SHS Gen. Physics1 MELC 8 10 Week 2

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General Physics 1
Activity Sheet
Quarter 1 – MELC 8-10
Week 1
Addition of Vectors


General Physics 1
Activity Sheet No. 2- Addition of Vectors
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western

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reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or
mechanical without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 –
Western Visayas.

Development Team of Physical Science Activity Sheet

Writer: Jessette L. Nolido

Editor: Eunice A. Malala

Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:

Maritess B. Rivera,
Eunice A. Malala

Division of Negros Occidental Management Team:

Marsette D. Sabbaluca
Lynee A. Peñaflor
Salvacion J. Senayo
Zaldy H. Reliquias
Raulito D. Dinaga
Maritess B. Rivera
Othelo M. Beating

Regional Management Team

Ramir B. Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Rovel R. Salcedo
Moonyeen C. Rivera
Anita S. Gubalane
Minda L. Soldevilla
Daisy L. Lopez
Joseph M. Pagalaran
Introductory Message
Welcome to General Physics 1!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools Division of Negros Occidental and DepEd Regional Office VI -
Western Visayas through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division
(CLMD). This is developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents
and responsible adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and
time using the contextualized resources in the community. This will also
assist the learners in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and
attitudes for productivity and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The General Physics 1 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the
leaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you
and learner. This will be made available to the learners with the
references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The General Physics 1 Activity Sheet is developed to help you

continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being
an active learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then
perform the activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to
your facilitator on the agreed schedule.
Name of Learner: _________________________________________________________
Grade and Section:____________________________________Date: ______________


Addition of Vectors

I. Learning Competency with Code

• Differentiate vectors and scalars quantities. (STEM_GP12V-la-8)
• Perform addition of vectors (STEM_GP12V-Ia-9)
• Rewrite a vector in component form (STEM_GP12V-Ia-10)

II. Background Information for Learners

Vector quantity is geometrically represented by a magnitude and

direction. It is illustrated by straight arrow in which the length of the arrow
is directly proportional to the magnitude and the arrowhead tells the direction
of the vector. There are mathematical operations used to determine the vector
resultants: the graphical method and analytical method.
In this lesson, you will learn that a number of vectors acting together
can be combined to give a single vector (the resultant). In the same manner,
a single vector can be broken down into a number of vectors which when
added give that original vector.
In this discussion, it is more convenient to resolve a vector into
components which are at right angles to one another, usually vertical and
horizontal component. Take for instance R as a vector, then the horizontal
component of R is Rx and the vertical component is Ry.
Scalar and Vector
In physics, quantities are classified as either a scalar or a vector. From the
table given below, learn more on scalar and vector quantity.

Scalar Quantity Vector Quantity

1. Has only magnitude, but no 1. Has both magnitude and
direction. direction.
2. One dimensional. 2. Can be 1-D,2-D,3-D
3. Cannot resolved as it has 3. Any change in vector quantity
exactly same value regardless can reflect either change in
of direction. magnitude or change in direction
4. Any mathematical operation or changes in both.
carried out among two or 4. Can be resolved in any direction
more scalar quantities will using sine or cosine of the
provide a scalar only. adjacent angle.
However, if a scalar is 5. Result of mathematical
operated with a vector, then operations between two or more
the result will be a vector. vectors may give either scalar or
5. Examples: length, mass, vector.
energy, density, power 6. Examples: displacement,
velocity, acceleration, force

The process of combining two or more vectors to obtain a single vector

is called vector addition thus, the sum of two or more vector quantities is
called resultant. By definition, the resultant is the single vector that, if
substituted in place of several vectors to be added would produce the same
combined effect of these vectors. The letter R is usually used to represent the


This method makes use of a ruler and a protractor which requires

knowledge on scaling. The ruler measures the magnitude, and the protractor
determines the direction. The resultant is measured from the tail of the first
vector to the tip of the head of the second vector.

a. Polygon Method
b. Parallelogram method

This is a way wherein the second vector is drawn such that its tail is
connected to the arrowhead of the first vector. This method is applicable to
two or more vectors.


Lauren wants to find her way home from the church. She walks 6 m
Northeast then finally turns Northwest and walks 3m. Determine Lauren’s
total displacement.

Step Illustration
1. Identify an appropriate scale. Suggested scale:
In the example, 6 m if drawn on paper 1m : 1cm
will not fit. Choose a scale such that it
will not be too small nor too big.

2. Select which vector to draw first Draw A first then B

The order of drawing the vectors will
not in any way affect the resultant as
long as they are drawn in a head-to-tail
manner (i.e. the head of the first vector
will become the origin of the tail of the
next vector

3. Make a Cartesian Plane on which to

draw the first vector chosen

A (6m, NE)
The tail of the first vector should be
positioned on the origin

4. To draw the next vector, make another

Cartesian plane making the head of the B (3m, NW)
first vector as the origin.
The tail of the next vector to be drawn will
start from the head of the first vector which
is the new origin of the new Cartesian
plane. Make sure that the x-axis of the new
plane is parallel to the x-axis of the first
plane. The same is true for the y-axes of A (6m, NE)
both planes.

5.Draw the resultant vector from the tail B (3m, NW)

of the first vector drawn to the head of the
last vector drawn.

700 A (6m, NE)

6. Measure the length of the arrow to Resultant:

determine the magnitude of the resultant.
Be sure to report the magnitude in terms 6.5m, 700 N of E or
of the given unit which in this case is m
6.5m, 200 E of N
(not cm or in).
Measure also the angle it makes relative
to the North or East as in this case, the
resultant lies in the first quadrant.

Note: You can also get the resultant by drawing B first then A and
compare the resultants in terms of magnitude and direction and
eventually got the same resultant

Example: Kate walks 500m East, then turns North and finally walks
300m. Determine Kate’s total displacement.

Step Illustration
1. Identify an appropriate scale. Suggested scale:
2. Select which vector to draw first
Construct the parallelogram using the First vector
two vectors as sides.


Second vector


3. Draw the diagonal of the

parallelogram from the common point.


4. Measure the length of the arrow
representing the resultant and the scale
used, determine its magnitude
Using a protractor determine the 300m,N 580m N of E
direction of the vector. 31o

Resultant vector :
580m 310 North of East / 580m
590 East of North

This method of vector addition involves using Pythagorean Theorem and
trigonometric identities to determine the magnitude and direction of a
resultant vector.



Illustration of the Pythagorean Theorem


ΔABC is a right triangle with a and b as the

legs (the two shorter sides forming the right
c and angle) and c as the hypotenuse (the
longest side). The lengths of these sides are
related by the Pythagorean Theorem:
Statement of the theorem: The square of the
length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum
C B of the squares of the lengths of the legs
Mathematical Equations:
c2 = a2 + b2
a2 = c2 - b2
b2 = c2 – a2

Illustration of the Soh-Cah-Toa
The Soh- Cah-Toa is a mnemonic device to aid easy recall of the basic
trigonometric functions: Sine, Cosine, and Tangent. It is important to be
able to identify the hypotenuse, opposite, and adjacent sides relative to an
angle before these formulas can be used.

A Soh-Cah-Toa
𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Soh: Sin(angle) =
c ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠𝑒

a 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Cah: Cos(angle) = ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠𝑒

𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Ѳ Toa: Tan(angle) =
C B 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒

Relative to angle Ѳ: c is the hypotenuse; b is the adjacent side; and a is the

opposite side, therefore:

𝑎 𝑏 𝑎
𝑆𝑖𝑛Ѳ = 𝐶𝑜𝑠Ѳ = 𝑇𝑎𝑛Ѳ =
𝑐 𝑐 𝑏

Relative to angle Ø: c is the hypotenuse; b is the opposite side; and a is the

EXAMPLE: side, therefore:

I. Look for the

𝑏 missing parts of the
𝑎 triangle below: 𝑏
𝑆𝑖𝑛Ø = 𝑐 𝐶𝑜𝑠Ø = 𝑐 𝑇𝑎𝑛Ø = 𝑎


Ø c=?
a= 5.3 cm


Using Pythagorean Theorem

b is adjacent c is the Ø and 350 are

to angle 350 hypotenuse and complementary
and the side the angle 350 as angles, so, Ø +
opposite the well as the side 350 = 90
Ø = 90 – 35 Ø = 550
angle is opposite the
given so use angle are given
the Tangent so use the Sine
function function (Soh)
(Toa) 5.3 𝑐𝑚
Sin350 =
5.3 𝑐𝑚 5.3 𝑐𝑚
Tan350 = c=
𝑏 𝑆𝑖𝑛350
5.3 𝑐𝑚 c = 9.2 cm
b= b=
7.6 cm
Since b has
been computed,
Theorem may
also be used: 𝑐 =
√𝑎2 + 𝑏 2
√5.3 𝑐𝑚2 + 7.62
c= 9.2 cm

Answer: C= 9.2 cm, 550 N of E / 9.2 cm, 350 E of N


Example: A (6m, NE) + B (3 m, NW)

Steps in Adding Vectors Using the Analytical Method

Step Illustration
1. Draw the vectors Vector A
individually on separate
Cartesian planes
Vector B
This is just to give a visual
representation of the vectors

2. Resolve the x and y Vector A
components of each vector 6m
using the trigonometric 450
functions appropriate for the X-component
given situation

In resolving the components of

vectors draw x and y
components such that they
form the legs and the vector Solving for the x-component:
forms the hypotenuse of the Since the x-component is adjacent to
right triangle. Remember also angle 450, use the Cosine function:
to indicate the sign (+ or -) of 𝐶𝑜𝑠450 = 6𝑚 x=6mCos450
the component as it indicates x = +4.2 m (to the right)
the direction of the component.
(Up or Right: + ; Down or Left: Solving for the y-component:
-) Since the y-component is opposite
angle 450, use the Sine function:
𝑆𝑖𝑛450 =6𝑚 y=6mSin450
y=+4.2m (upward)

Vector B

Y-component X-component

Solving for the x-component:

Since the x-component is adjacent to
angle 450, use the Cosine function:
𝐶𝑜𝑠450 = 3𝑚 x=3mCos450
x = -2.1 m (to the left)

Solving for the y-component:

Since the y-component is opposite
angle 450, use the Sine function:
𝑆𝑖𝑛450 =3𝑚 y=3mSin450
y=+2.1m (upward)

3. Tabulate and sum up the Vector x- y-
components. component component
A +4.2 +4.2
Consider the sign when B -2.1 +2.1
adding. Summation +2.1 +6.3

Solving for the x-component:

Since the x-component is adjacent to
angle 450, use the Cosine function:
𝐶𝑜𝑠450 = 3𝑚 x=3mCos450
x = -2.1 m (to the left)

Solving for the y-component:

Since the y-component is opposite angle
450, use the Sine function: 𝑆𝑖𝑛450 =3𝑚
y=+2.1m (upward)

4. Draw the Components of Resultant Vector:

the Resultant

6.3 m

2.1 m

5. Using the Pythagorean 𝑅 = √6.32 + 2.12

Theorem, calculate the
magnitude of the resultant R=6.6m
6. Using the Tangent function, 6.3
calculate the angle made by 𝑇𝑎𝑛Ѳ =
the resultant.
Ѳ = 𝑇𝑎𝑛−1 (3)

7. Write the magnitude and R = 6.6 m, 71.60 N of E or

direction of the resultant =6.6 m, 18.40 E of N

III. Activity Proper/Exercises/Activities
Activity 1
Exercise #1. Categorize each quantity whether it is a vector or a scalar
quantity. Write your answer on a piece of yellow pad paper.
a. 100m2
b. 120km/hr East of Negros Occidental
c. 410kg.m/s West
d. 500C
e. 20 J

Exercise #2. Determine the resultant vector using graphical method.

Write your answer in a graphing paper.

Carlo drives his car 10km towards North then suddenly he experienced heavy
rain along his way so he decided to turn 20km West to find a shed to stop his
car. What is the total displacement of the car?

Exercise #3 Read and analyze the problem below. Determine the resultant
vector using the analytical method. Write your answer in a separate sheet of

Belle was observing the ladybug crawled along her table. With a piece of chalk
she traces its path. She was able to determine the ladybug’s displacement by
using a ruler and protractor. The displacement are as follows: 4cm 40o N of
E, 2cm E, 5.2cm 300 S of W, 6.5cm S. Find the resultant displacement of the

Activity 2.
Question #1. Differentiate vector quantity from scalar quantity using the
Venn diagram. Write your answer on a piece of yellow pad paper.


Question #2. To determine the resultant vector, use the graphical method
and analytical method. Write your answer on a piece of yellow pad paper.
Miss Hershey leaves the school campus, drives 26km due East, then
turns on Wilson street and continue 300 North of East for 35km and finally
turns on Rizal Highway due East for 40km.What is her total displacement
from the School Campus?

Exercise #1 a. scalar b. vector c. vector d. scalar e. scalar
Exercise #2
Exercise #3
vectors horizontal component vertical component
d1= 4cm 40 0N of E +3.06cm +2.57cm
d2=2cm +2cm 0cm
d3=5.2cm 30 0S of W -4.5 cm -2.6cm
d4= 6.5m S 0 cm -6.5cm
∑ dT = +0.56 cm ∑ dT = -6.53cm
dR2= (∑dx)2 +(∑dy)2
dR2= (∑+0.56cm)2 +(∑-6.53cm)2
d2= 6.55cm
ᴓ =arctan (0.56𝑐𝑚)
ᴓ= 85.10
Resultant displacement =6.55cm 85.10 South of East or 6.55cm 4.90
South of East
V. Key Answer
I need more information about_____________________________________________
I realized that _____________________________________________________________
I learned that _____________________________________________________________
IV. Reflection
Question #1.
a vector quantity
A scalar quantity is different originates from the
from a vector quantity in word vehere means “to
terms of direction. Scalars carry”, this quantities
quantities are those that can are completely
be described completely by described by the
their magnitudes and magnitudes,
appropriate units appropriate units and
directions than can be
Question #2.
Graphical method
Analytical Method
Vector dx dy
d1=26km N O km 26.00km
d2= 35km 300 N of E 30.45km 17.50 km
d3=40km N 40.00km 0 km
Summation ∑dx =70.45 km ∑dy=43.50 km
dR2= (∑dx)2 +(∑dy)2
dR2= (∑+70.45km)2 +(∑+43.50km)2
dR= 82.80km 31.80 East of North or 82.80km 58.20 North of East
VI. Links and Other References

Gadong ,EarlySol @ Belleza ,Rafael,General Physics 1(Philippines

adaptation ,VIbal Group 2016).

General Physics Exemplar Plan(Div.Of Negros)

Silverio, Angelina A.,Exploring life Through Science PHYSICS(Quezon

City,Philippines)Phoenix Publishing House, 2017

Reyes,Chritipher G.Maed,General Physics 1 for Senior High School.Great



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