T24 Technical Architecture: Dateof Issue Version Changes by
T24 Technical Architecture: Dateof Issue Version Changes by
T24 Technical Architecture: Dateof Issue Version Changes by
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Table of Content
Table of Content..................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 3
Technical Architecture............................................................................................................................ 3
GLOBUS And GLOBUS Desktop........................................................................................................ 3
T24 And T24 Browser......................................................................................................................... 3
Components Of T24 Browser Installation........................................................................................... 5
Internet Explorer.............................................................................................................................. 5
Network Dispatcher......................................................................................................................... 5
Web Server..................................................................................................................................... 5
MQ Server....................................................................................................................................... 6
T24 Server....................................................................................................................................... 6
bnk.data directory – NFS Mounted.................................................................................................. 6
Database Server............................................................................................................................. 6
Message Flow........................................................................................................................................ 6
Message In......................................................................................................................................... 6
Message Out....................................................................................................................................... 6
The term T24 refers to ‘Temenos 24’ meaning 24 hours NON-STOP processing where by transactions
can be input while the system is running ‘Close Of Business’ (End Of DAY). For the T24 non-stop
processing to be implemented, there are a number of technical and architectural changes that have
been made. This document aims at giving an insight into the technical and architectural changes done
to T24.
Technical Architecture
Client Machine with Client Machine with Client Machine with Client Machine with
GLOBUS Desktop GLOBUS Desktop GLOBUS Desktop GLOBUS Desktop
MQ Server
XML Request IBM MQ/Sun MQ etc XML Response
Database Layer
Internet Explorer
This is the front end that the clients will be using to access data in T24. All that the user needs to do is
to supply a ‘url’ that will enable him to connect to T24.
Network Dispatcher
This is a third party software. The job of the network dispatcher is to receive the messages from the
IE, and route it to any one of the available web servers. This is used for load balancing purposes.
Web Server
Web server handles the HTTP protocol. When the Web server receives an HTTP request, it responds
with an HTTP response, such as sending back an HTML page. To process a request, a Web server
may respond with a static HTML page or image, send a redirect, or delegate the dynamic response
generation to some other program such as CGI scripts, JSPs (JavaServer Pages), servlets, ASPs
(Active Server Pages), server-side JavaScripts, or some other server-side technology. Whatever their
purpose, such server-side programs generate a response, most often in HTML, for viewing in a Web
Web server's delegation model is fairly simple. When a request comes into the Web server, the Web
server simply passes the request to the program best able to handle it. The Web server doesn't
provide any functionality beyond simply providing an environment in which the server-side program
can execute and pass back the generated responses. The server-side program usually provides for
itself such functions as transaction processing, database connectivity, and messaging.
While a Web server may not itself support transactions or database connection pooling, it may employ
various strategies for fault tolerance and scalability such as load balancing, caching, and clustering—
features oftentimes erroneously assigned as features reserved only for application servers.
While a Web server mainly deals with sending HTML for display in a Web browser, an application
server provides access to business logic for use by client application programs.
For T24, a web server is sufficient.
Following web servers are supported by T24
Apache Tomcat
Following application severs are supported by T24
IBM Web Sphere
Oracle Application Server
As an example, when a user wishes to open a version, then the fields to be displayed and their
properties are sent to the web server. The web server then creates the web page and sends it to the
user via the network dispatcher. The sessions are persisted on to a database at the web server level.
The web server holds the TCC (Temenos Connector Client) and the T24 Browser. The T24 Browser is
the one that will parse any HTTP request to XML request and send it for further processing. The Web
Server is capable of storing tokens that are related to each message (Tokens is discussed in detail
later in this section). TCC is an API published by T24 that enables various third party tools to
communicate with T24 using these APIs.
MQ Server
MQ stands for message queuing. This piece of software enables load balancing and message queuing
and guarantees message delivery. Following message queuing software is widely used in T24
Sun MQ
T24 Server
This is the T24 server and there can be more than one of them. Each of these servers will contain a
separate T24 installation (minus the bnk.data directory) and jBASE installation. The OFS module
and the TCS (Temenos Connector Server) have to be compulsorily installed on each of these servers.
TCS is the entry point into T24. It is in the T24 server, that all the business logic is held and the actual
validation of data happens at this server. The JEDI (jBASE external database interface) driver enables
communication between T24 and external databases.
Database Server
T24 is database independent, and supports several different databases, including Oracle,DB2,SQL
Server and J4(jBASE). It is in this database server that Oracle/DB2/SQL ServerJ4 is installed. This is
where the T24 data will reside in XML format. Oracle/DB2 databases support clustering and therefore
a single Oracle/DB2 installation can be done across multiple servers. J4 does not support clustering
and therefore only one database server can be used if J4 is to be used as a database. In order to
make use of T24 capabilities, we would require the database to provided online backup mechanism
(taking backup when users are logged in).
Message Flow
Message In
The user initiates a request from the Internet Explorer. This will be a HTTP request. This request is
received by the Network Dispatcher and is routed to any one of the Web Servers. The T24 Browser
which resides on the Web Server parses the HTTP request to XML and passes it on to the TCC
running on the same server. The TCC then routes the request to any one of the T24 servers via MQ.
Though MQ the request reaches TCS. As mentioned above, the entry point into T24 is the TCS. The S
running on the T24 server then parses the XML request into OFS format and gives it to T24 (OFS) for
processing. Then the request is processed and the database is updated. At this point the jBASE
drivers are used to convert the data into XML format and then the data is updated in the database.
Message Out
Once the database update is complete, the response is sent to any one of the T24 servers. The jEDI
driver parses the response to OFS format and gives it to TCS. TCS then places the response in MQ.
From there, the TCC(running on any one WebServer)picks up the response and passes it on to the
T24 Browser running on the same server. The T24 Browser then does any required processing on the
response and sends the HTML response to the network dispatcher. The network dispatcher then
sends it to the appropriate Internet Explorer screen. The Web Server has the in built intelligence using
which it can decide which IE session initiated the request and hence will instruct the next layer to send
the response to the IE session that actually initiated the request.