Assignment: Class - 12 Subject:Bio Botany Unit 2 Chapter 2 - Classical Genetics Part - A I. One Mark Questions

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Class -12 Subject:Bio Botany

Unit 2
Chapter 2 - Classical Genetics
Part - A
I. One mark questions
1. The dominant epistatis ratio is

a) 9:3:3:1 b) 12:3:1

c) 9:3:4 d) 9:6:1

2. Fruit colour in squash is an example of

a) Recessive epistasis b) Dominant epistasis

c) Complementary genes d) Inhibitary genes

3. The term Genetics was introduced by__

a) Gregor Johann Mendel b) Erich Von Tscermak

c) W.Bateson d) Carl Correns

4. A gene can exist in alternate forms for the same trait is called ___

a) Hybrids b) Alleles

c) Hereditary units d) Factors

5. Observable characteristic of an organism is.

a) Genotype b) Phenotype

c) Hybrid d) Variation

6. The result of Mendel’s dihybrid cross led him to propose____

a) Law of dominance b) Law of segregation

c) Law of independent assortment d) Law of hybrid

7. It is a genetic cross which involves individuals diffusing in two charcters.

a)Monohybrid cross b) Trihybridcross

c) Dihybridcross d) Test cross

8. Introgenic interaction does not includes___.

a) Complete dominance b) Codominance

c) Incomplete dominance d) Multiple alleles

9. An allele which has the potential to cause the death of an organism is


a) Multiple alleles b) Lethal allele

c) Single allele d) Dominant allele

10. Dominant epistasis is found in__ .

a) Antirrhinum b) Squash fruit

c) Garden pea d) Wheat

Part – B
II.Very Short Answer.
1. Define Genetics?

2. What is Population Genetics?

3. What is Codominance?

4. What are the 4 types of gametes formed by the influence of dihybridcross

5. What is Dihybrid cross?

Part – C
III. Short Answer.
1.What is incomplete dominance.

2.What is epistatic.

3.What is Reciprocal cross.

4. Define Genetics.

5. Define Atavism.

Part – D
IV.Write in detail.

1 .Write the importance of variations.

2. Explain incomplete dominance in Mirabilis jalapa.

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