Determination of Refractive Index of A Dispersing Triangular Prim For Spectroscopic Applications

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Determination of refractive index of a dispersing triangular prim for

spectroscopic applications

Aim: Given the angle of the prism, aim of the experiment is to determine the angle of minimum
deviation of the prism and hence calculate its refractive index.

Apparatus Required:

Spectrometer, Given Prism, Mercury Vapour lamp, etc.

Formula Used:

Refractive index (μ) of the prism is given by

where α is the angle of prism

δ is the angle of minimum deviation


Refraction by a prism:

In a prism, the two surfaces are inclined at some angle α so that the deviation produced by the
first surface is not annulled by the second but is further increased. The chromatic dispersion is
also increased, which is the main function of the prism. Let us consider first the geometrical
optics of the prism for a monochromatic light source.

The solid ray in fig. 1 shows the path of a ray incident on the first surface at the angle . Its
refraction at the second surface, as well as at the first surface, obeys Snell’s law, so that in terms
of the angles shown

The angle of deviation produced by the first surface is β = – , and that produced by the
second surface is γ = φ2 – 2 . The angle of deviation δ between the incident and
emergent rays is given by δ = β + γ.

Since NN’ and MN’ are perpendicular to the two prism faces, α is also the angle at N’. From
triangle ABN’ and the exterior angle α, we obtain α = + 2.

Combining the above equations, we obtain

δ=β+γ= – + φ2 – 2

= + φ2 – ( + 2

δ = + φ2 - α

Minimum Deviation:

When the total angle of deviation δ for any given prism is calculated by the use of the above
equations, it is found to vary considerably with the angle of incidence. The angles thus calculated
are in exact agreement with the experimental measurements. If during the time a ray of light is
refracted by a prism, the prism is rotated continuously in one direction about an axis (A in fig.1)
parallel to the refracting edge, the angle of deviation δ will be observed to decrease, reach a
minimum, and then increase again as shown in fig. 2.

2 2
The smallest deviation angle, called the angle of minimum deviation δm, occurs at that particular
angle of incidence where the refracted ray inside the prism makes equal angles with the two
prism faces (Fig. 3). In this special case,

= φ2; = 2 β=γ

To prove these angles equal, assume does not equal to φ2 when minimum deviation occurs.
By the principle of the reversibility of light rays, there would be two different angles of
incidence capable of giving minimum deviation. Since experimentally we find only one, there
must be symmetry and the above equalities must hold.

In triangle ABC in fig. 3, the exterior angle δm equals the sum of the opposite interior angles β +
γ. Similarly for the triangle ABN’, the exterior angle α equals the sum of + 2.
Consequently, α = 2 δm = 2β ; = +β

Solving these three equations for gives = (½)α and = (½)(α + δm

Since by Snells’s law n’/n = (sin )/(sin ), we have

Here, for mathematical representation, δ is equated to δm


(a) Following preliminary adjustments should be made before starting any experiments
with the spectrometer.
(i) Focusing the eyepiece on the cross-wires: The telescope is turned towards the wall and
by looking through the eye-piece, its positions are adjusted till the vertical and
horizontal cross-wires are seen most distinctly.
(ii) Adjusting the telescope for parallel rays: The telescope is then turned towards a distant
object and by means of the rack and pinion arrangement, the length of the telescope is
carefully adjusted till the image of the distant object coincides, without parallax, with
the cross-wires.
(iii)Adjusting the collimator for parallel-rays: The telescope is then brought in line with the
collimator. The slit is opened sufficiently wide and illuminated by any source of light.
The image of the slit is viewed through the telescope, and the length of the collimator
is adjusted till the clear, well-defined image of the slit coincides without parallax with
the cross-wires. Since the telescope is already adjusted for parallel-rays, the well-
defined image of the slit can be formed at the cross-wire, only if the rays of light from
the slit falling on the telescope are parallel. The width of the slit is adjusted to make
the image sharp.
(iv)Levelling the prism table: Spirit level is used to level the prism table. Spirit level is
placed between the adjacent screws on any one side and then the screws are adjusted
such that the liquid level stays in the centre of the spirit level. Same procedure is
repeated by placing the spirit-level on the sides corresponding to other two adjacent
screws. Finally, the liquid level should be in the centre of the spirit-level in all the

(b) To determine the angle of minimum deviation:

Having made the preliminary adjustments, the given prism is mounted vertically on
the prism table with the edge of the prism turned away from the collimator, as shown in
the fig. 4. On looking through the prism in the proper direction, the refracted image of the
slit is seen. The telescope is adjusted to obtain this image in its field of view. The prism
table (and therefore also the prism) is then slightly rotated in either directions, with the
view to finding out the direction in which the prism should be rotated in order to decrease
the angle of deviation. The prism table is then slowly rotated in this direction, following
the image with the telescope. In a particular position, the image is found to remain
stationary for the same direction as before, to turn back and move in the opposite
direction. The position where it just turns back is the minimum deviation position and the
telescope is fixed in this position, and finer adjustments are made with the tangential
screw for the exact position. The readings of the scale and vernier are taken. The prism is
then removed. The telescope alone is then released, brought in a line with the collimator
and the direct reading is taken. The difference between these two readings gives D, the
angle of minimum deviation.

Having determined α & δ, the refractive index of the prism is calculated from the

Experiment is repeated for atleast three different wavelengths and the refractive index
of the prism is calculated corresponding to all these three wavelengths.


The Refractive index (µ) of the given prism is calculated to be ………….


Angle of prism = (i) Wavelength of light =

Least count of spectrometer = 0.5°

Vernier I Vernier II
Reading of
Image (i)
Reading of
Direct Ray (ii)

between (i) &
(ii) (D)
Mean Value
of D

Figure 4 - Schematic Representation for angle of minimum deviation

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