PC-Sample Questions

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1. What is the Laplace transform of sin t?

a. 2 +1
b. 1+2
c. 2 1 d. 2 1

2. Transfer function of a first order system is?

1 1
. +1

c. +1 d.

3. Pick out the first order system from among the following:

a. Damped vibrator
b. Mercury in glass thermometer kept in boiling
c. Interacting system of two tanks in series.
d. Non-interacting system of two tanks in series.

4. What is the ratio of output amplitude to input amplitude for a

sinusoidal forcing function in a first order system

a. 1 b. >1
c. <1 d. none of
5. Phase lag of the sinusoidal response of a first order system is

a. 120 b. 30
c. 180 d. 90

6. Time constant is the

a. Time taken by the controlled variable to reach

63.2% of its full change.
b. Same as transportation lag
c. Same as dead time
d. Time required by the measured variable to reach
63.2% of its ultimate change
7. Response of a system to a sinusoidal input is called____ response

a. Impulse b. unit step

c. frequency d. none of these

8. For two non-interacting first order systems connected in series,

the overall transfer function is the _____ of the individual
transfer functions.

a. Product b. ratio
c. sum d. difference

9. The transfer function of a second order system is

1 1
. b.
2 2 +2+1 2 2 +2+1
c. 2 2 +2+1 d.

10. When the damping coefficient is unity, the system is

a. overdamped b. critically damped

c. underdamped d. highly fluctuating

11. Phase lag of the frequency response of a second order system to a

sinusoidal forcing function

a. Is 30
b. Is 90 at the most
c. Approaches 180 asymptotically
d. Is 120
12. Dead zone is the

a. Same as time constant

b. Same as transportation lag
c. Maximum change in the variable that does not
change the reading of the instrument
d. None of these
13. Response of a linear control system for a change in set point is

a. Frequency response
b. Transient response
c. Servo problem
d. Regulator problem

14. If response of a control system is to be free of offset and

oscillation, the most suitable controller is

a. Proportional controller
b. Proportional-derivative controller
c. Proportional-integral controller
d. Proportional-integral -derivative controller

15. In second order underdamped system

a. Decay ratio=overshoot
b. Decay ratio=(overshoot)2
c. Overshoot increases for increasing damping coefficient
d. Large damping coefficient means a smaller of damping

16. A stable system is the one

a. For which the output response is bounded for all

bounded input
b. Which exhibits an unbounded response to a bounded input
c. Which satisfies the conditions for a servo problem
d. None of these

17. Stability of a control system containing a transportation lag can

be best analyzed by

a. routh test
b. root locus method
c. frequency response methods
d. none of these

18. Conversion formula for converting amplitude

a. Decibel= 20log10(AR)
b. Decibel= 20loge(AR)
c. Decibel= 20log10(AR)0.5
d. Decibel= 20loge(AR) 0.5
19. A control system is unstable, if the open loop frequency response
exhibits an amplitude ratio exceeding unity at the crossover
frequency. This is ____ criterion.

a. Bode stability
b. Routh stability
c. Nyquist
d. None of these

20. Typical specification for design stipulates the gain margin and
phase margin to be respectively

a. >1.7 and >30o

b. <1.7 and <30o
c. <1.7 and >30o
d. >1.7 and <30o

21. The frequency at which maximum amplitude ratio is attained is

called ____

a. Corner
b. Resonant
c. Cross-over
d. Natural

22. A negative gain margin expressed in decibels means a/an ___


a. Stable
b. Unstable
c. Critically damped
d. None of these

23. For measuring the temperature of a red hot furnace, which is the
most suitable instrument?

a. Platinum resistance thermometer

b. Thermocouple
c. Optical pyrometer
d. Bimetallic thermometer
24. Degree to which an instrument indicates the changes is measured
variable without dynamic error is called its

a. Speed of response
b. Reproducibility
c. Fidelity
d. Static characteristics

25. Which of the following is a desirable characteristic of an


a. High drift
b. High fidelity
c. High measuring lag
d. Poor reproducibility

26. Which of the following shows a maximum dip effect (indicating

reverse direction of temperature change)?

a. Mercury thermometer
b. Radiation pyrometer
c. Bimetallic thermometer
d. Thermocouple

27. Pick out the most suitable instrument for measuring temperature
in the range of -40 to 425Oc.

a. Mercury thermometer
b. Bimetallic thermometer
c. Radiation pyrometer
d. None of these

28. Thermocouple is suitable for measuring

a. Liquid temperatures only

b. Very high temperature only
c. Very low temperature only
d. Both high and low temperatures

29. Which of the following relates the absorption & evolution of heat
at the junctions of a thermocouple to the current flow in the
a. Seebeck effect
b. Peltier Effect
c. Joule heating effect
d. Thomson effect

30. Thermal wells are used in the temperature measurement to

a. Guard against corrosive and oxidizing action on

thermocouple materials
b. Reduce measuring lag
c. Increase fidelity
d. Increase sensitivity

31. Gas analysis is commonly done using the

a. Thermal conductivity cell

b. X-ray diffusion
c. Mass spectrometer
d. Emission spectrometer
32.Psychrometer determines the
a. humidity of gases
b. moisture content of solids
c. water of crystallization
d. hygroscopic nature of solids

33. Continuous measurement of moisture content of paper in paper

industry is done by measuring the

a. Thermal conductivity through the paper

b. Electrical resistance through the paper
c. Magnetic susceptibility
d. None of these

34. A simple pitot tube measure the

a. Average velocity
b. Maximum velocity
c. Point velocity
d. Static pressure

35. Pirani gauge is used for the measurement of

a. Very high pressure
b. High vacuum
c. Liquid level under pressure
d. Liquid level at atmospheric pressure

36. A barometer measures the ___ pressure.

a. Absolute
b. Gauge
c. Absolute as well as gauge
d. Dynamic

37. The level of liquid under pressure can be determined using

a. Bubbler system
b. Differential pressure manometer
c. Diaphragm box system
d. Air-trap system

38. Continuous measurement of specific gravity of a liquid is done by

a. Hydrometer
b. Contact-type electric indicators
c. Displacement meter
d. Both a and c

39. Hot wire anemometer is used for the measurement of

a. Flowrates of fluids
b. Flowrates of granular solids
c. Very high temperature
d. Thermal conductivity of gases

40. Flowrate through an orifice is ___ the pressure differential

a. Proportional to
b. Inversely proportional to the square root of
c. Proportional to the square root of
d. Inversely proportional square root of

41. Which of the following flow-metering instruments is an areameter?

a. Venturimeter
b. Rotameter
c. Pitot tube
d. Hot wire anemometer

42. Instrumentation in a plant offers the advantage of

a. Greater safety of operation

b. Better quality of product
c. Greater operation economy
d. All of the above

43. Minute depression of freezing point of a liquid solvent on

addition of a solid solute can be best measured by a

a. Beckman thermometer
b. Dilatometer
c. Mercury thermometer
d. Bimetallic thermometer

44. Gain margin is equal to the

a. Amplitude ratio
b. Reciprocal of amplitude ratio
c. Gain in P controller
d. Gain in P-I controller

45. Phase margin is equal to

a. 180o-phase lag
b. Phase lag-180o
c. Phase lag + 180o
d. Phase lag +90o

46. Bode stability method uses ___ function.

a. Open
b. Closed
c. Either a or b
d. Neither a nor b

47. Nichols chart deals with

a. A.R. vs phase lag of first order
b. A.R. v phase lag of second order
c. Closed loop values vs. open loop values
d. Frequency response values of controller

48. The fluid used in hydraulic controller is

a. Water
b. B. steam
c. C. air
d. Oil

49. Number of poles in a system with transfer function2 +22 +1 is

a. 2
b. 5
c. 3
d. 1

50. Which of the following controllers has maximum offset?

a. P-controller
b. P-I controller
c. P-D controller
d. P-I-D controller

a. have very slow speed of response
b. cant be connected to the measuring instrument remotely
c. need cold junction compensation
d. are much less accurate compared to bimetallic vapor
pressure thermometer
52.Radiation pyrometers
a. have very low speed of response
b. need not see the temperature sources; it is measuring
c. cant measure temperature of objects without making
physical contact
d. none of these
53.V-notch is used to measure
a. open channel
b. non-circular cross-section closed channel
c. vertical pipeline
d. none of these
54. Which of the following is not a head flow meter?
a. segmental orifice plate
b. pitot tube
c. rotameter
d. flow nozzle
55. Flow rate of a liquid containing heavy solids (e.g. sand) can be
best measured by a/an
a. pitot tube
b. concentric orifice
c. eccentric orifice
d. rotameter
56. Orifice plates for slow measurement
a. incurs very low permanent pressure loss
b. has poor accuracy on high orifice ratios
c. cant be easily interchanged
d. is best for very large liquid flows and big pipelines
57. In an area meter (e.g. rotameter), the flow rate is
a. proportional to the square root of the differential
b. inferred from the changes in an area of an orifice in
the flow line across which the pressure differential is
c. inferred from the change in the flow cross section
across which the pressure differential is zero
d. none of these
58. A rotameter
a. incurs constant and small permanent pressure drop
b. incurs constant but very large permanent pressure drop
c. is inaccurate for flow rates
d. need not be mounted always vertically
59. On-off control
a. fully opens the final control element when the measured
variable is below the setpoint
b. fully closes the final control element when the
measured variable is above the set point
c. is a two position (fully open or fully close) control
adequate to control a process with slow reaction rate
and minimum dead time or transfer lag
d. none of these
60.Floating control action
a. moves the final control element at constant speed in
either direction in response of an error signal
b. changes the position of the final control element from
on to off
c. is used to counteract load changes
d. none of these
61. Cascade control is
a. the continuous adjustment of the set point index of an
automatic control loop by a primary(master) controller
b. used when process changes in process conditions
c. useful to control flow from temperature
d. all of the above
62. The mechanism which changes the value of the manipulated
variable in response to the output signal from the control unit is
called the
a. final control element
b. on-off control
c. floating control action
d. none of these
63. Pneumatic control valves are generally designed for pressure up
to _______ kgf/cm2.
a. 10
b. 100
c. 150
d. 350
64. Hydraulic control valves are generally designed for pressure up
to _______ kgf/cm2.
a. 3.5
b. 7
c. 35
d. 350
65. The most suitable flow measuring device for a gas stream flowing
at a rate of 50 liter/minute in a 3 cm I.D. stainless steel tube
would be a/an
a. rotameter
b. pitot tube
c. venture meter
d. segmental orifice meter
66. For the control of gas flow with a PID controller, it is
essential to use a _______ valve.
a. gate
b. needle
c. shut-off
d. none of these
67. The time constant of a first order system is defined as the time
for system to reach following a step input change ________% of its
final value.
a. 63.2
b. 99.8
c. 85.4
d. 18.8
68. Standard air pressure range for pneumatic controller is between
__________ psi.
a. 0-12
b. 5-25
c. 4-30
d. 3-15
69. The analysis of a component by chromatography is based on the
principle of relative absorption of various components
a. over a solid surface
b. in a liquid
c. in a career gas at different times
d. none of these
70. A critically damped system is the one, whose response to an
abrupt stimulus is
a. slow without overshoot
b. as fast as possible without overshoot
c. very fast as possible without overshoot
d. none of these
71. Iron-constantan thermocouple can be used within a temperature
range of __________degree Celsius.
a. -200 to 300
b. -30 to 350
c. -30 to 1100
d. -30 to 1500
72. Frequency response of a second order system will be sinusoidal,
a. it is underdamped
b. it is overdamped
c. it is critically damped
d. damping coefficient is zero
73. Very high temperature (1200-1700C) will be measured most
precisely by
a. Radiation pyrometer
b. Optical pyrometer
c. Thermocouple
d. Bimetallic thermometer
74. The basic principle involved in the measurement of temperature
by thermocouple is the ___________ effect.
a. Raman
b. Seebek
c. Peltier and Seebek
d. Thomson and Peltier
75. Pitot tube is used to measure(directly) the
a. Viscosity
b. Flowrate of fluids
c. Surface tension of fluid
d. None of these
76. Temperature rise in the bomb calorimeter is usually measured by
a ____________ temperature.
a. Beckman
b. Bimetallic
c. Platinum resistance
d. Vapor pressure
77. Humidity is most commonly measured by
a. Partial vapor pressure determination
b. Dry and wet bulb temperature measurement
c. Physical expansion
d. evaporation
78. Working of a constant volume gas thermometer is based on the
a. Archimedes principle
b. Pascals law
c. Charles law
d. Boyles law
79. Choose the one whose resistance decreases with increase in
a. Platinum
b. Carbon
c. Constantan
d. Aluminum
80. Oxygen percentage in the flue gas is determined by the
a. Electrical conductivity cell
b. Zirconia probe
c. Polarimeter
d. Polarograph
81. Thermocouple in a temperature recorder is an example of ________
a. Functioning
b. Manipulating
c. Secondary
d. Primary
82. Tube side temperature in a shell and tube heat exchanger is
normally measured by a
a. Constant volume hydrogen thermometer
b. Mercury in glass thermometer
c. Thermocouple
d. Radiation pyrometer
83. The vapor pressure thermometer bulb should have
a. Large specific heat
b. Large area
c. Large mass
d. Low thermal conductivity
84. Thermopile measures the
a. Flowrate
b. Voltage
c. Current
d. None of these
85. On-off control is a special case of ____________ control
a. Proportional
b. Proportional-Integral-Derivative
c. Proportional-Derivative
d. Proportional-Integral
86. In a vapor pressure thermometer, the corrector plate is the
_______ element
a. Manipulating
b. Primary
c. Functioning
d. Secondary
87. An amplitude ratio of unity corresponds to __________ decibel
a. 0
b. 1
c. 10
d. 20
88. For which of the following controllers, the offset is zero and
it has the highest maximum deviation
a. PI-controllers
b. PD-controllers
c. P-controllers
d. PID-controllers
89. Mercury filled U-type manometer is an example of _______ type of
second order system
a. Critically damped
b. Underdamped
c. Overdamped
d. Undamped
90. Solenoid valve operates like a/an _________ controller
a. P
b. P-D
c. On-off
d. P-I-D
91. Which of the following is the most suitable for controlling
operating parameters up to a distance of 1.5 kilometers
a. Hydraulic controller
b. Pneumatic controller
c. Electronic controller
d. None of these
92. In a heat exchanger, outlet temperature of heating/cooling fluid
is the ___________ variable
a. Load
b. Manipulated
c. Controlled
d. None of these
93. Flow rate of sludge is best measured by
a. Orifice meter
b. Open weir
c. Kennison nozzle
d. Both b and c
94. Continuous shell temperature measurement in a liquid-liquid heat
exchanger is done by a
a. Thermocouple
b. Resistance thermometer
c. Mercury in glass thermometer
d. Vapor pressure thermometer
95. Composition of natural gas is determined by
a. Haldane apparatus
b. Mass spectrometer
c. Chromatograph
d. Both b and c
96. 1/Amplitude Ratio at 180-degree phase represents
a. Gain margin
b. Phase margin
c. Phase lag of first order system
d. None of these
97. In ammonia reactor, continuous pressure measurement is done by a
a. Bourdon gauge of pressure spring type
b. Mercury manometer
c. Mcleoid gauge
d. Alphatron
98. liquid levels in autoclaves are measured by
a. Simple float
b. Differential float type manometer
c. Glass gauge
d. None of these
99. Pick-out the wrong statement
a. Ziegler-Nichols method is not theoretical
b. Transfer function cannot be derived for highly non-linear
c. Bode plot cannot be used for non-linear behavior
d. None of these
100. Pressure of the order of 0.0001 psi (absolute) can be best
measured by
a. Manometer using CCL4 as manometric fluid
b. Mcleoid gauge
c. Alphatron
d. Both b and c
101. For low loads, the suitable controller is a

a. on-off
b. P
c. PID
d. PI
102. For high loads, the suitable controller is a
b.positioning (P, PI, PD, PID controllers etc.)
c.both a and b
d.neither a nor b

103. Zironia probe is used for the continuous measurement of _____

flue gases going out of the chimney
a.oxygen in
b.carbon dioxide in
c.carbon monoxide in
d.temperature of

104. Which is the most suitable for measuring pressure below 3

a. Mcleoid gauge
b. Alphatron
c. Ionisation gauge
d. Bourdon gauge

105. Alphatron measures the pressure

a. <1 microns
b. >3 microns
c. <3 microns
d. <0.1 micron

106. Cascade control employs

a. two feed forward
b. two feed backs
c. one feed back and one feed forward
d. none of these

107. Derivative control is used

a. alone
b. along with proportional control
c. along with integral control
d. none of these

108. Stability method that uses open loop transfer function for
stability analysis
a. Bode
b. Nyquist
c. Root locus
d. all of the above
109. Stability method that uses closed loop transfer function for
stability analysis
a. Ruth
b. Mikhalow
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

110. Stability method that uses characteristic equation for stability

a. Ruth
b. Mikhalow
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

111. Open loop gain is obtained by substituting

a. s=0
b. s=
c. s=1
d. s=-1

112. Amplitude ratio of time lag is

a. 0
b. 1
c. W
d. none of these

113. Working phase lag in Bode method is

a. -90
b. -120
c. -135
d. -150

114. Phase lag of P-controller is

a. 0
b. -90
c. 90
d. Kc

115. At phase lag, cross over frequency is equal to

a. -90
b. -120
c. -150
d. -180

116. Distributed parameter approach gives what kind of differential

a. ordinary
b. partial
c. either a or b
d. neither a nor b

117. A controlling element is exemplified by a

a. pneumatic controller
b. control valve
c. pneumatic controller + valve
d. none of these

118. A self-operated controller is exemplified by a

a. pneumatic controller
b. thermostatic valve
c. pneumatic controller + valve
d. none of these

119. The term analogous to voltage in case of a single tank is

a. flowrate
b. liquid volume in the tank
c. level
d. none of these

120. The term analogous to electric current in thermal control system

a. temperature
b. enthalpy of the system
c. heat flow rate
d. none of these

121. Which positioning controller has the smallest maximum deviation?

a. P
b. PI
c. PD
d. PID

122. Addition of derivative control to proportional controller reduces

a. stabilizing time
b. maximum deviation
c. offset
d. none of these

123. Addition of integral control to proportional controller

eliminates the
a. stabilizing time
b. maximum deviation
c. offset
d. none of these

124. For a given duty, which is the costliest controller?

a. pneumatic
b. hydraulic
c. electronic
d. all have the same cost

125. Diaphragm control valve is used for

a. fluids of high viscosity
b. corrosive chemical liquids
c. granules of solid materials
d. none of these

126. Feed forward controller is used to account for ______ changes

a. load
b. set point
c. manipulated variable
d. none of these

127. Photoelectric pyrometers are suitable in the temperature range of

a. 400-1600
b. 800-2500
c. 800-1600
d. 400-1000

128. Which of the following is not suitable for measuring temperatures

in the range of 800-1600C?
a. Optical pyrometer
b. Radiation pyrometer
c. Photoelectric pyrometer
d. Thermocouples

129. Bellows are made of thin sheets of

a. metal
b. leather
c. plastic
d. all of the above

130. Shell and tube heat exchanger is an example of _____________

parameter system
a. lumped
b. distributed
c. non-linear
d. none of these

131. Mixer is an example of ___________ parameter system

a. lumped
b. distributed
c. non-linear
d. none of these

132. Phase plane method has been introduced by

a. Ziegler-Nichols
b. Bode
c. Pioncare
d. none of these

133. Describing functions can be used up to how many variables?

a. one
b. three
c. five
d. any number of

134. Phase plane analysis is limited upto how many variables?

a. one
b. two
c. three
d. five

135. Most commonly used controller for controlling the temperature is

a. P controller
b. PI controller
c. PD controller
d. PID controller

136. Pneumatic controllers are used to control upto a distance of

a. 30m
b. 300m
c. 1000m
d. 2500m

137. Emf produced in the thermocouples is of the order of

a. millivolts
b. volts
c. microvolts
d. kilovolts
138. Functioning of radiation pyrometer is based on the
a. Seebeck effect
b. Stefan-boltzman law
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

139. It is commonly used to measure the tube side temperature in a

shell and tube heat exchanger
a. Thermocouple
b. Radiation pyrometer
c. Mercury thermometer
d. Constant volume helium thermometer

140. Hydraulic controllers are used to control upto a distance of

a. 30m
b. 300m
c. 1000m
d. 3000m

141. It is the most frequently used device for measuring the furnace
a. Bimetallic thermometer
b. Resistance thermometer
c. Radiation pyrometer
d. none of these

142. It is a desirable static characteristics of instruments

a. Drift
b. Dead zone
c. Static error
d. Reproducibility

143. It is a undesirable static characteristics of instruments

a. Drift
b. Reproducibility
c. Accuracy
d. Sensitivity

144. One time constant represents the ________ of a first order

a. time lag
b. measuring lag
c. dynamic error
d. none of these

145. 1/s represents the Laplace transform of a/an

a. ramp input of slope A
b. unit step change
c. impulse function of magnitude A
d. none of these

146. A represents the Laplace transform of

a. a ramp input of slope A
b. impulse function of magnitude A
c. unit step change
d. none of these

147. _______ input increases linearly with time

a. Step
b. Ramp
c. Impulse
d. Sinusoidal

148. For a first order system, the rate response is proportional to

(where T is the time constant)
a. T
b. 1/T
c. 1/T2
d. T2

149. Step response of a first order system is

a. underdamped
b. critically damped
c. overdamped
d. undamped

150. System having a damping coefficient of zero is

a. underdamped
b. critically damped
c. overdamped
d. undamped

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