Effect of Stress On Executive Performance by Saathwik Chandan Nune

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Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I Journal

ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-01 January 2020



ABSTRACT exclusively as something negative gives us a

Stress is an inevitable reality of life. But stress false impression of its true nature, however.
isn’t always a bad thing. It’s a natural, Stress is a reaction to a changing, demanding
physical response that can generate our fight- environment. Properly considered, stress is
or-flight response. Stress can increase our really more about our capacity to handle
awareness in difficult or treacherous change than it is about whether that change
situations, allowing us to act hastily in the makes us feel good or bad. Change happens all
moment. Without it, humans wouldn’t have the time, and stress is in large part what we
survived this long. But if stress is invariable feel when we are reacting to it. We can define
over time, it can be unfavourable to health. So, stress by saying that it involves the "set of
stress prevention and management are emotional, physical, and cognitive (i.e.,
important, and will help cope with the many thought) reactions to a change." Thinking
things going on in life. The goal of preventing about stress as a reaction to change suggests
and managing stress isn’t to completely get that it is not necessarily bad, and sometimes,
liberate of stress, but to eliminate unnecessary could even be a good thing. Some life changes
stress and help you cope with inevitable stress. such as getting a new job, moving in with a
Keywords: inevitable strength, Life, obstacle new romantic partner, or studying to master a
INTRODUCTION new skill are generally considered positive and
Stress problems are very common with many life-enhancing events, even though they can
people reporting experiencing extreme levels also be quite stressful. Other life changes such
of negative stress. When stress is considered as losing a job or an important relationship are
as something that occurs repeatedly across the more negative, and also stressful. Our
full lifespan, the true incidence of stress experience of stress varies in intensity between
problems is much higher. Being "stressed out" high and low. How intensely stressed we feel
is thus a universal human phenomenon that in response to a particular event has to do with
affects almost everyone. What are we talking how much we need to accomplish in order to
about when we discuss stress? Generally, most meet the demands of that situation. When we
people use the word stress to refer to negative don't have to do much in order to keep up with
experiences that leave us feeling demands, we don't experience much stress.
overwhelmed. Thinking about stress Conversely, when we have to do a lot, we tend

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Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I Journal
ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-01 January 2020
to feel much more stressed out. Generally as getting married can impact individuals
speaking, people do not like experiencing the differently. Some people become highly
extremes of stress. This is true for each end of anxious while others remain calm and
the spectrum of stress intensity, both high and composed.
low. Few people enjoy the feeling of being
overwhelmingly stressed in the face of great
change. However, most people do not like a Stress is body’s response to any demand,

total absence of stress either, at least after a according to the National Institute of Mental

while. There is a word for such a condition Health (NIMH). Many things can trigger stress

(i.e., a lack of stress and challenge) which and can be positive or negative. In a dangerous

conveys this negative meaning: boredom. situation, stress will trigger fight-or-flight

What most people tend to seek is the middle response and cause the following symptoms:

ground; a balance between a lack of stress and  increased heart rate

too much stress. They want a little challenge  faster breathing
and excitement in life, but not so much that  tensed muscles
they feel overwhelmed by it. A variety of
This stress allows you to make split-second
events and environmental demands cause us to
decisions and is what helped cavemen either
experience stress, including: routine hassles
face a threat or flee.
(such as getting the family out the door in the
morning, or dealing with a difficult co- Our body is only meant to handle stress in
worker), one-time events that alter our lives small bursts. Chronic stress can lead to serious
(such as moving, marriage, childbirth, or problems, lowering your immune system and
changing jobs), and ongoing long-term interfering with the proper functioning of your
demands (such as dealing with a chronic body’s systems. A lowered immune system
disease, or caring for a child or sick family means you are more prone to colds and
member). Though different people may infections. Over time, constant strain can also
experience the same type of events, each of lead to:
them will experience that event in a unique
 heart disease
way. That is, some people are more vulnerable
 high blood pressure
to becoming stressed out than others are in any
 diabetes
given situation. An event like getting stuck in
 depression
traffic might cause one person to become very
 anxiety
stressed out while it might not affect another
person much at all. Even "good" stressors such TYPES OF STRESS

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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-01 January 2020
1. Acute stress Negative health effects are persistent in people
Acute stress is the most common type of with episodic acute stress. It may be hard for
stress. It’s your body's immediate reaction to a people with this type of stress to change their
new challenge, event, or demand, and it lifestyle, as they accept stress as a part of life.
triggers your fight-or-flight response. As the 3. Chronic stress
pressures of a near-miss automobile accident, If acute stress isn't resolved and begins to
an argument with a family member, or a costly increase or lasts for long periods of time, it
mistake at work sink in, your body turns on becomes chronic stress. This stress is constant
this biological response. and doesn’t go away. It can stem from such
Acute stress isn't always negative. It's also the things as:
experience you have when riding a  poverty
rollercoaster or having a person jump out at  a dysfunctional family
you in a haunted house. Isolated episodes of  an unhappy marriage
acute stress should not have any lingering  a bad job Chronic stress can be detrimental
health effects. In fact, they might actually be to your health, as it can contribute to
healthy for you, as these stressful situations several serious diseases or health risks,
give your body and brain practice in such as:
developing the best response to future stressful
 heart disease
Severe acute stress such as stress suffered as  cancer
the victim of a crime or life-threatening  lung disease
situation can lead to mental health problems,
 accidents
such as post-traumatic stress disorder or acute
stress disorder.  cirrhosis of the liver

2. Episodic acute stress  suicide

When acute stress happens frequently, it’s
called episodic acute stress. People who MANAGING STRESS

always seem to be having a crisis tend to have Stress affects each person differently. Some
episodic acute stress. They are often short- people may get headaches or stomachaches,
tempered, irritable, and anxious. People who while others may lose sleep or get depressed
are “worry warts” or pessimistic or who tend or angry. People under constant stress may
to see the negative side of everything also tend also get sick a lot. Managing stress is
to have episodic acute stress. important to staying healthy. It’s impossible to

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Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I Journal
ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-01 January 2020
completely get rid of stress. The goal of stress  To make recommendation for
management is to identify stressors, which are improving stress management.
the things that cause the most problems or
demand the most of personal energy. In doing REVIEW OF LITERATURE
so, we can overcome the negative stress those 1. Weiss M. (1983). -The Author
things induce. The Centers for Disease Control investigated the sources of Job stress
and Prevention recommend the following to that is linked to Job dissatisfaction, Job
help cope with stress: related tension and anxiety and
reduced productivity and effectiveness.
 take care of Personal self, by eating
He tried to reduce sources of stress so
healthy, exercising, and getting plenty of
that he can pre-vent the deleterious
health consequences. Through his
 find support by talking to other people to study he determined the potential of
get your problems off your chest social support that alleviate the

 connect socially, as it’s easy to isolate deleterious consequences of stress

yourself after a stressful event 2. Gladies J. J. & Kennedy V.(2011)- The

author revealed a significant
 take a break from whatever is causing
correlation between Organizational
Climate and Job Stress among the
 avoid drugs and alcohol, which may seem women working in IT companies of
to help with stress in the short term, but can India. According to him, learning how
actually cause more problems in the long to manage stress is a very crucial issue
term that should be developed in IT
companies so that they can reduce or
eliminate the causes of stress and poor
working environment.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 3. Charu M. (2013)- He in his study
stated that higher stress is directly
 To identify the types of stress in Indian proportional to quality of work life for
women. And what are the causes of IT professionals. He outlined few
stress. factors namely fair pay structure,

 To examine the factors responsible for steady role demands, supervisory

the stress management. support, congenial job environment,

capability fit of the job, role autonomy

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Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I Journal
ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-01 January 2020
and stress that directly affect the role varies because of individual
quality of work life. The main reason differences in mindset, age, gender,
of stress amongst the associates of IT and their performance in job. How-
industry is the rapid change in ever, various factors that influence
technology. stress are age where the younger
4. Richardson (2008)- A classification of employees are more stressed as
stress interventions has been done, compared to other employees, level of
those are primary, secondary and qualification, pay, authorities of
tertiary. He suggested all the control, awards, word of praise,
employees to adopt relaxation training improved designations and working
intervention for stress management couples. The study recommended a
which is the easiest and least expensive reinforcement approach that should be
approach to implement. positive in nature so as to reduce the
5. Sinha V. and Subramanian K.S. degree of stress at the workplace.
(2012)- The study highlights that 8. Karthik R. (2013)- Employee’s
various levels of organization performance at work is in-fluenced by
experience different kind of stress that can be either positive or
organizational role stress. It also states negative. The employees perform
that stress is in-fluenced by various better if they face low to moderate
factors like shortage of resources, amount of stress. Hence, it aims at
inadequacy within a person, overload reducing the level of stress rather than
with a role, stagnation of a role and eliminating stress completely.
isolation and expectation of a role.
How does stress affect ?
6. Pratibha G. (2010)– The impact of
Stress can affect our body and, on our mind,
distress level on the quality of life is
people become tired, sick, unable to
negative that may result to serious
concentrate, in some situations they even
burnout problems in private banks. The
distress level in the banks can only be
reduced by various stress management
programmes or inter-ventions that
would also improve the quality of
work life.
7. Sharma S., Sharma J. & Devi
A.(2012)- The level of stress within a

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Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I Journal
ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-01 January 2020
Some stress is unavoidable and the best you
can do is to manage it. Some things are within
your control. For example, if you know that
grocery shopping on Sunday evening stresses
you out because the lines are always long and
everyone’s picked through the best produce
before you get there, change your schedule
Stress affect on body and shop on another night.
Headache Changing simple things in your life can add up
Infection and greatly reduce your overall stress.
Breath lessness
Muscular twitches  Set limits
Stress on body creates  Try not to get overwhelmed
Stress in emotions  Involve other people
Loss of confidence  Be active
Irritability  Be an optimist
Descriptive type of methodology will be
followed. For the purpose of this study both
Stress affects on mind it on behaviour
Worrying primary and secondary data will be collected.

Muddled thinking Primary data will be collected from women,

Negativity personal survey will be conducted,

Hasty decisions Questionnaire will be prepared, Internet search

Mind stress causes engines, Telephone will be used. Secondary

Accident prone data will be reviewed initially using academic

Restlessness abstracts, bibliography database and Internet

Smoking & drinking search engines.

Insomnia Nervous habits (nail biting pacing) FINDINGS

Eating & sleeping too much /less.

uneducated women is illiteracy, child
Change stressors when you can marriages.

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ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-01 January 2020
to actions directly reflected in activities and
drinking & smoking habits of husbands productivity of organisation. Therefore, stress
s low in educated management and its implication for more
housewives comparatively level of stress of creativity and quicker cursor movement
educated working women. toward the organizational targets is one of the
goals which have been recently developed in
stress like heart attack, increase blood pressure organizations. The organizations can prevent
hormone inBalance negative stress and its consequences by
SUGGESTIONS training managers and personnel effectively
In this study I identified un educated women for better recognition and management of
are not following stress management stress factors.
techniques because of REFERENCES
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Dogo Rangsang Research Journal UGC Care Group I Journal
ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-01 January 2020
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