GRK Criminal Probe Into Trump&Kushner Part1

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The document discusses allegations made by a Russian journalist about a plot involving Trump, Kushner and spreading diseases. It also describes a criminal investigation in Greece into these allegations.

The Russian journalist allegedly made claims that Kushner helped him obtain visas as part of a plot involving spreading diseases in the US and world on Putin's orders.

Evidence was collected in criminal investigation E17/449 by prosecutors in Larisa, Greece, which suggested Trump and Kushner were involved in a conspiracy connected to spreading diseases instigated by Putin.



Dear Audrey Strauss,

US Attorney Southern District New York,

Donald Trump and Jared Kushner are the subject of a criminal probe (E17/449) opened
by prosecutors in Larisa, Greece, in May 2017 due to evidence that Trump and Kushner

made false statements and used other criminal methods

to try to have a journalist, myself, arrested and imprisoned

for publicizing on 15th February 2017 allegations made by Russian journalist

Alexander Zamyslov hat Kushner helped him obtain visas

during an interview in Larisa,Greece on the subject of a plot to spread an

epidemic disease in the USA and the rest of the world to exploit the crisis to
implement martial law and mass vaccination with a dangerous vaccine
misrepresented as experimental and necessary

likely on the instigation of Vladimir Putin since the company of the Russian
journalists researching that plot is based inside the Kremlin where Putin has his
residence using criminal means

If there is evidence that Trump and Kushner, the head of Trump's coronavirus response
team, are using criminal means to arrest, censor and silence an English speaking
journalist with a background in science reporting for main stream media in Greece, in
order to deprive the public of information about a plot to willfully spread diseases,
broadly in the manner in which coronavirus and Ebola spread, as well as their own role in
that plot, if they are spreading, in fact, coronavirus deliberately, if they are also plotting
to give the US public a coronavirus vaccine which causes harm, knowingly, wilfully,
deliberately misrepresenting it,then I suggest they pose an unprecedented threat to the US
public and world.

Precisely that evidence was collected as part of criminal probe E 17 /449 by Larisa

Evidence in probe E 17 449 suggests Trump and Kushner are participating in a

conspiracy of some kind connected with spreading an epidemic disease on the instigation
of Vladimir Putin.

Journalist Alexander Zamyslov works as a producer for a TV company "Premier

Documentary Movie Fellowship" which has its headquarters inside the Kremlin
according to a map on the company's Facebook page as I demonstrate in SECTION 1.

The company's location inside the fortified Kremlin complex where Putin has his
residence as President suggests that Putin himself may have been among the main
instigators and initiators of the plan to send a Russian TV crew to interview me in Larisa,
Greece, on the subject of how an “elite” put an epidemic disease into circulation to cause
mass deaths.

A TV company based inside the Kremlin walls likely enjoys a special connection to Putin
and key Kremlin power brokers and oligarchs and perhaps even Russian intelligence
services and gives credibility to the suggestion of Zamyslov that Russian and Kazahkstan
intelligence follow my blogs.

If Putin does have secret financial and other links to Trump and Kushner, then he would
also have a motive along with Trump and Kushner for seeking to have me arrested for
relaying allegations about those secret links, especially in connection with a plot to
spread an epidemic disease around the USA and the rest of the globe to exploit the crisis
to obtain more power.

That is why, I suggest that the investigation begun in Larisa in 2017 should be expanded
to include Putin himself with, as mentioned, a special focus on financial flows through
the Deutsche Bank accounts of Trump and Kushner from 2016 onwards since these may
be part of a scheme, which includes cash in return for participating in the coronavirus

The role that Putin played in that coronavirus crisis in Russia is broadly consistent with
the notion that they are using the powers of their office to spread an epidemic disease
deliberately through means such as faulty protocols , faulty diagnostic tools, data
manipulation, among other means, as researched by Zamyslov in 2016.

Zamyslov was especially interested on a report I gave to the FBI in 2009 on the swine flu.
There are similarities between the swine flu plot and the current coronavirus plot as I
discuss below.

The unfolding of the coronavirus crisis is broadly consistent with that same plot
researched in 2016 by the Russian journalists as I discuss below with the most dangerous
phase of such a plot, the mass vaccination campaign with unproven coronavirus vaccines,
I allege, announced but still to come,and so still preventable.

Furthermore, the role that Trump and Kushner, Trump's coronaviru sspecial advisor, have
played in that coronavirus crisis is broadly consistent with the notion that they are using
the powers of their office to spread an epidemic disease deliberately through means such
as faulty protocols , faulty diagnostic tools, data manipulation etc as researched by
Zamyslov in 2016.

Outbreaks of other diseases such as Ebola, the bubonic or black plague could also be a
part of that same epidemic disease plot for reasons I discuss below.

Moreover,Putin is,like Trump and Kushner, advancing with plans to give every Russian
an unproven coronavirus vaccine, and has signed a deal with Astra Zeneca to supply the

The seriousness of the global epidemic, the impact of the almost global lockdown on
human rights and the economy, as well as speculation about a second wave and lockdown
in autumn as well as a plan unveiled by Donald Trump, to give 7 billion people a
experimental coronavirus vaccine, including 300 million Americans and every Russian
by the end of January 2021, make it imperative to investigate the evidence in E 17 /449
to shed light on the important question of whether the coronavirus and other epidemic
diseases like the bird flu, Ebola are criminal plot. and whether Trump and Kushner and
Putin are trying to silence whistleblowers and journalists to hide their role in this plot.

That is why I request the SDNY, and other attorneys and prosecutors to make a formal
request for the probe with the file number E 17 /449, ask for information and start their
own investigation into the evidence that Trump and Kushner

have been participating in research and preparations for a plot to spread an

epidemic disease since 2016 together with Putin

that they have been, and still are, trying to hide their links to that plot,
specifically, to Russian journalists researching that plot whose company is based
inside the Kremlin where Putin has his residence

Specifically, Larisa court documents prove unambiguously that Trump and Kushner and
presumably Putin as well

have attempted to weaponize the Greek justice system to have a journalist falsely

are planning to repeat that same crime by organizing for me to be put on trial on
16th December 2020 and specifically again for my blog post on 15th February
2017relaying the allegations of Zamyslov as the prosecutor's indictment states as I
show below

in way which involves massive violations of procedure and rights, including a

disregard for the court s own documents and prosecutor's probe E 17 449,which
was opened precisely over an attempt to have mearrested, imprisoned and
silenced, specifically for that same 15th February 2017 Russia blog post using
criminal means, deception and misrepresentation.
Apparently, using the powers and influence of their office, they have suspended probe E
17 449 and advanced the original plot using exactly the same criminal means which
triggered the probe helped specifically by the Greek Prime Minister and the Austrian
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz as I show below.

That, in order to be able to deprive the public of information suggesting that coronavirus
is a plan, plot, I order to be able to better continue with that plan, enterprise and plot
under a campaign of deception, particularly, the key phase of mass vaccination with
experimental jabs designed to poison, harm and kill.

As a result of these extraordinary violations, facts and evidence, there may well be
sufficient evidence to prosecute and convict Trump and Kushner also for plotting the
arrest and imprisonment of a journalist, myself, in December 20120 by naked crimes
which dispense with even the appearance of the rule of law to exercise despotic power in
courts in Greece.

This is the first time in history to my knowledge that a sitting US President may be
indicted for plotting the murder of a journalist exposing his secret links to Russian actors
in order to be better able to continue with the next phase of their global epidemic disease
plot by depriving the public of information about that plot and their role in it.

They could and should face criminal charges for breaking national and international laws
forbidding diseases to be spread deliberately.

The criminal probe into Trump and Kushner, and I emphasize, Trump and Kushner are
the accused, on the basis of concrete evidence, as I show below, was opened by
prosecutors at the Prosecutors office in the Dikastiko Megaro, Larisa, Greece in May

The key documents belonging to that criminal probe E 17 /449 in my possession --

which I describe in more detail in the next section -- and which I also attach to this
email, are.


E 17 /449 Documents Overview

*Annotated with notes in English and highlighted parts to help non Greek speakers navigate the

Email correspondence with Christina Fadeeva TV Producer "Premier Documentary Movie

Fellowship" Moscow working for state TV



Email exchange in June 2016 to set up an interview in Larisa for a documentary on the subject of
artificial virus and epidemics in the USA with producer and journalist Alexander Zamyslov

H 17 44



A lawyer called Simos Samaras, who was known,as I show below, to the Kremlin based
journalists Zamyslov and Fadeeva applied for criminal charges at Larisa police on 16th February
2017 over my blog posts on

1)7th February 2017 criticizing Trump

15th February 2017 relaying Zamyslov's allegations that Jared Kushner helped the Russian

He obtained charges against me signed by deputy police chief Giorgos Vasileos on 21st February
2017 and given the prosecutors file number H 17 44 on 24 February 2017
E 17 /449

H17 44 became E 17 /449 after I was summoned to testify and able to prove huge procedural
violations, misrepresentation, false statements and other criminal means were used by Simos
Samaras to obtain the criminal charges H 17 44 and that deputy police chief Giorgos Vasileos
who issued the charges must have realized that there was no basis for them in law.

The main document Samaras used was a temporary civil injunction issued for 10 blog posts for 30
days on 7th November 2016 with the Larisa civil court number 324/2016.Apart from the fact the
temporary injunction was issued illegally, a temporary civil injunction which has expired cannot
be the basis for criminal charges for a blog post relaying allegations of a Russian journalist about

Covering more or less the same ground as my testimony in May 2017, I filed charges in July 2017
which was given the file number E 17 449.



"EvidenceE17449 1".pdf

"EvidenceE17449 2".pdf

My charges given file number E 17 /449

E 17 /449

Appeals prosecutor court decision 146 on 14 July 2017 instructing my charges to be investigated
at Larisa prosecutors office


Appealscourtdecision1 JPG

Appealscourtdecision2 JPG

E 17 /449

In November 2017, I was summoned to testify on the attempt to arrest me for my “Russia and
Kushner” blog post.

The transcript of my testimony to Larisa police magistrate as a party in which Trump and Kushner
are named as the people who had the motive, means and opportunity to weaponize the Greek
justice system to suppress a blog post relaying allegations of a Russian journalist about them


A government's only justification for curbing human rights, closing schools, shutting
businesses, causing huge economic damage, and launching a mass vaccination campaign
with a risky experimental vacicne, is a genuine epidemic emergency, a disease which is
genuinely out of control under the International Health Regulations 2005 and US laws.

But when evidence in criminal probe E 17 /449 strongly suggests the notion that Trump,
Kushner a swell as presumably Putin plotted and schemed using every criminal means to
censor, silence and murder a journalist exposing and intending to expose their criminal
epidemic plot precisely in order to deliberately spread coronavirus and other diseases
under a campaign of deception, misinformation and omission, and when still more
evidence against them in another criminal probe with the file number Delta 15 218 as I
show below, that Trump and Kushner and Putin are doubling down in their efforts to
continuing to misuse criminal defamation charges to try to silence that same journalist,
myself, in order to deprive the public of vital information about the risks of experimental
epidemic vaccines as well as about good policies implemented by countries like Sweden
and South Korea, which have curbed coronavirus without a lockdown, precisely to be
able to continue with their criminal plot under a veil of erroneous information, then
Trump and Kushner can have no justification for curbing human rights, either now or in
the future and there is no legal basis for any lockdown or mass forced vaccination
campaign if the coronavirus is all part of a plot.

Proofs that Trumpand Kushner are working with Bill Gates and George Soros to advance
a global epidemic disease plot

In addition, Trump and Kushner have used their political influence since obtaining office
in January 2017 to advance another plot to have me imprisoned using criminal means
which started in 2015

Prosecutors in Larisa opened an investigation Delta 15 218 in April 2015 over a murder
attempt against myself, specifically for reporting on a plot to spread epidemic diseases
(Ebola, SARS Cov, coronavirus) deliberately in order to exploit the resulting crisis to
implement global medical martial law (lockdowns and forced vaccination) as I discuss in
Section 3.

As part of this probe, prosecutors collected compelling evidence implicating Billionaure

George Soros and Greek PM Alexis Tsipras in autumn 2015. This evidence was officially
added in January 2016 to the probe Delta 15 218 by the prosecutor.

Evidence also implicating Bill Gates, one of Trump's main pandemic advisors, and a key
funder of the coronavirus vaccines plan, was also collected.

The people involved and the huge violations of procedure and rights in this probe Delta
15 218 (Henceforth, sometimes referred to as the "Gates and Soros" probe for brevity and
to distinguish it from the "Russia and Kushner" probe), are further evidence of the
involvement of Gates and Soros, Tsipras as well as Trump and Kushner because they are
the same.

All of the five police and prosecutor reports belonging to that probe have been
suppressed, hidden, omitted and disregarded, in huge violations of procedure and
rights in order to pave the way for me to be accused of making falsely accusations
and to be able to put me on trial and impose a draconian penalty and prison
sentence on me. The violations have resulted in the case going twice to the Supreme
Court in Athens. But a new investigation has been quashed and suspended as in E
17 449.

Noteworthy is that the same lawyer, Simos Samaras, is the key accuser in both the
"Russia and Kushner" blog post trial and in the "Gates and Soros" criminal defamation
trial, both scheduled for 16th December 2020.

The overlap is not surprising considering that the Russian journalists became aware of
how the justice system in Greece had been weaponized against me by Samaras in 2016
precisely because his misuse of civil defamation charges to silence me for reporting on
the violations in Delta 15 218 was a part of email correspondence with the Russian TV
company as well as a segment pf the actual filming in Larisa (specifically, scene outside
the court about Samaras miuse of civil injunctionproceedings to censor a journalist) for
the documentary on biological warfare in June 2016.

It is precisely these verifiable, manifold and repeated violations of procedure and rights
forcthe same reason,using the same lawyer and the same methods to obtain a prearranged
verdict over such a long period of time which provides the evidence of a coordinated
plan to deprive the public of information about a global epidemic disease plot and it is
precisely the evidence in E 17 449 and Delta 15 218 that Trump and Kushner as well as
Gates and Soros are implicated in a conpsiracy, a plan and an enterprise to murder a
journalist to suppress information about a global disease plot and their role in it which
will allow for their prosecution.

I allege that the reason why what appear to be rival factions, here called the “Trump,
Kushner, Putin faction”and the “Gates, Soros, Obama” faction for brevity, appear to be
ready ultimately to work hand in hand to arrange for the same hand picked
lawyers,prosecutors to weaponize the justice system to put me in prison using massive
violations of procedure is that they have the same goal, a global epidemic disease plot,
martial law and mass deaths through vaccines which are really bioweapons.That is why,
in the final analysis, I allege,they have a shared interest in cooperating in removing a
journalist they perceive as an obstacle to this plot by alerting the global public to an
epidemic disease plot

As I show in Section 4, these violations resulted in Larisa prosecutors sending Delta 15

218 to the Supreme Court in Athens in February 2016 already only for the Supreme
Court prosecutor Efstahia Spyropoulou assigned to the case to join in the conspiracy.

The Supreme Court in Athens or Areios Pagos in Greek, then ordered a second
investigation and I was asked to testify to the police magistrate at Larisa courton both the
original crimes and the violations of police and prosecutors in October and November

But second investigation was also suspended or quashed.

It is this refusal to correct glaring violations by the SupremeCourtwhich is extraordinary

and can only be explained by political influence.

I was found de facto found guilty on the basis of a rigged trial in February 2019 paving
the way for Simos Samaras toadvance to a trial with for criminal defamation against me.

Extraordinarily, the same temporary 30 day civil injunction granted to Simos Samaras
for 10 blog posts in November 2016,and the focus of a flim segment in Zamyslov's
documentary, is the basis for the indictment in the Delta 15 218 as well in the E17 449
Russia and Kushner blog postt rial, that is to say the very same civil injunction which
triggered the criminal probe into Samaras, Trump and Kushner, in the first place,has
become the basis for two different indictments which are supposed to be for two totally
different crimes.

Furthermore, these two trials for the “Russia and Kushner” blog post and the “Gates and
Soros” probe have always been scheduled on the same day since they have been
advanced to trialin June 2020.

The first trial date for both the "Russia and Kushner" blog post trial and the "Bill Gates
and Soros" trial was 10th June 2019. These two trials were postponed at the last moment
that day on the request of Simos Samaras. The two trials were then rescheduled for 13th
March 2020.After the trials were postponed again on 13th March 2020 (consecutive trial
numbers 17 and 18 that day), due to the coronavirus crisis that same morning, they are
now both scheduled to take place on 16th December 2020.

Constitutional and legal implications

If Trump and Kushner and Putin and coconspirators are involved in criminal plot to
spread an epidemic disease, (and have been since 2016), there a huge constitutional and
legal implications for their authority, I suggest.
If Trump and Kushner and Putin have obtained and are exercising their authority to
advance a criminal plot to cause mass deaths among Americans, then, I suggest, that
means that every exercise of their office is a priori unlawful. Specifically, all their
coronavirus martial law and other measures are not only a priori illegal and without
authority but subject to criminal investigation and penalties.

I would argue that any such evidence would make it unlawful for Trump run for a second
term in office.

Furthermore, Trump,Putin and others cannot grant pharmaceutical companies immunity

for any damage done by any coronavirus vaccines or drugs since a priori participants in a
plot to cause mass deaths, either through criminal negligence or willfully, cannot be
given immunity by their co conspirators abusing the powers of their office.

If the coronavirus crisis is a criminal plot, if Trump and Kushner and other actors have
been preparing it and planning for it, if the aim of that criminal plot is to cause harm and
mass deaths, then Trump and Kushner are liable for criminal charges.

And the evidence in E 17 449 and Delta 15 218 does suggest that the current
coronavirus crisis is part of that plot to spread a disease in the USA and around th eworld
researched by Russian journalists (whom Trump and Kushner allegedly helped with
visas), with the secret participation of Kushner and Trump from 2016 already and that
Trump even ran for office with the aim of obtaining the highest office in order to execute
that specific plot.

As a result of Trump, Gates and Kushner s wilfully wrong coronavirus policies,

specifically, the lockdown, tens of millions of Americans, at least, face imminent
bankruptcy, foreclosure, unemployment, hunger, homelessness, stress, sickness, delayed
operations, chaos, and death, though how many excess deaths these policies have caused
in the USA is still unclear.

About 50 million people in the USA alone have filed for unemployment at tbe beginning
of July 2020 due to the economic impact of the lockdown. In addition, 28 million
Americans face eviction in the summer, according to media. There is little or no plan in
place to supply them with vital necessities, adequate shelter, food and healthcare.

Trump and Kushner tried to exploit the coronavirus crisis to implement martial law twice

in mid March 2020 when they tried to pressure the National Guard to deploy
federally to perform task related to containing the coronavirus such as forced

in early June when Trump tried to invoke the Insurrection Act to deploy 10,000
combat troops on US soil to quell protests largely caused by the hardship caused
by his willfully wrong coronavirus lockdown policies, especially to minorities

On Trump's orders, active duty troops, including elements of an Airborne division, which
can deploy very rapidly, were moved to army bases in Washington DC and were issued
with bayonets and live ammunition, readying for mass injuries and shootings of US
citizens exercising their Constitutional rights to protest peacefully.

This plan was stopped by military top brass refusing to break their oath to obey the
Constitution, which prohibits the deployment of active duty troops on US soil.

In Russia, Putin paused the coronavirus lockdown in Russia to hold a referendum which
he won allowing him to stay in office for 12 more years despite record low poll numbers,
soaring unemployment and economic malaise caused largely by his policies enriching a
tiny clique of oligarchs at the expense of the majority.

Both Trump and Putin are planning to give virtually every single citizen an unproven
coronavirus vaccine by early 2021, and, one developed by primarily by the same
company, the UK”s Astra Zeneca to be given, it appears, immunity from lawsuits or
prosecution if their vaccine causes harm or kills.

Trump and Kushner have announce plan to give 300 mmillion Americans an unproven
vaccine by the end of January 2021 chiefly as part of Operation Warped Speed.

Bill Gates has announced more billions of dollars of funding a coronavirus vaccine and
floated the idea of vaccines for the whole world in violation of the Nuremberg Code
which prohibits dangerous and uncontrolled drug experiments without voluntary consent.

That, even though it is clear from studies like the Innsbruck Medical University Ischgl
study and the experiences of Sweden, which did not have a lockdown and which has had
a low death rate and high levels of antibodies among its Stockholm population, that the
coronavirus is no worse than a severe flu and can be controlled with measures such as
social distancing and hygiene.

Trump, Kushner , Gates and Putin are advancing plans for mass vaccinations with
unproven coronavirus vaccines,all the while, knowing, I allege, that these vaccines are
part of a plot to cause mass deaths in the USA, Russia and the rest of the world

What other motive could they have for going to such extraordinary lengths to silence me
for reporting in a factual manner specifically on the risks of the vaccines using such
nakedly criminal means?

Key co conspirators in the coronavirus plot. Sebastian Kurz and Kyriakos Mitsotakis

In addition, I request you look at the evidence I present below that the Austrian
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis have
joined in the conspiracy with Trump and Kushner and Putin to advance the epidemic
disease plot by holding their protective hand over their nakedly criminal actions and
violations to silence me and deprive the public of information about this plot and their
role below it, as I show below.

Greece is a member of the European Union, a country which has incorporated the EU
standards of criminal investigation and prosecution into its laws. Its constitutions rights
to protection of threats t o life, a fair trial and freedom of the media which I have
verifiably all been deprived of.

The Austrian government is obligated by EU and nationallaws to protect the right to life,a
fair trial and a free media of its citizens abroad if it has evidence that they are being
threatened and abused in a foreign country by nakedly criminal acts.

It does not matter those nakedly criminal actions are performed by government officials.

For example, UK Foreign Minister Dominic Raab intervened in a case in Cyprus where a
British teenager had been denied a due process investigation into claims of a rape by
Israeli teenagers,forced to retract her statement only to be then put on trial and convicted
of causing a public nuisance. The cae is being re examined by the Supreme Court of
Cyprus,partly due to the diplomatic pressure and publicity shone on it by the UK Foreign

As a citizen of Austria,a dual Irish and Austrian citizen, I have the right to help from the
Austrian government when my life is threatened by criminal actions, also if these are
performed by foreign government officials. I have an especial right to help if I am being
threatened for performing a public watch dog function as a journalist I have proved to the
Austrian Foreign Ministry with court documents exactly who is threatening me and how,
speficially Trump andKushner, haveembraced the Greek judicial process had been
embraced as powerful weapon of persecution, since May 2017.

Yet, Kurz and others in the Austrian government have,in violation of their obligation to
protect the life and rights of citizens abroad, refused me all diplomatic or other help, held
their protective hand over Trump,Kushner and Greek government to enable them to
continue with their attempts to have me arrested, imprisoned and silenced using criminal

Kurz switched out the consul at the Austrian embassy in Greece who offered to help me
in May 2017 and replaced him with a consul, Christoph Reitinger, who told me
inccorectly that the Austrian government could not intervene in Greek courts when, in
fact,they not only can (as was shown by the intervention of UK Foreign Minister
Dominic Raab in a rape case in Cyprus where the initial police report was suppressed
using intimidation) but must intervene when there is eviednce of massive violations of
procedure threatening the life of a citizen abroad as is happening in my case. Indeed,
Austrian judges can even ask for cases E 17 449 and Delta 15 218 given the violations I
was told by a prosecutor in Larisa court.

Reitinger told me to go to the very Larisa police who were, at that very same time, the
subject of criminal probe E 17 449 for their role in joining in a conpisracy with Trump,
Kushner and Putin to have me arrested and imprisoned. That precisely to enable that plot
to continue.

I urge US prosecutors to investigate Kurz as well as Mitsotakis for helping

Trump,Kushner and Putin to carry out their plan to deprive the public of information
about a global disease plot by silencing a journalist using criminal means in order to
better carry out that plot and cause mass deaths and poisoning.

Request for the SDNY and US prosecutors to open an investigation

In conclusion, I request that the SDNY and other prosecutors offices in the USA open an
investigation for the following reasons

· the criminal probes E 17 449 and Delta 15 218 contain evidence, facts and
documents of bioterrorism crimes which pose a very great threat to the people of the
USA and the rest of the world

· the threat is coming from the holders of the highest political office in the country,
specifically Trump, Kushner, who may have formed a secret alliance with Vladimir Putin

· this evidence has been suppressed in Greece, likely on the instructions of Trump
and Kushner, to the disadvantage of the citizens USA and the rest of the world

· this probe has also not been publicized hampering the public from forming a more
complete picture of events related to the coronavirus epidemic

· this evidence has also not been investigated by the FBI as part of its Russia or any
other investigation.

· the most serious threat to the people in the USA, Russia and the rest of the world
is imminent, foreseeable and close at hand (second more deadly wave, experimental
vaccines, martial law etc)

· Trump and Kushner are engaged in an ongoing attempt to use criminal means to
silence whistleblowers, specifically myself, and pose a direct, concrete threat to my life

A global threat which needs a global approach

The US can only fail to protect its population against global health threats if it adopts an
international outlook and a collaborative approach.

By working with prosecutors offices across the world, also in Austria, and Greece, the
US can better pursue convict, prosecute and deter criminal who plan to release,or do
release, a killer disease in a corner of the world, which then moves across the world and
threatens the USA too.

If the 2020 coronavirus crisis is a criminal plot, if it is a bioweapon being put into
circulation deliberately by various means, if the aim is to engage in a campaign of
deception to cajole and scare people into taking a risky, perhaps deadly experimental
vaccine, if whistleblowers uch as myself are being silenced by criminal means, then the
only way, to stop it is by a criminal investigation, and by convicting and prosecuting the

Prosecutions will also deter future attempts to implement similar disease plots in the USA
and around the globe if they obtain convictions in the 2020 coronavirus plot.

Given the uniquely complex nature of this crime,and the scale of the threa it poses, I
believe a broad alliance of prosecutors, attorney generals and military and civilian
lawyers is necessary to prosecute the President of the USA, Donald Trump, and his
special advisor Jared Kushner, called the most powerful man in the White House by John
Bolton, among other actors.specifically, Putin and their allies, Austrian Chancellor
Sebastian Kurz and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Xi Jinping.

This crisis presents a great opportunity.

Hasn't this global disease plot, this crime on a new planetary, scale given rise to a
common motive, a common need,a common goal, namely to stop the perpetrators?

Does this crime not,in fact,force us all to work together to ensure humanity has a future at
all. This kind of threat has never happened in the history of the world. There has never
been a single,centralized plot by a tiny “elite” to wipe out virtually every single person on
the planet,more than 7 billion people. Doesn't the fact we are all victims of the same plot
make divisions into nation states, races and religions irrelevant?

Might we not emerge from this crisis with a truly global consciousness,with the
awareness that we really are all one. What happens in one corner of the globe, can impact
all the other parts of the globe.

This is also the first global crime crisis in the internet and social media era allowing
people to share information quickly only for communication and cooperation.

Can we not use this common,shared threat to build, in fact,a global community based on
ideas of economic and social justice, the dignity of every single person created in the
image of God?

We have a common task, a shared experience, the lock-down, and a common threat still
looming. Can we not bring something good out of all of this altogether?

Finally, I request whistleblower protection statusgiven the very real concrete threat that
US citizens Trump and Kushner as well as Bill Gates and George Soros, specifically pose
to my life.
The persecution that I have been subjected to as a whistleblower, as documented in E 17
449 and Delta 15 218 probes, is just one example of a system of persecution of
whistleblowers ranging in 2020 from the firing of Brett Crozier, Captain of the USS
Theodore Roosevelt, for asking for an outbreak of coronavirus on board his ship to be
managed using standard isolation protocols, as well as the firing of the HHS department
head for raising concerns her staff had been sent to look after American evacuees from
Wuhan, epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak , without the training or equipment for
handling epidemic diseases, to whistleblowers abroad like biology specialist and
researcher Christl Meyer in Vienna.

I believe that using the evidence already accumulated against Trump,Kushner, Putin,
Gates, Soros as well as Kurz and Mitsotakis for persecuting me for exposing their crimes
will set a powerful signal in the future that whistleblowers will be protected by the justice
system, that truth will come before power,that the interests of the many before the
interests of a few.

My background

I have been a reporter specializing in science and medicine (The Guardian, the British
Medical Journal, Nature, The Scientist, Reuters Health and other publications) since 2001
when I wrote an article on the subject of the bioweapon Anthrax for The Guardian.

The World Health Organization (WHO),the UN infectious disease body regulating the
global response to Ebola and coronavirus, informs me by email of their virtual Covid 19
and Ebola press briefings and enables me to follow events.

I have no financial or other links with WHO

Dr Sarah Wollaston, MP, Chair of the UK Parliament's Commons Health Committee

asked me in January 2016 to submit evidence on UK pandemic preparedness as a letter
attached shows.

Proof of identity

1. A copy of my passport, Ireland, issued by the Irish embassy in Berlin, Germany



2. A copy of my certificate of Austrian citizenship and birth certificate issued in Canton

Zurich, Switerland as proof of nationality and place of birth



3. A copy of my most recent electricity bill in Larisa, Greece, as proof of current

residence at Theotokopoulou 4 to 6



I am a graduate (MA Hons) of Edinburgh University, Scotland, and publish information

in English. A dual Austrian, Irish citizen, born in Zurich, Switzerland, I have been in
Greece since 2013 and Larisa specifically since 2015 in connection with another criminal
probe (Delta 15 218) opened in 2015 by Larisa prosecutors over an attempt to murder me
on the grounds of my reports exposing crimes related to epidemic diseases such as Ebola,
coronavirus, and in which a key suspects are also, linked to Trump and Kushner, as I
describe below.
Section 1


This chapter provides an overview of the criminal probe opened into Trump and Kushner
in May 2017 by Larisa prosecutors for trying to have a journalist, myself, arrested using
criminal means for relaying allegations by Russian journalist Alexander Zamyslov that
Kushner helped him obtain visas on my wordpress blog (birdflu666) on 15 th February

First, it gives an overview of the key events and actors, a timeline and a list of the key
documents belonging to that criminal probe,which was given the file number E17 449 in
May 2017. Next it describes the background to the probe starting with my email
correspondence in June 2016 with Russian journalist Alexander Zamyslov (called
Alexander or Sasha in email chains and court records) to set up an interview in Larisa,
Greece, on the subject of biological warfare with a focus on the USA and a special
interest in a report I gave to the FBI about the swine flu crisis in 2009. Next, this chapter
describes the interview itself in Larisa on 20th June 2016, and the circumstances in
which the Russian journalist Zamyslov made his allegations about Kushner. It then
discusses the role of lawyer Samaras, Alexis Tsipras and George Soros in Zamyslov's
documentary and the reason for his filming a scene outside Larisa court,specifically a
connection with a temporary civil court injunction which lawyer Samaras was applying
for at that time in relation to another criminal probe Delta 15 218 opened over a murder
attempt against me in 2015. It describes how it was precisely this same temporary
injunction, which had by then expired which Sanaras used to obtain criminal charges
against me the day after I posted information on 15th February 2017 about the allegations
which Zamyslov had made concerning Kushner on my since suspended wordpress blog
birdflu666. It discusses how lawyer Samaras the next day went to Larisa police station
and asked for and obtained false criminal charges from Larisa police by misrepresenting
the temporary civil court injunction (which had been a part of Zamyslov's documentary
and the reason for the scene outside the court) and another civil document. Then, it
describes how the plot to have me arrested without due process by deliberately sending
the summons to the wrong address failed,how I got the summons by chance and was able
to testify. It describes my testimony to the police magistrate on 5th May 2017 which
triggered criminal probe E 17 449. It describes how I was able to demonstrate that
Samaras temporary civil injunction could in no manner shape or form be a lawful basis
for criminal charges for my blog post on 15th February 2017 as well as prove other
crimes. The issue of motive,means and opportunity is crucial for any crime. It describes
how I said Kuhnerand Trump would have the motive and means to organize a conspiracy
to have me arrested for exposing secret links the next day in Greece,and using the very
same lawyer, Samaras, and 30 day civil injunction which was a part of Zamyslov's
documentary.The chapter concludes with a discussion of the evidence which led Larisa
prosecutors to ask for my testimony in November 2017 in which Trump and Kushner are
specifically named as the people with the motive, means and opportunity and the reason
why former FBI Director James Comey is also mentioned in the transcript of the police
magistrate's interview.


Briefly stated, after making arrangements by email, a Russian TV company based inside
the the Kremlin sent a journalistAlexander Zamyslov and a two other film crew to
interview me in June 2016 in Larisa for a documentary on the subject biological warfare,
specifically, about arificially engineered epidemic diseases and how these can be released
by governments and an elite deliberately for political and other purposes.

Zamyslov's research focussed mainly on the swine flu of 2009 as well as on other
biological agents including Ebola, the Zika virus and the Black Plague.
On June 20th, 2016, at the end of filming for the documentary in Larisa, the producer and
journalist Alexander Zamyslov (called Sasha in email chains and court records) told me,
as we walked with the film crew from the city's ancient theatre to film a final scene
outside the court. that Kushner, along with Mike Pence and Reince Priebus, helped him
obtain visas.

The scene outside the court was filmed in connection with the misuse of a civil temporary
injunction by a lawyer called Simos Samaras to suppress evidence of huge violations of
procedure and rights in a criminal probe Delta 15 218 opened over a murder attempt
against me in 2015 which had collected concreate evidence implicating Alexis Tsipras
and George Soros, evidence which I had sent by email to Christina Fadeeva. Samaras
targetted a blog post dated January 28th 2016 when I found him giving instructions to my
then lawyer Konstatinos Christopoulos on how to handlemy case which was opened over
a murder attempt against me while I was in monastery and blogging about the Ebola
“plot” in 2015. The Abbess Theodekti attempted my false arrest, impirsonment and
murder apparently on the instigation of Alexis Tsipras and for financial gain. But the plot
failed and I was able to filec harges promptinga criminal probe Delta 15 218 into the
murder attempt.

But, as mentioned, all of the five police and prosecutor reports belonging to that
probehave been suppressed, hidden, omitted and disregarded, in huge violations of
procedure and rights in order to pave the way for me to be accused of making falsely
accusations and to be able to put me on trialand impose a draconian penalty and prison
sentence on me.

These violations could only have occured, and did verifiably occur,with the help of
Christopoulos, who had been bribed, blackmailed or intimidated, and with the help of
Samaras. In short,the facts that have been established since 28 th January 2016 through the
violations prove that Christopoulos, Samaras and Theodekti conspired together to use
criminal means to hide a crime and accuse the victim.

Some background. Clergy in Greece are salaried officials paid by the Greek
government.There are about 10,000 clergy on the Greek government payroll in 2020. The
government also gives grants and subsidies to the Greek Orthodox Church and
monasteries giving the government leverage over the church.

The Russian Orthodox Church also benefits from financial subsidies, concessionsand
grants given by the Russian governmen.Putin is a high profile supporter of the Russian
Orthodox Church and visited a Russian monastery in Mount Athos,Greece, in the
summer of 2016.

The court scene was supposed to illustrate the scale and nature of the persecution and
threat facing whistleblowers andjournalists for exposing factual information about an
elite who had infilitrated governments to use epidemic diseases to cause mass deaths,
specifically using vaccines.

Featuring prominently in email correspondence and the documentary filming was the FBI
and its response to any such elite epidemic disease plot and FBI interest in my blog

Indeed, the interview with the Kremlin based journalists in Larisa on the subject of plots
to spread an epidemic disease would have been a reason for the FBI to follow my blog if
they had not done so before.In fact,the same day as I gave the interview, the first part of
the Christopher Steele dossier was sent to the USA and that dossier became the
justification (and I suggest,pretext) for heightened scruntiy of Trump's Russia links and
eventually the Russia investigation.

On 15th February 2017, about one month after Trump had entered office, I posted on my
blog, birdflu666 wordpress (since suspended without warning or explanation), the
allegations of the Russian journalist concerning Kushner and other members of the
Trump administration he had mentioned.

On or about 16th February 2017, the very same lawyer, Simos Samaras, known to
Zamyslov and his TV company through emails and the focus of the scenes filmed
outside the court in June 2016, went to the police station in Larisa and obtained
unlawfully, making false representations, about the very same temporary civil injunction
which had been the subject of the court scene, criminal charges against me specifically
for that post about the Russian journalist's allegations as well as for another post on 7th
February 2017 in which I compared Trump with George Soros and criticised his
administration for continuing the same sharp practises which, I believe, characteristed the
terms of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and the Clinton.

The criminal charges were given the file number H 17 44 when the police file was
transferred to the prosecutor's office on 21st February 2017.

Perhaps concerned that the FBI were watching my blog, the culprits appear to have
changed tactics and decided to try to have me summarily arrested and so deprive me of
legal remedy. They waited until I had moved address in Larisa,to send the summons to
the wrong address deliberately. That, in order to have a pretext to arrest me while
depriving me of due process and the power to raise the alert. By chance, I got the
summons, was able to testify on timeand give the evidence andproofs that I had not
committed any crime or broken any law by posting information about the allegations of
the Russian journalist and Simos Samaras had misrepresented documents. As a result of
the evidence that a crime had been committed againstme, an investigaiton was opened
into Samaras' attempt to misrepresent a civil temporary injunction to have me arrested for
my “Russia and Kushner” blog post specifically in May 2017 by prosecutors inLarisa.

I discovered another attempt to use the same trick when I went to the court on May 8 th
and found my address, which had been corrected with the help of other justice officials
on May 5th, had been changed again to the wrong address. Alerted to a very determined
effort to silence me, I posted up information about these events on my blog on May 8 th
2017. The next day, Trumpand Kushner fired James Comey reinforcing the notion that, at
least,Trump and Kushner as well as the Russian journalist Zamyslov believed the FBI
followed my blog.

The aim, I alleged, was to have me summarily arrested again for failing to obey a court
summons, taken secretly for trial and punishment without being given time to notify
anyone, and to deprive me of all legal remedy.

Under the European Arrest Warrant, anyone charged in Greece can be arrested anywhere
in the EU. That means, if an arrest warrant is issued for me in Greece, even just for
failing to obey a court summons twice, I can be arrested in Austria, Ireland, Germany etc
or wherever I happen to be in Europe, summarily, deprived of legal remedy and the
ability to alert others.

Perhaps believing that then FBI Director James Comey and the FBI (about whom the
Russian journalists had focussed on from the very beginning of our communicaations)
had also been alerted to a criminal enterprise involving Trump, Kushner and Putin
through these events, and perhaps fearing more scrutiny from the FBI, Trump and
Kushner fired James Comey the next day and the investigation into Trump's Russia links
started by Comey passed to Robert Mueller.

After my testimony and my proofs, in July, Larisa appeals prosecutor office transferred
all the sub part of this the criminal probe to have arrest me unlawfully and without due
process E 17 449 toLarisa court. Parts had been sent to other towns where people
implicated lived.

InJuly 2017, I filed criminal charges which were added to the probe and given the file
numebr E 17 449 and which covered more or less the same ground as my testimony to
the police magistrate on May 5th 2017.

In November 2017, I was summoned to testify to the police magistrate on this attempt to
have me arrested over the “Russia and Kushner” blog post.

Prosecutors considered it plausible that Trump and Kushner personalley directed the
criminal measures to silence me to suppress information about their role in this epidemic
disease All facts considered, only Trump and Kushner would have the means, motive
and opportunity using the resources, power,government apparatus of the US state to
organizse such a criminal plot so quickly in a foreign country, Greece, to silence a
journalist reporting on allegations by a Russian journalist researching biological warfare
that they helped with visas. The court record of my testimony also notes a connection
with the FBI, specifically, the firing of then FBI Director James Comey the day after I
reported how a second attempt had been made to set in motion my arrest without due
process on May 8th 2017.

Table 1.1 Key documents of E17449

Figure 1.1. Overview of the process which turned the criminal charges against me into a
criminal probe against Trump and Kushner

2 June 2016

Russian TV producer Christina Fadeeva sends her first email to me about biological
warfare and leading to arrangements for an interview with me20th June 2016

19th June 2016, Alexander Zamyslov and two TV crew arrive in Larisa in the evening

20th June, the interview takes place in Larisa

while walking to the court to film a scene about Simos Samaras' “lawfare” there,
Zamyslov makes his allegations about Kushner helping him obtain visas for his research

8th November 2016,Trump wins US elections

20th January 2017 Trump is sworn into officeKushner and Ivanka Trump become special

7 February 2017, I put up a post critical of Trump, saying his administration is no better
than the Democrats under Obama, the Clintons, linked to George Soros

15th February 2017, I put up a post relaying the allegations of Alexander Zamyslov

Andrew McCabe visits White House and questions Reince Priebus on his Russian links
shortly after my post goes live in Greece local time in Washington DC

# 16th February 2017, lawyer Simos Samaras goes to Larisa police station and applies for
criminal charges against me specifically for the 7th February and 15th February blog posts
misrepresenting a temporary injunction which was, in addition, illegally issued
21st February 2017, Larisa deputy police chief Giorgos Vasileos issues criminal
charges against me for these two posts specifically although they are protected by
freedom of the media.

20th March 2017, FBI director James Comey announces Trump's ties to Russians
are being investigated

End of April 2017,I complete a move of address in Larisa

3rd May, 2017 Larisa prosecutors send a summons to my old address

5th May 2017, after learning of the summons by chance I am able to testify

8th May 2017, I find the court has again changed my address back to the wrong
one and I post about this

9th May 2017, Trump fires James Comey, allegedly on Kushner's advise

27th May 2017, Larisa prosecutors open probe E 17 449

24th July 2017, I file my own charges, covering more or less the same ground as
my testimony on 5th May

November 2017, prosecutors summon me to testify and I do so in two sessions to

the police magistrate as a party in probe E 17 449.

ATTACHMENT "ChristinaFadeevaEmailsJune2016"

A crucial piece of evidence against Trump and Kushner which is a part of file E 17 /449
is a copy of my email correspondence with a Russian TV producer Christina Fadeeva in
June 2016 to set up an interview in Larisa for a documentaty with producer Alexander
Zamyslovw hich took place on 20th June 2016in Larisa.

Zamyslov is named as the main figure,author and producer, of the documentary in an

attachment which Fadeeva sent by emailconsisting of a half page summary of the
documentary subject.

Their company is called "Premier Documentary Movie Fellowship" nnd it is based inside
the Kremlin according to its Facebook page.

A Russian TV company based inside the Kremlin Walls

Screenshots of the Russian Facebook page of the "Premier Documentary Movie

Fellowship" with a map giving their location inside the Kremlin, the fortified complex
which houses the residence of President Vladimir Putin.

Screenshots of approximate location according to Google maps showing it is inside the

Kremlin,the heavily guarded residence of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
A screen shot of the web address of "Premier Documentary Movie Fellowship" ending in, the same email address used by Christina Fadeeva (below).

Fadeeva said her company had been given an assignment by the state TV to produce a
documentary about plots by an elite to engineer dangerous viruses in the USA, spread
diseases deliberately and implement forced vaccination. She also focussed on the role of
governments in this global disease plot. Capturing the highest office in a government is a
precondition for implementing this specific global disease plot culminating in mass
vaccinations with an unproven vaccine.
The plan for the documentary shows a focus on the use of viruses to intimidate
populations,specifically the swine flu virus in 2009, as well as on the Ebola outbreak in

Africa in 2014
Alexander Zamyslov also focussed during our chats during the documentary filming on
on 20th June 2016 specifically on a report I gave to the FBI in 2009, concerning the
swine flu in 2009, alleging that the disease was being spread deliberately. He asked for a
copy and I gave himone.

Summary of content of email correspondence

Christina Fadeeva from "Premier Documentary Movie Fellowships (Moscow)" emailed

me on 2 June 2016 to say her company was planning a new documentary film on
"dangerous viruses" and how "the invention of viruses could be involved with politics
and how many epidemics influence on social and political life."

On 3 June 2016, she emailed to say "foremost, we are interested in your investigaiton
about connection of vaccines with the richest people of the world and that it may be the
governments idea to vaccine people across the board."

She asked about the FBI and its response to the issues I raised in charges over the swine
flu, a respiratory disease like the coronavirus, in 2009.

I replied on 3 June 2016 that I documented the involvement of "Soros and Gates etc" in
relation to the orchestrated Ebola outbreak in 2014.

I mentioned the murder attempt against me which is criminal probe Delta 15 218 and the
cover up which had started. I also mentioned Alexis Tsipras and Soros are implicated.

The FBI report 2009 and the FBI

On June 3rd, Fadeeva asked about the FBI and its response to the issues I raised in
charges over the swine flu, a respiratory disease like the coronavirus, in 2009.

"Did you really send your report to Bureau?" She asked.

On June 6th 2016, Fadeeva asked how she can obtain a copy of my report whih I gave to
the FBI in 2009. She also asks if I am the only one who (still) has it, strongly suggesting
the notion that

"Is your report at free access? Or you (sic) are the one person who has it?"

She expressed their intention to read the reports.

"..we are getting ready the screenplay of the film, and it would be useful to read these
case(sic), if it s possible."

She asks again if I am the "one person" who has the report I sent to the FBI in 2009 with
evidence about an orchestrated swine flu plot.

On June 14th 2016, she once more asked about the FBI report and other documents
related to it.

"Could you tell, please,where in your blog we can read these documents, which in case,
that you ave to FBI?"

On June 15th 2016, after I sent her some documents and information for their preparation
for the "interview", she wrote

"These documents are very useful."

In my reply, I draw attention to my blog, birdflu666, as the main channel of my

information and that anyone can access it and download information

I mention that I focus on the "technical ways of spreading Ebola epidemic ie through
faulty diagnostic kits, equipment etc) rather than on Soros and Bill Gates in a report to
the UK Parliament Health Committee on the request of the Chair."
On 13 June 2016, Christina Fadeeva proposes the date June 18, 19th for an interview in

I reply the dates are okay but note I have to go to court on June 17th (in relation to Simos
Samaras) and ask for a small donation to help fund my legal action since my case is of
public interest and the ongoing probe opened by prosecutors contains proofs against
George Soros and Alexis Tsipras.

On 13 June, she replies the company is willing to give me some money as remuneration
for the interview because "we understand your dangerous and useful work".

In fact, Christina Fadeeva never paid any money and broke our agreement as is
documented in emails below.

On June 13th 2016, I again bring up the issue of a donation to pay for all the extra costs
resulting from the fact I have to defend myself repeatedly against fake charges and
massive violations of procedure and rights.

Later that same day, Christina Fadeeva proposes filming a scene also near the court

The next day, June 14th, she asks about the FBI again and their response to my swine flu
charges in 2009 and whether I received an answer from the FBI?

On June 15th, I ask her why she is focusing on the swine flu in 2009 and not about more
recent and ongoing plots such the Ebola plot immediate as well as the murder attempts
against me for my reports on this subject and say I will not participate if the documentary
is not serious as it could have legal consequences also for me.

That same day, she emailed to assure me they are "one of the leading production
companies in the country" and putting out accurate information.

She sent 4 questions, asking specifically about "what artificial viruses are created in the
USA and for what?"

And asking for details about Ebola and "How exactly artifically epidemic had been
extending and who was involved in it?"

At the end, she mentions she her company has made films about terrorism and economic
warfare and interview Paul Craig Roberts, Jean Charles Brisard and Wassim Nasr and
send a link to a film in Russian.

Attached is a document called

Production film request Virus for sale docX

On June 15th, I answer the questions, noting specifically that the Ebola "epidemic was
engineered by the stand down of biosecurity level 4 measures, faulty diagnostic methods

I draw her attention to my blog posts on this subject from the summer of 2014 as well as
summaries of problems in my Open Letter concerning Ebola vaccines to the UK
Parliament Health Committee for more information .

I also emailed to say "they want to get rid of me because they keep wanting to start false
flag epidemic (bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, Zika) to mass vaccinate everyone and my blog
stands in the way and has credibility with politicians"

It would be fair to say I was, at least at that time, and possibly still am, one of the very
few science journalists who published in depth analysis, facts and research on the global
epidemic disease regime which challenge the official media narrative and who are
genuinely independent, receiving no funds from any government, corporation, or entity at
all, and who has had to use their own money while being blacklisted and unable to work
with some help from a tiny group of personal contacts and supporters.

On June 15th In another email I describe my case in more detail and send her relevant
documents, which she says she found very useful in her reply.

I also explain how lawyer Simos Samaras is using lawfare (his application for a
temporary injunction) to force me to go to the court every week to get a postponement of
the hearing because of a strike, and explain that I have to go to court again that Friday.
On 16th June 2016, Christina Fadeeva emails to suggest filming on Monday June 20th in

She asks again about the murder attempts against me, noting that a well known politician
Boris Nemtsov and critic of Putin was shot outside the Kremlin walls (on the Bolshoy
Moskvoretsky Bridge in 2015, likely on the orders of Putin) and that in Russia that kind
of execution as well as accidents are common.

I said they do not want to shoot me in the street because I am too well known and they
want to maintain the fiction of a free media in the West.

That is why they want to use the police and prosecutors to use their public office for a
criminal enterprise to give the noble stamp of the law to my false imprisonment and
murder to be reframed as suicide.

On 18th June, Christina Fadeeva notes that Alexander Zamyslov may ask other questions.

And indeed, he asked about the FBI and their response to epidemics and probed me about
their preparedness. He even asked to see my emails to the FBI from 2009



The interview with Alexander Zamyslov arranged with Christina Fadeeva on the subject
of engineered viruses and how they are spread deliberately by an elite and governments
they control for personal and financial gain took place on June 20th 2016 in Larisa s

Zamyslov flew from Moscow with two TV crew members to Thessaloniki.

They hired a van for their equipment, drove on to Larisa,arrive don the evening of June
19th, checked into a hotel, which they changed aftter they found the air conditioning was
not functioning.

At that time, June 2016 as is usual in Larisa, the hottest city in Greece because it is
located inland, the temperature was extremely hot, perhaps 40 degrees. Most local people
stayed indoors in the afternoon. Shops and offices close at about 2 pm.

People who are not used to the heat, such as visitors from abroad, especially if they have
thick clothing, can get heat stroke and dehydrate very quickly if they move around
outside for even a few minutes during midday and afternoon , the time when the
interview and filming took place.

We met me at the place arranged and time arranged on the morning of 20th June 2016
,namely a cafe overlooking the ancient theatre.

Zamyslov and I had many opportunities to chat while the two other members of the film
crew set et up cameras, lighting, sound equipment for the interview and various scenes.
Furthermore, Zamyslov was the only one who spoke English.
During these chats, Alexander Zamylsovn questioned me in detail about how well
prepared I thought the FBI was to handle epidemic disease outbreaks following on from
the questions of Christina Fadeeva.

He was especially interested in the swine flu in 2009, a respiratory disease similar to the



He repeatedly probed me about my views on the FBI's preparedness for a biological


The 2009 report specifically alleges that “the people of the United States will suffer
substantial and irreparable injury if they are forced to take the unproven vaccine pursuant
to the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, National Emergency Act,
SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/HSPD-20, and the International Partnership
on Avian and Pandemic Influenza.>


The FBI report can be found in the Appendix.

A copy was submitted to the FBI office at the EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES
Vienna Austria 10th June, 2009 and electronically to FBI offices in the USA.

The report describes a plot to spread an artificially made virus ,specifically the swine flu
virus ,around the USA and globe to use as a pretext to implement medical martial law
and mass forced vaccination with unproven vaccines designed to harm, poison and kill.

This report includes chapters

Evidence the “swine flu“ vaccines are bioweapons

Evidence the “swine flu” virus is an artificial (genetically engineered) virus.

Evidence the “swine flu” was bio-engineered to resemble the Spanish flu killer virus of

Evidence as to deliberate release of the “swine flu” virus in Mexico

Evidence as to the involvement of the then President Barack Obama

Evidence as to the role of Baxter and WHO in producing and releasing pandemic virus
material in Austria.

Evidence Novartis is using vaccines as bioweapons.

Evidence as to the WHO’s role in the bioweapons program: supplier of the bird flu
virus to Baxter

Evidence as to WHO’s manipulation of data in order to justify declaring the swine flu a
global health emergency in order to seize control of the USA.

Evidence as to the Canada’s National Microbiology Labs role in the bioweapons


Evidence vaccinations caused the Spanish killer flu of 1918.

Precedents: the abandoned swine flu mass vaccination program of 1976

Inadequate performance of the government in stopping the spread of the swine flu as
cover for spreading a pandemic

Evidence as to manipulation of the legal framework to allow mass poisoning with


The Issue of immunity and compensation as evidence of intent to commit a crime

among other evidence and facts.



The current coronavirus crisis does seem to be characterized by the same elements and
the same sequence of events as the swine flu plot of 2009. This similarity may be
considered to be more evidence that the coronavirus crisis is, indeed, a plot, which was
being researched, planned, developed and prepared as early as 2016 with the knowledge
and help of Trump and Kushner on behalf of Putin and other actors , and which they
intended to implement when and if Trump got elected as President.

This similarity reinforces the notion that the Russian journalists linked to Trump and
Kushner were part of a group preparing in 2016 to implement the same kind of global
disease plot at a later date, and the ongoing coronavirus plot is the “fruit” or execution of
the planning phase in 2016. A familiarity with the 2009 FBI report may give insights into
potential present and future “ways of attack”.

Broadly speaking, both involve a respiratory disease made by humans.

At the origin, seems to be a deliberate release of the disease in a particular place (Mexico
in 2009, China in 2020).

This,likely because it is,in fact,difficult to spread a disease other than in crowded

conditions of people whose immune systems have been weakened( due to naturally very
strong human immune systems, inherently weak powers of viruses to survive, mutations
etc ), there is a phase where the operation transitions to a psychological or media
operation driven by misinformation, and exaggeration fueled by

· the manipulation of data to suggest the virus is infecting and killing more
peoplethan in reality through

1. faulty diagnostic tests, false positives

2. quasi automatic attribution of the disease as the cause of death in order to push up
the fatality rate

The culmination of that swine flu plot in 2009 were plans coordinated by the WHO to
mass vaccinate the people of USA, and the rest of world using an unproven wi,
experimental vaccines, some of which, specifically GSK Pandemrix, had an adjuvant,
squalene, known even then to be linked to the Gulf War Syndrome and since proven to
have caused narcolepsy.

In 2020, GSK has announced plans to produce a billion doses of the same adjuvant,
squalene, to “boost “coronavirus jabs.

If the coronavirus is part of a plan, based on the swine flu crisis of 2009, then it is
possible to foresee and anticipate the next steps.


Zamyslov also asked me questions about the use of the Black Plague as a bioweapon and
whether I thought the elite would ever release it. The Black Plague is perhaps the most
deadly disease in human history. The Black Death ・attributed to the bacterium Yersinia
pestis ・killed about 50 to 200 million people in the 14th century.
Plague was naturally widespread in ancient times, but was later on weaponized and used
deliberately to kill.

I said I did not think so because the Black Plage is a bacterial infection and not a viral
infection, spreads very fast, and the elite would soon lose control of the Black Plague.
While antibiotics can treat the plague, the bacteria can adapt and a superbug resistant to
antibiotics would likely soon develop.

I argued the elite prefer to use viruses and vaccines etc because they can control exactly
who gets the lethal doses and when (especially if RFID chips or trackers are a part of the

Furthermore, vaccines inject viruses and other material straight into the blood system,
bypassing the body's natural immune system (inhaled viruses have to pass through the
lung tissue) , and so can be especially dangerous.

Unknown to me, at that same time, a case of the Black Plague had broken out in a
remote place in Kazahkstahn. The outbreak was quickly brought under control.

In 2017, after Trump and Kushner had assumed office an especially severe outbreak of
Black Plague occurred in Madagascar from August to November . About 200 died before
it was brought under control.

As an island off the coast of Africa, Madagascar also serves as the equivalent of an
isolated, biosecurity lab where experiments with the Black Plague could, theoretically, be
carried out on people living there with the surrounding sea acting as a barrier to prevent
the Black Plague from spreading. Real time data can be collected more easily in such an
environment to determine the Black Plague's main modes of transmission (human to
human versus contaminated material to human versus flea to human), epidemic curve,
reproduction number and other characteristics as well as to see which of the three forms
of the plague -- bubonic, pneumonic and septicemic...

It is possible he himself was a part of an intelligence service as Russian journalists tend to

be linked to intelligence, Vladimir Putin and his circle of oligarchs who have an iron grip
on state TV and media in Russia, according to media.

The journalist, Alexander, told me both Russian and Kazahkstan intelligence followed
my blog. This suggests that Vladimir Putin himself may be familiar with my blog given
the extent of Kremlin control over both the Russian media and the intelligence services.

At the end of several hours of filming by the ancient theatre in Larisa, we walked form
the Amphitheatre to Larisa Court, to film the scene planned there about Simos Samaras
lawfare and George Soros.

Map showing the route of our walk from the cafe to the court (light blue line)

While we walked very slowly due tothe heat and as the film crew carried very heavy
camera, lighting, sound equipment by hand down a pedestrian zone etc, Zamyslov and I
chatted about how Russia had changed since the Soviet Union.

He told me he appreciated the opportunity to travel and about some of his trips abroad to
film documentaries, also to Africa and about plans to interview Steve Bannon about
financial warfare.
I knew from chatting to Russian Orthodox pilgrims in Greece that Russians found it hard
to get a visa to Greece to go to places of pilgrimage like Mount Athos. Curious, I asked
him he managed to get visas. Zamyslov said that "not all Americans are anti Russian",
"some realize Russia is a friend" and added that Jared Kushner, Reince Priebus and Mike
Pence helped with visas.

At that point,we reached a large street to cross into the main square to go to the court and
turned our attention to the traffic.

After filming for several hours also outside in the midday heat, the TV crew seemed very
hot and dehydrated. Coming from Russia, and wearing heavy clothes, the heat would
have affected them more intensely. The extreme heat may have contributed to Zamyslov
losing his concentration and relaying the information in an unguarded moment as the end
of filming neared.

It struck me and I filed the allegations away in my memory but since Trump and
Kushner had not obtained office and there was no sign they would, and I did not think
they would dare be as corrupt as the Clintons, Obama after running on a platform of
draining the swamp, I did not think s any alleged links were significant, at least, not
enough to report on.

Picture of the exterior of Larisa court where the final scene was filmed

The film crew set up their equipment outside the court at around 3 pm in the afternoon, I

Several takes were filmed of myself walking back and forth across the square towards the
court and from the court (which was closed due to a bank holiday).

I had mentioned in emailsto Christian Fadeeva that I had to go to the court on Friday June
17th to get a postponement of the hearing of Samaras' temporary civil injunction and had
sent her key documents belonging to Delta 15 218,including the evidence that George
Soros and Alexis Tsipras read my blog and the evidence of the huge violations,
prompting her to say “now she understood my case very well.”

Zamyslov also understood my case very clearly that it was all about the suppression of
the police reports to set me up for the false accusation of lying and Samaras was misusing
an injunction as part of that process. He started the injunction in the civil court to give
“corrupt” prosecutors and judges a pretext to disregard the criminal probe to be able by
omission, misrepresentation and deception to find me guilty of lying and defamation to
have an excuse to take down my entire blog, which they have done. My birdflu666 blog
was suspended without warning or explanation and I suspect that Samaras and, of course,
Trumpand Kuhner, may have misrepresented the illegal temporary injunction in the USA
to get the blog, hosted in the USA, suspended.

After filming the scene outside Larisa court, I left the TV crew. Zamyslov said he would
ring me in the morning to set up a time to meet and deal with payment.

In fat, he never called and the TV crew left Larisa without giving any payment or
discussing the issue.



Trump and Kushner used the same expired 30 day temporary civil injunction, which I
had mentioned to Christian Fadeeva in emails in June 2016 that I had to go to Larisa
court on June 17th to defend myself against and which was the subject of a scene at the
court, as the main and key document in their own criminal plot to have me jailed on 16th
February 2017.I suggest that this background knowledge, supplemented by following the
subsequent events on my blog, was the reason that when Trump,Kushner and Putin
wanted to silence me, they turned to the same lawyer, the same injunction, the same
circle of hand picked, corrupted police officials and prosecutors n Larisa to accomplish
that mission.

Because this temporary civil injunction is so crucial to case E 17 449, also to my

upcoming rigged criminal defamation trial on 16th December 2020 for the Russia and
Kushner blog post, as well as the key document in my trial for the Gates and Soros posts,
the background to it is described in detail in this sub section.

To clarify, this temporary civil injunction is the basis for two indictments which carry a
sentence of 7 years in prison. Yet, it is so void of legality, that it triggered the criminal
probe E17 449. But a hand picked group of prosecutors and judges belonging to a
criminal network superimposed on Larisa court and acting in coordination to have me put
in prison for exposing a global epidemic disease plot are using this injunction as empty
form of law on behalf of Trump and Kushner as well as Gates and Soros and Tsipras. It's
the same people, the same document for both trials. How to explain such an overlap if
there is no close cooperation between Trump, Kushner, Putin, Gates, Soros and Tsipras
despite their alleged political divide?

It is established from emails with Christina Fadeeva that she and her TV company based
inside the Kremlin, and presumably, therefore, Putin, knew about the lawyer Simos
Samaras in June 2016, knew about his method of lawfare and his application for
temporary civil injunction.

On June 13th 2016, I said I had to go to the court on June 17th.

I name Simos Samaras in an email on June 15 th 2016.
That knowledge of Simos Samaras and his misuse of defamation charges as part of a plan
to suppress evidence of massive violations and set me up for false accusations and prison
became more detailed when Zamyslov came to Larisa, asked more questions and filmed
outside the court precisely to focus on that lawfare by Samaras to misuse civil defamation
charges to censor a journalist exposing a global epidemic disease plot on behalf of Soros
and Tsipras.

After I reported on my birdf666 blog (since suspended without warning or explanation)

on 15th February 2017 the allegations by Alexander Zamyslov that Jared Kushner and
other members of the Trump team had helped him to obtain visas, it was that very same
lawyer Samaras,whose lawfare was a part of the documentary filming, who conspired to
have me jailed the very next day by making false misrepresentations and using
procedural tricks, as I was able to demonstrate to the police magistrate when I went to
court to face the allegations and saw the file.

The temporary civil court judgment was issued on 7th November 2016by judge Phonete
Karanikola given number 342 /2016.It was granted to Samaras for ten posts, some of
which did not mention him at all,for example, a post critizing then Greek PM Alexis
Tsipras' for using tear gas on protesting farmers `was included in his list of 10 posts but
made absolutely no mention of Samaras.

Indeed,I believe the point of including posts about Alexis Tsipras in the temporary civil
injunction was to intimidate others from reporting critically on Tsipras, and t o signal that
while Tsipras himself may have been formally accused as part of probe Delta 15 218 for
reasons I describe in detail in Section 3, he still controlled all the branches of the
government and could use a hand picked network to prearrage verdicts and carry naked
crimes against journalists.

Trump and Kushner have taken a leaf out of Tsipras book my making just two blog posts
about them on 7th and 15th February the key content of the indictment for my upcoming
defamation trial scheduled for 16th December 2020.

The ten posts are between 28th January 2016 and 13th March 2016 when Samaras had
made his application for a temporary injunction.

It lasted for 30 days and so expired on 6th December 2016.

It was issued illegally because Greek law (article 363) requires proof of error and malice
and Karanikola did not offer any proof of either error or malice.

Judgment of the civil court Larisa
Number 342 /2016
Issued 7th November 2016

for a temporary injunction(30days)

Figure 1. 2 key sections of this temporary civil injunction

with English translations in notes

In an email t on 27th November 2016, the lawyer representing me Eleni Matraki
confirmed the injunction lasted 30 days unless Samaras applied for a permanent one
which he did never did do because he did not want more scrutiny of his nakedly criminal
acts which relied on hand picked prosecutors, police and judges.

a) Origins of the civil temporary injunction

As I describe in more detail in SECTION 3 and 4 and as I described to Christina Fadeeva

in emails,sending key documents as attachments, this civil injunction was an attempt by
George Soros, Alexis Tsipras, Larisa prosecutors and police and lawyers caught in
massive violations of procedure in a criminal probe Delta 15 218 to censor and repress
that evidence as it began to appear on my blog from 28 th January 2016 by starting a civil
injunction process fronted by lawyer Simos Samaras in parallel in the civil courts to have
a pretext to disregard all the evidence in the criminal probe to make slanderous, false
accusations against me while denying me a defense and repress my posts.

A civil case is always subordinate to a criminal probe on the same events.

Yet, hand picked prosecutors in Larisa have allowed a civil temporary injunction
covering a sub part of the events of criminal probe opened by their own prosecutors and
reopened by the Supreme Court to supersede and subordinate two criminal probes
altogether and to become the key content for indictments against me for lying, with the
only witnesses admitted to the trial being Samaras, my verifiably bribed lawyer
Christopoulos and the original culprit Theodekti and the only de facto court document
admitted this civil temporary injunction as I discuss below.

After being summoned to prosecutors and police several times and ordered to remove
posts with evidence of their corruption, and after I refused, citing my right to publish
evidence of their corruption, one of this network, lawyer Simos Samaras filed for
temporary civil injunction proceedings as an alternative,fast track approach.

When a judge rejected his injunction in an emergency hearing in March 2016, Sanmaras,
joined with Christopoulos and Theodekti to make false accusations in the civil court with
Theodekti claiming she had no knowledge of my blog.

After I was able to prove lies, prove, for example, by emails to Theodekti about content
on my blog, that she knew about my blog and so was lying when she had told the civil
judge she did not know my blog, I filed criminal charges against Samaras, Theodekti and
Christopouloshich was given the file number Gamma 16 508

The events concerning specifically Samaras are part of a report AP 372 on the
irregularities which I submitted to Larisa prosecutors on February 2016.and which
resulted in Larisa court sending my case to the Supreme Court in Athens for the first time
for correction.
The English translation o key sectios

Samaras has never denied that he was in the office with Christopoulos or that he gave
him instructions in my case. He has claimed the suggested he seemed to be involved in
corruption is defamation.

Samaras tried to stop Christopoulos confirming his resignation in writing, wrongly

claiming a lawyer is not required to give confirmation that he no longer represents a
client in a criminal case if a client requests over concerns of incompetence orc orruption.

It is self evident that a lawyer can engage in a campaign of deception and continue to use
a formal power of attorney in bad faith to the disadvantage of the client if the resignation
is just oral. Christopoulos could have gone to the court and continued to access my file
and make submissions feigning authority. With the power of attorney, Christopoulos
had,actually, huge power to act on my behalf in other matters.

Indeed, it was only when I told him I would go to the court myself and tell them I had
terminated our working relationship that he gave me a written confirmation.

Key paragraphs related,specifically to the way I found Samaras and Christopoulos in the
office, how Samaras gave Christopoulos instructions about my case, how he finally gave
me my file,saying it was the full file, only to find a handwritten note and receipt in it in
that report AP 37 2 which was sent by Larisa court to the Supreme Court in Athens
prosecutors office(together with the missing police reports,which I finally obtained in
March 2016) as part of a new investigation into the violations in Delta 15 218 in
February 2016, are


According to lawyer Christopoulos, the monastery lawyer had access to the file in
November. The lawyer must have realized that the file contained substantial procedural
violation, including the suppression of the charges against Theodekti, and the guidance
whose immediate consequence was the suppression of a genuine investigation into

The monastery lawyer must have also realized that I and essential witnesses were
excluded from oral proceedings held by the police in Ajia while the accused and non
essential witnesses were were included in an objective deficiency of procedure.

The monastery lawyer went along with the conspiracy to thwart justice. Indeed, the
monastery lawyer may have been one of the principal organizers of the conspiracy acting
on behalf of Theodekti and the Bishop of Volos.

I found a lawyer specializing in church law, Simos Samaras, giving instructions to

Christopoulos on how to handle my case. Samaras dictated to Christopoulos his
resignation letter in his office. It cannot be ruled out given the evidence that a genuine
investigation into Theodekti has been undermined from the beginning by the police and
state prosecutor from almost the beginning that Simos Samaras gave Chrisotpoulos
instructions on behalf of church authorities.

We arranged for me to collect my file and a letter of resignation from the office of
Christopoulos on Thursday evening. I arrived at his office at about 7 pm to find a stranger
who later revealed himself to be Simos Samaras, a lawyer from Thessaloniki, sitting
behind the desk of Christopoulos, using his computer.

Christopoulos handed me the file. I asked about the letter of resignation. He refused to
give me one.

Samaras kept intervening and saying that I did not have a right to a written resignation.
An oral resignation was enough under Greek law. I insisted on a written resignation. I
said without it Christopoulos could exploit the fact there was no written resignation to
continue to exercise power of attorney and thrown my case by accessing my file and
adding or removing documents and evidence or withholding the verdict from me.
During this exchange, Christopoulos took all his orders from Samaras,

I asked who he was. He reluctantly gave his name. Christopoulos told me he was a
"colleague from Thessaloniki"

I said to Samaras, he was not my lawyer. Christopoulos was and had certain professional
duties towards his client and these included providing a written letter or resignation if
they asked for it.

I also said I would inform other authorities, including the state prosecutor myself, that he
was no longer my lawyer. Samaras finally told Christopoulos he could decide for himself.

Christopoulos gave me a letter of resignation. (Evidence 57)

The letter was dictated to him by Samaras.

He claimed to be unable to make a copy because the computer was malfunctioning. I

suggested we go to a copy shop.

On our way to a copy shop, I asked Christopoulos about his relationship to Samaras. He
said that he worked with him on some criminal cases, but denied that Samaras also
worked on my case. However, I had the impression that Samaras was familiar with my
case. I saw him give Christopoulos instructions of the kind an employer gives an
employee. I found out that evening that Samaras is a specialist in church law.

I note that Theodekti and the Orthodox Church are the main and immediate beneficiaries
of the repeated attempts of Christopoulos to throw my case.

It is, therefore, plausible that Samaras was sent by the Orthodox Church as a lawyer to
help Christopoulos throw the case.

When I looked at the file Christopoulos had given me, I saw it contained no evidence of a
regular police investigation that Christopoulos had informed me in an email in July had
been ordered.
I found none of the official forms, protocols, records, file numbers that are required for
an official investigation in breach of procedures.

The file was in a total mess, with a few handwritten notes interspersed with my original
report precisely because Christopoulos knew that his attempt to thwart justice was against
the law and he was anxious to cover his tracks.

The only evidence of a police investigation in the file was a hand written note mentioned
in section one designed to thwart the case.


I posted the evidence on Thursday evening that Christopoulos was trying to throw my
case on my blog. Christopoulos warned me not to do so and threatened me in a phone

The following day, Friday, 29th, I received an intimidating call from the police as
described above, pressuing me to remove the above. I believe Christopoulos, the state
prosecutor and police panicked when they realized that the incriminating handwritten
note was in the file that Christopoulos had given to me. They wanted to summon me to
the police station to obtain the note but also to intimidate and harass me into hiding
evidence of their corruption.

Christopoulos knew that I had facts and evidence showing he was corrupt from my email.
He knew he had no counter arguments, which is why he did not reply. He instead went to
the state prosecutor making false accusations of defamation and libel knowing that he
could rely on his fellow conspirators in their attempt to use the police to pervert justice.

He was complicit in an attempt to lure me to the state prosecutors office under the pretext
of mediation with him. He did not show up, leaving Papakosta and Fasoula the
opportunity to threaten me.

Simos Samaras,

Lawyer, Thessalooniki

Simos Samaras acted as an advisor to Christopoulos when I visited him in his office on
the evening of January 28th to collect my file and his resignation letter.

Throughout the meeting, Samaras issued instructions and orders to Christopoulos, which
he immediately obeyed.

Samaras gave false and misleading advice to my disadvantage when he said that I had no
right to a written letter of resignation from Christopoulos even though he knew that
without a written letter of resignation Christopoulos kept the power of attorney to act on
my behalf behind my back and that he could have used it to thwart justice, for example,


To clarify,the very statements I made on my blog posts giving supporting evience were
the basis for the Supreme Court to open a new investigation into Delta 15 218 twice in
fact. The guilt of Samaras, Theodekti and Christopoulos is proven now in 2020 ten times
over by their role in orchestrating the suppression of police reports,bribing
Christopoulous, making false statements.

Yet, in a parallel procedure in the civil court,this same evidence has become the basis of a
civil defamation case which in turn has been used to indict me in two separate trials. That
in spite of no evidence of any error or malice and by excluding all the relevant evidence,
police reports, prosecutor probes. SupremeCourt probes and so denying me the right to
defend myself.
b) Judge Ragani rejected Samaras' application at an emergency hearing in February 2016
during a strike,noting her decision on the margins of Samaras application as was, and
perhaps, still is the process in Greece.
c) Summons to police station

After losing the hearing, Simos Samaras and court officials conspired to accuse me
falsely of stealing court documents, a criminal offense in Greece carrying a prison

Immediately his temporary injunction was rejected by Judge Ragani, Samaras and court
officials conspired to accuse me falsely of stealing court documents, a criminal offense in
Greece carrying a prison sentence. Specifically accused me falsely of stealing copies of
his Greek translations of my blog posts.

As soon as Samaras started the civil case, his documents became technically court

Since he could not accuse me of stealing his accusations which he had to serve to me as
part of the proceedings or accuse me of stealing his evidence, since he had none,
andpresented none, just my own blog posts, he accused me of stealing his Greek
translations of my blog posts .

He presented two thick bound volumes of translations of my posts, perhaps containing

hundreds of translations of posts each, and no loose pages for anyone to steal.

I was summoned by prosecutors several times and twice to the police station where I
gave a written submission.


Key parts of the translation are

Translation Larisa Police

On Wednesday, March 9th, 2016, I was falsely accused by by Simos Samaras of stealing
a document of his. Court officials at Larisa told me this document consisted of his
translations of my blog posts and contained in a document of fourteen pages with his
stamp. The accusation was made after I went to the court yesterday and collected my
documents following a hearing on Monday 7th of a defamation lawsuit filed against me
by Samaras, which I won because of the overwhelming written evidence I was able to
present to Judge Ragani on Monday 7th. Judge Ragani gave me hardly time to print all
my hundreds of pages of evidence and I handed them to the judge in a procedure which
violated rules and showed bias on the part of the judge. She refused to postpone the case
in spite of an oral and written strike declaration by a lawyer, and forced me to represent
myself without giving me warning or time to prepare, exposing herself to the charge of
bias. In contrast to my unbound documents, Simos Samaras presented two bound
volumes of alleged evidence at the hearing. He presented no loose papers at the hearing
on Monday as far as I could see. He referred to translations of my blog posts in the bound
volumes. On Tuesday, yesterday, I went to the court and was told to pick up all my
documents. In breach of every duty of care, my documents were left in totally chaotic
pile on top of his bound volumes. Judge Ragani had turned my unbound but clearly
ordered documents into a chaotic and disordered mess which will take me hours to sort
out as my translator can testify. I took all the documents which looked like mine in this
chaotic pile, and which the court official said were mine, and I left the court with them. It
is the responsibility of the court and the judge to ensure that evidence is handled with
care, specifically that the defendants documents and the plaintiff's documents are kept
separately if they must be returned to each individual. It is an especial responsibility for
Judge Ragani and court officials to keep the documents separate since they know I do not
read Greek and cannot identify documents in Greek if they leave hundreds of pages in a
chaotic pile on top of a desk. In another breach of duty of care, the court official who
handed me my documents did not check through them or tell me to check through them
to make sure I did not accidentally take the wrong documents. Given all I have
experienced at the court, I believe these failures of duty of care could be deliberate. They
appear to be part of a plan set me up for a false accusation of stealing court documents.
Yesterday, I received a call from the court to return a document Samaras claims is
missing. I went through all the documents with my translator this morning. We could
only find one document giving legal precedents on conducting hearings during a strike
that was not mine. I returned that document this afternoon. A new judge Antonia
Georgiou? accused me of Samaras's document even though I never had it, and she cannot
prove I did, and she has conducted no investigation as she is required to do before she
accuses me of stealing a document. State prosecutor Georgiou took my new charges
against Samaras and asked me to swear on the Bible that what I said was true. I did swear
on the Bible. But the job of a state prosecutor is to investigate the evidence I supply not
ask for a sworn oath. Is state prosecutor Georgiou? part of a religious inquisition or is she
following a professional following the code of criminal procedures? At the very least, her
attitude implied bias

Without considering of the evidence or doing her job, she made it clear she considered
everything I said to be a lie. She cannot be allowed in the face of such obvious bias to
judge anything to do with my case. What, after all, would be my motive for stealing a 14
page translation by Samaras of my blog posts into Greek? Motive is central to any crime.
But I have my own translators and I would want an accurate translation of my blog posts
in the form of a certified translation from them if they were relevant to the defamation
lawsuit. In fact, the blog posts are part of the criminal charges translated into Greek,
which I am being told are being studied at the Supreme Court. Also, I won the case
yesterday. I defeated the claims of Samaras in spite of the bias against me

of Judge Ragani on the basis of the written evidence I supplied. I have no need of more
evidence. I have no need of any translation of my blog posts by Samaras to present my
case fully or win my case. If I did have need of it, I would employ an independent
translator. I have no financial gain from withholding a translation of Samaras blog posts
since I cannot use them in my case even if they were relevant given the reasonable
suspicion that his translations of my texts as my opponent are not accurate. The
translations have his stamp, I am told, not the stamp of a certified translator. Who knows
what is in the translations? Who knows if errors have crept in that are a disadvantage to
me? In short, I have no motive whatsoever for the crime I am alleged to have committed.
I have no need for Samaras’s translation of my blog posts into Greek. They have zero
value for me. Secondly, what value are the alleged documents I stole to the case? A text
file with the Greek translations of my blog posts by Samaras can be printed out by him
any time from his computer. They are not unique documents or of any legal value. So
why is he making such a fuss about his stamped translation when he can print out another
copy in two minutes and put a new stamp on it. I allege these documents serve as a
pretext for Samaras to make false charges. I allege Samaras is acting in collusion with
court officials are trying set me up for a false charges.

d) A lawyer's strike lasting until the end of June 2016 was used as a pretext to summon
me every Friday to the court to obtain a postponement of another emergency hearing.

Judge Alexander Oekonomou tried to hold a hearing while forbidding me from

representing myself since a lawyer is technically required for all civil cases in Greece.

But after I complained about the violation of my right to due process and finally walked
out when he continued anyway with the one sided hearing, he changed his mind and gave
another weeks postponement.

It was to obtain another postponement that I had to go again with a lawyer, each time
paying 100 euros, that I had to go to court on 17th June 2016 as I emailed Christina
Fadeeva on the 13th June.
e) After the lawyers ‘strike ended and the hearing was scheduled for October 2017,I
hired lawyer Eleni Matraki to represent me since it was then in 2017, and perhaps still is
in 2020, obligatory to be represented by a lawyer in Greece in civil proceedings.

I cited article 363 of the Greek criminal code which says that error and malice have to be
proven to be accused of defamation and noted Samaras had not proven any error or any

I noted I had only described exactly what I had seen and had made only reasonable
inferences from the facts, events and observations about possible explanations, which I
am allowed to under free speech and media laws.

Furthermore, I was entitled as a journalist performing a watchdog function to put up clear

evidence of substantial violations of procedure in a murder investigation implicating
George Soros and Alexis Tsipras in which Christopoulos was implicated, evidence so
clear that it resulted in the Supreme Court in Athens reopening the case Delta 15 218.

MY civil court defence

f) Judgment

Judge Phonete Karanikola granted Simos Samaras a

a temporary civil injunction for 30 days

number 342 /2016

issued 7th November 2016

despite no evidence of malice or factual error needed to meet the criteria for

Nowhere in the judgment does Phonete Karanikola give the arguments, evidence or facts
which led her to grant Simos Samaras the injunction. It is clearly a pre arranged verdict to
have pretext to repress and censor my blog evidence of the corruption of prosecutors,
police and lawyers.

I was informed of the judgment on November 16th 2016 by my then lawyer Eleni
Matraki,that is to say, 9 days after it was issued.

As soon as I was informed by her (and she gave me to understand she had understand the
judgment had just been issued), I immediately complied and unpublished the ten posts to
avoid problems.

When I tried to upload the judgment with key names blacked out,including Simos
Samaras and Eleni Matraki, I was stopped by a cyberattack and told I did not have
permission to upload a screenshot of a ruling concerning me as I documented with


On about 7th February 2017, I was served with a document from Simos Samaras with a
list of about 100 blog posts which he wanted removed in 24 hours.

It was served by court official Apostolis Kontis as part of court servicing procedures for
civil requests. The fact that a court official served the document and not a “bailiff” does
not make the document a judgment or ruling.

I asked my then lawyer Eleni Matraki what the document was.

She told me it was a civil request with no force of law behind it and I did not have to

I have not received any criminal charges related to any of those posts. have never been
summoned to testify. If I had, I would immediately have testified as none of these posts
were defamatory and I have nothing to hide.

That this document really is a civil request with no legal force behind it is shown by the
fact that Larisa prosecutors accepted on my part and it led to prosecutors opening
criminal charges into Samaras, and Trump and Kushner E 17 449 as I show below.

Either there were criminal charges filed against me secretly without due process which I
did not know about, and which are therefore, in violation of procedures and rights.

Or there were no criminal charges filed against me and the document really is just a civil
request served by a court official Apostolis Kontis as part of service procedures.

Larisa prosecutors are in a better position than I am to decide which is the case as they
have access to records.

Yet the prosecutors agreed this document also was also somehow a reason for charges
against Simos Samaras as can be seen from E 17 449.

On February 14th 2017, after Trump, Kushner had assumed office, and as their, as I
called it in a blog post "corruption" became more obvious, New York Times reported on
the links between the Trump team and Russians, suggesting conflicts of interest and
shady interests.

In the light of the new developments, I wondered if the visa help mentioned by Alexander
had been part of some kind of shady deal, a deal, which could also perhaps involve
spreading epidemic diseases in the US, the focus Alexander's documentary and questions.

I relayed the conversation with the Russian journalist in a blog post on February 15th
2017, focusing on Steve Bannon as the person Alexander wanted to interview but also
mentioning Kushner, Priebus and Pence as contacts helping him with visas.

In fact, Alexander or Sasha mentioned another couple of names, which I did not
recognize and could not remember, perhaps because these individuals weren t mentioned
as often in the media in the run up to the November 2016 elections as these three when
Trump's campaign started to gain momentum.


The criminal charges against me by Larisa police officer Girogos Vasileos and
prosecutor Agori Papacosta with the file number H 17 44 obtained by lawyer Simos
Samaras using criminal means.


"SamaraschargesagainstmeH17/44" pdf

Picture of Larisa police station


The evidence Samaras submitted was

1) the temporary civil injunction ruling for ten posts discussed above in detail

number 342 /2016

issued 7th November 2016

by Judge Phonete Karanikola

for a temporary injunction(30days)

a civil request to remove about 100 blogposts served by court official Apostolis
Kontis on February 3rd 2017 with no force of law behindit

a sworn statement to the police thatmy blog post specifically on 15 th February

2017 relaying the allegations of Zamyslov about Kushner broke criminal laws

Screenshot of criminal charges sent by deputy police chief Vasileos to the prosecutor on
21st February 2017 witth 3 pieces of evidence

The Larisa police criminal charges against me on behalf of

Simos Samaras' over two blog posts on 7th and 15th February
2017 (seen by Samaras on his computer on 16th February 16th
2017 and referenced by him often with that date)

Total pages are 18 pages

Page 1

Larisa police report dated 21 February 2017

addressed to the prosecutors office in Larisa

Signed by Georgos Vasileos

Police deputy director

Prosecutors stamp confirming date of receipt as 24th February


Given file number H 17 44

At the bottom of the charges, 3 pieces of evidence are listed but not specified, mostlikely
because the deputy police chief Giorgos Vasileos knewhe was breaking the law by
issuing criminal charges on the basis of an expired temporary civil injunction and a civil
request with no force of law behind it, and did not want to focus attention to them.

The nature of the evidence is concealed by a claim on Vasileos part that there arethree
piecesof evidence. Individuals are asked to abdicate their reason, conscience and
responsibiliy for a higher authority, in blind belief that if the deputy police chief states
documents are evidence for a crime that is enough

Page 6 of the charges (page 4 of Simos Samaras complaint)

Bottom page, point 2, references my blog post from 7 February 2017 with the title "Same
corruption continues in Haiti and Greece as Donald Trump allows his government to be
packed with moles, Soros puppet Geoffrey Pyatt continues to push the Globalist agenda
in Greece.

Page 7 of the charges, point 3, references my blog post from 15th February 2017 with the
title "Red Alert! Steve Bannon is the (sic) foreign agent suggests my conversation with a
Russian TV journalist in June."

Page 11, 12 of charges gives precise details of these posts as well of the time when Simos
Samaras got to see them.

Page 11 point 9 says post went live on 15 th February 2017

Point 10 says that he saw it on his computer on 16 th February 2017 and he often
references this blog post with this date

Page 13 of charges is a police report of Simos Samaras statement to Larisa police on

Thursday, confirming he is telling the truth about the blog post on 15th February which
he registered or got to see on his computer on 16th February 2017.

Three signatures of police officials

Page 15 of charges is some kind of confirmation signed by three police officials

Page 16 blank

Page 17 police report charging me

Note I am referred to incorrectly as a German citizen. I am in fact a dual Irish, Austrian

citizen and identify with an Irish passport



On 15 February 2017, the same day, shortly after I posted up the allegations of the
Russian journalist, that Kushner, Priebus and Pence helped with visas, at about 9 am US
Local time, FBI official Andrew McCabe went to the White House and questioned
Reince Priebus about any Russia link, prompting him to make a public denial.

The timing of the visit, just after my blog post went live, may have convinced Trump and
Kushner and Putin that the FBI were watching my blog closely after all and that they
were were very suspicious of any secret Russia links that they might have.

Shortly after that, James Comey publicly announced that an FBI investigation was
underway into the links between Donald Trump, Jared Kushner and Ivanka and Russians,
specifically, oligarchs who seem to have used Trump's business as a front for money

The Senate and House Committees also started investigations.

I believe that Trump and Jared Kushner decided to delay their plot to imprison me
because they were afraid of the reaction of the FBI. I believe they became aware through
various surveillance methods, also cyberhacking, that I was looking for another flat in
Larisa as I was compelled to stay longer to stop myself ending up in prison under some

According to media reports, Kushner s company in Maryland had had tenants who had
were allegedly in arrears summarily arrested for disobeying a court summons, which
some tenants alleged they had never received or had been sent to the wrong address.

Once in prison through the use of a so called body attachment, tenants and their relatives
or friends either had to pay the alleged arrears or they remained in prison just for failing
to obey the summons whether they received it or not.

Media report Kushner used body attachments more than any other landlord to collect
alleged arrears.

I believe that Kushner decided to use his signature trick of sending the summons to the
wrong address two times to have me arrested for disobeying a court order to deprive me
of legal remedy and of the ability to alert others. They waited for an opportune moment,
waited until I had completed my move, until I had handed over my keys to my old flat.
After a week had lapsed, they sent the summons to the old address in the expectation that
I would never get to know about it.

Indeed, it was sheer chance that the owner of the flat happened to drop by, found the
summons, a flimsy piece of paper,swept into the corner of the yard by the wind, read it
and phoned me immediately. So, I was able to go and collect the summons, find the file
with the accusations and defend myself on time the next day.

I was able to show that I had registered my new address with the court well in advance of
my move using the court forms and following all the instructions I had been given and
that court officials had willfully ignored by new address to send the summons to an old

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