Marck Ivan G. Capio 12-Arizona 2 Grading UCSP Socialization and Enculturation

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Marck Ivan G.

2ND Grading UCSP

How to become a member of Society?

 Typically one’s your born you are a part or a member of society.

Society Vs. Community

Society- is a organized groups of interdependent people shares a common territory, language and
culture and be a survival being.

Community- In community it is a smaller group, and demographic scope, who commonly share in social
relationship and traditions in behavior who live for a common purpose.

According to him we all born with a blank slate of tabula rasa, no one people was born or since they
born they have a knowledge in life.

It is a life long process of social interaction through with people acquire their identities and necessary
survival skills in society. Socialization is a long life interaction with the other’s to better know your self or
what would be your role in this society.

 For those who became a new member of society, Society prepared them and train in how to act,
feel and think in proper ways.
 Central process of social life is also a process member of recruitment and replacements.
 It enables a person to gradually become a self aware and knowledgeable human being and learn
the ways, values, rules and culture of the society or inside the society.

Socialization and Enculturation

1. Socialization- It is the way to acquire and learn what’s inside the society or the actual process.
2. Enculturation- Is the process by which people learn the dynamics of their surrounding culture
and acquire values and norms appropriate or necessary to that culture and its worldviews.

Socialization and Politics

 It is important because it help us to develops as a citizen that acquire in a political ideas, values,
attitudes, belifes, and opinions through political socialization.
Political Culture and Political Socialization
 Each nation has have their own political norms that influence their people those people inside
their society to think and act about politics.
 Political culture- It has our own attitude towards the politics and the role within the political
 Political socialization- How as individuals from the political attitudes and thus conclude by
describes the major trends in political culture in the world. Political socialization is a shaping
ones ideas and cultures about government.

Factors that Affect Political Views.


One of the biggest significant tools is the Schools and Religion.

 Process of accepting the social norms, attitudes, roles and values transmitted by people and
social groups within society as one’s own.

Examples of Internalizations
 When you sit down, you automatically pick up your fork to eat.
 When the traffic signal turns red, you stop without thinking about it.
 We do not do these things because we think if we get punished if we don’t we just do the
society of norms.

Social Context
Refer to the particular circumstances of a society and consist of its culture language, and the social
structures that define social class, ethnicity, and gender. Also refers to the immediate physical and
social setting in which people live or in which something happens or develops. It includes the culture
that the individual was educated or lives in, and the people and institutions with whom they interact.

Refer to the ideas, beliefs, behavior, and other information that are passed on by the members of
society to the individuals.

It is a methods of interaction that enable the content to be given to the person undergoing socialization.

Refer to the outcomes of socialization. Evident when individual begin to practice and function effectively
as its members.

Is the things that we never do but we had to as showing respect like were in the other house and the
family inside that house was a Muslim as showing a respect we do what they do or in short term we
must follow their rules as showing respect.

An Overview of the Enculturation

 Culture – Mother – Infant
 Parenting Styles

 Genes- Infant- Mother- Culture

 Temperament and attachment

Parents and children interactive parents in joint creation of cultural meanings.

Also Acculturation is a process of social, psychological, and cultural change that stems from the
balancing of two cultures while adapting to the prevailing culture of the society. Acculturation is a
process in which an individual adopts, acquires and adjusts to a new cultural environment.

Agents of Socialization and Enculturation

Social Socialization occurs throughout our life, but some of the most important socialization occurs in
childhood. Four of the most influential agents of socialization during that phase of our lives are the
family, school, peers, and mass media. ... Another agent of socialization that relates to school is our peer

Is the biggest role and active role in socialization through academic and social activities.

Peer Groups
Reinforce acceptable behaviors introduced by the family and school, allow a certain degree of
independence from family and authority.

Involvement in social and political issues.

Mass Media
Includes form of communication, Books, magazine, print, materials, radio, TV, and movies.

Source of information, presents various view points, provides entertainment. If all of these are absorbs
we can have a exact knowledge about socialization.

1. Pluralist Model- Ideological marketplace that enhances debate and electoral choice.
2. Market Model- Reflects the views of the general public and presents people wants.
3. Dominant Ideology Model- Traces bias to link between media and the politics and social elite.
4. Elite- Values model recognizes media bias.

Religion and State

Ultimate source of authority

Religion- they are the great influencer on the views of a person.

State- Participates in socialization through laws, and regulations it means we are the people of follow or
participates in socialization.

Major Social and Historical Events

Cause transformations in the values, attitudes and views that define society leading to further changes.

Conformity, Deviance, and Social Control

Refers to the process of altering one’s thought and actions to adapt to accepted behavior within society.

• Compliance- outward conformity to social pressure but private disagreeing with it.

• Identification- refers to the individual adopting a certain behavior.

• Internalization- acceptance involves both public and international compliance of the norms and
standard Impost by the group.

A behavior that elicits a strong negative reaction from group members and involves action.

As any systematic means and practices used to maintain norms, rules, laws. Regulate conflict and
discourage and deviance.

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