Pakistan Studies Igcse Notes Unit 16

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Unit 16: Pakistan’s Role in International Affairs since 1947

Q. Why did Pakistan join UN in 1947? (7)

Pakistan was a newly born state which needed international recognition as an international country in
the world. India was already a member of UN, Pakistan was also keen to get its membership of UN in
order to gain support. It was appeared as the largest Muslim country in the world. Hostile countries like
Afghanistan and India wanted to undo Pakistan. Therefore to secure itself Pakistan wished to join UNO as
soon as possible.

Pakistan had many common disputes with India like canal water dispute and Kashmir dispute. These
disputes needed to be settled and demanded international involvement to pressurize India for the just
and fair solution of these problems. Pakistan felt that by joining UNO, Pakistan could draw international
community’s attention towards these issues. It also wanted to raise question of Hyderabad and Junagarh
in the Security Council. Therefore Pakistan’s membership UNO was essential.

Moreover, Pakistan was also keen to play its role on supporting independence struggle of several Asian
and African countries specially the Muslim countries. Pakistan wanted to play its role in peace keeping in
the world under the charter of UNO, and was against any act of territorial aggression, colonialism, nuclear
arm race and racial discrimination all over the world. With these purposes and ideas Pakistan joined
United Nations in September 1947.

Q. How successful was Pakistan in its relationships with the USA between 1947and 1999? Explain
your answer.


In 1950 Liaqat Ali Khan visited USA to establish first official contact and diplomatic relations. He
arranged to establish Pakistan Embassy in USA. 1950s witnessed close cooperation between USA and

In September 1954 Pakistan joined SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Organization) and CENTO (Central
Treaty Organization). These were anti-Soviet pacts made by US to gain friends, supporters and allies in
the world against USSR. By joining these organizations Pakistan was rewarded with military and
economic aid which strengthened it militarily and economically.
In 1955 both countries signed Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement which enabled Pakistan to receive
most advanced military equipment from USA. This helped to update Pakistan's amy. Military cooperation
flourished as the time passed between two countries. In 1960s USA provided aid for irrigation projects,
family planning programs and loans to boost up the industrialization in Pakistan.
Ayub was considered the architect of good relations between the USA and Pakistan. In 1960 Ayub
govemment provided air base to USA in Peshawar. This base was used by USA to spy on Soviet Union.
This shows that even in 1960s Pakistan was USA close ally against communism.
In 1979 Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and Pakistan became a front line state in the war against
Communist. The attitude of the USA to Zia's government changed overnight. West realized the
importance of Pakistan in containing USSR in Afghanistan and all over the world. They gave substantial
amount of aid to Pakistan in return for Pakistan role in training and equipping the Afghans and using
them against USSR.
In 1980s after turning down the first offer of aid as insufficient by Zia, in 1981 USA had agreed to a $1.6
billion aid package over 5 years and a further 1.5 billion pound loan at low rates of interest to enable
Pakistan to buy modern USA weapons. This aid enabled Pakistan to enjoy rapid economic development
and also to become a leading military nation in the region.
In 1993 when President Clinton came to power, he wanted to restore relations between two countries. In
1995 Defence Secretary William Perry visited Pakistan and declared that Pressler Amendment had been
a mistake Benazir visited the USA and following that visit the Brown Amendment authorized USA
government to reimburse Pakistan for the F-16 payments and provided 4388 million in military
The thaw in the relations was further highlighted when First Lady Hillary Clinton and her daughter
visited Pakistan in 1996. Nawaz Sharif government maintained good relations with USA and even backed
out from Kargil war on USA pressure. So he was seen as friendly to USA administration.
In 1965 and 1971 wars with India SEATO and CENTO did not come for Pakistan's help against India.
Rather USA imposed arms embargo on Pakistan which affected military supplies to Pakistan. As a result
Pakistan lost faith in its ally and distanced itself from USA.
SEATO was applied only to help against Communist aggression. This meant that Pakistan received no
support in its wars against India. Nor was help provided to prevent East Pakistan breaking away. So,
Bhutto withdrew Pakistan from SEATO which was a major shit in Pakistan foreign policy towards USA.
Cooperation with USA began to decline. Not Much progress was made to further develop Pakistan- USA
Ater 1959 the USA attitude was more lukewarm. During 1960s and 1970s relations were often strained.
In 1962 China and India went to war and the USA immediately sent military aid to help India fight. This
move offended the Pakistan government. In 1960s to establish better relations with China and Soviet
Union, Ayub Khan visited these countries which displeased USA.
Bhutto government was more inclined towards communist states. Bhutto’s nuclear policy greatly
offended USA and it considered Bhutto as political threat to its interests in the region which was the
lowest point in Pakistan-USA relations.

In 1977 Zia through military coup took over the government and dismissed elected government. USA
expressed concerns over military take over and showed reluctance to extend support to new military
government. So the relations were deteriorated when Zia came to power. In 1979 the US Embassy in
Islamabad was burned down. The USA accused Zia and recalled many of its senior officials. All aid
programmes were cancelled.

In 1988 when Afghanistan and Soviet Union signed an agreement to end their war, almost overnight
Pakistan lost its strategic importance to USA and aid was reduced dramatically. Under Pressler
Amendment USA blocked aid to Pakistan and also stopped the sale of 28 F-16 fighter jets which Pakistan
had ordered and paid.

The USA complained that Pakistan was becoming a major center for distribution of illegal drugs and of
home produced weapons. These weapons were falling into the hands of terrorists who were using them
against USA. In 1992 the USA came close to declaring Pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism and placed
economic sanction on the country.
From 1990 - 99 USA administration imposed sanctions on Pakistan and accused them of building nuclear
weapons. They also withheld supply on F16s to Pakistan which brought a down turm in Pak- USA
relations. USA remained distrusted of Pakistan and its internal policies.

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