Episode 1 The School Environment

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The document discusses the different facilities available in a school and how they promote student learning and development such as the library, canteen, science laboratory, etc.

Facilities mentioned include the library, canteen, medical clinic, science laboratory, gymnasium and their contributions to student learning are providing a conducive study space, serving healthy meals, providing medical assistance, allowing hands-on science experiments, and a space for physical activities.

The skills mentioned are creativity, productivity, being organized, resourcefulness, and innovativeness. These skills allow a teacher to design board displays that are artistic, presented clearly, and up-to-date.

Field Study 1

Learning Episode 1 – The School Environment

This Episode 1 provides an opportunity for students to examine and reflect on a school
environment that promotes learning and development.

At the end of this Episode 1, I must be able to determine the characteristics of a school
environment that is safe, secure, and is supportive of learning.

Activity 1.1 – Exploring the School Campus


Name of the School: Sta. Teresa College

Location of the School: Bauan, Batangas


Recall and familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check
the column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available and
say how each will contribute to the student’s learning and development.

Facilities √ Description Will it contribute to the

students’ learning and
development? Why?
Office of the Principal √ The office of the Principal is Having seen by the students
well cleaned and has a this kind of office, they will
conducive environment and actuate to have a clean and
well lighted. conducive environment on
their respective classrooms.
Library √ The library is air conditioned A clean organized library helps
and students have a large the students in an utmost way
space to study and read. The where they can have a study
books are well categorized space and various books to
depending on its genre and it choose and read from. In this
is placed in an orderly way, students could extent
bookshelf. their learning by reading in a
healthy and well library facility.
Counseling Room √ The counselling room is air- In this environment, students
conditioned and have a serene can feel accommodated and
ambiance. welcomed whenever they go
and ask for help.
Canteen/Cafeteria √ An extensive space where it Provided a healthy and
can accommodate most of the delightful meals, students have
students. The foods and drinks one step towards healthy
sell on students are surely lifestyle. Aside from that,
healthy. The tables and chairs students can also learn to
are well cleaned by the staffs. practice proper waste disposal.
Trash cans from different
corners of the canteen are
present. ‘Clean as you go’
reminder is also posted on
some walls.
Medical Clinic √ The clinic is air-conditioned Students can have a place
and facilitated by a school where they can ask for
nurse. Dentist is also present medicine or stay to when they
in the school clinic. 3 feel sick.
bedrooms are available where
it is separated by a curtain for
privacy purposes.
Audio √ A class size can accommodate Students can learn more
Visual/Learning by this facility. All headphones properly having this facility
and microphones are where it is conducive
functioning. It is also air- environment.
Resource Center √ The resource center is located Through this center, students
inside the library. Various in can extend their learning
materials like leaflets and opportunities by reading some
pamphlets are available and materials available in the
can accessed by the students. resource center.
Science Laboratory √ All equipment are all complete Students can execute science
and placed on a safe storage. laboratories activities well
Sinks and first aid are also because of the complete
present for safety purposes. equipment available.
Gymnasium √ It has 2 gymnasium both have This can be used by the
bleachers where students can student especially on their
rest and seat on. extra-curricular and school
activities where they can
showcase their talents.
Auditorium √ A spacious room and well-air Students can hold meetings in
conditioned. Chairs are also this facility where it will be
available if will utilized. convenient for them to have a
Projector is also available. large space.
Outdoor/Garden √ A space for playground is Students can learn to take care
available on grade school and appreciate the nature.
students. Aside from that, Furthermore, they can have
plants and a garden can be space where they can have fun
observed in the institution. with other students.
‘Keep off the grass’ is also
posted in the garden.
Home Economics √ Kitchen tools and equipment Students can have a
Room are available and can used by knowledge and learn home
students. It also a sink and economics where they could
sofas. The room is well apply those skills in their
ventilated. homes.
Industrial Workshop The facility is not available.

PTA Office The facility is not available.

Comfort Room for √ There are 3 cubicles and Having a clean restroom will
Boys painted in green color. help the students to exercise
to have a well-hygiene
surrounding especially in using
comfort room in school and in
public areas.
Comfort Room for √ There are 3 cubicles and Having a clean restroom will
Girls painted in green color. help the students to exercise
to have a well-hygiene
surrounding especially in using
comfort room in school and in
public areas.
Computer Laboratory √ A class size of 50 can Having a good and functioning
accommodate the computers computer will help the
available in the laboratory. 1 students to execute and
teacher’s table and chairs are practice their computer skills.


Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the
space provided.

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or neighborhood The school campus is located beside the
where the school is found. Immaculate Conception Church. Nearby the
campus, fast food chains were also located.
2. Describe the school campus. What colors The school campus is spacious and expansive.
do you see? What is the condition of the There are many buildings established where
building? it is distinct based on the school
departments. The main building has an old-
fashion interior and exterior design.
However, the other buildings like the College
Building and Elementary Building are in a
contemporary and plain design. Surely, the
buildings are well built and secured by a good
foundation Furthermore, the condition of
building is fine, cracks on the walls are not
spotted. The buildings are often colored with
a soft green color.
3. Pass by the offices. What impression do School offices are easy access and located to.
you have of these offices? When you visit on this school you can easily
find the offices with the guidance of other
staffs of the institutions like body guards.
4. Walk through the school halls, the library, As I walked in the school campus, I observed
the cafeteria. Look around and find out boisterous as expected in high school
the other facilities that the school has. students. However, as I heed on the facilities
present in the campus, I can say that this
school has a functional and necessary
facilities available.

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation by means of recalling your school.
Then accomplish the matrix to record your data.

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious
figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located?
How are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

Classroom Facilities Description

(location, number, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall Displays Located at corner of the room, 1 bulletin board, well-
arranged, newly posted.
2. Teacher’s Table At the front, one, organized, old.

3. Learner’s Desks Located at the center, fifty, well-aligned, old and have
4. Blackboard At the front, one, strongly built, the teacher can still
write on the blackboard and visible on the students.
5. Learning Materials/Visual Aids At the front, 1 projector, strongly placed, still new
6. Aircon At the back, 2 aircons, well installed, seems cleaned

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students
going to school? What are your conclusions?

As I observed the facilities of the school, I also pay attention on what school
environment and culture it has and as I take note of the surrounding, I observed the joy printed
on the faces of the students. I can definitely say that they have a company where it is founded
in a healthy and warming environment which it can impact to keep the students striving to
learn and have fun with their classmates and peers. Having this conclusion, I think students
strives more when they are surrounded by inspiring and loving people close to their hearts. I
think the school does not only develop the intellectual aspect of the students but also give
them the opportunity to enjoy.

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does this
relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

As the individual grows, develops, and begin to step in a new stage of development
definitely there is rapid changes will occur in terms of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional
processes. However, individuals vary on the patterns of development occurred on them and
likely the outcomes of this development process probably also vary among individuals. If the
person grows and hones in a healthy environment, likely the person will be well-minded being
and have a warm personality however, the otherwise will result negatively. In relation to this,
school environment has a big impact in building and developing the character of individual. As
mentioned above that there will be also changes occur in the cognitive processes of the
individual, likely this change involves in personal intelligence. As the cognitive processes change
then, definitely teachers should know how to cater and handle this change. They should be
equipped of varied teaching styles to facilitate the different types of learners on their class.

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment? Why? Why not?

I would love to because I also look for school environment not only honing the academic
or intellectual aspect of students but as well its spiritual aspect of them. What I observed
from culture and environment of Sta. Teresa College, praying is part of their daily routine in
the morning, noon, and afternoon. I am into an institution where it practices daily praying in
God because I do believe that honing the skills and talents of students are not enough if
they are not honed and rooted in faith. Having an environment where students and
teachers deliberately practice and exercise their faith is a good environment for me.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

I think there are several important factors to considered to be described the school
campus has a conducive environment for learning. First at foremost, the school communal
environment should be healthy where students can freely express their feelings and can
establish human connection with other people. Having this learning environment, it can
encourage respect diversity, perspective taking, and reflective thinking that could
contribute to improving collaboration among students. Aside from that, the school culture
present in the school campus should help the student to nurture his development and
character as a person.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

An important factor to have a conducive environment is consider the physical space of
the classroom. Indubitably, students were taught and learn in four corners of classroom.
Ensuring the space and atmosphere of the classroom should be considered. A classroom
should be spacious enough to fit the class size. Students should feel comfortable in their
seats. Therefore, it is essential and significant to have a conducive environment where
students can comfortably learn and edify better by their teachers.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

As a future teacher, ensuring a valuable and conducive environment is my top priority
for my students to learn better. To achieve and become present this kind of atmosphere in
my classroom, I should ensure that all students are comfortably seated on their chairs.
Furthermore, establishing some house rules will also help me in keeping and ensuring a
healthy environment and relationship between me and my students inside the classroom.
5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.

There are a lot of factors needed to consider in building and establishing a school
environment. This does not only build by the teachers or administration, but school
environment is built by the all members of the school campus where it is rooted in a strong
foundation and united of one goal: that is to have a healthy and conducive environment to
all in facilitating learning.

Activity 1.2 – Observing bulletin board displays

As you recall the board displays, use the observation guide and forms provided for you
to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

1. Recall the school and board displays. How many board displays do you see?
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see
3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and
colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?
7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:

Observation REPORT
As far as I remember, the school campus has many school displays located near their
offices like an organization chart is also presented in each department of the school. The
student council board display is also present near its office. School clubs does not have
board display except the campus ministry of the school. Aside from that, the institution
also adopts new media where they use LED TV to display their infomercial,
announcements, calendar of activities, important dates, advertisement of enrollment,
and acknowledging students who represent the school. There are majority number of
LED TV than board display. The information displayed is brief and easy to remember,
especially the important dates of the school activities. All in all, using a LED TV as a
display easily catch the attention of the students and teachers.
What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
I think the purpose of displaying boards or LED TV is to inform students regarding the
important dates and school activities will happen in a month. Aside from that, students are
notified through the board displays regarding the updates and immediate announcements
throughout the school needed to know by them. Moreover, display boards is an avenue for
especially to those school officials and student officers to convey their message or
announcements to fellow students.

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?
As they transition from their some board display into LED TV, I think it much more
appealing to audience because of the utilization of media display. Furthermore, it can catch the
attention of the audience and heed on the information displayed. It can stimulate the interest
of the audience to allot time in reading the information displayed.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why
The language used and the construction of the information displayed is concise and
succinct for the audience easy grasp the updates and announcements needed to remember. I
think it is a rule in technical message to be concise and brief as much as possible for the
audience to comprehend the message and they will not take much of their time on reading it.
Furthermore, comprehensible information displayed is much easier to remember especially if
the information are important dates of the school.

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

Definitely, especially they gradually used LED TV as their display boards. It much more
appealing and can stimulate to attract the audience. Even though, there are still some
traditional board displays used, the school staffs make ensure to make it also appealing as
possible. Aside from that, the school can easily disseminate the important announcements to
its students or other audience using board displays.

What suggestions can you make?

Perhaps, my suggestion will focus on some of the traditional board displays present
within the school because I think the LED TV as board displays is way more attractive than the
traditional board displays. Why not make the traditional board displays be improved by making
it more attractive and catchier? In this way, audience will also pay attention on board displays.
Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the
form below.
My Proposed Board Display

Theme: A clean and modern style for the Supreme Student Council display board. With this
theme and style, it much trendier and up to date in our current time. Always take note to
keep the display board style and theme updated or relative to the current happenings within
the school in the month.
Board Title: The title of the board would be “Supreme Student Council - SSC’ and under of it is
the motto of the Supreme Student Council. For example, is “Alliance of Student Teresian
The purpose of the up-to-date style of display board is much catchy and the audience’s
interest will be augmented. Aside from that, through the display board, student leaders of
SSC can post announcements and reminders to all students.
a. To have an appealing display board.
b. To be able disseminate important dates to all students/audience.
c. To have an avenue to display important announcements and reminders.
Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:
 Agenda for the month
 Announcement’s corner
 Top students per month
 Featured artist of the month
 Featured an inspiring story from student.
 List of books that students can read and learn from.
Content resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):
 Top students per month – acknowledging the top students from each year level in the
 Featured artist of the month – one student from the department will be featured and
its own art.
 An inspiring story from student – have an interview to random students and ask what
their inspiring story.
 List of books – list of books varying from different authors and genre.
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
 Pub mats (for announcements and agenda)
 Colored papers
 Glue
 Scissors
 Cartolina
 Modern and clean colors of paint
1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is need.
I think the skills needed a teacher to be equipped in creating effective board displays are
creativity, productivity, organized, resourcefulness, and innovativeness. The teacher should
encompass the skill of being creative because in making a board display it should be artistic
and appealing to the audience. Aside from that, the skill of being productive is also essential
because the teacher must be hardworking to finish the display board on time. Furthermore,
being organized is also possessed by the teacher, because board display should be present
the information or announcement in an organized way as possible so that audience can
easily remember the important dates and announcements. Another skill is resourcefulness
in order to maximize the available resources at hand to make an effective board display.
Last skill would be innovativeness. As I have mentioned from my previous answers, board
displays should be up to date in our current time to make it more engaging and attractive to
the audience.

2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I think that would be the skill of being productive. Throughout my school years, I was
able to meet my deadlines on my schoolworks and I do believe it also the same goes in
making display boards which it should be done in a certain deadline. Now, I am a student
leader of our campus ministry, I could be able to exercise and participate in making board
display and through that I can showcase productivity skill of mine to other people by giving
a hand to make display boards.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you
can improve on or acquire these skills?
I think the skill I need to improve of is to be creative. I do honestly lack on creative juices
when it comes in brainstorming on ideas or concepts to be displayed on board displays.
However, what I do to improve myself in this skill is to look for inspirations from other
people. Through that, I could be able to think ideas and concepts for my display boards.
Another thing is I try is to challenge myself up by making posters or pubmats for me to
stimulate my creative side.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

On the box below, present an illustration showing your idea of an effective school
environment through any of these:

 A Descriptive Paragraph
 A Photo Essay
 A Sketch or Drawing
 A Song, Poem or Rap

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

Learners are the future beacons of the next generation and one step towards in honing
students to be beacons is by ensuring they have a warm, conducive, and safe learning
environment. School is where the students learn and being shaped to be a developed and
matured individual. But how they can learn effectively if they have negative and
uncomfortable learning environment? As you can see on the poster I made, we have the sun,
light bulb, and the students. Sun signifies the warm and welcomed environment the student
should experience in school. The students should feel the sense of belonging, self-respect,
and self-acceptance. On the other hand, the light bulb signifies the effect of having a healthy
school learning atmosphere. This leads the students to be beacons, a light to other people.
And lastly, the students who are comfortable learning with each other. To conclude my
illustration, is to remind me and my fellow future educators, that positive learning
environment help to establish the context for healthier levels of thinking, feeling, and

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