +⋯+  Mean free path increases with decreasing
̅= pressure and diameter of the gas molecules.

8 8 21. What is Brownian motion?

̅= = = 1.60 The random (Zig - Zag path) motion of pollen
suspended in a liquid is called Brownian motion.
14. Define Most probable speed.
Most probable speed is defined as the speed 22. What is the reason for Brownian motion?
acquired by most of the molecules of the gas. According to kinetic theory, any particle
2 2 suspended in a liquid or gas is continuously bombarded
= = = 1.41 from all the directions so that the mean free path is almost
negligible. This leads to the Brownian motion.
15. What is degrees of freedom?
The minimum number of independent 23. What are the factors affecting the Brownian motion?
coordinates needed to specify the position and  Brownian motion increases with increasing
configuration of a thermo-dynamical system in space is temperature.
called the degree of freedom of the system.  Brownian motion decreases with bigger particle
size, high viscosity and density of the liquid (or)
16. Give examples for degrees of freedom. gas.
 A free particle moving along x-axis needs only one
coordinate to specify it completely. So its degree of
freedom is one.
 Similarly, a particle moving over a plane has two
degrees of freedom.
 A particle moving in space has three degrees of

17. Tabulate the degrees of freedom of monoatomic,

diatomic and triatomic molecules.
Degrees of freedom (f)
Type of
Low temperature High temperature
Trans Rot Vib Tot Trans Rot Vib Tot
3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3
3 2 0 5 3 2 2 7
triatomic 3 2 0 5 3 2 2 7
triatomic 3 3 0 6 3 3 0 6

18. State law of equipartition of energy.

According to kinetic theory, the average kinetic
energy of system of molecules in thermal equilibrium at
temperature T is uniformly distributed by to all
degrees of freedom. This is called law of equipartition of

19. What is mean free path?

The average distance travelled by the molecule
between collisions is called mean free path (λ).

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
10. Oscillations 11.What is frequency? Give its unit.
The number of oscillations produced by the
1. What is periodic motion? Give the examples. particle per second is called frequency(f). Its unit is s-1 or
Any motion, which repeats itself after a regular Hz.
interval of time, is known as periodic motion. 1
. . =
Ex: (i) Hands in pendulum clock.
(ii) Swing of a cradle. 12.What is angular frequency? Give its unit.
(iii) The revolution of the Earth around the Sun. The number of cycles (or revolutions) per second
(iv) Waxing and waning of Moon, etc. is called angular frequency(). Its unit is rad s-1 .
2. What is non-periodic motion? Give the examples. . . =2
Any motion, which does not repeat itself after a 13.What is phase? Give its unit.
regular interval of time, is known as non-periodic motion. The physical quantity, which specifies the
Ex: (i) Occurance of Earthquake. position and direction of a vibrating particle from its mean
(ii) eruption of volcano, etc. position at any instant is called Phase(). Its unit is
3. What will happen if the motion of the Earth around the radian.
Sun is not a periodic motion? . . = +
Intervals of Seasons happen in the Earth will be 14.What is epoch? Give its unit.
changed. This will affect all the living environments. The phase of the vibrating particle at time t=0 is
4. What is oscillatory or vibratory motion? Give the called epoch or initial phase(0). Its unit is radian.
examples. 15.What is angular oscillation?
When an object or a particle moves back and When a body is allowed to rotate freely about a
forth repeatedly about a reference point for some duration given axis, the oscillation is known as the angular
of time it is said to have Oscillatory (or vibratory) motion. oscillation.
Ex: (i) Our heart beat 16.What is mean position?
(ii) Swinging motion of the wings of an insect. The point at which the resultant torque acting on
(iii) Grandfather’s clock (pendulum clock), etc. the body is taken to be zero is called mean position.
5. All the oscillatory motions are periodic whereas all
periodic motions need not be oscillatory. Explain. 17.What is meant by angular harmonic oscillation and
All oscillatory motions like heart beat, pendulam angular harmonic oscillator?
clock, etc. are regularly repeated periodic motion When the angular acceleration or torque of the
whereas some period motions like motion of the Earth particle, which undergoes angular oscillation is directly
around the Sun, bouncing motion of the kangaroos,etc. proportional to angular displacement and is always
do not have to and fro motion as like oscillatory motion. directed towards the mean position is called angular
harmonic oscillation. The system corresponding to it is
6. What is simple harmonic motion(SHM)? called angular harmonic oscillator.
Simple harmonic motion is a special type of 18.Compare the Simple and Angular harmonic motion.
oscillatory motion in which the acceleration or force on the S.
particle is directly proportional to its displacement from a No. Simple Harmonic motion Angular Harmonic motion
fixed point and is always directed towards that fixed point. The displacement of the
The displacement of the
7. All the Simple harmonic motions are oscillatory particle is measured in
particle is measured in
whereas all oscillatory motions need not be simple 1. terms of angular
terms of linear
harmonic. Explain. displacement or angle of
displacement ⃗.
A simple harmonic motion is a special type of twist ⃗.
oscillatory motion. In some oscillatory motions as like Acceleration of the Angular acceleration of
SHM, the acceleration or force on the particle is not 2.
particle is ⃗ = − ⃗ the particle is ⃗ = − ⃗
directly proportional to its displacement from a fixed point.
Force, ⃗ = ⃗, where m Torque, ⃗ = ⃗ , where I
8. What is displacement of the vibrating particle? 3. is called mass of the is called moment of
The distance travelled by the vibrating particle at particle. inertia of a body.
any instant of time from its mean position is known as The restoring torque
displacement of the vibrating particle. ⃗ = −Κ ⃗ , where the
9. What is amplitude of the vibrating particle? The restoring force symbol  (kappa) is
The maximum displacement from the mean 4. ⃗ = − ⃗, where k is called restoring torsion
position is known as amplitude (A) of the vibrating restoring force constant. constant. It depends on
particle. the property of a
particular torsion fiber.
10.Define time period. Angular frequency Angular frequency
The time period(T) is defined as the time taken 5.
= rad s-1 = rad s-1
by a particle to complete one oscillation. . . =
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
19.What is stiffness constant or force constant or spring 24.Name the types of oscillations.
constant? Give its unit.  Free oscillation
Force per unit length of a spring is called  Damped oscillation
stiffness constant or force constant or spring constant(k).  Maintained oscillation
It is a measure of stiffness of the spring. Its unit is Nm .  Forced oscillations
 Resonance
. . =− 25.What is Free oscillation? Give the examples.
When an oscillator is allowed to oscillate with its
20.Write the equations for effective spring constant of the natural frequency. Such oscillation is known as free
springs connected in series and parallel. oscillation.
 The effective spring constant for series connection, Examples:
1 1 1 1 1 1  Vibration of a tuning fork.
= + + + ⋯+ =  Vibration in a stretched string.
 Oscillation of a simple pendulum.
If k1 = k2 = k3 =...= kn = k,  Oscillations of a spring-mass system.
= = 26.What is Damped oscillation? Give the examples.
If the amplitude of the oscillation is gradually
 The effective spring constant for parallel
decreased due to air resistance, such an oscillation is
called as Damped oscillation.
= + + + ⋯+ =  The oscillations of a pendulum (including air
friction) or pendulum oscillating inside an oil filled
If k1 = k2 = k3 =...= kn = k, container.
=  Electromagnetic oscillations in a tank circuit.
21.What is flexibility constant or compliance? Give its  Oscillations in a dead beat and ballistic
unit. galvanometers.
The reciprocal of stiffness constant is called
flexibility constant or compliance. Its unit is m N-1. 27.What is Maintained oscillation? Give an example.
1 When the losing energy is suppiled to damped
. . ∝ oscillation, if it oscillate with constant amplitude, such
22.State laws of simple pendulam. oscillation is known as Maintained oscillation.

The vibration of a tuning fork getting energy from
a battery or from external power supply.
 Law of length:
For a given value of acceleration due to gravity,
28.What is Forced oscillation? Give an example.
the time period of a simple pendulum is directly
When the oscillator is forced to oscillate with the
proportional to the square root of length of the pendulum.
frequency of external periodic agency, not with its natural
. . ∝√ ; = frequency, such oscillation is called Forced oscillation.
 Law of acceleration:
For a fixed length, the time period of a simple Example:
pendulum is inversely proportional to square root of Sound boards of stringed instruments.
acceleration due to gravity.
1 29.What is Resonance? Give an example.
. . ∝ ; = When the frequency of external periodic agency
is matched with natural frequency of the vibrating body,
 Law of mass:
the body starts to vibrate with maximum amplitude. This
Time period of oscillation is independent of mass
is known as Resonance.
of the simple pendulum.
 Law of amplitude:
The time period is independent of amplitude of the
The breaking of glass due to sound.
oscillation for small angled oscillation.
30.Soldiers are not allowed to march on a bridge. Why?
23.If the potential energy is minimum then its second
When Soldiers march on the bridge, their
derivative is positive, why?
stepping frequency may match on the natural frequency
If the potential energy is minimum, it denotes
of the bridge. If it so, the bridge will vibrate with larger
stable equilibrium. For stable equilibrium, second
amplitude due to resonance. This may collapse the
derivative of potential energy should be positive.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
11. Waves 9. What is meant by crest and trough?
Crest is the highest point and trough is the lowest
1. What is a wave? Give the examples. point in transverse wave.
The disturbance, which carries energy and
momentum from one point in space to another point in 10.What is meant by compression and rarefaction?
space without the transfer of the medium, is known as a Compression is the place of high density and
wave. pressure and rarefaction is the place of low density and
Examples: (i) Ocean Waves. pressure in the medium where the longitudinal wave
(ii) Standing waves in plucking rubber. propagates.
(iii) Ripples formed on water surface.
11.Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal
2. What are the characteristics of wave motion? waves.
 For the propagation of the waves, the medium S.No. Transverse Waves Longitudinal waves
must possess both inertia and elasticity, which The direction of vibration The direction of vibration
decide the velocity of the wave in that medium. of particles of the medium of particles of the
 In a given medium, the velocity of a wave is a 1. is perpendicular to the medium is parallel to the
constant whereas the constituent particles in that direction of propagation direction of propagation
medium move with different velocities at different of waves. of waves.
positions. Velocity is maximum at their mean The disturbances are in
The disturbances are in
position and zero at extreme positions. the form of
2. the form of crests and
 Waves undergo reflections, refraction, compressions and
interference, diffraction and polarization. rarefactions.
Longitudinal waves are
Transverse waves are
3. What are the types of wave motion based on medium possible in all types of
3. possible in elastic
requirement? media (solid, liquid and
 Mechanical wave motion. gas).
 Non mechanical wave motion.
4. What is mechanical wave? Give the examples. 12.Define wavelength. Give its unit.
Waves, which require a medium for propagation, Wavelength() is defined as the distance
are known as mechanical waves. between successive crests or troughs in case of
transverse wave (or) the distance between successive
Examples: sound waves, ripples formed on the surface of compressions or rarefactions in case of longitudinal
water, etc. wave. Its unit is meter.

5. What is non-mechanical wave? Give an example. 13.Define frequency of a wave. Give its unit.
Waves, which do not require any medium for The frequency(f) of a wave is defined as the
propagation, are known as non-mechanical waves. number of waves crossing a point per second. Its unit is
Example: light (Electromagnetic wave)
14.Define time period of a wave. Give its unit.
6. What are the types of wave motion based on mode of Time period(T) of a wave is defined as the time
propagation? taken by one wave to cross a point. Its unit is second.
 Transverse wave motion. 1
 Longitudinal wave motion. . . =
7. What is transverse wave motion? Give an example. 15.What is wave velocity or phase velocity?
The wave motion in which the constituents of the Wave velocity(v) is the distance travelled by a
medium oscillate or vibrate about their mean positions in wave in one second.
a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation
. . =
is known as transverse wave motion.
16.What is wave number? Give its unit.
The number of cycles per unit distance or number
Example: light (Electromagnetic wave)
of waves per unit distance is called wave number(k). Its
unit is rad m-1. It is also called angular wave number.
8. What is longitudinal wave motion? Give an example.
The wave motion in which the constituents of the . . =
medium oscillate or vibrate about their mean positions in
a direction parallel to the direction of propagation is 17.What is wave vector?
known as longitudinal wave motion. The wave vector ( ⃗) is a vector which points the
direction of wave propagation. Its magnitude is wave
Example: Sound waves travelling in air. number(k).

Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
18.What are the factors affecting speed of sound in 27.What are the characteristics of progressive waves?
gases?  Particles in the medium vibrate about their mean
 Pressure positions with the same amplitude.
 Temperature  The phase of every particle ranges from 0 to 2π.
 Density  No particle remains at rest permanently. During
 Moisture or Humidity wave propagation, particles come to the rest
 Wind position only twice at the extreme points.
19.How the factors affecting speed of sound in gases?  Transverse progressive waves are characterized
 Effect of pressure: For a fixed temperature, Speed by crests and troughs whereas longitudinal
of sound is independent of pressure. progressive waves are characterized by
 Effect of temperature: The speed of sound is compressions and rarefactions.
directly proportional to square root of temperature  When the particles pass through the mean position
in kelvin. . . ∝√ they always move with the same maximum
 Effect of density: The speed of sound is inversely velocity.
proportional to square root of density.  The displacement, velocity and acceleration of
1 particles separated from each other by nλ are the
. . ∝
same, where n is an integer, and λ is the
 Effect of moisture or humidity: The speed of sound wavelength.
increases with rise in humidity. 28. State superposition principle of waves.
 Effect of wind: The speed of sound increases in the If two are more waves in a medium move
direction of wind blowing and it decreases in simultaneously, when they overlap, their total
opposite direction of wind blowing. displacement is the vector sum of the individual
20.State law of reflection of sound waves. displacements.
 The angle of incidence of sound is equal to the . . ⃗ = ⃗ + ⃗+...
angle of reflection. 29.What is interference of waves?
 When the sound wave is reflected by a surface Interference is a phenomenon in which two
then the incident wave, reflected wave and the waves superimpose to form a resultant wave of greater,
normal at the point of incidence all lie in the same lower or the same amplitude.
plane. 30.What is beats?
21.What is meant by specular reflection? When two or more waves superimpose each
The reflection of sound on a harder flat surface is other with slightly different frequencies, then a sound of
called specular reflection. Here wavelength of sound periodically varying amplitude at a point is observed. This
must be smaller than the dimesion and irregularities of the phenomenon is known as beats.
reflecting surface.
31.What is standing or stationary wave?
22.What are the applications of sound reflection? When two progressive waves of same amplitude
 Stethoscope and velocity moving in opposite direction interfere each
 Echo other form a pattern is called standing or stationary wave.
 Reverberation 32.What are the characteristics of Stationary waves?
23.What is meant by an echo?  Stationary waves are characterised by the
An echo is a repetition of sound produced by the confinement of a wave disturbance between two
reflection of sound waves from a wall, mountain or other rigid boundaries.
obstructing surfaces.  Certain points in the region in which the wave
exists have maximum amplitude, called as anti-
24.What is meant by SONAR? Write its principle. nodes and at certain points the amplitude is
SONAR is the abbreviation of the sentence minimum or zero, called as nodes.
“SOund NAvigation and Ranging”. It is a device used to  The distance between two consecutive nodes (or)
locate the position and motion of an object immersed in
anti-nodes is .
the water by using the principle of reflection of sound.
 The distance between a node and its neighbouring
25.What is meant by Reverberation? anti-node is .
Reverberation is the phenomenon of multiple  The transfer of energy along the standing wave is
reflection of sound in an enclosure. zero.
33.What is a Sonometer?
26.What is Progressive or travelling wave? A Sonometer is a device for demonstrating the
A wave that propagates in a medium relationship between the frequency of the sound
continuously is known as progressive wave or travelling produced by a plucked string, and the tension, length and
wave. mass per unit length of the string.
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
34.What are the similarities between progressive and  The law of mass:
stationary waves? For a given vibrating length(l) and tension(T), the
S.No. Progressive Waves Stationary waves frequency is inversely proportional to square root of the
Crests and troughs are Crests and troughs are mass per unit length().
1. formed in transverse formed in transverse 1
progressive waves. stationary waves. . . ∝ ; = .
Compression and Compression and √
40.What is Sound power? Give its unit.
rarefaction are formed in rarefaction are formed in
2. The average sound energy emitted or transmitted
longitudinal progressive longitudinal stationary
per second is called sound power. Its unit is J s-1.
waves. waves.
35.Distinguish between progressive and stationary 41.Define intensity of sound. Give its unit.
waves. The intensity of sound is defined as the sound
S.No. Progressive Waves Stationary waves power transmitted per unit area taken normal to the
These waves move These waves neither propagation of the sound wave. Its unit is W m-2 .
forward or backward in a move forward nor
1. medium i.e., they will backward in a medium 42.State inverse square law of sound intensity.
advance in a medium with i.e., they will not For a fixed source, the sound intensity is
a definite velocity. advance in a medium. inversely proportional to the square of the distance from
Except at nodes, all the source.
other particles of the 1
All the particles in the medium vibrate such . . ∝
medium vibrate such that that amplitude of
43.Define loudness.
2. the amplitude of the vibration is different for
The loudness of sound is defined as the degree
vibration for all particles is different particles. The
of sensation of sound produced in the ear or the
same. amplitude is minimum or
perception of sound by the listener.
zero at nodes and
maximum at antinodes.
44.Distinguish between intensity of sound and loudness.
These wave carry energy These waves do not
3. S.
while propagating. transport energy. Intensity of sound Loudness
36.What is fundamental frequency?
It is sound power
The lowest natural frequency of the vibrating It is degree of sensation of
transmitted per unit area
system is called the fundamental frequency(f1). sound produced in the ear
1. taken normal to the
or the perception of sound
propagation of the sound
37.What are over tones? by the listener.
The natural frequencies above the fundamental
For a given sound source, For a given sound source,
frequency are called over tones (f2,f3,f4,...) . 2.
it is constant. it may vary.
It depends both on
38.What is harmonic? It does not depend on
3. intensity of sound and
Harmonic is the integer multiple of fundamental observer.
frequency. If fn = n f1 , n is the harmonic.
45.State Weber-Fechner’s law.
Loudness (L) is proportional to the logarithm of
39.State the laws of transverse vibrations in stretched
the actual intensity (I) measured with an accurate non-
human instrument.
1 . . ∝ ln = ln
46.What is sound intensity level? Give its unit.
 The law of length: The difference between two loudnesses is called
For a given tension(T) and mass per unit sound intensity level(L). Its unit is bel or decibel.
length(), the frequency is inversely proportional to
vibrating length(l). ∆ = − = ; =1
. . ∝ ; = .
∆ = − = 10 ; = 10

 The law of tension: For practical purpose,

For a given vibrating length(l) and mass per unit ∆ = − = 10
length(), the frequency is directly proportional to square
root of the tension(T). 1
: 1 = 1 =
. . ∝√ ; = . 10
Higher Secondary First Year 2 , 3 & 5 marks Question and Answers
47.What is organ pipe? Name its types. 54.Tabulate the formulas for apparent frequency of
Organ pipe is a simplest form of wind instrument. various cases in Dopper effect.
It is made up of a wooden or metal pipe which produces Case Event Apparent frequency
the musical sound. Source moves towards a
Types: (i) Closed organ pipe
stationary observer. = 1+
(ii) Open organ pipe Source moves away from
a stationary observer. = 1−
48.Write a short note on Closed organ pipe. Observer moves towards
 Closed organ pipe is a pipe with one end closed 3.
a stationary Source. = 1+
and other end open. (E.g) Flute, whistle, etc.,
Observer moves away
from a stationary Source. = 1−
 The frequency of n harmonic, = (2 − 1)

Source and Observer +

 The ratio of frequencies of harmonics,
approach each other.

: : : …=1∶3∶5∶7∶… Source and Observer −
recede from each other.
49.Write a short note on Open organ pipe.
Source chases the −
 Open organ pipe is a pipe with both the ends open. 7. =
(E.g) Nathaswaram, clarinet, etc., Observer. −
Observer chases the +
 The frequency of nth harmonic, = 8.
 The ratio of frequencies of harmonics, Conceptual Questions :
55.Why is it that transverse waves cannot be produced in
: : : …=1∶2∶3∶4∶…
a gas?. Can the transverse waves can be produced in
50.What is meant by end correction in resonanace air solids and liquids?
column apparatus? Transverse waves are produced only in rigid
Antinodes are not exactly formed at the open end medium like solids and it cannot be produced in non-rigid
of the resonance air column apparatus but smaller mediums like liquid and gases.
distance away from this end. This smaller distance is 56.Why is the roar of our national animal different from
called end correction. the sound of a mosquito?
Roaring of our national animal produces a sound
51.What is Doppler effect? of low frequency and high intensity or loudness whereas
When the source and the observer are in relative mosquito produces sound of high frequency and low
motion with respect to each other and to the medium in intensity or loudness. So that their sounds different.
which sound propagates, the frequency of the sound
wave observed is different from the frequency of the 57.A sound source and listener are both stationary and a
source. This phenomenon is called Doppler Effect. strong wind is blowing. Is there a Doppler effect?
Yes. Doppler effect happends not only due to
52.What is Doppler shift? relative motion of source and observer but also due to
The Doppler shift is a shift in the wavelength of relative motion of the medium.
light or sound that depends on the relative motion of the 58.In an empty room why is it that a tone sounds louder
source and the observer. than in the room having things like furniture etc.
In the empty room, sound energy is less
. . ∆ =
absorbed and well reflected by the wall whereas in the
53.Explain an application of Doppler effect. furnishing room, sound energy is more absorbed by the
 Doppler effect is used to find the velocities at which things. Therefore, tone sound is louder in the empty room
distant objects like stars or galaxies move towards than in the furnishing room.
or away from Earth. 59.How do animals sense impending danger of
 Red shift: If the spectral lines of the star are found Animal’s ears are very sensitive to low
to shift towards the red end of the spectrum, then frequencies. So they easily sense low frequencies
the star is receding away from the Earth. produced by hurricane and prevent themselves.

 Blue shift: If the spectral lines of the star are found 60.Is it possible to realize whether a vessel kept under
to shift towards the blue end of the spectrum, then the tap is about to fill with water?
the star is approaching Earth. Yes. Since the vessel acts as a closed organ
pipe, when the vessel is about to fill with water, decrease
of vibrating length of air column changes the frequency of
 Let Δλ be the Doppler shift. Then, = ,
sound. Thus, we can realize the sound of fill.
where v is the velocity of the star.

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