Mahapatra Nature
Mahapatra Nature
Mahapatra Nature
Vertical stacking of heterogeneous two-dimensional (2D) materials has received considerable attention for nanoelectronic
applications. In the semiconductor industry, however, the process of integration for any new material is expensive and complex.
Thus, first principles-based models that enable systematic performance evaluation of emerging 2D materials at device and circuit
level are in great demand. Here, we propose an ‘atom-to-circuit’ modeling framework for all-2D MISFET
(metal–insulator–semiconductor field-effect transistor), which has recently been conceived by vertically stacking semiconducting
transition metal dichalcogenide (e.g., MoS2), insulating hexagonal boron nitride and semi-metallic graphene. In a multi-scale
modeling approach, we start with the development of a first principles-based atomistic model to study fundamental electronic
properties and charge transfer at the atomic level. The energy band-structure obtained is then used to develop a physics-based
compact device model to assess transistor characteristics. Finally, the models are implemented in a circuit simulator to facilitate
design and simulation of integrated circuits. Since the proposed modeling framework translates atomic level phenomena (e.g.,
band-gap opening in graphene or introduction of semiconductor doping) to a circuit performance metric (e.g., frequency of a ring
oscillator), it may provide solutions for the application and optimization of new materials.
npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018)2:28 ; doi:10.1038/s41699-018-0073-3
Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Nano-Scale Device Research Laboratory, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, Bangalore 560012, India
Correspondence: Biswapriyo Das ([email protected])
npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018) 28 Published in partnership with FCT NOVA with the support of E-MRS
An atom-to-circuit modeling approach to all-2Dy
Biswapriyo Das and Santanu Mahapatra
Fig. 1 Synopsis of ‘atom-to-circuit’ multi-scale modeling methodology. First, the band structure parameters are extracted from first principles-
based atomistic calculations and the charge transfer in atomic level is analyzed. The extracted parameters are then used for developing a
compact device model of the vdWH-based MISFET. Then that model is implemented in commercial circuit simulators using its Verilog–AMS
Fig. 2 a Atomic model for graphene-hBN-hBN-MoS2 vdWH with the equilibrium interlayer spacings indicated. Color codes for the atoms are:-
cyan: molybdenum, yellow: sulfur, pink: boron, blue: nitrogen, gray: carbon. b Energy band structures of the vdWH with d1 varying from 3.0 to
3.4 Å with a stepping of 0.2 Å. Red and blue-dashed bands correspond to graphene and MoS2 respectively. It depicts that with decreasing d1,
band gap of graphene increases and MoS2 becomes more p-type with an unaltered band gap of 1.71 eV. c Electron density difference (EDD)
plot of the vdWH showing greater charge redistribution in graphene–hBN interface than MoS2–hBN interface. This charge redistribution at
graphene–hBN interface increases with decreasing d1. d Energy band structures of the vdWH comprising of n-type and p-type MoS2
monolayers with a doping concentration of 1 × 1019 cm−3 (both n and p), indicating unaltered band gaps of both graphene and MoS2. It
shows that although graphene is kept pristine, effectively it becomes n or p-type in accordance to the type of doping due to interlayer charge
higher the value, more pronounced is the charge redistribution threshold voltage of MIS capacitor is expected to increase with the
with more chemical interactions occurring at the interface. As bandgap broadening in graphene and the upward shifting of
depicted, the comparatively smaller area under EDD at MoS2–hBN MoS2 band structure. Furthermore, since the charge distribution at
interface remains almost unaltered with variation of d1, while for the interlayer spacing can be perceived as a way of energy storing,
graphene–hBN interface it increases with decreasing d1. The the increment of EDD area at the graphene–hBN interface with
Published in partnership with FCT NOVA with the support of E-MRS npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018) 28
An atom-to-circuit modeling approach to all-2Dy
Biswapriyo Das and Santanu Mahapatra
Table 1. Band-structure parameters
d1 (Å) ΔGC (eV) ΔGV (eV) ΔMC (eV) ΔMV ðeVÞ meG =m0 mhG =m0 meM =m0 mhM =m0
npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018) 28 Published in partnership with FCT NOVA with the support of E-MRS
An atom-to-circuit modeling approach to all-2Dy
Biswapriyo Das and Santanu Mahapatra
Fig. 3 a Schematic representation of the vdWH-based MISFET. The coined device symbol is shown in the inset. b Electrical equivalent circuit
of the MIS capacitor comprising of graphene quantum capacitance CqG, insulator capacitance CI of bilayer hBN and quantum capacitance of
MoS2 CqM. c Showcase of relevant band structure parameters used in the model development. Here EF is the Fermi level; ECG, EVG, ECM, EVM,
respectively denotes conduction band minima and valence band maxima of graphene and MoS2. d Comparison between analytical dispersion
relations obtained from tight-binding Hamiltonian and DFT data. e Plot of non-linear relation between inversion charge density in MoS2 (Q0I )
and its surface potential ΨS. Non-linearity of the relation increases with decreasing d1
case due to the trade-off between Vp reduction and Cgg simulator34 or SPICE (simulation program for integrated circuit
increment. The higher capacitance value for d1 = 3.2 Å drives the emphasis) using its Verilog–AMS interface in order to conduct
drain current of the transistor with d1 = 3.2 Å to be greater than static and transient simulation of integrated circuits. As shown in
that with d1 = 3.4 Å. On the other hand, upon introduction of n- Fig. 5, SPICE engine assigns terminal voltages (viz. VG, VD and VS) to
type doping in MoS2, the threshold voltage of the device the Verilog-AMS module, which computes terminal currents (viz.
decreases and accordingly IDC attains a much higher value iG, iD and iS) according to Eqn. (F1)–(F5), and then returns them to
(~105 μA/μm) at saturation (see Supplementary Information). the individual terminals to be further processed by the SPICE
Conversely, the threshold voltage of the transistor with p-type engine. A direct implementation of these equations in SPICE
MoS2 as channel material increases and IDC saturates with a value without any numerical pitfall is very tedious and time-consuming
as small as ~17 μA/μm (see Supplementary Information). We also process. For simulation of basic logic circuits, however, a look-up
plot the nature of two important transcapacitances: Cgd (calcu- table approach will suffice and be followed in this work. First, we
lated at VGS = 1.5 V) and Cdg (calculated at VDS = 1.5 V) in Fig. 4(f), have designed a resistive-load inverter (see Fig. 6(a)) and
which follow the similar trends as that of Cgg. For all these simulated its voltage transfer characteristics (VTC) with the input
characteristics, the mobility value is taken to be 400 cm2/Vs as voltage varying from 0 V to 1.5 V, as plotted in Fig. 6(b). It reflects
estimated by the DFT + Bolzmann formalism.36 the effect of bandgap broadening of graphene by indicating the
positive shift of threshold voltage of the inverter, designed with
Digital logic performance the MISFET having smaller d1. Also plotted in Fig. 6(b) are the VTC
The equations for proposed compact device model are shown in of the logic inverters designed with the MISFETs having n and p-
Fig. 5 (where VCB is channel potential/imref; W and L—both taken type MoS2 monolayers as semiconducting channel materials. As
to be 1 μm, specifies the channel width and length respectively; μ depicted in Fig. 6(b), the inverter corresponding to n-type MoS2
and D, respectively denotes low-field mobility and field- channel experiences a smaller threshold voltage, whereas the
dependent diffusivity; QG, QD, QS and iG, iD, iS refers to terminal inverter with p-type MoS2 has a greater threshold voltage. Clearly,
charges and currents at gate, drain and source respectively; and this effect of threshold voltage modification is quite similar to the
finally Q0In and ψSn symbolizes the values of Q0I and ΨS at nth effect of band gap modulation of graphene. Subsequently, we
breakpoint). The surface potential equation ζ = 0 (Eqn. (F1) in Fig. have designed 15-stage ring oscillator circuits with these resistive-
5) is a function of gate bias, imref and material parameters, which load inverters to study the transient response. The output voltage
are obtained from the DFT calculations. We solve this equation waveforms of three ring oscillators (each designed with the
numerically for different bias conditions to calculate the surface MISFETs with different values of d1) are shown in Fig. 6(c). It
potentials and inversion charge densities, and thereby the dc exhibits moderate changes in oscillation frequencies as men-
drain current (IDC) and terminal charges (QG, QD, and QS) become tioned in the figure itself. To be precise, variation of d1 by ± 0.2 Å
explicit polynomials of them. Efficient algorithms45,46 could be results in increment of the oscillating frequency by a factor of
developed in this regard to solve such equations inside the circuit 1.085 and conversely, a decrement of the same by a factor of 0.85.
simulator. We implement this model in professional circuit The ring oscillator featuring d1 = 3.0 Å possesses the lowest
Published in partnership with FCT NOVA with the support of E-MRS npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018) 28
An atom-to-circuit modeling approach to all-2Dy
Biswapriyo Das and Santanu Mahapatra
Fig. 4 Plot of a CqG, b CqM, and c Cgg with respect to gate-to-source voltage VGS (keeping drain-to-source voltage VDS = 0 V) for different values
of d1. In a and b, both CqG and CqM are confined within the quantum capacitance limit. In c, Cgg is mostly dominated by CqG. d and e,
respectively depicts the transfer and drain characteristics of the vdWH-based MISFET. f Plot of the transcapacitances Cgd (with respect to VDS,
keeping VGS = 1.5 V) and Cdg (with respect to VGS, keeping VDS = 1.5 V). For c and f, all the terminal capacitances are calculated as CXY = ∂QX/
∂VY, where X and Y are the terminals of the device
frequency of oscillation among all. The waveforms of the and extensive scope of applicability should encourage our
oscillators featuring MISFETs with n and p-type MoS2 channel modeling framework to stand high.
have also been plotted in Fig. 6(c) and similar trends of increment
and decrement of oscillating frequencies are observed. For n-type
doping, the frequency increases to 1.125f0 and it decreases to METHODS
0.85f0 for p-type doping, with f0 = 5.75 MHz being the frequency Atomistic model development
of the ring oscillator featuring undoped MoS2 channel and d1 = In order to carry out the first principles-based calculations, the DFT code as
3.2 Å. Good convergence of the simulations in all cases advocates implemented in atomistix tool kit (ATK)30 is employed in conjunction with
generalized gradient approximation (GGA) exchange correlation and the
the practicality and applicability of the proposed model for large-
Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) functional.47 Apart from that, we have used
scale circuit simulation in order to assess the device performance the OpenMX (Open Source package for Material eXplorer) norm-
at circuit level at the early stage of technology development. conserving pseudopotentials48,49 as implemented in ATK database with
pseudo-atomic orbitals (PAO) and ‘medium’ basis sets for the constituent
atoms. To be precise, the LCAO (linear combination of atomic orbitals)
DISCUSSION basis sets for ‘C’, ‘B’, ‘N’ and ‘S’ atoms are adopted to be s2p2d1, and s3p2d1
In this article, we propose a first principle-based ‘atom-to-circuit’ for ‘Mo’ atom. The k-points in the Monkhorst-Pack grid50 were set to 9 ×
modeling methodology, which can assess the impact and predict 9 × 1 along with the density mesh cutoff of 90 Hartree. The maximum
iteration steps were set to 200 using Pulay mixer algorithm and the
the performance of a material or material-system at device and Poisson solver we followed was the fast Fourier transform (FFT). To account
circuit level even in the absence of any experimental data. We for the vdW interactions in the heterostructures, we have incorporated
demonstrate two applications of the proposed model: (i) effect of Grimme DFT-D2 semi-empirical correction51 as defined in ATK database in
band-gap fluctuation of graphene on the circuit performance and combination with counterpoise correction52 that deals with the basis set
(ii) material-device-circuit co-assessment scheme considering superposition error (BSSE) of LCAO basis sets. Furthermore, for all the
semiconductor doping as a design parameter. A schematic view structures, we have provided sufficient vacuum in the perpendicular, i.e.,
normal-to-the-plane direction to avoid spurious interactions between
as depicted in Fig. 6(d) captures the basic philosophy of the
periodic images. The geometry optimization of the unit cells of graphene,
proposed modeling scheme, which bridges between first hBN, and semiconducting 2H-MoS2 were performed using the LBFGS
principle-based material modeling tools and industry standard (Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno) algorithm53 with
circuit simulators. The model equations could further be simplified maximum stress tolerance value of 0.001 eV/Å3 and force tolerance of
to be applicable for any 2D-material-channel MOSFET with 0.01 eV/Å. Keeping in mind the commensurability condition, the interfaces
conventional gate stack. Furthermore, since we use industry- between these constituent materials were formed by 4 × 4 MoS2 supercell
standard DD formalism for SPICE model development, the (lattice parameter = 12.77 Å), 5 × 5 hBN supercell (lattice parameter =
12.63 Å) and 5 × 5 graphene supercell (lattice parameter = 12.36 Å), leaving
proposed model is ‘core’ in nature and standard techniques (i.e., 0.75% and 1.88% mean absolute strain on hBN and graphene respectively,
pre-correction) for including several small geometry effects (such which are reasonably small. In order to model n and p-type doped MoS2
as drain induced barrier lowering, velocity saturation etc.) could monolayers, we have exercised the method of electrostatic doping (using
easily be conjoined with it. Henceforth, this stupendous flexibility n and p-type atomic compensation charges54,55) available in ATK30 instead
npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018) 28 Published in partnership with FCT NOVA with the support of E-MRS
An atom-to-circuit modeling approach to all-2Dy
Biswapriyo Das and Santanu Mahapatra
Fig. 5 Equations (F1)–(F5) are mathematical expressions for the proposed compact device model. The closed form expressions of dc drain
current IDC and terminal charges viz. QG, QD, QS are obtained employing piecewise charge linearization technique. Inset: SPICE engine assigns
terminal voltages (viz. VG, VD, and VS) to the Verilog-AMS module, which computes terminal currents (viz. iG, iD, and iS) according to Eqn. (F1)–
(F5), and then returns them to the individual terminals to be processed by the SPICE engine
of explicitly substituting the Mo atoms by elemental dopant atoms (e.g., Thereafter, we obtain the expressions for density of states (DOS) of
Nb for p-type56 and Au, Re for n-type57). This is because in order to achieve sG gvG ΔGC
conduction and valence bands of graphene and MoS2 as: gGn ¼ g2π hv Þ2
a practical n or p-type doping concentration in MoS2 (typically 1 × 1017 − gsM gvM meM
sG gvG ΔGV
1 × 1019 cm−3)58 by substitutional doping, a very large supercell is needed, (for graphene CB), gGp ¼ g2π ðhv Þ2
(for graphene VB), gMn ¼ 2πh2
which demands very large computation cluster. Such electrostatic doping g g m
MoS2 CB) and gMp ¼ sM2π vM hM
(for MoS2 VB). Here, gsG, gsM are spin
scheme is very effective and advantageous since it does not depend on
exact detail of dopant atoms.54 Here, the doping concentration is set to degeneracies (both taken as 2) and gvG, gvM are valley degeneracies (both
1 × 1019 cm−3 for both n and p-type doping. taken as 2) of graphene and MoS2 respectively.
for CB (VB) (where ‘+’: CB and ‘–’: VB), featuring a bandgap of EgM = ΔMC + Here, we neglect any leakage current through the hBN layers. Now using
ΔMV. Eqns (5)–(7), the charge balance equation can be solved numerically for ΨS,
Published in partnership with FCT NOVA with the support of E-MRS npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018) 28
An atom-to-circuit modeling approach to all-2Dy
Biswapriyo Das and Santanu Mahapatra
Fig. 6 a Circuit diagram for a resistive load inverter, designed using the graphene-hBN-hBN-MoS2 vdWH based MISFET. RL is the load resistor
and CL is external capacitive load at output. b DC transfer characteristics of the logic inverter, indicating a positive shift of the threshold
voltage of the inverter circuit with decreasing d1. It also depicts the DC characteristics of the inverters designed with MISFETs featuring n and
p-doped MoS2 monolayers. For n-type doping the threshold voltage decreases, whereas the opposite happens for p-type doping. c Output
frequency waveform of a 15-stage ring oscillator, designed with these inverters. It shows the change in output frequency as a result of varying
d1 from its equilibrium value and also as a result of doping in MoS2. Here f0=5.75 MHz. The legend convention is same as that of b. d A
schematic view of the basic philosophy behind the proposed model which reveals that, the model (i.e. AMS module) works as a bridge
between first principles-based material modeling tools and industry standard circuit simulators
the positions of the band extrema in the energy scale and corresponding = 0. Due to complex nature of ζ, an analytical solution of Eq. (9) is not
effective masses and that basically rules out the necessity of introducing a possible. Hence, we apply charge linearization technique27 to obtain a
doping term explicitly in the charge neutrality equation. It is noteworthy closed form expression of the drain current. In case of conventional Si-
that the band structure obtained from DFT calculation is qualitatively MOSFET, for a given bias condition, Q0I changes quasi-linearly with ΨS along
similar to the previously reported work,18 which uses different simulation the channel and hence Q0I is approximated as a linear function of ΨS in Eqn.
toolkit and deals with single hBN layer. In this aspect, the proposed model (10), which results in a quadratic relationship between IDC and ΨS. Such
equations are independent of the exchange-correlation functionals or relationship is very useful to obtain closed form expression of terminal
pseudopotentials; only the relevant model parameters need to be charges under Ward-Dutton (WD)64 charge partitioning scheme. However,
calculated accordingly. as shown in Fig. 3(e), due to the band-gap opening in graphene, Q0I does
npj 2D Materials and Applications (2018) 28 Published in partnership with FCT NOVA with the support of E-MRS
An atom-to-circuit modeling approach to all-2Dy
Biswapriyo Das and Santanu Mahapatra
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