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Chapter 1 : The .Net Platform and the web

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
The web client/server model
AWeb Client : software that requests file, data and services.
Eg : Webbrowser

AWeb Server : software that fulfils the client’s requests for content.

Eg : Microsoft Internet Information Server.

Protocols for Web Client/Server Communication

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ The web client and web server sends information back and forth using the
Transaction Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
■ This protocol is used in many internet services such as e-mail and the FTP
■ Its computer language that is used by all the computers that are connected tothe
■ Adigital software conduit or socket is used to connect the computers usingTCP/IP.
■ Asocket is like a line of plumbing established by either the client or the server
software that is used to move packets of data back and forthbetween the client and
the server.
■ This channel is used to send the request and responses.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ Packet - a fragment of data that include the information about its origination and

■ TCP/IP handles the encapsulation of user data into these packets.

■ Packets transmitted along sockets arrive at the destination in exactly the order in
which it is transmitted.

■ Web applications communicates over the socket using higher level protocol – HTTP
■ HTTP – is a command response system used for communication on the web.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ Client issues the command and server sends response(data exchange)

■ First Version – ten commands in the instruction set.

■ The commands sent by the client are request for files(HTML documents and

■ HTTP – stateless (when the client request is completed, the web server normally
closes the socket connection with the browser and forgets the details of the
■ The first version of HTTP (version 0.9) – implemented one client command – the

GET method.
■ The content was static text only (no multimedia).

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ HTTP (version 1.0) – this not only provided commands to retrieve documents but
allowed the client to send additional information to the server.
■ HTTP (version 1.1) - ability to host more than one web host on the same physical
■ Some information could include parameters to an external executable program and
can send back information to the client.
■ This method of encoding data to be sent from web client to web server is calledthe
Common Gateway Interface(CGI)
■ Applications and scripts that read CGI is called as CGI scripts or CGI applications
Server side processing with CGI

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ CGI works by processing the data sent by the webbrowser.
■ The data contained in the form fields are encoded by the browser using x-url
encoding system before transmission.
■ The data is sent by one of the two methods
■ Encoding the data in the body of HTTPPOST
■ Passing the data as arguments to a script file in the URL.
■ Web server receives data and passes it to a CGI application forprocessing.
■ The CGI application then sends the results to the web browser as HTML
Disadvantage of Using CGI

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ CGI provides plumbing functionality for web client/server communication, but CGI
encoding is difficult.
■ Comparison of ASP.NET & CGI
(1) CGI -writing CGI programs is the least cost effective method of web
CGI program needs extra code to interpret the encoding. After decoding then we
have to process it.
ASP.NET – it is easy to parse the CGI data using built in code – designed for CGI
It provides a frame work for using many different programming
languages(VB.NET,Jscript.NET) to process data.
■ (2) CGI programs run separately form the web sever process in a separate

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

application. So it steal the valuable CPUresources.
■ ASP.NET- is designed is such a way that it uses minimal system resources by
executing the process in the process space of the webserver.
Components of ASP.NET & .NET

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ Internet Information server – core server software that delivers web content tothe
user’s browser
■ ASP.NET pages – HTML pages that host static content and executable code that
dynamically generates content . It acts a glue between presentation layer(content)
and Application layer(data). Web forms – build web application.
■ Common Language Runtime & the .NET Framework class library – provide the
runtime environment for managed code(code that executes in CLR). .NET Framework
class library - set of components for developing applications with rich functionality.
■ Managed components – enable modularity and allow sharing of thesemodules
among many different applications.
■ Web Services – component based functionality that can be accessed overthe
network by any machine using a variety of protocols.
Overview of Internet Information Server

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ IIS – s/w for serving contents in web, delivery of web content via HTTP, FTP,SMTP.
■ It is extendable using Internet Server Application Programmer’s Interface (ISAPI).
■ ISAPI EXTENSIONS – receive the URL encoded from the data from HTTP POST& HTTP
GET request.
- exists as windows dynamic libraries(compiled code modules which
are called by other program during runtime)
- they are multithreaded
-they share the memory

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

- exists as DLLs , can perform many operations at once and run in the memory space of
-interprets the requests from a web browser and send back the response.
1. The user request a URL – web browser sends appropriate commands to web server.
2. Web server sends to ISAPI filters
3. ISAPI filters process it and sends it to the webbrowser.

1. Customized logging
2. Advance security system
3. On- the- fly decryption
4. Modification of o/p stream.
Overview of ASP.NET

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ ASP.NET provides a framework for building webapplication.
■ Its Uniqueness
(I) It is fully compiled. They use programming languages like VB.NET, C#, and
Jscript.NET. This provides flexibility for the programmers during development of
(II) It ships with reusable controls that make programming task veryeasy.
Basic controls like button, text box, drop down list are included. In addition to that
advance controls like calendar control and editable grid control is used.
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
■ Web forms also programmers to build form-based web application designed around
an event driven application mode.
■ Its advantages
(i) They can run in any browser
(ii) any ,NET compatible language can be used to code ASP.NET application.
(iii) web forms execute inside the CLR.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ The .NET CLR controls the execution of the program.
■ Any program written for .NET executes within this environment.
■ Code that runs in CLR is known as managed code.
■ This enables the programmer to write the code that is interoperable acrossdifferent
■ It provides automatic memory management,
■ It enable the language code to interact with other languages at objectlevel.
■ It also provides well defined objects.
.NET framework Class Library

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ Extensive collection of data types and objects intended to give programmers a start
to develop their applications.
■ The data type and objects are designed and categorized to make access system
functionality such as I/O,graphics ,database access and other system level service
■ It also supports basic data type and abstract data type,
Managed Components in .NET

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ Acomponent is an independent unit of code that encapsulated a task or critical
business rules or logic.
■ Eg : Placing an order for aproduct.
■ The .NET framework also makes deployment of the object easy with the use of
embedded meta data that describes the details of the component of clients.
Web Services

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ It uses HTTP as the networktransport.
■ It uses XML to facilitate the formatting of request and Reponses from web services.
■ XML also provides a mechanism for describing the programming interface.
COM+ component services and .NET

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

■ Manage automatic transactions
■ Use declarative role-based security
■ Make components use object pooling
■ Create queued components
Chapter 2 : The VB.NET Crash Course

Handled By : R.Ame Rayan


R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Definition :

Arrays are collection of data elements that all have the same data type.
Arrays have dimensionality which refers to the number of subscription to access each element in the array.
All arrays have at least one dimension and it can support upto sixty dimensions.
Arrays also have defined minimum and maximum for the subscriptions used to reference the array elements.
Array dimensions usually begin with zero.

It have a maximum value of what an integer data type (Int32) canhold.

Dim a(size) as data type

Dim a(5) as string
Dim s(10,10) as boolean
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
The redim statement is used to change the size of an array
after it has been declared using Dim

ReDim ar(15) as string
Note :
when ReDim is used all the data contained in the array are
lost however to retain the contents of an array Preserve
keyword is used after the ReDim command

ReDim Preserve ar(24) as string

Note: This Preserve keyword is used on the last dimension of

the array.

Ubound() function : It is used to fund the size of anarray.

Asize = Ubound(ar)
To initialize the contents of an array at the time of array declaration

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Dim a() as string={“ff”,”aa”,”bb”}
Dim a() as Integer = {1,2,3}

Converting data types

variables can be converted form one data type to another.VB.NET performs
implicit conversion.

To convert integer data type to Long data type.

Dim intA as integer = 3

Dim intB as Long
intB = intA
Now the variable intB contains the value “3” stored in a long datatype.
This conversion is safe conversion.
Explicit conversion can also be used to convert data types that involves special
VB.NET functions to convert one data type to another.
Using Constants:

the value of the constants do not change throughout the execution of the programme..
VB.NET provides a number of predefined constants.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Const mc=value as typename
Eg :
Const s as string =“Dot”

Date and time constants are enclosed within pound signs (#)
Const a as Date =#6/4/2020 3:30 AM#

Arithmetic Operators:
variable = numeric expression1+ numeric expression2

^- exponent * - Multiplication /- Divides and returns a floating point result

\ = divides and returns an integer result Mod – divides and returns only the reminder +-
sum of two numbers - difference of two numbers.
All are binary operator but – is alone can be used for unaryoperator.
Assignment operator are used to assign a variable.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

M= 3

Assignment operators

= - to assign value
^=. *=, /-,\=, +=, &=(concatenate two strings)

Bitwise operators
And,Or,Not, Xor


Logical operators

Pattern matching characters in VB.NET

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

? – matches any single character

Eg: “Cow” like “C?w”

*- matches zero or more characters

Eg: “matt” like “m*”

[charlist] – matches any single character in a character list

Eg: “A” like”[A=Z]”

[! charlist] – matches any single character not in a characterlist

Eg: “A” like”[!A=Z]”

Modularizing your code – functions and subroutines.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Using functions
function is a group of code statements that are executed and give a result back to
the code that invoked the function.

Function fname() as integer

‘your code
End function

Function area(Byval b as double, byval h as double) as double

a= 0.5*b*h
End function

To invoke a function

Dim a as double
A= area(3,8)

ByVal and ByRef- (used to return more than one value)

Using Subroutines

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Subroutines are used when no specific value is needed for executing blocks of code
when no specific value is needed as output.
Sub area()
End Sub
Controlling Programming flow

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

1. Conditional processing
processing tests on expression and executes code based on the value of the
If …then …else statements

If expression then
Elseif (expression2)
End if
Dim a as integer =5
If a >0 and a<=10 then
console.writeline(“it is within the range”,a)
console.writeline(“it is out of the range”,a)
End if
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
Select case statement
To check the value of an expression against several values and execute the code
based on each of those choices.

Select case test-exp

case exp
case exp1
case else
end select
Dim s as string =“dot”

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Select case s
case “dot”
case “net”
case “”
case else
console.writeline(“who are you”)

end select
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
Flow Control Statements

This enables to branch to different areas in the code unconditionally.

1. Exit statement:
❖ Exit is used to leave a function, subroutine or loop.
❖ It takes the following keywords : Do, For,Sub, Function,Property,Try.

Sub cp(Byval p as string)
if p <> “123” then
Exit sub
End if
End sub
Goto Statements:

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

It transfers execution to a labeled line of code.

Sub eg()
goto h
End if
End sub

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Definition :
Loops execute a block of code a predetermined number of time or until a
particular test condition bus been met.

Do ……..Loop loops
It can be executed in two ways :
(i) it executes the statement until test expression is true (Do until). This type of
loop is called as top driven loop.
Do While i >30

(ii)it executes the statement as long as test expression is true (Do while). This
type of loop is called as bottom driven loop.
Loop While i >30
For ……Next

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Definition :
the for…next loop is used to execute a group of statements a specified number of times.
It has a counter variable that increments or decrements with each pass through the loop.
The statements inside the loop are executed until the designated value of the counter is

Sub demo()

Dim i as integer

For I = 1 to 5
End sub

•There is a optional keyword for the For… Next statement called step, which controls how
the counter variable is incremented or decremented..
•If no counter variable is specified then VB.NET assumes that it should be incremented by
•By using the step clause, the loop is controlled in both in direction and the amount the

Sub demo()

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Dim i as integer

For I = 1 to 10 step2
End sub


0 2 4 6 8 10

Dim i as integer

For I = 10 to 0 step-1
End sub

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
For Each ….Next Loops

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Definition :
this is used to step or count through a collection of items such as the elementsin
an array.

Dim a() as string(“Red”,”Blue”,”orange”,”green”}

For Each I in a

While ….End While Loops

it is also a top driven loop. The set of statements are executed until the given test
conditions are satisfied.

while demo(i<4)
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
Handling Errors and Exceptions
Error are noticed during the execution of the program.
There are two types of error handling
(1) unstructured error handling.
(2) structured exception handling.

Unstructured error handling:

this is a simple type of error handling where a function is called and the return value if
checked. If the return value corresponds to a defined error result code, then an error
message is displayed.

VB.NET provides a statement called on error Goto for handling errors.


R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Sub demo()
On Error Goto Err_des

Dim a as integer = 1
Dim b as integer = 2
Dim c as integer = 0
Dim r as integer

r = b/a
Done :
exit sub
Goto Done
End sub

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Dim i as integer = 1000

if i >=1000 then
Throw New Exception(“ x is out of range”)
End if
console.writeline(“excecuting finally block”)
End Try.
Structured Exception Handling

•Astructured error handler begins with Try keyword known as Try block.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

•The Try block is followed by one or two catch blocks.

•Each catch has an associated exception type and its declaration follows the Catch

•The error handling code is placed within the catch block.

Eg: DivideByZeroException

•The error handling code includes the display of error message, resetting the
variables , exiting the function etc.,

•After all the exceptions have been tested and caught, code in the Finally block is

•The code if the Finally block can contain a success message or another
terminating message.

•VB.NET provides the ability to throw an exception.

Unit - II

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.


R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

1. Compactivity with any .Net languages
The primary design goals ASP.NET was to make web applications as rich as features as their
desktop counterparts.

2. Compiled Code
When the user request a web page with ASP.NET code, ASP.NET compiles the code embedded in
that web page. This not only provides great speed enhancement but allows other features such as
strong variable typing and early binding of objects. ASP.NET can cache data for faster delivery through
special API’s.

3. Easy Application Development

Many web applications are tightly integrated with the web server since it makes the web
deployment and maintenance of the application difficult. ASP.NET solves the problem by swapping out
new components and web pages for pending request.

4. Simple Application configuration

ASP.NET store the application setting in human readable XML configuration files. These XML files
are kept in the common directories making the administrators easy to locate. New settings can be
added to the XML file and the settings are stored in hierarchical fashion for easy reference.
Advanced session and Application state management

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

ASP.NET had several offering for maintaining application statem and some are even compatible with
older versions of ASP. ASP.NET offers advanced state management that improves on the legacy methods
of state management.

Integrated security features :

ASP.NET provides various security measures. Users are authenticated using traditional methods
provided by IIS like BASIC and Windows and newer methods like Microsoft passport. Protecting site files
can be done by assigning user and group access to the individual files and directories.

Direct Low-Level HTTP support :

Modern web applications usually consist of HTML and executable codes integrated within the HTML.
Web programs are sometimes supplemented by low level programs that interact with the web server
through tight integration.

Backward Compatibility with ASP

Applications written in classic ASP can run along side ASP.NET applications without any ill effects.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

The code structure of ASP.NET

* it begins with the plain text file that has .aspx extension.
• The contents in the .aspx file are called the pages.
• ASP.NET has the ability to store application code in a separate file rather than grouping it with
the HTML. This concept is called code behind.
• when a ASP.NET class is compiled , a new class that derives from the page class is
automatically generated.
• The .aspx file contains three new items
(i) ASP.NET page directives
(ii) the runat = “server” attribute
(iii) web controls.


The web applications use request-response model of communication : the web browser
request a document from the web server and the web server responds with the data from that

The web application also contain HTML forms, which allow for user input.
The web browser must package up the data entered in the input form before sending it to the
• The data in the form can then be used as input for an ASP.NET program,

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

• The program is executed using the form data as input, and the results are returned to the browser as
HTML. This sequence of steps is referred to as round – trip.
• This round trip is required when the web application expects a meaningful response to a query issued
from an HTML form.
• When needed the form provides feedback for the input.
• This the data validation that is done in the client side scripts.
• Data validation include checking for form completion, numerical ranges and correct data formatting
• Functions that are searching a data from the database require a round – tri to the server as the data is
found in the server.
• The web page must be regenerated for each round – trip.
• The ASP.NET web controls and HTML controls can maintain their associated values between round – trips
without any coding by the user. This is called as view state.
• View state is maintained using the _VIEWSTATE hidden form field, which is automatically generated by
ASP.NET for every .aspx file that contains a server-side form.
• The encoded text string contains information about the state (values) of the server-side controls on the
• When the form is posted back to the server the _VIEWSTATE will be posted along with the other form
• Form values that haven’t been changed by the user has the values encoded from the previous post.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

The Page class contains events that fire when
(i) the page loads into browser
(ii)when the server code execution ends and page rendering has finished,
These events are Page Load and Page Unload respectively.

The page load event is fired when the page and all its control are rendered.
The page unload event is fired when the page is about to be discarded.


Web forms are used to provide dynamic web pages with ASP.NET.

Web forms are used to write program in an object oriented manner.

Advantages :
(i) They provide event based programming model. Eg: click event in a button.
(ii) It allows a separation of application logic from content.
(iii)Its Integrated Development environment provide a easy design time environment.
(iv) The benefits of Rapid Application Development (RAD) combines event based programming with form
design tools.

14. 08.2020
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
• VS.NET offers an easy way to create new ASP.NET web application projects.

• File->new ->projects from the menu bar and clicking the ASP.NET web application button.

• To add new web form to the application select add - >add web form.

• Then select the web form icon in the template section of the screen and give your new web
form a file name.

• The new web form is saved and become a part of the current solution.

• Whenever the user wants to view the code or when the user wants to place a web control on
the web form for the first time, a new code module is added to the solution that serves as the
code module for the web form.

• The code – behind module defines a new class for the web form and created plumbing code.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

• CODE behind came about when design and organizational issues arose from mixing application code
with HTML.
• Many programmers combined the two elements within the same file.
• The result was a code base that was difficult to maintain and understand due to the mixture of HTML
and script.
• The code – behind feature removes the problem by completely separating HTML from the program
code; they are in separate files.
• The two files are linked together using a special page directive, Codebehind, which is defined in the
• Codebehind, specifies the pathname to a code module file.
• If the pathname is omitted, the class is assumed to be in the /bin directory of the web application’s
virtual web directory.

<% page language = “vb”

AutoEventsWireup = “False”
Inherits = “WebApplication1, Sample”
• The src attribute , tells ASP.NET where to the class file is located.
• If this attribute is omitted, ASP.NET assumes that the class is located in the /bin directory of the web

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.


<% page language = “vb”

AutoEventsWireup = “False”
Inherits = “WebApplication1, Sample”


• Applications in ASP.NET are comprised of a virtual web and pages, files and assemblies contained
within the directory and subdirectories.

Structures and Configuration of the Global.asax file.

• There is exact one Global.asax file per application and it is optional.
• The file is located in the root level of the virtual directory of the ASP.NET web application.
• This file is like the other web application directory that the user may request.
• The Global.asax file may contain code that compromise the security of the web server.
• When VS.NET creates a new web application, a Global.asax file is created automatically.
• The Global.asax file contains a code-behind file named Global.asax.vb
• The Global.asax.vb file defines a class called Global, which inherits from
System.Web.HttpApplication. This class defines all the methods, properties and events that all

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

application objects use within an ASP.NET application.

• VS.NET overrides the event of Http Application class.

• Those events are associated with the beginning and ending of the user sessions and ASP.NET

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Most controls in ASP.NET is server based controls.
These are server side code in a web pages.
The code outputs standard HTML 3.2 for compatibility with all web browsers.
ASP.NET comes in two varieties (i) HTML controls and (ii)web controls
HTML controls correspond to standard HTML 3.2 elements.

HTML Controls can be referenced using object.member.notation

HTML controls must contain an ID attribute. This is used to identify the control.

(i) HTMLForm control

Creates a server-side control that maps to the <form> HTML element and allows you to create a
container for elements in a Web page.
The method attribute is set to POST.ASP.NET, so that the values are posted back to the server in a
hidden form variable for control state management.
<form id="programmaticID"
method=POST | GET
runat="server" >
Other controls, input forms, and so on.
(ii) The HTMLAnchor control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Creates a server-side control that maps to the <a> HTML element and allows you link to another
Web page.
The href, name, targer and title properties can be set at runtime.
The OnServerClick procedure is fired when the anchor link is clicked.

<a id="programmaticID"
runat="server" >

To display the new Web page by using the Target property. Target values must begin with a
letter in the range from a to z (case insensitive), except the following special values that begin
with an underscore: _blank, _self, _parent, and _top.

The HTML title attribute text serves as the floating tool tip test for the anchor.
(iii) The HTMLButton control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Creates a server-side control that maps to the <button> HTML element and allows you create push

runat="server" >
buttontext, image, or control

Cascading style sheets (CSS) styles changes the appearance of the button.
<button runat="server">
style="font: 8pt verdana;
(iv) The HTMLGenericControl control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Some controls don’t have the visual representation by themselves.
The HTML tags <span>, <div>,<body> and <font> are the examples of this.

<span | body | div | font | others

runat="server" >
Content between tags
</span | body | div | font | others>
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
(v) HTMLImage control

Creates a server-side control that maps to the <img> HTML element and allows you to display
an image.

<img id="programmaticID"
align= top | middle | bottom | left | right
control allows you
> to dynamically set and retrieve the image's source, width, height, border width,
alternate text, and alignment by using the Src, Width, Height, Border, Alt, and Align properties, respectively.

Note This control does not require a closing tag.

(vi) The HTMLInputButton control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Creates a server-side control that maps to the <input type=button>, <input type=submit>,
and <input type=reset> HTML elements and allows you to create a command button, submit
button, or reset button, respectively.

When a user clicks an HtmlInputButton control, input from the form that the control is embedded on is
posted to the server and processed. A response is then sent back to the requesting browser.
<input type=button | submit | reset
By providing a custom event handler for the ServerClick event, you can perform a specific set of instructions when the control is clicked.
Note OnServerClick="onserverclickhandler"
A reset button does not support the ServerClick event.
When a reset button>is clicked, all input controls on the page are not necessarily cleared.
Instead, they are returned to their original state when the page was loaded.

For example, if a text box originally contained the value "JohnDoe",

clicking on the reset button would return the text box to this value.

When used in conjunction with the HtmlInputText and HtmlTextArea controls,

you can create user input or authentication pages that can be processed on the server.

Note This control does not require a closing tag.

(vii) The HTMLInputCheckBox Contol

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Creates a server-side control that maps to the <input type=checkbox> HTML element and allows you
to a create check box control that lets the user select a true or false state.

<input type=checkbox
runat="server" >

The HtmlInputCheckBox control does not post back to the server when it is clicked. The state of the
check box is sent to the server for processing when you use a control that posts back the server, such as
the HtmlInputButton control. To determine whether the check box is selected, test
the Checked property of the control.

Note This control does not require a closing tag.

(viii) The HTMLInputFiile Control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Creates a server-side control that maps to the <input type=file> HTML element and allows you to
upload a file to the server.

The three step process for uploading a file is

1. The control allow the user to select a file to upload using a file browsing dialog box
2. Once the user selects the file, it is encoded for transmission and sent along with other form data
with the server post back.
3. The file is saved to disk on the server

<input type=file
runat="server" >

The HtmlInputFile control can be used to easily design a page that allows users to upload binary or text files from a browser
to a directory that you designate on your Web server.
File upload is enabled in all HTML 3.2 and later Web browsers.
Note You must set the enctype attribute of the form to "multipart/form-data".
Web controls for displaying and formatting data

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

(i) Label Control
Displays static text on a Web Forms page and allows you to manipulate it programmatically.

<asp:Label id="Label1"
<asp:Label id="Label1"

Id – to reference the control programmatically.

When the label control onto a web web form, the source code is automatically in the .aspx.

First syntax – text attribute that specifies the text to display.

Second syntax – it has the closing tag and any text text can be placed inside the tags.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Web control properties are from te system.drawing and system.web.UI.webcontrols namespaces.

borderstyle, unit.

Panel control :
web pages can contain many different elements and controls and they can be contained in one group.
Provides a container for other controls. This control is rendered as an HTML <div> element.

<asp:Panel id="Panel1"

(Other controls declared here)

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
The Panel control is a container for other controls. It is especially useful for generating controls
programmatically and displaying and hiding groups of controls.

You can display an image in the background of the Panel control by setting
the BackImageUrl property.

Using the HorizontalAlignment property, you can specify the horizontal alignment of the items
contained in the control.

The Wrap property lets you determine whether items in the control automatically continue on the
next line when a line is longer than the width of the panel.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Declares a table and allows you to manipulate it programmatically.

<asp:Table id="Table1"


Cell text


The Table class allows you to build an HTML table and specify its characteristics. A table can be
built at design time with static content, but the Table control is often built programmatically

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

with dynamic contents.

Each Table control is made up of rows (represented by instances of the TableRow class)
stored in the Rows collection of the control.

Each row is made up of cells (represented by instances of the TableCell class) stored in
the Cells collection of the each TableRow.

To display an image in the background of the Table control by setting

the BackImageUrl property.
By default, the horizontal alignment of the items in the table is not set. If you want to specify
the horizontal alignment, set the HorizontalAlignment property.

The spacing between individual cells is controlled by the CellSpacing property. You can
specify the amount of space between the contents of a cell and the cell's border by setting
the CellPadding property.

To display the cell borders, set the GridLines property. You can display the horizontal lines,
vertical lines, or both horizontal and vertical lines.

All the buttons in ASP.NET cause a post-back to the server.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

When the server needs to respond to the user click, use the button controls.

The Button Control

The button control renders the regular push button, the most common type of button seen is the HTML

<asp:Button id="MyButton"
CausesValidation="true | false"

Unique properties:
• The text properties specifies the text ot display on the button itself, such as “Submit Form”.
• The “On-click” property sets the procedure name to call when the button is clicked.
• Command – The event fired by the child control event can be bubbled up to the parent the message
contained in the command property.
• Command Arguments : an optional command parameter is passed in the CommandArgument property.
ImageButton Control :

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

• ImageButton Control allows to use graphical image as a button for causing a post-back.
• It is used to create clickable icons as well as image maps.

<asp:ImageButton id="ImageButton1"
CausesValidation="true | false"

• The ImageButton control is used to display an image that responds to mouse clicks.
• Specify the image to display in the control by setting the ImageUrl property.
• Both the Click and Command events are raised when the ImageButton control is clicked.
The LinkButton Control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

The LinkButton Control appears like a hyperlink to the user, for navigating to another URL.
The LinkButton control can cause a post-back to the server just like the Button and ImageButton

<asp:LinkButton id="LinkButton1"
CommandArgument="CommandArgument" Specify the text to display in
CausesValidation="true | false" the LinkButton control by either setting
OnClick="OnClickMethod" the Text property or placing the text
runat="server"/> between the opening and closing tags of
or the LinkButton control.
<asp:LinkButton id="LinkButton1"
CausesValidation="true | false"
Web Controls for Inputting Text

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

The TextBox Control

The TextBox control’s actual rendering is determined by the TextMode Property.

<asp:TextBox id="value"
TextMode="SingleLine | MultiLine | Password"

• The TextMode property is set to SingleLine, which creates a text box with only one line.
• Set the property to MultiLine or Password. MultiLine creates a text box with more than one line.
• Password creates a single-line text box that masks the value entered by the user.

• The display width of the text box is determined by its Columns property.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

• If the text box is a multiline text box, the display height is determined by the Rows property.
• The number of characters that is entered can be limited in the control by setting
the MaxLength property.
• Set the Wrap property to true to specify that the contents of the cell should automatically continue
on the next line when the end of the text box is reached.
The Textbox responds through an OnTextChanged event when the content is changed.
OnTextChanged – causes post back to the server.

Web Controls for selecting Choices

Selection control includes Radio Button and CheckBoxes, which allow users to select from a series of
predefined values.
These selection controls are grouped together to represent choices in the same property.
Radio Buttons, like checkboxes, allow users to select from the list of options, one choice in a category is

The CheckBox Control

Each checkbox can have a label, which appear to the right or left of the checkbox, according to the
TextAlign property.
The default state of the checkbox and its current state are indicated by the Checked property.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

<asp:CheckBox id="CheckBox1"

The checkbox respond to the change made to itself.

A change event can be raised and handled by an event-handling procedure passed into

RadioButton control

It works same as the checkbox control.

Creates an individual radio button on the page.
Multiple radio buttons can be grouped together to provide a mutually exclusive set of choices.
<asp:RadioButton id="RadioButton1"

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.


The GroupName property to assign a name to a collection of radio buttons.

The CheckList and RadioButtonList Controls:

These controls are used when web controls are generated dynamically from the data source.
The data source may contain fairly large amount of data.
<asp:CheckBoxList id="CheckBoxList1"
DataSource='<% databindingexpression %>'


<asp:ListItem value="value"

Properties of CheckBoxList and RadioButton Controls

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
Checkbox List: <asp:CheckBoxList id="CheckBoxList1"
Creates a multiselection check box group. CellPadding="Pixels"
This control supports binding to a data source.DataSource='<% databindingexpression %>'


<asp:ListItem value="value"

The CheckBoxList control creates a multiselection check box group that can be dynamically

generated using data binding.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

To specify items that you want to appear in the CheckBoxList control, place a ListItem element
for each entry between the opening and closing tags of the CheckBoxList control.

The CheckBoxList control also supports data binding. To bind the control to a data source, first
create a data source, such as a System.Collections.ArrayList object, that contains the items to
display in the control.

Next, use the Control.DataBind method to bind the data source to the CheckBoxList control.

Use the DataTextField and DataValueField properties to specify which field in the data source to
bind to the Text and Value properties of each list item in the control, respectively.

The CheckBoxList control will now display the information from the data source.
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
To determine the selected items in the CheckBoxList control, iterate through the Items collection and
test the Selected property of each item in the collection.

You can specify the way the list is displayed by using the RepeatLayout and RepeatDirection properties.

If RepeatLayout is set to RepeatLayout.Table (the default setting), the list is rendered within a table.

If it is set to RepeatLayout.Flow, the list is rendered without any table structure.

By default, RepeatDirection is set to RepeatDirection.Vertical.

Setting this property to RepeatDirection.Horizontal renders the list horizontally.

Radiobuttonlist Control

Creates a group of radio buttons. This control supports binding to a data source.
<asp:RadioButtonList id="RadioButtonList1"

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

DataSource="<% databindingexpression %>"

<asp:ListItem Text="label"
Selected="True|False" />

The RadioButtonList control allows you to create a single-selection radio button group that can

be dynamically generated by binding to a data source. To specify the items that you want to
appear in the RadioButtonList control, place a ListItem element for each entry between the

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

opening and closing tags of the RadioButtonList control.

The RadioButtonList control also supports data binding. To bind the control to a data source, first
create a data source, such as a System.Collections.ArrayList object, that contains the items to
display in the control. Next, use the Control.DataBind method to bind the data source to
the RadioButtonList control.

Use the DataTextField and DataValueField properties to specify which field in the data source to
bind to the Text and Value properties, respectively, of each list item in the control.
The RadioButtonList control will now display the information from the data source.

To determine the selected items in the RadioButtonList control, iterate through

the Items collection and test the Selected property of each item in the collection.

You can specify the rendering of the list with the RepeatLayout and RepeatDirection properties.
If RepeatLayout is set to RepeatLayout.Table (the default setting), the list will be rendered within
a table. If it is set to RepeatLayout.Flow, the list will be rendered without any tabular structure. By
default, RepeatDirection is set to RepeatDirection.Vertical. Setting this property
to RepeatDirection.Horizontal will render the list horizontally.
ListBox Control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Creates a single-selection or multiselection list box.

<asp:ListBox id="Listbox1"
DataSource="<% databindingexpression %>"

<asp:ListItem value="value" selected="True|False">


Use the ListBox control to create a list control that allows single or multiple item selection. Use
the Rows property to specify the height of the control. To enable multiple item selection, set

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

the SelectionMode property to ListSelectionMode.Multiple.

To specify the items that you want to appear in the ListBox control, place a ListItem element for
each entry between the opening and closing tags of the ListBox control.

The ListBox control also supports data binding. To bind the control to a data source, first create
a data source, such as a System.Collections.ArrayList, that contains the items to display in the
control. Next, use the Control.DataBind method to bind the data source to the ListBox control.

Use the DataTextField and DataValueField properties to specify which field in the data source
to bind to the Text and Value properties, respectively, of each list item in the control.
The ListBox control will now display the information from the data source.

If the SelectionMode property is set to ListSelectionMode.Multiple, determine the selected

items in the ListBox control by iterating through the Items collection and testing
the Selected property of each item in the collection.

If the SelectionMode property is set to ListSelectionMode.Single, you can use

the SelectedIndex property to determine the index of the selected item.

The index can then be used to retrieve the item from the Items collection.
Image Control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Displays a Web-compatible image on the Web Forms page.

<asp:Image id="Image1" runat="server"


Use the Image control to display an image on the Web Forms page.

Setting the ImageUrl property specifies the path to the displayed image. You can specify the text
to display in place of the image when the image is not available by setting
the AlternateText property.

The ImageAlign property specifies the alignment of the image in relation to other elements on
the Web Forms page.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Page Directives Control settings for the code compiler like page settings.
There are Six types of page directives

(i) The @ Page and Control Directives

The Page directive defines the attributes specific to the page file for the page parser and
the compiler.
Attributes Description
AutoEventWireup The Boolean value that enables or disables page events

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

The basic syntax of Page directive is: that are being automatically bound to methods; for
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true“
CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" example, Page_Load.
Trace="true" %> Buffer The Boolean value that enables or disables HTTP
The attributes of the Page directive are: response buffering.
ClassName The class name for the page.
ClientTarget The browser for which the server controls should render
CodeFile The name of the code behind file.
Debug The Boolean value that enables or disables compilation
with debug symbols.
Description The text description of the page, ignored by the parser.
EnableSessionState It enables, disables, or makes session state read-only.
EnableViewState The Boolean value that enables or disables view state
across page requests.
ErrorPage URL for redirection if an unhandled page exception
Inherits The name of the code behind or other class.
Language The programming language for code.
Src The file name of the code behind class.
Trace It enables or disables tracing.
TraceMode It indicates how trace messages are displayed, and
sorted by time or category.
Transaction It indicates if transactions are supported.
ValidateRequest The Boolean value that indicates whether all input data is
The @ import Directive

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

- To add a reference to a namespace. To import multiple namespace

- <%@ import namespace =“System.Drawing”>

- <%@ import namespace =“System.Net.Sockets”>

All the pages automatically includes

System.Collections, System.IO,System.Web,System.Web.UI, Web,System.Web.UI.HTMLControls,


The @Register Directive

- Allows to refer the namespaces and classes by an alias.

- <% Register Tagprefix =“tp” Namespace=“ns”> %>
- <% Register Tagprefix =“tp” tagname=“ns” src=“pathname”> %>
- Tagprefix – sets alias for a namespace
- Tagname – sets alias for a class
- Namespace –namespace associated with tag prefix

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

The Assembly directive links an assembly to the page or the application at parse time.

This could appear either in the global.asax file for application-wide linking, in the page file,
a user control file for linking to a page or user control.
The basic syntax of Assembly directive is:
<%@ Assembly Name ="myassembly" %>
The attributes of the Assembly directive are:

Attributes Description

Name The name of the assembly to be linked.

Src The path to the source file to be linked
and compiled dynamically.


The OutputCache directive controls the output caching policies of a web page or a user control.
The basic syntax of OutputCache directive is:
<%@ OutputCache Duration="15" VaryByParam="None" %>

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

1. Calendar control
• is used to get input of dates.
• it allows the user to select the dates graphically.
• move to the next or previous month.
• It displays the dates in one month view just like a traditional calendar.

<asp:Calendar id="Calendar1"
Property Description Style class

DayHeaderStyle The style for the section of the calendar where TableItemStyle
the names of the days of the week appear.

DayStyle The style for the individual days in the TableItemStyle

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

displayed month.Note Weekends, the current
date, and the selected day can have different
styles by setting
the WeekendDayStyle, TodayDayStyle,
and SelectedDayStyle properties, respectively.
NextPrevStyle The style for the sections at the left and right TableItemStyle
ends of the title bar where the month
navigation LinkButton controls are located.
OtherMonthDayStyle The style for the days from the previous and TableItemStyle
next month that appear on the current month
SelectedDayStyle The style for the selected date.Note If this TableItemStyle
property is not set, the style specified by
the DayStyle property is used to display the
selected date.
SelectorStyle The style for the column on the left of TableItemStyle
the Calendar control containing links for
selecting a week or the entire month.
TitleStyle The style for the title bar at the top of the TableItemStyle
calendar containing the month name and
month navigation
links.Note If NextPrevStyle is set, it overrides
the style for the next and previous month
navigation controls located at the ends of the
title bar.
TodayDayStyle The style for the current date.Note If this TableItemStyle
property is not set, the style specified by
the DayStyle property is used to display the
current date.
WeekendDayStyle The style for the weekend days.Note If this TableItemStyle
property is not set, the style specified by
the DayStyle property is used to display the
weekend dates.
R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.
Property Description
ShowDayHeader Displays or hides the section
that displays the days of the
ShowGridLines Displays or hides the grid
lines between the days of
the month.
ShowNextPrevMonth Displays or hides the
navigation controls to the
next or previous month.
ShowTitle Displays or hides the title
The AdRotator Control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

Displays an advertisement banner on a Web Forms page.


• The AdRotator control uses a separate XML advertisement file to store the advertisement
information, such as the location of the image to display and the URL of the page to link to.

• The AdvertisementFile property of the AdRotator control specifies the path to this file.
When creating the advertisement file, opening and closing <Advertisements> tags mark the
beginning and the end of the file, respectively.

• Opening and closing <Ad> tags delimit each advertisement. All advertisements are nested
between the opening and closing <Advertisements> tags.
• If the file contains multiple <Advertisements> tags, only the first set of <Advertisements> tags in

the file will be parsed by the AdRotator control.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

• All other <Advertisements> tags will be ignored.

• The data elements for each advertisement are nested between the opening and closing <Ad> tags.

• Although certain data elements are predefined (such as ImageUrl and NavigateURL), you can place
custom elements between the <Ad> tags.

• These elements will be read by the AdRotator control when it parses the file. The information is then
passed to the AdCreated event in the AdProperties dictionary property.

Property Description

Advertisement File sets the relative paths to the advertisement data file (in Xml)

Keyword Filter Designates a keyword to use that filters the advertisements. If specified, only
banner ads that have a keyword that maches the value in keywordfilter are eligible for display.

Target specifies the name of the browser window or frame in which to display the
advertisement. Keywords such as _TOP, _NEW,_CHILD,_SELF,_PARENT,_BLANK can be used.
The impression feature allows to make a particular banner ads appear more often than others.

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

The values for Impression are relative higher values receive more rotation.

It defines an error called OnAdcreated. This event is raised upon the next post-back to the server whenever
the advertisement changes.
It is useful for adjusting the content of the rest of the page based on which based on the add the Adrotator
control is picked.

This event has these members

1. e.Adproperties – Idictionary collection of all propertied for the selected banner ad.)
2. e.AlternateText – it corresponds to the alternatetext in the XML file.
3. e. ImageUrl-corresponds to the ImageURL in the XML file.
4. e.NavigateURl – corresponds to the TargetURL in the XML file.
Validation control

R.Ame Rayan, Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi.

ASP.NET validation controls validate the user input data to ensure that useless, unauthenticated, or
contradictory data don't get stored.

ASP.NET provides the following validation controls:


BaseValidator Class

The validation control classes are inherited from the BaseValidator class hence they inherit its
properties and methods. Therefore, it would help to take a look at the properties and the methods of
this base class, which are common for all the validation controls:
Members Description
ControlToValidate Indicates the input control to validate.

Display Indicates how the error message is shown.

EnableClientScript Indicates whether client side validation will take.

Enabled Enables or disables the validator.

ErrorMessage Indicates error string.
Text Error text to be shown if validation fails.

IsValid Indicates whether the value of the control is valid.

SetFocusOnError It indicates whether in case of an invalid control, the focus should

switch to the related input control.

ValidationGroup The logical group of multiple validators, where this control belongs.

Validate() This method revalidates the control and updates the IsValid property.
RequiredFieldValidator Control

The RequiredFieldValidator control ensures that the required field is not empty.

It is generally tied to a text box to force input into the text box.
The syntax of the control is as given:
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvcandidate" runat="server" ControlToValidate ="ddlcandidate"

ErrorMessage="Please choose a candidate" InitialValue="Please choose a candidate">

RangeValidator Control

The RangeValidator control verifies that the input value falls within a predetermined range.
It has three specific properties:
The syntax of the control is as given:
<asp:RangeValidator ID="rvclass" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="txtclass" ErrorMessage="Enter your class (6 - 12)"
MaximumValue="12" MinimumValue="6" Type="Integer"> </asp:RangeValidator>
Properties Description
Type It defines the type of the data. The available
values are: Currency, Date, Double, Integer, and
MinimumValue It specifies the minimum value of the range.
MaximumValue It specifies the maximum value of the range.
CompareValidator Control

The CompareValidator control compares a value in one control with a fixed value or a value in another control.
It has the following specific properties:
The basic syntax of the control is as follows:
<asp:CompareValidator ID="CompareValidator1" runat="server" ErrorMessage="CompareValidator">


Properties Description
Type It specifies the data type.
ControlToCompare It specifies the value of the input control to compare with.

ValueToCompare It specifies the constant value to compare with.

Operator It specifies the comparison operator, the available values

are: Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEqual,
LessThan, LessThanEqual, and DataTypeCheck.

The RegularExpressionValidator allows validating the input text by matching against a pattern of a regular expression.
The regular expression is set in the ValidationExpression property.
The following table summarizes the commonly used syntax constructs for regular expressions:
Apart from single character match, a class of characters could be specified that can be matched, called the metacharacters.
Character Description
\b Matches a backspace.
\t Matches a tab.
\r Matches a carriage return.
\v Matches a vertical tab.
The syntax of the control is as given:
\f Matches a form feed.
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="string" runat="server" ErrorMessage="string"
\n Matches a new line. ValidationExpression="string" ValidationGroup="string">

\ Escape character. </asp:RegularExpressionValidator>


The CustomValidator control allows writing application specific custom validation routines for both the client side and the server side validation.
The client side validation is accomplished through the ClientValidationFunction property.
The client side validation routine should be written in a scripting language, such as JavaScript or VBScript, which the browser can understand.
The server side validation routine must be called from the control's ServerValidate event handler. The server side validation routine
should be written in any .Net language, like C# or VB.Net.
The basic syntax for the control is as given:

<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server" ClientValidationFunction=.cvf_func.


Data List Control

The Web controls that produce list are called List Controls.

The data for the list controls can come from a variety of sources they are:
Flat files, XML, relational databases.

The three types of list controls are :

(i) Repeater Control

(ii) Data Grid
(iii) Data List

(iv) Repeater Control

It is the simplest of the List Controls.
It allows for the display of data items by rendering each row in a data source as a row in the web page.
The Repeater control renders the rows in te list according to an HTML template that is specified.

Using this template the total appearance of the list is controlled.

A list header, list item and list footer can each have different styles.
The Repeater Control uses the following syntax :

<asp :Repeater id: “Repeater1” runat =“server” DataSource=“<% databindindingexpression %>”>

Header template HTML

Item template HTML

Alternating item template HTML

Separator template HTML
FooterTemplate HTML
<asp : Repeater>
HTML is specified for rows, headers and footers for a particular list.

Templates used in the Repeater Control

Template Description
AlternatingItemTemplate HTML to render for alternating rows in the list
FooterTemplate HTML to render at the end of all the rows in the
HeaderTemplate HTML to render before any rows in the list are
ItemTemplate HTML to render for each row to the list
SeparatorTemplate HTML to render between rows in the list.
User Control

• The ASP.NET controls allows to build most web applications with ease.

• Web applications use custom code that is specific to an organization.

• This code is likely to be reused many times and in many different projects.

• A user control is a reusable piece of ASP.NET code.

• When ASP.NET code is packaged up as a user control, it makes reuse of the code
as another web form as easy as supplying a new page directive at the top of the
Web form and placing the User Control in the page.

• User controls are used within a Web Form similar to other web controls are used.

Authoring a User Control

• User Controls are simply a collection of other Web Controls and their behaviors.
• User Controls are exposed with own properties.
Saving state with the StateBag object

ASP.NET provides an option to save state across page requests without saving any information on the

ViewState is a static object of type StateBag that can be used to store arbitrary values across page

The properties and method of the StateBag class are:


Count – gets the number of StateItem objects in the StateBag object

Item – Gets or sets the value of an item stored in the StateBag object
Keys - Gets a collection of keys representing the items in the StateBag object.
Values – Gets a collection of view state values stored in the StateBag object.


Add – adds a new StateItem object to the StateBag object. If the item already exists in the StateBag object
Add updates the value of the item.

Clear – removes all items from the current StateBag object.

GetEnmerator – returns an enumerator that iterates over all the key-value pairs of the StateItem ibjects stored
in the StateBag object.

IsItemDirty –checks StateItem object stored in the StateBag object to evaluvate whether it has been modified
since the call to Control.TrackViewState.

Remove – removes the specified StateItem object from the StateBag Object.

Every webform has access to the ViewState object, which is a static object that is not declared explicitly.
Any value can be stored in the ViewState Collection.


Writing to viewstate

ViewState(“a”) = “Test”

Retrieving from ViewState

S = ViewState(“a”)
ASP.NET Intrinsic Objects

Def : It is a set of objects in the ASP.NET that provides low level access to web application protocols and

We can directly work with CGI,HTTP stream and session management capabilities of ASP.NET.

It also provides compatibility with the classic ASP, this is the only to provide webserver functionality
through program code.

The HTTPRequest Object :

This is responsible for retrieving information sent in an HTML form. The HTML form data can be sent using
two methods : HTTP GET and HTTP POST.

The CGI encoding scheme is used to encode data as name-value pair, where name is the name of the
HTML form and value is the data associated with the form element.

Properties and methods for HTTPRequest objects

ContentEncoding – gets the character set of the entity body

ContentType - gets the MIME content type of the incoming request.

FilePath – gets the virtual path of the current request.

Headers – Gets the collection of HTTP headers

Path – gets the virtual path of the current request

UserHostName – Gets the DNS name of the remote client.

Methods of the HttpRequest

SaveAs- save an HTTP request to disk
BinaryRead – performs a binary read of a specified number of bytes from the current input stream.
MapPath – maps the virtual path in the requested URL to the physical path on the server for the
current request.
MapImageCoordinates – maps an incoming image field form parameter to appropriate x,y coordinate
HttpResponse Object :
The HttpResponse object is to send data back to the user’s browser and control the output of the HTTP stream
in a programmatic way.

• Content can be inserted dynamically into the HTTP stream.

• Cookies can be set as a part of the script.

The HttpResponse object methods programmatically control the HTTP output stream.

Using HttpResponse

The flow of the HTTP output is controlled

Write to the output stream
Redirect the browser and append custom data to the web server logs.

The HttpResponse object contains one collection called Cookies.

This allows to place cookies on the client machine.

The HttpServerUtility object

The HttpServerUtility object contains some miscellaneous utility functions and accesses properties on the
web server

With the HttpServerServer object,performs HTML/URL encoding, resolve physical pathnames on the server
and create instances of COM software components.

The HttpApplicationState object

It is used to store application – persistent data available for all users of the web application to access.
The HttpApplicationState Object stores all of its application variables in collection.

To store an application variable,


The value assigned to the application variable can be of any type, including string, numeric and other

To retrieve a value of an application variable

Variable = Application(“variable name”)
The HttpSessionState Object

HttpSessionState class van be used to declare variables that have session scope.

They can be used in any .asp file within the application.

This can be also used to find the left time of the user

The session is considered ended if that timeout period has elapsed.

HttpSessionState variables are destroyed after the time out period.

It has a method called Abandon which immediately terminates the session.

The ObjectContext Object

It is used to control the transactions for COM+.

It can abort or complete the COM+ transaction.
Unit III
4.1 Common features framework class
The .net framework class library contains an assortment
of classes and data types that can be used to
Feature of .net class.
● Data collection.
● File I/O
● Event logging
● Message queuing
● Text Handling
● Internet communications
● XML data handling
● Internet email
4.2 Data collections (System.collections)

1.A collection is a set of similar type of objects that are grouped


2.System. Collections namespace contains specialized classes for

storing and accessing the data.

3.Each collection class defined in . NET has a unique feature.

Different types of sets:
● Array
● Stacks
● Queues
● Hashtables
A queue is an ordered
collection of items where
the addition of new
items happens at one
end, called the “rear,”
and the removal of
existing items occurs at
the other end,
commonly called the
Hash table (hash map) is a
data structure that implements
an associative array abstract
data type, a structure that can
map keys to values. A hash
table uses a hash function to
compute an index, also called
a hash code, into an array of
buckets or slots, from which
the desired value can be
The Stack Class
❖ The System.Collections.Stack class implements a stack data
structure.Stacks have many different uses and can hold any
System.Object type.
❖ Some programs offers a multiple undo feature.
❖ A stack can a be used to track that state information.


Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Module Module1

Sub Main()

Dim stkUndoStack As New Stack()

Do While (AddPhrase(stkUndoStack))

Console.WriteLine(“Final sentence is:”)

End Sub
Function AddPhrase(By Ref UndoStack As Stack) As
Dim strWordOrPhrase As String
Dim strPhrase As String
AddPhrase = True

Console.Write(“Add a word or phrase: “)

strWordOrPhrase = Console.ReadLine()

Select Case strWordOrPhrase

Case “,”
AddPhrase = false
Exit Function
Case “#”
If UndoStack.Count > 0 Then
Console.WriteLine( “Undo phrase: “&
strPhrase = UndoStack.Pop()
AddPhrase = True
Exit Function
End If
Case Else
End Select


End Function
Sub DisplayStackContents(By Ref UndoStack As Stack)
Dim strphrase As String
Dim aryStandardArray As Object()
Dim intIndex As Integer

Console.Write(“Current contents:”)
aryStandardArray = UndoStack.ToArray

for intIndex = UBound(aryStandardArray) To 0 Step -1

Console.Write (aryStandardArray (intIndex) & “ “
Console.Write(Control Chars.Crlf)

End Sub

End Module
➢ The AddPhrase() function handles pushing and
➢ Peek()method:allows the user to look at the value
before it is popped off the stack.
➢ Pop()function:it removes from the top of the pop.
➢ Push()method:to add an element.
➢ ToArray()method:to obtain a string array
representation of the data in the stack.

The Queue Class

➢ Queues are used to model data that is stored in
Eg:Documents being submitted to the
printer,appropriately called a print queue.

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Module Module1
Public Class DocRecord
Public DocTitle As String
Public DocOwner As String
Public DateTimeSubmitted As Date
Sub New(Optional ByVa1 DTitle = “ ”,
Optional ByVa1 Downer =“”)
DocTitle = DTitle
DocOwner = Downer
End Sub
End Class
Function InitializeQueue() As Queue
Dim objDocQueue As New Queue()
Dim objDoc As DocRecord
Dim intIndex As Integer

For intIndex = 1 To 5
objDoc = New DocRecord()

With objDoc
.DocOwner = “joe”
.DocTitle = “Document #” &
End With


InitializeQueue = objDocQueue

End Function
Sub AddDocToQueue(ByVa1 DocQueue As Queue,
ByVa1 Doc As DocRecord)
Console.WriteLine(“{0} submitted to queue”,
End Sub

Sub PrintDoc(ByVa1 DocQueue As Queue)

Dim objDoc As DocRecord
objDoc = DocQueue.Dequeue()
Console.WriteLine(“{0} submitted to queue”,
End Sub
➢ The program adds the newly created object to the
queue using the Enqueue() method.
➢ The program that displays the current contents of
the queue.
➢ Removing it from the queue which isolate by
using the Dequeue() method.

The Hashtable Class

➢ The System.Collections.Hashtable class
implements an assosiative name value pair array of
➢ Hashtables are highly used data structures.

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Module Module1

Public Class ContactEntry

Public m- strLastName As String
Public m- strFirstName As String
Public m- intAge As Integer

Sub New(Optional ByVa1 Lname =“”,

Optional ByVa1 Fname =“”,
Optional ByVa1 Age = 0)
m-strLastName = LName
m-strFirstName = Fname
End Sub

End Class
If Not objContact Is Nothing Then
“Contact info: “ & ControlChars.Crlf &
“Last Name: {0}” & ControlChars.Crlf &
“First Name: {1}” & ControlChars.Crlf &
“Age: {2}” & ControlChars.Crlf &
objContact.m-intAge. ToString())
Console.WriteLine(“Contact not found”)
End If

End Sub

Sub ListContacts(By Ref ContactTable As Hashtable)

Dim objContact As ContactEntry

For Each objContact In ContactTable.Values
Console.WriteLine(“{0}” & ControlChars &
“{1}” & ControlChars.Tab &
“{2}” & ControlChars.Tab &
objContact.m- intAge. ToString())

End Sub

Sub Main
Dim objMyContacts As New Hashtable()


End Sub

End Module
The Item() method is used to search an object in the hashtable.
A unique key value must be used to insert a new object into a hashtable.
The key value for each contact is randomly generated.
Handling file input/output :
File input/output plays key role in all application. The file class encapsulates
various operation that can be performed on a single file such as, creating,
copying, deleting, moving, opening.
The methods of the file class return special classes that are
used to read & write, this is collectively known as stream

Reading text files :

Text file contain only character data that is ASCII and

unicode text. These methods of the file class is used to read
these files easily.
Imports system

Imports system .IO

Module modul=1

Sub main()

Dim objstreamReader As streamReader

ObjstreamReader =file .Opentext(“test.txt”)

Console. Write(objstreamReader .ReadToEnd())

ObjstreamReader .close()

Catch E as exception

Console .writeLine(“error occurred: “& E. Message)

End try

End sub

End module
Writing text files:
We can write a text file using the streamWritter class. The
streamWritter class can write data to the stream in number
of ways they are , writing a single character , a character
array , an object, a subset of a character array, simple
data types( boolean, decimal, integer, long, double)
Reading binary files:
The MP3ID3VI class contains member variable for each of the IB3VI segment that
occur at different offsets in the file

The overloaded new () constructor calls the function that reads the song

The work of reading that ID3V1 block begins with opening the file by creating
a new filestream object in line.
writing Binary files:

This involves building a string containing the ID3V1

string converting the string to a byte array and
writing the byte array to the file .
Properties of the StreamReader class:
● Property
● Base stream
● Current encoding

● Description
● Gets the character encoding
● Returns the stream object
Properties of StreamWritter class:
● Property
● Aut of Tusb
● BaseSteam
● Encoding
● Format provider ( Textwritter)
● New line

● Description
● All output bound for the stream to be witten immediately when the value is true
● Returns the underlying stream object
● Gets the encoding in which the output is written
● Gets an object that contains formatting
● Gets or sets the line string used by the current Textwritter class
Performing file operations :
The file class helps you whenever you wish to change characteristics manage
The open Text() method to return a filestream object for writing text files
Object factory for stream object the class can be used to rename, delete,
move snd copy files
The files class methods are static so it has no constructor and it's available
at any time in the program
The file Info class offers instance method of the same functionally as the file
Copying, moving & Renaming files :
To make a copy of a file and rename it using the copy To () method and the move
To () method
( Refer program in the book)

Deleting files:
We delete a file using the staticdelete () method of the file class
( Refer program in the book)
Using binary file I/O with the filestream object:
Graphic images, contain binary data that is the bytes in the files extend
beyond what can be represented using text encoding method such as
The stream Reader & StreamWritter classes are designed to handle
only text data for reading binary files the filestream and binary reader
objects should be used for writting binary file use the binarywritter object
together with the filestream object.
4.5 USING THE WINDOWS EVENT LOG ( System.diagnostics)

● The first version of windows NT , a comman event log has been used as a tool to
record application errors and events.
● Windows event log and it’s common repository that all applications use to record
application events.
● The contents of the windows event log are viewed using the event viewer
● To launch the event viewer in windows 2000 , right click on the my computer icon
and select manage.
● Computer Management → System Tools → Event Viewer.
● The event viewer is comprised of 3 different logs : 1. Application log 2. Security log
3. System log.
● These are used to record program events , security events and audits , and low
level device and system events respectively.
● The type column describes the type of the event.
● This is usually information warning are error.
● The date and time columns indicate the date and time respectively , that the event
was posted to the log.
● The EventLog object is very versatile and provides facilities to read , write and
query events
● This programs writes a string to the application log and read the current entries
from the same log.

Imports system
Imports system.Diagnostics
Import Microsoft.VisualBasic
Module Module1
Sub main()
Dim strLogstr As String
Console.Write(“Enter a string”)
strLogStr = Console.ReadLine()
End Sub
End Module
● We proceed to line where we create a new EventLog object.
● We set the log and MachineName properties with the values
“Application” and “.” , respectively.
● With those properties set we are ready to retrieve information about the
● We start a For ….Each loop to iterate the collection of EventLogEntry
object in entries.
4.6 Working with Active Directory Services
➢ The term directory, as it relates to Active Directory Services is
a general one.
➢ It does not specifically refer to directories on your file
systems(folders) but instead to any data stored in a hierarchical
➢ Examples of directories include a name and address book, an
employee roster, and a store of account information on
multiuser computer system.
➢ Each of these directories is referred to as a namespace.
➢ A name space is a root node in the directory service.
➢ The children of these nodes are called container objects.
➢ Container object is can contain other container objects and also
leaf objects.
The following released providers can be used with Active
Directory Services:
❖ Windows NT 4.0 Directory Services: This is the most
widely used directory service. Windows NT 4.0 Directory Services
allow you to completely administer a Windows 2000/NT server or
domain. You can control Windows 2000/NT services, including
starting, stopping, and setting the start up status.
❖ Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and
Exchange Server: LDAP is an Internet standard protocol for
communicating with a wide variety of directory services. One
application for LDAP is to provide access to data on Microsoft
Exchange Server. Active Directory Services allows access to items
such as message stores and recipient data.
❖ Internet Information Server (IIS) : With the IIS provider, we can
perform many administrative tasks relating to IIS. For example, you can
manage virtual directories in the Web server filespace, set up other Internet
services like FTP, manage log files, and configure settings for the servers.
❖ Novell Directory Services (NDS): Active Directory Services also
allows access to NDS.

Displaying Active Directory Services Contents:

we will explore an example of how to query for information about a computer and
a user account on that computer.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.DirectoryServices
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Module Modulel
Public Sub GetADInfo(ByVal ADPath As String)
Dim strKey As String
Dim objValue As Object
Dim objDirEnt As DirectoryEntry

objDirEnt = New DirectoryEntry(ADPath)

Console.WriteLine (“Name = “ & _

Console.WriteLine (“path = “ & _
Console.WriteLine (“SchemeClassName = “ & _
Console.WriteLine(“ “)
For Each strKey In _
Console.write(ControlChars.Tab & _
strKey & “ = “)
For Each objValue In_
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & _
ControlChars.Tab & objValue.ToString())
Catch E As Exception
Console.WriteLine(“Error: “ E.Message)
End Try

End Sub
Sub Main()
End Sub
End Module
In the example above, we use the name of a computer on the
network,RMDEVBIZ01, to construct new DirectoryEntry object in line. After
the constructor executes and the node is located, the properties of the
DirectoryEntry object are populated in the code block beginning in line.
Nodes in Active Directory Services can contain any number of properties.
These properties are housed in a PropertyCollection object. Ther propertyNames
and value properties of the propertyCollection object are of particular interest.
They are both collections that contain the names and values, respectively, of the
node. Each value in the ProptertyNames collection can contain one or more
values objects. So, with that in mind, we use two nested For…Each loops to visit
each value in the PropertyCollectilon object. The outer loop that begins in line.
Obtains all the names of the properties. Each Property name is then used as an
index into the Properties collection to obtain individual values for the property in
the inner loop that starts in line.

Path = WinNT://rmdevbiz01
SchemaClassName = Computer

OperatingSystem =
windows NT
OperatingSystemVersion =
Owner =
Division =
ProcessorCount =
Uniprocessor Free
Processor =
x86 Family 6 Model Stepping 2
Searching Active Directory Services Contents:
➢ Sometimes we need to locate a particular item in Active Directory Services
by using a searching mechanism.
➢ Often personnel directories are kept in an LDAP store made publically
➢ LDAP is also a very popular way to locate individuals on the Internet.
Public Sub SearchAd(ByVal LastName As String)

Dim objDirEnt As DirectoryEntry

Dim objADSearchDResult As SearchResult
Dim objSearchRSColl As SearchResultCollection
Dim objTmpDirEnt As DirectoryEntry
Dim objADSearch As DirectorySearcher
objDirEnt = New DirectoryEntry( _
objADSearch = New DirectorySearcher(objDirEnt, _
“(sn=“ & LastName & “)”)

objSearchRScoll = objADSearch.FindAll()
For Each objADSearchResult In objSearchRScoll
objTmpDirEnt = _
Catch E As Exception
Console.WriteLine(“ERROR: “ & E.Message)
End Try

End Sub
In the DirectoryEntry object’s constructor, we supply a URL to the
LDAP SERVER In the form LDAP://yourserverhere . Com.
The code then moves on to next line, where the DirectorySearcher object is
Next Line executes the actual search. Since more than one user in the LDAP
directory might match the query, the results are returned in the form of a
SearchResultCollection object that implemtns the Icollection interface.
Inside the For…Each loop, notice jthe call to the GetDirectoryEntry() method
in line. This method of the SearchResult class is used to obtain a DirectoryEntry
object for each SearchResult object in the objSearchRSColl
After this DirectoryEntry object is retrieved, we can display information
about it, such as its Name property. This returns the LDAP common name (cn)
for the object, which usually contains the person’s full name.
Properties of the SearchResult Class
Property Description

Path Gets the path for this SearchResult object

Properties Gets a ResultPropertyCollection of properties set on this object.

Method of the SearchResult Class:

Method Description

GetDirectoryEntry Gets the DirectoryEntry object that matches with the SearchResult object.
Properties of the SearchResultsCollection Class

Property Description

Count Counts the number of SearchResult objects in the


Handle Gets the handle returned by IDirectorySearch:

:ExecuteSearch (called by DirectorySearcher)

Item Gets the SearchResult object in the collection at the

specified index

PropertiesLoaded Gets the DirectorySearcher properties that were

specified before the search was executed.
Methods of the SearchResultsCollection Class

Method Description Syntax

Contains Indicates whether the specified Contains (ByVal result As
SearchResult object is in the SearchResult) As Boolean

CopyTo Copies SearchResult objects in the CopyTo(ByVal results() As

collection to an array beginning SearchResult, ByVal index As
with the specified index Integer)

IndexOf Retrieves the index f a specified IndexOf(ByVal result As

SearchResult object in this SearchResult) As Integer
Modifying Active Directory Services Contents
The previous LDAP examples showed how you can display the contents of nodes and
entries in Active Directory Services and how to search an LDAP store for particular
Let’s return to the example of retrieving the account information of a Windows user.
We will modify the example to change the description property of the account. The
code change is minimal; it requires setting one of the properties of a DirectoryEntry
object with a new value, as shown in boldface text in the following code snippet.

Public Sub ChangeAcctDescription(ByVal Acctpath As String, _

ByVal DescValue As String)

Dim objDirEnt As DirectoryEntry

objDirEnt = New DirectoryEntry(Acctpath)
objDirEnt .Properties(“Description”)(0) = DescValue
objDirEnt .CommitChanges*)
Catch E As Exception
Console.WriteLine(“ERROR: “& E.Message)
End Try
End sub

All that’s involved in changing the property is obtaining the key

name of a property in theproperties collection (a propertycollection
class) and specifying the item index (in this case, 0).
Then we can assign a new value.
Changes aren’t permanent until the Commitchanges() method is
called and the application has sufficient permissions to modify the
4.7 Using Message Queues
➢ MICROSOFT MESSAGE QUEUES (MSMQ) is an integral part of many
enterprise applications.
➢ It plays a key role in the scalability and robustness of transaction intensive
➢ MSMQ facilitates communication between disparate components or system
by passing messages.
➢ It robustness comes from the fact that sender and receiver don’t need a
currently active network connection to communicate.
❑ Message queuing works by using a store-and-forward
technique for communication between system across the
❑ Consider your e-mail system. It is a method of
communication between two parties, but unlike “live”
forms of communication, like a telephone conversation
that relies on the fact that both parties are actively
❑ E-mail does not require you to be present to receive a
❑ An e-mail message to you is received by the mail server
and is stored there until you retrieve it. Hence, the name
store-and-forward communication.
You can create four different types of queues in MSMQ

1. Public queues are published in ACTIVE DIRECTORY SERVICES, which

enables any computer within the ACTIVE DIRECTORY SERVICES forest to
access the public queues.
2. Private queues can be accessed only on the local computer on which they
were created. System queues are a type of private queue reserved by the
operating system for storage of administrative messages.
3. Dead-letter queues are reserved for storing messages that cannot be
delivered to their destination.
4. Transactional queues receive messages within a transaction boundary.

❖ We will create a new public queue and a function

called CreatePublicQueue (), that returns a
MessageQueue object.
❖ The MessageQueue object provides the
functionality needed to access message queues.
Public Function CreatePublicQueue (
Byval Qname As String ) As MessageQueue
Dim objQueue As MessaeQueue

If Not MessageQueue. Exists (“.\” & Qname ) Then
objQueue = MessageQueue. Create (“.\” & Qname )
objQueue = New MessageQueue (“.\” & Qname )
End If
CreatePublicQueue = objQueue

Catch E As Exception
Console.Writing (“Error: “& E.Message)
End Try

End Function
▪ Sending a message to queue is simple.
● The following example sends a String object to the queue, you can send any
object type ( System.Object) to the queue using the Send () method.
Public Sub SendMessageToQueue(
Byval Q As MessageQueue, Byval Msg As String )
Q. Send( Msg)
End Sub
o Dequeuing a message is done by calling the
Receive() method.
o This method returns a Message object, which
contains the body of the message queue plus many
different message characteristics.
Public Function Dequeue (ByVal Q As MessageQueue )
As String
Dim objQMsg As Message
objQMsg = Q.Receive()
Dequeue = objQMsg.Body
End Function
Communicating with server on the internet

▪ Communicate with servers or peers on the Internet using standard TCP/IP

Communicate with servers or peers on the Internet using standard TCP/IP the same network protocol used by many
other Internet service, including E-MAIL.

▪ The system.NET . Sockets namespace contain classes and types for establishing connection using TCP and also UDP
(User Datagram Protocol) another method of network Communication on the internet.

▪ The Microsoft.NET Framework system .Net . Sockets class wraps function of the windows Sockets API, which was the
standard way for writing Internet application software.
) another method of network Communication was the standard way for writing Internet application software.
4.8 A simple TCP client application

• TCP client application begin with establing a connection to a server.

• The TcpClient class contains functionally to open and close connection and to obtain
stream object on which to send and receive data.
• This Example implement a very Simple Web Client.
• HTTP Get command is sent over the socket connection and the response from the server is
received and then displayed.
A simple TCP server application

• The .NET Framework system .Net . Socket classes also allow you to
write TCP server.
• A program for a rudimentary TCP server that is displays incoming
data as it is received.
• The smallserver below listen for connection request and display
incoming data from the TCP client.
n for connection request and display incoming data from the TCP client.
Properties of the Tcplistener class
Server • Gets or sets a value that Indicates
• Active whether the listener’s socket has
been bound to a port started
• Server • Gets or sets the underlying
network societ.
HTTP communication

• The TCP client example showed how you can use the TcpClient class
to retrieve documents from the Web server using HTTP commands.
• Two classes in the .Net Framework, system .Net .WebRequest and
System .Net .WebResponse, handle the most of the low-level
details of HTTP based network communication.
• To implement yourself if you resorted to using the System .Net .
Sockets classes.
Method of WebResponse class
4.9 Manipulating XML Data

❖ So much has been said lately about XML that it may soon become a
household name
❖ Rightfully so because XML is the technology that drives efficient data
❖ XML based enables elegant modelling of data
❖ .NET framework has extensive support for manipulating XML data
❖ The .NET framework includes two different XML parsers
1. A tree based parser
2. A stream based parser
Creating tree based XML documents
▪The tree XML based parser reads an entire XML document
▪Memory to construct a tree data structure ture representation of the XML data
Xml Vali dating reader (objXml textreader)
Displaynode (objxmldoc.childnodes)
Catch E As Exception
End Try
End sub
Searching XML Nodes
❖ XML Node list object that contains the items that matched the query
❖ The query is expressed in a language called X path
❖ World wide web standard for searching the XML DOM

<song format =“MP3”>
<title>Eh cumpar</title>
<artist>Julius LaRosa</artist>
<song format=“co”>
<artist>front line assembly </artist>
Reading XML Data with validation

❖ Lets look at a modified example of reading in an XML document

❖ The sample below shows the previous XML file of songs with a new
❖ DTD section in boldface type that describes the valid data

<?xa1 version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

<!DOCTYPE Songs(song)>
<!ELEMENT category(#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT length(#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT song(title, artist, length, category)>
<!ATTLIST song
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
● The disadvantage of working with XML data using the tree-based DOM method: the
entire XML file is read into the DOM memory structure at once.
● It takes a lot of memory, plus the processing expense of parsing all that data.
● While dealing with large XML files that contain many records, a more efficient
method is required a stream-based mechanism.

● The XmlTextReader class is the mechanism used for reading XML data in a stream-
based fashion.
● There are many properties and methods to this class.
Here’s an example:
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Module Module1

Sub Main()
Dim objReader As XmlTextReader = Nothing
objReader = New XmlTextReader (“Songs.xml”)

while objReader.Read()
select Case objReader.NodeType
Case XmlNodeType.Element
Console.WriteLine(“<{0}>”, objReader.Name)
Case XmlNodeType.Text
Case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration
Console.WriteLine(“<?xml version=‘1.0’?>”)
Case XmlNodeType.EndElement
Console.WriteLine(“</{0}>”, objReader.Name)
End select
End While
if not (objReader Is Nothing) Then
End if
End Try
End sub
End Module

➢ It begins with creating a new XmlTextReader object in line.

➢ This program reads the entire file, so we construct a while loop beginning in line.
➢ XML files contains different types of nodes such as

✓ Document declarations

✓ Text nodes

✓ Begging and ending element nodes

✓ Entity references and so on.

➢ Each of the can be identified using the Node Type property of the XmlTextReader class.
➢ In this example, select…case block is to format the value of the node for display to the console.
➢ At the end of the loop, the program checks if all nodes have been read by checking whether XmlTextReader class contains a null
reference (nothing).
➢ If so, the program closes the stream.
● Just as we read XML file using XmlTextReader, we can also write XML file
using XmlTextWriter class.
● The following code shows the use of XmlTextWriter class.
Here’s a program to demonstrate:
Sub XmlWriteDemo()
Dim writer As new XmlTextWriter (“Sample.xml”, Nothing)

writer.Formating = Formating.Intended

writer.WriteComment (“Stream-XML Write demo”)

writer.WriteStartElement (“Songs”)
writer.WriteStartElement (“Song”)

writer.WriteStartAttribute (“”, “Format”, “”)

writer.WriteString (“MP3”)

writer.WriteStartElement (“title”)
writer.WriteString (“Plasticity”)

writer.WriteStartElement (“artist”)
writer.WriteString (“Front line assembly”)
writer.WriteStartElement (“category”)
writer.WriteString (“Industrial”)

writer.WriteStartElement (“length”)
writer.WriteString (“406”)

writer.WriteEndElement ()
writer.WriteEndElement ()


Dim doc As New XmlDocument()


End sub
➢ This functions begins with creating a new XmlTextWriter object in line.
➢ The default behaviour of the XmlTextWriter class is not to include any of the white
➢ The behaviour can be changed by setting the Formatting property as shown in line.
➢ A comment block to the file with the writeComment() method in a line.
➢ XML file to begin a code is WriteStartElement() and to end a code with
➢ Like the beginning and ending, WriteStartElement() and WriteEndElement(), we use
WriteEndAttribute() method in line and WriteEndAttribute() method in line.
➢ The text of the attribute is added with WriteString() method in line.
● XML is great for representing structured data, but it cant be displayed to the
user in any meaningful way.
● XML is human-readable.
● It would be useful to transform XML data into a more convenient format for
● One can accomplish this by using XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet
Transformation) and XslTransform class.
Here’s a small program to demonstrate
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Xsl

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim objXSLT As XslTransform()
Catch E As Exception
Console.WriteLine(“ERROR:“ & E.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Sending Internet E-mail
The Syetem.Web.Mail namespace offers classes that support Internet E-mail messages
using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP).

E-mail message can be sent as plain text or HTML format and can include file attachments.

The SMTP functionally included in the System.Web.Mail namespace requires an available


The server must grant appropriate permission to the sender of the e-mail for the message to
be properly routed to its destination.

The server can include any host from LAN or on the Internet.

SMTP server with IIS 5.0 can also be included.

The System.Web.Mail namespace has three classes that provide all the SMTP functionality
to send messages:
(i) SMTPMail
(ii)MailMessage (no methods)
(iii) MailAttachment (no methods)
Property of SmtpServer

SmtpServer – the host name of smtp server. If it is omitted, IIS 5.0 SMTP service
naming on the local machine is used.

Method of SmtpMail Class

Send - sends the mail message

Properties of the Mail Message class

Attachments – a collection of mailAttachment objects representing attachment to send

with the e-mail message

BCC – a semicolon delimited list of e-mail address that receive a blind carbon copy of
the e-mail message.

BodyEncoding –The encoding type of the e-mail body

BodyFormat – The content type of the e-mail body either MailFormat.Text,

Cc – A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses that receive a carbon
copy (CC) of the e-mail message

From – The e-mail address if the sender.

Header – Custom headers to send along with the message.

Priority - The priority of the e-mail message: MailPriority.High,

MailPriority.Low or MailPriority.Normal

Subject – The subject line of the e-mail message

To – The e-mail message of the recipient

UrlcontentBase – The base URL to use for all relative links included in the
body of the e-mail message.
UrlContentLocation – Gets or sets the Content – Location HTTP header for the e-mail message.

Properties of MailAttachment
Encoding – The encoding used to encode the e-mail attachment : either MailEncoding.Bse64 or

Filename – The Pathname to the file attachment.

Unit - IV
A code which is written to get the
service of the managed runtime
environment execution lie CLR(Common
Language Runtime)in.NET Framework is
know as Managed code . It always
implemented by the managed runtime
environment instead of directly executed
by the operating system.
The application is written in the
language like java, C#, VB.Net , etc.
❑ It improved the security of the application like when we use runtime
environment, it automatically checks the memory buffer to guard against
buffer overflow.
❑ It implement the garbage collection automatically
❑ It also provides runtime type checking/dynamic type checking.
❑ It also provides reference checking which means it checks whether the
reference point to the valid object or not and also check they are not

❑ The main disadvantage of managed language is that we are not allowed

to allocated memory directly, or we cannot get the low-level access of the
CPU architecture.
o A code which is directly executed by the
operating system is known as
Unmanaged code. It always aimed for
the processor architecture and depends
upon computer architecture.

o In other words, whenever we want to

execute the same code for the different
architecture we have to recompile that
code again according to that architecture.

o The application written in VB 6.0, C, C++

etc always in unmanaged code.
❑ It also providers direct access to the hardware.
❑ It provides the low-level access to the programmer.
❑ It allows the programmer to bypass some parameters and restriction that are
used by the managed code framework.
❑ It does not provide security to the application.
❑ Due to the access to memory allocation the issues related to memory occur
like memory buffer overflow, etc.
❑ Error and exception are also handled by the programmer.
❑ It does not focus on garbage collection.

Managed Code Unmanaged Code

❖ It is executed by managed ❖ It is executed directly by the
runtime environment or operating system.
managed by the CLR .
❖ It provide security to the
❖ It does not provide any
application written in.NET security to the application.
Framework. ❖ Memory buffer over-flow
❖ Memory buffer overflow does may occur.
not occur. ❖ It provide low-level access
❖ It does not provide low-level to the programmer.
access to the programmer.
❖ The source code is compiled ❖ The source code directly
in the intermediate language compile into native
known as IL or MISL or CIL. language.


•The runtime environment for the .Net frame work is called the common language
•Virtual machine components of Microsoft
•Data types is known as the common type system.
•Data types include simple value types, classes, enumerated value types,
interfaces and delegates
•Simple value data types include primitive types.
•Primitive types include integers, Boolean valuesa and strings
.Net data type class name VB.Net data type
● Byte Byte
● Int16 Short
● Int32 Integer
● Int64 Long
● String String
● Boolean Boolean
•Just in time Compilation compiles MSIL code right at the moment.
•The JIT compiler also peeforms security checks and verifies type safety.
•The component in the .Net framework is the assembly.
•An assembly is a collection of files, typically .d11 files and resource files.
•The portected spaces are known as application domains.
•Application domains can enforce security policies.
•Consume fewer system resources is the advantage of inherit type safety of the
.Net framework code.
5.3 Com + component services

● The .NET Framework leverages many existing Windows

services to make it a more robust application environment.
● A particular technology that deserves attention is COM+
Component Services.
● These technologies were the predecessors to the .NET
Framework. To see how COM+ Component Services fits
into the .NET Framework arena, let's explore a little about
these technologies.
Overview of com

● COM objects are roughly equivalent to normal classes, but

COM defines how these objects interact with other programs at
the binary level.
● By binary to the compiled code, with all the methods and
member variables of the class already built into an object.
● This "binary encapsulation" allows you to treat each COM
object as a "black box’.
● This "binary encapsulation" is used treat each COM object as
a "black box."
● In the Windows environment, these binary objects (COM
objects) are packaged as either DLLs or executable programs.
● COM is also backed by a series of utility functions that provide
routines for instantiating COM objects, process communication,
and so on.
● COM was the first methodology to address object-oriented
software reuse. COM has enjoyed great commercial success;
many third-party software vendors provide COM objects to
perform a wide range of tasks, from e-mail to image processing
Overview of transaction

● a transaction is a unit of work.

● The success or failure of the transaction depends on whether
or not all of the smaller steps are completed successfully.
● If a failure occurs at any point during a transaction.
● A transaction is committed when all steps have succeeded. A
failed transaction causes a rollback to occur (the "undo"
ACID principles Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.
● Atomicity means that either the operation that the component
performs is completely successful or the data that the component
operates on does not change at all. This is important because if the
transaction has to update multiple data items.
● Consistency deals with preserving the system state in the case of a
transaction failure.
● Isolation means that a transaction acts as though it has complete
control of the system. this means that transactions are executed one
at a time. state consistent two components executed at the same time
that operate on the same data can compromise the integrity of the
● Durability is the ability of a system to return to any state that was
present before the execution of a transaction.

● Get the amount to be transferred, and check the source

account for sufficient funds.
● Deduct the transfer amount from the source account.
● Get the balance of the destination account, and add the
amount to be transferred to the balance.
● Update the destination account with the new balance.
Automatic transactions

● Many database systems include internal support for

● Such database systems contain native commands to begin,
abort, and commit transactions.
● Using a database's internal transaction-processing system is
referred to as manual transaction processing.
● automatic transactions are controlled by a system external to
the database management system (DBMS).
● Earlier versions of Windows (95/98/NT) provide automatic
transaction services using Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS).
● MTS works by coordinating database updates made by COM
components grouped into a logical unit called a package.
● Each component in the package participates in the transaction.
● MTS then makes a determination to continue based on the
success of the last component's signal of success or failure.
● If the transaction step was unsuccessful, the transaction is
aborted immediately.
● If all steps execute successfully, MTS commits the transaction
and tells the DBMS to commit changes to the data.
COM+ Application

● The release of window 2000 came the next version of

● Performance enhancing features including load
● Which uses microsoft message Queue Server to
handling request for COM+ components.
● Individual COM+ components in an Applications can
be assigned different level of involvement in an
automatic transformation.
COM+ Automatic Transaction Support Levels
Transaction Support Description

Disabled No transaction services are ever loaded by

COM+ Computer Services.
Not Supported This is the default setting for new MTS
components Execution of the component is
always outside a transaction regardless of
whether or not a transaction has been initiated
for the component.
Supported You may run the component inside or outside a
transaction without any ill effects.
Required The component must run inside a transaction.

Required New The component needs its own transaction in

which to run. If the component is not called from
within a transaction, a new transaction is
automatically created.
COM+ Security
● Security of paramount importance, especially for
application in ended to run on the internet.
● COM+ component service provides a security
infrastructure for applications that uses to window
2000/XP users and groups.
● A role is a defined set of duties performed by particular
● The role based security is not only easy to implement.
● This type of security is implemented programmatically
using special .NET.
. Net classes and COM+ components Services

● Thus far. discussions about COM+ component

service, transactions and Security deal specifically
with COM+ components.
● COM+ still remain a dominate a technology and is a
signification part of windows.
● The architecture for. Net managed components was
designed to take advantage of all the futures COM+.
Building Web Services
- Lesson 6
Standards – Based Functionality (XML and HTTP)
• The framework for web services in founded in open Internet standards; no part of web services uses proprietary technology.

• HTTP is the substrate for all communications between components and clients of those components.

• HTTP network traffic flows across firewalls since it uses the same network port as other web traffic.

• The payload of these communications is contained inside a special XML data format called the Simple Object Access

• Web services form a communication method that allows components to communicate with clients and each other.

• Components using different architecture can talk with each other using web services.
Separation of Data from presentation
• Websites are used by many people for day to day task.

• Though the information are provided to the user by mouse clicks, the limitation is that the data is tied to an HTML page, which in turn
to the computer and a web browser.

• As the demand grows devices such as PDA, cell phones , notebook computers , home refrigerator have wireless capabilities and can
access internet sites.

• As the size of the screen is small, only few lines of text can be displayed and they cannot display graphics. This makes the
traditional browsing impossible.

• Traditional applications that attempt to use services provided by websites also has limitations.

• If the websites are exposed that look functionality as the web service, it would return only the relevant data.
Overview of Web Services
web services are compiled classes that are contained within .asmx file.

The .asmx File

• The .asmx file contains code, such as Visual Basic, that is compiled into a class.

• This file contains a special page directive and identifies the file to the compiler as a web service.

• Another page directive specifies the name of the web service class.


<%@ webservice language =“VB” class =“sampleweb” %>

Imports System.Web.Services
Web Service classes and web methods:
Web service begins with class definition

Public Class samweb

Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService

<WebMethod> Public Function jhe() As String

jhe= “Hello”
End Function

End Class

The class starts by inheriting from System.Web.Services.WebService - is the class which supports web services.

It exposes ASP.NET intrinsic object such as those used for session and state management

<WebMethod> - Specifies that the member function will be publicly exposed through the web service.
This attribute class allows to define an optional description for the web method and specify additional parameters that can alter the
behaviour of the web method.
Web Service Description Language

Web Services have the ability to describe themselves, ie, they can tell clients how to call their
methods , what the parameters and types are and what data types to expect as return values from
those methods.

This is done by describing the web service through an XML data format called web service
description language(WSDL)

WSDL describes the methods of a web service , the data type definitions, the parameter definitions
of each method the supported wire formats for calling the web service, the URL where the web
service is located and other supporting information.
Web Service Discovery:

Discovery files, provide information about the location of web services and their
corresponding WSDL.

The web service framework provides two method for discovering web services

Static discovery and dynamic discovery

Static discovery

It allows to explicitly define the location of individual web services.

It allows to group together the location of web services into a logical unit.

This is stored in a XML file with extension .disco extension

Managing state in web services
Web services provide the same state-management capabilities.

Web services can use ASP.NET state management using the Session and Application objects

Web service class contains many of the same objects that ASP.NET uses.

httpSessionState class is used to maintain a count of how many times the web service is used during a session.
Using Transactions in web services
Web services can participate in a COM+ component services transaction by
specifying a TransactionOption in the WebMethod() attributee

The two preliminary requirements for using a transaction in a web service are

1. Include import statements such as

Imports System
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.EnterpriseServices
2. The transaction option must be set for web methods that will execute as part of
a transaction.

The RequiresNew option will begin the new transaction.

When the code of the web method finishes executing, it will automatically commit
or roll back the transaction based on whether or not an exception is thrown inside
web method.
Data access technologies originates from file based data stores to ADO.NET .

Flat files
Before relational database management systems(DBMS) were widely used, data were stored in flat files.

Flat files refers to any kind of data existing in files and they are not a part of DBMS.

They are also called as text files.

Fixed - length files store their data in records separated by a terminating character.

Each element of data in the record occupies to fixed number of characters, padded with white-space
characters as needed to fill the fixed length.
Flat files are not very flexible as a data-storage solution for several resons

• Flat files limit the kind of data that can be stored in them since, they can contain only textual data
• Flat files don’t work well in multiuser situation because the operating systems typically limit the amount
of streams that can be opened on a file.
• Problems with dat integrity arise out of concurrent updates with flat files.

Legacy or mainframe data

Some companies wants to keep pace with the web revolution. So they need a way to expose the data to the
web in a way that is minimally intrusive.

This process is known as screen scraping, it retrieves data from a virtual terminal session with the

This virtual terminal session is triggered by server side code invoked from a web page.

The program controlling the terminal session, in turn passes the “scraped” data back to the browser.
Proprietary Database API’s

Database systems are shipped with an API that was specific to that particular database system.

Standardization of data access was made using SQL.

SQL is the primary language used to describe queries to a database but the underlying programming
models used to access data from application code are fragmented.

Some language compilers support embedded SQL, which allows programmers to place SQL
Statements inline with the host language.


Standard API for data access was done with the help of Open Database Connectivity(ODBC).

For a database to be ODBC complaint, the database vendor should provide ODBC Driver software that
translated the ODBC API calls into the native database query language.

Drawbacks of ODBC

1. ODBC is designed to be used only with C/C++.

2. It requires many calls to the ODBC API to perform the simplest operations.

With the introduction of COM and its language independent architecture, a new technology called OLE DB
came into existence.

OLE-DB communicates with a data provider , which is the software that provides access to the physical

The data provider enables programmers to write OLE – DB Code which communicates with ODBC data
sources using the COM methodology.

It provides fastest access to data.

It provides an easy programming interface to data sources.

It serves as a wrapper around OLE-DB to make programming easier.

It unifies the functionality of previous data access methods and reduces the number of objects in the
programming interface.

It is also referred as “universal data access”

ADO .NET : The next generation of data access technology

Flexibility in a mixed platform environment :

ADO passed data to its component using TCP/IP protocol. But ports were blocked by
firewall. This hampered interoperability, which is the key platform behind .NET platform.

In ADO.NET, XML,HTTP are used to work around the interoperability problem.

Data records are encoded and transported using XML and HTTP.

XML is the format of choice for representing structured or hierarchical data

HTTP can easily ferried across firewalls along with the normal web traffic.

XML is a open standard , so even non-Microsoft platform can be used to retrieve data.
ADO.NET Programming Objects and Architecture

The architecture of ADO.NET is divided into two areas :

(i) Data set class and (ii) .NET managed provider

Data set class

It includes tables, columns, views and keys.
It has the ability to track changes made to itself
It doesn't have active connection with the data base

It has various objects. The major ones are

(i) The DataTable and DataTableCollection objects

• DataTable object is tabular representation of data.
• It has rows and columns .
• Like database it has the primary key.
• There is no limitation to the number of DataTable objects that a DataSet object.
• All the DataTable objects and DataSet object are housed in the DataTableCollection object.

(ii) The Datarow and DatarowCollection objects

• Each row in a DataTable object is represented by a DataRow object.
• The DataRow object contains the data that belongs to a particular record.
• All of the DataRow object are kept in the DataRowCollection object
(iii) The Datacolumn and DatacolumnCollection objects
• Columns are represented using DataColumn object
• DataColumn objects can be used to refer to a specific field in a DataTable or DataRow.
• All the DataColumn objects reside in the DataColumnCollection Object

(iv) The DataView Object

• A DataView object serves several functions.
• It provides a view of the data in the DataTable object
• This view can contain a sorted and filtered version of the data.

(iv) The DataRelation and DataRelationCollection objects

• DataRelation objects are used to represent foreign key relationships among DataTable objects.
• DataRelationCollection object contains all the DataRelation objects in the DataSet.


DataSet object is used to manipulate data that originated from a variety of formats. The .NET Managed Data
provider handles connecting to a database, execution of queries and retrieval of results. These result populate
the DataSet object.
.NET Managed Data provider is made up of four base classes. They are:
(i) The Connection class : it is used to provide a connection to a database and controlling manual
(ii) The Command class : this object executes queries and stored procedure.
(iii) The DataReader class: this object provides fast, forward only, read only access to data. This is useful to
process a large number of records from a database but don’t need to update the data or have random
access to it.
(iv) The DataAdapter class: This object’s job is to populate DataSet objects with data retrieved from the

.NET Framework ships with the following Data Providers:

(i) The SQL Server .NET Managed Data Provider: This provider is used for connecting to Microsoft SQL
Server 7.0/2000 and Microsoft MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine)database servers.
(ii) The OLE-DB .NET Managed Data Provider: This provider is designed to connect to Microsoft SQL Server
6.5 or earlier Oracle and Microsoft Access.
(iii) The ODBC .NET Managed Data Provider : This driver is used when connecting to database systems that
provide only in ODBC driver as an interface.
Displaying Database Data

• IDataReader Interface is used read the data from a single database.

IDataReader Interface

The IDataReader is an interface(an abstract class). So it contains no implementation of its own.

It is a part of System.Data namespace. Some of the other interface included in this namespace is
IDataAdapter,IDbConnection, and IDbCommand.

ADO.NET allows the .NET Managed data provider code to implement the various interfaces.
For Eg:
The SQL Server .NET Managed Data Provider provides an implementation of the IDataReader
interface with a class in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace called SQLDataReader database
Properties and methods of IDataReader interface


1. Depth - sets the depth of nesting for the current row

2. IsClosed – has a value True if the data reader is closed
3. RecordsAffected – specifies the number of rows affected by the execution of the SQL statement.


1. Close –closes the IDataReader

2. GetSchemaTable – Returns a DataTable object with schema data
3. NextResult – gets the next result when reading the results of batch SQL statements.
4. Read – advances to the next record.

The SQLConnection class handles connection to an SQL Server.

This class implements the IDBConnection interface for the SQL Server .NET Managed Data Provider.
SQL Server connection strings typically supply a host name (data source), a database name (Initial Catalog)
, a user name (uid) and password (pwd).
Open the connection to the database using open() method.
After the connection is successfully established the query is run by SqlCommand object, a class that
implements the IDbCommand interface, with the CreateCommand() method.

In SQL query is specified by setting the CommandText property.

The records are read by using SqlDataReader object

The read() method is used to read a record

The GetString() method is used to read the field value as a string.
The Close() method cleans up the SqlDataReader object.

Properties of the SqlConnection class

ConnectionString – specifies the connection string to be used for opening an SQL Server database
ConnectionTimeout - sets the maximam time( in seconds) to wait for successful connection
Database – specifies the name of the database to which to connect
DataSource – specifies the SQLinstance to which to connect.
PacketSize – sets the size of network packets to use when communicating with SQL Server
ServerVersion –specifies the Version of the server
State – gets the current state of the connection : BROKEN, CLOSED,CONNECTING,EXECUTING,FETCHING
WorkstationId – specified the identifier of the database client.
Methods of SqlConnection class

BeginTransaction – starts a database transaction

ChangeDatabase – changes the database on an open connection
Close – closes the connection to the database
CreateCommand – creates a new SqlCommand object for the current connection
Open – opens the database connection using the connection string.

Properties of the SqlCommand class

CommandText - identifies the SQL/Transact – SQL statement to execute

CommandTimeout – sets the maximum time to wait for the completion of a command
CommandType – determines how to interpret the CommandText string : as StoredProcedure, TableDirect,

Connection – specifies the SqlConnection to use for excecution of this command

DesignTimeVisible – has a value of True if the object is visible on a windows forms designer control
Parameters – returns the SqlParameterCollection
Transaction – specifies the SqlTransaction object to use for the command
UpdatedRowSource – determines how command results are applied to the DataRow object when used by
the Update() method of the DbDataAdapter.
Working with Command Parameters
Command can be constructed in two ways they are :
(i) supplying a formatted string to CommandText. This is done by taking combination of values form
variables, converting them to strings, and concatenating them to build a Transact-SQL statement. This is
applied for simple queries. When queries become complex they are prone to errors.

(ii) Constructing commands using SqlParameter objects to supply parameter to Transt-SQL statements.

SqlParameter objects:
SqlParameter Class

Represents a parameter to a SqlCommand and optionally its mapping to DataSet columns. This class cannot be inherited.

Whenever a name is specified for the ParameterName property of the SqlParameter object it is in
the following form :
After creating the SqlParameter object we need to assign values to the class properties.
ParameterName property assigns the corresponding parameter name specified in the CommandText
DbType is set with the data type of the parameter

Displaying data in a DataGrid control

The DataGrid control works with template columns, which allow to specify exactly how the data items
will appear in the grid.

The template column can contain child controls, eg, Label, textbox etc.,

If template column is used, then the AutoGenerateColumns property is set to false.

DataKeyField states which field is to be used as key for updating edited rows.

DataSource property is set with ExecuteReader() method of IDataReader interface.

Editing Data in the DataGrid Control
To make DataGrid editable three event handlers are written for three events they are (i) EditCommand
(ii) CancelCommand and (iii) UpdateCommand

EditCommand event

Private Sub MyDataGrid_EditCommand( ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As
DataGridCommandEventArgs) Handles MyDataGrid.EditCommand

The Handles keyword is used to designate which event is written for event handler.

Event handling function consists of the Object parameter and the DataGridCommandEventArgs parameter.

Which row is going to be edited can be determined by the specifics in the DataGridCommandEventArgs

The DataGrid can be set to edit mode by assigning the EditItemIndex property of the DataGrid Control to
the index of the row that was selected.
Canceling an edit is done by setting the EditItemIndex to -1

the parameters which is to be updated is attached to the SQL UPDATE command and then the
ExecuteNonQuery() method is used to execute the update.

Working with the DataSet and DataTable objects

Data access is an operation that involves connecting, retrieving and updating database.

New concepts are introduced in ADO.NET for data access. The use of system resource is decreased by this
new concept.

1. A snapshot of the database data is taken.

2. The data is transferred to the client.
3. Then the connection is disconnected immediately.

4. The client then proceeds to query and update this downloaded data.
5. When the changes have been completed, the client uploads the changed data to the server.
6. The server then reconciles any changes to the database automatically.
ADO.NET can represent table, columns,keys and relations in memory.
The DataSet Class Summary

Properties of DataSet class

1. CaseSensitive – has the value of True if string comparisons within the DataSet object are case-sensitive.
2. DataSetName – specifies the name of the DataSet object
3. DefaultViewManager – returns a DatViewManager object used for filtering, searching and navigating
4. EnforceConstraints – has a value true if constraint rules are to be considered when attempting any
update operation.
5. ExtendedProperties – returns a collection of custom information supplied by the user
6. HasErrors - has a value of true if there are errors in any of the rows of the DataSet object
7. Locale – specifies the geographic region and rules to govern DataSet operation in CultureInfo object
8. Namespace – specifies the namespace of the DataSet object.
Maintaining Data Integrity with the Data Relation class
The tables in the database are linked to each other by foreign key and constraints.
In ADO.NET it is accomplished using DataRelation class and Constraint class.

An important functionality in database system is to maintain Data Integrity.

Data in the database are expected to be valid for the type of objects modeled.

Properties of DataRelation class

1. ChildColumns – Returns DataColumn object of this relation
2. ChildKeyConstraint – Gets the ForeignKeyConstraint for the relation
3. ChildTable – returns the child table of this relations
4. DataSet – returns the DataSet object to which the DataRelation object belongs
5. ExtendedProperties – returns the customized property collection
6. Nested – has a valur of True if DataRelation objects are needed
7. ParentColumns – returns an array of DataColumn objects that are the parent columns of this
DataRelation object
8. ParentKeyConstraint – returns the UniqueConstraint of the parent column
9. ParentTable – returns the parent DataTable object of this DataRelation object
10. RelationName – specifies the name of the DataRelation object
Methods of DataRelation Class

CheckedStateForProperty - checks for a valid DataRelation object.

Using Manual Database Transactions

Automatic Transactions is provided in COM+ component service

ADO.NET provides manual transactions using SqlTransaction class and the SqlConnection class.

Properties of SqlTransaction Class

IsolationLevel – specifies the IsolationLevel for this transaction:

chaos, ReadCommitted,ReadUncommitted, RepeatableRead,Serializable, or
Unspecified(IsolationLevel enumeration)

Methods of the SqlTransaction class

1. Commit – commits the database transaction

2. Rollback – Rolls back the current transaction

1. Rollback()
2. Rollback(ByVal transactionName As String)

Save - creates a svepoint in the transaction to which a roll back can return

Save(ByVal savePointName As string)

Working with Typed DataSet objects

One of the powerful features of the.NET framework lies in the exgensibility of the class libraries.

Many of the classes in the .NET framework can be extended through inheritance.

The DataSet is one such class. By creating a new application- specific class that inherit from the DataSet
class, can access table, column, and row information in a strongly typed fashion( the object can be
referenced by name rather than using a collection based index.

Productivity enhancement can achieved using VS.NET IDE. The editor offers help through Intellisense with
method property names for the typed DataSet object.
Securing .NET Applications
Protecting the site comes down to two tasks for a site administrator

1. Provide a way to restrict site access so that only authenticated users can visit the site.

2. Make sure that the data transmitted between the web user and the web server cannot be intercepted by a third

A secure system involves implementing the following processes.

It is the process by which the system determines a user’s identity. The most common type of authentication
is the combination of user name and password. Other means of authentication includes biometric devices, retinal
scans, voice prints etc. It is the first step in any diligent security process.

It is the process of determining which resources an authenticated user can access and how those resources can
be used. Users in a multiuser system have varying levels of privileged use assigned to them. The most common type of
authorization deals with how files can be accessed.Eg: some person may be able to read a particular file but not write
to it.
Impersonation :
It is the process of taking a user’s identity and having it assume the identity of another user or entity. This simplifies
the work required in the authentication of public servers. It removes the need to assign user accounts to anonymous users
since you have a shared account for public use.

Windows Security
The windows operating system is designed in such a way that any action you perform on the computer involves a
security check.

It follows that whenever the user is working inside the windows environment and the user should have an

This is the user account. These user names are stored in user accounts database.

The user accounts database can exist in two different areas,

1. Server – whenever a user attempt to gain access to the server. The security check is performed against the database
residing on the server. The accounts in this database is called as local user accounts.

2. PDC (Primary Domain Controller) - it is used to authenticate users on a local area network. The local area network may
have many servers. These servers are grouped to form a domain. The PDC provides a centralized area for authentication
to occur for the machines in the domain. If the server wished to gain access to a particular server’s resource within
The domain, the user need to log into PDC.

File / Object System security:

Windows can secure many different types of resources.

Any object on windows system contains priveleges associated with it in an access control list(ACL)
The ACL contains a list of security identifiers(SID’s) that correspond to a user account.
whenever a request is made , the currently logged in user is matched against the user SID in the ACL for the
resource. The system then decides whether to grant access or not.

Windows NT stores files in file allocation table (FAT) method. Since windows NT has multiuser operating system , it requires
security protections of a multiuser system. Different security attributes are assigned to files which includes the users who
are allowed to access which files and in what ways(read, write and execute)

User Rights, Groups and Policies

IIS Authentication and Authorization Security

IIS implements its own authentication mechanisms and controls how to authenticate users.

Anonymous Access
IIS provides the ability for an anonymous user to access files on the web server without having to supply his or her

By default, IIS enables this type of access. When it is not enabled, the user’s web browser would pop up a dialog box
asking for a user name and password.

With anonymous access enabled, IIS performs retrieval of files by using special windows user account , called as web
guest. It has privileges to access files. This account is created upon installation of IIS. It is named IUSR machine name,
where machine name is the name of the windows server.

The password is also configured automatically,making the entire authentication process transparent to the user.

The following are the reasons why the anonymous users do not gain access
1. The IUSR_machine name account is assigned guests permissions only. Which indicates that the anonymous access
account is a member of default windows guest account.

2. It has limited permission only.

3. The users in the guest group has read permission only. The user can view the file in the web server.

4. Execute permission is given if .aspx files need to be executed.

IIS allows web users to view files in the virtual directory spaces only. A web user cannot specify a URL that points to a
directory outside of this virtual directory space to gain access to a file.

Using cracking techniques of If the unauthorized user does know the path of a protected file, the permission set on the
file will not include accounts in the guest group. Thus, the system will deny access.

BASIC Authentication:

This is the security implemented in the HTTP protocol.

BASIC Authentication uses the HTTP response headers to signal that a user name and password are required to access
the web page.

How it works:
1. A request is made for a document, so an HTTP GET command is issued by the browser that looks like:
GET /passed.aspx HTTP/1.0
2. IIS sees that the file, passwd.aspx is protected from guest access. So it return a 401 status code in the HTTP response.
The 401 status code indicated that password authorization is required to access the file.

3. The 401 HTTP triggers a password dialog box to appear in the user’s browser. Now the user needs to send the user
name and password information. When this information is entered the username and the password are concatenated
into a single string separated by a colon (:).

4. This string is then encoded using basic64 encoding algorithm.

5. The encoded string is placed inside the HTTP header with the following request.

Base64encoded string contains the Base64-encoded version of the user name and password string.

If the user name and password given match the user credentials, the user is grated access. A normal 200 status code is
returned along with the contents of the request.

Though the password is encoded using Base64 encoding algorithm, it can be easily decoded using any cracking tool. The
authentication used can be changed by the web server by using IIS configuration tools.
Integrated Windows Authentication:

This provides strong security.

Using this method the username and the password are not transmitted over the network. The user’s web
browser does not prompt for username and password , instead the browser uses the user name and password
used by the user when logging into the local workstation.

It is not the best choice for two reasons:

1. Internet Explorer is the only browser that supports Integrated Windows Authentication.
2. Many internet users have internet access only through firewall / prox. This may create problem with the
network connection used for the authentication.

It is very useful in an intranet setting where persistent connection are more reliable.

Digital Authentication
It involves authentication using hashes. A hash is a fixed – length value that is derived from a chunk of data
using a secret data string.
Implementing Data Encryption
The .NET Framework SDK includes classes for performing data encryption.
These classes are part of System.Security.Cryptography namespace.
RC2CryptoServiceProvider object provides a wrapper for the windows cryptographic server provider.

Properties of RC2CryptoServiceProvider class

BlockSize – gets or sets the block size (in bits) of the cryptographic operation

EffectiveKeySize – gets or sets the effective size O(in bits) of the secret key used by the RC2 algorithm,

FeedbackSize – gets or sets the feedback size (in bits) of the cryptographic operation

IV – gets or sets the initialization vector for the symmetric algorithm.

Key – gets or sets the secret key for the symmetric algorithm

KeySize – gets or sets the size of the secret keyused by the RC2 algorithm

LegalBlockSizes –gets the block sizes supported by the symmetric algorithm

LegalKeySizes – Gets the key sizes that are supported by the symmetric algorithm.

Mode – gets or sets the mode for operation of the symmetric algorithm

Padding – gets or sets the padding used in symmetric algorithm

KeySize property is inherited from the RC2 and the other properties are inherited from symmetric algorithm.

The System.Security.Crytography classes inherit functionality from other classes.

RC2CryptoServiceProvider class inherits much of the functionality from the base class RC2 which inturn inherits from
SymmetricAlgorithm class.

The base classes are provided to organize cryptographic functionality.

Methods of the RC2CryptoServiceProvider Class

CreateDecryptor – Creates a symmetric RC2 decryptor object.

CreateEncryptor – Creates a symmetric RC2 encryptor object.

GenerateIV – generates a random initialization vector to be used for algorithm.

GenerateKey – generates a random key to be used for the algorithm.

ValidKeySize – determines whether the specified key size is valid for the current algorithm.

ICryptoTransform interface defines the basic operations of cryptographic transformation.

The members in this interface performs the actual encryption and decryption on the blocks of data.

The encryption process begins by reading the contents of the input file into a byte array.

The write() method of the CryptoStream Object is used to dump the contents of the input Byte array to the output file
(encrypted) file.
Properties of CryptoStream class

CanRead – gets a value indicating whether the current

CryptoStream object is readable

CanSeek – gets a value indicating whether the current

CryptoStream object is seekable

CanWrite – gets a value indicating whether the current

CryptoStream object is writable

Length - gets the length in bytes of the stream

Position – gets or sets the position within the current stream.

Methods Of CryptoStream Class

FlushFinalBlock – updates the underlying data source or repository with the current state of the buffer, then
clears the buffer.

Seek – sets the position within the current stream.

SetLengh –sets the length of the current stream

ASP.NET Authentication security
Authentication is the process of allowing certain users access to privileged resources.
ASP.NET accomplishes this through authentication providers.

There are three different authentication providers Forms-Based, Windows, and Passport.

The Form-Based Authentication Provider

The Form-Based Authentication Provider uses developer-made HTML forms to collect user identification
information information (user name and password).

Whenever the user requests the privileged resource for which the current use credentials do not suffice, a client-side
redirection to an HTML form can be made.

The user credentials are collected for the resource at the login page.

If the login passes the user is allowed to access the resource.

The form based authentication provider works by using browser cookies.

For each request to a protected web site, ASP.NET checks to see if there is an authentication ticket attached to the request.

This authentication ticket is in the form of a browser cookie.

Upon successful login, a cookie is generated with the user’s identity.

An expiration time is set on the authentication ticket which is useful if a user logs in and then leaves his or her desk.

The time out period will expire and the user will need to repeat the login process.

The data contained in the authentication ticket is also usually encrypted , which prevents another indomitable user from
accessing the contents.

1. Configure a special file called the web.config file.
2. The web.config file resides in the root of the ASP.NET application.
3. There is only one web.config file per application, and its use is optional.
4. It is a XML file used to store security settings for ASP.NET application.
5. There are two sessions they are <authentication> and <authorization>
6. The mode attribute designates which authentication provider to use.
7. In form-base authentication it is the forms.
8. Below the authentication node is the form node.
9. The name attribute is the name assigned to the authenticated ticket.
10. The path attribute specifies the virtual path for which the authentication ticket is valid.
11. A particular directory within the site or the entire site can be specified as members only by using “/”. This protects the
entire site.

12. The loginurl attribute specifies where the login page is located.
13. It requires a minimum of two text fields one for user name and one for password.
14. The protection attribute specifies how much security is applied for authentication ticket. Eg: All :indicated that the
authentication ticket should be encrypted and that data validation should be performed on the ticket based on
specific optional settings.
15. Time out attribute specifies how long the authentication ticket is valid. It is expressed in minutes.

16. The <credentials> node contains the user accounts information, which are pair of username and password.

17. SHA and MD5 options are specified to encrypt passwords.

The Windows Authentication Provider

It allows the use of Windows users accounts and groups to authenticate visitors to a web site.
The web.config file is set up for the windows authentication provider.
The Web.config file allows only certain users into the site.
After setting the authentication mode to “Windows” the users and groups are designated that are allowed in to the site.
The <allow> node specifies who is allowed to access the site.
The users attribute contains a comma separated list of user account names who are allowed to access the site.
The <deny> node specifies the list of users who should not access the site.
“*” indicates that all are denied access except those who are allowed in the <allow> node.
The Microsoft Passport Authentication Provider
Services such as MSN Hotmail, the free e-mail service from Microsoft.
Along with is services such as MSN messanger, Hotmail provides another service called Microsoft Passport

Passport is a centralized authentication service that allows users to visit multiple web sites and be authenticated on each of
them by logging in only once.

Using passport services requires additional software downloads and they require fee for it.

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