NRes1 Course Unit 1

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Introduction of Nursing Research and Research Process

Read course and unit objectives

Read study guide prior to class attendance
Read required learning resources; refer to unit
terminologies for jargons
Proactively participate in classroom discussions
Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
Answer and submit course unit tasks
Photo credit to: NHS Network

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Understand the nursing research and its importance
2. Discuss confidently the process of research
3. Examine oneself on how to improve the nursing profession using research

1. Listen attentively to the discussions and opinions in the class
2. Initiate asking questions that challenge class thinking
3. Express freely the personal opinion with respect to others opinion
1. Participate actively during class discussions
2. Confidently express personal opinion and thoughts in front of the class

Research Methods Knowledge Based, website:

Introduction to Research

• Research
o Is referred to as empirical research and is synonymous with the conscious application
of a structured method. In which it follows a rigorous step in order to solve a problem
or develop something new and to improve our knowledge.
o Since human knowledge is changing and expanding, there are three type of
knowledge as identified by epistemologist:
Propositional knowledge – it includes the knowledge of theories, facts and
laws. For example, when we say we know each chord on a guitar denotes a
musical note we are speaking of propositional knowledge
Procedural knowledge or the knowledge of how to do something – this type of
knowledge can be developed through doing
Personal knowledge or personal knowing – in this type of knowledge for us to
know, we must experience personally experience it.

• Nursing Research
o Is the systematic inquiry designed to develop trustworthy evidence about problems
related to nursing profession including nursing education, clinical and administration.
o Refers to research done on addressing the health concerns of client and the
application of the research on their care

• Purpose of Nursing Research

o The general purpose of nursing research is to answer questions or solve problems of
relevance to the nursing profession

• Characteristics of Research (COGIE)

o Controlled – specific constraint or limitation were identified and eliminated to ensure
precision and validity of results
o Orderly and systematic – follows a sequence of steps
o Generalization – is the finding applicable to the entire population
o Intensive – in-depth approach is used to ensure that all possible loopholes in the
study is covered
o Empirical – objective reality as sources of knowledge

• Task of Nursing Research (IDEEPC)

o Identification – assess situation that needs clarification
o Description – determine relationship between and among variables investigated
o Exploration – answer the what question
o Explanation – answer the question why and seek clarification
o Prediction and Control – projects situation or events and minimize effects

Research Process

• When we hear the word research and research process it invoke feelings of apprehension
and anxiety. Undertaking research is similar to undertaking a journey, it has a point of origin,
route and final destination.

• Steps in the Research Process ( Cronin, Coughlan and Smith, 2015)

o Developing a Researchable Topic
Identifying the research problem/topic of interest
Reviewing the literature
Devising a research question/Hypothesis
o Organizing your Research
Selecting a methodology
Identifying the population and selecting a sample
Planning the method of data collection
Respecting ethical principles
Demonstrating rigour/trustworthiness
o Gathering and Analyzing information
Gathering data
Analyzing data
Discussing and interpreting the result and implication for practice
Disseminating the results
• Major steps in a Quantitative study (Polit & Beck, 2010)

• Activities in a Qualitative study (Polit & Beck, 2010)

• Epistemology – is a branch of philosophy that deals with the theory of knowledge
• Clinical Nursing Research - Designed to generate knowledge to guide nursing practice and
to improve the health and quality of life of nurse’s
• Paradigm – is a world view, a general perspective on the complexities of the real world
• Research in Nursing - Refers to studies on the particular concerns of nurses themselves

• Research Paradigms:

• Structure of Research, website:

1. Consider the three types of knowledge on the study guide, in respect of the activity of
recording of a person’s blood pressure, answer the following question below:
A. What is the propositional knowledge (theories) that underpins the activity?
B. What is the propositional knowledge that you would need to be able to complete the
C. Any personal knowledge you have regarding the activity? And what do you think you
learned from this activity?
2. Create a group consisting of 5 members and determine the group leader.
A. Then individually submit a list of topics (minimum of 10 each) with justification/rationale
why do you want to conduct a research in the chosen topics.
B. Among the 10 topics of interest choose top 3 topics. Along with the
justification/rationale state your objectives of the study.

• Barrientos, Crestita. (2011). A Research guide in nursing

education: building an evidence-based practice: textbook
workbook: part 1: 4th Ed. Pasay City: Visprint
• Cronin, P., Coughlan M., & Smith, V (2015) Understanding
Nursing and Healthcare Research. Sage Publications Ltd.
• Polit, D. and Beck, C. (2010) Essentials of Nursing
Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, 7th edition,
Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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