Design 5 Flexible Learning Syllabus 2122
Design 5 Flexible Learning Syllabus 2122
Design 5 Flexible Learning Syllabus 2122
1st Semester, AY 2021-2022
Course ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN V Lecture (1 hr.)
ARCH 115 Course Title Type Credit Units 4
Code (Space Planning 2) Laboratory (9 hrs.)
Course Design exercises stressing the analysis of space requirements based on organizational structure, functional set up and human behavior to
Description focus on linkages and interaction to spaces.
Lecture: 7:00 am-8:00 am
ARCH 90 – ARCH 3-1 THU
Pre- Laboratory: 8:00 am–12:00 nn / 1:00–6:00 pm
Architectural Design IV Course Schedule
requisites Lecture: 7:00 am-8:00 am
(Space Planning 1) ARCH 3-2 FRI
Laboratory: 8:00 am–12:00 nn / 1:00–6:00 pm
Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:
TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the development of projects.
Core EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks, class performance
Values and other course requirements.
SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness and cooperation in dealing with their peers and members of the community.
In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.
the College/
Campus 1. produce globally competent graduates imbued with technical expertise in engineering, information technology and allied fields;
with strong support for environmental preservation; and guided by high ethical standards;
2. conduct relevant research and development activities along engineering, information technology and allied fields that would
contribute to sustainable development in its service areas;
3. implement effective training and outreach programs that emphasize self-help, critical thinking and life-long learning;
4. manage projects and enterprises along engineering, information technology and allied fields to promote economically viable and
environment-friendly approaches and techniques; and
5. establish strong linkages with industries, non-governmental organizations, and other government entities in the local and
international arena for the realization of common goals.
1. apply architectural theories & principles particularly in the solution of problems related to Architecture development;
2. conduct relevant researches and development activities in the field of Architecture;
of the
3. promote the development and transfer of appropriate architecture technology;
4. manage Architectural projects and enterprises that promote environmental preservation and protection; and
5. produce morally, upright professionals with entry-level competencies.
1. Perform standard competencies in accordance with the scope of the global & local practice of architecture.
2. Show traits of professionalism, sense of responsibility, equality & patriotism.
3. Receptiveness to new ideas & knowledge through scientific research.
4. Direct and focus the thrust of architecture education to the needs & demands of society & its integration into the social, economic, cultural
& environmental aspects of nation building.
5. Instill understanding of the basic philosophy and fundamental principles of the multi-dimensional aspects of architecture, & the direct
relationship between human & the environment.
teams. (PQF level 6 indicator)
d. Recognition of professional, social & ethical responsibility.
Creation of architectural solutions by applying knowledge in history, theory, planning,
building technology & utilities, structural concepts & professional practice.
Use of concepts & principles from specialized fields & allied disciplines into various
architectural problems.
Preparation of contract documents, technical reports & other legal documents used in
architectural practice adhering to applicable standards & regulations.
Interpretation and application of relevant laws, codes, charters & standards of
architecture & the built environment.
i. Application of research methods to address architectural problems.
Use of various information & communication technology (ICT) media for architectural
solutions, presentation & techniques in design & construction.
k. Acquisition of entrepreneurial & business acumen relevant to architecture practice.
l. Involvement in the management of the construction works and building administration.
m Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural-heritage”.
Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes
Program/Student Outcomes Code (SO)
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course (CO)
After completing this course, the students must be able to:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
CO1. Discuss the University and College VMGO. E
CO2. Comprehend basic architectural relationships with the environment and design spaces
for various human behaviors focusing on linkages and interaction within spaces.
CO3. Analyze more complex architectural forms emphasizing on the development and
manipulation of the site through proper orientation and manipulation.
CO4. Develop the interest in architectural design and space planning with the application of
correct and necessary concepts, theories and paradigm based on organizational structure, E D D D D D E E
functional set up and human behavior.
CO5. Create a design plate with the best architectural solution for a certain required structure
with cost as a factor of design, design options and cost implications; materials as cost and
design factor; cost control in building; user requirements and cost limitations or opportunities; E D D D D D E E
energy efficiency in buildings and design considerations; and site considerations and its
contribution to energy efficiency.
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
2 After the completion of the A Parish Church Esquisse 1: Week 2: Architectural Concept September
chapter, students will be able to: Distance Design Sketch 23 and 24
(or any other related and St. Jude mode; Books, 2021
LO4. Produce a design plate with similar project proposals Thaddeus discussion Personal and
the best architectural solution for and/or design problems) Parish Church forum, online Actual
a Parish Church that will solve messaging; Observations
the prevailing problem of shared and
congestion brought by the documents Experiences,
influx of the parishioners. through CvSU Sample
(CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5) LMS Plates,
3-5 After the completion of the A Cultural Heritage Major Plate 1: Week 3-5: Architectural Plate October 14
chapter, students will be able to: Village Distance Design and 15
Bangsamoro mode; Books, 2021
LO5. Produce a design plate (or any other related and Cultural discussion Personal and
with the best architectural similar project proposals Heritage Village forum, online Actual
solution for a Cultural Heritage and/or design problems) messaging; Observations
Village that will showcase the shared and
rich and vibrant culture of the documents Experiences,
Islam, Filipino-Muslim through CvSU Sample
brotherhood, Mindanaoans and LMS Plates,
Bangsamoro region. Advanced
(CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5) Readings
6 After the completion of the An Academy for the Esquisse 2: Week 6: Architectural Concept October 28
chapter, students will be able to: Arts Distance Design Sketch and 29
Filipino mode; Books, 2021
LO6. Produce a design plate (or any other related and Bauhaus: The discussion Personal and
with the best architectural similar project proposals Philippine forum, online Actual
solution for an Academy for the and/or design problems) Academy for the messaging; Observations
Arts that shall consists of Arts shared and
structures which will have the documents Experiences,
significant functions of an through CvSU Sample
institution of learning exclusively LMS Plates,
for the arts, crafts, and design Advanced
and artisan workshop. Readings
(CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5) and
7-9 After the completion of the A Barangay Hall Major Plate 2: Week 7-9: Architectural Plate November
chapter, students will be able to: Complex Distance Design 18 and 19
Municipality of mode; Books, 2021
LO7. Produce a design plate (or any other related and Noveleta’s discussion Personal and
with the best architectural similar project proposals Barangay forum, online Actual
solution for a Barangay Hall and/or design problems) Complexes messaging; Observations
integrated with a Day Care Prototype shared and
Center and a Rural Health Unit documents Experiences,
that will serve as shelter and through CvSU Sample
foundation in the service of the LMS Plates,
community. Advanced
(CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5) Readings
10 After the completion of the A Community Theme Esquisse 3: Week 10: Architectural Concept December
chapter, students will be able to: Park Distance Design Sketch 2 and 3
Perya: A Fiesta mode; Books, 2021
LO8. Produce a design plate (or any other related and Carnival discussion Personal and
with the best architectural similar project proposals forum, online Actual
solution for a Community Theme and/or design problems) messaging; Observations
Park that will showcase our shared and
famous Filipino childhood street documents Experiences,
sports and pop culture games. through CvSU Sample
(CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5) LMS Plates,
11-18 After the completion of the A Sports Hub and Major Plate 3 Week 11-18: Architectural Plate January
chapter, students will be able to: Athletes Village (Final Plate): Distance Design 13 and 14
mode; Books, 2022
LO9. Produce a design plate The Cavite discussion Personal and
with the best architectural (or any other related and Asian Games forum, online Actual
solution for a Sports Hub and similar project proposals Sports Complex messaging; Observations
Athletes Village that will best and/or design problems) shared and
represent the Philippines on the documents Experiences,
global sports arena and will able through CvSU Sample
to place our country in the world- LMS Plates,
wide scene, thus, should be built Advanced
and integrated with strength, Readings
function and aesthetics in a way and
that an Asian Games Stadium Researches
should be done.
(CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5)
*All exams must follow a Table of Specifications (TOS) and Rubrics for evaluation of student’ performance or projects.
Final Grade: 100%
60% Major Plates
40% Esquisse Plates
A. Attendance
Students are not allowed to have 20% or more unexcused absences of the total face to face class hours; otherwise, they will be graded as “DROPPED”.
B. Classroom Decorum
C. Examination/ Evaluation
de Chiara, J., Crosbie, M. (n.d.), Time Saver Standards for Building Type
McGraw H. (n.d.), Architectural Graphic Standards
Callender J.H. (n.d.). Time Saver Standard for Architectural Design Data
Ramsey, Sleeper (n.d.). Architectural Graphic Standards for Student
Sleeper H. (n.d.). Building Planning and Design Standards
United Architects of the Philippines – Center for Career Development, Board Exam Reviewer
JPT Review Center, Board Exam Reviewer
Supplementary Readings
Date of Revision Date of Implementation Highlights of Revision
August 6, 2018 1 Semester 2018-2019 ISO Format
1.0 August 13, 2019 1 Semester 2019-2020 Modified Contents
2.0 June 15, 2020 1 Semester 2020-2021 Flexible Learning Format
Architecture Lecturer Department Chairperson College Dean
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering College of Engineering and
CP#: 09172730599 E-mail Address: Information Technology
E-mail Address: [email protected] E-mail Address:
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] Date Evaluated: ____________
Consultation Schedule: Date Approved: ____________
Wednesday 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Date Prepared:
September 06, 2021