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OUMH 2203



Assalamualaikum and hello everyone. My name is Shamira Binti Sarimin, a

fifth semester student from OUM Sandakan Sabah. My ID number is 001121120784.
I was a Diploma in Management course student and the course code for this
assignment is OUMH 2203 English For Workplace Communication. First of all, I
would like to state that the purpose of my presentation video is to discuss a report
about "Findings of Handling Difficult Customers in 2022" and also the solution that
will give a benefit to company and customers.

By definition, customer service has always been recognised as an essential

part of any business or organisation. In the modern competitive business world,
customer service is not just about keeping some clients happy or solve some minor
problems. But it is about fulfilling customers expectations and raising business
profile. A good customer service makes a huge difference to a company’s image,
credibility and more importantly profitability. This content-rich course contains like
example interactive exercises, scenarios, case studies, principles and guidelines in
order to offer a systematic method in mastering customer services and handling
difficult customers. If you’re in a customer-facing role, you’re more likely to interact
with difficult customers who may be angry, demanding, aggressive, and sometimes
even abusive. Learning how to deal with difficult customers and win people over with
quality customer support creates a positive brand perception while also contributing to
your career growth.
OUMH 2203


While these difficult customers might not be easy to deal with, it’s your job to ensure
that even your most problematic customers have a positive customer experience. One
misstep along the way can cause churn or negative reviews on social media, which
means lost business. Before you figure out how to deal with a difficult customer, it
helps to know the type of customer you’re dealing with. Among several od difficult
customer is firstly..

1) Angry Customers
Angry customers can be especially challenging. A good definition for an irate
customer is someone who has lost their temper and arrived at “the point of being
uncooperative and demeaning.” For example, an angry customer swears, screams at
you and wants to speak to your manager. They may interrupt you and make
unreasonable demands, even if they are the ones to blame. However, you shouldn’t
allow them to intimidate you and the best way to approach them is to develop a
separate customer service process for dealing with angry clients. It’s important to
establish a connection with the customer and make them realize that you are not their
enemy. Additionally, dealing with angry customers on the phone can be quite
different from writing an email to irate customers. You should develop your own
framework for your specific industry and type of customer support channels.

And the second is..

2) Confused customers
Confused customers are fascinating because they are more of a slow burn. Unlike
angry and impatient customers, confused customers don't come to the interaction
already feeling heated. Confused customers are individuals who don't quite
understand how your product or specific policies work. For instance, they might have
expected a particular feature to perform a certain way or misunderstood how your
refund process works. Rather than redirecting their confusion immediately, the best
way to work with confused customers is to hear them out, validate their experience,
and then instruct them. Suppose that doesn't work or you notice that the customer gets
increasingly agitated. In that case, an excellent way to defuse the situation can be to
OUMH 2203

hand the conversation to a colleague who can explain the same thing but in different
words. Sometimes just hearing it from someone else can validate for the customer that
you aren't just making things up. Often, these customers are pretty impulsive and may
not take the time to read through your whole message or listen to precisely what
you're saying on the first try. This impulsivity can sometimes lead to confusion in the
first place. That means that if you take your time writing out paragraphs in response,
they may only read the first few sentences, think they've gotten the gist, and move on.

Besides, difficult customer is also like

3) Complaining customers
Like the know-it-alls, the complainers have many opinions about what you can
change about your product and how you should do it. These are the types of
customers you may get 50+ emails from every year especially if your team indulges
them and makes them feel properly heard. While these difficult customers are
undoubtedly time-consuming, they can be less painful than other types. Often, your
response to a complainer just needs to acknowledge their complaint and validate that
you understand where they are coming from. Occasionally, you may be able to
provide a workaround or advice on how they can change their workflow to make
things a bit easier. Working with complainers can feel like death by a thousand paper
cuts, but often it's a blessing. Instead of taking every email personally or rolling your
eyes when you see their name in your inbox, see them for the passionate fans of your
company that they are. Someone who didn't care as much about improving the
product or the ongoing longevity of your service wouldn't take the time to reach out to
you every time something came to mind. While not every complaint will be
constructive, be sure not to automatically ignore something that a complainer says.
Track their requests just like you would with a customer who doesn't email you every
week with product thoughts.
OUMH 2203

And lastly is..

4) Know-it-all customers
Have you ever had a customer say "Don't you know who I am?" to you in response to
a support conversation? Know it alls are difficult customers who almost everyone has
had to deal with. Because they need to show off their importance and knowledge, they
may be highly critical of what you have to say. If on the phone or over video chat they
may tend to talk over you and dominate the conversation. With difficult customers
like these, it’s hard to change their beliefs or convince them that they might not have
all the information. Rather than correcting them or resetting their assumptions, try to
compliment their knowledge and give them good attention. Often, know it all
customers don't have anything they need direct help with they just want to offer
insights on how they believe you could be doing things better.
OUMH 2203


However, in handling difficult customers it is also has it’s own solutions that we can
do for the benefit of the company and the customer. Firstly, you have to..

1) Keep Your Communication Professional

When you're communicating with the customer, keep your language professional,
friendly and respectful. This is because, your behavior reflects your employer or
business, and it is always good to be mindful of your actions and repress any impulses
to take the difficult customer's behavior personally. To manage professional
communications, keep an even tone and positive demeanor that shows your customer
that you're open to the feedback they're giving. For example, you could make eye
contact and use their name when responding. A customer's behavior is complex, and
you will likely not understand all the factors that influence their decisions. Remaining
objective and professional will help you to maintain a service-oriented demeanor.

Secondly, you have to..

2) Give Customer Time to Talk

This is because, people want to be understood. Show the customer that you are
listening to them. Nod your head and give them ample time to express themselves
before you respond. Like example, giving them time to express their minds will help
you to understand the situation and give the customer time to work out their thoughts
and feelings. It can be tempting to talk over them, but you should wait until there is a
natural lapse in the conversation. If the situation allows, let the customer know that
you want to hear their words and you'll remain silent so you can absorb all they are
saying without interrupting. Therefore, this step will give satisfaction to the
customers with the service offered by understanding their needs and they will also be
more confident and trust the company.
OUMH 2203

However, you also need to..

3) Practice Active Listening

Because, active listening is a skill that improves comprehension and communication
in our conversations. It involves focusing your intention on the speaker,
understanding what they are saying and responding in a thoughtful manner. Active
listening can helps you to understand the significance of the customer's words so that
you can do your best to make the situation better. So you may need to use active
listening when your customer needs reassurance that you're engaged in the
conversation. Giving the customer your undivided attention should seem respectful,
and it will help you to fully understand the problem and how to come up with
solutions. One way to practice active listening is to use verbal affirmations that let the
speaker know you are listening and engaged in the conversation. Example of the
verbal affirmations is like, "I understand.", "Yes, I agree.", "I know what you mean.",
"I hear you.", "That makes sense." Therefore, active listening is a skill that takes
practice to master. It is important in the workplace because it can helps you to identify
and solve problems effectively.

And the next solution is, you have to..

4) Understand the customer's point of view

When managing difficult customers, you can take time to reflect on their point of
view. Empathy skills help with understanding another person's feelings or intentions.
Practicing empathy allows you to understand the present emotional state of the
customer and respond accordingly. It takes two people to participate in an interaction.
In the case when you're speaking with a customer, the customer may need to express
their frustration and you want to hear them out so you can help. For example, if you
want to better understand a customer's point of view, try asking questions. Clarifying
their needs can help them to know your genuine desire to make it right and allow
them to relax knowing you want to help. If you want to practice empathy, try to nod,
ask the customer what their ideal solution is, be respectful, and take responsibility by
using phrases such as "You're right, we did that wrong."

And lastly, in handling difficult customer you can also..

OUMH 2203

5) Try to ask for support

In some cases, you may need to ask for support from another coworker or manager.
This is because, calling on support can help you in some situations to solve a
customer's problem or answer their questions. Let a customer know that you are
bringing someone else into the conversation who may have a better perspective or has
more authority to solve their problem. For example, you may want to bring a manager
into the conversation if a customer is demanding more than you're qualified to give
for the inconvenience. Sometimes customers appreciate this extra step as it reassures
them that their concerns are being heard by someone who can make larger decisions
on how to move forward.
OUMH 2203


The conclusion is, life in business certainly there is introduces conflict,

frustrations and more. Make it your choice to deal with these moments and the people
involved in them in as professional of a fashion as possible to avoid more escalated,
undesired scenarios later. And as I've said before, you may even learn a thing or two
from difficult customers that can help your business and even you find stronger

It's important to effectively deal with difficult customers because proper

customer service can help you retain customers. It's a great way of turning a negative
situation into a positive one, and can encourage the customer to become an advocate
of your brand or product because of how well you handled their situation and
frustrations. Difficult customers may walk away feeling more impressed after your
interaction, as opposed to an ordinary customer who may not have had as much
interaction with you. Establishing and maintaining a healthy customer relationship is
the core of your business’s success. If you manage your difficult customers, you’ll
gain the confidence to build a strong and happy clientele.

So that's all from my report on findings of handling customers in 2022 and the
solution. My suggestion, you must tackle the situation and train your on-ground
employees to handle difficult customers with finesse. Irrespective of their issues, you
must try to solve their pains and you can also use customer relationship management
to alleviate their difficulties. In that way, it will give satisfaction to customers and the
performance of a company will also increase and become a trusted company by many
people and successful in the future.

Thank You…

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