Topic What I Have Learned? Important Terms (To Be Defined Based On The Module) My Questions?

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Topic What I have learned? Important terms (to be My questions?

defined based on the


1. Act I learned that various types Commission is when a How do we

of crime have a specific person committed distinguish if the act
act. Without act, there is no something against the law. is a false accusation
crime at all. This can be a or not?
reminder that we all need Omission is the failure to
to think before we do perform a duty required by Given the large
something. We need to pe the law. If so, it will open a population in Metro
responsible citizens, able to person to ‘criminal liability’. Manila, how do law
know what is required and enforcers detect
forbidden. people who are not
able to perform their

2. Branches of I learned that to effectively Criminal Sociology is the How do we

Criminology study a criminal case, there effects of social condition on maximize these
are the branches of crime and criminals. branches to make
specializations related to the field of
science. Based on the Criminal Psychology criminology better in
definitions, the studies the behavior and our country?
specifications of each mental processes of
branch are important to criminals. What are the studies
analyze details. No branch and philosophies of
Criminal Ecology studies the branches of
should be left behind as
the interaction of criminals to criminology that can
they have their own
their environment. be applicable in real
life encounters?
Criminal Demography
studies the relationship of
crime and population.

Criminal Epidemiology
involves studying crime as a
disease to the society.

Victimology studies the

involvement of the victim to
the crime.

Criminal Anthropology is a
field for specification of the
profiles of criminals.

Criminal Justice is the

philosophies, practices and
policies used by the police
and the court.

3. Harm  I learned that although our Harm of Reduction is when How will you know if
society is big, we shouldn’t a victim is being reduced by the harm is mild or
tolerate any type of harm. quality or standing. severe?
These prohibitions are able
to protect our fellow Harm of Repression is
citizens from physical and when the victim experiences
hindrance or limit, What is the role of
verbal injury. The lesson
preventing them from the barangay to
about this topic actually
achieving something. prevent harm among
reminded of the famous
their members?
saying ‘Don’t do unto
others what you don’t want
them to do unto you.’

4. Criminal As criminologists, it is In Social Science, a How do we

Justice important to also consider criminal is anyone who strengthen our
the definition in social violated the law. criminal justice
science to effectively study system in the
crime. Numbers are just In Law, a criminal is anyone Philippines?
giving an illusion of a low who violated the law;
crime rate. But in reality, arrested & prosecuted till What makes our
there are those who proven guilty. existing criminal
escape, and those who are justice system
still under investigation. We different from other
shouldn’t limit the scope to countries?
only the convicted ones, as
a small number of
convicted criminals would
not give a comprehensive
view on criminal behavior.

What I would truly Statutory Laws are laws

5. Law remember about this made by the congress along If ignorance is
concept is that ignorance with the house of generally not an
is not an excuse. representatives and senate. excuse in the law,
Therefore, it is a what about the poor
responsibility to know and Case laws are according to and uneducated
be informed by the law to the interpretations of the people who are not
become a good citizen. The court. taught about it?
law shows show
What does the
awareness in your Constitutional laws are in
congress do if a law
surroundings is also accordance to the 1987
passed is proven
important, instead of being Philippine Constitution.

I learned that we are free to Folkways are custom Activism is often

6. Deviance express ourselves, as long traditions. seen as a deviance.
as others are not affected What are the pros
nor harmed by what we do. Mores are highest forms of and cons of activism
Our society’s judgement is morality. If violated, it is in our society?
a constant reminder that considered ‘Taboo’.
evil would remain existing. Now that there are a
Oftentimes, we are fixated Codified Law are specified lot of changes
with certain traditions and by the government. occurring during this
beliefs, but as long as we time, should we
respect these and we still Classification of Deviant validate the customs
abide by the law, it’s okay Acts: of our traditions, or
to be different. preserve it?
Consensus crimes are the
morally evil acts or the most
serious acts of deviance. In
law, it is called ‘Mala Inse’.

Conflict crimes are not

necessarily wrong, but there
are certain beliefs that it
should be illegal.

I learned that there is no There are 3 types of crime: In the Philippines,

7. Crime distinct definition of crime why is it always the
as it is dynamic and Felony is a crime according poor being
changing over time. The to the Revised Penal Code. convicted?
definition of crime depends
on the people’s perspective Offense are special penal What are the
of what is to be prohibited. laws updated from current different municipal or
social conditions. city policies in
various regions of
Misdemeanor are crimes the Philippines, and
from municipal or city how do they differ
ordinances. with each other?
I learned that Criminology A criminologist’s role is to:
8. Criminologist is important to study in our As a future
society. Without 1. Gather Data criminologist, how
criminologists, there would can I maximize the
be no social order. 2. Construct theories knowledge I
This field doesn’t condemn acquired in my daily
the criminal’s existence. In 3. Perform method of basis?
fact, it aims to understand inquiries in Social
the criminals to be able to Sciences Is the role of a
control them. criminologist here
4. Design experiments different from the
criminologists of
5. Sophisticated data other countries?

I learned that even troubled Delinquency is a What are the

9. Juvenile kids shouldn’t be left wrongful act committed methods of
Delinquency behind in this society. by young people. barangays protect
Taking care of the children juveniles?
is a responsibility in an Juveniles are the young
adult’s world, so juveniles people. What shall we do
exists not to be cruelly when a juvenile has
punished but to be no family?

By reading the scope of Sociology of Law is Are erroneous

10. Scope of Criminology, I learned that examining, strengthening or approved laws still to
Criminology it is strongly related to law. eliminating Law to be implemented?
Thinking about it, it’s implement more effective
because the law dictates laws. In our country, what
what is prohibited. happens when after
Criminal Etiology studies years of conviction,
the reasons or causes of one discovers that a
crime, despite the presence penalty is given to a
of Law. falsely accused
Penology is a study of how
the people, the criminal and
the government react
towards breaking laws.

I used to be confused with Criminalistics is a How can we, future

11. Fields related the similar fields, but now I discipline that operates criminologists
to learned about their develop a good
under forensic science.  
Criminology distinctions and their connection with
relationship with people who are
Criminology. I realized how
Forensic psychology is working under our
broad and exhausting one defined by the American related fields?
investigation can be, given Psychological
the processes of other Association, is the In the Philippines,
fields such as forensics, application of clinical how fast/slow is the
criminalistics or specialties to the legal process of
psychology. With this, field — such as investigating a case?
studying criminology is assessment, treatment, How can we improve
definitely not easy and and evaluation of forensic this?
should be taken seriously.

Forensic science is the

application of science to
criminal and civil laws,
mainly in the criminal
during the criminal
investigation, as governed
by the legal norms of
admissible evidence and
criminal procedure.

Among all the branches of According to Cesare In the Philippine

12. Cesare Criminology, I was Lombroso, a criminal looks History context, what
Lombroso confused the most with like an ‘Ape’. This idea came is the
(Father of Criminal Anthropology. But from Darwin’s theory of anthropological
Criminology) Lombroso made me revolution. pattern of our past
understand its relationship criminals?
with studying crime. “This was not merely an
idea, but a revelation. At the In our current prison,
Anthropology may seem sight of that skull, I seemed how applicable is
judgmental to physical to see all of a sudden, Lombroso’s theory of
appearance, but it can be lighted up as a vast plain a criminal man in
considerable with its under a flaming sky, the suspecting criminals
interesting theories of problem of the nature of the around our country?
describing the attributes of criminal—an atavistic being
a criminal and see these who produces in his person
things in a picture. the ferocious instincts of
primitive humanity and the
inferior animals.” He
This topic actually made Article 8 states, “Judicial What are the
13. Article 8 of me appreciate the Judicial decision applying or possible
the Branch of the government, interpreting the laws on the circumstances when
Philippine and I feel like I want to constitution shall form a part the Judge becomes
Civil Code become a judge someday. I of the legal system of the biased and the case
learned that Judiciary is Philippines.” is manipulated?
somehow the mindset of
our government, since they How does graft and
interpret the law in corruption affect the
accordance to the case Judiciary branch?
they are dealing with. It’s a
difficult task, since they
basically uphold the justice.

I learned how powerful the Criminology owes much to With the Nature of
14. Nature of course of criminology is as biology and sociology. The Criminology, how
Criminology it is an interdisciplinary two disciplines complement can I maximize this
study. It involves many each other. Biology focuses study in my career?
aspects of science and on the mental
may other fields and characteristics, while How can I prove to
branches sociology shift studies the people that our study
wholesome traits of society is more than just
and institutions. stereotypes and
Criminology also borrows
from political science to
understand how the content
and enforcement of criminal
law is developed.

And finally, history can also

contribute to its
understanding because the
roots of current trends in
crime are often found in the

Criminology is….
a. An Applied
b. Social Science 
c. Dynamic
d. Nationalistic

I learned that the Law isn’t Consensus Model Given this fact, and
15. Consensus just made. It should also be proposes the three main now that I am a
Model of Law agreed by the society. And agencies of the Criminal voter, how will I
the powerful people in Justice System: wisely choose the
charge of the law are the a. The Police effective and
ones capable of changing it b. The Courts deserving law
as they are called ‘Moral c. The Prisons makers in this
Entrepreneurs’. The criminal law whereas country?
shall embody the values,
norms and beliefs of majority What are the
of the citizens. qualities and
characteristics of a
good and effective
law enforcer in the

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