Chapter 4 (Heat Effects)

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 Introduction to different types of heat effects
 Sensible heat and heat capacity
 Constant-V heat capacity
 Constant-P heat capacity
 The temperature dependency of the heat capacity
 Latent heat
 Introduction to different types of latent heat
 Latent heat calculation and estimations
 Standard heat of reaction
 Calculating using standard heat of formations
 Heat effects of industrial reactions
Almost all chemical processes involve heat transfer
Types of Heat Transfer Effects

Physical Chemical
Operations Operations
Sensible Heat Effects
Sensible Heat Effects
 The flow of heat associated:
 With change in temperature of system is
called sensible heat flow
 Without change in temperature of system
is called latent heat, heat of rxn etc.
Sensible Heat Effects
Information on Process
Sensible Heat Effects
Energy Balance
Sensible Heat Effects
• Therefore, it is desirable to have a property that
will enable us to compare the energy storage
capabilities of various substances. This property
is the specific heat.
• The specific heat is defined as the energy required to
raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by
one degree
• In thermodynamics, we are interested in two kinds of
specific heats: specific heat at constant volume and
specific heat at constant pressure
Sensible Heat Effects
• Heat
  Capacity at Constant Volume
• The constant-volume heat capacity is defined

Integration yields:
Sensible Heat Effects
• For mechanically reversible, constant-volume process, the
heat transfer is equal to the change in internal energy :

Q = ΔU
Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure
 The constant-pressure heat capacity is defined as:

For mechanically reversible, constant-pressure process, the

heat transfer is equal to the change in enthalpy
Q = ΔH
Heat Capacity
Heat Capacity
Sensible Heat Effects
Evaluation of the Sensible-Heat Integral
Sensible Heat Effects
Evaluation of the Sensible-Heat Integral
Case 2
Given : To and Q/∆H
Calculate : T
Sensible Heat Effects

Evaluation of the Sensible-Heat Integral

Mean heat capacity

Sensible Heat Effects

Latent Heats of Pure Substances
Latent Heats
Example: Water

Latent heat of Vaporization

Latent heat of Fusion

Latent Heats
Information on Process
Latent Heats
Energy Balance
Latent Heats
Latent Heats
Clapeyron Equation
Latent Heats
Latent Heats
Example: Saturated H2O at 1500C
Latent Heats
Approximate Methods
Latent Heats
Trouton’s Rule

Note: T , temperature;
bp , boiling point.
Latent Heats
Riedel Equation
Latent Heats

Example for Water

Latent Heats
Watson Equation
Latent Heats

Tc = 373.95 0C

Standard Heat of Reaction
Standard Heat of Reaction
Information on the Process
Standard Heat of Reaction
• The standard heat of reaction is defined as the
enthalpy change when a moles of A and b moles
of B in their standard states at temperature T
react to form 1 moles of L and m moles of M in
their standard states at the same temperature T

Property values in the standard state are denoted by the

degree symbol. For example, is the standard-state heat
Standard Heat of Reaction
• All conditions for a standard state are fixed
except temperature, which is always the
temperature of the system. Standard-state
properties are therefore functions of
temperature only
The degree symbol indicates that it is the standard
value, subscript f shows that it is a heat of
formation, and the 298 is the approximate
absolute temperature in Kelvin's
Standard Heat of Reaction
Energy Balance
Standard Heat of Reaction
Standard State

Note:  A standard  –state pressure of 1 standard atm. (101,325 Pa) was in use.

The standard is now 1 bar (10 5 Pa)
Standard Heat of Reaction
E.g. ∆Ho298 at 298.15 K
Standard Heat of Reaction
Data for ∆Ho298

Table C-4
Standard Heat of Formation
Standard Heat of Reaction
Water-Gas-Shift Reaction
Standard Heat of Reaction
Water-Gas-Shift Reaction

Therefore, the standard heat of reaction is?

Standard Heat of Reaction

Standard Heat of Combustion

Only few formation reactions are carried out, hence many standard
heats of formation come from standard heat of combustion

For organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen,

and oxygen only, the products are carbon dioxide and
water, but the state of the water may be either vapor or
Standard Heat of Combustion
Formation of n-Butane
Temperature Dependence of ∆Ho
Standard heats of most reaction are tabulated at the standard
temperature of 298.15 K (25°C). However,
Hypothetical Path

The total enthalpy change is there step process


Back to initial state

Standard Heat of Combustion
Stoichiometric Coefficient
Standard Heat of Reaction
Standard Heat of Reaction
Standard-state of Enthalpies of Elements
Standard Heat of Reaction
Standard-state Enthalpy
Standard Heat of Reaction
Standard Heat Capacity
Standard Heat of Reaction
Heat of Reaction at T
Standard Heat of Reaction
Standard Heat of Reaction
Mean Heat Capacity
Standard Heat of Reaction
Calculate the standard heat of the methanol synthesis
reaction at 800 0C
CO(g) + 2H2(g) → CH3OH(g)
From Table C-4

From Table C-1


Heat Effects of Industrial Reactions
Heat Effects of Industrial Reactions

Heat Effects of Industrial Reactions
Energy Balance
Heat Effects of Industrial Reactions
Heat Effects of Industrial Reactions
Heat Effects of Industrial Reactions
Heat Effects of Industrial Reactions
Determine T2
Heat Effects of Industrial Reactions
• iteration 1.xlsx

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