Class: 9 Subject: English UNIT-2 Part - A I.One Mark Questions Find Out The Appropriate Synonyms For The Underlined Words

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Class: 9 Subject: English

Part - A

I.One Mark Questions

Find out the appropriate synonyms for the underlined
1. She spent the afternoon pruning roses.
a) skimming b) trimming
c) flourishing d) scanning

2. The blood loss and lack of food made her dizzy.

a) rusty b) silky
c) shaky d) milky

3. We were caught in the storm and got drenched to the skin.

a) muttered b) soaked
c) watery d) dry

Find out the appropriate antonyms for the underlined

4. I’m glad you came
a) pleasure b) sad
c) bright d) appreciated
5. They set up the camp on the verge of the desert.
a) bottom b) edge
c) top d) center
6. Kameshwar received a medal in reward for his bravery.
a) witty b) cowardice
c) valuable d) worthy
Choose the correct answer:
7. The house which was visited by the man.
a) remain unchanged b) was totally changed
c) was slightly repaired d) was given a facelift

8. The visitor came back to the house because he …………………….

a) wanted to see the jackfruit tree
b) wanted to look again at his old house
c) was looking for his lost youth
d) wanted to buy the house

9. The visitor gifted the ……………………to the little girl.

a) Iron cross b) marbles
c) bronze medal d) old coins

Write the full form of the following words:

10. I’ll
11. can’t
12. wasn’t

Choose the correct answer:

13. A mobile phone is…………………
a) as trend as b) trendier than
c) the trendiest d) as trendier

14. No other girls in the class is…………………Rekha.

a) as tall as b) tallest
c) taller than d) tall than

15. India registered its ……………………..medal tally in Tokyo olympic

a) highest b) as high as
c) higher than d) higher
Read the following lines and answer the questions :
I was angry with my friend ;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

16. Pick out the rhyming words

17. What is the rhyme scheme of the stanza?
18. Identity the figure of speech used in the tilte of the poem-‘A Poison
19. Find out the alliterated words in the following line.
And I sunned it with smiles.
Choose the correct answer:
20. The poet was still angry with his...........................
a) friend b) brother
c) neighbour d) foe

21. The poet compares wrath with.... ………………..

a) tree b) sky
c) river d) mountain

22. The tree was watered in.......................................

a) tears b ) fears
c) happiness d) kindness

23. The teacher in Margie’s school was a.................

a) man b) Alien
c) woman d) machine

24. Margie was..........years old.

a) 11 b) 13
c) 12 d) 18
25. Tommy found the book in the…………………………………….
a) attic b) room
c) balcony d) veranda

26. Margie always............................ school.

a) loved b) imagined
c) hated d) desired

27. The country inspector gave Margie a/ an .........…………………….

a) orange b) mango
c) chocolate d) apple

28. Margie had to write test after test in .......................................

a) Geography b) Mathematics
c) English d) Science

29. In olden days, the school was ...........................................

a) in a special building b) in an apartment
c) at home d) in open place

30. Who wrote about the old book in the diary…………………………..

a) Tommy b) Mrs. Jones
c) grandfather d)Margie

Answer the following:

31.What did the visitor hide in the jackfruit tree?
32. What was the local superstition about trees?
33. What was the old house built with?
34.Why did the visitor return to his old house?
Read the following lines from the poem and answer the
questions that follows in a sentence or two.

35. „I was angry with my friend

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.”
a) Whom does ‘I’ refer to?
b)How did the anger of the poet come to an end?

36.“In the morning glad I see

My foe outstretched beneath the tree”
a) How did the poet feel in the morning?
b) Who is the foe referred to here?

37.“And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright.”
a) What does it refer to?
b) What does apple signify?

38.“And I watered it in fears

Night and morning with my tears;”
a)How is it watered?
b)What does it refer to?

Part – B
II. Short Answer.
39. Bring out any two differences between your school and Margie’s
40. Why was Margie surprised to see the old book?

Part – C

III. Write in detail.

41. Narrate the story, ‘I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore’, in your own
42. Describe how his anger kept growing.
43. Describe Margie's mechanical teacher and her classroom in your
own words.
Part – D

1.Write a letter to your friend describing your ancestral house.

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