Assignment 02 Sitxcc007&sitxcc008

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Table of Contents

I. Benefits of having an effective complaint handling technique: ........... 1

II. Procedures for dealing with conflict: ...................................................... 1
III. Involve management when facing an escalating complaint: ............... 3
IV. Setting a positive example for customer service as a manager: ........ 4
V. Policy & Procedure: .................................................................................. 5
Purpose:................................................................................................................... 5
Procedure: ............................................................................................................... 5
Methods to train staff on the policy and procedures ............................................ 6
Monitoring and evaluating policy: .......................................................................... 6
Ways to communicate policies and procedures to staff and customers: ........... 6
Ways to make policies and procedures readily available to customers: ............ 7
I. Benefits of having an effective complaint handling technique:
Customers will always complain about a product or service that a company provides.
We can't always avoid or prevent complaints, but we can use a complaint handling
technique to turn them into a competitive advantage rather than a disadvantage.
Many firms' fundamental flaw is that they do not devote enough time to dealing with
client concerns. Having an effective complaint handling technique will bring a
business a lot of benefits:
▪ It improves the consumer experience while also increasing sales and
A satisfied guest will spend more money at the hotel, stay longer, and visit
more frequently as a result of a good complaint dealing process. A delighted
guest, moreover, will tell his or her friends about it and function as a brand
▪ It lowers the cost of acquiring new consumers and boosts client
retention: A guest who was satisfied with his or her stay at the hotel has a
lower return rate than one who had a problem at the hotel that was resolved
satisfactorily. Customers understand that things can go wrong, but it's critical
that when they do, they can trust the business to take responsibility and make
things right.
▪ It fosters a customer-centric culture: Our team will be able to recognize the
genuine value of each guest who walks through our doors is critical to our
company's long-term growth and profitability. It is critical to recognize that a
visitor is not an interruption of our work, but rather the reason we have a job.
▪ It builds brand name and image: Solving a guest complaint to the
satisfaction of the customer will prevent our customer from complaining about
our business or posting negative comments about the service experience on
social media.
▪ It reduces the operational cost: In the long term, effectively addressing a
complaint and ensuring that the visitor is satisfied with our service recovery
will save us money and time, as we may otherwise have to refund more than
necessary to keep the guest from complaining about our business.

II. Procedures for dealing with conflict:

Customer dissatisfaction and conflict are common, especially in fast-paced, dynamic
situations. Working with an irate customer is unavoidable in the business world, but it
can cause workers to become more stressed and customers to lose trust in our
company. We can, on the other hand, completely change the course of a war. A
positive encounter can lead to a consumer being one of our most devoted
customers. This is a fragile endeavor, though, so taking the right steps in customer
service conflict resolution is of the utmost importance.
1. Stay Calm
The most professional way to deal with an irritated customer is to avoid being
irritated. This can be a difficult chore, particularly if the consumer is severely
dysregulated and the insults become personal.
The greatest method to meet our frustrated consumers where they are without
escalating the situation is to remain cool.

2. Effectively listen to customers:

It doesn't matter if we agree or disagree with an agitated consumer. We must be nice
and respectful to someone who is ineffectively expressing anger to de-escalate the
situation. Tell them we hear them, even if we don't understand what they're saying.
Remember that if they're emotional, they're usually not thinking clearly at the time.

It's easy to come out as dismissive, especially if we're rushing through this section to
get to our side of the tale. Any beneficial consequences could be reversed as a
result of this. Instead, take the time to listen to our customers' concerns and assure
them that we are paying attention. Demonstrating to them that what they say matters
can help to de-escalate a situation.

3. Don’t take it personally

Making sure we're not taking things personally is one of the quickest methods to
resolve a customer service disagreement. It might be difficult not to take things
personally, whether or not the furious client is attempting to do so. Staying above it is
our mission, and it's a tall one.

One of the reasons it's critical to keep ourselves distinct from the customer's
comments is that if we feel compelled to defend ourselves, any calming, validating
cool-headedness that could help us resolve the disagreement vanishes. We may
lash out in reply, which will not lead to a satisfactory conclusion.

4. Avoid arguing
Avoiding opposition is one of the most critical conflict resolution steps for customer
care representatives. Despite all of our urges to prove a wrong customer wrong,
resist. Fact-checking emotions is a certain way to transform a minor squabble into a
full-fledged conflict. If we need to use evidence against them at all, we should wait
until tensions have subsided and emotions have stabilized.

We react impulsively when we take their attacks personally and become defensive.
Similarly, if the customer feels devalued as a result of our attempt to prove them
wrong. Instead of opposing them to make a point, be flexible, let go of your
rightness, and work toward a collaborative solution.

5. Be gentle
As a reminder, it's not simply what we say that can make or break a debate. The way
we say those things has a big impact on the interaction. Customer service
representatives must apply this talent on a far more frequent basis, and they may
use it to prevent conflict from arising in the first place. It's a simple principle made
much simpler when we examine how we want to be addressed, particularly when
we're furious.

We are being careful of our tone of voice, body language, and terminology by being
gentle and utilizing an easy manner. Try being more open, polite, and kind instead of
shouting curse words at an angry customer, posturing toward them to assert our
authority, or adopting a short tone. Smile, even if we’re not feeling particularly
inspired. Using these skills just might lead the customer to put some faith in us.
6. Be assertive
Validating feelings is crucial, and it should be one of the first steps towards de-
escalating an angry person. Setting confinement, on the other hand, is crucial. This
means not allowing the customer's fury and frustration to spill all over us. As hotel
spokespersons and as human beings, we must assert our boundaries.

Take note of the distinction between assertive and aggressive behavior. Avoid being
obnoxious in our boundary-setting, but make sure we keep our dignity. Be
compassionate yet firm, and use compassion to establish a boundary.

7. Take responsibility
Whether or not an apology is appropriate, it's a good idea to accept responsibility for
the inconvenience when we can. Even whether it was due to bad communication,
deceptive advertising, or poor customer service, the corporation is almost certainly to
blame for some aspect of the situation. Accept responsibility when responsibility is
due and don't let pride get in the way of making amends. Put ourselves in the
position of the customer and consider what we would want to hear if we were them.
After all, we are all customers of numerous brands in some way.

Taking responsibility entails not just acknowledging where we may have contributed
to the situation, but also determining how we will address the issue. Let our
customers put faith in the fact that we will handle it so they don’t feel so alone.

8. Focus on a solution
It's time to move on after your feelings have been validated and treated.
Collaboration with a customer to discover the best solution can be the boost
productivity that everyone has been looking for. Build on what we've just learned
from our customers' complaints. We'll do everything we can to bridge the gap
between them and the company and prevent future annoyances.

III. Involve management when facing an escalating complaint:

When a business facing an escalating complaint, it's critical to involve management

since the client may make unreasonable requests that go beyond what's allowed for
certain employees. When dealing with situations that are outside of the scope of the
staff's responsibilities or knowledge, the company should enlist the help of the
appropriate manager.

Customer service management helps to reduce the risk of giving wrong or

insufficient answers to customers, or of leaving the problem unsolved, which can
lead to customer annoyance or discontent. It's not only about transferring calls or
customer complaints and hope to get the best solutions at the correct time. It
comprises several particular and well-planned processes, including:
• Thorough understanding of the situation: Supervisors and managers are
supposed to have a lot of expertise and thus be able to deliver the best
solution or the most accurate information. Almost all customers assumed that
a supervisor or manager is experienced enough to fix a problem and usually
asking to see the manager in any case. As a result, having sufficient
experience and conviction is critical, as clients demand rapid responses to
their concerns or inquiries.
• Patience: When dealing with a consumer complaint, managers must
maintain their composure. It may be difficult, but don't take the complaint
personally; it isn't meant to be a personal attack. Frequently, a client
complaint will indicate an area where we can improve as a company.
Furthermore, getting irritated, losing cool, or yelling at a customer is never a
good thing. When managers tackle a challenge with a calm mindset, they are
more likely to make good progress and meet the needs of their customers.
• Empathy with customers: The most crucial skill in customer service is
communication, but empathy is the most vital term. Great leaders have a
plethora of it. Apart from the empathy required to tackle the challenging client
situations that managers are frequently called upon to settle, empathy is also
essential in team management. Great managers understand the issues that
their teams encounter on the front lines. They know how difficult it is to
recover when a customer yells, how aggravating it is to be bound by obsolete
or nonsensical policies, and how difficult it is to complete tasks when teams
are under-resourced.

IV. Three ways of setting a positive example for customer service

as a manager:

1. Have an in-depth understanding of the products & services offered:

Managers must be well-versed in all aspects of the company's product or
service to provide exceptional service to customers. Staff should be able to
discuss the product's features and demonstrate the benefits of utilizing it to
customers, as well as troubleshoot any issues that arise. Be aware of the
most often asked queries by consumers and know how to respond in a way
that will satisfy them.
2. Respond to customers quickly:
Another important aspect of good customer service is reaction time.
Customers enjoy prompt responses to their questions, especially when they
have a time-sensitive requirement. Managers should reply to all phone calls
and emails within 24 hours, if not sooner, to provide excellent customer
service. Provide clients with an estimate of how long it will take to assist them.
3. Customer appreciation:
Customer appreciation is critical for a variety of reasons. It has the potential to
make customers pleased. And a satisfied consumer is more likely to not only
return, but also to tell others about our company. Sending a thank-you note or
an appreciation message to our consumers demonstrates our appreciation
while also assisting in the development and strengthening of our relationship
with them. It can also help customers stick around longer.
V. Policy & Procedure:


We understand that weather or natural calamities that are unplanned may

impair bookings from time to time. In these situations, we make every effort to
keep our guests informed and give the quality of service that you require so
that you may manage your bookings and plan around these unanticipated
circumstances. Because of the impact of COVID-19 on our visitors, we've
implemented an additional coronavirus policy to make it easier for guests to
change or cancel their reservations.



Guests who planned to stay in one of our hotels before and including
December 31, 2021, may request a credit voucher for the full amount
of the original booking value to be used at a later date (all at once or
over several occasions) at the same hotel within a year (subject to
availability and applicable rates and conditions). If the hotel you have
reserved is closed on the day of your stay, or if the hotel is unable to
accept the guest due to official orders, you can cancel your reservation
and obtain a full refund.


Guests who planned to stay in one of our hotels before and including
December 15, 2021, may either modify their reservation for a later date
(subject to availability and applicable rates and conditions) or request a
credit voucher for the full amount of the original booking value to be
used at a later date (all at once or over several occasions) at the same
hotel within one year. If the hotel you have reserved is closed on the
day of your stay, or if the hotel is unable to accept the guest due to
official orders, you can cancel your reservation and obtain a full refund.

Note: To apply for a refund or voucher, contact our customer service

department by hotline or email. Guests requesting a refund of any kind (i.e.
cash or credit voucher) should be aware that it may take up to 90 days from
the date of cancellation for the refund to be processed. The form and timing of
the requested refund may be subject to the applicable laws of the respective
hotel’s location (i.e. Government-imposed restrictions on vouchers and cash
Methods to train staff on the policy and procedures

• Using documentation: A well-crafted policies and procedures

handbook eliminates a lot of guesswork and captures every step
required to accomplish a set task. Procedures need to be designed to
implement well-defined systems using a step-by-step explanation that
anyone can follow. With good documentation, any employee should be
able to pick up a manual or review a protocol and follow the
instructions to complete the task at hand.
• Provide hands-on training for the staff: walking them through the
procedures the first time and using the manual to guide them if they
have questions in the future. Show them how to explain the new policy
to customers and the step needs to be followed.

Monitoring and evaluating policy:

• Listen, communicate, negotiate, and influence others to participate in

monitoring the processes of policy development and implementation.
• Collect and analyze data from primary and secondary sources to
monitor progress in the policy process.
• Identify, analyze, and engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders in
policy monitoring, including hotels, all levels of employees, and
customer groups.
• Identify all the problems of the policy with effective customer service.
Find out how to improve and achieve the best customer satisfaction.
• Develop routine data collection systems, including a policy monitoring
plan, indicators, and data storage mechanisms
• Design and implement process and outcome evaluations checklist to
evaluate policy implementation.
• Create a poll on social media about how happy customers are with our
new policy of refund and asking for feedback.

Ways to communicate policies and procedures to staff and


1. Inform employees up-front: At the beginning of the situation, we let our

employees know that the company will work on developing (or updating)
cancellation and refund policies and procedures. Explain why the information
is important and relevant, and the process of making a refund.
2. Sending e-mail: Prepare 2 emails: one to inform all employees and one to
inform customers.
3. Public on social media channel: Social media is wide-used by people
around the world. That’s the reason why we should take advantage of it to
distribute new information about additional cancellation and refund policies.
Create a post on the hotel’s social media channel to kindly inform customers
and replying them in case they need help or have a question.

Ways to make policies and procedures readily available to


1. Upload the latest policies and procedures on the hotel’s website/social media
2. Display a copy of policies and procedures in the office.
3. Design the policy as a handbook and send it to the customers through
4. In-app notification.

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