Principle: The Validity of Past Consideration Depends On The Intention To Create Legal

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Principle: The validity of Past Consideration depends on the intention to create legal

71. Piyush saves the drowning child of Palash, Palash later promises to give him
1,00,000/ Rs. Which one is correct?
a) Palash’s liability arise in quasi–contract
b) Palash would be liable as it is not a unilateral contract
c) Palash’s liability is statutory
d) Palash cannot be made liable as there was no contract

72. A party who does not suffer any loss in case of breach of contract is entitled to:
a. Statutory damages b) Liquidated damages
c) Nominal damages d) Exemplary damages

Principle: Reciprocity is valid consideration if both parties benefit from it

73. Atul promises Rishabh a reward of a Johnnie Walker bottle in case he refrained
from chewing Rajnigandha (sort of tobacco) for 7 days. Rishabh somehow manages
to do so:–
a. Act of abstaining from chewing Rajnigandha is a valid consideration
b. Rishabh is entitled for getting a Johnnie Walker bottle
c. Rishabh is not entitled as there is no valid consideration
d. Both (a) and (b) are correct

Principle: Contract is void if there is both parties are under a Mistake of fact
74. Sachin offers to sell a watch which he is wearing and knows to be unbranded for Rs
2000/, Piyush thinking it to be an original branded watch and thinking that Sachin is
unaware of it’s price accepts Sachin’s offer :–
a. This is not a valid contract
b. The contract is valid as there is no fraud
c. The contract is valid as there is no misrepresentation
d. The contract is valid because unilateral mistake doesn’t make a contract void

75. A agrees to pay Rs 100,000/ to B for remaining unmarried throughout life. This
agreement is:–
a. valid
b. voidable at B’s option
c. unlawful and void
d. against public policy

76. ‘Ravi’ puts ‘Rishabh’ into fear of hurt and coerces ‘Rishabh’ into signing a blank
cheque and delivering it to him. ‘Rishabh’ signs the cheque and delivers it to
‘Ravi’. ‘Ravi’ is guilty of:
a. Theft
b. Extortion
c. Robbery
d. Attempt to commit extortion

77. ‘X’ obtains property from ‘Y’ by saying that “your wife is in my custody and you
won’t be able to show face in society if you don’t pay me 50 Lakh Rs”. X is guilty
a. Outraging the modesty
b. Rape
c. Robbery
d. Extortion

78. Atul, a lawyer told his client Rahul that looking at the circumstances of the case he
will be held guilty of murder and should thus make all his necessary arrangements
before going to jail. Hearing this Rahul dies of heart attack, Atul has committed:–
a. Murder
b. Culpable homicide not amounting to murder
c. No offence as communication was made in good faith
d. None of the above

79. Piyush goes to Rishabh’s place where he is forced to drink. Piyush completely out
of senses, attempts to kill Rishabh’s servant who hits him back causing serious
injury. Rishabh’s servant is liable for:–
a. Simple Hurt
b. Grievous Hurt
c. No offence as he has a Right of Private defense though Piyush’s act would have
been excusable
d. None of these

Principle: Abetment includes instigation to commit an offence

80. X’ and ‘Y’ go to murder ‘Z’, ‘X’ stood on guard with a knife in his hand but did not
hit ‘Z’ at all. ‘Y’ killed ‘Z’. Who is / are guilty?
a. Only ‘Y’ is liable for murder of ‘Z’
b. ‘X’ and ‘Y’ both are liable for murder of ‘Z’
c. ‘X’ is not liable as he did not perform any overt act
d. Both (a) and (c)

81. During a fight between Satya and Nitya, Satya pulls Nitya by hair and removes
some of her hair. Satya is guilty of:–
a. Simple hurt
b. Grievous Hurt
c. Simple Hurt by rash and negligent act
d. Grievous Hurt by rash and negligent act

82. Atul orders his employee Kuldeep to beat Ravi. Kuldeep refuses. Now:–
a. Atul has committed abetment &Kuldeep has committed assault
b. Atul has committed abetment &Kuldeep has committed no offence
c. Both Atul & Kuldeep have committed no offence
d. None of these

83. A intentionally deceives B into a belief that A has performed his part of contract
made to B which he has not and thereby dishonestly induces B to pay money. A has
a. Theft
b. Extortion
c. Cheating
d. Criminal breach of Trust

Principle: Whoever attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission
of such offence, shall he punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend
to one year

84. Rita ran to a well stating that she would jump in it but she was caught before she
could reach it. She is guilty of:–
a. Attempt to suicide
b. Attempt to injure herself
c. Attempt to culpable homicide
d. No offence

85. Piyush heavily drunk in a party enters someone else’s home believing it to be his own
and beats an inmate to drive him out supposing him to be a trespasser. Piyush’s act
a. Criminal Trespass
b. Assault
c. Criminal Trespass & Assault
d. No offence as he had no ill intention

Principle: Damnum sine injuria

86. A sets up a rival coaching institute to that of B’s. Because of the competition B had to
reduce his fees:–
a. B has a remedy in tort
b. B has a right to get A’s fees equal to his fee
c. B has no remedy in tort for the loss suffered by them
d. None of these

Principle: Sovereign function is an absolute defense to tort

87. Atul, a qualified voter was not allowed to vote by the Returning Officer. The
candidate for whom Atul wanted to caste his vote, won by a heavy margin. In an
action for tort, Atul can:–
a. not take any action
b. sue the returning officer but won’t succeed as no actual harm has been caused
c. sue the returning officer and would succeed as his legal right has been injured
d. none of the above

Principle: Licensing or an implied grant of authority by the state leads to state liability

88. A gets a contract to construct sewer from state government. Due to his negligence
some gas
escaped from a broken pipe line causing an explosion which injured many people:–
a. Contractor will be liable alone
b. State Government will be liable for damages
c. State Government will not be liable for damages
d. None of these

89. A sneaked in into the house of Mr. B with the motive of committing theft. Mr. B
somehow managed to notice the presence of A in his house. He challenged A to
leave his house immediately. A got scared and started to leave. Even then Mr. B
brought his licensed gun and fired his gun at A. Mr. B is liable for what:–
a. Mr.B is not liable as A was trespasser on his land.
b. Mr.B is liable for grievous hurt.
c. Mr.B is liable for attempt to murder.
d. Cannot be determined because the consequences are unknown

Principle: Being a good neighbor is a legal duty

90. A gives lift to Mr B and on the way an accident is caused due to A’s negligence, A
a. No responsibility
b. No legal duty
c. A legal duty to take care of B also and is liable for compensation
d. None of these
91. What is the current number of sitting judges at the Supreme Court of India as on
a) 27 b) 25
c) 31 d) 30

92. After the latest amendment in the salary of the Supreme Court and the High Court
judges vide The High Court and Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of
Service) Amendment Act, 2018, the salary of the Chief Justice of the High Court
would now be:
a) 2,80,000/- b) 2,25,000/-
c) 2,50,000/- d) 2,55,000/-

93. The first woman Supreme Court Judge of India was:–

a. Indu Malhotra b) Fathima Beevi
c) Gyan Sudha Misra d) R Bhanumati

94. What is the term used for Triple Talaq recently held unconstitutional by the Supreme
Court of India:
a. Talaq E Hasan b) Talaq E Ahasan
c) Talaq E Biddat d) Talaq E Sunnat

95. The Vice–Chairman of Niti Ayog is:–

a. Dr Rajeev Kumar b) Shri Arvind Panagariya
c) Narendra Modi d) Arun Jaitley

96. Who is the Master of the Roaster of the Supreme Court of India:–
a. Chief Justice of India
b. Registrar
c. Keeps on changing
d. An IAS officer appointed for the purpose
97. Mr. Dalveer Bhandari became a member of the ICJ against his British Opponent:–
a. Julia Sebutinde
b. Matthew Rycroft
c. Christopher Greenwood
d. Giorgio Gaja

98. Who was the last judge to have been impeached by the Parliament:–
a. V Ramaswami b) Soumitra Sen
c) S N Shukla d) None of these

99. Lakshwadeep falls under jurisdiction of which High Court?

a. Bombay b) Kerala
c) Delhi d) Madras

100. Human Rights Day is observed on?

a. 14th February b) 26th November
c) 10th December d) 2nd October

101. Which of the following is not a fundamental right:–

a. Freedom of Speech
b. Right to Equality
c. Right to Work
d. Right to Life

102. International Labour Organization has it’s headquarter at:–

a) Geneva b) New York
c) London d) The Hague

103. The constitutional bench of Supreme Court is headed by a minimum of:–

a) Three Judges b) Seven judges
c) Five Judges d) Nine Judges

104. Andaman and Nicobar islands come under the jurisdiction of which of the following
High Courts?
a) Calcutta High Court
b) Madras High Court
c) Port Blair High Court
d) Delhi High Court

105. The age of retirement of a Judge of a High Court in India is

a) 58 years b) 60 years
c) 62 years d) 65 years

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