Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are that division is the inverse of multiplication and involves distributing a group of things into equal parts. Division of large numbers with zeros in the dividend can be done by using mental math shortcuts.

The main goal of division is to see how many equal groups or how many are in each group when sharing things fairly.

The steps to divide numbers are: 1) divide, 2) multiply, 3) subtract, 4) bring down. If the partial dividend is smaller than the divisor, the answer should be zero.




I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the grade 3 learners are expected to:
A. Learn to divide 4- to 5-digit numbers by 2- to 3-digit numbers with
zero in the middle or continuous zeros in the dividend.
B. Apply division of whole numbers including money in
mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Define the following terms: dividend, divisor, and quotient.
D. Cultivate the value of sharing and equality in life’s resources.

II. Subject Matter

Grade 3 Mathematics: Division of Large Numbers with Zero Difficulty

III. Materials
 Modified In-School Off-School Approach Modules (MISOSA)
Distance Education for Elementary Schools
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Virtual Computations

IV. Procedure
A. Preparation
i. Opening Prayer
ii. Checking of Attendance
iii. Set induction and Greetings

B. Motivation
On your presentation, show an animated pack that
contains 50pcs of candies and 10 virtual baskets wherein they will
put the candies. Instruct the learners to group the candies by
10pcs and see how many baskets they can fill it with.
C. Lesson Proper
Division is a method of distributing a group of things into
equal parts. It is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic,
which gives a fair result of sharing. Rather than teach math as a
series of systems/steps to memorize, today’s math curriculum
encompasses the fundamental thought processes behind every
skill and strategy children are taught. Math curriculum wants
children to understand why they are doing those steps and to
utilize that understanding of number relationships to solve
problems more efficiently. If children know why they are doing
specific steps, they can apply that understanding to solve various
mathematical problems and understand number fluency at a
deeper level.

Division is an operation inverse of multiplication. If 3 groups

of 4 make 12 in multiplication; 12 divided into 3 equal groups give
4 in each group in division. The main goal of the division is to see
how many equal groups or how many in each group is sharing
fairly. When we divide number, we follow these steps: (1) divide,
(2) multiply, (3) subtract, (4) bring down. In case the partial
dividend is smaller than the division, the answer should always be

As learners begins to learn division, it is important for him/her

to understand the relationship between division and
multiplication. Children need to know their multiplication facts
well. (If they don’t know their multiplication facts, practice fluency
for a few weeks before beginning division.)

D. Activity
Present the prepared table of division through the google
classroom and let the class answer each item orally.

E. Generalization
It is important that young learners learn Mathematics in a
simple and fun way for them to understand it thoroughly. We
should recognize that division is the opposite of multiplication. In
dividing large numbers with zero difficulty, we are not dividing
anything by zero, but practicing mental division problems with
numbers that end in zeros, such as 350 ÷ 5, 2,400 ÷ 60, or 540,000
÷ 6,000. We will be able to construct shortcut methods dividing
ten thousand by tens, hundreds, and thousands.

F. Evaluation
Study this sample problem.

The Girl Scouts of the Philippines collected 13 044 kg of rice to be

distributed to the poor families in Mindanao. If each family is given
12 kg, how many families will be given rice?

Show your solution and answer the following questions based on

the problem you have just read. You may write your answer in
your notebook or in a piece of paper.

• What organization was distributing rice to poor families?

• Do you have this organization in your school?
• Are you a member of this organization? Why?
• Is it good to help the poor families in your community? Why?

V. Assignment

You can test yourself if you have fully understood the lesson by the
following exercises. Write your answers on a one whole sheet of paper
and submit on the next module distribution schedule.

VI. References

Learning Resource Management Development System (LRMDS) Portal


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