October Cornerstone

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Minister’s Musings

If I did a survey and asked Americans, “Do you believe it’s important
to eat right and exercise?” most all of them would say, “Yes I believe Minden United Church of Christ
that.” Americans overwhelmingly say their health is important. But
the most popular food at state fairs is a bacon cheeseburger with a Pastor Brian Wohlhuter
bun made out of two Krispy Kreme donuts. You’re charged extra if Phone 712-483-2903
you want chocolate covered bacon. Here’s another example. A man 106 Lincoln St. Box 218,
might say, “I believe in the importance of family. Nothing matters
more to me than my family.” But if he turns around and accepts a Minden, IA 51553
higher paying job even though it will require more time away from his Web page: mindenucc.com
family, he has revealed what he truly believes. Email: [email protected]
We are saved by God’s grace when we believe in Jesus and put our
faith in him, but biblical belief is more than something we confess
with our mouths; it’s something we confess with our lives.
So a fan may say, “Lord, Lord,” but a fan doesn’t live “Lord, Lord.”
You say, “I am a follower.” I hear you, but when is the last time you
fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the prisoner? You say, “I
Mark Your Calendar
am a follower.” Well that’s great, but what do you do when you get in
an argument with your spouse? I want to know if you’re the one who
reaches over and puts a gentle hand on the back of your husband
or wife and says, “I’m sorry.” What do you do when a neighbor
starts to gossip about a friend? What do you do when the movie
you’re watching continues to take God’s name in vain? A belief is November 21
more than what we say.
Church Auction
Imagine that my family goes on a mission trip together for a month
and we have a young married couple come and house sit for us. Be- 11:00 - 12:30 PM
fore we leave I give them a notebook with 10 or 12 pages of fairly de-
tailed instructions for taking care of the house and the pets. I tell Meals Served
them when to water the plants. I write out where to find the food for
the cat and how much food to give it. I remind them to get the mail. I 12:30 Auction Begins
explain that trash day is early on Thursday morning. I inform them
that the downstairs toilet overflows and clearly state where the shut- December 19 10:00 AM
off valve is just in case. When I give them the notebook the couple
commits to doing what it says. Now I want you to imagine I come Children’s Christmas
back and all the plants are dead. The garage is full of trash. The toilet Pageant
has been overflowing for days and the basement is flooded. Then I
look in the backyard and there is a little gravesite where the cat has December 24 6:00 PM
been buried. Then the couple who has been house sitting comes up
and explains how helpful the notebook was. In fact they have memo-
rized certain sections and I can see where they have highlighted dif-
ferent areas. They inform me that they went over parts of the note-
book every night before going to bed. What am I going to say? I’m
going to say, “away from me, you evildoers!” They may have spoken
words of commitment, but there is no evidence that those words
mean anything.
Section taken from the book not a fan. by Kyle Idleman. I have de-
cided to read it again and I believe it speaks a lot of truth to me and to
the church today. What say you…give it a read?
Church Board Meeting, September 12th, 2021
Those attending: Rod, Michelle, Tracey, Jerry, Jennifer, Dana, Mary, Christina, Bonnie and Pam

Clerk’s report: printed in Cornerstone Pam moved and Michelle seconded

Pastor’s report:

December 19th Christmas program

Price for materials for Sunday School is lower this year
We can purchase some extra teacher supplies if need be
3:16 will start October 6th at Arrowhead-will meet on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month
Prayer requests--our members are good
Ice Cream Social brought in $1100 no expenses/thank you for the donations of food
Maybe next year do Ice Cream Social with Sunday School kickoff

Treasurer’s report: at the end of August $11,455 no report, system down at bank

Mission Fund-no report

Trustee’s report: waiting on the steps to be done, Pam has contacted the business twice since our congregational vote. Also,
have contacted the bell tower repair business, no word on when they will be here. A donation check for the front door was re-
ceived. It was suggested to call Omaha Door and Window for this bid. Pam will call them to give us an estimate for a higher
threshold door system and the board will present that to the congregational when we have that bid. The east door of the
church has a lock that is sticking. Pam will have Omaha Door and Window look at that also.

Deacon Fund-no report

Memorial Fund-no report

Events: Church Auction is November 21st. The board is deciding if we should go back to the normal auction or do like we did last
year and have it Fellowship Hall. We will make our decision very soon. Please keep your donations coming pending location!
November 20th there will be a memorial service for Maureen Olsen.

Unfinished business: The parsonage is rented out and board has worked out the details with the tenants.

The board accepted Deb Buck’s resignation as church secretary and we are looking for her replacement. Pam will also put it in
the Avoca paper which serves the Neola/Minden area.

Job Description of church secretary: 3 days a week, 3 hours per day- the time can be talked about with the board, but would like
one day to be the same for the public/congregation. Answer phone calls, managing schedules, filing and generating programs
for services and working with the pastor. Salary $15.00/hr.

Kevin Z. approached a board member and stated he’d like to continue to pursue the easement option. Kevin Z. will be asked to
come to the board meeting on Oct. 10th if he’d like to talk to the board about the easement. The board also decided to have a
neutral/third party legal counsel give them some information on easements.

A discussion was held concerning some members who have stopped attending worship and why that is.
Pastor Brian has heard from a few members they were unhappy with the tenor of the congregational
meetings this summer and it is hard for them to come back to worship. Another board member stated
they have talked to a couple members and those members expressed the same sentiments. A brief dis-
cussion was held stating that maybe Pastor Brian needs to visit more members and Pastor Brian brought
up the idea of board members going out to visit also. More discussion to come.
Sunday School officially began September 12th. Teachers
began the Choose Your Own Adventure (Choosing to live
wisely) curriculum by having students choose their pirate
names, introducing this unit’s memory verse, and participat-
ing in various activities including sidewalk chalk bodies of pi-
Marsha Grandick
rates and creating pictures of their pirate names. Students
are learning the importance of living a wise life by carefully Phone: 402-639-5161
choosing the words they use and choosing to do good. Chil- Email:
dren are engaged in the lessons and enjoying their time in [email protected]
class. Thank you teachers for a great start to the year!
Presently, there are around 15 students attending. If you
know of a child who might like to come to Sunday School,
please invite them to join us. If the parent does not plan to
attend church, the child can be dropped off at 10:00 a.m.
Rooms will be open and teachers will be available. If a par-
ent and their child attends church, children will proceed to
Sunday School after the children’s service( approximately
10:10 – 10:15).
On October 17th students will begin learning music for the
Christmas pageant. In November, tryouts will be held for the
various parts. The number of speaking and performing
roles will depend on student interest. We hope that all
children will be able to participate this year.
Dates to put on your calendar:
Church Auction November 21st.
Christmas Pageant, December 19th
Finally, if your child is sick, please do not send them to
Sunday School. Masks are optional and entirely up to a
parent’s discretion. We will do what we can to maintain
a safe and healthy environment for everyone!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Marsha Grandick,
Sunday School Superintendant
Do you ever stop and think about how big God must be? God created this whole world, all
of the planets, and stars in the sky . God is really big! Knowing God is big can make us
feel small and inconsequential. But the truth is, even the small things are a big deal to
God. The story of Job will help everyone realize that even though we are small, God lis-
tens to our big feelings, God sees the big picture, God cares about every small problem,
and we can also be a big help in small ways.

WEEK 1This week, we’re talking about how Job praised God even through his big suffer-
ings. THE BIG IDEA: We are small, but God is big. THE BIBLE: Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Psalm 8

WEEK 2 This week, we’re talking about how Job cried out to God when it all became too
big for him to handle. THE BIG IDEA: God listens when we have big feelings. THE BIBLE:
Job 23:1-7; Hebrews 4:15-16

WEEK 3 This week, we’re talking about how God answered Job and shows the big differ-
ence between what God can do and what humans are able to do.THE BIG IDEA: God
sees the big picture. THE BIBLE: Job 38:1-7; 34-41; Isaiah 53:4-12

WEEK 4 This week, we’re talking about how God blessed Job in bigger ways than before.
THE BIG IDEA: No problem is too small for God. THE BIBLE: Job 42:1-6; 10-17; Mark

WEEK 5 This week, we’re talking about how Job’s friendsmight have been the biggest
comfort when they sat with him in silence. THE BIG IDEA: We can be a big help in small
ways. THE BIBLE: Job 2:11-13; Psalm 146

MEMORY VERSE OF THE MONTH: Job 37:5 (God’s voice thunders in

marvelous ways. He does great things beyond our understanding.
• Donations needed for the upcoming Church Auction. Time
is ticking and it’s time to start thinking about a possible donation
you can make or garner! Possible items could include: home-
made food (baked goods, candies, canned items, etc.), assorted
gift baskets, power tools, tickets to area games and events, holi-
day decorations, home décor (Think in terms of what you would
want to buy or use. New or gently used items only, please.)

• Ushers needed. Please sign up at church or online.

• Fellowship Hour servers needed. Please sign up at

church or online
Attention 6th—8th Graders! Join the fun!
The first meeting of the year for Group 3:16 will be
6:00 to 7:30 pm, October 6th at Arrowhead park.
Supper is provided.


Job Description : 3 days a week, 3 hours per day- the

time can be talked about with the board, but would like
one day to be the same for the public/congregation. An-
swer phone calls, managing schedules, filing and generat-
ing programs for services and working with the pastor.
Salary $15.00/hr.
October 2021
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2
Haley Larsen

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Duane Pam Pierce Rodney Siebels
Campbell Maynard

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Breanne Cheryl Katie Zellmer
Newland Overgaard Hayley Martens
Alexandra Kahler

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Lois Kahler Jeff Long Darin Shriver Karla Wedel
Kelli Katzer Thomas Leaders
Lexie Parks

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Mike Dea Joyce Elaine Graham Hayley Slate Judy Martens
Diana Dau Chambers Don Orme
Christopher Holly Leazenby

Madison Barrett

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