Guidelines For Synopsis & Projects
Guidelines For Synopsis & Projects
Synopsis on
Organization/Company Name:
XYZ Centre
Research Supervisor
Name & Address of Supervisor
Topic of Synopsis
The topic of Synopsis should be chosen from the specialization area opted by
the students. Title of Synopsis should be self explanatory and rough or lengthy
Titles shall be avoided. The same Title of Synopsis shall be valid for final
Research Project Report.
Submission of Synopsis
The fully furnished Synopsis (TWO COPIES) must reach before 30.04.2011 to
respective Internal guide without any delay.
Formatting of Synopsis
Each Synopsis must be prepared with utmost care keeping good language
and presentation techniques in mind. Synopsis shall be neatly typed in double
space and must be bind properly in file. The sample of cover page of Synopsis
is also provided in below pages. The cover page of Synopsis must contain
details about Student Name, Enrolment Number, Course, Guide and Study
Centre details.
Each student will choose a Research Guide for preparation of Synopsis and
Research Project Report. Research Guide or Supervisor must be competent
person with relevant Research experience. A Research Guide may or may not
be a doctorate but must be having similar experience of supervision of
Research Projects of management and commerce. Synopsis must contain a
written approval by the Research Guide that he / she is ready to serve as
Supervisor / Research Guide for your Research Project. Synopsis must also
contain a copy of Bio-Data of Guide and Bio-Data must contain the details of
research experiences. A Guide / Supervisor must be from relevant subject
areas i.e. like management, commerce and economics. Good industry experts
and top executives from management or commerce having sufficient research
experience can also act as Guide / Supervisor.
Contents of Synopsis
Students are required to furnish and submit the Project Report after
final approval of Synopsis. The title of Synopsis shall remain same for
Project Report.
The Research Project Report would be equivalent to the marks of one paper.
The Research Project Report shall follow the Viva-Voce of same which consist
of 50 marks in which students shall detail about their Research Project study
being undertaken. The Research Viva-Voce is conducted only after
submission of Project Reports. The viva-voce is held at university campus in
The students are required to submit THREE hard copies of the project report
hardly bound in BLACK color only. No Project Report in color other than Black
shall be accepted. The Project Report must be hard bound and Project
Reports in PVC binding, Spiral Binding, Comb Binding, Thermo Binding are
rejected. If student wish they can make transparent slides for main topics of
Project Report for the purpose of presentation during their Viva-Voce.
The whole project report should be nicely composed and presented. Please
refer to marks distribution at top. Students should use only A4 / Letter (8.27 x
11.69 inches) size paper only. Students should leave atleast 3.00 mm margin
from all edges of paper. The project report should be nicely typed in good
word processor and should avoid spellings and grammatical mistakes.
Students shall use one side of paper for printing. The Project Report shall be
Hardbound in BLACK Color only. Double spacing shall be preferred.
Cover Page - Attractive and appealing cover page containing the Project Title,
program details, Student & Guide details etc. A sample of Project Report cover
page is also given below.
Certificate from Project Guide - Certificate from the Project Guide certifying
the project work done under his/her guidance alongwith course, student,
project details complete in all respects.
Particulars of Student - Project Report's first page should contain the details
pertaining to course, project title, student information along with enrollment
number, father's name, address, telephone, e-mail, guide information, date of
submission etc.