Cookery-Commercial Cooking NC II Work Immersion Program Teacher's Training Module

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To all the hardworking work immersion teachers, may the odds be forever in your favor.




The Cookery/Commercial Cooking NC II Work Immersion Program: Teacher’s Training Module

crafted by GERARDO T. PALTINGCA JR. and KENNETH B. PAEL for the Department of
Education Division of Negros Oriental has been reviewed by the Technical Panel and is hereby
recommended to be used by all Senior High Schools.


DEPS-Home Economics LRMDS Manager


SHS Coordinator

Recommending Approval:


Chief, Curriculum and Instruction Division Asst. Schools Div. Superintendent

Approved by


OIC, Office of the Assistant Regional Director
and Concurrent OIC, Office of Schools Division Superintendent
Division of Negros Oriental
Cookery/Commercial Cooking NC II
Work Immersion Program


The Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track of the Senior High School curriculum
encompasses various programs enabling students with job-ready skills. Under the TVL track,
the Cookery/Commercial Cooking NC II envelops primary competencies that a senior high
school student acquires to ensure better career opportunities in the food preparation industry.
This module is constructed for the senior high school Work Immersion subject. This
module will (1) guide the work immersion teacher (WIT) in the identification of companies,
establishments, and food service entities; and (2) inform them on what to prepare for the
program and the expected output and activities during the preimmersion, the immersion
proper, and the postimmersion.
The work immersion program is designed to capacitate our senior high school students
with real-life work experience as application of their rigorous performance tasks undertaken
in a classroom setting.

A. Goals
The module aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the program for the WITs to
follow. Since the program requires skill set development, the WITs must have a clear
understanding of the scope and delimitations of the program for them to channel it for the
students’ understanding and application.
This module aims to provide the following objectives:
1. Understand the concept of business which the industries are operating.
2. Develop a key understanding of the workplace policies and guidelines.
3. Acquire new skills for personal and professional development.
4. Appreciate the value of food preparation in customer service.
5. Apply every skills learned before, during, and after immersion.

B. Group Size
The cookery/commercial cooking program focuses on the food preparation—which include hot
and cold meals and desserts for guests and customers in various food and beverage service
facilities—and most of all achieving sanitized food preparation areas. These are the
fundamental tasks our immersion students need to perform, and thorough learning is
necessary to achieve excellent services.
During the immersion proper, the teacher is advised to deploy five (5) immersion
students for big food establishments, such as restaurants, catering services, and other food
establishment, and two to three (2-3) immersion students only for small establishments per
batch. The number of immersion students may vary according to the needs of the company
or during huge operations for banquets and other services. This is however subjected to the
changes complementary to the situation of the school and industry.
Dateline and List of Activities
The program requires series of activity for the students to perform and achieve according to
the timeline set by the immersion teacher.

A. Time Requirement

List of Schedule of Activities Training Delivery Training

Dates Models Venues
Prior to the Immersion
Last week Conduct of orientation on work immersion
of August for students and parents. Lecture Type School
First week Selection and identification of potential
of industry partners. Discussion/Scrutiny School
Last week Signing of MOA between the qualified WIT-Initiated
of industry partners and the school. Ceremony Identified Venue
First week Securing insurance for the work immersion Insurance
of October students. Discussion Company
First week Ocular Visit with Work
of October Training of Immersion Teacher Orientation Immersion
week of On-site orientation of the qualified industry Lecture Type School
October partners.
During the Immersion
Second Deploy the work immersion students and Work
week of ensure the orientation of the company. Work Assignment Immersion
November Company
Follow up students’ performance during Spot Visitation/ Work
Once a their actual immersion through their Consultation Immersion
week supervisors. Company
Prepare a short conference for the Focus Group
Once a immersion students every end of the week Discussion School
week of duty.
After the Immersion
Every end Preparing journal for students’ work
of duty/per immersion experience. Group Consultation School
At the end Submission of daily journal and portfolio by
of the the work immersion students. Group Consultation School
number of
hours of
The WITs should refer to the Work Immersion Curriculum Guide for the details
regarding the preimmersion, immersion proper, and postimmersion activities.
B. Preimmersion
In this module, the WIT and the partner industry supervisor must create programs and
activities necessary for the learners’ development. The WIT should (1) conduct a partner’s
conference in order to facilitate what the immersion students must experience and (2) identify
learning competencies to ensure the realization of learning. The WIT should facilitate a signing
of MOA between the industry partner and the school. The MOA shall envelop the terms and
agreement that both parties have constructed (for guidance, see DepEd Order No. 30, s 2017
Annex D).
The WIT shall take the initial action of immersion at the qualified industry partner in
order to assess the workplace environment, facilities, policies, and most of all, the business
operations. The industry partner is expected to inform and equip the WIT with the full scale
of the responsibilities, tasks, and duties that the students will be undertaking in the onset of
their work immersion to ensure alignment of practice and for professional development.
To assess the current proficiency of the students prior to work immersion, they should
be able to take the Self-Assessment Guide (see Appendix 1: Self-Assessment Guide

Partner’s Conference
After the SHS focal person had made an agreement for possible acceptance of work immersion
students in the industry, both the WIT and qualified company must agree on the scope and
delimitations of the work immersion program. With such, both parties will agree as to the
level and type of tasks to be given to the students, taking into consideration all the possibilities
for the success of the work immersion program.

Physical Setting
The physical setting refers to the identified responsibilities of both the school and the partner
industry (see DepEd Order No. 30, s 2017).
A. Joint Responsibilities
1. Create a joint working group that will prepare the action plan to operationalize
the partnership.
2. Form a joint steering committee to monitor the progress of the partnership and
to make sure that the previsions of the Memorandum of Agreement are met.
3. Adhere to all the laws, memoranda, and circulars, especially those pertaining
to child protection as provided for the Guidelines for Work Immersion.
4. Develop the students’ Work Immersion module specifying goals and objectives,
desired outcomes of the program and how these outcomes will be achieved,
also noting the specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, and competencies that the
student should acquire after completing the program. (Annex A,C of the
5. Develop Work Immersion Daily Schedule of Activities that will be followed by
the students during the whole duration of the work immersion inside the
industry partner. (Annex C of the Guidelines)
6. Formulate local school work immersion policies and guidelines on selection,
placement, monitoring, and assessment of students (immersion participants),
in order to ensure that each student is assigned to an immersion partner
matched to his/her desired track, qualifications, and aptitude.
B. Responsibilities of the School
1. Identify and indicate the SHS track/s strand/s, and/or specialization/s which
will be the subject of the partnership.
2. Make the needed adjustments to contextualize the SHS subjects based on
inputs coming from the industry partner.
3. Designate a person who will be in charge of coordinating with the industry
partner and supervising the activities of the students for the duration of the
Work Immersion Program.
4. Provide insurance coverage for learners during the Work Immersion Program.
5. Continue to exercise its Special Parental Authority under the Family Code over
the Senior High School student immersion in the premises of the partner.
6. Monitor each student’s progress throughout the duration of the entire work
immersion program so as to make sure that the tasks assigned to each student
are meaningful, challenging, and applicable to his/her particular programs and
are able to maximize the quality of the learning experience.
7. Provide the industry partner an evaluation tool for the students’ immersion
8. Issue a final grade to the student upon completion of the requirements within
a prescribed period.
9. Ensure that the students will adhere to the nondisclosure policies of the industry
partner as agreed to by the SCHOOL.
10. Provide signed Consent forms from the parents as applicable.
11. Provide the industry partner a Certificate of Participation in the SHS Program
for whatever purpose it may serve.
12. Execute a deed of acceptance as a way of recognizing and acknowledging the
donation/s received from the industry partner.
MOA Signing
This is going to be a WIT-initiated ceremony. This activity will bind the agreement between
the partner industry and the school. In line with DepEd Order No. 30, s 2017 Annex D, the
MOA will encompass the scope and delimitations of the work immersion program.

Learning Competencies
All learning competencies complementary to the Work Immersion Curriculum Guide
(download from DepEd Web site) must be studied by the WITs so that they will be fully aware
of what activities and learning skills are expected from them and the students to develop
before the immersion, which are essential in preparing them to the program. All learning
competencies for the immersion and postimmersion are stated therein as well.

Teacher’s Immersion/Training
This program is devised for the WITs to undergo firsthand immersion in the qualified partner
industries. This will ensure that the WIT is well-equipped with the necessary knowledge and
skills that are congruent to the undertakings of the partner industry, such as the nature of
job, and to gain knowledge on the operation of the business, working environment, and
facilities. The immersion teachers are then expected to delegate the knowledge and
competencies they have acquired during the immersion to their students as part of the
preimmersion activities.

C. Immersion Proper
Work immersion is the stage where students will have to construct into tangible outputs all
competencies and skills they have learned in the course of their senior high school education,
particularly in cookery/commercial cooking. Students will perform various activities that are
in line with the training regulation of the establishment, which will help them develop their
full potential as food handlers. Students will be introduced to large-scale food and beverage
preparation areas, which are unusual to their everyday laboratory in school. They will
experience firsthand the operations only observed in real-life day-to-day activities of food
Work immersion students through the guidance of their work immersion supervisor
will be scheduled for a certain time with corresponding duties and responsibilities to take hold.
All work immersion students will be informed by their WIT on the set competency training
regulations (See Training Competencies Based on TESDA Regulations).
As part of the activities of the work immersion proper, the WIT shall conduct
conferences and generate feedback from the students to evaluate if the students are on the
right path with regard to learning all the competencies that are expected from them to
perform in the onset of their work immersion.

Schedule of Activities
All undertakings of this program must happen in a timely manner. Therefore the role of the
WIT is very crucial. The WIT must make certain that all activities are undertaken within the
boundary of the constructed timeframe stated above (see Time Require).
On the first day of duty of the work immersion students, the industry partner shall
give a company orientation—enveloping the company profile, policies, facilities, and run of
operations—to ensure that the students will be guided in the fulfillment of their duties.
Through the orientation, the students will be able to make any adjustment with regard to
their expectations.

Training Competencies Based on TESDA Regulations

In response to the joint undertaking of TEDSA and the Department of Education, the students
must acquire the training competencies in the course of their education and work immersion
in order to qualify for requisite Certificates of Competency and National Certificate assessment
(see Appendix 2: TESDA Training Regulations). WITs must ensure that the students have
undergone on-site trainings and followed regulations set by TESDA. The objective of these
training regulations is to input the students with concrete knowledge and problem-solving
skills on various situations that may arise in the future.
The WIT and industry partner must construct a weekly operational schedule for the
students. The WITs must require their immersion students to submit themselves on a weekly
conference for feedbacking in order to assess and monitor both performances of the students
and the treatment or practices of their company.

D. Postimmersion
The WIT shall initiate activities such as thanksgiving party or any activity to end the work
immersion program and to acknowledge the efforts of the industry partner. Furthermore,
work immersion experiences of the students must be evaluated in order to craft future
standards for the next year’s immersion program. Through this, the program will be smoothly
applied as the year increases and as the industry jives with the trend.
Recognitions, in the form of a well-crafted certificate, will also be provided by the WIT
to boost the good rapport on both parties and for future partnership as well. Necessary reports
and documents must also be prepared by the WIT to support and justify the success of its
implementation and for accreditation purposes.

End of Immersion Program

The end of the immersion program shall mark the students’ full acquisition industry-related
competencies complementary to the chosen training delivery models. It is anticipated that
the immersion students will have a thorough understanding and acceptance of the work
immersion program. Furthermore, the industry partner will be given a glimpse of the type
and quality of employees these students will be in the future. The success of the program lies
on the good relationship and frequent and open communication among the participants—that
is, the work immersion teacher, the industry partner, and the students.

At the conclusion of the actual immersion, the students are expected to have documented all
their experiences and learnings through their daily journals and generated portfolio. The
immersion teacher may organize a small event that will showcase the students acquired skills.
This could also be a venue where the successful work immersion students can share their
experiences through a prepared speech to aspiring underclassmen.

Accomplishment of Reports and Portfolios

To seal the students’ performance and in compliance to the Work Immersion subject, the WIT
shall set a deadline to collect all student journals and portfolios. The journals and portfolios
will serve as a guide in the assessment of student learning during the whole duration of the
work immersion. Nonetheless, the students will learn the value of keeping records and the
importance of proper time management. The Work Immersion grade is a requirement for

Celebration of Accomplishment
In order to close the program on a high note, the WIT is encouraged to prepare an end-of-
work-immersion closing program, preferably in the middle of March, to celebrate the
accomplishments of the students, especially those who have shown great promise in the field
of food preparation. The industry partner as well as significant participants of the program
must be given acknowledgment for their great contribution to the success of the work
immersion program.
List of Materials/Equipment Needed for the Entire Work Immersion Process
Materials Needed
The program requires number of materials/equipment necessary for the entire work
immersion process.

Prior to the Immersion During the Immersion After the Immersion

Overhead projector Overhead projector
Markers All materials needed during Markers
regulation the immersion are fully Work sheets
Work sheets equipped and provided by Sound System
Sound System the partner industry. Laptop
Laptop Handouts
Handouts *Narrative reports
*MOA *Documentation
*Insurance *DTR
*Assessment tools *Journal
*Training competency *Portfolio

Evaluation Methodology
The WIT and the work immersion partner institution supervisor will cooperatively assess the
learners’ performance following the DepEd Order No. 8, s 2015 (Policy Guidelines on
Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program).

Monitoring and Evaluation Tool

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a key part of making and implementing any management
decision stated in the module. It is important to regularly measure and review the impact of
interventions to check if they are working correctly and are having the intended effect (see
DepEd Order No. 30, s 2017).
The following documents are the identified tools for M&E:
1. M&E SHS Demographic—This includes the List of Partner Institutions and their
nature of business vs students’ specializations (see Appendix 3).
2. Students Statements of Personal Goals—This expresses the leaner’s personal
goals toward as well as their competencies in response to the partner
institution’s needs (see Appendix 4).
3. Assessment for Identifying Partners for Senior High School—This includes the
names and nature of the possible partner institutions (see Appendix 5).
4. Work Immersion Monitoring and Evaluation Tool—This includes the areas to
be monitored and the required evidences (see Appendix 6).
Appendix 1: Self-Assessment Guide Questionnaire
Appendix 2: TESDA Training Regulations

These guidelines are set to provide the Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider when
designing training programs COOKERY NC II.
They include information on curriculum design, training delivery, trainee entry
requirements, tools and equipment, training facilities, and trainers qualifications, among

Course Title: COOKERY NC Level: NC II

Nominal Training Duration: 18 Hrs. (Basic)

18 Hrs. (Common)
124 Hrs. (Core)
160 Hrs.
Course Description:
The COOKERY NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person
must achieve to clean kitchen areas, cook/prepare hot, cold meals and desserts for guests in
various food and beverage service facilities

(18 Hours)

Unit of Assessment Hours

Learning Outcomes Methodology Approach
1. Participate in 1.1 Obtain and Group Demonstration
workplace convey workplace Discussion  Observation
communication information Interaction  Interviews/
1.2 Speak English at Practice Questioning
a basic session
operational level 4
1.3 Complete
relevant work
1.4 Participate in
meeting and
2. Work in a team 2.1 Describe and Discussion Demonstration
environment identify team role Interaction  Observation
and responsibility Simulation  Interviews/
in a team Games Questioning
2.2 Describe work as
a team member
2.3 Work effectively
with colleagues 4
2.4 Work in socially
Assessment Hours
Unit of
Learning Outcomes Methodology Approach
3. Practice career 3.1 Integrate Discussion Demonstration
professionalism personal Interaction  Observation
objectives with Role play  Interviews/
organizational questioning
3.2 Set and meet 5
work priorities
3.3 Maintain
growth and
4. Practice 4.1 Evaluate hazard Lecture- Observation
occupational and risks Discussion Interview
health and safety 4.2 Control hazards Case study
and risks Plant tour
4.3 Maintain Symposium
occupational 5
health and
4.4 Perform basic

(18 Hours)

Unit of Learning Assessment Hours

Methodology Approach
Competency Outcomes
1. Develop and 1.1 Seek Lecture  Interviews/
update information on Group Discussion Questioning
industry the industry Individual/Group  Individual/Group
knowledge 1.2 Update Assignment Project or Report
relevant Field visit
industry Video
knowledge presentation 4
1.3 Develop and
update local
1.4 Promote
products and
services to
2. Observe 2.1 Follow hygiene Lecture  Demonstration
workplace procedures Demonstration  Written
hygiene Role-play Examination 2
2.2 Identify and Case study  Interviews/
prevent Questioning
hygiene risk

Unit of Assessment Hours

Learning Outcomes Methodology Approach
3. Perform 3.1 Plan and prepare Lecture  Interviews/
computer task to be Group Questioning
operations undertaken Discussion  Practical
3.2 Input data into a Tutorial or Demonstration
computer self-pace  Observation
3.3 Assess information Demonstration 4
using computer
3.4 Produce/ output Practice
data using computer session
3.5 Maintain computer
4. Perform 4.1 Practice workplace Lecture  Demonstration
workplace procedures for Demonstration  Interviews/
and safety health, safety and Role-play Questioning
practices security practices Simulation  Written
4.2 Perform child Examination
protection duties
relevant to the
tourism industry 4
4.3 Observe and
monitor people
4.4 Deal with
4.5 Maintain safe
4.6 Maintain a safe and
secure workplace
5. Provide 5.1 Greet customers Lecture  Demonstration
effective 5.2 Identify customer Demonstration  Interviews/
customer 5.3 Deliver service to Role-play Questioning
service customer Simulation  Observation
5.6 Handle queries
through use of 4
common business
tools and technology
5.5 Handle complaints/
conflict situations,
evaluation and

Unit of Assessment Hours

Learning Outcomes Methodology Approach
1. Clean and 1.1 Clean, sanitize Discussion/  Written
maintain and store Demonstration Examination
kitchen equipment Video viewing  Demonstration
premises 1.2 Clean and  Observation in
sanitize workplace OJT
1.3 Dispose of

2. Prepare 2.1 Prepare stocks, Discussion/  Written

stocks, glazes and Demonstration examination
sauces and essences Video viewing  Demonstration
soups required for  Observation in
menu items workplace OJT
2.2 Prepare soups
required for
menu items 8
2.3 Prepare sauces
required for
menu items
2.4 Store and
stocks, sauces
and soups
3. Prepare 3.1 Perform mise Discussion/  Written
appetizers en place Demonstration examination
3.2 Prepare a Video viewing  Demonstration
range of  Observation in
appetizers workplace OJT
3.3 Present a range
of appetizers
3.4 Store
4. Prepare 4.1 Perform Mise Discussion/  Written
salads and en place Demonstration examination
dressings 4.2 Prepare a Video viewing  Demonstration
variety salads  Observation in
and dressings workplace OJT
4.3 Present a 10
variety of
salads and
4.4 Store salads
and dressings
5. Prepare 5.1 Perform Mise Discussion/  Written
sandwiches en place Demonstration examination
5.2 Prepare a Video viewing  Demonstration
variety of  Observation in
sandwiches workplace OJT
5.3 Present a
variety of
5.4 Store

Unit of Assessment Hours

Learning Outcomes Methodology Approach
6. Prepare 6.1 Perform Mise en Discussion/  Written
meat dishes place Demonstration examination
6.2 Cook meat cuts Video viewing  Demonstration
for service  Observation in
6.3 Present meat workplace OJT
cuts for service
6.4 Store meat
7. Prepare 7.1 Perform Mise en Discussion/  Written
vegetables place Demonstration examination
dishes 7.2 Prepare Video viewing  Demonstration
vegetable dishes  Observation in
7.3 Present workplace OJT
vegetable dishes
7.4 Store
8. Prepare egg 8.1 Perform Mise en Discussion/  Written
dishes place Demonstration examination
8.2 Prepare and Video viewing  Demonstration
cook egg dishes  Observation in
8.3 Present egg workplace OJT
8.4 Store egg dishes
9. Prepare 9.1 Perform Mise en Discussion/  Written
starch place Demonstration examination
dishes 9.2 Prepare starch Video viewing  Demonstration
dishes  Observation in
9.3 Present Starch workplace OJT
9.4 Store Starch
10. Prepare 10.1 Perform mise Discussion/  Written
poultry and en place Demonstration examination
game dishes 10.2 Cook poultry Video viewing  Demonstration
and game  Observation in
dishes workplace OJT
10.3 Plate/present
poultry and
game dishes
10.4 Store poultry
and game
11. Prepare 11.1 Perform mise en Discussion/  Written
seafood place Demonstration examination
dishes 11.2 Handle fish and Video viewing  Demonstration
seafood  Observation in
11.3 Cook fish and workplace OJT
11.4 Plate/Present
fish and seafood
11.5 Store fish and

Assessment Hours
Unit of
Learning Outcomes Methodology Approach
12. Prepare 12.1 Perform mise Discussion/  Written
desserts en place Demonstration examination
12.2 Prepare Video viewing  Demonstration
desserts and  Observation in
sweet sauces workplace OJT
12.3 Plate/Present
12.4 Store desserts
13. Package 13.1 Select Discussion/  Written
prepared packaging Demonstration examination
food materials Video viewing  Demonstration 8
13.2 Package food  Observation in
workplace OJT

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