The Basics of Motion Control-Part 2

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The basics of
motion control—Part 2
JOHN MAZURKIEWICZ, Baldor Electric Co.

In this concluding article, we show you how to use information on drive mechanics to easily determine
the right motor and control for any electromechanical positioning application.

nce the mechanics of the applica-

O tion have been analyzed, and the

friction and inertia of the load are
known (see Part 1, PTD, 9/95, p43), the
AC power

next step is to determine the torque lev-

els required. Then, a motor can be sized
to deliver the required torque and the Motion control
Power supply system
control sized to power the motor. If fric-
tion and inertia are not properly deter- L
mined, the motion system will either take o
too long to position the load, it will burn Programmable Control a
out, or it will be unnecessarily costly. motion
controller (amplifier) Motor d

Motion control Encoder

Speed and position feedback or resolver
In a basic motion-control system, Fig-
ure 1, the load represents the mechanics
being positioned. The load is coupled or Figure 1 — Basic motion system.
connected through one of the mechani-
cal linkages described in Part 1.
The motor may be a traditional PMDC 2,000
servo motor, a vector motor, or a brushless
servo motor. Motor starting, stopping and
speed are dictated by the control unit,
which takes a low-level incoming com-
Speed, rpm

mand signal and amplifies it to a higher-

power level for controlling the motor.
The programmable motion controller
is the brain of the motion system and con-
trols the motor control (amplifier). The
0.12 0.12 0.12 0.3
motion controller is programmed to ac-
complish a specific task for a given appli- Acceleration Run Deceleration Idle
cation. This controller reads a feedback t=0 Time, sec t=1

John Mazurkiewicz is servo product man-

ager at Baldor Electric Co., Fort Smith, Ark. Figure 2 — Move profile.



aacc = Rotary acceleration,
rad/sec2 As the motor approaches the commanded Motor resistance (Rm) = 4.5 V
Iacc = Current during speed, the error signal is reduced and, in Acceleration torque can be deter-
acceleration, A turn, voltage applied to the motor is re- mined by substituting in equation 3
Irms = Root-mean-squared
current, A
duced. As the system stabilizes at run-
ning speed, only nominal power (voltage (
Tacc = .00052 + .00313 + .0037 1745.2 + .95 )
Jls = Leadscrew inertia, lb-in.- and current) are required to overcome = 13.75 lb - in.
sec2 friction and windage. At t=1, the load ap-
Jm = Motor inertia, lb-in.-sec2 proaches the desired position and begins Duty cycle torque
Jt = Total inertia (load plus to decelerate.
motor), lb-in.-sec2 In applications with similar move pro- In addition to acceleration torque, the
Kt = Torque constant, lb-in./A files, most of the input energy is dissi- motor must be able to provide sufficient
P = Total power, W pated as heat. Therefore, in such sys- torque over the entire duty cycle or move-
Pdel = Power delivered to the load, tems, the motor’s power dissipation ment profile. This includes a certain
W capacity is the limiting factor. Thus, basic amount of constant torque during the run
Pdiss = Power (heat) dissipated by motor dynamics and power requirements phase, and a deceleration torque during
the motor, W must be determined to ensure adequate the stopping phase.
Rm = Motor resistance, V power capability for each motor. Running torque is equal to friction
Sm = Motor speed, rpm Determining acceleration rate is the torque (Tf), in this case, 0.95 lb-in.
tacc = Acceleration time, sec first step. For example, with a movement During the stopping phase, decelera-
tdec = Deceleration time, sec profile as shown in Figure 2, the accelera- tion torque is:

( )
tidle = Idle time, sec tion rate can be determined from the
trun = Run time, sec speed and acceleration time. (Dividing Tdec = − J t a acc + T f (4 )
T = Torque, lb-in.
Tacc = Acceleration torque, lb-in.
the motor speed expressed in rpm by 9.55
converts the speed to radians per second.)
= − .00052 + .00313 + .0037 1, 745.2 + .95)
Tdec = Deceleration torque, lb-in. = −11.85 lb - in.
Tf = Friction torque, lb-in. Sm
Trms = Root-mean-squared torque, a acc = (1 ) Now, the root-mean-squared (rms)
lb-in. 9.55 tacc value of torque required over the move-
Trun = Running torque, lb-in. 2, 000 ment profile can be calculated:
a acc = = 1, 745.2 rad/sec 2
Ts = Stall torque, lb-in.
( )
9.55 0.12
Trms =
Tacc ( tacc ) + Trun
( trun ) + Tdec
( tdec ) (5 )
tacc + trun + tdec + tidle
Acceleration torque
signal to monitor the position of the load. (13.75 )2 (.12 ) + (.95 )2 (.12 ) + (11.85 )2 (.12 )
By comparing a pre-programmed, “de- The torque required to accelerate the =
.12 + .12 + .12 + .3
sired” position with the feedback posi- load and overcome mechanical friction is:
= 7.73 lb - in.
tion, the controller can take action to
minimize an error between the actual ( )
Tacc = J t a acc + T f (2 )
and desired load positions. ( )
= J t + J ls + J m a acc + T f (3 )
The motor tentatively selected for this
Movement profile Example: Our application, Figure 3, application can supply a continuous stall
requires moving a load through a lead- torque of 14.4 lb-in., which is adequate
A movement profile defines the desired screw. The load parameters are: for the application.
acceleration rate, run time, speed, and de- Weight of load (Wlb) = 200 lb
celeration rate of the load. For example, Leadscrew inertia (Jls) = 0.00313 lb-
suppose with a system at rest (time=0, in.-sec2 Control requirements
Figure 2), the motion controller issues a Friction torque (Tf) = 0.95 lb-in.
command to the motor (through the servo Acceleration rate (aacc) =1745.2 rad Determining a suitable control (ampli-
control) to start motion. At t=0, with full per sec2 fier) is the next step. The control must be
power-supply voltage and current applied, Typical motor parameters: able to supply sufficient accelerating cur-
the motor has not yet started to move. At Motor rotor inertia (Jm) = 0.0037 lb- rent (Iacc), as well as continuous current
this instant, there is no feedback signal, in.2 (Irms) for the application’s duty-cycle re-
but the error signal is large. Continuous stall torque (Ts) = 14.4 lb- quirements.
As friction and torque are overcome, in. Required acceleration current that
the motor and load begin to accelerate. Torque constant (Kt) = 4.8 lb-in./A must be supplied to the motor is:


Pdiss = (1.61 )2 ( 4.5 )(1.5 ) = 17.5 W
P = 182.9 + 17.5 = 200.4 W
In summary

The control selected must be capable

of delivering (as a minimum) an acceler-
Motor Load ation (or peak) current of 2.86 A, and a
continuous (or rms) current of 1.61 A.
The power requirement calls for peak
Figure 3 — Motor-leadscrew configuration. power of 380.7 W and continuous power
of 200.4 W.
Tacc Pdiss = (2.86 )2 ( 4.5 )(1.5 ) = 55.2 W To aid in selecting both motors and con-
I acc = (6 )
Kt trols (amplifiers), many suppliers offer
P = Pdel + Pdiss
13.75 computer software programs to perform
= = 2.86 A = 325.5 + 55.2 = 380.7 W the iterative calculations necessary to ob-
4.8 Note: The factor of 1.5 in the Pdiss cal- tain the optimum motor and control. ■
Current over the duty cycle, which the culation is a factor used to make the mo-
control must be able to supply to the mo- tor’s winding resistance “hot.” This is a
tor, is: worst-case analysis, assuming the wind-
T ing is at 155 C .
I rms = rms (7 ) Continuous power required for the
Kt duty cycle is:
= = 1.61 A 7.73(2, 000 )
4.8 Pdel = (746 ) = 182.9 W
Power requirements
The control must supply sufficient
power for both the acceleration portion
of the movement profile, as well as for the
duty-cycle requirements. The two aspects
of power requirements include (1) power
to move the load, P del , and (2) power
losses dissipated in the motor, Pdiss.
Power delivered to move the load is:
T ( Sm )(746 )
Pdel = (8 )
63, 025

Power dissipated in the motor is a

function of the motor current. Thus, dur-
ing acceleration, the value depends on
the acceleration current (Iacc); and while
running, it is a function on the rms cur-
rent (I rms). Therefore, the appropriate
value is used in place of “I” in the follow-
ing equation.
Pdiss = I 2 ( Rm ) (9 )

The sum of these Pdel and Pdiss deter-

mine total power requirements.
Example: Power required during the
acceleration portion of the movement
profile can be obtained by substituting in
equations 8 and 9:
13.75(2, 000 )
Pdel = (746 ) = 325.5 W
63, 025


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