104 Unit One - Getting Through

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Getting Through
Intercultural Exchanges
p.14 – p.45

Level: 1AS

Stream(s): Scientific

Planning: Unit 1/4: Science and Technology

Unit 1/5: Literature

By: REFFAS Mounir Abdelmadjid

Secondary School Teacher of English
1AS | U1 | Progress Page 2
Progress (Scientific)
Unit: Getting Through Pages: 14-45
Timing Volume: 24 Hours Stream: Scientific


Lessons % Observation

Sequence ONE: Listening and Speaking

1 Listen to, respond to, and give instructions using sequencers. (p.16 – 1.14%
p.17) (p.168/1)
2 Express and justify a point of view. (p.17) / express preferences and 2.28%
purpose. (p.17) (168/2)
3 Make requests with appropriate intonation. (p.18) / pronounce two- 3.42%
syllable words. (p.18)
4 Describing a process (p.19) 4.56%
5 Writing a short speech (p.19) 5.7%
Sequence TWO: Reading and writing
6 Reading and interpreting an e-mail message (pp. 20 -21) 6.84%
7 Frequency adverbs (p.22) 7.98%
8 Describing people’s regular activities (p.22) 9.12%
9 Degree adverbs (p.23) 10.26%
10 Reply to an email (p.23) 11.4%
Sequence THREE: Developing Skills
11 Listening and responding to telephone messages. (pp.24 – 25) 12.54%
12 Reading and responding to short written messages. (pp.26 – 27) 13.68%
Inviting / Accepting and Refusing invitation Apologising
13 Writing a letter of enquiry (p.28) 14.82%
14 Link words: to/ in order to… (p.29) 15.96%
15 Reflexive pronouns: myself … (p.30) 17.1%
16 Expressing obligation (p.31) 18.24%
17 Definite and indefinite articles. (p.32) 19.38%
18 from … to / until… (p.33) 20.52%
19 Neither… nor / either … or (p.34) 21.66%
Sequence FOUR:
20 Reading and responding to an advert (p.35) 22.8%
21 Filling a form and writing a letter of application (p.36) 23.94%
22 Dealing with telephone conversation problems (p.37) 25%
Project (p.39)

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | Progress Page 3

Progress (Literary)

Unit: Getting Through Pages: 14-45
Timing Volume: 20 Hours Stream: Scientific

Lessons % Observations
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking (pp.15-19)
1. Listening to instructions and confirming understanding (pp.16-17)

2. Stating point of view and justifying it (p.17)

3. Intonation in formal and informal requests (p.18) / Stress in two-syllable words
4. Describing a process (p.19)

5. Expressing purpose (p.19)

Sequence Two: Reading and writing (pp.20-23)
6. Reading and interpreting an e-mail message (pp.20-21)

7. Describing people’s regular activities using frequency adverbs (p.22)

8. Degree adverbs (p.23)

9. Writing an e-mail message (p.23)

Sequence THREE: Developing skills (pp.24-28)
10. Listening and responding to telephone messages (pp.24-25)

11. Reading and responding to short written messages (pp.26-27)

12. Writing a letter of enquiry (p.28)

13. Expressing purpose (p.29)

14. Reflexive pronouns (p.30)

15. Expressing obligation (p.31)

16. Definite and indefinite articles (p.32)

17. from … to / until… (p.33)

18. Talking about two things (p.34)

Sequence FOUR: Consolidation and extension (pp.35-37)
19. Filling a form and writing a letter of application (pp.35-36)

20. Dealing with telephone conversation problems (pp.37)

Project: Making a job application booklet (p.39)
Project: Making an Internet user’s guide for beginners (p.39)
Assessment (p.43)

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | Unit Plan Page 4
Unit plan (Unit I: Getting Through (pp.14-45))

Unit plan
Unit I: Getting Through
Scientific Stream | Literary Stream

Pages 14 – 45
General aims: by the end of this unit, my learners will be able to:
❑ Making a job application booklet
❑ Making an Internet user’s guide for beginners
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
produce Interpret – Interact Speaking – Writing Listening - Reading
Project Workshop:
Making a job application booklet (p.39)
Making an Internet user’s guide for beginners (p.39)

Step / Sequence / Rubric ONE: Listening and speaking (16 – 19)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this sequence, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a short speech about the usefulness of the Internet and its hidden dangers.
Target competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret – Produce Listening – Reading Speaking - Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Instructing - The imperative - Intonation in
- Comparing - Sequencers: first, next, etc. formal and
- Expressing - Comparatives of adjectives and adverbs informal
preferences - prefer something to something else, etc. requests
- Describing a process - in order to/ so as to, etc. - Stress in two-
- Expressing purpose syllable words

Step / Sequence / Rubric TWO: Reading and writing (20 – 23)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this sequence, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a reply to an email while following a specific set of instructions
Target competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact – Produce Reading – Listening Speaking – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Describing people’s regular - Frequency adverbs: rarely/ seldom …
activities - Degree adverbs: very, quite, etc. /
- Describing a place - Reflexive pronouns: myself …

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | Unit Plan Page 5
Step / Sequence / Rubric THREE: Developing skills (24 – 28)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this sequence, my learners will be able to:
❑ Reply to a letter of enquiry
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact – Produce Reading - Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Modals: Have to/ had to
- Expressing - Prepositions of time and place: in/ in the
obligation north…/ on/ at
- Inviting / Accepting - Link words: to/ in order to…
and Refusing - Neither… nor / either … or
invitation - Definite and indefinite articles
- Apologising - have to/ had to…
- from … to / until…

Step / Sequence / Rubric FOUR: Consolidation and extension (35 – 37)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this sequence, my learners will be able to:
❑ Read and respond to an advert
❑ Fill a form and write a letter of application
❑ Deal with telephone conversation problems
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Writing Reading - Listening - Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

Second year are searching for learners, who can fill posts in SE, TM, GE, and LG, H
With the following descriptions (for each class)
Write…. (the elements of the project, in accordance to that)

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | Sequence Plan Page 6
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking (pp.16-19)

Sequence Plan
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking
Scientific | Literary

Unit I: Getting Through

Step / Sequence / Rubric ONE: LISTENING AND SPEAKING (p.16 – p.19)
General aims: by the end of this sequence, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a short speech about the usefulness of the Internet and its hidden dangers.
Target competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret – Produce Listening – Reading Speaking - Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Instructing - The imperative - Intonation in
- Comparing - Sequencers: first, next, etc. formal and
- Expressing - Comparatives of adjectives and adverbs informal
preferences - Prefer something to something else, etc. requests
- Describing a process - in order to/ so as to, etc. - Stress in two-
- Expressing purpose syllable words


Lesson 1. Listen to, respond to, and give instructions using sequencers. (p.16 – p.17) (p.168/1)
Lesson 2. Express and justify a point of view. (p.17) / express preferences and purpose. (p.17) (168/2)
Lesson 3. Make requests with appropriate intonation. (p.18) / pronounce two-syllable words. (p.18)
Lesson 4. Describing a process (p.19)
Lesson 5. Writing a short speech (p.19)

LESSON 1. Listen to, respond to, and give instructions using sequencers. (p.16 – p.17) (p.168/1)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a set of instructions using sequencers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Instructing - Sequencers: first, next, etc.
- Describing a process - In order to/ so as to, etc. /
- Expressing purpose - The imperative

LESSON 2. Express and justify a point of view. (p.17) / express preferences and purpose. (p.17) (168/2)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Use comparison to take a side and argue their point
❑ Express what they prefer regarding a certain matter.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret – Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Comparing - Comparatives of adjectives and adverbs
- Expressing preferences - prefer something to something else, etc.

LESSON 3. Make requests with appropriate intonation. (p.18) / pronounce two-syllable words. (p.18)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English
1AS | U1 | S1 | Sequence Plan Page 7
❑ Produce the appropriate intonation to a request
❑ Pronounce stress in two-syllable words.
Target Subsidiary
Main skills Subsidiary skills
competencies Competencies
Interpret -
Interact Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Intonation in formal and informal requests
/ /
- Stress in two-syllable words

LESSON 4. Describing a process (p.19)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write coherent instructions for creating an e-mail account
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Describing a process / /

LESSON 5. Writing a short speech (p.19)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a set of instructions using sequencers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L1 | Lesson Plan Page 8
Lesson 1. Listen to, respond to, and give instructions using sequencers. (p.16 – p.17) (p.168/1)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 1. Listen to, respond to, and give instructions using sequencers. (p.16 – p.17) (p.168/1)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking
Lesson: Listen to, respond to, and give instructions using sequencers. (p.16 – p.17) (p.168/1)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a set of instructions using sequencers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Instructing - Sequencers: first, next, etc.
- Describing a process - in order to/ so as to, etc. /
- Expressing purpose - The imperative

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Familiarize themselves with the text they hear afterwards
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking
Anticipate, textbook p.16:
Task 1, textbook p.16:
The teacher asks learners to look at the pictures and say what comes to their mind
Next, explains (with mentioning of parts of speech) to learners keywords related to the unit and their
understanding in general of the lesson and upcoming lessons. Such as:
Match – many – parts – below – find – take turns – invent – email account – reorder – coherent
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Printer Central Unit (Console) Monitor Screen Speaker Mouse Keyboard Floppy Disk
Task 2, textbook p.16:
Ask learners to brainstorm ideas from their own related to the matter
Task 3, textbook p.16:
With focus on the pronunciation of the sign: @ (/æt/)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Improve their listening comprehension regarding a set of instructions for accessing an email.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking
By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English
1AS | U1 | S1 | L1 | Lesson Plan Page 9
Listen and check, textbook p.20
Task 1, textbook p.17:
The teacher asks learners to jot down their own ideas on how sequences of instructions are generated, and what
are they concerning the accessing of an email, once done, they confirm by reading the sentences, understanding
related vocabulary, and organizing them into what they think is the most suitable order.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Confirm the set of instructions they have ordered in the previous task.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce
Task 1, textbook p.17:
The teacher reads Listening script, textbook p.168 and ask learners to check their answers.
Next, the teacher corrects the task on the board
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ sequencers to generate a set of instructions (accessing an email)
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 2, textbook p.17:
The teacher explains how sequencers are organized among themselves, and how they are put in the sentence,
then ask learners to do the task.
In order to access email, you need to do the following. First, switch on the computer. Then, select an
ISP (Internet Service Provider) from the menu. Next, click on email. After that, Enter you ID and password.
After that, Sign in. After that, wait for the connection to your email (in-box). Finally, click on “read” or “send”
to check or write your messages.

The teacher puts a reminder for the imperative form of the verb:
Base form of the verb = imperative
Do not (don’t) + base form of the verb = negative imperative

Match (v) (imperative): meaning to find somebody / something that goes together with or is connected with
another person or thing. E.g.: Match the words from list A with their opposites from list B.
Many: (det.) to mean ‘a large number of’. E.g. many sentences, many guests, many devices.
Parts: (n) (pl.) part of something = some but not all of a thing. E.g.: parts of a computer, parts of a car.
Below (prep): at a lower level or position than somebody/something. E.g.: do the exercise below.
Take turns (v) (imperative): to do something one after another. E.g.: take turns to tell your email address.
Invent (v) (imperative): to produce or design something that has not existed before. E.g. invent an email
Email (n): electronic mail
Account (n): “use ARABIC”
Reorder (v) (imperative): reorder something = to change the order in which something is arranged. E.g. reorder
the following sentences to get a coherent instructions.
Coherent (adj): logical and well organized; easy to understand and clear. E.g.: a coherent paragraph. Essay of
Mustafa is coherent.
Instruction (n): detailed information on how to do or use something.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L2 | Lesson Plan Page 10
Lesson 2. Justify and express a point of view, preferences, and purpose. (p.17)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 2. Justify and express a point of view, preferences, and purpose. (p.17)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking
Lesson: Justify and express a point of view, preferences, and purpose. (p.17)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Use comparison to take a side and argue their point
❑ Express what they prefer regarding a certain matter.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret – Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Comparing - Comparatives of adjectives and adverbs
- Expressing preferences - prefer something to something else, etc.

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Brainstorm their knowledge about snail mail and email.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Learners will brainstorm knowledge about snail mail and email before listening to script 2 pp.168-169

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:

Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Task 3, textbook p.17:
The teacher asks learners to look at the task.
Then, asks learners to take notes while he / she is reading script 2, pp.168-169
Features E-mail Snail mail
Faster x
Cheaper x
More interesting x
Less personal x
Less convenient x

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L2 | Lesson Plan Page 11
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Use comparison to take a side and argue their point
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 4, textbook p.17:
Correcting the table
Teacher makes learners express their own opinion regarding the advantages and drawbacks of sending
messages by email and ordinary mail.
Encourage learners to use one of the following phrases when they give their opinions: I think/believe/It seems
to me (that)… To my mind/In my opinion/ As far as I’m concerned…

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Express what they prefer regarding a certain matter.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 5, textbook p.17:
Write what they have expressed orally in the previous task.
Write on the board what learners have provided.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L3 | Lesson Plan Page 12
Lesson 3. Make requests with appropriate intonation. (p.18) / pronounce two-syllable words. (p.1)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 3. Make requests with appropriate intonation. (p.18) / pronounce two-syllable words. (p.18)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking
Lesson: Make requests with appropriate intonation. (p.18)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Produce the appropriate intonation to a request
❑ Pronounce stress in two-syllable words.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Intonation in formal and informal
/ / requests
- Stress in two-syllable words

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Revise intonation patterns in requests and get familiar with the comparatives of superiority of adverbs.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking
Intonation goes up at the end of requests
Requests will become orders in case you make them with a falling tone
Illustrate to your learners that a great deal of information is conveyed through the way you speak: speed of
speech, silences, pauses, hesitations, repetitions or, as in the case of task 1, by the tone of voice (rising or
falling tone)

Say it clear, textbook p.18:

Task 1, textbook p.18:
All intonations are  because all sentences are requests.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Make requests out of information provided in the form of statements containing comparatives of
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L3 | Lesson Plan Page 13
Task 1, textbook p.18:
a- Could you type more quickly, please? 
b- Can you press the key more smoothly, please? 
c- Could you drive less quickly, please? 
d- Could you use the computer more frequently, please? 
e- Can you arrive earlier, please? 

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Recognize stress patterns in two syllable words related to computers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce
Task 3, textbook p.18:
Teacher explains what they see / read and what they speak / hear (phonetics)
Then, explains how to do syllables (the rules)
• ˈbraʊzə • ˈflɒpi • ˈməʊdəm • prəˈtɛkt • ɪˈreɪz • dɪsˈpleɪ • ˈkɜːsə • ˈaɪkɒn • ˈpɔɪntə • ˈkiːbɔːd • ɪsˈkeɪp • rɪˈmuːv
• ˈwɪndəʊz • kəˈnɛkt

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Pronounce stress in two-syllable words.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 3, textbook p.18:
Column A Column B
Browser – floppy – modem – cursor – icon – pointer Protect – erase – display – escape – remove –
– keyboard – windows connect

The hidden message, p.18:

Your floppy disk contains a virus remove it from my computer

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L4 | Lesson Plan Page 14
Lesson 4. Describing a process (p.1)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 4. Describing a process (p.19)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking
Lesson: Describing a process (p.19)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write coherent instructions for creating an e-mail account
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Describing a process / /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of a process.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking
Teacher talks with learners about the notion of “process”.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend how to employ must, need to, and have to.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking
The teacher explains how to employ must, need to, and have to
Must  express obligation
Have to  express duty
Need to  express necessity
In order to  express purpose
Consider: It’s your turn, textbook p.19

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Get coherent instructions for creating an email
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L4 | Lesson Plan Page 15
Task 2, textbook p.19:
1. In order to start the computer B. You have to switch on the central unit and the monitor.
2. If you want to create an e-mail account, A. You must click on the e-mail option in the menu.
3. To choose a site, D. You need to go to the address section.
4. You need to click on the “sign up” icon C. In order to open the page for personal details.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Make a conversation in which they describe a process of creating an email.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 3, textbook p.19:
The teacher reminds (if necessary) learners about the sequencers.
Next, ask each pair of learners to make the conversation about the process.
Correct the best of what learners can produce.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L5 | Lesson Plan Page 16
Lesson 5. Writing a short speech (p.19)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 5. Writing a short speech (p.19)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence ONE: Listening and speaking
Lesson: Writing a short speech (p.19)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a short speech about the usefulness of the Internet and its hidden dangers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Brainstorm ideas related to the usefulness of internet and its hidden dangers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading - Writing
Teacher asks learners to brainstorm their ideas on the usefulness of internet and its hidden dangers.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the methodology on writing a short speech.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading - Writing
The teacher explains how to make formal and informal requests and the relation of that with intonation.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Organize their ideas.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce
Teacher asks learners to organize their ideas into sentences, and determine which sentence goes into which
bloc (introduction, body, conclusion)

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S1 | L5 | Lesson Plan Page 17
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a short speech about the usefulness of the Internet and its hidden dangers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Say it in writing, textbook p19:
Task 1, textbook p.19:
Teacher asks learners to write the final piece.
It can be written on a double sheet, corrected, and included in the continuous evaluation mark of learners.
The best ideas from learners.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S2 | Sequence Plan Page 18
Sequence TWO: Reading and writing

Sequence Plan
Sequence TWO: Reading and writing
Scientific | Literary

Unit I: Getting Through

Step / Sequence / Rubric TWO: READING AND WRITING (p.20 – p.23)
General aims: by the end of this sequence, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a reply to an email while following a specific set of instructions
Target competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact – Produce Reading – Listening Speaking – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Describing people’s regular - Frequency adverbs: rarely/ seldom …
activities - Degree adverbs: very, quite, etc. /
- Describing a place - Reflexive pronouns: myself …


Lesson 1. Reading and interpreting an e-mail message (pp. 20 -21)
Lesson 2. Describing people’s regular activities using frequency adverbs (p.22)
Lesson 3. Degree adverbs (p.23)
Lesson 4. Reply to an email (p.23)

LESSON 1. Reading and interpreting an e-mail message (pp. 20 -21)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Identify key words related to the structure of an email.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

LESSON 2. Describing people’s regular activities using frequency adverbs (p.22)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Describe their pairs’ regular activities using frequency adverbs.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Describing people’s
- Frequency adverbs: rarely/ seldom … /
regular activities

LESSON 3. Degree adverbs (p.23)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ degree adverbs in sentences of their own.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ - Degree adverbs: very, quite, etc. /

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

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LESSON 4. Reply to an email (p.23)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a reply to an email in which they describe a place.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Describing a place
- Describing people’s - Frequency adverbs: rarely/ seldom … /
regular activities

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S2 | L1 | Lesson Plan Page 20
Lesson 6. Reading and interpreting an e-mail message (pp. 20 -21)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 6. Reading and interpreting an e-mail message (pp. 20 -21)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence TWO: Reading and writing
Lesson: Reading and interpreting an e-mail message (pp. 20 -21)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Identify key words related to the structure of an email.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Assign functions to common navigator buttons
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Anticipate, textbook p.20:
Task 1, textbook p.20:
A  3; B 1; C 6; D 4; E 5; F 2
Task 2, textbook p.20:
Learners brainstorm ideas about who are most likely to visit the website captured in the previous screen short.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend key features related to an email message.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Task 3, textbook p.20:
Learners make predictions first, before confirming them by reading the text, p.21
The screenshot below is used for sending an email.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Simulate reading and sending an email.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English
1AS | U1 | S2 | L1 | Lesson Plan Page 21
Read and check, textbook p.21:
Task 1, textbook p.21:
Learners read the text, and use the dictionary as a last resort.
Task 2, textbook p.21:
Ask learners a set of comprehensive questions related to text first, then proceed to the screenshot.
To: Amel
From: Kirsi
Subject: Enquiry about Algeria.
Attached: Photos of Kirsi.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Guess then answer comprehensive questions related to text.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Task 3, textbook p.20:
A. Finnish
B. She wants to know more about Amel and Algeria
C. A sauna is a hot source of water. We call it “Hammam” in our dialect.
D. Kirsi lives in a small town called Tikkakoski.
E. Kirsi rarely goes out in the weekend because she prefers to relax at home.

Task 4, textbook p.21:

Learners give their own guesses about words in bold. Teacher writes the best descriptions on the board.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S2 | L2 Page 22
Lesson 7. Describing people’s regular activities using frequency adverbs (p.22)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 7. Describing people’s regular activities using frequency adverbs (p.22)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence TWO: Reading and writing
Lesson: Describing people’s regular activities using frequency adverbs (p.22)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Describe their pairs’ regular activities using frequency adverbs.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Describing people’s
- Frequency adverbs: rarely/ seldom … /
regular activities

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Name and list the frequency adverbs proposed.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Discover the language, textbook p.22:
Task 1:
Learners name the languages forms proposed as being frequency adverbs.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Discover language structure related to frequency adverbs.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Task 2:
1. I always go there by bus.
2. I rarely go out at the weekend.
Learners then go back to Task 1, and order the adverbs according to the degree of frequency they express.
always usually often sometimes rarely hardly ever never
100% +++++ ++++ +++ ++ + 0%

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Establish the grammar rules related to frequency adverbs.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English
1AS | U1 | S2 | L2 Page 23
Task 2:
A. Frequency adverbs goes after the auxiliary verb be.
B. Frequency adverbs goes before other verbs.
A. I am always early.
B. I often help my parents.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Describe their pairs’ regular activities using frequency adverbs.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 4:
Learners go through the questionnaire in collaboration with their pairs.
Follow the procedure on Task 4.
Teacher takes the best of learners’ answers.
A: Hello, I’m doing a survey about learners’ regular activities. Can you help me?
B: Yes of course.
A: Well, my first question is. What time do you get up?
B: I always get up early in the morning.
A: How do you go to school?
B: I always go on foot.
A: How often do you eat in the school canteen?
B: I sometimes eat in the school canteen.
A: How often do you revise your lessons?
B: I revise my lessons everyday.
A: How long do you study in the morning?
B: I usually study from 8 to 11 in the morning.
A: How long are you staying in Secondary School?
B: I am staying in secondary school until the Baccalauréat exam.

Task 5:
Learners report their findings from the questionnaire / interview about their pairs’ regular activities in form of a
narrative paragraph. (Pay attention to the employment of frequency adverbs)
Teacher takes the best of learners’ answers.
AYA always gets up early in the morning. She always go to school on foot. She sometimes eat in school
canteen. She revises her lessons everyday. She usually studies from 8 to 11 in the morning. She is staying in
Secondary School until the Baccalauréat exam.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S2 | L3 | Lesson Plan Page 24
Lesson 8. Degree adverbs (p.23)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 8. Degree adverbs (p.23)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence TWO: Reading and writing
Lesson: Degree adverbs (p.23)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ degree adverbs in sentences of their own.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ - Degree adverbs: very, quite, etc. /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of degree adverb.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Reading Speaking – Writing
Task 6, textbook p.19:
A. Very angry §4= furious B. Very small §5= tiny C. Very bad §6= terrible Very cold 6= freezing

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of gradable / non-gradable adjectives
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Task 7, textbook p.23:
The teacher explains the difference between gradable and non-gradable adjectives using an example with water:
freezing, cold, liquid, hot, boiling
Then, ask learners to proceed as described in the task.
Gradable adjectives Non-gradable adjectives
Angry Furious
Small Tiny
Bad Terrible
Cold Freezing
Gradable adjectives can vary in degree / intensity Non-gradable adjectives are extreme.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

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Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Identify degree adverbs and order them according to their degree.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Speaking Listening – Writing
Task 8, textbook p.23:
1. Kirsi is a name which is quite common in Finland. §1
2. Our house is rather small. §4
Order: 1 > 2

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ degree adverbs in sentences of their own.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 9, textbook p.23:
1. good 2. hot 3. tired 4. interesting 5. large 6. sad 7. funny 8. clever
B. excellent H. boiling D. exhausted G. fascinating B. huge C. tragic F. hilarious E. brilliant
Learners make sentences of their own.


almost enormously how most rather too
absolutely entirely incredibly much really totally
awfully* extremely indeed nearly scarcely utterly
badly* fairly intensely perfectly simply very
barely far just positively so virtually
completely fully least practically somewhat well
decidedly greatly less pretty* strongly
deeply hardly little purely terribly*
enough highly lots quite thoroughly

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S2 | L4 | Lesson Plan Page 26
Lesson 9. Reply to an email (p.23)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 9. Reply to an email (p.23)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence TWO: Reading and writing
Lesson: Reply to an email (p.23)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a reply to an email in which they describe a place.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Describing a place
- Describing people’s - Frequency adverbs: rarely/ seldom … /
regular activities

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Consult the email which they will reply to.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Read Kirsi’s e-mail with attention to form, structure, and details.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Prepare a reply.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
The teacher explains he assignment: Task 1, p.23

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a first draft of their reply.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Writing – Speaking Listening - Reading
The teacher facilitate / assist learners in their production.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

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Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Correct their mistakes and submit the final copy of their work.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Write it right, textbook p.23:
Task 2, textbook p.23:
The teacher corrects on the board the assignment based on the best work / answers provided by learners.
Depends on what learners provide.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | Sequence Plan Page 28
Sequence THREE: Developing Skills

Sequence Plan
Sequence THREE: Developing Skills
Scientific stream | Literary stream

Unit I: Getting Through

Step / Sequence / Rubric THREE: DEVELOPING SKILLS (p.24 – p.28)
General aims: by the end of this sequence, my learners will be able to:
❑ Reply to a letter of enquiry
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact – Produce Reading - Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Modals: Have to/ had to
- Expressing - Prepositions of time and place: in/ in the
obligation north…/ on/ at
- Inviting / Accepting - Link words: to/ in order to…
and Refusing - Neither… nor / either … or
invitation - Definite and indefinite articles
- Apologising - have to/ had to…
- from … to / until…


Lesson 1. Listening and responding to telephone messages (pp.24-25)
Lesson 2. Reading and responding to short written messages (pp.26-27)
Lesson 3. Writing a letter of enquiry (p.28)
Lesson 4. Expressing purpose (p.29)
Lesson 5. Reflexive pronouns (p.30)
Lesson 6. Expressing obligation (p.31)
Lesson 7. Definite and indefinite articles (p.32)
Lesson 8. from … to / until… (p.33)
Lesson 9. Talking about two things (p.34)

LESSON 1. Listening and responding to telephone messages (pp.24-25)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Prepare a telephone conversation
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | Sequence Plan Page 29
LESSON 2. Reading and responding to short written messages (pp.26-27)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a letter of apology
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret – Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Inviting / Accepting and
Refusing invitation / /
- Apologising

LESSON 3. Writing a letter of enquiry (p.28)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Reply to a letter of enquiry
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

LESSON 4. Expressing purpose (p.29)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ language forms related to expressing purpose.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ - Link words: to/ in order to… /

LESSON 5. Reflexive pronouns (p.30)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ reflexive pronouns.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

LESSON 6. Expressing obligation (p.31)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write sentences expressing obligation / prohibition / absence of obligation.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Modals: Have to/ had to
- Expressing obligation /
- have to/ had to…

LESSON 7. Definite and indefinite articles (p.32)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Fill in blanks of a given text with articles.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ - Definite and indefinite articles /

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

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LESSON 8. from … to / until… (p.33)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ “from … to” and “until …”.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Prepositions of time and place: in/ in the north…/
/ on/ at /
- from … to / until…

LESSON 9. Talking about two things (p.34)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ “both”, “neither”, and “either” to talk about two things.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ - Neither… nor / either … or /

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L1 Page 31

Lesson 10. Listening and responding to telephone messages (pp.24-25)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 10. Listening and responding to telephone messages (pp.24-25)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: Listening and responding to telephone messages (pp.24-25)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Prepare a telephone conversation
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Predict some tactics related to a phone conversation.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Task 1, p.24:
Learners provide their predictions, then teacher reads the listening script for them to confirm.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Confirm and acquire some tactics related to performing a phone conversation.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
The teacher reads Listening Script, textbook pp.169-170
Learners confirm their predictions.
Task 2, p.24:
c b b/c a/b

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Practice a phone conversation by exchanging their phone numbers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Writing – Speaking Listening - Reading
Task 3, p.24:
By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English
1AS | U1 | S3 | L1 Page 32

The best answer(s) provided are to be put on the board.

A: I have bought a mobile phone.
B: Congratulations! Do you mind giving me your number?
A: It’s
A: Say it more slowly, please. I want to register it in my mobile repertory.
A: It’s zero-six, fifty-two, forty-one, ninety-three, eighty-seven.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Prepare a telephone conversation
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 4, textbook p.24:
The teacher assists learners on connecting the assignment’s aspects (phone conversation) with the proposed
resources (phone tactics summary)
Put the best answer(s) on the white board.
Situation 1:
A: Hello,
B: Hello, I’m Farid. Can I speak to ……., please?
A: Speaking.
B: Brahim and I are going out for a football match. Would you like to join us?
A: I’m sorry I can’t. I have to go to the dentist.
Explain to learners who’s the caller, and who answered the phone.
Focus on the reason, why s/he can’t come

Situation 2:
Company secretary: Hello, SEK company. Can I help you?
Caller: Hello, my name’s ………. . Could I speak to the manager, please?
Company secretary: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
Caller: Please tell him to call me. My number is …. …. ….. .
Company secretary: So your phone number is …. …. ….. and your name is ………. .
Caller: That’s right. Thank you. Goodbye
Company secretary: Goodbye.

Situation 3:
A: Hello.
B: Hello, this is Ali. Is Karim there?
A: I’m sorry, Karim’s out at the moment.
B: Please tell him I expect his call this evening at 6:30. A: Can you remind me of your name, please?
B: Of course, it’s Ali, Ali Bachiche. A: I see.
B: Thank you; Goodbye.
A: Bye

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L2 Page 33
Lesson 11. Reading and responding to short written messages (pp.26-27)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 11. Reading and responding to short written messages (pp.26-27)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: Reading and responding to short written messages (pp.26-27)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a letter of apology
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret – Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Inviting / Accepting and
Refusing invitation / /
- Apologising

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Make the difference between formal and informal in terms of context and usage.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Teacher discuss the notion of formal and informal with learners, in terms of context, and usage.


Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Establish the link between the description and the message.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 1, p.26:
1 3 2 4
Task 2, p.26:
A. House warming means a party organized when people move to a new house.
B. November 2nd, 2007
C. From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L2 Page 34
D. R.S.V.P means “Répondez s’il vous plais”. English use this expression because they borrowed it from
French during the occupation of England by France.
Task 3, p.26:
6 5 7
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Practice a phone conversation by exchanging their phone numbers.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Writing – Speaking Listening - Reading
Task 4, p.26:
The best answer(s) provided are to be put on the board.
October 30th, 2018
Dear ……. ,
We will celebrate the reminiscence of the outbreak of the Algerian War of
Revolution against the French colonial rule on the upcoming 1st of November. Come and
share with us the celebration in the House of Culture, Mofdi Zakariya, Saida Center, from
10 p.m to 3 a.m.
Osama Talhi,
Director of Mofdi Zakariya’s House of culture.
Thank you note:
October 31st, 2018
Dear Mr. Talhi,
Thank you very much for the invitation. It is a great honour to come and celebrate with
you the events of the great Algerian Revolution.
Am looking forward to seeing you in the celebration.
Your sincerely,
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Prepare a telephone conversation
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 5, textbook p.26: Depends on what learners provide.
October 25th, 2018
Dear Mr. Kaddour,
Please excuse my son / daughter Hamid / Djamila for not coming to school on
October 22nd (twenty-second) as s/he had to go to hospital for an emergency.
Yours sincerely,
Hamid’s / Djamila’s parents.
October 25th, 2018
Dear Teacher of English,
I am sorry for my behaviour during the last session. I know I must behave with
manners and respect inside the classroom. I promise it won’t happen again.
Your learner,

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L3 Page 35
Lesson 12. Writing a letter of enquiry (p.28)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 12. Writing a letter of enquiry (p.28)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: Writing a letter of enquiry (p.28)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Reply to a letter of enquiry
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion and the form of a letter of enquiry.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Task 1, p.28:
Teacher discuss with learners the notion of enquiry.
The teacher refer learners to the blue box, task 1, p.28 as the form of a letter of enquiry.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Discuss a letter of enquiry.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 1, p.28:
A. Your address ❑ 3 12, Rue Colonel Chabani, Laghouat. Algeria
B. Date ❑ 2 April 24th, 2008
C. Name and address of language school ❑ 8 The Stratford School of English, 8 Tiddington
Road. Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.
D. Re: ❑ 4 Summer courses
E. Salutation ❑ 9 Dear Sir / Madam
F. Say why you are writing. ❑ 5 I am writing to enquire about your summer courses.
G. Introduce yourself. ❑ 7 I am sixteen and I am a student at Emir Khaled
Secondary School. I would like to take a course in
July or August of this year.
H. Ask for information. ❑ 6 Please send me information about course dates and
fees as soon as possible.
By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English
1AS | U1 | S3 | L3 Page 36
I. Closing 1 Yours faithfully, Meriem Djoual
+ name ❑

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Plan their reply to a letter of enquiry.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Writing – Speaking Listening - Reading
Task 2, p.28:
Learners try to do the task first, then check their answers with their teacher (Task 3).
1 2 3 4
B. Thanking Meriem A. Saying you are C. Persuading her to follow D. Inviting further
Djoual for her enquiry. enclosing an information summer courses at the contact/enquiries.
prospectus. Stratford School of English.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write the reply for a letter of enquiry.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 4, textbook p.28:
The teacher assists learners on connecting the assignment’s aspects (phone conversation) with the proposed
resources (phone tactics summary)
Tiddington Road. Stratford-
Upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
April 27th, 2008
Meriem Djoual, 12, Rue Colonel Chabani, Laghouat. Algeria

Subject: Reply to enquiry about summer courses.

Dear madam,
Thank you for your enquiry about our summer courses. Please find enclosed
here our latest information prospectus, which we hope will be of interest to you.
We’re permanent, we’re professional and we offer you a warm welcome here at
a our school.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
James McCarthy,
Director of Stratford School of English.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L4 Page 37
Lesson 13. Expressing purpose (p.29)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 13. Expressing purpose (p.29)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: Expressing purpose (p.29)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ language forms related to expressing purpose.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ - Link words: to/ in order to… /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Recall their previously seen language forms that express purpose.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Teacher refers learners to previously seen language forms that express purpose, especially Lesson 2 and 4.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of associated language forms.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Reminder I textbook p.29.
The teacher reads / illustrates / explains the Reminder I box, using Task 1, question A.
The teacher focuses on the notion of the associated language forms being link words.
Task 1, p.29:
Question A:
A. to inform you ….. / to process your personal file
B. not to lose the fourth coming game.
C. To arrive at school earlier
D. not to repeat the year

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the employment of associated language forms.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Writing – Speaking Listening - Reading

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L4 Page 38
Question B:
At the beginning, and in the middle.
The teacher draws learners’ observation and attention towards the position of the sentence expressing purpose
in relation to the link word.
Questions C:
The focus is on the position of not as a tool to form the negative.
Affirmative to so as to in order to
Negative not to so as not to in order not to

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ language forms related to expressing purpose.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 2, textbook p.29:
1 2 3 4 5
to / in order to / so as to / in order to / so as in order to / so as not not to / so as not to / in order
to to to to not to

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L5 Page 39
Lesson 14. Reflexive pronouns (p.30)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 14. Reflexive pronouns (p.30)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: Reflexive pronouns (p.30)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ reflexive pronouns.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of “reflexive”.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Teacher discusses the notion of “reflexive” and one talking about himself / herself.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of reflexive pronouns.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Speaking Listening – Writing
The teacher illustrates the relation between the object and the subject; and how that can affect the use of a
reflexive pronoun.
The teacher draws learners’ attention to the relationship between the different pronouns as described in the table
Reminder II, textbook p30:
Reflexive pronouns are used when the object of the verb is the same as the subject.
Personal Personal Possessive Reflexive
pronoun subject pronoun object adjective pronoun
I me my myself
You you your yourself
He him his himself
She her her herself
It it its itself
We us our ourselves
You you your yourselves
They them their themselves

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L5 Page 40
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Establish the relationship between the subject and the reflexive pronoun.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact – Produce Listening – Writing Speaking – Reading
The focus is on establishing the relationship between the subject and the reflexive pronoun.
Fill in the blanks with reflexive pronouns:
I bought dinner for myself.
You bought dinner for yourself.
James bought dinner for himself.
Lily bought dinner for herself.
The parrot is talking to itself.
Me and Henry bought dinner for ourselves.
You and Mark bought dinner for yourselves.
James and Lily bought dinner for themselves.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ reflexive pronouns.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 3, textbook p.30:
A. You have to introduce yourself.
B. Farid admires himself.
C. Amel describes herself.
D. Karim and Rachid have to clean themselves.
E. My friend and I enjoyed ourselves very much at the party.
F. The parrot is looking at itself in the mirror.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L6 Page 41
Lesson 15. Expressing obligation (p.31)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 15. Expressing obligation (p.31)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: Expressing obligation (p.31)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write sentences expressing obligation / prohibition / absence of obligation.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Modals: Have to/ had to
- Expressing obligation /
- have to/ had to…

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Establish the relationship between meaning and associated language forms.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Consider the following sentences:
The focus is on establishing the relationship between meaning and the associated language forms.
You must turn on the computer before you can send an email.
You must not access illegal websites.
You don’t have to phone your friend. Just send him a message.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of associated language forms to obligation / prohibition / absence of obligation.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
The focus is on establishing the relationship between “what to express” and the associated language form.
Reminder III, textbook p.31:
Obligation Prohibition Absence of obligation
Must not Need not to (needn’t to)
Mustn’t Do not have to (don’t have to)
Have to:
Affirmative Negative
Past Had to Did not had to
Present Have to Do not have to
Future Will have to Will not have to

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L6 Page 42

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ the associated language forms to establish the relationship between meaning and the language
forms seen.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact – Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 1, p.31:
We must / have to… We mustn’t … We needn’t / don’t have to
We must wear a uniform. We mustn’t eat in class We needn’t / don’t have to study
We must be punctual. during the lesson. in school during the weekend.
We must be polite. We mustn’t telephone
We must play sports. in school.
We must do our homework in order to succeed.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write sentences expressing obligation / prohibition / absence of obligation.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 2, textbook p.31:
Learners are encouraged to come up with sentences from their own.
Up to what learners provide.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L7 Page 43
Lesson 16. Definite and indefinite articles (p.32)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 16. Definite and indefinite articles (p.32)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: Definite and indefinite articles (p.32)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Fill in blanks of a given text with articles.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ - Definite and indefinite articles /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Acquire the notion of countable and uncountable nouns.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Countable vs. uncountable:
The teacher can either present this as it is, or as an activity with the nouns given in random.
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Money Dinars
Glass Water
Apple Milk
Kilogram Sugar

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the employment of articles / zero article.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Listening Speaking – Writing
How to use articles:
Known to Known to
Countable Singular Article Example
writer / speaker reader / listener
Yes Yes Uncountable / ∅ Algeria
Yes No Uncountable / ∅ Amel
Singular the the photo
Yes Yes Countable Plural the / ∅ the photos / photos
Yes No a / an a photo / an engineer
Countable Singular
No No a / an a photo / an engineer
* a before consonants. * an before vowels.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L7 Page 44

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ their comprehension about articles / zero article.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Speaking Listening – Writing
Fill in the table below:
Learners establish the relationship between the noun and the employment of articles.
Noun Description Result
Photo Countable singular a / the photo
Photos Countable plural ∅ / the photos
Amel Uncountable ∅ Amel
Arabic Uncountable ∅ Arabic
Hope / hopes Countable singular / plural ∅ hope / the hopes
Secondary school Countable singular a / the secondary school
Subject / subjects Countable singular / plural ∅ subjects / a subject / the subjects
Physics Uncountable ∅ Physics
English Uncountable ∅ English
Fair hair Uncountable ∅ Fair hair
Blue eyes Uncountable ∅ Blue eyes
Northeast of Algeria Known to writer / reader The northeast of Algeria
Algeria Uncountable ∅ Algeria
North Africa Uncountable ∅ North Africa
Algiers Uncountable ∅ Algiers
Engineer / engineers Countable singular / plural an / the engineer / the engineers
Housewife / housewives Countable singular / plural a / the housewife / the housewives
Younger brother / brothers Countable singular / plural a / the younger brother / brothers
Older sister / sisters Countable singular / plural an / the older sister / sisters
Student / students Countable singular / plural a / the student / the students

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Fill in blanks of a given text with articles.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 3, textbook p.32:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the ∅ ∅ ∅ a the ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
the ∅ ∅ ∅ ∅ an a a an ∅

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L8 Page 45
Lesson 17. from … to / until… (p.33)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 17. from … to / until… (p.33)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: from … to / until… (p.33)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ “from … to” and “until …”.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
- Prepositions of time and place: in/ in the north…/
/ on/ at /
- from … to / until…

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of verb + preposition, and how meaning can change by employing different
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
Task 4, p.33:
The teacher should explain that in, on, off, for, up, at, and down are prepositions.
Switch, click, sign, move are verbs.
The focus is on the fact that we can create meaning by forming verb + preposition.
on on in up down
Possible meanings from verb + preposition:
Switch on / switch off, click on, sign in, sign up, move up, move down.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notions of “from … to …” and “until …”.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
The focus is on establishing the relationship between the language forms and period of / point in time.
Mention the fact that these language forms are prepositions of time.
Reminder V, textbook p.33:
From … to … Until …
To give a period of time. To give a point in time.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L8 Page 46

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ their comprehension about the notions taught.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Writing – Speaking Listening - Reading
Fill in the table below using from … to … / until … :
Time Period / point from … to … / until …
[1954 – 1962 ] Period From 1954 to 1962
[ May – July ] Period From May to July
[ Saturday - Thursday ] Period From Saturday to Thursday
[ May 1st – July 5th ] Period From May 1st to July 5th
[ dawn – dusk ] [ early morning – early night ] Period From dawn to dusk
[8 a.m. – 4 p.m.] Period From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
2021 Point Until 2021
December Point Until December
Monday Point Until Monday
November 1 Point Until November 1st
Until 11 a.m. Point Until 11 a.m.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ “from … to” and “until …”.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 5, textbook p.33:
The teacher discusses the answers with learners.
Just a short note to tell you that the Tower of London will be open for visitors until the 31st of October
from Tuesday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Monday and Sunday it will be open from 10 a.m. to 6
However, from November 1st, it will be open for visitors from Tuesday to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5
p.m., and on Monday and Sunday, it will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L9 Page 47
Lesson 18. Talking about two things (p.34)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 18. Talking about two things (p.34)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence THREE: Developing skills
Lesson: Talking about two things (p.34)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ “both”, “neither”, and “either” to talk about two things.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ - Neither… nor / either … or /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend what the lesson is about.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
The teacher discusses with learners the language forms they know in regard of talking about two things at the
same time: together, either one of two, neither one of two.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion and employment of language forms proposed.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Reminder IV, textbook p.34:
The focus is on the common parts, and the sentence structure concerning the employment of these language
A. “both … and …”, “either …. Or”, “neither … nor”
Language form
Both … and … I received an email from Kirsi I received an email from Both Kirsi and Lily.
I received an email from Lily
Either …. Or I will revise my lessons I will either revise my lessons
Or or read a book.
I will read a book.
Neither … nor I don’t want to watch TV I don’t want to Neither watch TV nor
and stay home doing nothing.
I don’t want to stay home doing

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S3 | L9 Page 48
B. “both of …”, “either of …”, “neither of …”
Language form
Both of … Did you know, your friend liked my Did you know, Both of your friends
picture on Facebook. liked my picture on
and Facebook.
Did you know, your friend liked my
picture on Facebook.
Either of … I will read from this book today. I will read from either of these books
Or today.
I will read from this book today.
Neither of … I will not read from this book today. I will not read from neither of these books
Or today.
I will not read from this book today.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Identify and comprehend sentences containing the language forms proposed.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Writing – Speaking Listening - Reading
Task 1, p.34:
Learners skim through the text and identify language forms proposed.
1. I have lunch either at the school canteen or at a fast-food restaurant. §2
2. But neither of them really belongs to me. §3
3. Both of them are Jari’s pets. §3

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Employ “both”, “neither”, and “either” to talk about two things.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 2, textbook p.34:
1. Neither Hicham nor Fatima are late for class.
2. Both Farid and Foued likes learning languages.
3. We can leave either today or tomorrow.
4. Our classroom is both clean and beautiful.
5. I neither smoke, nor play cards.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S4 | Consolidation and extension | Sequence Plan Page 49
Sequence FOUR: Consolidation and extension

Sequence Plan
Sequence FOUR: Consolidation and extension
Scientific | Literary

Unit I: Getting Through

Step / Sequence / Rubric FOUR: Consolidation and extension (35 – 37)
General aims: by the end of this sequence, my learners will be able to:
❑ Fill a form and write a letter of application
❑ Deal with telephone conversation problems
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Writing Reading - Listening - Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /


Lesson 1. Filling a form and writing a letter of application (pp.35-36)
Lesson 2. Dealing with telephone conversation problems (pp.37)

LESSON 1. Filling a form and writing a letter of application (pp.35-36)
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a letter of application in response to an advert.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact – Interpret Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

LESSON 2. Dealing with telephone conversation problems (pp.37)

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Act out a dialogue about a phone problem.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S4 | L1 Page 50
Lesson 19. Filling a form and writing a letter of application (pp.35-36)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 19. Filling a form and writing a letter of application (pp.35-36)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence FOUR: Consolidation and extension
Lesson: Filling a form and writing a letter of application (pp.35-36)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a letter of application in response to an advert.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact – Interpret Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Comprehend the notion of job appliance.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening - Speaking Reading – Writing
The teacher needs to get learners into context of “Job application”, “Help wanted”, and “Apply to”.
The teacher refers learners to the lesson about expressing obligation.
Write it out, textbook p.35
Task 1:
 The applicant must be tolerant, patient, open-minded, cheerful, and understanding with kids.
 The applicant will have to deal with children, as well as organize and participate in daily activities.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Analyse the content and structure of a letter of application.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Reading – Speaking Listening – Writing
The aim of this task is to make the learners aware that we don’t write to ourselves but to particular readers. In
this case, a good letter of application should contain facts the prospective employer (Mr Michael Armstrong)
would like to know, what experience the applicant has, how useful s/he will be to the camp.
Learners analyse the letter of application for clues regarding the suitability of the candidate to the vacant
Task 2:
- I often volunteer to work in infant hospital wards / I often look after my brothers and sisters  she has
experience with children.
- She is ready to start work  she accepted the job offer / advert.
- Two letters of reference (recommendation) from two of her teachers.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S4 | L1 Page 51
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Fill in a résumé (curriculum vitae).
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Task 3, textbook p.36:
Name: Joy J Parfit
Address: 46 Regent Street, Madison 15026, Wisconsin
Place of Birth: Columbus
Age: sixteen years old
Education: junior at Thomas Fellerson High School
Languages: /
Previous work experience: working in infant hospital wards.
Interests: arts, philosophy, photography, music, and meeting people.
References: two letters of reference from my teachers, Mr John Clarke and Miss Emma Smithson.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Write a letter of application in response to an advert.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Task 5, textbook p.36:
Learners make their own CV, submit it to teacher for checking.
Then, write their letter of application based on the modal proposed.
The best work is to be presented on the board.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S4 | L2 Page 52
Lesson 20. Dealing with telephone conversation problems (pp.37)

Lesson Plan
Lesson 20. Dealing with telephone conversation problems (pp.37)

Scientific | Literary
Unit One: Getting Through
Sequence FOUR: Consolidation and extension
Lesson: Dealing with telephone conversation problems (pp.37)

General aims: by the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to:
❑ Act out a dialogue about a phone problem.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening – Speaking
Functions Language forms Phonology
/ / /

1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Production

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Brainstorm problems related to conducting a conversation over phone line.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Learners brainstorm problems related to conducting a conversation over phone line.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Act out the telephone conversations proposed.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interact Interpret - Produce Listening – Speaking Reading – Writing
Learners act out the dialogues proposed, and try to figure out the problems they are in them. Then, confirm their
answers with the next task.

Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Complete the dialogues by using the problems they have identified in the previous task.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Interpret Interact - Produce Writing – Speaking Listening - Reading
Work it out, textbook p.37:
Task 1:
1 2 3 4 5

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | S4 | L2 Page 53
Intermediate objectives: by the end of this step, my learners will be able to:
❑ Act out a dialogue about a phone problem.
Target competencies Subsidiary Competencies Main skills Subsidiary skills
Produce Interact – Interpret Reading – Writing Listening - Speaking
Learners write their dialogue in pairs, books closed
The best answer is to be displayed on the white board.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | Project Outcome Page 54
Project outcome (1)


Making a job application booklet.

Overall purpose: Designing a booklet intended for teenage job seekers.

Guidelines: Your booklet should include the following items:

1. Adverts with job descriptions.
2. Phone enquiries about job vacancies.
3. Résumés or C.V.s.
4. Letters of reference.
5. Letters of application.
6. Replies (positive, negative) from administration/company.
7. Letters of acceptance.

The project is the visible and assessable manifestation of learners’ competencies. The project designing
procedure runs in parallel with the unfolding of the unit. There are flash points throughout the unit:

1. Write it out, p.35.

2. Developing skills, p.28.
3. Write it out, p.36.
4. Letters of reference.
5. Write it out, p.35.
6. Developing skills, pp.26-27.
7. Write it out, task 4, p.36.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | Project Outcome Page 55
Project outcome (2)


Making an Internet user's guide for beginners.

Overall purpose: Designing an Internet user's guide for beginners.

Guidelines: Your Internet User's Guide should include the following items:
1. Description of a workstation / PC = (Personal Computer),
2. A set of instructions for using a PC (opening an e-mail account/ homepage, etc.),
3. Maintenance tips (e.g. no smoking, protection from dust, etc.),
4. Tips for solving problems when PC goes wrong,
5. Manners to be observed when using the Internet.

The project is the visible and assessable manifestation of learners’ competencies. The project designing
procedure runs in parallel with the unfolding of the unit. There are flash points throughout the unit:

1. Anticipate, p.16.
2. Listen and check, p.17.
3. It’s your turn, p.19.
4. Anticipate, p.20.
5. Say it in writing, p.19.

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | Assessment Page 56
Assessment (pp.40-45)
Refer to textbook p.43 for learners’ self-assessment.
Teacher employs these task in any way it seems fit and beneficial for learners.

Word search:


Task 1, p.40:

Task 2, p40:

Task 3, p.40:

Grammar Review, p.40:

Task 1, p.40:

Task 2, p.40:

Task 3, p.41:

Task 4, p.41:

Task 5, p.41:

Task 6, p.41:

Task 7, p.42:

Task 8, p.42:

Task 9, p.42:

Task 10, p42:

Task 11, p43:


By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

1AS | U1 | Assessment Page 57

By REFFAS Mounir, Secondary Education Teacher of English

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