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Biology Scheme Form 2

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1. KLB Secondary Biology Form 1 Students Book KLB BK 1
2. KLB Secondary Biology Form 2 Students Book KLB BK 2
3. Oxford Biology Book Form 1. Oxford BK 1
4. Oxford Biology Book Form 2. Oxford BK 2

1 1 Nutrition in Animals By the end of the lesson, the learner
Introduction should be able to:- Charts KLB BK 1 Pg 72
Heterotropism Distinguish symbiosis and parasitism Class discussion Textbooks Oxford BK 1 Pg 73
2,3 Herbivorous animals By the end of the lesson, the learner Drawing Pictures of herbivore
Dentition should be able to:- Class discussion Skull, teeth. Real skull KLB BK 1 Pg 74
Construct dental formular in herbivores Presentation and jaws Oxford BK 1 Pg 74
4 Omnivorous animals By the end of the lesson, the learner Drawing Diagrams of human
should be able to:- Labeling skull. KLB BK 1 Pg 74-76
Describe modification of four types of Describing modification Diagram of teeth in Oxford BK 1 Pg 75
teeth in human. of teeth Upper and lower jaw
2 1&2 Carnivores By the end of the lesson, the learner Drawing, Labeling
Structure of teeth should be able to:- Describe mode of feeding Diagrams of carnivore KLB BK 1 Pg 74-75
Construct dental formular in carnivores in herbivores skull. Oxford BK 1 Pg 77
3,4 Dental diseases. By the end of the lesson, the learner
Digestion in the should be able to:- Drawing Chart on digestive KLB BK 1 Pg 77-80
mouth Outline the digestive functions of Labeling system Oxford BK 1 Pg 78
Outline digestive saliva, teeth and the tongue Class discussion Textbooks
functions of teeth, Presentation
saliva, tongue
3 1,2,3 Digestion in the By the end of the lesson, the learner
&4 Stomach, Duodenum should be able to:- Taking notes Charts KLB BK 1 Pg 80-83
and Ileum Describe digestion in the stomach and Answering questions Text books Oxford BK 1 Pg 79
Duodenum Class discussion
4 1 Absorption of By the end of the lesson, the learner
digested should be able to:- Note taking Text book KLB BK 1 Pg 83
Food. State how ileum is adapted to Drawing and labeling Oxford BK 1 Pg 83
Egestion absorption function
2&3 Assimilation of By the end of the lesson, the learner
absorbed food should be able to:- Describe role of vitamins Text book KLB BK 1 Pg 84
Outline nutritional role of water, and water in class Oxford BK 1 Pg 84
vitamins and roughage in humans discussion
4 Factors that determine By the end of the lesson, the learner
energy requirements should be able to:- Compare surface area to Pictures of people KLB BK 1 Pg 88-89
in humans Explain each of the factors determining volume ratio of adult doing different activities,Oxford BK 1 Pg 87
energy requirements in humans with infants adult, offspring
5 1,2 Transport in plants By the end of the lesson, the learner Uprooted dicot,
Introduction should be able to:- Sectioning, observation, Monocot plants, scapel, KLB BK 2 Pg 1-4
Internal structure of Relate the structure of the root to its Mounting magnification Water, slide and Oxford BK 2 Pg 1-4

the root Function Drawing and labeling Microscope
6 1 Structure of stem By the end of the lesson, the learner © Education Plus Agencies
should be able to:- Staining, sectioning, Scapel, grass stem, KLB BK 2 Pg 5
State difference between dicot and Observation, drawing hand lens, white tile Oxford BK 2 Pg 6-7
Monocot and labeling and methylene
2&3 Absorption of water By the end of the lesson, the learner
and mineral salts should be able to:-
functions of xylem Describe physiological processes Experimental design Water in a beaker KLB BK 2 Pg 7
involved in absorption of water and observation Eosin dye Oxford BK 2 Pg 4-6
mineral salts Uproot herb
4 Forces for water By the end of the lesson, the learner
Movement along should be able to:- Demonstration of KLB BK 2 Pg 11-12
xylem Outline factors for movement of water Capillarity Capillary tubes Oxford BK 2
along xylem Observation Beaker of water Pg 11-12
7 1-4 Transpiration By the end of the lesson, the learner
Factors should be able to:- Experimental design to Polythene paper KLB BK 2 Pg 9-10
Significance Demonstrate a simple experiment in show transpiration Potted plant Oxford BK 2
transpiration Thread Pg 9-11
8 1&2 Food transport in By the end of the lesson, the learner KLB BK 2 Pg 17-18
Phloem should be able to:- Oxford BK 2
Describe structure of phloem Taking notes Text book Pg 12-13
3 Open and closed By the end of the lesson, the learner
Circulatory system in should be able to:-
Insects Distinguish between open and closed Observation Diagram of body of KLB BK 2 Pg 18-19
Circulatory system Insects Oxford BK 2 Pg 22
4 Mammalian By the end of the lesson, the learner
circulation should be able to:- KLB BK 2 Pg 19-22
Structure of the Describe structure and function of the Drawing Goat heart Oxford BK 2
Mammalian heart heart Labeling Chart Pg 24-26
9 1&2 Heart beat By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:- KLB BK 2 Pg 23
Relate the structure of the heart to its Drawing Diagrams Oxford BK 2
function Labeling Pg 27-28
3,4 Structure and function By the end of the lesson, the learner KLB BK 2 Pg 25-30
of arteries, veins and should be able to:- Discussion Diagrams Oxford BK 2
capillaries Distinguish between artery and veins Charts Pg 29-32
10 1 Diseases of the By the end of the lesson, the learner
Circulatory system should be able to:- KLB BK 2 Pg 31-32
List and describe diseases of the Discussion on the Text books Oxford BK 2
circulatory system Circulatory system Pg 32-33
2-4 Structure and By the end of the lesson, the learner

composition of blood should be able to:- KLB BK 2 Pg 32-36
Describe modification of red blood Notes taking Text books Oxford BK 2
cells, WBC & Platelets to their functionsClass discussion Pg 33-37
11 1&2 Blood groups and By the end of the lesson, the learner
Blood transfusion should be able to:- Discussion on blood KLB BK 2 Pg 37-38
Name blood groups in humans, how groups Syringe Oxford BK 2
Each is suited to its function Q/A method Pg 37-38
3&4 Immunity By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:- KLB BK 2 Pg 40-43
Distinguish between natural and Discussion Text books Oxford BK 2
Artificial immunity/acquired Q/A method Pg 39-41
12 1 Allergic reactions By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:-
Lists factors that lead to allergic Note taking Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 43
Reactions in humans Discussion Oxford BK 2 Pg 41
3,4 Gaseous Exchange By the end of the lesson, the learner Leaves of Lantana
Gaseous exchange in should be able to:- Demonstrate that camata, warm water in KLB BK 2 Pg 48-52
Plants stomata Describe how gaseous exchange occur gaseous exchange occur a beaker, source of Oxford BK 2
in plants in leaves flame Pg 48-54


1. KLB Secondary Biology Form 1 Students Book KLB BK 1
2. KLB Secondary Biology Form 2 Students Book KLB BK 2
3. Oxford Biology Book Form 1. Oxford BK 1
4. Oxford Biology Book Form 2. Oxford BK 2



1 1-2 Sites of gaseous By the end of the lesson, the learner

exchange in microbes should be able to:- KLB BK 2 Pg 53
Describe features of sites of gaseous Note taking Diagrams of amoeba, Oxford BK 2
exchange Epidermis Pg 57
3-4 Gaseous exchange in By the end of the lesson, the learner
Insects should be able to:- KLB BK 2 Pg 54-55
Outline features of tracheal system in Class discussion Diagrams if insects Oxford BK 2
Insects Pg 58-59
2 1-4 Gaseous exchange in By the end of the lesson, the learner Drawing & Labeling Fish sample,
Fish should be able to:- Dissecting Hand lens, KLB BK 2 Pg 56-58
Describe structure and adaptations of Discussion & Scapel, chart, Oxford BK 2
gills to their functions Presentation textbooks Pg 57
3 1&2 Gaseous exchange in By the end of the lesson, the learner
Amphibians. should be able to:-
Mouth Describe how gaseous exchange occur Class discussion Text books KLB BK 2 Pg 58
Lungs through skin and lungs Oxford BK 2 Pg 59
3 Skin By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:- Class discussion Diagram in text book,
Outline significance of moisture in skin Viewing audio visual Audio visual aid KLB BK 2 Pg 59
Gaseous exchange Oxford BK 2 Pg 59
4 Gaseous exchange in By the end of the lesson, the learner
Mammals, the air should be able to:-
passage, nosal lining, Explain significance of moisture and Class discussion Chart KLB BK 2 Pg 50-61
larynx, trachea, lungs Hairs along air passage Textbooks Oxford BK 2 Pg 63
4 1-4 The breathing process By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:- Breathing model
Outline role of intercostals muscles, Demonstrating breathing Chart KLB BK 2 Pg 61-63
diaphragm, ribcage in the breathing using model Textbooks Oxford BK 2
process Diagram of ribcage Pg 64-65
5 1,2 Gaseous exchange in By the end of the lesson, the learner
the alveolus should be able to:- Diagram KLB BK 2 Pg 64
Outline role of moisture in the alveolus Class discussion Textbooks Oxford BK 2 Pg 66
3-4 Factors affecting rate By the end of the lesson, the learner
of breathing should be able to:- Class discussion
Describe factors affecting rate of Presentation Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 65
Breathing in humans Notes taking Oxford BK 2 Pg 66
6 1,2 Diseases of the By the end of the lesson, the learner
&3 Respiratory system should be able to:-
Describe causes, symptoms and Class discussion Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 67-70
Prevention of diseases of the breathing Oxford BK 2
system Pg 74-75
4 Respiration By the end of the lesson, the learner
Introduction should be able to:- Chart KLB BK 2 Pg 68
Types of respiration Define respiration, name and describe Class discussion Textbooks Oxford BK 2
Aerobic and anaerobic respiration Pg 76
7 1&2 Respiration Demonstrate combustion Food sample, boiling
significance Explain significance of respiration and of food yield tube, capillary tube, KLB BK 2 Pg 73
Outline further types of respiration carbon (IV) oxide lime water Oxford BK 2 Pg 76
3,4 Application of By the end of the lesson, the learner
Anaerobic respiration should be able to:- Yeast oil, glucose, KLB BK 2 Pg 78
Explain economic importance of Demonstrate Test tube, capillary Oxford BK 2 Pg 77
anaerobic respiration fermentation tube, lime water
7 1,2 Respiratory substrates By the end of the lesson, the learner
3 Respiratory quotient should be able to:-
- List the metabolic substrates Class discussion Glucose KLB BK 2 Pg 79-80
- Define respiratory quotient and Oxford BK 2 Pg 77
calculate RQ
4 Factors affecting By the end of the lesson, the learner
Respiration should be able to:- Class discussion Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 80-81
Outline factors affecting respiration Oxford BK 2 Pg 78
8 1&2 Factors affecting By the end of the lesson, the learner
respiratory substrate should be able to:- Class discussion Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 81
Outline factors affecting respiration Oxford BK 2 Pg 79
3,4 Excretion and By the end of the lesson, the learner
Homeostasis should be able to:- Demonstrate transpiration Potted plant KLB BK 2 Pg 83
Introduction Explain difference between egestion from potted plant Polythene paper Oxford BK 2 Pg 86
Excretion in plants and excretion Thread
9 1-4 Revision By the end of the lesson, the learner
Respiration in plants should be able to:-
and animals Make corrections on areas/questions Class discussion Question papers Past question papers
not well done
10 1-4 By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:-
Outline physiological processes for Notes taking Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 84-85
elimination of wastes in amoeba Oxford BK 2 Pg 88
11 1&2 Mammalian skin By the end of the lesson, the learner
Introduction should be able to:-
- State parts of the body covered by the Note taking Preserved specimen i.e. KLB BK 2 Pg 84
skin Observation of specimen Snake, rats. Oxford BK 2 Pg 88
3 Structure of mammalian By the end of the lesson, the learner
skin should be able to:- Charts KLB BK 2 Pg 85-86
- Describe structure and function of Drawing and labeling Micro-viewer Oxford BK 2 Pg 89
skin Microfilm
12 1 Functions of parts of By the end of the lesson, the learner
the mammalian skin should be able to:- Observing charts of the
Outline adaptations of the skin to its skin structure Charts KLB BK 2 Pg 86-87
functions Class discussion Oxford BK 2 Pg 90

2-4 Excretion process by By the end of the lesson, the learner
the skin should be able to:- Class discussion Charts
List excretory parts of the skin Textbooks


1. KLB Secondary Biology Form 1 Students Book KLB BK 1
2. KLB Secondary Biology Form 2 Students Book KLB BK 2
3. Oxford Biology Book Form 1. Oxford BK 1
4. Oxford Biology Book Form 2. Oxford BK 2

1 1&2 Revision of end of By the end of the lesson, the learner
Term II exams should be able to:-
Make corrections on questions not well Answering questions Question papers
3,4 Excretion and By the end of the lesson, the learner
Homeostasis. should be able to:-
Structure and role of Outline structure of lungs and relate it Class discussion Chart KLB BK 2 Pg 87-88
lungs in excretion to excretion Note taking Model Oxford BK 2 Pg 88
2 1,2 Structure and function By the end of the lesson, the learner Drawing and labeling
of mammalian kidney should be able to:- Notes taking Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 88-89
Describe two regions of the kidney Class discussion Charts Oxford BK 2 Pg 90
3-4 Structure of nephron By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:-
Draw, label and state functions of the Drawing Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 90-91
Nephron Labeling Charts Oxford BK 2 Pg 92
3 1&2 CAT I
3,4 Ultra filtration in By the end of the lesson, the learner
Nephron should be able to:- Notes taking Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 92
Outline ultra filtration Oxford BK 2 Pg 93
4 1,2 Re-absorption and By the end of the lesson, the learner
Urine Formation should be able to:-
State physiological processes involved Class discussion Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 92
in re-absorption Notes taking Oxford BK 2 Pg 93
3,4 Revision By the end of the lesson, the learner
Methods of excretion should be able to:- Class discussion Question papers Past examinations
in plants Outline methods of excretion in plants
5 1,2 Kidney Diseases By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:- Taking notes Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 93
Describe disorders of the kidney Oxford BK 2 Pg 94
3&4 The liver By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:-
Outline homeostatic functions of the Notes taking Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 93-94
Kidney Oxford BK 2 Pg 97
6 1&2 CAT II
3,4 Functions of the Liver By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:-

Explain meaning of deamination and Class discussion Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 95-96

Thermoregulation Oxford BK 2 Pg 98

7 1,2 Liver diseases By the end of the lesson, the learner

should be able to:- Taking notes Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 96-97
List liver diseases Oxford BK 2 Pg 103
3&4 Negative and Positive By the end of the lesson, the learner
Feedback should be able to:- Taking notes Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 98
State what negative and positive Oxford BK 2 Pg 99
feedback is
8 1&2 Role of Hypothalamus By the end of the lesson, the learner
in thermoregulation should be able to:-
- State what thermoregulation is Class discussion Textbooks KLB BK 2 Pg 100
- State the role of hypothalamus in
3-4 Skin and By the end of the lesson, the learner
Thermoregulation and should be able to:-
Behavioral - Distinguish between ectotherm and
activities that keep Endotherms Class discussion KLB BK 2
temperature constant - State the role of sweat glands and Pg 100-101
blood vessels in thermoregulation Oxford BK 2 Pg 97
- Outline behavioral activities that
Maintain body temperature
9 1,2 Osmoregulation By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:- KLB BK 2
State organs that eliminate excess water Class discussion Textbooks Pg 100-101
and mineral salts from the blood stream Oxford BK 2 Pg 97
3&4 Regulation of blood By the end of the lesson, the learner
Sugar should be able to:- Notes taking Textbooks KLB BK 2
List symptoms of diabetes mellitus Pg 100-103


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