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Measurement of the wavelength separation of sodium

D-lines using diffraction grating

Objective: Measurement of the wavelength separation of sodium D-lines using a

diffraction grating and to calculate the angular dispersive power of the grating.

Apparatus: Spectrometer, prism, diffraction grating, sodium lamp with power supply.

The sodium spectrum is dominated by the bright
doublet known as the sodium D-lines at 589.0 and 589.6
nanometers as shown in Fig. 1. Using an appropriate
diffraction grating the wavelength separation of these two
lines can be determined. A schematic for diffraction of
sodium light (Na-D lines) with a plane transmission
grating is shown in Fig. 2. Figure 1: Sodium D-lines

Diffraction Grating:
An arrangement consisting of a large number of parallel slits of the same width and
separated by equal opaque spaces is known as diffraction grating. It is usually made by
ruling equidistant, extremely close tine grooves with a diamond point on an optically
plane glass plate. A photographic replica of a plate made in this way is often used as a
commercial transmission grating.
For N parallel slits, each with a width e, separated by an opaque space of width b.
the diffraction pattern consists of diffraction modulated interference fringes. The quantity
(e+b) is called the grating element and N (= 1/ (e+b)) is the number of slits per unit
length, which could typically be 300 to 12000 lines per inch. For a large number of slits,
the diffraction pattern consists of extremely sharp (practically narrow lines) principal
maxima, together with weak secondary maxima in between the principal maxima. The
various principal maxima are called orders.
For polychromatic incident light falling normally on a plane transmission grating the

Last updated, January 2016, NISER, Jatni 1

principal maxima for each spectral colour are given by
(e+b) sin =  m (1)
Where m is the order of principal maximum and θ is the angle of diffraction.
Angular dispersive power:
The angular dispersive power of the grating is defined as the rate of change of angle of
diffraction with the change in wavelength. It is obtained by differentiating Eqn. 1 and is
given by
d m
 (2)
d (e  b) cos 
Experimental setup:
The actual experimental set up is shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 2: Schematic for diffraction of sodium Na-D lines Figure 3: Actual experimental
set up

1. Follow the support manual for spectrometer provided in the appendix for basic
adjustment of spectrometer. Determine the vernier constant of the spectrometer.
2. Now remove the prism from the turntable. The next step is to adjust the grating on
the turntable so that its lines are vertical, i.e. parallel to the axis of rotation or the

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turntable. Moreover, the light from the collimator should fall normally on the grating.
To achieve this the telescope is brought directly in line with the collimator so that the
centre of the direct image of the slit falls on the intersection of the cross-wires. In this
setting of the telescope, its vernier reading is taken; let it be .
3. The telescope is now turned through 90° from this position in either direction so that
the reading of the vernier becomes (+900) or (-900). Now the axis of telescope is at
right angles to the direction of rays of light emerging from the collimator. The
telescope is clamped in this position.
4. The grating of known grating element is then mounted on the grating holder, which is
fixed on the turntable in such a way that the ruled surface of the grating is
perpendicular to the line joining two of the leveling screws (say Q and R).
5. The table is now rotated in the proper direction till the reflected image of the slit from
the grating surface coincides with the intersection of the cross-wires of the telescope.
6. By the help of two leveling screws (Q and R), perpendicular to which grating is fixed
on the table, the image is adjusted to be symmetrical on the horizontal cross- wires.
The plane of the grating, in this setting, makes an angle of 45° with the incident rays
as well as with the telescope axis.
7. The reading of vernier is now taken and with its help, the turntable is rotated
through 450 from this position so that the ruled surface becomes exactly normal to
the incident rays. The turntable is now firmly clamped.
8. The final adjustment is to set the lines of the grating exactly parallel to the axis of
rotation of the telescope. The telescope is rotated and adjusted to view the first
order diffraction pattern. The third leveling screw (P) of the prism table is now
worked to get the fringes (spectral lines) symmetrically positioned with respect to
the horizontal cross-wire.
9. If this adjustment is perfect, the centers of all the spectral lines on either side of
the direct one will be found to lie on the intersection of the cross-wires as the
telescope is turned to view them one after another. The rulings on the grating are
now parallel to the axis rotation of the telescope. The grating spectrometer is now
fully to make the measurements. Do not disturb any of the setting of the
spectrometer henceforth throughout the experiment.

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10. Look through the telescope to notice the first or second order (whichever you see
is completely resolved) D lines of sodium. That means you will see two yellow
lines on both sides of the direct image (which is a single line) of the slit at the
center. Note down the positions of the cross wire for each line on one side using
the two verniers on the spectrometer. Use a torch, if needed, to read the verniers.
Repeat the above step by turning the telescope to the other side too. Determine the
diffraction angle,, for all the two spectral lines.
11. Take two sets of reading for each D-line and calculate the corresponding
wavelength λ1 and λ2 using Eq. 1.

Number of lines on grating = -------- Grating element = ---------- Order, m=----

Sodium Left side Right side Vernier Vernier

Vernier 1(deg) Vernier 2(deg) Vernier 1(deg) Vernier2(deg)
1 2 Avg. λ
2θ(deg) 2θ(deg) θ(deg)
D1 θ1=.. λ1=..

D2 θ2=.. λ2=..

1. Calculate λ1 and λ2 and the uncertainity of the result.
2. Calculate the difference λ2~ λ1 and compare with the literature value.
3. Calculate the angular dispersive power.


1. Once the collimator and the telescope are adjusted for parallel rays, their focusing
should not be disturbed throughout the experiment.
2. Once the grating is properly adjusted on the turntable it should be locked.
3. While taking measurements at different positions of the telescope. It must always be
in locked condition.
4. While rotating the telescope arm if the vernier crosses over 0º (360º) on the circular
main scale take the angular difference appropriately.

Last updated, January 2016, NISER, Jatni 4

(1) B.L. Worsnop and H.T. Flint, Advanced Practical Physics for Students.
(2) B.K. Mathur. Introduction to Geometrical and Physical Optics.

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