Paper Analysis of 2006 and 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia
Paper Analysis of 2006 and 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia
Paper Analysis of 2006 and 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia
Arranged By :
Aulia Safa Fariski / 19080304049
Arlin Hana Madu / 19080304051
Abstract …………………………………………………………………… i
Table Of Content.............…………………………………………………... ii
Foreword..........…………………………………………………………...... iii
1. Preliminary....……………………………………………..….................... 1
2. Contents ………………………………………………………................ 2
I. 2006 Curriculum.. .................................................................... 2
II. 2013 Curriculum...................................................................... 4
III.The differences between 2006 dan 2013 Curriculum............. 6
Conclusion …………………………………...…….......…….…............... 7
Reference ………………………………………………………........... 8
First of all, give thanks fo God’s grace for us, and giving this team chance to finish
this paper timely. And I would like to say thank you to Ma’am Rochmawati, S.Pd., M.Pd as
the lecturer of this subject that always teaches us and give much knowledge about The
School Curriculum subject.
This assignment is the one of School Curriculum subject task that explain and analyze
about 2006 Curriculum (KTSP 2006) and 2013 Curriculum. I hope this assignment can be
useful for our team and for our classmates too. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make
this assignment be better.
Hopefully we are as a students of “Accounting Education 2019-International” will
understand and get benefit from the knowledge about the School Curriculum, especially
about this 2006 and 2013 Curriculum analyzes.
Thank You.
In the 2019 school year, KTSP 2006 was still implemented in schools that were not
selected as pilot schools (Sekolah Uji Coba). In Indonesia at that time the 2013
Curriculum was being implemented.This is regulated in Permendikbud No.160 of 2014
concerning Enforcement of the 2006 Curriculum and the 2013 Curriculum in the
2019/2020 school year, so all schools throughout Indonesia apply K-13.
In its development, the Basic Education Curriculum has undergone 9 changes, namely
the 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2006, 2013 curriculum which is in
the process of changing again (K13 Revision or National Curriculum). Since Indonesia's
independence from 1945 to 2003, the curriculum approach used was a material-based
curriculum, while in 2004, the Competency-Based Curriculum, 2006 (Education Unit
Level Curriculum) and the 2013 Curriculum, Standard Based Curriculum which
emphasized the thinking of scientists with
scientific method.
C. Purpose
The purpose of KTSP 2006 is to establish and empower educational units
through the granting of authority (autonomy) to educational institutions and to
encourage schools to make participatory decisions in curriculum development.
In the end, improving the quality of education through self-reliance and school
initiatives in developing curriculum structures, managing and empowering the
available resources.
D. Structure
The KTSP structure is a pattern and arrangement of subjects that must be
taken by students in learning activities. Local content and self-development
activities are an integrated part of the curriculum structure at the primary and
secondary education levels, curriculum structure development is carried out by
arranging face-to-face time allocations for all subjects, utilizing additional
hours for new lessons, including types of local content subjects. Self-
development is an activity that aims to provide opportunities for students to
develop and express themselves according to their needs,talent, interest of
students according to school conditions.
Examples of self-development activities are counseling and extra-curricular
activities. In its implementation, self-development activities are combined
with local content programs in collaboration with the community. Therefore,
self-development is not a subject that must be nurtured by the teacher but the
teacher acts as a facilitator for these activities.
E. Strategi pembelajaran
Learning strategies used contextual learning so that students are more
responsive in using knowledge and skills in real life.
II. 2013 Curriculum
A. Landasan
The basis of 2013 Curriculum are:
- UU RI 2003 about the National Education System
- PP No 32/2013 about SNP.
For primary and secondary education refers to:
- Permendikbud 64/2013 about Content Standards
- Permendikbud 54/2013 about SKL
C. Purpose
The 2013 curriculum purpose is to prepare Indonesian people to have the
ability to live as individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative,
innovative, and affective and are able to contribute to the life of society,
nation, state.
D. Learning strategies
The 2013 Curriculum learning strategy used is a scientific approach. The
scientific approach is used as a bridge to develop students' attitudes, skills and
knowledge in work processes that meet scientific criteria. There are criteria in
the scientific approach presented by the Ministry of Education and Culture,
In addition, in many ways the learning implementation approach in the
2013 Curriculum is in line with the Thinking Skills and problem solving
approach mentioned by Steppen N. Elliot, which according to him in
learning with this approach the Dupe Model can be applied.Model Dupe
ini memiliki kriteria:
- Defining the nature of the problems
- Understanding the nature of the problems
- Planning the solution
- Evaluating the solution
III. The difference between the preparation of the 2006 KTSP RPP and the 2013
Curriculum RPP:
a. KTSP 2006 uses standard content while K13 uses core competencies
b. KTSP 2006 emphasizes more on the aspects of knowledge while K13 is
more detailed on spiritual attitudes, knowledge, and skills
c. In the 2006 KTSP the subject hours were less than in K13 which had more
subject hours
d. In KTSP 2006 the standard learning process consists of exploration,
elaboration and confirmation. Whereas in K13 consists of 5 processes
namely; observe, ask questions, gather information, associate and
e. In the 2006 KTSP there was no description of learning sources while in
K13 it explained learning sources
f. and in K13 describes several points in detail, namely; learning objectives,
learning materials, learning methods, steps for learning activities.
g. In the 2006 KTSP the assessment was carried out only on the knowledge
aspect, while the K13 assessment was more detailed with 3 assessments,
namely; spiritual attitudes, knowledge, and skills
Based on the description above, it can be understood that there are many differences
between KTSP 2006 and Curriculum 2013. These differences include the units of the lessons,
lesson hours of learning implementation, learning strategies and graduation competency
standard assessment process, etc. In its implementation, KTSP 2006 emphasizes more on
independence and how to empower education units through granting authority (autonomy) to
educational institutions and encouraging schools to make participatory decisions in
curriculum development. The 2013 curriculum emphasizes how to create human beings who
are independent, able to solve problems, have a strong, innovative and creative personality
and master technology as a result of demographic bonuses and the rapid development of
technology. The 2013 curriculum has clear objectives in shaping the character of the nation.