Chapter 3

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Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies

(Stability of force system)
Lecture Overview
- Introduction

- Equilibrium conditions

- Free body diagram

- Equation of equilibrium

- Statically determinacy
A) Equilibrium Condition:
A rigid body is said to be in equilibrium if it remains at rest if
originally at rest, or has a constant velocity if originally in motion.
A body is said to be in equilibrium when the resultant of all forces
acting on it is zero.(R = 0, and M = 0)
B) Free-Body Diagram(FBD):
A drawing that shows the body with all forces that act on it.
 Reactions at Supports:
If a support prevent the translation of a body in a given direction,
then a force is developed on the body in that direction.
If rotation is prevented ,a couple moment is exerted on the body.
For a rigid body in static equilibrium, the external forces and
moments are balanced and will impart no translational or rotational
motion to the body.
The necessary and sufficient condition for the static equilibrium of a
body are that the resultant force and couple from all external forces
form a system equivalent to zero,
 Fx  0  Fy  0  Fz  0
Mx  0 My  0 Mz  0

- Stable
Equilibrium - Neural
- Unstable
Example of equilibrium
Force Components:

Vector Addition – graphical meth

Procedure for Analysis
1) Draw outlined shape: imagine the body to be isolated or cut ‘’free’’ from its constraints
and connections and draw (sketch) its outline shape.

2) Show all forces and couple moments: identify all the known and unknown external
forces and couple moments acting on the body. External forces due to

- applied load

- reaction occurring at the support or at points of contact with other body

- the weight of the body

3) Identify each loading and give dimensions: the forces and couple moments that are
known should be labeled with their proper magnitude and directions.
Equilibrium in 2D
Free body diagram
1- Define the particular body and its system (Boundary conditions, Support)

2- Isolate the body

3- Draw all possible external forces acting on it

- Action forces: known actions, weight, load concentrated /distributed

- Reaction forces: contact with other bodies / support

4- Choose coordinate system

5- Sign convention: Assign arbitrarily the sense of force

Example of sign convention:
Tension: Away from body(positive)

Compression: Towards body(negative)

Always follow the initial sense of the forces.

Apply the algebraic sign due to the sense of the force and the directions of the
coordinate system (right hand rule).

Positive result: initial sense was correct

Negative result: force acts in opposite sense

Connections and Supports
Hinge Connection – free rotation
Types of Supports in 2D
Roller Support

Pin Support

Fixed Support(Built-in)
Roller Support – 1 Reaction Force Fy
Example of roller support
Example of roller support
Pin Connection – 2 Reaction Forces Fx, Fy
Example of pin support

2 possible reaction forces

degree of freedom
Example of pin support
Fixed Support – 3 Reactions Fx, Fy, M
Example of fixed support

3 possible reaction forces

0 degree of freedom
Example of fixed support
Free body diagram – Boundary Conditions
Free body diagram – Boundary Conditions con…
Free body diagram – Boundary Conditions con…
Free body diagram – Boundary Conditions con…
Examples of FBD in 2D
Examples of FBD in 2D con…
Examples of FBD in 2D con…
C) Equation of equilibrium in 2D

The conditions for equilibrium in 2D are

xample 3.1 (Equilibrium at particle)

The support for a shop sign consists of two two-force-members that

re attached to a wall. Determine the forces acting in the members
f F = 3kN and θ = 30˚.

Step 1: Isolation of Particle(Draw FBD)

assumption of
positive sense of
forces (tensile)!
Solution con…
) write the equilibrium equations
∑Fx = 0
∑Fy = 0
∑M = 0
) Determine the unknowns (the reaction forces)
∑Fy = 0, : F1 sinθ - F = 0 → F1 = F/sinθ
F1 = 6.0 kN
F2= F –F1 = -5.2kN
) Verify the solutions
F + F1 + F2 = 0……..OK!
Example 3.2
• Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction on the
member at the pin A, and the normal reaction at the roller B in
• Free-Body Diagram. The free body diagram is shown if b. The pin at A
exerts two components of reaction on the member, Ax and Ay.
(Ax =268 lb and Ay = 2861b ) Ans
Example 3.3
A fixed crane has a mass of 1000 kg and is used to lift a 2400 kg crate.
It is held in place by a pin at A and a rocker at B. The center of gravity
of the crane is located at G. Determine the components of the
reactions at A and B.
reate the free-body diagram.

 M A  0 :  B1.5m   9.81 kN2m 

 23.5 kN6m   0
B  107.1 kN
•Determine the reactions at A by solving the equations for
the sum of all horizontal forces and all vertical forces.

 Fx  0 : Ax  B  0

Ax  107.1 kN
etermine B by solving the equation
or the sum of the moments  Fy  0 : Ay  9.81 kN  23.5 kN  0
f all forces about A. Ay  33.3 kN
Example 3.4
Example 3.5
Determine the tension T in the supporting cable and the reaction
force on pin A for the jib crane. Beam AB is a standard I-beam
with a weight of 93.2 N per meter of length.
1.Free Body diagram.
Weight of Beam: 93.2 N · 5 m = 4.66 kN
Solution con…
2) From the equilibrium equation determine the unknowns (the reaction forces)
Solution con…
Graphical Solution
Exercise 3.1
Determine tension P in the cable required to elevate end B of the beam
(weight 100 N) and reaction Ay.
→ P = 66.67 N Ans
Ay = 33.3N
Exercise 3.2
The student pulls on the rope so that the spring dynamometer B registers
76 N. The scale A reads 268 N. What is the weight of the student?

Weight = 648 N (= 66.1 kg) Ans

Exercise 3.3
Determine the external reactions at A and F for the roof truss loaded as shown.
The vertical loads represent the effect of the supported roofing materials,
while the 400-N force represents a wind load.
Equilibrium in 3D
Categories of equilibrium
Categories of equilibrium con…
Free body diagram – Boundary Conditions in 3D
Free body diagram – Boundary Conditions 3D con…
Equation of Equilibrium in Three Dimensions

Six scalar equations are required to express the conditions for the
equilibrium of a rigid body in the general three dimensional case.

 Fx  0  Fy  0  Fz  0
 Mx  0  M y  0  Mz  0

These equations can be solved for no more than 6 unknowns which

generally represent reactions at supports or connections.
Example 3.6
A sign of uniform density weighs 270 lb and is supported by a ball-and-
socket joint at A and by two cables. Determine the tension in each cable
and the reaction at A.
Create a free-body diagram for the sign. Since there are only 5
unknowns, the sign is partially constrain. It is free to rotate about the x
axis. It is, however, in equilibrium for the given loading.
 
 rD  rB
T BD  T BD  
rD  rB
  
 8i  4 j  8k
 T BD
 T BD   1 
 3i  3 j  3 k
2 2

 
 rC  r E
T EC  T EC  
rC  r E
  
 6i  3 j  2k
 T EC
 T EC   
 7 i  7 j  7 k
6 3 2

Apply the conditions for static equilibrium to develop equations for
the unknown reactions.  F  A  TBD  TEC   270 lb  j  0

i : Ax  2
T BD  6
T EC  0

j: Ay  1T
3 BD
 3
T EC  270 lb  0

k : Az  2
T BD  72 T EC  0
      
 M A  r B  T BD  r E  T EC   4 ft i    270 lb  j  0

j: 5 . 333 T BD  1 . 714 T EC  0

k : 2 . 667 T BD  2 . 571 T EC  1080 lb  0

Solve the 5 equations for the 5 unknowns, Ax = 338-lbi

Ay = 101.2-lbj
TBD  101.3 lb TEC  315 lb
    Az = -22.5-lbk
A  338 lb i  101.2 lb  j  22.5 lb k
Example 3.7
The vertical and horizontal poles at the traffic-light assembly are erected first. Determine the
additional force and moment reactions at the base O caused by the addition of the three 100-lb
traffic signals B, C, and D. Report your answers as a force magnitude and a moment
Example 3.8
If the weight of the boom is negligible compared with the applied 30-kN
load, determine the cable tensions and the force acting at the ball joint at A.

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