Key Performance Indicators (Kpi) For The Medical Officer (Reg/Con) (Name DR B Suresh Babu) of PHC Parumanchala For The Month of

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District: Kurnool
Weightage% KPI Value Monthly Target
S.No Performance Area KPI Construction of KPI weightage based on
@ $ @
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I Curative Work (15)
Total no. of OPD cases attended by MO in a month 1864/30=73
1 OPD Services Average number of OPD cases attended by MO per day No. of Working days in a month. 5

No. of sub-centres visited -4---------- X 100 8/9*100=88

2 Percentage of sub-centres visited. Total No. of sub-centres in PHC area 5
Support to outreach
work No. of MMUs visited --850-- X 100 7/7*100=100
3 Percentage of MMUs visited. Total No. of MMUs in PHC area 5

II Preventive and Promotive Work(72)

No. of ANCs registered in 1st trimester--22-- X 100 80/86*100=93
4 1st Trimester ANCs Total No. of ANCs registered during the month 5

No. of High Risk pregnancies identified & tracked & Birth planning 6/8*100=75
done--9- X 100
5 High Risk Pregnancies 5
Total No. of ANCs registered during the month

No. of deliveries directly attended / conducted by the MO during the 3/8*100=37.5

Percentage of deliveries directly attended/ conducted (during month------0--------- -- X 100
6 the Total Number of deliveries conducted in the PHC during the month 5
OPD and outside OPD hours) by the MO during the month

No. of babies received zero dose vaccine---0- X 100 8/9*100=88

7 MCH services Zero Dose immunization 5
Total Number of deliveries in the PHC during the month
No. of babies issued Birth Certificate---0--- X 100 8/9*100=89
8 Issue of Birth certificate to newborn Total Number of deliveries in the PHC during the month 5

No. of Mothers received JSY--0-- -- X 100 9/9*100=100

9 JSY Total Number of deliveries in the PHC during the month 5

No. of Mother & Child issued NTR Baby Kit--0-- -- X 100 9/9*100=100
10 NTR Baby Kit Total Number of deliveries in the PHC during the month 2.5

No. of Mother & Child transported through Talli Bidda Express 8/9*100=88
11 Talli Bidda Express --0-- -- X 100 2.5
Total Number of deliveries in the PHC during the month
No. of sterilizations conducted by the MO during the month 3/10*100=30
Family Welfare Percentage of target sterilizations conducted by the MO during
12 --- X 100 No. of sterilizations targeted for the month(10) 2
Services the month

Total No. of ANCs provided second dose of TT during the month--27-- 70/76*100=92
Percentage of target ANCs administered second dose of TT
13 -- X 100 Total No. of ANCs targetedfor second dose TT during the 5
during the month
Immunization No. of <1 yr infants fully immunized 65/70*100=92
Services (no, of cases given measles vaccine as per schedule)
14 Percentage of target infants fully immunized during the month --47---- X 100 5
No. of eligible infants to be immunized duting the month

Malaria Slide Positivity No. of blood samples +ve for Malaria for the month 2/600*100=0.3
15 --0--- X 100 Total No. of blood samples collected 2.5

Dengue Confirmation No. of cases confirmed by ELISA--0- X 100

16 Total No. of cases tested by RDT 2.5
Rate 8/200*100=4
No. of TB patients completed treatment in the month
17 TB case treatment completion rate --7--- X 100 Total no. of TB patients scheduled to complete 5
Control of treatment in the month
Communicable No. of MDR cases put on treatment--0-- X 100 3/4*100=75
18 diseases TB -MDR case treatment rate 2.5
Total no. of MDR cases diagnosed in the month
No. of Gr. II deformity cases diagnosed --0--- X 100 2/3*100=66
19 Leprosy - Grade II deformity detection rate 5
Total No. of cases detected in the month
No. of HIV positives put on ART-0--- X 100 2/2*100=100
20 HIV - ART Treatment 2.5
Total no. of HIV positives diagnosed in the month
No. of Reporting Units (incl Subcentres) uploaded data into portal in 18/19*100=94
21 IDSP - Reporting performance time -100--- X 100 2.5
Total no. of Reporting Units (incl subcentres)
Control of Non- No. of NCD (HTN,DM,CVD,Stroke,Cancers) cases diagnosed and 20/26*100=77
22 Communicable Detection of Non-communicable diseases referred -80- X 100 2.5
diseases No. Of 30+ women screened at Sub-centres
III Management (13)
No. of days doctor attended the duty 28/30*100=93
No of days doctor attended the duty during the calendar month (exculding leave or un authorized absence)-28 X 100
23 Attendance Total number of working days during the reporting month 5
(to be verified at district level as per BMA system)

24 4 4
HMIS Uploading of HMIS Data Completion of uploading of HMIS data on 1st of the month
25 4
HDS Conducting of monthly HDS meetings Review of ATR on previous month minutes.
If there are 2 MOs in a PHC, the targets are shared equally among the MOs. In case of one MO PHC, PHC target is MO target.

Date: Medical Officer Signature

Contact No: Email id:

Verification signature by the DMHO with date Verification signature of Director of Health with date

* It is specific to each Medical officer. $ : is to be filled in by the Medical Officer @: will be revised

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