Topic What I Have Learned? Important Terms (To Be Defined Based On The Module) My Questions?
Topic What I Have Learned? Important Terms (To Be Defined Based On The Module) My Questions?
Topic What I Have Learned? Important Terms (To Be Defined Based On The Module) My Questions?
Criminal Epidemiology
involves studying crime as a
disease to the society.
Criminal Anthropology is a
field for specification of the
profiles of criminals.
3. Harm I learned that although our Harm of Reduction is when How will you know if
society is big, we shouldn’t a victim is being reduced by the harm is mild or
tolerate any type of harm. quality or standing. severe?
These prohibitions are able
to protect our fellow Harm of Repression is
citizens from physical and when the victim experiences
hindrance or limit, What is the role of
verbal injury. The lesson
preventing them from the barangay to
about this topic actually
achieving something. prevent harm among
reminded of the famous
their members?
saying ‘Don’t do unto
others what you don’t want
them to do unto you.’
I learned how powerful the Criminology owes much to With the Nature of
14. Nature of course of criminology is as biology and sociology. The Criminology, how
Criminology it is an interdisciplinary two disciplines complement can I maximize this
study. It involves many each other. Biology focuses study in my career?
aspects of science and on the mental
may other fields and characteristics, while How can I prove to
branches sociology shift studies the people that our study
wholesome traits of society is more than just
and institutions. stereotypes and
Criminology also borrows
from political science to
understand how the content
and enforcement of criminal
law is developed.
Criminology is….
a. An Applied
b. Social Science
c. Dynamic
d. Nationalistic
I learned that the Law isn’t Consensus Model Given this fact, and
15. Consensus just made. It should also be proposes the three main now that I am a
Model of Law agreed by the society. And agencies of the Criminal voter, how will I
the powerful people in Justice System: wisely choose the
charge of the law are the a. The Police effective and
ones capable of changing it b. The Courts deserving law
as they are called ‘Moral c. The Prisons makers in this
Entrepreneurs’. The criminal law whereas country?
shall embody the values,
norms and beliefs of majority What are the
of the citizens. qualities and
characteristics of a
good and effective
law enforcer in the