1st Periodical Exam Oral Com

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Name: _____________________________ Date: _________________

Year/ Section: _______________________ Score: _________________

I. I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write on the space provided

______1Which of the following elements of communication refers to the information or ideas conveyed by the speaker?
A. receiver C. context
B. channel D. message

______2. Which model depicts communication as linear?

A. Transaction Model
B. Inventive model
C. Shannon-Weaver Model
D. Schramm Model
______3. Which function of communication is served when people’s feelings are being invoked?
A. information dissemination
B. control
C. social interaction
D. emotional expression
______4. Which barrier is characterized by a set of vocabulary in a certain field?
A. international profession
B. jargon
C. emotional barrier
D. specialized field of expertise
______5. Which of the following refers to the use of simple yet precise and powerful words?
A. vividness
B. clarity
C. brevity
D. Appropriateness
______6. Which of the following statements shows positive regard to cultural differences?
A. I share relevant information about my culture, and make sure it is more than what others share about
B. I do not think that my own culture is better than others’
C. I communicate for others to understand and appreciate my own culture.
D. I do not exert effort in learning about others’ cultures.
______7. Which of the following best defines intercultural communication?
A. It happens when individuals negotiate, interact, and create meanings while bringing in their varied cultural
B. It is a competition among people set to make their cultures known.
C. It is an organized procedure where everyone speaks of his/her culture.
D. It happens when a specific culture is regarded as the best among the rest.
______8 Which DMIS stage is shown in the statement, “People of different cultures are not really
unique. They are categorically the same.”
A. acceptance
B. defense
C. denial
D. minimization
______9. Which of the following cannot be considered a characteristic of a competent intercultural communicator?
A. inclusive
B. polite
C. open-minded
D. idealistic
______10 Which of the following statements best shows INTEGRATION as a DMIS stage?
A. “I hear you and I want to see how I can benefit from what you said.”
B. “I can see nothing new in what we all presented.”
C. “I don’t think your suggestions will work. They don’t serve any of our interests here.”
D. “Maybe I can make necessary adjustments in order to meet our objectives.”
_______11. Which of the following is an example of a one-way communication model?
A. A group teenager planning for a big event
B. The committee finding ways to reach for the less fortunate in their barangay.
C. The Philippine President delivering his SONA
_______12. You ask your sister to put on her mask every time she goes out and she nods in reply. Which model of
communication is presented here?
A. Interactive
B. Conversational
C. Linear
D. Transactional
______13. Which model of communication portrays a multilayer of communication process where the characters and
environment change overtime?
A. Interactive model
B. Linear model
C. Transactional model
D. All of the above
______14. Which communication model focuses on the message sent the recipient?
A. Interactive model
B. Linear model
C. Transactional model
D. A combination of A and B
______15. A strong wind struck as Arnolds and his father took turns in pulling the fishing boat to the shore. Arnold cannot
hear his father voice. Which affects the flow of the communication process?
A. Arnold’s voice
B. Boat
C. Father
D. Wind
______16. Myra submitted her report to her teacher online because of the enhanced community quarantine. Which
element is missing in the process?
A. Channel
B. Encoding
C. Feedback
D. Receiver
______17. The Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) frightened many people here and there. On his social media
account, Joshua posted a status of dismay. Many supported his claim, but other opposed it. His status
acquired a hundred reactions and the comments thread rose to 75. What model of communication is
A. Berlo’s Model
B. Schramm Model
C. Shannon- Weaver Model
D. Transactional Model
______18. Which of the following is not a purpose of communication?
A. It connects the gaps among persons involved.
B. It narrows down issue and addresses it.
C. It offers solution to the community problems
D. It paves a way to conflict.
______19. What happens when the message is NOT clearly conveyed?
A. The communication continues.
B. The communicators end the communication process.
C. The recipient may get the wrong information to share with others.
D. The situation will never change.
______20. 7. This is brought by lack of awareness of the dimensions of communication leading to misunderstanding. It is
also influenced by culture and gender.
A. Communicative Situation
B. Miscommunication
C. Barriers of Communication
D. Noise
______21. Teacher Ana, a distance education English teacher teaches Chinese students online. In order to understand one
another, teacher Ana is making sure to use English language as a medium of communication. In Scramm’s model
of communication, what does teacher Ana consider in making the conversation successful?
A. Communicative Situation
B. Noise interference
C. Field of Experience
D. Receiver’s understanding
_______22. Karen sent an apology message to Frank explaining why she did not show up on his birthday. Frank replied that it
is just fine. However, Karen still felt the disappointment of Frank upon reading his response. In the situation, what
concept of Communication in White’s Model is being shown?
A. Field of Experience
B. Communicative Situation
C. Noise Interference
D. Feedback
_______23. Mark and Sheila was discussing about their Argumentative Paper over the phone. Sheila told Mark to find a
related literature of their second argument. During their conversation, Mark did not hear clearly of what Sheila
said due to a poor signal and irritating sound around. In the situation, what concept is being emphasized in
Shannon-Weaver’s Model of Communication?
A. Feedback
B. Setting
C. Response
D. Noise
_______24. Teachers’ chair is higher than students’. This is to show their authority and to command respect. What influences
the dimension of communication is shown in the situation?
A. Communicative Situation
B. Gender
C. Miscommunication
D. Culture
_______25. What does good Intercultural Communication require?
A. openness to the other culture
B. in-depth discussion of features of different cultures
C. showcasing dances, songs, and food
D. All of the above
_______26. When talking to other people (Small Group), what do you need most? Why?
A. knowledge of the other group members
B. awareness of the topic under discussion
C. desire to reach an agreement
D. All of the above
_______27. When talking to oneself (Intrapersonal), which of the following is most used? Why?
A. skill at remembering
B. Ability to analyse
C. Capability to analyze
D. All of the above
_______28. A lecture on the Chinese way of doing business might enlighten Filipino Businessman. What type of Interpersonal
Communication is shown in the sentence?
A. Dyadic
B. Public
C. Small Group
D. Intercultural
_______29. Red Roses are to be sent only to a female sweetheart or a wife, no one else, and only on Valentine’s Day and
Birthday. What type of nonverbal communication is shown in the situation?
A. Language of Time
B. Language of Flowers
C. Language of Space
D. Language of Gestures
_______30. Teachers’ chair is higher than students’. This is to show their authority and to command respect. What influences the
dimension of communication is shown in the situation?
A. Communicative Situation
B. Gender
C. Miscommunication
D. Culture
_______31. People faces which form of communication barrier in Doctor’s handwriting;
A. Physical Barrier
B. Semantic Barrier
C. Emotional Barrier
D. Language Barrier

_______32. Which of these is the external sounds present in the channels of communication:
A. Noise
B. Semantic Barrier
C. Cultural Barrier
D. Over Communication
_______33. In which of these problems, is the actual message lost in the abundance of transmitted information?
A. Selecting Perception
B. Under Communication
C. Filtering
D. Over Communication
_______34. Which of these must be avoided for effective communication?
A. Sharing of Activity
B. Listening
C. Politeness
D. Ambiguity
_______35. Barriers which are caused because of different meanings of a word to different people called?
A. Different Perception
B. Semantic Distortions
C. Physical Barriers
D. Cultural Barriers
_______36. All of the following are example of effective communication skills EXCEPT:
A. Arm crossed
B. Eye Contact
C. Open body posture
D. Speaker calm voice
_______37. Which functions of communication was described in this situation:
“To all of you my dear batch mates, I encourage you to chase your dreams and don’t’ ever give up in reaching them.”
A. Control
B. Social Interaction
C. Motivation
D. Emotional Expression
_______38. Which functions of communication was described in this situation:
“Would you like some coffee, tea, or me? ““It’s been a while since we talked.”
A. Information dissemination
B. Emotional Expression
C. Motivation
D. Social Interaction
_______39. Mr. Alvarez adjusts his message according to his audience and the occasion to achieve a particular effect. In what
model he based his speech?
A. Osgood- Schramm’s
B. Aristotle’s
C. Shannon Weaver’s
D. Eugen White’s
_______40. You are thinking about a lot of problems and you cannot even talk well to your friends. What type of noise is
A. Physical
B. Semantic
C. Physiological
D. Psychological
_______41. The real meaning of the message exists within the mind of the speakers. Only then the listener tries to get the
message as accurately as possible. What principle of communication is?
A. Communication is an interpretative act
B. Communication is irreversible
C. Communication is contextual
D. Communication is powerful
_______42. Feb easily responded to the message sent by Rose on Facebook. The message in response to Rose’s message is
A. Tweet
B. Reply
C. Hugback
D. Feedback
_______43. Your headaches while listening to your teacher. What type of noise is apparent?
A. Psychological
B. Semantic
C. Physiological
D. Physical

_______44. The communication on which the communicator wants his/her receivers to pay attention and understand, but not to
change behavior.
A. Internal
B. Informative Communication
C. Argumentative Communication
D. Persuasive Communication
________45. A model of communication which is also called a “telephone model”.
A. Aristotle’s
B. Shannon Weaver
C. Eugene White’s
D. Osgood- Shcramms
________46. Maria has a presentation on Monday. She organizes the information by:
A. Avoiding clutter, using large font size, and avoiding too much text
B. Listening the main points, having only one main idea per slide, present ideas in chronological order
C. Knowing the purpose of the presentation, the audience, and gathering information
D. Using only one design and color scheme
________47. What happens to the communication when the sender and the receiver apply different meanings to the same
A. There will be misunderstanding that leads to break-ups
B. There will be no communication
C. The communication might not exist
D. The communication may succeed or fail
________48. If the channel is the means of which the communication is delivered, what is the functions of the medium then?
A. It replicates the message
B. It amplifies the communication
C. It clarifies the communication
D. It refines the message
________49. What is- Technical Jargons// means under semantic barrier?
A. Faulty Translation
B. Technical Words Not Understandable
C. Lame People
D. Body Gestures
________50. Which functions of communication was described in this situation:
“Doctors Prescription” Take your medicine 3 times a day”
A. Control
B. Social Interaction
C. Motivation
D. Emotional dissemination
II. Read each statement. If it displays bias or insensitivity, write the group/element being
misrepresented (gender, social status, age, religion, culture). If not, write “OK.”

______11 “Each employee must wear his ID at all times.”

______12 “You won’t understand if I explain; you’re too young.”
______13 “Japanese people are so rigid and stoic!”
______14 “Don’t buy those shades; only low-class people wear those.”
______15 “Lolo, this is an iPhone. ‘i-Phone.’ It is a very complicated device, but I’ll explain it to you simply. It is
used to talk to people from other places.”

III. Write T before each number if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
______16 Consider ethics in your speech at all times.
______17 Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message.
______18 How you communicate reflects who you are as a person.
______19 One way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal communication.
______20 There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.
______21 To achieve clarity, we must speak the same language as our listeners.
______22 The use of too many fillers can distract your listeners.
______23 Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
______24 When you talk to others, you should not assume too quickly that they understand the
message that you convey.
______25 When you communicate, choose what you want to say and how you want to say it.

IV. Identify the function of communication in each of the following situations Write C for control, SI for social interaction,
M for motivation, EE for emotional expression and ID for information dissemination. Write your answers on the space
______26 The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
______27 Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
______28 Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicated life.
______29 Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler.
______30 The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
______31 Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.
______32 The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
______33 A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.
______34 The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a public forum.
______35 A tourist guide orients a group of tourists about a heritage site.

V. Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the following situations. Write your answer before the number.

______36 talking to a counsellor or psychiatrist

______37 giving last-minute instructions to players
______38 delivering campaign speeches
______39 delivering a speech at the UN Summit
______40 delivering news reports
______41 talking and laughing about memorable experiences
______42 communicating while playing sports
______43 having a one-on-one conversation with a loved one
______44 delivering an oratorical speech
______45 leading a prayer before meal

VI. Essay: (46-50)

What is communication?





“Communication works for those who work at it.”

John Powell

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