ACTION-RESEARCH-2020 Reading Difficulties in The Modular Distance Learning

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Reading Difficulties of Learners in the Modular Distance Learning


Academic problem in schools such as reading performance is

already common in the previous years. This year, the challenge of
having distance classes added the burden of addressing the said
problem. Reading ability of learners is the core of the
teaching-learning process as this is also considered a toolkit to
function in today’s society.

Learning the lessons in all the subject areas depends on the

reading performance of the learners. A learner who knows how to
read can educate themselves in any area of life they are
interested in because reading is the essential foundation block
upon which all learning is built. On the other hand, a learner
who struggles to read, face a lifelong hardship. Since some
learners have the difficulty in learning how to read, teachers
must be able to make learning more fun, engaging, and encouraging
for the learners especially in the Grade One as they are still in
the transition period from Kindergarten. Hence, learning to read
in one's mother tongue early in school helps reduce dropout rates
and makes education more comfortable, meaningful, and enjoyable.

To assess the learners’ reading performance in Grade One,

teachers utilize the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and
Oral Reading Verification Test (ORVT) tools wherein specific
reading difficulty and struggling readers are identified.

In line with the Department of Education’s vision as well

as the Education for All (EFA) and Basic Education Sector Reform
Agenda (BESRA) to produce globally competitive learners and to
achieve zero non-reader in every classroom, teachers need
systematic and discipline-approach that directly answer the needs
of the learners. Mother Tongue Based, as the primary language,
reading level must be taught with mastery in Grade One.
Based on the recommendation of the study, “The Reading
Difficulties” by Mrs. Hazel May Baliguian of Dao Elementary
School, a reading remediation program should be done in school
using varied strategies to solve the reading difficulties of the
learners. Hence, The researchers, an Education Program Supervisor
in Filipino/MTB and Mrs. March Desiree D. Mar, a Grade One
teacher of Manga Elementary School, collaboratively conduct
remediation program of the Grade One learners in the Pre- and
Post-Oral Reading Verification Tests and Pre- and Post-EGRA of
the Grade One learners of Manga Elementary School, City Schools
Division of Tagbilaran City.

The result of this study would also provide other schools

opportunities for improvement to the advantage of the teachers,
learners, parents, division and the DepEd system.


The methods and procedures that employed in this study used

the Quan-qual and quasi-experimental method of research to
identify the level of the reading difficulties of Grades One

Descriptive statistics was used to define the general

findings of the study. Average weighted scores were computed and
served as bases of interpretation of the findings. Tools used
were percentage, mean, standard deviation and T-test. The reading
difficulties of the learners were based on the result of their
mean percentage score and interpretation of their Pre-Oral
Reading Verification Test and Post Oral Reading Verification

Before the implementation of the study, the researcher

conducted initial screening of the Grade One learners and
prepared literacy assessment materials for Oral Reading
Verification test. The pre-ORV will be done through online video
call. If online video call is not available, the teacher visits
the learner to conduct the screening while still applying the
safety protocols such as wearing of face mask, face shield, and
maintaining social distancing.


The main objective of the study is to ascertain the reading

difficulties of the non- and struggling readers of Grade One
learners of Manga Elementary School, Manga District, Tagbilaran
City, Bohol, School Year 2020-2021.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following sub-


1. What is the level of the Grade One learners’ Reading

Difficulties in the Pre-Oral Reading Verification and
Post Oral Reading Verification Tests, respectively?

2. Is there a significant difference of the mean score of

the level of Reading Difficulties of the Pre-Oral
Verification and Post-Oral Verification Tests of the

3. What intensive reading intervention programs could be

proposed to improve the reading performance of the
struggling and non-readers based on the Early Grade
Reading Assessment?


Reading difficulties among learners may vary. Common

causes of reading disabilities are:

1. Auditory process weakness - difficulty in blending

sounds and rhyming words

2. Problems memorizing number, letter, and word


3. Mis -sequencing of sounds or syllables in a word,

4. Perceive letter sequences correctly but remember

and recalls them in different order,

5. Eye tracking issue that misreads and skips words,

6. Trouble sounding out words,

7. Problem in spelling,

8. Word finding difficulties,

9. Difficulties with rote memorization,

10. Repetitions, addition, substitution, omissions of


11. Problem discriminating the difference between

similar sounding letters and words, and

14. Poor short-term memory - struggling to decode long



To address the reading difficulties, reading

remediation involving interactive instruction is important.

Remediation may vary depending on the cause of the reading

difficulty of the learners. It involves accommodation

involving materials and accommodation involving learner

performance. Teachers see to it that learners are

comfortable on the size of the text and color used. Using

appropriate background color is helpful in reading. Using

variety of strategy like games (Searching Game) and humorous

stories help learners to gain interest. If spelling is a

problem, have fun inventing memory strategies that will help

the learners recall the correct spelling. Integrate tactile

and kinesthetic modalities into lessons to make them

enjoyable and memorable (Example: forming letters or words

using clay, etc.).

In today’s generation, watching videos and playing

online games are very enjoyable methods that help to improve

phonics. Reading aloud or utilizing books on tape can be

helpful. In this strategy, while listening to the tape,

facilitator ask learners to close their eyes so they can

picture the story in their mind. Foremost, it is necessary

to create an enticing reading area to have fun while

learning. Explicit and differentiated instructions must be

applied based on the learners’ need.

With all the suggested solutions, the percentage of the

effectiveness and the success of this endeavor will

significantly increase in the current distance learning

through the help and support of their parents or guardians

at home.

Teachers’ role will now be as crucial as ever because

they will also directly assist and impart teaching

strategies to the parents and guardians. Teachers will

prepare engaging reading materials to learners, thoroughly

explain to parents and guardians on the effective use of

each material, and resourcefully monitor the progress of

each learner, and regularly show support to the parents and

guardians who are having difficulty in facilitating learning

at home through home visits and phone or video calls.


Objective: The researchers aim to achieve zero non-reader in this

academic year’s modular (print) distance learning.

Time Frame: October 2020- June 2021

Target Subjects: 119 Grade One Learners of Manga Elementary


Activities to be Undertaken

Target Date Persons Activities Expected

Involved Results
October 5,  Parents and Orientation Parents/
2020 Guardians of Program guardians will
Learners be oriented of
 Grade One the techniques
Teachers in teaching
 School reading
Principal readiness for
pupils at
October 9,  Grade One LAC Session Teachers will
2020 Teachers (Online share
 School Assessment of techniques and
Principal Learners’ gather
Reading Level) materials in
preparation of
assessment to
October 12-16,  Grade One Conduct of Grade One
2020 Learners Pre-Oral Teachers will
 Grade One Reading be able to
Teachers verification identify non-
Test & Pre- and struggling
EGRA through readers and
video call and their reading
home visit if level.
video call is
not available
October 19,  Grade One Grade One Teachers along
2020 Teachers Level Meeting/ with the
 School Planning school
Principal principals
collaborate in
based on the
data gathered
from the Pre-
ORVT and Pre-
November 3,  Parents and Workshop for Parents/
2020 Guardians of Parent guardians will
Learners Teachers on be equipped
 Grade One Teaching the with the
Teachers Letter Sounds proper sound
 School to Learners and lip
Principal formation of
the letter
sounds for
their Grade
One child/ren
at home.
November 9,  Grade One Development of Grade One
2020 Teachers Supplementary Teachers will
Video be able to
Demonstrating produce a
the Letter video as a
Sounds supplement for
learners at
home about
letter sounds
and will be
sent or
flash drive,
and other
January 7, 2021  Parents and First Quarter Teachers
Guardians of Parent-Teacher gather
Learners Conference feedback from
 Grade One parents on the
Teachers materials and
 School techniques
Principal used to teach
reading and
teachers give
feedback to
parents on the
performance of
each learner
January 12,  Grade One Start of Non- and
2020 Teachers Reading struggling
 Identified Remediation readers
Non- or receive one-
Struggling on-one reading
Readers remediation
through home
visit or any
February 6,  Parents and 2nd
Quarter Teachers
2020 Guardians of Parent-Teacher gather
Learners Conference feedback from
 Grade One parents on the
Teachers materials and
 School techniques
Principal used to teach
reading and
teachers give
feedback to
parents on the
progress of
the reading
performance of
each learner
April 10, 2020  Parents and 3rd
Quarter Teachers give
Guardians of Parent-Teacher feedback to
Learners Conference parents on the
 Grade One progress of
Teachers the reading
 School performance of
Principal each learner
those who
belong to the
April 12, 2020  Grade Two Yearend Grade 2
Teachers Assessment Teachers help
 School (Grade 2 in assessing
Principal Screening) learners in
Grade One if
they are
candidate for
promotion or
needing more
according to
their reading
May 3-7, 2020  Grade One Conduct of Grade One
Learners Post-Oral Teachers will
 Grade One Reading be able to
Teachers Verification identify
Test and Post- progress of
EGRA ARATA the learners’
reading skills
May 24, 2020  Struggling Intensive Grade One
-June 5, 2020 Readers of Reading teachers
Grade One Remediation conduct
 Grade One intensive
Teachers reading
sessions to
readers by
one-on-one and
session if

The results of the Grade One Pre- and Post-Oral Reading

Verification Test will be gathered, tallied, analyzed, and

interpreted through statistical technique. With this test,

teachers will identify the non- and struggling readers. Using the

EGRA test, teachers will identify the specific literacy

difficulty of each learner thus will be able to address them with

appropriate reading interventions.


To determine the learners' reading performance, the weighted

mean will be used, and the following scales will be utilized to

interpret the data:

Scale Reading Level Interpretation

1 (1-1.74) Syllabic/ Non- Cannot identify letter sounds
Reader or reads words with difficulty
by syllable
2 (1.75 – 2.49) Slow Reads with some errors and
struggles to sound out some
3 (2.5 – 3.24) Average/ Reads with occasional pausing
Halting due to errors but corrects
4 (3.25 – 4) Fast Reads fast and comprehends well

Activity Date to be Statistical treatment

Conduct of Pre-Oral October 12-16, Weighted Mean

Reading verification 2020

Conduct of Post-Oral June 7-10, 2020 Weighted Mean

Reading Verification

Computing for June 11, 2020 Mean Difference


Difference of the

Pre- and Post-Oral

Reading Verification


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