Multiple Choice Questions On Fundamentals of Modelling (Unit-1)

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Multiple Choice Questions on fundamentals of Modelling


Subject : Process Modeling & Simulation Class: BE

1. Uses of mathematical models are:

a. Design
b. Research and development
c. Plant operation
d. All of the Above

2. Models are
a. Real working plant
b. pilot plant
c. small prototype
d. commercialized pilot plant

3. Continuity equations are

a. Total continuity
b. Component continuity
c. Energy continuity
d. All of the above

4. Transport laws are for

a. Heat transfer
b. Mass transfer
c. Momentum transfer
d. All of the above

5. Transport law for heat transfer is

a. Fourier’s Law
b. Fick’s Law
c. Newton’s Law
d. Einstein’s Law
6. Transport law for mass transfer is
a. Fourier’s Law
b. Fick’s Law
c. Newton’s Law
d. Einstein’s Law
7. Second law of thermodynamics is the basis of
a. Chemical equilibrium
b. Phase equilibrium
c. Both A & B
d. None of the above
8. Temperature dependence of rate constant is given by
a. Arrhenius equation
b. Collision theory
c. Transition state theory
d. All of the above

9. Which of the following does the concept of material balance based upon
a) Conservation of mass
b) Conservation of energy
c) Conservation of momentum
d) Conservation of Volume

10. The equation of material balance, (Final condition + Sum of outputs) is equal to which of
the following?
a) Initial condition – Sum of inputs
b) Initial condition + Sum of inputs
c) Sum of inputs – Initial condition
d) None of the mentioned
11. Which of the following is constant in a closed
a) Energy
b) Mass
c) Temperature
d) Momentum
12. How is the boundary wall of a closed system?
a) Impermeable
b) Permeable
c) Rigid
d) None of the mentioned
13. Which of the following is basis for total continuity equation?
a) Law of conservation of mass
b) Law of conservation of energy
c) Law of conservation of momentum
d) All of these
14. How many total continuity equation can write for liquid phase CSTR?
a) 1
b) 2
c) depending upon flow rate
d) depending upon mass of reactor
15. How many component continuity equation can write for a CSTR System?
a) 1
b) 2
c) based on number of components involved
d) based on total moles in CSTR
16. Unit of total continuity equation is
a. kg
b. m3
c. kg/m3
d. kg/min
17. Unit of Component continuity equation is
a. moles
b. m3
c. moles/m3
d. moles/min
18. Unit of energy equation is
a. joule
b. joule/m3
c. joule/kg
d. joule/min
19. In linear model, order of derivative or variable is
a. zero
b. one
c. two
d. b or c
20. Driving force for heat transfer law is
a. concentration gradient
b. temperature gradient
c. velocity gradient
d. pressure gradient
Process Modeling & Simulation
MCQ on Unit II: models for fluid flow operations
B.E. Chemical

1. The pressure drop in a packed bed is for a given length.

a) Constant
b) Exponentially Increasing
c) Parabolically Increasing
d) Linearly Increasing

2. The Ergun equation is used to calculate the

a) Pressure drop in packed bed
b) Reynolds number in packed columns
c) Overall heat transfer coefficients
d) Number of particles

3. In the Ergun equation, what do you understand by the term X?

f = ΔP/ L X/ρϑS2(∈3/(1-∈))
a) Diameter of the tube
b) Diameter of the pellets
c) Effective diameter
d) Equivalent diameter of the tube

4. In the Formula for porosity, what is the meaning of the term V?

∅ = VVT
a) Volume of Void
b) Volume of Pure Solid
c) Total Volume
d) Volume of the tube material

5. The particles are usually packed near the wall of the tube.
a) Tightly
b) Loosely
c) Very tightly
d) Negligibly

6. The substance used in fluidised bed is

a) Same as Packed Bed
b) Powdered Substance
c) Large balls
d) Finely divided solid material
7. At fluidization, the upward drag force is the weight of the
a) Equal to
b) Slightly higher than
c) Less than
d) Negligible to

8. The pressure drop in fluidised bed on fluidisation with increasing flow

a) Remains same
b) Linearly increases
c) Linearly decreases
d) Remains zero

9. At fluidisation, the temperature of the bed is

a) Constant but non-uniform
b) Same for fluid and particles
c) Non uniform
d) Increasing from the bottom

10. At minimum fluidisation flow rate, the gas flow velocity is also known as _
of the pellets.
a) Superficial velocity
b) Terminal velocity
c) Average velocity
d) Transport velocity

11. At minimum fluidisation with gas flow, which one of the following is
a) All the particles are in fluidisation with random movement
b) The particles at the top of the bed are floating in random movement
c) The particles are stable and not moving
d) Half or partial quantity of the solids are in random movement

When the bed is fluidized with liquids, it is known as fluidization, and
with gas too it is known as fluidization.
a) Homogeneous, Homogeneous
b) Heterogeneous, Homogeneous
c) Homogeneous, Heterogeneous
d) Heterogeneous, Heterogeneous
13. The gas phase fluidised bed is commonly known as because of its
top surface fluidisation.
a) Bubbling fluidized bed
b) Bursting fluidised bed
c) Partially fluidised bed
d) Chaotic fluidised bed

14. Which one of the following working model is best suited for fluidized bed combustion
a) Bubbling fluidized bed
b) Laminar film fluidised bed
c) Pneumatic conveying regime
d) Moving bed (Dense flow)

15. The maximum velocity of the turbulent regime is called the at which the
fast fluidization regime occurs.
a) Terminal velocity
b) Transport velocity
c) Superficial velocity
d) Average velocity

16. What happens at velocities above the transport velocity?

a) Particles coagulate
b) Particles are carried out of the the system by the fluid
c) Particles break into smaller parts
d) Particles accumulate at the top

17. Momentum flux for laminar flow in narrow slit is given by

a) {(po-pL)/L)}x
b) {(po-pL)/L }x
c) {(po-pL)/L)}x
d) {(po-pL) /L)}x

18. Velocity distribution for laminar flow in narrow slit is given by

2 2
a) {(po-pL)/2 u*L)B }{ 1-(x/B) }
b) {(po-pL)/2 u*L)B}{ 1-(x/B)}
2 2 2
c) {(po-pL)/2 u*L )B }{ 1-(x/B) }
2 2 2
d) {(po-pL) /2 u*L)B }{ 1-(x/B) }
19. Deriving velocity distribution in flow of film on the outside of circular tube, following
postulates are taken as basis
a. vZ=vZ(r), vr=v0=0, p=p(r)
b. vr=vZ(r), vz=v0=0, p=p(r)
c. v0=vZ(0), vr=vz=0, p=p(0)
d. vZ=vZ(z), vr=v0=0, p=p(z)

20. Ratio of average velocity to maximum velocity in falling film problem is

a. 2
b. 1.5
c. 3
d. 0.5
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

Multiple Choice Questions on Heat Transfer and other Equipments


Subject: Process Modeling & Simulation Class: BE

1. Heat transfer is caused by

a. Pressure difference
b. Temperature difference
c. Volume difference
d. None of the mentioned

2. In a multiple effect evaporator, the pressure as we move to subsequent effects.

a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains same
d) Doubles

3. What is the reason for using decreasing pressure on every subsequent effect in a multiple effect
a) To be able to reuse the vapour from previous effect
b) To decrease the vapour pressure
c) To increase the boiling point
d) To decrease the boiling point

4. In a multiple effect evaporator with more than one effects, the size of each effect should
a) Decrease if pressure decreases
b) Increase if pressure decreases
c) Remains the same
d) Should increase if pressure increases

5. The multiple effect evaporators usually use system of evaporation.

a) Flash
b) Natural convection
c) Forced convection
d) Bubble boiling

6. Which type of feeding is supposed to give maximum economy to a particular consumption?

a) Forward feed
b) Backward feed
c) Parallel feed
d) Mixed feed
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

7. Which one of the following is not a type of feeding in an evaporator?

a) Forward feed
b) Backward feed
c) Convoluted feed
d) Mixed feed

8. What is defined by the term Evaporator Capacity?

a) Kg of fluid supplied in one day
b) Kg of water evaporated in one day
c) Kg of fluid supplied in 1hr
d) Kg of water evaporated in 1hr

9. What are the parameters to determine the evaporator economy?

a) Evaporator Capacity
b) Evaporator temperature
c) Evaporator pressure
d) Evaporator Fluid supply

10. What do we mean by the term Evaporator Consumption?

a) Steam consumed in 1hr
b) Steam produced in 1hr
c) Feed supplied in 1hr
d) Feed supplied in 1day

11. Find one among the following which does not measure evaporator performance.
a) Steam Consumption
b) Amount of Vapour Produced
c) Economy
d) Amount of feed supplied

12. The capacity of an evaporator depends upon the temperature of the feed solution.
a) True
b) False

13. Which one of the following method can be adopted to increase the capacity of the evaporator?
a) Increase pressure in calandria
b) Using multiple effect evaporator
c) Getting the temperature of the feed close to boiling temperature
d) Reducing the temperature of the feed
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

14. The boiling point of the solution as we move to subsequent effects in a forward feed
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains same
d) Oscillates

15. The boiling point of the solution as we move to subsequent effects in a backward feed
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains same
d) Oscillates

16. For the calculation of Overall Heat transfer coefficient U , for given fouling factor R and Dirt Factor

R , which one of the following expressions do we use?


a) (U + R + Rf)
-1 -1

b) (U + R + Rf) d

c) (U + R + Rf )
-1 -1

d) (U + R + Rf)

17. If U = Overall Dirt Heat Transfer coefficient and U = Overall Clean Heat Transfer coefficient, then
D c

which of the following relation is correct?

a) U > U c
b) U < Uc

c) U = U c
d) U >> Uc

18. Heat transfer in Agitated Vessels can be carried out by two methods they are
a) Jacketed and Plates
b) Plates and Coils
c) Jacketed and Internal coils
d) Semi coils and Internal coils

19. Packed Beds are one of the most common heat exchangers because of its very
a) High bed side heat transfer coefficient
b) High wall side heat transfer coefficient
c) High conductivity
d) Low heat transfer rate
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

20. In a Packed Bed Shell and Tube HE, the pellets are usually kept
a) At Tube Side
b) At Shell side
c) At any side as required
d) At floor of the shell

21. Long tube evaporators are usually evaporators.

a) Natural convection
b) Forced convection
c) Nucleate boiling
d) Radiation heated
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

Multiple Choice Questions on Mass Transfer Equipments (IV)

Subject: Process Modeling & Simulation Class: BE

1. Fick’s law is given by the formula

a) N b = – D d C /d x
b b

b) N b = – 2 D d C /d x
bc b

c) N b = – 3 D d C /d x
bc b

d) N b = – 4 D d C /d x
bc b

2. McCabe –Thiele method excludes information.

a) Entropy
b) Enthalpy
c) Flow rate
d) Number of theoretical stages

3. Non-equimolal flow rates are maintained in the fractionator obeying McCabe-Thiele method.
a) True
b) False

4. Heat losses are avoided in McCabe-Thiele method.

a) True
b) False

5. The section above the feed tray in a fractionator is known as

a) Enriching section
b) Rectifying section
c) Feed section
d) All of the mentioned

6. The section below the feed tray in a fractionator is known as

a) Enriching section
b) Rectifying section
c) Feed section
d) All of the mentioned

7. The key components are

a) More volatile
b) Less volatile
c) Non volatile
d) None of the mentioned
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

8. If the reflux is total, minimum stages are used.

a) True
b) False.

9. For minimum reflux ratio the number of trays becomes infinite.

a) True
b) False

10. Total cost will be minimum at

a) Minimum reflux ratio
b) Maximum reflux ratio
c) Optimum reflux ratio
d) None of the mentioned

11. At optimum reflux ratio,

a) Operating and optimum cost are equal
b) Operating and fixed cost are equal
c) Fixed and optimum cost are equal
d) Total and optimum cost are equal

12. For extraction, the distribution co-efficient should be greater than 1.

a) True
b) False

13. The solvent used in the extraction should be more volatile.

a) True
b) False

14. In absorption operation, the solubility of gas should be high on the solvent.
a) True
b) False

15. Diffusion co-efficient in molecular diffusion is estimated by

a) Daltons law
b) Diffusion law
c) Ficks law
d) None of the mentioned

16. The expression for average mass transfer coefficient is

a) Sh = 0.664 (Re) (Sc)
5 0.33

b) Sh = 0.664 (Re) (Sc) 0.33

c) Sh = 0.332 (Re) (Sc)

7 0.33

d) Sh = 0.332 (Re) (Sc)

8 0.33
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

17. Diffusion of components between the phases at equilibrium is

a) Zero
b) Infinity
c) Changes continuously
d) Diffusion never occurs

18. The Concentration of the two phases in a closed system at the Interphase is
a) Changes continuously
b) Never changes
c) Becomes zero
d) Increases till the driving force becomes zero

19. In a Bubble column, if the velocity of the gas is low, then the bubble diameter is equals to
a) Vessel
b) Sparger orifice
c) Volume of vessel/ interfacial area
d) None of the mentioned

20.Humidification is a
a) Mass transfer operation
b) Heat transfer operation
c) Simultaneous heat and mass transfer
d) Neither mass and heat transfer operation

21. In humidification the gas is in the liquid for the mass transfer to take part.
a) Soluble
b) Insoluble
c) Partially soluble
d) Inert

22. At the gas temperature, the liquid is in equilibrium with vapour for
a) Saturated gas
b) Unsaturated gas
c) Partially saturated gas
d) None of the mentioned

23. Partial pressure equals vapour pressure if it is

a) Saturated
b) Unsaturated
c) Isothermal
d) None of the mentioned
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

24. The system is unsaturated if partial pressure equilibrium vapour pressure.

a) Less than
b) Greater than
c) Equals to
d) All of the mentioned

25. Thermometer measurement temperature is

a) Dry bulb temperature
b) Wet bulb temperature
c) Dew point temperature
d) Room temperature

26. Temperature at which the partial pressure of the gas-vapour mixture equals vapour pressure
a) Dry bulb temperature
b) Wet bulb temperature
c) Dew point temperature
d) None of the mentioned

27. The equilibrium characteristics of the solubility of a gas in liquid helps to determine the
a) Rate
b) Concentration
c) Time
d) No existence of equilibrium characteristics

28. According to Hendry’s law,

a) Y=(p/P)
b) Y=(p* P)
c) p=(Y/P)
d) p=(Y*P)

29. Match the following

1) Henry’s law – a)Ideal solution
2) Dalton’s law – b)Non- Ideal solution
3) Raoult’s law -c)Sum of partial pressure

a) 1- (b), 2-(c),3-(a)
b) 1-(a),2-(b),3-(c)
c) 1-(c),2-(b),3-(a)
d) 1-(a),2-(c),3-(b)
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

30. Distillation is possible only if the solution components are

a) Volatile
b) Non-volatile
c) Cryogenic
d) None of the mentioned

31. If the vapour pressure of the two components in a binary mixture is same, then it is a
a) Isotope
b) Azeotrope
c) Differential boiling point
d) None of the mentioned

32. When the two liquid mixtures are completely insoluble then the total pressure of the mixture is
a) Sum of the vapour pressure
b) Sum of the partial pressure
c) Pressure cannot be determined
d) None of the mentioned

33.Flash vaporization is a
a) Equilibrium distillation
b) Differential distillation
c) Simple distillation
d) None of the mentioned

34.Express the flash vaporization

a) Single stage operation
b) Multi component operation
c) Still operation
d) None of the mentioned

35. Ponchon Savorit method do not include enthalpy concentration diagram.

a) True
b) False

36. If the reflux ratio increases increases.

a) Fixed cost
b) Operating cost
c) Optimum
d) All of the mentioned
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

37. At optimum reflux ratio,

a) Operating and optimum cost are equal
b) Operating and fixed cost are equalo
c) Fixed and optimum cost are equal
d) Total and optimum cost are equal

38. Total cost will be minimum at

a) Minimum reflux ratio
b) Maximum reflux ratio
c) Optimum reflux ratio
d) None of the mentioned

39. In Azeotropic distillation remains low.

a) Heat
b) Volatility
c) Relative volatility
d) None of the mentioned

40.Solvent lean phase are known as

a) Extract
b) Raffinate
c) Residue
d) None of the mentioned

41. is the single stage device in extractor types.

a) Mixer settler
b) Sieve trays
c) Agitator vessel
d) Packed column

42. Efficiency in fluidized bed for any process is the highest when compared with any other beds, true or
a) True
b) False

43. Which bed shown below, can provide with remarkable temperature uniformity for highly exothermic
and temperature sensitive reactions?
a) Fluidized bed reactor
b) Spouted bed
c) Teeter bed
d) Batch reactor
Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
Chemical Engineering Department

44. In a fluidized bed reactor, what is the best way to achieve maximum heat and mass transfer rates?
a) Using small particles
b) Using large particles
c) Simply dumping the particle and passing gas will do the job
d) Increasing the gas flow rates

45. Why are the fluidized bed extensively used for heat exchangers, in both physical and chemical
a) Ability to rapidly transport heat
b) Maintain uniform temperature
c) Utilization of entire area for heat distribution
d) All of the mentioned

46. What is the main reason for using solid catalyst gas phase reactions in fluidized bed?
a) Temperaturecontrol
b) Increase desired product to side product
c) Reduction in hotspots of catalyst
d) All of the mentioned

47. Fluidization occurs when: Drag force by the upward moving gas =
a) Weight of the particle
b) Weight of the fluid
c) Volume of the bed
d) Pressure drop across bed

48. On comparison with Fluidized bed and Packed bed, which has the highest voidage?
a) Fluidized bed
b) Packed bed
c) Pressure drop
d) All of the mentioned
Multiple Choice Questions on Reaction Equipments

Subject: Process Modeling & Simulation Class: BE

Subject Teacher: Dr. B.L. Pangarkar Unit: V

1. For isothermal constant hold CSTR, which of the following statements is not true?
a) Temperature of system is constant
b) Inlet flow = outlet flow
c) Moles of system are constant
d) Volume of system is constant
2. In modeling of three isothermal, constant hold up CSTRs working in series, how many
modeling equations can be formed to specify system?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) None of the mentioned

3. In modeling of three isothermal, variable hold up CSTRs working in series, how many
modeling equations can be formed to specify system?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 6
d) 9

4. Identify the variable in following non isothermal system

Figure 1 non isothermal CSTR

a) F0, CA0, To, F, CA, T
b) F0, CA0, To, F, CA, T, FJ, TJ0
c) V, CA, T, TJ. F
d) V, CA, T, TJ. F, VJ

5. Referring figure 1, the outlet flow rate F is function of

a) Liquid hold up of reactor
b) Inlet flow rate of jacket fluid
c) Outlet flow rate of jacket fluid
d) All of the above
6. If metal wall capacitance of reactor is neglected, then which heat transfer coefficient is used
in heat added term?
a) Overall heat transfer coefficient (U)
b) Individual heat transfer coefficient (h)
c) Both a& b
d) Either a or b

7. If metal wall capacitance of reactor is significant, then which heat transfer coefficient is
used in heat added term?
a) Overall heat transfer coefficient (U)
b) Individual heat transfer coefficient (h)
c) Both a& b
d) Either a or b

8. In four lumped jacketed reactor system where A gives B reaction with first order takes place,
how many energy equations can be written for the system?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 1
d) 6

9. Referring figure 2, for simplest steady state model, the gas rate FV is function of

Figure 2: LPG vaporizer

a) F0
b) VL
c) VV
d) Q

10. The condition to vaporize the liquid feed as it comes in flash drum is
a) The drum pressure is lower than the bubble point pressure of the feed at the feed
b) The drum pressure is higher than the bubble point pressure of the feed at the feed
c) The drum pressure is lower than the dew point pressure of the feed at the feed
d) The drum pressure is higher than the dew point pressure of the feed at the feed
11. If the rate of mass transfer of the gas to the liquid is fast
a) The reactor is mass transfer rate limited
b) The reactor is reaction rate limited
c) Either a or b
d) Data is insufficient to predict

12. If the rate of mass transfer of the gas to the liquid is slow
a) The reactor is mass transfer rate limited
b) The reactor is reaction rate limited
c) Either a or b
d) Data is insufficient to predict

13. A trickle-bed reactor

A (TBR) is a chemical reactor in which
a) A liquid phase and gas phase flow counter currently
b) A liquid phase and gas phase flow concurrently downward through a fixed bed of
a catalysts particles while reaction takes place
c) A gas phase flows through a fixed bed of a catalysts particles while reaction takes place
d) A liquid phase flow through a fixed bed of a catalysts particles while reaction takes

14. Hydrodesulphurization is accomplished by contacting high pressure hydrogen with

petroleum stocks over suitable catalyst. This process is carried out in
b) Fixed Bed reactor
c) Fixed bed Tubular reactor
d) Trickle bed reactor

15. The fluidized bed reactor is a reactor.

a) Single phase
b) Two phase
c) Three phase
d) Gas phase

16. In petroleum industry, catalytic cracking is carried out in

a) Fluidized Bed reactor

b) Moving Bed reactor
c) Trickle bed reactor
d) Either a or b
Multiple Choice Questions on Application of numerical methods

Subject: Process Modelling & Simulation Class: BE

Subject Teacher: Dr. B.L. Pangarkar Unit: VI

1. The Newton Raphson method is also called as

a) Tangent method
b) Secant method
c) Chord method
d) Diameter method

2. For decreasing the number of iterations in Newton Raphson method

a) The value of f’(x) must be increased
b) The value of f’’(x) must be decreased
c) The value of f’(x) must be decreased
d) The value of f’’(x) must be increased

3. In Newton Raphson method f’(x) for a given point is given by the formula
a. y/x’
b. y’/x
c. y/x
d. y’/x’

4. The points where the Newton Raphson method fails are called?
a. Floating
b. Continuous
c. non-stationary
d. Stationary

5. The Bisection method is also known as

a. Binary Chopping
b. Quaternary Chopping
c. Tri region Chopping
d. Hex region Chopping

6. Numerical methods problems can be solved by computational techniques using

c. C
d. All of these
7. False position method is combination of
a. Newton-Raphson and bisection method
b. Newton-Raphson and interval halving method
c. Bisection method and interval halving method
d. Euler’s and RK method

8. Which one of the following numerical technique is not used for solving Simultaneous
nonlinear algebraic equations
a. Newton-Raphson method
b. Interval halving method
c. False position method
d. Euler’s method

9. Which one of the following numerical technique is used for ordinary differential
a. Newton-Raphson method
b. Interval halving method
c. False position method
d. Euler’s method

10. Which of the following technique can be to solve Van Der waal’s equation?
a. Newton-Raphson method
b. RK method
c. Euler’s method
d. All of these

11. In which of the following method, we approximate the curve of solution by the
tangent in each interval?
a. Picard’s method
b. Euler’s method
c. Newton’s method
d. Runge Kutta method

12. Jacobi’s method is also known as

a. Displacement method
b. Simultaneous displacement method
c. Simultaneous method
d. Diagonal method

13. The convergence of which of the following method is sensitive to starting value?
a. False position
b. Gauss seidal method
c. Newton-Raphson method
d. All of these
14. In the Gauss elimination method for solving a system of linear algebraic equations,
triangularzation leads to
a. Diagonal matrix
b. Lower triangular matrix
c. Upper triangular matrix
d. Singular matrix

15. Match the following:

A. Newton-Raphson 1. Integration
B. Runge-kutta 2. Root finding
C. Gauss-seidel 3. Ordinary Differential Equations
D. Simpson’s Rule 4. Solution of system of Linear Equations

The correct sequence is

a. A2-B3-C4-D1
b. A3-B2-C1-D4
c. A1-B4-C2-D3
d. A4-B1-C2-D3

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