Pressure Drop Calculation For Thick Sqaure Plate Orifice

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Pressure drop calculation for thick sqaure plate orifice

Put the Value of water Temp (in deg celcius ) 40 ֯C

Temp (in Kelvin) 313 Kelvin
0.6532918014 Pa-sec
ρ (density of water) 989.41849201 Kg/m3
Kinamatic viscosity ν 0.0006602785 m2/sec

Pipe internal diameter 254.508 mm

put, flow (in m /hr) 359 m3/hr
Velocity 1.9601946076 m/sec
inlet area of pipe 50873.633584 mm2
Reyonlds number 747572.75669
For new steel
equivalent roughness Δ 0.04 mm pipe
relative roughness ε 0.000157166

friction factor f 0.014373751

thickness of orifice plate t 3.175 mm

orifice diameter 119.73688 mm
Area of orifice 11260.190976 mm2
DH 119.73698114 check
mm this value shall
l 0.0265164527 greater than 0.015
φ 0.25
τ 1.3347078833
k 44.66333228
Pressure drop in pascal 84898.404725 pa
Pressure drop in meters of water column 8.7468262453 mwc
Pressure drop in pascal in kg/cm 2 0.8654271634 kg/cm2
coefficent of dicharge 0.659271071

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