22-05-21 - Jr.C-IPL, C-120, IPL-IC (Incom) - JEE-Main-WTM-03 - Q.PAPER

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Academy., India.


A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
ICON Central Office – Madhapur – Hyderabad
SEC: Jr.C-IPL_C-120_IPL-IC (In Com) JEE-MAIN Date: 22-05-2021
Time: 09.30Am to 12.30Pm WTM-3 Max. Marks: 300

22-05-2021_ Jr.C-IPL_C-120_IPL-IC (In Com)_Jee-Main_WTM-03_Test Syllabus

PHYSICS : Resolution of vectors, additonal and substraction vectors, Laws of vectros addition, Polygon law,
Triangle law, parallelgoram law, Motion in a straight line: distance, displacement, Speed, Velocity,
change in speed and change in velocity, Acceleration, uniform and non uniform acceleration,
Kinematic equations of uniform acceleration
CHEMISTRY : Classification into s, p, d and f blocks, Classification into metals, nomenclature and metalloids,
Valency oxidation number, Atomic and ionic radii (trends in group), Ionsiation potential
electropostivity, I.P, E.P (trends in group), Electronic negativity, Electron gain enthalpy (trends in
group), Chemical bonding: ionic bond conditions required for ionic bond formation
MATHEMATICS : Solution of quadratic equations, Solution of quadratic equations, fromation of quadratic equations,
Relation between roots and coefficients, Nature of roots of quadratic equations, Quadratic
inequalities, Wavy curve method, Quadratic expressions, Problems on quadratic expressions,
Sequence and Series, Defintion of sequence, nth terms, Definition of series, sum of series, definition
progressions, Arthmatic progression (AP), Properties of AP and related problems, Geometric
progressions GP, Infinite geometry progression, condition, sum of infinite GP, Problems on GP
PHYSICS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
   
1 Two vectors are given by 2i  j  3k and 5i  3 j  2k . If 3a  2b  c  0 then third vector c is
1. 4iˆ  9 ˆj  13kˆ 2. 4iˆ  9 ˆj  13kˆ 3. 4iˆ  9 ˆj  13kˆ 4. 2iˆ  3 ˆj  13kˆ
  
2 A force F  5i  3 j  2k moves a particle from r1  2i  7 j  4k to r2  5i  2 j  8k Calculate the
work done
1. 38 units 2. 20 units 3. 30 units 4. 15 units

3 If P  3i  4 j  2k , its direction cosines are
3 4 2 3 4 2 3 8 7
1. , , 2. , , 3. , , 4. 1, 2 and 6
29 29 29 29 29 29 24 24 29
4 A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement at any time t is given by:
s  t 3 – 6t 2  3t  4. The velocity when the acceleration is zero is
1. 3 ms 1 2. 12 ms 1 3. 42 ms 1 4. 9 ms 1
5 A car moving with a speed of 50 km/hr, can be stopped by brakes after at least 6 m. if the
same car is moving at a speed of 100 km/hr, the minimum stopping distance is
1. 12 m 2. 18 m 3. 24 m 4. 6 m
6 A body released from the top of a tower of height h takes T seconds to reach the ground .The
position of the body at T/4 seconds is
h h
1. at from the ground 2. at from the top of the tower
16 4
15h 3h
3. at from the ground 4. at from the top of the tower
16 16
7 The position x of a particle varies with time t as x  at 2  bt 3 . The acceleration of the particle
will be zero at time t equal to
a 2a a
1. 2. 3. 4. Zero
b 3b 3b
8 If a car covers 2 5th of the total distance with v1 , speed and 3/5th distance with v2 then
average speed is
1 v1v2 2v1v2 5v1v2
1. v1v2 2. 3. 4.
2 2 v1  v2 3v1  2v2

9 A body moving with a uniform acceleration had velocities of 20 m/s and 30 m/s when
passing the points P and Q of its path. Find the velocity midway between P and Q (in m/s)
1. 450 2. 550 3. 650 4. None
Sec: Jr.C-IPL_C-120_IPL-IC (In Com) Page 2
10 A car moving with constant acceleration covers the distance between two points 180 m apart
in 6 sec . Its speed as it passes the second point is 45 m / s . What is the acceleration and its
speed at the first point
1. 5m / s 2 :15 m / s 2. 15m / s 2 : 5m / s
3. 5m / s 2 : 15m / s 4. 5m / s 2 :15m / s
11 A particle is moving east wards with a velocity of 5ms 1 . In 10S , the velocity changes to
5ms-1 northwards. The average acceleration in this time is
1 1 2
1. ms 2 towards northwest 2. ms towards north
2 2
3. Zero 4. ms 2 towards north east
12 A bus starts from rest with a constant acceleration. At the same time a car travelling with a
constant velocity 50 m/s over-takes and passes the bus. How fast is the bus travelling when
they are side by side?
1. 10 m/s 2. 50 m/s 3. 100 m/s 4. None
13 A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement at any time t is given by
s   t 3  6t 2  3t  4  metres. The velocity when the acceleration is zero is
1. 3m / s 2. 42m / s 3. 9m / s 4. 15m / s
14 A body experiences acceleration for 6 seconds after starting from rest. If it travels a distance
x1 in first 2s, x2 in the next two s, and x3 in the last two s. then:
1. x1 : x2 : x3  1:1:1 2. x1 : x2 : x3  1: 2 : 3 3. x1 : x2 : x3  1: 3 : 5 4. x1 : x2 : x3  1: 4 : 8
15 An object accelerates from rest to a velocity 27.5 m / s in 10 seconds, then find distance
covered by the object during next 10 seconds
1. 412.5 m 2. 137.5 m 3. 550 m 4. 275 m
16 A body is thrown up with a velocity 40 ms . At same time another body is dropped from a
height 40 m. Their relative acceleration after 1.3 seconds is
1. 4 g 2. g / 2 3. 2 g 4. Zero
17 A particle starts moving from rest with uniform acceleration. It travels a distance x in the
first 2sec and a distances y in the next 4 sec . Then
1. y  x 2. y  8 x 3. y  3 x 4. y  4 x
18 Speeds of two identical cars are u and 4u at a specific instance. The ratio of the respective
distance at which the two cars are stopped from that instant is:
1. 1:1 2. 1:4 3. 1:8 4. 1:16
19 For a body travelling with uniform acceleration, its final velocity is v  180  7 X , where
X is the distance travelled by the body. Then the acceleration is
1. 8 m / s 2 2. 3.5 m / s 2 3. 7 m / s 2 4. 180 m / s 2
Sec: Jr.C-IPL_C-120_IPL-IC (In Com) Page 3
20 A point moves such that its displacement as a function of time is given by x 3  t 3  1 . Its
acceleration as a function of time t will be
2 2t 2t 2t 2
1. 2. 3. 4.
x5 x5 x4 x5
This section contains 10 questions. Each question is numerical value type. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation,
truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place. (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, 30, 30.27, 127.30). Attempt any five questions out of 10.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
    
21 If A  2 i  8 j  7 k and B  3 i  2 j then the component A  B along x-axis is:  
22 If 2i  3 j  4k and 3i   j   k be collinear vectors, then find the value of 

23 The displacement of a body varies with time as S  (t 2  4t )m . The displacement of the body
when its velocity becomes zero is ___

24 A bird moves such a way that 2m towards east, 2m towards north and 1m vertically up. Its
displacement from the origin is

25 The position vector of a particle is determined by the expression r  4t 3 i  3t j  3k . The
magnitude of its displacement (in m) in 1st sec is_______

26 A car starts from rest and travels with a uniform acceleration of 1ms 2 . A boy 10m behind
the bus at the start runs at a constant speed and catches the bus in 10s. Speed of the boy is

27 A force F   5i  3 j  2k  N is applied over a particle which displaces it from its origin to

the point r   2i  j  m. The work done on the particle in joules is--------

28 The velocity of a car travelling on a straight road is given by the equation v  9  8t  t 2 where
v is in metre per sec and t is in seconds. The magnitude of instantaneous acceleration when
t = 5 sec is in m / s 2

29 If the velocity of a particle is (10  2t 2 )m / s , then the average acceleration of the particle
between 2s and 5s is (in m / s 2 )

30 A train starting from rest is accelerated and the instantaneous acceleration is given by
m / s 2 . Where v is the velocity in m/s. Find the time after which the body attains a
v 1
velocity of 54km/hr. (in s)

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This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
31 Considering the chemical properties, atomic weight of the element 'In' was corrected based
1. Valency 2. Configuration 3. Density 4. Atomic volume
32 The element 'Ge' is known long back as
1. eka-aluminium 2. eka-boron 3. eka-silicon 4. eka-mercury
33 The atomic number of an element is 36. What is the total number of electrons present in all
the p-orbitals of the ground state atom of that element ?
1. 6 2. 11 3. 18 4. 23
34 Match the following lists and select the correct answer
List – I List – II
A) 1s2,2s22p6,3s2 3p6,4s1 1) d-block element
B) 1s2,2s22p6,3s23p6 2) Halogen
C) 1s2, 2s22p6.3s23p63d6.4s2 3) Alkali metal
D) 1s2,2s2 2p5 4) Noble gas
1. 1 2 3 4
2. 3 4 1 2
3. 1 3 2 4
4. 2 4 3 1
35 Ce (58) is a member of
1. s-block 2. p-block 3. d-block 4. f-block
36 Which of the following is not involved in any diagonal relationship?
1. C 2. B 3. Al 4. Si
37 The sub-shells filled one by one for 4th period elements are respectively
1. 3d, 4s and 4p 2. 4s, 4p and 4d 3. 4s,3d and 4p 4. 3d, 4p and 4s
38 An element X occurs in short period having configuration ns 2 np1 . The formula and nature of
its oxide is
1. XO3 , basic 2. XO3 acidic 3. X 2O3 , amphoteric 4. X 2 O3 basic
Sec: Jr.C-IPL_C-120_IPL-IC (In Com) Page 5
39 Which of the following sets of atomic number belong to that of alkali metals?

1. 1, 12, 30, 4, 62 2. 37, 19, 3, 55 3. 9, 17, 35, 53 4. 12, 20, 56, 88

40 Element with atomic number 56 belongs to which block?

1. s 2. p 3. d 4. f

41 Screening constant depends upon

A) Number of inner shells

B) Number of electrons in outer most shell
1. A only 2. B only 3. Both A and B 4. Neither A nor B
42 Atomic radii of fluorine and neon in angstrom units are respectively given by
1. 0.72 ; 1.60 2. 1.60 ; 1.60 3. 0.72 ; 0.72 4. Nine
43 The ionic radii of N 3 , O2 , F  and Na  are the order
1. N 3  O 2  F   Na  2. N 3  Na   O 2   F 
3. Na   O2  N 3  F  4. O 2  F   Na   N 3
44 Which of the following order is correct for the size of Fe3 , Fe and Fe2+ ?
1. Fe  Fe 2    Fe3 2. Fe 2   Fe3   Fe 3. Fe  Fe3   Fe 2  4. Fe3   Fe 2    Fe
45 Which of the following isoelectronic ions has the lowest ionization energy?
1. K  2. Ca 2  3. Cl  4. S 2 
46 If the ionisation potential (I.P.) of Mg is 7.64 eV. The I.P. of Ca will be
1. 6.11 ev 2. 10.35 eV 3. 10.88 eV 4. 13.59 ev
47 Among Halogens electron affinity is highest for
1. F 2. Cl 3. Br 4. I
48 An element “X” has IP = 1681 kJ/mole and EA = -333 kJ/mole then its electronegativity is
1. 1681 + 333 / 544 2. 1681 - 333 / 544
0.208 1681  333
3. 1681 + 333 / 2 4.
49 The coordination numbers of cation and anion in NaCl crystal are respectively
1. 8, 6 2. 8, 8 3. 6, 6 4. 6, 8
Sec: Jr.C-IPL_C-120_IPL-IC (In Com) Page 6
50 The correct statement regarding the formation of ionic bond
1. It involves electrostatic attraction 2. It is a redox process
3. It is an exothermic process 4. All
This section contains 10 questions. Each question is numerical value type. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation,
truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place. (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, 30, 30.27, 127.30). Attempt any five questions out of 10.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
51 The number of elements present in each short periods are……………..

52 The first four ionization enthalpy values of an elements are 191, 578, 872 and 5962 kcal

mol 1 . The number of valence electrons in the elements is

53 The number of elements among the following, which have lower electronegativity than

oxygen atom, based on Pauling scale, is ______

F, Cl, Br, I, H, S, P, K, Ca

54 H-H, X-X and H-X bond energies are 104 k. cal/mole. 60 k. Cal/mole and 101 k. cal mole.
Assuming the eletronegativity of hydrogen to be 2.1 . The electronegativity of unknown
element is in  19  4.36
55 Number of electrons transferred from one Al atom during bond formation in aluminium
fluoride _____
56 Among the following how many ions are having Inert gas configuration?

Na  , Mg 2 , Al 3 , Cl  , F  , O 2 , N 3

57 The total number of ionic compounds among the following are —

LiCl , NaCl , KCl , RbCl , CsCl , MgCl2 , AlCl3

58 Find out sum of all the digits of atomic number of the element Une?

59 The eighth group of Mendeleff’s periodic table consist of elements____

60 Valency of ‘C’ in CO32 is

Sec: Jr.C-IPL_C-120_IPL-IC (In Com) Page 7

This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
61 If 3 is a root of x 2  kx  24  0 it is also a root of …….
1. x 2  5x  k  0 2. x 2  kx  24  0 3. x 2  kx  6  0 4. x 2  5 x  k  0
62 The roots of the equation a  b  c   x2  b  c  a  x  c  a  b   0 are
c  a  b b c  a b c  a  c a  b c a  b
1. , 2. ,1 3. 1, 4. ,1
a b  c  c  a  b  c a  b a b  c  b c  a 

63 If α,β are the roots of x 2   P  x   1    c  0 , then 1   1    

1. 1 + c 2. 1 – c 3. P + c 4. P – c
64 How many terms are added in 24 + 20 + 16 + ......... to make the sum 72 ?
1. 6 2. 7 3. 8 4. 9
65 The values of P for which the difference between the roots of the equation x 2  Px  8  0 is 2
1.  2 2.  4 3.  6 4.  8
66 The sum of the eight terms of a G.P where nth term is 2.3n

1. 19880 2. 19860 3. 19660 4. 19680

67 If p  0, q  0 and the roots of x 2  px  q  0 are p and q, then (p, q) =

1. (1, –2) 2. (1, 1) 3. (2, –2) 4. (–1, 2)

68 If the sum of the squares of the roots of x 2   px  3  0 is 10, then p 

1.  2 2.  3 3. 5 4. –5
69 If 1, log 3  31 x  2  , log3  4.3x  1 are in A.P. then x=

1. log3 4 2. 1  log3 4 3. 1  log 4 3 4. log 4 3

70 If  ,  are the roots of x 2  2 x  1  0 , then the equation whose roots are  2 ,   2 is
1. x 2  6 x   1   0  2. x 2  6 x  1  0 3. x 2   6 x   1    0 4. x 2   6 x  2  0

Sec: Jr.C-IPL_C-120_IPL-IC (In Com) Page 8

71 The fourth term of an A.P is three times of the first term and the seventh term exceeds the
twice of the third term by one, then the common difference of the progression is
1. 2 2. 3 3. 4. –1
72 The roots of the equation  x  1  4 x  1  3  0
1. Form an A.P 2. Form a G.P
3. Form an H.P 4. Do not form any progression
73 If b+c, c+a, a+b are in AP then a,b,c are in
1. AP 2. GP 3. HP 4. None
74 If x  0 and log 2 x  log 2 x  log 2  x   log  x   ........  4 then x 

1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 5
75 If one root of x  Kx  27  0 may be triple the other, then K =

1. 6 2. 8 3.  12 4.  10

a  bx b  cx c  dx
76 If   , x  0 then a, b, c, d are in
a  bx b  cx c  dx
1. A.P 2. H.P 3. G.P 4. None
77 If the angles A < B < C of a triangle are in A.P ., then
1. c2  a2  b2  ab 2. b2  a 2  c 2  ac 3. c 2  a 2  b2 4. None of these
If ,  are roots of ax 2  bx  c  0, then     =
2 2
c a  b c  a  b c a  b c  a  b
1. 2
2. 2
3. 4.
a a a a
79 If a, b, c are in A.P., a, m b, c are in G.P. then a, m2b, c are in
1. H.P 2. G.P 3. A.P 4. None
2 1 1
80 10th term of hormonic progession is  2  3  ........is
1 2 3
1. 2/5 2. -5/2 3. 5/2 4. -2/5
This section contains 10 questions. Each question is numerical value type. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation,
truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place. (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, 30, 30.27, 127.30). Attempt any five questions out of 10.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
81 If sin  , cos  are the roots of 6 x2  px  1  0 , then p 2 =

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 
82 If ,  are the roots of x 2 + x  1  0 , then  
 

83 If the roots of x2  bx  c  0 are two consecutive integers, then b2  4c 

84 If k > 0 and the product of roots of the equation x 2  3kx  2elog k  1  0 is 7, then sum of the

roots =

85 If the two equations x2  Kx  21  0 and x 2  3Kx  35  0 have a common root, and K > 0 then

the value of K is
4 4
86 The number of real solutions of the equation  6  x   8  x   16 is

87 If  ,  are the roots of x2  x  3  0 , then 4   4

88 If  ,  are the roots of 6 x 2  4 2 x  3  0 , then  2    2 is

89 If ,  are the roots of ax2  bx  c  0 ,   3 and a, b, c are in A.P., then    =

90 If 10th term of an A.P is 13, then the sum of 19 terms =

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