Analog Integrated Circuit

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Chapman & Hall
Solid State Science and Engineering Series
Michael N. Kozicki, Series Editor
Arizona State University

Analog Integrated Circuits, by Edwin W. Greeneich

Handbook of Experimental Methods for Process Improvement,

by David Drain

Statistical Methods for Industrial Process Control,

by David Drain


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A serVIce of J(!)p

Edwin W.Greeneich
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Arizona State University


Cover design: Trudi Gershenov
Cover photo: © 1997 PhotoDisc, Inc
Copyright © 1997 by Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
Originally published by Chapman & Hali in 1997
Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover 1st edition 1997

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2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 XXX 01 00999897

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Greeneich, Edwin W. , 1941-

Analog integrated circuits / Edwin W. Greeneich.
p . cm .
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-4613-7765-8 ISBN 978-1-4615-6033-3 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-6033-3
1. Linear integrated circuits. Title .
TK7874.G715 1996 1
621.3815--dc20 96-26747

Preface ix

1 Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices 1

1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor

Ebers-Moll Static Model 2
Ebers-Moll Dynamic Model 9
Base-Width Modulation 10
Small-Signal Models of Bipolar Junction Transistors 14
Parasitic Elements in Integrated-Circuit Bipolar Transistors 17
Transistor Cutoff Frequency 18
1.2 Junction Diode 22
1.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistor 23
Device Characteristics 24
Large-Signal Model 28
Large-Signal Dynamic Model of the JFET 30
Small-Signal Model of the JFET 31
Parasitic Elements in Integrated-Circuit JFETs 32
Transistor Cutoff Frequency 33
1.4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 35
Device Characteristics 35
MOSFET Capacitance 40
Small-Signal Model of the MOSFET 42
Transistor Cutoff Frequency 43
Problems 44
References 47

2 Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks 49

2.1 Current Sources 50

Basic Current Mirror 50
Base-Current Compensated Current Mirror 54
Cascode Current Source 55

vi Contents

Wilson Current Source 58

Resistor-Ratioed Current Source 61
Widlar Current Source 64
2.2 DC Level-Shift Stages 65
VBE Voltage Shift Stages 65
Cascade Emitter Follower Level-Shift Stage 67
Composite npn-pnp Level-Shift Stage 67
MOS Level-Shift Stages 68
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 69
Common-Emitter Gain Stages 70
Common-Emitter Gain Stage with Resistive Load 72
Common-Emitter Gain Stage with Active Load 74
Common-Source Gain Stage with Resistive Load 77
Common-Source Gain Stage with Active Load 80
Common-Collector (Emitter Follower) Gain Stage 82
Emitter Follower Stage with Active Load 87
Common-Drain (Source Follower) Gain Stage 87
Source Follower with Active Load 89
Common-Base Gain Stages 89
Common-Base Gain Stage with Resistive Load 92
Common-Base Stage with Active Load 95
Common-Gate Gain Stage 96
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 97
Cascode Configuration 97
Cascade Configuration 100
Differential-Pair Configuration 110
2.5 Output Stages 132
Emitter Follower and Source Follower Output Stages 133
Complementary Output Stages 136
Problems 142
References 156
3 Operational Amplifiers 157
3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers 157
Single-Stage Op-Amp 159
Two-Stage Op-Amp 162
3.2 Current-Feedback Amplifiers 172
Transimpedance 176
Slew Rate 177
3.3 Current-Differencing Amplifers 178
Inverting Amplifier 181
3.4 Transconductance Amplifiers 183
Contents vii

Linearization 186
Applications 188
CMOS Transconductance Amplifier 191
Problems 194
References 201
4 Feedback and Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 203
4.1 Basic Feedback Concepts 203
Gain Stabilization 204
Reduction in Distortion 205
Increased Bandwidth 206
4.2 Feedback Circuit Example 208
Input Resistance 211
Output Resistance 212
4.3 Feedback Configurations 213
Series Voltage 215
Shunt Voltage 223
Series Current 230
Shunt Current 239
4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 244
Series Current-Shunt Voltage 247
Series Voltage-Shunt Current 258
4.5 Stability of Feedback Amplifiers 264
Gain and Phase Relationship 264
4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 270
Compensation Methods 271
Problems 284
References 294
5 Translinear Circuits 295
5.1 Translinear Circuit Classes 295
Transconductance Linear with Current 295
Transconductance Linear with Voltage 302
5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 305
Vector Magnitude 305
Two-Quadrant Squarer 306
Absolute Value 308
Analog Multipliers 309
5.3 Trigonometric Functions with Translinear Circuits 322
5.4 Gilbert Gain Cell 327
Problems 328
References 335
Index 337

Analog Integrated Circuits deals with the design and analysis of modem
analog circuits using integrated bipolar and field-effect transistor technologies.
This book is suitable as a text for a one-semester course for senior level or
first-year graduate students as well as a reference work for practicing engin-
eers. Advanced students will also find the text useful in that some of the
material presented here is not covered in many first courses on analog circuits.
Included in this is an extensive coverage of feedback amplifiers, current-mode
circuits, and translinear circuits. Suitable background would be fundamental
courses in electronic circuits and semiconductor devices.
This book contains numerous examples, many of which include commercial
analog circuits. End-of-chapter problems are given, many illustrating practical
Chapter 1 discuses the models commonly used to represent devices used in
modem analog integrated circuits. Presented are models for bipolar junction
transistors, junction diodes, junction field-effect transistors, and metal-oxide-
semiconductor field-effect transistors. Both large-signal and small-signal
models are developed as well as their implementation in the SPICE circuit-
simulation program.
The basic building blocks used in a large variety of analog circuits are
analyzed in Chapter 2; these consist of current sources, dc level-shift stages,
single-transistor gain stages, two-transistor gain stages, and output stages. Both
bipolar and field-effect transistor implementations are presented.
Chapter 3 deals with operational amplifier circuits. The four basic op-amp
circuits are analyzed: (1) voltage-feedback amplifiers, (2) current-feedback
amplifiers, (3) current-differencing amplifiers, and (4) transconductance ampli-
fiers. Selected applications are also presented.
In Chapter 4 feedback amplifiers are discussed. A detailed analysis pro-
cedure for various feedback configurations is developed and numerous
examples of feedback circuits are presented. Stability considerations and
methods for compensation of feedback amplifiers are also discussed.

x Preface

Chapter 5 deals with translinear circuits; these are circuits that exploit the
linear relationship between the transconductance of a transistor and either its
current or voltage. Applications of translinear circuits include implementation
of analog functions and generation of trigonometric functions. These circuits
find use in communications, signal processing, and control systems.
Chapter 1

Models for Integrated-Circuit


In the analysis, design and simulation of integrated circuits, models are used
to represent the electrical behavior of the devices in the circuit. Consequently,
the accuracy to which the actual circuit performance is predicted depends
directly on the suitability and accuracy of the models used to represent the
devices. It is important that the circuit designer understand the limitations and
range of applicability of the device models and the approximations used in their
In this chapter we discuss the models commonly used to represent devices
in analog integrated circuits: bipolar junction transistors, junction diodes, junc-
tion field-effect transistors, and metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transis-
tors. Included will be models as implemented in the circuit simulation program

1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor

A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is formed with two pn junctions in close
proximity to each other. Shown in Fig. 1-1 is a cross-sectional view of a typical
silicon bipolar transistor structure used in modem integrated circuits. Depicted
is an npn transistor comprised of a heavily doped (N +) emitter region, a lighter-
doped (N-) collector region, and an intervening (P) base region. Electrical
contact to the base region is provided by the P + poly silicon layer, and the P +
contact enhancement region (which reduces series parasitic base resistance),
and contact to the collector region is made through the N+ buried layer (which
reduces the series parasitic collector resistance), the N- layer, and the N+ contact
enhancement region. Isolation from other devices in the circuit is provided by
the insulating silicon dioxide (Si0 2) layer (which completely surrounds the
device laterally) and by the p-type substrate (which forms a pn junction-nor-
mally reverse biased-between the collector region and the substrate).
2 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices



N + Burled leyer

p. Substrate

S 1
Figure 1-1 Cross-sectional view of an npn bipolar integrated-circuit transistor.

The active portion (also tenned the intrinsic portion) of the transistor is the
vertical N+ IP IN- layer structure shown beneath the emitter metallization. A
one-dimensional representation of this intrinsic device portion is shown in Fig.
1-2(a). Under nonnal operation, the emitter-base junction is forward biased and
the collector-base junction is reverse biased. In this configuration, carriers
(electrons for an npn transistor) are injected into the base by virtue of the
forward bias on the emitter junction. These carriers move by a combination of
drift and diffusion through the base to the collector junction, where, due to the
reverse bias on this junction, are swept into the collector region, giving rise to
a current in the collector. This current, originating in the emitter, is thus
controlled predominantly by the emitter-base junction bias and accounts for this
structure being an active (transistor) device.
Figure 1-2(b) shows the circuit symbol for an npn transistor and the sign
convention for voltages and currents. Under nonnal operation (in which the
device is operating in the forward-active region), Vbe is positive, Vbc is negative,
and currents flow in the directions depicted in the figure. A one-dimensional
representation of the intrinsic portion of a pnp transistor is shown in Fig. 1-2(c)
and its circuit symbol is illustrated in Fig. l-2(d). For apnp transistor operating
in the forward-active region, Vbe is negative, Vbc is positive, and currents flow in
the directions depicted.

Ebers-Moll Static Model

A relatively simple, but yet adequate for many cases, large-signal model for
the bipolar transistor is the Ebers-Moll model [1]. It describes the transistor
1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 3


emlner emlner
N+ p+

e·b depletion region

base base
B p B

cob depletion region

collector collector

N" p'


(a) (c)

r c

Vbc + +
+ +
+ +
----+ +--
Ib Vbe Ib Vbe

fe fe

(b) (d)

Figure 1-2 (a) One-dimensional representation of the intrinsic portion of an npn

transistor structure; (b) npn transistor symbol and sign convention; (c) pnp tran-
sistor structure; (d) pnp transistor symbol and sign convention.

currents in terms of the two pn junction currents and their respective junction
voltages and is illustrated in Fig. 1·3. The emitter-base and collector-base
junction currents are given by


ICR =/cs(eqVBClkT -1) (1-2)

where hs and Ics are the reverse saturation currents of the emitter-base and
collector-base junctions, respectively and kT /q is the thermal voltage.
4 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices
emitter collector

- c


qVIE/kT qVa:/kT
IEF;IES(e -I) iCR;iCS(e -I)

V BE VFr:;
+ +





IB t B

Figure 1-3 (a) Emitter and collector junction currents used in the Ebers-Moll
model of the bipolar transistor. (b) Common-base Ebers-Moll static model of an
npn transistor.

The total collector current (Id is comprised of the collector junction current
(leR) and the fraction of the emitter junction current (lEF) reaching the collector.
This current arises from the carriers injected from the emitter into the base and
their subsequent transport through the base to the collector. This fraction is
denoted aF and represents the ratio of the collector to emitter current when the
transistor is operating in the normal (forward-active) mode of operation; that
is, with the emitter-base junction forward biased and the collector-base junction
reverse biased. Typical values for aF in modem integrated-circuit transistors are
0.98-0.995. With reference to the circuit model shown in Fig. 1-3(b), the
terminal collector current is


Likewise, the total emitter current (Id is comprised of the emitter junc-
tion current (hF) and the fraction aR of the collector junction current reaching
the emitter. aR represents the ratio of the emitter to collector current when
the transistor is operating in the inverse (reverse-active) mode of operation
(collector-base junction forward biased and emitter-base junction reverse
biased). Owing primarily to the large difference in the impurity doping
concentrations in the emitter and collector regions of the transistor, aR is
1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 5

smaller than CXF, with typical values ranging from 0.5 to 0.9. From Fig. 1-
IE = IEF - cxRlcR (1-4)
Applying Kirchoff's current law for the base current (IB = IE - Ie) gives
IB = (1 - cxF)IEF + (1 - CXR)lCR (1-5)
It can be shown from reciprocity conditions applied to the emitter and
collector junctions [2] that
cxFIEs = CXR Ics = Is (1-6)
where Is the saturation current of the BJT and is given as
- qDBn~ AE
I s- (1-7)
DB is the diffusion constant for minority carriers in the base (electrons for an
npn, holes for a pnp), ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration of the semicon-
ductor, AE is the area of the emitter-base junction, and QB is the number of
majority carrier charges per unit area in the base (holes for an npn, electrons
for a pnp). Typical values for Is in an integrated-circuit transistor range from
about 10 - 17 A for a small-geometry, low-current device to 10 - 15 A for a large device
such as might be used in the output stage where large currents are required.
Using Eq. (1-6) in Eqs. (1-3) and (1-4) gives for the Ebers-Moll equations:
Ie=!s(eqVBE'kT _l)_~(eqVBClkT -1) (1-8)

-- e
(qVBE/kT - 1) - I s (qVBclkT
e - 1) (1-9)
These equations describe the large-signal behavior of the bipolar transistor and,
as such, there is no restriction on either the magnitude or polarity of the
junction voltages. They can thus be used to describe transistor operation in
four regions of operation:
(i) Forward-active. Here, the emitter-base junction is forward biased (VBE posi-
tive for an npn, negative for a pnp) and the collector-base junction is reverse
biased (VBC negative for an npn, positive for a pnp). If the reverse bias on the
collector junction is at least several kT /q in magnitude, then the exp (qVBC /kT)
terms in Eqs. (1-8) and (1-9) are much smaller than - 1 and can be neglected.
This gives for forward-active region:

Ie = !s(eqVBE/kT - 1) +~ (1-10)

6 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

Equation (1-11) can be used in Eq. (1-10) to express the collector current
in terms of the emitter current:



( 1-13)

leo is the collector current obtained with the emitter open circuited (h = 0). At
room temperature (27"C), leo is small (typically in the range of 10 - 13 A-IO - 10 A) and
can usually be neglected. However, for silicon, leo doubles for about every 8°C
increase in temperature and so may not be negligible at high temperatures.
Normally in the forward-active mode the base-emitter bias is at least several
kT/q in value so that exp(qVsElkT) is »1. Neglecting the - 1 and Is terms in
Eqs. (1-10) and (1-11) gives
Ie = Is eqV'E/kT (1-14)


- -Is
IE -e

as commonly used expressions for the collector and emitter currents.

(ii) Reverse-active. In this region, the emitter-base junction is reverse bi-

ased and the collector-base junction is forward biased, which results in carriers
being injected from the collector region (which now acts like and emitter) into
the base where they transport through the base and are collected by the reverse
bias on the emitter (which now acts like a collector). The transistor is operating
in an inverse mode and the directions of the emitter and collector currents are
now reversed from that depicted in Fig. 1-2.
For IVsEI ~- kTlq, IVsEI» kTlq, and neglecting the reverse bias leakage
current, we have from Eqs. (1-8) and (1-9)

I c= - -Ise qVBclkT (1-16)



(iii) Saturation. Here, both junctions are forward biased and hence both are
injecting carriers into the base. Each junction acts both as an emitter and
collector, and the net behavior can be described by a superposition of forward-
active and reverse-active modes.
1 .1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 7

I BE -_Is ( qVBEIkT _ 1) I - Is ( qVBclkT _ 1) I - I Is ( qVBE/kT

I3F e , BC - I3R e , CE - S I3F e

Figure 1-4 Common-emitter Ebers-Moll static model of an npn transistor.

For IVBEI ::::?>kT/q and IVBCI ::::?>kT/q, again neglecting the reverse leakage cur-

- I qVBElkT
I c- se - -Ise qVBclkT (l-18)

( 1-19)

Ie and h may both be positive or negative, depending on which junction injects

more heavily. The base current is always positive (flowing into the base for
an npn transistor and flowing out of the base for a pnp transistor) because it
is supplying carriers to the base for injection back into the emitter and collec-
tor regions due to the forward bias on each junction.
(iv) Cutoff. In this region, both junctions are reverse biased and the only
currents that flow are those which comprise the small reverse leakage currents
of the two junctions. For For IVBEI «- kT/q and IVBel «- kT/q,
Ie= -Is(l-lIaR) (1-20)

h= -Is (lIaF-l) (l-21)

A common-emitter configuration of the Ebers-Moll model is shown in Fig.

1-4. This form is used in many circuit simulation programs (e.g., SPICE [3])
8 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

to model the large-signal static characteristics of bipolar junction transistors.

From the model, the terminal currents are

Ic=ls(eqVBE'kT - l ) - ls (l + ~J(eqVBClkT -1) (1-22)

IE=IS(l + ~F)(eqVBElkT _1)_ls(eqVBC'kT -1) (1-23)

IB=~(eqVBElkT _1)+~(eqVBC'kT -1) (1-24)

~F ~R
~F is the forward common-emitter current gain, IcIlB at VBC = 0, and is related to
the forward common-base current gain UF as
~F=-- (1-25)
1- UF

~R is the reverse common-emitter current gain, -IE lIB at VBE = 0 and is related
to the reverse common-base current gain UR as
~R=-­ (1-26)
} - UR

Figure 1-5 shows simulated Ie-VCE characteristics of an npn transistor using

Eqs. (1-22) and (1-24), illustrating the behavior in the four regions of oper-
ation. Note that in the saturation region, VCE is small. A bipolar transistor
operating in this region is often modeled by assuming a constant voltage,
Vcdsat), typically 0.1-0.2 V in value, to represent the saturation condition.

Ib =100 I1A

7 80 I1A
fl 60 I1A
rr 40llA
If 20llA
2 I'
Ib = 0
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

Vee (volts)
Figure 1-5 Simulated common-emitter output characteristics for an npn transistor
at 27° C. Device parameters are Is = 2 x 10 -16 A, JlF = 100, and JlR = 10.
1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 9

B o-----+---~----~

Figure 1-6 Common-emitter Ebers-Moll large-signal model of an npn transistor.

Ebers-Moll Dynamic Model

Charge storage in the bipolar transistor is modeled by adding capacitances to

the equivalent circuit. These capacitances model the charges associated with
the junction depletion regions and the neutral regions of the device. Figure 1-6
shows the large-signal common-emitter Ebers-Moll model with these
capacitances added. CjE and CjC represent the space-charge capacitances of the
emitter-base junction and collector-base junction depletion regions, respective-
ly. They vary in accordance with the bias voltage applied to the junction and
can be adequately modeled for reverse and small forward bias as



CjE (0) and CjC (0) are the values of the emitter-base and collector-base junction
capacitances at zero bias (VBE = 0 or VBC = 0), <!>E and <!>c are the emitter-base and
collector-base junction barrier potentials, and mE and me are the emitter-base and
collector-base junction gradient factors. For a uniformly doped step junction,
m is ~, whereas for a linearly graded junction, m is ~. In practice, actual junctions
will have a value for m between these values, the specific value dependent on
the particular impurity dopant concentration profile. It is common to choose
either ~ or ~ to represent a given junction, the choice being made based on
whether the junction doping profile appears closer to a step grade or to a linear
grade. In SPICE [4], if the Ebers-Moll model is used, the value for m is fixed
10 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

Equations (1-27) and (1-28) are written for an npn transistor, where VBE and
VBC are negative for reverse bias. For a pnp transistor, use VEB and VCB in Eqs. (1-27)
and (1-28), respectively.
To prevent infinite values for the junction capacitances at forward voltages
equal to the junction barrier potentials, SPICE limits the forward bias for
which Eqs. (1-27) and (1-28) are used to Fe</>e and Fe<l>e, where Fe is a factor
between 0 and 1 (SPICE default = 0.5). For forward biases larger than these
values, the junction capacitances are modeled by a linear extrapolation:



Charge storage due to the mobile carriers injected into the neutral regions
of the transistor are modeled by the diffusion capacitances CDE and Coc. CDE
represents the capacitance associated with injection at the emitter junction and
CDC represents the capacitance associated with injection at the collector junction.

They are given as


Coc (VBC ) -- qIs


where 'T F is the forward transit time across the neutral base region from emitter
to collector, and 'TR is the reverse transit time across the neutral base region
from collector to emitter. Under reverse bias, the diffusion capacitance is small
compared to the junction capacitance and is usually neglected.

Base-Width Modulation

As depicted in Fig. 1-5 the Ebers-Moll model gives a constant collector

current with respect to VCE for a transistor operating in the forward-active or
reverse-active regions. In practice, the collector current is seen to increase with
increasing collector-emitter voltage, as illustrated in Fig. 1-7 for forward-
active bias. This increase in collector current is a result of a change in the
neutral base width with collector junction bias. An increase in the reverse bias
on the collector junction increases the width of the collector-base depletion
region, which, in tum, causes the width of the neutral base region to decrease.
The effect of this base-width modulation on the collector current (called the
1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 11


Figure 1-7 Common-emitter output characteristics illustrating the effects of base-

width modulation (Early effect) on output conductance.

Early effect [5]) can be seen from Eqs. (1-7) and (1-14), which combine to

for the collector current in the forward-active region. Recall that QB is the
number of majority carrier charges per unit area in the base and is equal to
the volume density of this charge times the width of the neutral base region.
A reduction in base-width reduces QB and thereby increases le.
For modeling purposes, a linear fit to the output characteristics is often made.
The extrapolated curves then intersect the negative VCE axis at a point which is
defined as the Early voltage, VA, as shown in Fig. 1-7. Using this parameter, the
slope of the collector current-voltage characteristics is given by
ale le(O)
where [dO) is the value of the collector current at VCE = 0, given by Eq. (1-14).
It should be remarked that a similar effect occurs for a transistor operated in
the reverse-active mode. Here, the base width is modulated by the reverse bias
on the emitter-base junction, and the increase in current with collector voltage
is characterized by the reverse Early voltage, VB' The corresponding model
parameters in SPICE for the forward Early voltage and the reverse Early
voltage are VAF and VAR, respectively.
Equation (1-34) defines the output conductance which can be incorporated
into the large-signal model for the forward-active region, shown in Fig. 1-8
for both common-emitter and common-base configurations. In Fig. 1-8,
Ro = [dO) = Is eqVBElkT (1-35)
12 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

B 0----, c





Figure 1-8 (a) Large-signal static common-emitter model for forward-active re-
gion; (b) common-base model.

The collector current is


EXAMPLE. Figure 1-9(a) shows a simple common-emitter amplifier circuit,

driven by a current of 5 f.LA. Detennine the collector current Ie and the output
voltage Vo. The transistor parameters are Is = 5 X 10 - 16 A, I3F = 100, and VA = 50 V.
From Eq. (1-36) and the model depicted in Fig. l-S(a),

where from the circuit

which combined with the previous equation gives

Ie= I3 F I B (1 + Vee/VA) = (100)(5 X 10- 6)(1 + 15/50) =591 A

l+I3FIB Rc/VA 1 +(100)(5 X 10 6)(10 X 10 )/50
3 f.L
1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 13

Vee (15V) Vee (15V)

(a) (b)

Figure 1-9 Example common-emitter amplifier circuit: (a) current driven; (b)
voltage driven.

Vo = 15 - (0.591 mA)(lOkfl) = 9.09V
Figure 1-9(b) shows the same amplifier circuit driven by a voltage source.
Determine and sketch (a) IB as a function of the input, V in , for V in ranging from
o to 1 V and (b) Vo as a function of V in . Take room temperature, kT/q = 26mV.
Here, VBE = Vino so

IB = _I S eqVi,lkT = 5 X 10 -16
e Vi' 10.026 = 5 X 10- 18 e V lO.026 A

~F 100
This result is plotted in Fig. 1-IO(a). Note the steep increase in base current
with base-emitter voltage for VBE beyond about 0.7 V. This is, of course, due to
the exponential current-voltage characteristic. As an approximation to the circuit
model, the base-emitter voltage is often taken to be constant for a transistor
operating in the active region. For a silicon bipolar transistor operating at room
temperature this voltage, denoted V BE (on), is typically in the range of 0.7-0.8 V.
For the voltage drive (b),

Ie = Is eqV"lkT ( I + ~:)
which combined with Va = Vee - IeRc gives
15 - (5 X 10 - 12) e Vm /0.026
I + (l X 10 13) e Vi,1O.026

This result is plotted in Fig. 1-IO(b) for the portion of the curve labeled "for-
ward-active region." At V in equal to approximately 0.75 V the transistor enters
the saturation region (both emitter and collector junctions are forward-biased)
14 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices


I., (IIA) 10

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vin (volts)



region .....,
~ Satura'lion
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vin (volts)


Figure 1-10 (a) Base current and (b) output voltage as a function of Vln for
example common-emitter amplifier circuit.

and the collector-to-emitter voltage, VeE (and hence Vo in this example), saturates
at a small value, typically 0.1-0.2 V, as illustrated in the figure. Also note that
for V in less than about 0.6 V the output remains high (at Vee), even though the
transistor is still operating in the forward-active region. This is because the
collector current at these base-emitter voltages is small such that IcRc <t:: Vee.

Small-Signal Models of Bipolar Junction Transistors

In some applications, the magnitudes of the signals in a circuit are small

compared to the bias voltages and currents. In these situations, linear circuit
models for the device may be used to determine the circuit response to these
small signals. The advantage of doing this is that now a linear circuit is to be
analyzed instead of a nonlinear circuit.
1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 15

vbe Vee




i b -+ r lt
rIt v1


Figure 1-11 (a) Decomposition of transistor currents and voltages into dc and
small-signal components. (b) Common-emitter small-signal equivalent circuit

Figure l-11(a) illustrates the decomposition of transistor currents and volt-

ages into dc (quiescent) and small-signal components. Base drive to the tran-
sistor consists of the dc bias voltage VBE connected in series with the signal
voltage Vbe, giving a total base-emitter voltage Vbe = VBE + Vbe and a corresponding
total base current h = IB + ib• The convention followed here is to represent dc
quantities by uppercase symbols and subscripts, and small-signal quantities by
lowercase symbols and subscripts and total quantities by uppercase symbols
and lowercase subscripts.
A common-emitter small-signal equivalent circuit model for a bipolar tran-
sistor operating in the forward-active region is shown in Fig. l-11(b). Its
parameters are determined as follows:
Using Eq. (1-36),

g = dIe I = qIs eqVBE/kT(1 + VCE) = qIc (1-37)

m dVbe ",,=0 kT VA kT
16 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

gm the transconductance and its value is seen to depend linearly on the collector
dc bias current.
Figure 1-8(a) and Eq. (1-37) can be used to determine the variation in base
current with base-emitter voltage.
d (lFI?>F)
g = dh
-- I =---=- (1-38)
rr dVbe ""~o dVbe
The approximation here is that ?>F remains constant for small-signal variations
in Vbe, which is generally true. Hence, the small-signal base resistance is

r = - =?>F
- (1-39)
rr grr gm
The small-signal output resistance ro results from the variation in collector
current with collector bias voltage (Early effect). Using Eq. (1-36),

:0 = go = :~:e Iv,,~o Ise:~E/kT ~: (1-40)

r.,. models the variation in base current with collector bias voltage:

:.,. = g.,. = :~:e Iv,,~o d(:::~F) = ~F :~:e = ?>Fro (1-41 )

r.,. is typically a very large resistance and in most cases is neglected in the
small-signal model.
The capacitance Crr is the diffusion capacitance CDE in parallel with the emitter-
base junction capacitance CjE :

Crr = TF ~i eqVBE/kT + CjE (VBE) = gm TF + CjdVBE) (1-42)

With a reverse-biased base-collector junction, the diffusion capacitance CDC is

negligibly small, so the capacitance C.,., is just the base-collector junction

Generally, the diffusion capacitance is much larger than the junction space-
charge capacitance so that Crr is usually much larger than C.,..
An alternate form of the common-emitter small-signal model is the com-
mon-base configuration illustrated in Fig. 1-12. Here, the input is applied to
the emitter and the output is taken at the collector. In application to a circuit
in which a transistor is connected in a common-base configuration, this form
of the model is often more convenient to analyze. Either form of the model
is valid, however, and may be used irrespective of the particular circuit
1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 17

9m v1
e C

4- 4-
ie v1 ic

Cit C~

ib f b r~
Figure 1-12 Common-base small-signal equivalent circuit model.

configuration. With reference to Fig. 1-11, the small-signal emitter current is


From Fig. 1-12,


Equating Eqs. (1-44) and (1-45) gives the value of the small-signal emitter

1 (XF
re=---I- -g-m-(l-+-l/-~-F) = -g-m (1-46)

Parasitic Elements in Integrated-Circuit Bipolar


The fabrication process for integrated circuit transistors introduces other circuit
elements (parasitics) in addition to those associated with the intrinsic portion
of the device. Figure 1-13 illustrates the origin of these parasitic elements for
an npn transistor. Table 1-1 identifies each element.
A simplified model which combines the principal parasitic elements affect-
ing circuit performance is illustrated in Fig. 1-14. With reference to Fig. 1-13,
rE = R";, rB = R; + R B, rc = RCI + RBL + RC2 + R;. In addition, C;c and C~c
can be combined with Cjc . Typical values for the parasitic resistances in an
integrated circuit BIT range from a few ohms for rE to a few hundred ohms
for rB and rc. The ohmic emitter resistance rE is often neglected; rB and rc can be
18 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices
Base Collector


m ,
~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .! Cb
c+ IC
, IC
r-------------------------------------- - ------ --- ~



Figure 1-13 Principal parasitic circuit elements associated with an integrated-

circuit BJT.

!--- substrate

intrinsic transistor

Figure 1-14 Simplified equivalent circuit which retains the principal parasitic

neglected if they are small in relation to the other resistances in the base circuit
and collector circuit, respectively.

Transistor Cutoff Frequency

A useful figure-of-merit to characterize the frequency performance of a bipolar

transistor is the cutoff frequency,fr, which is defined as the frequency at which
the common-emitter small-signal short-circuit current gain is equal to unity. A
1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 19

Table 1-1 Parasitic Elements for an Integrated-Circuit BJT

Element Description
Ohmic base resistance of the active transistor
Resistance of the extrinsic base region
Ohmic collector resistance of the active transistor
Lateral resistance of the buried layer
Vertical resistance of the extrinsic collector region
Resistance of the collector contact region
Ohmic emitter resistance of the active transistor
Bottom wall junction capacitance of the extrinsic base-collector region
Side-wall junction capacitance of the extrinsic base-collector region
Junction capacitance of the base contact and extrinsic collector region
Base metallization-substrate capacitance
Buried layer-substrate capacitance
Collector metallization-substrate capacitance
Collector-base junction capacitance of the active transistor
Emitter-base junction capacitance of the active transistor

i in{<o)

Cil c .-i c
ro Ccs

ac short

Figure 1-15 (a) Circuit for determining the common-emitter cutoff frequency fT.
(b) Small-signal equivalent circuit, neglecting rE, rc, r ", and R bias•

circuit used to determine this cutoff frequency is shown in Fig. 1-15(a) and the
corresponding small-signal equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 1-15(b). From Fig.
1-15(b), the small-signal current gain [denoted f3 (jw)] is found to be

20 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

B(jm) ! ( log scale)

+-------L..-----+--~ro ( log scale

Figure 1-16 Magnitude of the small-signal short-circuit current gain versus fre-

At low frequencies, ~ (jw) ~ gm r", = ~F. Because C", is usually much larger than
CJJ., the second term in the numerator of Eq. (1-47) (which represents the feed-
forward current in CJJ.,) is small and can be neglected. Thus,

~ (jw) = ~F (1-48)
1 + jw r", (C'" + CJJ.)
The variation in the magnitude of the small-signal current gain with frequency
is illustrated in Fig. 1-16. The comer frequency w~ is the frequency at which
!~ (jw)! is down by 3 dB (1[2) from the low-frequency value ~F. From Eq.


At high frequencies, where ~ (jw) approaches unity, the 1 in the denominator

of Eq. (1-48) can be neglected and


which has unity magnitude at


and the cutoff frequency is

1.1 Bipolar Junction Transistor 21

~ ~ ~ _ - - r - - - - Eqn. (1-53)



Figure 1·17 Variation in /T with collector current.

Using Eqs. (1-37) and (1-42),

IT = 2~ [-k:-::T=----I---]
- ( CjE+ Cje) TF


The cutoff frequency is seen to increase with collector current at low currents
due to the increased charge and discharge rates of CjE and CIL" At high currents,
IT is dominated by the base transit time TF and according to Eq. (1-53) ap-
proaches a constant value 1/2'ITTF' In practice, the neutral base width of a
bipolar transistor widens at high currents (Kirk effect [6]), causing an increase
in TF with current and a subsequent fall-off in IT at high currents. This behavior
is illustrated in Fig. 1-17.

EXAMPLE. A bipolar transistor has a cutoff frequency of 4 GHz, measured

at a collector current of 1 rnA. It is used in an amplifier circuit at 500 !-LA.
Determine (a) the elements of the common-emitter small-signal equivalent
circuit of Fig. 1-11 (b) and (b) the transistor cutoff frequency. The transistor
has the following parameters: I3F = 150, VA = 100 V, CjE = 0.2 pF and CjC = 0.1 pF.
Take room temperature kTlq
= 26mV.
Unknown is the forward transit time TF. Using Eq. (1-53) for the known value
of IT at Ie = 1 rnA,


TF= 2 )(41 9 - 26mV (0.2+0.1) X 1O-12 F =32ps

('IT X 10 ) 1 rnA
22 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

(a) From Eq. (1-37) the transconductance at Ie = 500 f.LA is

qIe 0.5mAN
g =-= = 19.2mAN
m kT 0.026V

The small-signal base resistance from Eq. (1-39) is

rn =-=
I3F 150
gm 19.2mAN
The output resistance from Eq. (1-40) is

VA 100 V
ro=-= =200kO
Ie 0.5 rnA
and from Eq. (1-41), the collector-base resistance is
r lL = I3Fro = (150)(200kO) = 30MO
From Eq. (1-42), the small-signal base-emitter capacitance is
Cn = gmTF + CjE = (19.2 X 10 -3 AN)(32 X 10 12 s) + 0.2 X 10 -12 F
= 8.14 X 1O- 13 F = 0.814pF
and, finally, from Eq. (1-42), the small-signal collector-base capacitance is

CIL = CjC = 0.1 pF

(b) The new cutoff frequency from Eq. (1-52) is

19.2mAN = 3.34GHz
(21T)(0.814 + 0.1) pF

1.2 Junction Diode

Any of the pn junctions that comprise the bipolar transistor structure may be
used as an integrated-circuit junction diode: the base-emitter junction, the
base-collector junction, and the collector-substrate junction all produce viable
diodes, each with differing characteristics [7]. The most common diode struc-
ture for analog integrated circuits is produced by connecting the base and
collector terminals of an npn transistor, as illustrated in Fig. 1-18(a). There are
good reasons for fabricating diodes in this form: With the base and collector
shorted, V BC = 0; from Eq. (1-8), we have for the diode
1.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistor 23

(a) (b)

Figure 1-18 (a) Integrated-circuit junction diode formed from an npn transistor.
(b) Small-signal equivalent circuit.

The diodes are fabricated concurrently with the npn transistors, and thus they
both have identical reverse saturation currents (Is), except as scaled by their
respective emitter areas [see Eq. (1-7)]. Hence, for example, if an equal-area
diode and bipolar transistor are connected in a circuit in which VD and VBE are
equal, then the diode current and the collector current of the transistor will be
the same (neglecting transistor base current and Early effect). This behavior
(as we shall see later) can be quite useful in analog circuits.
The small-signal equivalent circuit of the junction diode is shown in Fig.
1-18(b). Directly from the small-signal bipolar transistor model (Fig. 1-12) we

rd = re11ro=- (1-55)

1.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistor

A junction field-effect transistor (JFET) is a device whose operation results

from the modulation of a conducting channel by a voltage applied to a gate
control electrode. Unlike the bipolar transistor where current transport involves
both majority and minority carriers, current transport in the JFET is by ma-
jority carriers only; hence, it is termed a unipolar device. Shown in Fig. 1-19
is a cross-sectional view of an integrated-circuit p-channel junction field-effect
transistor. The active region of the device consists of the thin p-type layer
bounded on top and bottom by n-type regions, forming two pn junctions
between the gate (top and bottom) and the channel (P region). The two heavily
doped P + regions provide ohmic contacts to the source and drain ends of the
conducting channel.
24 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

Source Drain Bottom Gate

(bottom gate)

N + BUlled layer

p. Substrate

Figure 1-19 Cross-sectional view of an integrated-circuit p-channel junction field-

effect transistor.

Device Characteristics

Figure 1-20 illustrates the active region of the p-channel JFET with normal
biases applied. The thickness of the depletion region surrounding the gate-
channel pn junction is determined by the voltage across the junction, in this
case being a function of the gate-source bias (VGs ) and the drain-source bias (VDS).
VGS is normally positive and V DS is negative, resulting in a reverse-biased gate
junction. This produces essentially zero gate current-just a small reverse-bias
junction leakage current. The undepleted portion of the p-type layer provides

Source Drain

region +

Bottom Gate

Figure 1-20 Active region of a p-channel JFET with normal biases applied. The
reverse bias on the gate-channel junction is largest at the drain end of the channel
and smallest at the source end, resulting in a variation in the thickness of the
conducting channel region.
1.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistor 25

the conducting channel, whose thickness (and hence its conductance) is con-
trolled by both V GS and V DS ' Drain current ID flows out of the drain terminal.
With reference to Fig. 1-20, several operating points are worthy of note: As
VGS is increased, the thickness of the depletion layer increases, narrowing the
conducting channel. At a sufficiently large value of VDS the depletion layer will
extend completely through the channel to the bottom-gate pn junction. Because
VDS is negative, the reverse voltage across the gate-channel junction is smallest
at the source end of the channel and is largest at the drain end of the channel.
Thus, if the channel is depleted at the source end, then the entire channel
region will be depleted (pinched off) and no conduction will occur. The
transistor will be turned off. For the p-channel device depicted in Fig. 1-20,
this occurs at a gate-source voltage of


where NA is the doping concentration of the p-type channel (assumed constant),

t is the thickness of the Player, Es is the dielectric permittivity of the semicon-
ductor, and <Pi is the barrier potential of the gate-channel junction. Also as-
sumed in this calculation is that the doping concentration of the N + gate region
is much greater than that of the P-channel, so that the depletion layer at the
top gate appears mostly on the p-side of the junction. In addition, with the
P-channel doping concentration larger than the N- bottom gate, the depletion
layer thickness on the p-side of bottom gate junction is negligibly small. This
voltage [Eq. (1-57)] is denoted the pinch-off voltage Vp , and represents the
gate-source voltage at which the device is cut off. When V DS = Vos - V p , the
depletion region of the top gate extends through the channel to the bottom gate
just at the drain end of the channel, resulting in the channel being pinched off
at that point. This voltage is denoted the saturation voltage

VDs,t = VGS - Vp (1-58)

For V DS less than VDs,t the drain current in the JFET is controlled by both V GS and
V DS ; for V DS greater than VDS(sat), the drain current is relatively independent of V DS
and depends mainly on VGS. To keep the gate-channel junction reverse biased,
the maximum gate-source voltage is zero and thus the maximum drain current
occurs for V GS = O. At V DS = VDs'h this maximum current is denoted I Dss and for a
uniformly doped channel region is given by

26 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices


-- ---- ------ lOSS


VGS ~ Vp -----...;....--.:....--....;....----..:~-... Vos

cut-off 3 1
- Vp _ -V --V
4 P 2 P

Figure 1-21 Idealized I-V characteristics of a p-channel JFET.



and represents the conductance of the complete undepleted channel.

Figure 1-21 shows the idealized I - V characteristics of a p-channel JFET,
illustrating the three regions of operation: cutoff, saturation, and triode_ For a
detailed analysis of the JFET, the reader is referred to one of the many
references in the literature, such as Refs. 2 and 8. A simple quadratic model
[9] has been found to adequately describe the characteristics of JFET devices,
independent of their particular doping profile.
In the triode region, the drain current is approximated by

ID = loss [2 ( I - V os ) (
Vp -
Vos )
Vp -
Vos )
2] (1-61)

for Vos> Vas - V p •

In the saturation region, the drain current is approximated by

ID = loss ( I -
)2 (1-62)

for Vos::::; Vas - V p •

Actual JFET devices operated in the saturation region do not show a con-
stant drain current - drain voltage characteristic, as depicted in Fig. 1-21, but
rather ID is seen to increase with increasing Vos. This behavior is brought about
by a decrease in the effective channel length resulting from the increased
gate-drain depletion region for 1Vosl > IVDsatl. This channel-length modulation with
1.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistor 27
Vos = VOsat Vos > VOsat

I+-- L ---+I
channel length

(a) (b)

Figure 1-22 D1ustration of channel length modulation in a JFET. (a) At Vns = VDsab
the channei is pinched off just at the drain end of the channel. (b) For Vns > VDsa" the
channel pinch-off point moves back toward the source, resulting in an effective
channel length L I that is less than the geometrical channel length L.

drain voltage is illustrated in Fig. 1-22 and is analogous to the base-width

modulation (Early effect) in a bipolar transistor. Figure 1-23 illustrates the
actual characteristics for a p-channel JFET. The slope in the drain current
characteristics are characterized by the Early effect voltage VA, and for oper-
ation in the saturation region, the drain current is approximated by

ID = loss ( 1 -
)2( 1 - Vos)
VA (1-63)

For FET devices, it is common practice to use the channel-length modulation

parameter A in place of the Early voltage. For a p-channel JFET, A = - l/VA ,

------ -.
----~ ----------
.................. ... ......
:::::~ ... - - - - .
..;;..;;.:.:..:..ii.J Vos
VA= - "I
Figure 1-23 Actual characteristics of a p-channel JFET illustrating the effects of
channel-length modulation. The finite slope in the drain current is characterized
by the Early voltage VA.
28 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

tId tId
+ +
G Vds G Vds
+ +

(a) (b)

Figure 1-24 Circuit symbols and sign conventions for (a) p-channel and (b)
n-channel JFET.

and the drain current characteristics in the saturation region are thus expressed

lD = loss ( 1 - V p (1 + >'Vos) (1-64)

Figure 1-24 shows the circuit symbols and sign conventions for p-channel
and n-channel JFETs. For an n-channel JFET, the pinch-off voltage is negative
and the parameter >. is positive; in normal operation, the gate-source voltage
is negative, the drain-source voltage is positive, and current flows into the
drain terminal. Thus, Eqs. (1-61) and (1-64) may be used to model the n-
channel characteristics provided Vos < VGS - Vp for operation in the triode region
and Vos 2:: VGS - Vp for operation in the saturation region.

Large-Signal Model

The large-signal static model of an n-channel JFET is shown in Fig. 1-25. With
negative gate voltage, the gate-source and gate-drain pn junctions are reverse
biased, resulting in negligible gate current and lD = los. In the SPICE simulation
program, the large-signal static drain current is modeled as
0 for VGS - Vro<O
los= I3Vod2(VGs~Vro)-Vos](I+>'Vos) for VGS-Vro>Vos>O (1-65)
I3(VGS -Vro ) (1 +>'Vos) for Vos2::VGS-Vro>O
where Vro (threshold parameter) = Vp and is taken as negative for both p- and
n-channel JFETs. The parameter 13 is given as
13 = V~ (1-66)
1.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistor 29


IGD = Is (e qVGDIkT - 1), IGS = Is (e qVGslkT - 1)

0 for V GS $. V P
IDs = IDSS [2 (1-V Gs /V;) (-VDs/Vp)-(VDSNp)2]) for V GCVp>VDS>O
IDss(1-VGsNp) (1 + AV Ds) for VDS2::VGS-Vp

Figure 1-25 Large-signal static model of an n-channel JFET.

It may be readily shown that the two forms given in Eqs. (1-64) and 0-65)
for operation in the saturation region are equivalent. The SPICE model adds
the channel-length modulation term (1 + AVDs ) to the characteristic for operation
in the triode region to avoid a discontinuity in the drain current at VDS = VGS - Vm.
In practice, of course, there is no channel-length modulation in this region; the
error, however, is small.
EXAMPLE. Figure 1-26 shows a simple common-source JFET circuit. Deter-
mine the drain current In and the output voltage Va. The transistor parameters
are Vp = - 5 V, IDss = 1.5mA, and A = 0.03 V-I.
Not known is the operating region of the device. VGS = - 2 V> Vp , so the
JFET is not turned off. It is, therefore, operating in either the triode or
saturation region. We will assume initially that it is in saturation and see if
the results are consistent with that assumption.
From Eq. (1-64)

where from the circuit

30 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

V DO (+10 V)

(5 kO)


Figure 1-26 Example common-source JFET circuit.

ID = I Dss (1 - V GS IVp)2 [1 + A(VDD - IDR D)]
Solving for ID gives
L - IDss(l- VGSIVp)2(1 + AVDD ) (1.5)(1 - 2/5)2[1 + (0.03)(10)] =Q619mA
D 1 + AIDss R D(1 - VGSIVp)2 1 + (0.03)(1.5)(5)(1 - 2/5)2
Vo = 10 - (0.649) (5) = 6.75 V
Here, Vos = Vo = 6.75 V > VGS - Vp = 3 V, so the device is operating in the satura-
tion region.
EXERCISE. Determine the value for RD in the previous example for which
the JFET just enters the triode region. (Ans. 11.9 kO)

Large-Signal Dynamic Model of the JFET

Charge storage in the JFET is modeled by the space-charge capacitances

associated with the gate junction. With the gate junction reverse biased, the
diffusion capacitance is negligibly small and can be neglected. Figure 1-27
shows the large-signal dynamic model of an n-channel JFET. The capacitances
CGS and CGD are the capacitances associated with the gate-source and gate-drain
junctions and are modeled as


1.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistor 31


r d

I GO - - .



I GS--'

S + Is

Figure 1-27 Large-signal dynamic model of an n-channel JFET.

where CGS (0) and CGD (0) are the zero-bias values of the gate-source and gate-drain
junction capacitances, respectively, and m is the junction grading coefficient.
In SPICE, m is set to 0.5 and cannot be changed.
For a p-channel JFET model, reverse the two diodes and the current source,
reverse the directions of the terminal currents in Fig. 1-27, and change the
signs in the denominators of Eqs. (1-67) and (1-68) from minus to plus.

Small-Signal Model of the JFET

Figure 1-28 shows the small-signal equivalent circuit for a JFET operating
either in the triode or saturation region. The transconductance is found from
Eqs. (1-61) and (1-64):

dId I 12~tS VDS for V DS < VGS - Vp

gm= dVgs v,,=o = 2IDss ( VGS) (1-69)
- - - 1 - - - (1 + x. V DS ) for V DS 2:: V GS - Vp
Vp Vp
The small-signal output resistance is determined using Eqs. (1-61) and

32 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

i 9 -. ...-i d


gm v 1 ro

Figure 1-28 Small-signal equivalent circuit model for a JFET.

If h VDS ~ 1, the output resistance in saturation may be approximated as

r =-- (1-71)
o hID
The values of CGS and CGD are detennined from Eqs. (1-67) and (1-68), evalu-
ated at the dc operating point.

Parasitic Elements in Integrated-Circuit JFETs

The principal parasitic elements associated with integrated-circuit junction

field-effect transistors are the ohmic resistances of the source and drain contact
regions, denoted rs and rD, respectively, and the junction capacitances associated
with the bottom gate. Figure 1-29 illustrates the origin of these parasitic

Source Gate Drain Bottom Gate

__ J

p+ p+ I ;

.,I ) __________ -' N
- - 1 ,
· \



;, p CGSS ::

Figure 1-29 Principal parasitic circuit elements associated with an integrated-
circuit JEFT.
1.3 Junction Field-Effect Transistor 33



intrinsic ;;t----+---,
trans istor rS CGSS
t---------i r----o Substrate


Figure 1-30 Adding parasitic circuit elements to the JFET.

elements for a p-channel JFET: CSBG is the capacitance between the source and
bottom gate, CDBG is the capacitance between the drain and bottom gate, and CGSS
is the capacitance between the bottom gate and substrate.
In practice, only the top gate is driven, which gives the highest frequency
response [10). The bottom gate can either be connected to a separate dc bias
voltage or connected directly to the source terminal; for the latter, the JFET
including the parasitic elements can be represented as shown in Fig. 1-30.

Transistor Cutoff Frequency

The unity-gain cutoff frequency iT for a JFET is calculated in a fashion similar

to that for the bipolar transistor. The small-signal equivalent circuit for this
analysis is given as shown in Fig. 1-31, from which the current gain is found
to be


where in the last term the feed-forward current in CGD has been neglected in
relation to gm' From Eq. (1-72), the unity-gain frequency is found to be

f T-- gm (1-73)
21T (CGS + CGD)
EXAMPLE. Determine the cutoff frequency for an n-channel JFET operating
at ID = 1 rnA and VDS = 5 V. The device parameters are IDss = 1.5 rnA, Vp = - 3 V,
34 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

d 4--

i in ro CDBG

S ac short

Figure 1-31 Small-signal circuit for determining cutoff frequency /T of the JFET.
The parasitic source and drain resistances, rs and rD, are normally small compared
to lIg m and are neglected here.

A = 0.Q2 V-I, Cos (0) = 0.25 pF, and Coo (0) = 0.1 pF. For this device, <!>i = 0.8 V and
From Eq. (1-64), the gate-source voltage, assuming operation in the satura-
tion region, is

( Jloss (1 ID+ AVos) ) =

Vas = Vp 1 - (J 1.5 (1 + 10.02 X 5) ) =
- 3 1- - 0.665 V

Here, Vos = 5 V > Vas - Vp = 2.34 V, so the JFET is in saturation.

From Eq. (1-69), the transconductance is

gm= - 2loss (1- VGs) = _ (2)(1.5mA)

Vp Vp - 3V
(1- 0.665)1/3 = 0.778 mAN
From Eq. (1-67), the gate-source capacitance at Vas = - 0.665 V is

C - Cos (0) 0.25 pF = 0.204 F

as - (1 - Vas I<!>J m (1 + 0.665/0.8)1/3 P
The gate-drain voltage is
Voo=Vos-Vos= -0.665V-5V= -5.665V
Using Eq. (1-68), the gate-drain capacitance is

C - Coo (0) 0.1 pF = 0.0498 F

GO - (1 - Voo/<!>;)m (1 + 5.665/0.8)1/3 P
The cutoff frequency from Eq. (1-73) is
g 0.778 X 10- 3
iT = m 3 = 488 MHz
27T(Cos + Coo) (2)(7T)(0.204 + 0.0498) X 10
1.4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 35

depoSited oxide

grown oxide

P well

N" epl

N+ Substrate

Figure 1-32 Cross-sectional view of an n-channel MOS integrated-circuit transis-


1.4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect


In the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), the gate

control electrode is physically separated from the conducting channel by a thin
insulating dielectric layer. The voltage applied to the gate electrode modulates
the concentration of mobile carriers in the channel and hence its conductance.
Like the JFET, the MOSFET is also a unipolar device. Shown in Fig. 1-32 is
a cross-sectional view of an integrated-circuit n-channel MOS transistor. This
structure, as with most modem MOSFETs, utilizes a polysilicon layer as the
gate electrode in place of a metal layer; they are still referred to as metal-
oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistors, however. A thin (typically 30 - 80 nm
thick) silicon dioxide layer separates the gate from the channel region, which
extends laterally between the N + source and drain contact regions.

Device Characteristics

Figure 1-33 illustrates the active region of the n-channel MOSFET with normal
biases applied. With zero voltage applied to the gate, there is no conducting
channel between the N+ source and drain regions; * the device acts like two
back-to-back pn junctions and only a small reverse-leakage current flows from

• There is a class of MOSFET devices in which a conducting channel exists even in the absence
of an applied gate voltage. These are called depletion-mode devices and a negative gate voltage
(positive for p-channel devices) is required to turn them off.
36 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices



Source Drain +

1 - - - - .:
-- - - - 'I_
..1 - - - - - L - - - --'i
.. r---- -- -


Figure 1-33 Active region of an n-channel MOSFET with normal bias applied.

source to drain. The gate-oxide-semiconductor sandwich acts like a parallel-

plate capacitor; with a positive gate voltage VGS applied to the structure,
negative charge is induced in the top surface region of the semiconductor
beneath the gate oxide. If the gate voltage is large enough, this induced
electron concentration will exceed the background hole concentration of the
p-type semiconductor, creating an n-type region (inversion layer) at the
surface, and there is now a complete n-type conducting channel between
source and drain. The gate voltage required to create the inversion layer is
termed the threshold voltage VTH ; for VGS less than VTH , no conducting channel
exists and the device is turned off.
In normal practice, the semiconductor body (substrate) is connected to the
source. In some applications, however, the body is connected to separate bias
voltage. This bias changes the semiconductor channel potential and hence the
charge that is induced by the gate. The effect on the threshold voltage is related
to the body-source voltage V BS and is modeled as


where VTO is the threshold voltage for V BS = O. The parameter 'Y is given as


C~x is the capacitance per unit area of the gate-oxide region, given by

' - tox
Cox--- (1-76)
1.4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 37

where fox is the dielectric permittivity of the oxide and tox is its thickness. <\>p is the
Fermi potential of the semiconductor, given by

kT (NA)
<\>p=-ln - (1-77)
q ni

With VGS > VTH, a conducting channel exists and the drain current ID increases with
increasing drain voltage VDS • As VDS is increased, the potential in the channel
increases, being largest at the drain end of the channel. When VDS = V GS - VTH , the
voltage across the gate oxide at the drain (VGD = VGS - VDS ) is no longer large enough
to create the n-type inversion layer and the channel is pinched off at that point.
This value of drain voltage, denoted VDsab is given by

VDsat = VGS - VTH (1-78)

and the corresponding drain current, denoted I Dsab is given by

ILnChx W 2
VDsat = 2L (VGS - VTH ) (1-79)

where ILn is the electron mobility in the channel, and Wand L are the channel
width and length dimensions, respectively (as illustrated in Fig. 1-33).
For values of V DS less than VDsab the drain current is well approximated by

ID =
ILnChx W (
L VGS - VTH - 2"1)
DS DS (1-80)

for VDS < VGS - VTH and describes operation in the triode region [11]. Note that the
drain current is proportional to the channel width - channel length ratio W IL;
this is analogous to the variation in collector current with emitter area AE in a
bipolar transistor.
For VDS larger than VDsab the device is operating in the saturation region and the
current is given by


for VDS 2:: VGS - VTH • In Eq. (1-81) we have included the channel-length modulation
parameter A, which models the narrowing of the inversion channel length as VDS
is increased beyond VDsat • Figure 1-34 illustrates the I-V characteristics for an
n-channel MOSFET. In a p-channel MOSFET, VTH is negative (positive for a
depletion-mode device), VGS and VDS are negative, and current flows out of the drain.
Figure 1-35 illustrates the circuit symbols and sign conventions for n-channel
and p-channel MOSFETs.
38 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices



I Dsat _ I V GS



Figure 1-34 I - V characteristics of an n-channel MOSFET. Actual devices show

a finite output conductance in the saturation region, characterized by the channel-
length modulation parameter A.

G o-:-i

n-channel p-channel

+ +

n-channel p-channel

Figure 1-35 Circuit symbols and sign conventions for n-channel and p-channel
MOS transistors. (a) Normal symbols for body connected to source. (b) Symbols
for separate body connection.
1.4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 39

In the SPICE simulation program, the drain current is modeled as

(VGS - VTH - ~2 VDS) VDS (1 + X- VDS ) for VGS - VTH > VDS > 0
ID =
KP W 2
2 L-2X (VGS-VTH) (1 +X-VDS) for VDS2::VGS-VTH>0
]I (1-82)

KP is the transconductance parameter and is equal to f.1n Cbx. XjI is the distance by
which the gate electrode overlaps the source and drain regions (2Xjl = LG - L in
Fig. 1-33), and L is the gate length (labeled LG in Fig. 1-33). The threshold voltage
VTH is modeled after Eq. (1-74) using the zero-bias threshold voltage parameter V ro
and the body-effect parameter"y. Alternately, in place of"y, the channel mobility
f.1n (f.1p for the p-channel), oxide thickness tax, and channel doping concentration N A
(N D for the p-channel) may be used as model parameters.

EXAMPLE. An NMOS transistor is to be used as a "linear resistor" (Fig. 1-36).

Find the gate bias Vbias to give a maximum nonlinearity in the resistance charac-
teristic of 5% at VD = 1 Y and determine the resulting resistance value. The
transistor parameters are VTH = 2 Y and f.1n Cbx W IL = 100 f.1A/y2.
ill a region where VDS is small relative to VGS - VTH , the ID - VDS characteristic is nearly
linear, given approximately from Eq. (1-80) as

Linearity will be characterized by the fractional deviation in current between the

ideal resistance characteristic and the actual drain current at V D = 1 Y, as illus-
trated in Fig. 1-36. This gives

f.1n C oxL
I W(
Vbias - VTH - 21 VD ) V D

Solving for the required gate bias yields

Vbias = 10.5 + VTH = 12.5 V

and the corresponding resistance is

R=-------- 1 = 952D
(100 X 10 6 AN2) (10.5 Y)
40 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

61 0 ideal R


(a) (b)
Figure 1-36 (a) Linear resistor example. (b) Ideal versus actual characteristic.

MOSFET Capacitance
There are numerous capacitances associated with the MOSFET structure; the
origin of these capacitances is illustrated in Fig. 1-37. The total gate-to-source
capacitance CGS is comprised of
CGS = C~s + cgs (1-83)
where C~s is the gate-oxide capacitance associated with the source region of the
intrinsic transistor structure and is modeled as [12]

C~x WL{I _ [ VGS - VTH - VDS ]2} triode region

2 I
3CoxWL saturation region

s D


Figure 1-37 Origin of principal capacitances associated with a MOSFET.
1.4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 41

cgs is the parasitic capacitance resulting from the overlap of the gate and source
and is given by
In SPICE, the gate-to-source per unit-length capacitance C GSO is used, so
CGSO = C~xL (1-87)
The total gate-to-drain capacitance CGD is comprised of
C GD = C~D + cgD (1-88)

where C~D is the gate-oxide capacitance associated with the drain region of the
intrinsic transistor structure and is modeled as [12]

' W'T{l
C ox L - [ V GS - VTH
2 (VGS - V TH ) - V DS
]2}.tnode regIOn
C1GD- (1-89)
= 0 saturation region

cgD is the parasitic capacitance resulting from the overlap of the gate and drain
and is given as
In SPICE, the gate-to-source per unit-length capacitance C GDO parameter is used,
C SB and C DB represent the pn junction capacitances formed between the source and
body (substrate), and the drain and body regions, respectively. They can be
modeled as



C (V ) - CDB(O) (1-94)
DB DB - (1 + VDB/<pi)l!2
where C SB (0) and C DB (0) are the zero-bias capacitances of the source-body and
drain-body pn junctions, respectively.
42 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

Included in the SPICE model is the capacitance between the gate and body
formed by the overlap of the gate oxide beyond the intrinsic region in the width
(W) dimension. This parasitic capacitance is modeled as

COB = COBoL ( 1-95)

where CaBo is the gate-body (substrate) overlap (beyond W) capacitance per unit
length. This capacitance is normally quite small compared to the other parasitic
capacitances and is neglected here.

Small-Signal Model of the MOSFET

Figure 1-38 shows the small-signal equivalent circuit for a MOSFET operating
either in the triode or saturation region. The transconductance is found from Eqs.
(1-80) and (1-81):
for V DS < Vas - VTH

for V DS 2: Vas - VTH

( 1-96)
In the saturation region, the transconductance can be expressed in terms of
the drain current as

gm=---- ( 1-97)
Vas - V TH
where we have made use of Eq. (1-81) and assumed that A V DS « 1. Note that the
transconductance is proportional to the square root of the drain current; contrast

i 9 ----+ C GD +- i d

+ d
CGS v1


CS B 1=
Figure 1-38 Small-signal equivalent circuit for a MOSFET.
1.4 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor 43

this with the bipolar transistor in which g m is linearly proportional to the collector
current-see Eq. (1-37).
The small-signal output resistance is determined from Eqs. (1-80) and (1-81):

for V DS 2': Vos - V TH

The values of Cos COD, CSB , and C DB are determined from Eqs. (1-83), (1-88), (1-93)
and (1-94), respectively, evaluated at the dc operating point.

Transistor Cutoff Frequency

The unity-gain cutoff frequency iT for the MOSFET is similar to that for the

f T-- gm (1-99)
271" (Cos + COD)
Using Eq. (1-96) for gm in the saturation region (and assuming AVDS < l),fT can be
expressed as

f T-- (1 X)
/-Ln (Vos - VTH)
forVDS2':VOS-VTH (1-100)
471"L2 3 + {I
where Eqs. (1-83) - (1-85) and Eqs. (1-88) - (1-90) have been used for the
capacitances Cos and COD' Equation (1-100) indicates that the high-frequency be-
havior of a MOSFET varies as the square of the channel length L; a fabrication
process that reduces the channel length has a significant effect on device, and
hence circuit speed.
EXAMPLE. A MOSFET with a channel length L of 3 /-Lm has a unity-gain
cutoff frequency iT of 800 MHz. A new fabrication process allows the channel
length to be reduced to 2 /-Lm. Determine the new cutoff frequency, assuming
that X jl remains at 1 /-Lm.
From Eq. (1-100)

1 31 )
(3/-L m ) 2 ( 3+

2( 1 1)
3 +2
= 1.8

iT= (1.8) (800 MHz) = 1.44GHz
44 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices


For all problems assume room temperature, kT/q = 26mV.

1.1 (a) Using the Ebers - Moll model for a transistor operating in the saturation
region, show that

1 1 Ie
VCE(sat) = - I n
q lIe
(b) What is VCE(sat) for Ie~O?
(c) At a constant base current IB, what is Ie for VCE(sat) ~ O?

1.2 Determine the elements of the common-emitter small-signal equivalent

circuit of a bipolar transistor used in a circuit with VBE = 0.75 V and
VCE = 2.5 V. The transistor has the following parameters: Is = 2 X 10 -16 A,
I3F = 75, VA = 100V,TF = 20ps, CjdO) =O.l5pF, and CjcCO) = 0.2pF. Assume
that the value of CjE at 0.75 V forward bias is twice its zero-bias value. Take
eVc = 0.7 V and me = ~.

1.3 For the transistor in Problem 1.2, determine and sketch a plot (using log
scales) of the magnitude of the common-emitter small-signal current gain
as a function of frequency from 1 MHz to 10 GHz.

1.4 Using the common-base small-signal equivalent circuit (Fig. 1-12), find
the frequency w" at which the short-circuit common-base current gain
(Ui e ) (jw) is down by 3 dB from the low-frequency value UF. Neglect the
output resistance roo

1.5 Figure 1-39 illustrates two ways of implementing a two-diode string using
npn transistors. Derive the forward-bias I-V characteristic for the two
configurations, assuming identical transistors and that 13 F ~ 1. At a constant
forward-bias current, which diode string has the largest voltage drop V?

1.6 An n-channel JFET has the following data, measured in saturation:

ID(Vos = - 2 V, V DS = 5 V) = 275 fLA

I D (Vas =- 2 V, VDS = 10 V) = 300 fLA

ID(Vos = 0, V DS = 10 V) = 1.2 fLA.

Determine the parameters V p, I DSS and }" for the JFET.

1.7 Repeat the example given in Fig. 1-26 for RD = 15 kO.

Problems 45

v v

(a) (b)

Figure 1-39 Two-diode interconnections for Problem 1.5.

1.8 Show that the transconductance of a JFET in saturation is proportional to

the square root of I D.
1.9 Determine I D and Vo in the circuit of Fig. 1-40. The JFET parameters are
V p = - 4 V, I Dss = 2 rnA, and)" = O.

Voo (+10 V)

Vi n =1 V
(3 kU)

Figure 1-40 Circuit for Problem 1.9.

1.10 A p-channel JFET is to be used as a "pinched resistor" in an integrated

circuit. In this application, the gate and source of the JFET are connected
together and the device functions as a two-terminal nonlinear resistive
element. (a) Use Eq. (1-61) to derive the resistance RD as a function of VDS •
(b) Using I Dss = 500 /JoA and Vp = 4 V, determine and sketch a plot of RD
versus VDS for VDS ranging from 0 to - 5 V. What is the range of VDS such that
the nonlinearity in resistance does not exceed 10%?

1.11 Determine ID and Vo in the circuit of Fig. 1-41. The MOSFET parameters
are/JopCbxW1L=200/JoAN2, VTH = -2V,and)"= -0.02V- I .
46 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

Voo (+5 V)

(6 kO)

V S S(-5 V)

Figure 1-41 Circuit for Problem 1.11.

1.12 An n-channel MOSFET has the following parameters: W = 12 f..Lm,

L = 1.51Jlll, Xj / = 0.51JIll, C~x = 5 X 10 - 8 F /cm2, VTH = 1 V, A = 0.04 V - I, and
CDB(O) = 0.1 pF.

Determine and sketch the small-signal equivalent circuit for this transistor
used in a circuit with VGS = 2.5 V, V DS = 3V, and VSB =0. Take f..Ln = 6OOcm2 /
V-s and <l>i = 0.8 V.
1.13 A useful figure-of-merit for a transistor which relates its gain and bias
current is the transconductance/current ratio gmlI. (a) Determine this fig-
ure-of-merit for a bipolar transistor (operating in the forward-active re-
gion) gmlIc and for a MOSFET (operating in the saturation region) gmlID.
Compare the two at room temperature, taking VGS - VTH = 1 V for the MOS-
FET. (b) An n-channel MOSFET is to be designed to give the same
transconductance as a BJT, both operating at a current of 1 rnA. Deter-
mine the channel width W required to achieve this transconductance; the
fabrication process gives L = 1.5 f..Lm and tox = 6Onm. Take f..Ln = 6OOcm 2 N-
s and Eox = 3.45 X 10 - 13 Flcm. Is this a realistic size for a modem integrated-
circuit device?
1.14 Determine the I-V characteristic for each of the two MOSFET "diode"
connections illustrated in Fig. 1-42. The two NMOS transistors in Fig.
1-42(a) are identical and both the NMOS and PMOS transistors are
enhancement mode devices. Use J3n = f..Ln C~x Wn/Ln and VTH to represent the
NMOS transistors, and J3p = f..LpC~x Wp /Lp and VTp = VTH to represent the PMOS
transistor. For each ot the two configurations sketch the I-V characteristic
for V>O.

1.15 The induced charge per unit area in the channel of a MOSFET is given by
QCH (x) = C~x [VGS - VTH - V(x)]
where V(x) is the channel potential equal to zero at the source end (x = 0)
References 47

(a) (b)

Figure 1-42 (a) Series NMOS and (b) series PMOS and NMOS for Problem 1.14.

and equal to V DS at the drain end (x = L). The channel potential as a

function of position is related to ID and Q~H as

dV= ID dx

The total charge stored in the channel is

QCH = W LL Q~H (x) dx


C~S = dQcH
show that the gate-to-source capacitance in saturation given in Eq. (1-84)
Hint: In saturation, take V DS = VGS - VTH and use Eq. (1-79) for I D•


I. J.J Ebers and J.L. Moll, "Large-Signal Behavior of Junction Transistors," Proc. IRE,42, 1761
2. R.S. Muller and T.!. Kamins, Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, 2nd ed., Wiley, New
York, 1986.
3. P. Antognetti and G. Massobrio (eds.), Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1988.
48 Chapter 1 - Models for Integrated-Circuit Devices

4. L.W. Nagel, "SPICE2: A Computer Program to Simulate Semiconductor Circuits," Electronics

Research Laboratory Report No. ERL-M520, University of California, Berkeley, 1975.
5. J.M. Early, "Effects of Space-Charge Layer Widening in Junction Transistors," Proc. IRE,4O,
1401 (1952).
6. C.T. Kirk, "A Theory of Transistor Cut-Off Frequency (f,) Falloff at High Currents," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, ED-9, 164-174 (1962).
7. H.C. Lin, "Diode Operation of a Transistor in Functional Blocks," IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices, ED-JO, 189--194 (1963).
8. P.R. Gray and R.G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed., Wiley,
New York, 1993, Chap. I.
9. R.D. Middlebrook and I. Richer, "Limits on the Power-Law Exponent for Field-Effect Transis-
tor Transfer Characteristics," Solid-State Electron., 6, 542-544 (1963).
10. L.K. Nanver and E.1.G. Goudena, "Design Considerations for Integrated High-Frequency
p-Channel JFET's," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-35, 1924-1933 (1988).
II. D.K. Ferry, L.A. Akers, and E.W. Greeneich, Ultra Large Scale Integrated Microelectronics,
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988, Chap. 2.
12. J.E. Meyer, "MOS Models and Circuit Simulation," RCA Rev., 32 (1971).
Chapter 2

Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

A typical analog integrated circuit is composed of several pieces of circuitry,

each of which performs a specific circuit function contributing to the overall
operation of the circuit. These basic circuit building blocks are common to a
large variety of analog circuits and it is convenient to consider them individually.
Figure 2-1 shows a two-stage operational amplifier circuit COp-Amp) and illus-
trates the individual building blocks that make up the circuit.
In this chapter, many of the circuit blocks commonly found in analog integ-
rated circuits are discussed: current sources, dc level-shift stages, gain stages,
and output stages.

reference current mirror gain stage output stage
,-------., t-----------~ -------, ... -------.


• out

current sources •

,, .________________ ~------~---L----. :•
-------, ,-------, ~-------.
Figure 2-1 A two-stage operational amplifier circuit illustrating its component
circuit blocks.

50 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

I ref + I ref +
I D1 t

(a) (b)
Figure 2-2 Basic current mirror (a) using BJTs and (b) using MOSFETs.

2.1 Current Sources

Current sources provide currents that are relatively constant and independent of
device parameters and voltage; they can also be made relatively independent of
temperature and power-supply variations as well. In analog circuits, current
sources are used for dc biasing and as load elements in amplifier stages. In a
current-source circuit, a reference current in one branch is reproduced or mir-
rored in another branch; hence, these circuits are also called current mirrors.

Basic Current Mirror

Figure 2-2(a) shows the basic current mirror fashioned with bipolar transistors.
In the circuit, both transistors have the same base-emitter voltage. Thus, if the
transistors are identical and the output transistor Q2 is operating in the forward-
active region, then the collector currents of the two transistors will be equal
(neglecting Early effect) and the output current 12 will be approximately equal to
the reference current I ref • For each transistor, operating in forward active, we have
from Eq. (1-36)

The transistor saturation current Is is proportional to emitter area [see Eq. (1-7)].
In an integrated-circuit process, the two transistors (and others) are fabricated
simultaneously and, hence, will have identical values of Is, except as scaled by
their respective emitter areas (designer specified); they will also have other
closely matched device parameters, such as current gain ~F and Early voltage VA'
In the current mirror, we have for QI and Q2 at equal VBE ,
lei IC2
A 1 (1 + VBEIVA ) A 2 (l + VCE2 IVA )
2.1 Current Sources 51

"constant" current "constant" current

region region

-t-~-------- .. VCE2 of---........JI------. . V OS2

VCE(Sat) VOS(sat)

(a) (b)
Figure 2-3 Output current characteristics of (a) the BJT current and (b) the
MOSFET current mirror of Fig. 2-1.

where Al and Az are the emitter areas of QI and Qz, respectively. In the circuit,

which used in Eq. (2-2) gives for the output of the current source

Az ( 1 ) ( 1 + VCEZ IVA) (2-4)

Iz = A;/ref 1 ( Az) 1 + VBE IVA
1 +- 1 +-
I3F Al
If I3F» 1 and VA» VCE, then Eq. (2-4) reduces to
IZ=A;/ref (2-5)

The output characteristic of the basic BJT current mirror are illustrated in Fig.
EXAMPLE. Find the output current at Va = lOV of the simple current source
shown in Fig. 2-4. Except for emitter areas, the transistors are identical with
I3F=100 and VA=50V. Az=&AI. Take VBE =VBE(on)=O.7V. Repeat the
calculation if base current and the Early effect are neglected.
From the circuit,

1 - Vcc - VBE(on) = 15V - O.7V = 1.43mA

ref - R lOkfl
52 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Vee (+ 15 V)

I ref ..

Figure 2-4 Simple current-source example.

U<ing~, ~-t;L43mA)( 1 (~)(1 ±) )u: ~~~~~) ~ 834~A

+ +

Neglecting IB and VA,

A2 1
12 = ~ lref = 2" (1.43 rnA) = 715 f.LA

EXERCISE. In the above example, determine the actual base-emitter voltage

VBE • Take lSI = 5 X 10 -16 A at room temperature. What is the value of I ref at
the actual value of VBP (Ans: V BE = 0.745 V,Ifef = 1.426 rnA)
Multiple current sources may be fashioned using a single reference, such as
illustrated in Fig. 2-5. The output current of an individual source (neglecting
base current and Early effect) is given as
1=-1 I f
1 A I fe

where j = 2, 3, ... , N,


I ref ..

Figure 2-5 Multiple current sources using a single reference.

2.1 Current Sources 53

This technique is commonly used in analog circuits where several bias cur-
rents are required-see Fig. 2-1 for example. As additional current-source tran-
sistors are added, however, additional base current must be supplied by the
reference current, which detracts from the reference transistor's collector current
[Cl. This can lead to significant error, especially for low-beta transistors. The use
of base-current compensation-to be discussed later in this section--can reduce
this error.
For the MOS version of the current mirror [Fig. 2-2(b)], the drain current in
saturation is given by Eq. (1-81):


Here, [ref = [Dl, which when combined with Eq. (2-7), yields

[ - (WIL)z [ (1 + x'VDS2) (2-8)

2 - (WIL) I ref 1 + X,Vas

In the MOS current mirror, the output current scales with the channel width-
to-channel length ratios W IL of the transistors. Normally, the channel length L
is fixed for a given fabrication process and the channel width dimension W is

EXAMPLE. Determine the output current at Vo = 5 V for the current source

given in Fig. 2-6. The transistors have the following parameters: J.1n C~x =
20J.1AIV2, VTH = 1 V, X,= O.02V- I , (WIL)I = 10, and (WIL)z= 15.

From the circuit,

[ _ V DD - Vas
ref - R

V DD (+ 15 V)

Figure 2-6 MOS current-source example.

54 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

The gate-to-source voltage is found using Eq.(l-79):

v: -
GS -
+ j 2/ref

which combined with the previous equation yields a quadratic equation in I ref :

2 [2(VDD- VTH) 2 ] (VDD- VTH)2 0

I ref - R + fJ..n C~x (WIL) I R2 I ref + R =

Substituting for the device and circuit parameters gives

l~f-1.9114/ref+0.8711 =0
which yields
lref = 0.750 rnA
The corresponding gate-to-source voltage is

VGS = I Y + (2)(0.75 rnA) = 3.74 Y

(0.02 rnA Iy2) (10)
Using Eq. (2-7),

15 ( 1 + (0.02) (5) )
12 = 10 (0.750 rnA) I + (0.02)(3.74) = 1.15 rnA

Base-Current Compensated Current Mirror

A primary source of error in the basic current mirror of Fig. 2-2(a) arises from
the finite base currents, which results in ICI differing from Iref-by a factor of
[1 + (1 + A2 IA I) 113 F]' In high-beta transistors (say 100 or greater), this difference
is small; however, with smaller gain devices (such as with lateral pnp transis-
tors), the difference can be significant. The base-current error can be reduced
by adding current gain to the reference transistor Q I, as illustrated in Fig. 2-7.
The difference between I ref and I CI is now equal to the base current of Q3, which is
less than IBI + I B2 • Assuming identical transistors, except for emitter areas, we have
h3 IBI IB2
I ref = ICl + IB3 = ICI + - - - = ICI + - - - + - - - (2-9)
I3F+ 1 I3F+ 1 I3F+ 1
With Ie = I3FIB and, neglecting the Early effect, IC2 = (A 2IA I)/Ch this leads to

I =1 [ 1+ I3F(I3F
1 (1+ -
A2)] (2-10)
ref CI + 1) Al

giving a factor of I3F + I improvement in the base-current error.

2.1 Current Sources 55

I ref +

Figure 2-7 Base-current compensated current mirror.

The collector currents of the reference and output transistors scale as


which combined with Eq. (2-9) gives

1 ~~ Iref(
2 =
1+ 2
( A'))(:::~::~~)

For a reasonably large value of beta, the base-current terms can be neglected,


Cascode Current Source

A second source of error in current sources arises from the finite output resis-
tance of the current-source transistors, which results in a variation in output
current with voltage, as depicted in Fig. 2-3; this variation in current with
voltage is characterized by the effective output resistance of the current source
Ro. In the simple current source using the basic current mirror, this output
resistance is simply the output resistance ro of the transistors. Several modifica-
tions to the basic current mirror can provide current sources with increased
output resistance; one example is the cascade current source, illustrated in Fig.
2-8 for bipolar transistors. In this circuit, Q3 and Q4 form a basic current mirror,
and a second mirror stage consisting of QI and Q2 is added in series. In this
connection, Q2 and Q4 form a common-base : common-emmiter cascode pair;
56 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


I ref t

Figure 2-8 Cascode current source.

diode-connected QI provides a VBE level shift to ensure that Q4 remains in the

foward-active region.
With reference to Fig. 2-8, assuming identical transistors,
I ref
ICI =---- (2-14)
1 + 2/f3F
and, neglecting the Early effect,

IC3 = hi - I (2-15)
1 + 2/f3F - C4



leads to
1 1
I - I - I (2-17)
2 - ref 4 ( 1 ) - ref 1 + 4/f3F
1 +- 1 +-
f3F f3F
which shows a factor-of-2 improvement in beta sensitivity over the simple
current source.
The output resistance Ro of the cascode current source is calculated from its
small-signal equivalent circuit, shown in Fig. 2-9. In this calculation, a small-
signal test current ix is applied to the output port of the current source and the
2.1 Current Sources 57

r e1
r02 +

,+ test current


r e3 r04

Figure 2-9 Small-signal equivalent circuit of the cascode current source for cal-
culating output resistance.

resulting response Vx is measured; the ratio of the two vx/i x then gives RD.' With
reference to Fig. 2-9, several points are worthy of note: The current in r04 is small
relative to the current gm4 V4 and, because r04 is not connected to the output, will be
neglected; the reference current resistance R is usually much larger than the
emitter resistance re and will be neglected; r ,,4, which is in parallel with re3' is the
larger of the two by a factor of [3 F + 1 and can be neglected; all four collector
currents are approximately equal; thus, reI = re3, both denoted reo and gm2 = gm4, both
denoted gm. With these approximations, the simplified equivalent circuit in Fig.
2-10 results.

Figure 2-10 Simplified circuit of Fig. 2-9.

• An equally valid method is to use a test voltage Vx and measure the response current i x•
58 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Summing the currents at the node connecting the emitter of Q2 and the
collector of Q4 gives

ix =gm V4+ v
r", ~F

where in the second expression we have assumed r'" ~ 2re.

The current in ro2 is ix - gm V2, giving
Vx = (ix - gm V2) ro2 + v (2-19)
Because r", = ~Fr" V4 = - v2/~F and V2 =- v. This, combined with Eqs. (2-18)
and (2-19) gives


The last term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2-20) is r ",/2, which is much smaller
than ~ F r 02 12, and is neglected; also ~ F 12 ~ 1, yielding
Vx ~F
R =-=-r2 (2-21)
o ix 2 0

The output resistance of the cascode current source is thus a factor of ~F12
greater than that of the simple current source.

Wilson Current Source

Another current source that achieves a high output resistance is the Wilson
current source [1], illustrated in Fig. 2-11. In this configuration, the diode-
connected reference transistor Q3 operates as a negative feedback element in the

I ref.
IC1 t

Figure 2-11 Wilson current source.

2.1 Current Sources 59

output circuit of the source, which tends to stabilize the output current 12 to lref.
To see this, suppose that the output voltage of the source is raised, causing 12 to
increase; this, in turn, increases la and thereby V BE3 , causing ICI to increase. This
increase in ICI subtracts from I ref, causing 1m to decrease, thereby decreasing
la. The output current thus remains nearly constant, giving a high output resis-
tance. A small-signal analysis of the circuit gives an output resistance of

I3F (2-22)
R o " = '2- r 2

similar to the result obtained for the cascode current source.

The Wilson current source also has low-beta sensitivity. From the circuit,
which shows a high degree of base-current cancellation. A detailed analysis,
assuming identical transistors and taking VA = 00, gives

12 = lref( 1 - 13~ + 2213F + 2) =/ref( 1 -~) (2-24)

for I3F~ 1. This gives a factor-of-I3F improvement over the basic current source.
EXAMPLE. Determine the current and output resistance of the Wilson current
source of Fig. 2-11 with Vee = 18 V and R = 10 kil. The transistors are identical
with I3F = 100 and VA = 75 V. Take VBE(on) = 0.7 V.
The reference current is

I - Vee - 2VBE(on) 18V - (2)(0.7 V) = 1.660mA

ref- R 10kil
Using Eq. (2-24),
12 = (1.66mA)[1 - 2/(100)2] = 1.6597mA
Using Eq. (1-40),
VA 75V
ro2 = la = 1.6597mA
= 45.19kil

Ro = 1~0 (45.19kil) = 2.26 Mil

In the Wilson current source of Fig. 2-11, VeE! = 2VBE , whereas VCE3 = VBE;
this difference in collector-emitter voltages gives a slight mismatch in collector
currents due to the finite output resistance of the transistors. The two collector
voltages can be equalized by adding a diode-connected transistor in the reference
60 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


I ref +

Figure 2-12 Improved Wilson current source. With this circuit, V CEI = V CE3. so a pre-
cise match between I C1 and I C3 is obtained.

side of the current source, as illustrated in Fig. 2-12. With this arrangement, leI and
IC3 are made equal and, neglecting the output resistance ofQ2, 12 is exactly equal to l ref •
Both versions of the Wilson current source can be implemented in MOS
technology as well; Fig. 2-13(a) illustrates an NMOS Wilson current mirror and
Fig. 2-13(b) illustrates the improved current mirror with NMOS transistors. A
small-signal analysis of either circuit gives for the output resistance


For identical transistors, this reduces to Ro = (2 + gml ral) r o2'

I ref + I ref +

(a) (b)
Figure 2-13 (a) NMOS Wilson current mirror. (b) Improved Wilson current
mirror using NMOS •.
2.1 Current Sources 61

One drawback to the MOS Wilson current source is the minimum output
voltage required to keep both M2 and M3 operating in the saturation region; for
identical transistors, this minimum voltage is equal to 2Vos - VTH • In some
applications, this can severely limit the dynamic range of the current source,
especially with low power-supply voltages.

Resistor-Ratioed Current Source

An additional method by which currents can be scaled is to place resistors in

the emitter legs of the basic current source; such an arrangement, illustrated
in Fig. 2-14, is called a resistor-ratioed current source. The voltage dropped
across each of the resistors leads to differing base-emitter voltages for the
transistors and, hence, differing collector currents. With reference to Fig. 2-14,
summing the voltages around the base-emitter loop, neglecting base currents,


where, assuming VA = 00,

kT (/CI2)
VBEI •2 = -In --' (2-27)
q I SI ,2

Substituting Eq. (2-27) into Eq. (2-26) and rearranging leads to

1 =~I [ 1 + q AI 12
lref) 1
2 R 2 ref ref I

I ref t

Figure 2-14 Resistor-ratioed current source.

62 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

• ix

Figure 2-15 Circuit for calculation of output resistance.

The reference current is determined from

Vee - V BE ,
/ref=---- (2-29)
R ref + R,
If the voltage drop across R, is made large-say, on the order of VBE-then the
second term inside the square brackets of Eq. (2-28) is negligibly small relative
to the first term and the currents become related by the ratio of the two resistor


which, to first order, is independent of temperature. Also, if Q, and Q2 are

scaled such that A 2 IA, = /21/ref, then the logarithmic term is zero and Eq. (2-30)
The resistor R2 in the emitter of Q2 provides negative feedback and thereby
raises the output resistance of the current source. The small-signal equivalent
circuit for calculating the output resistance is shown in Fig. 2-15. Summing
the currents at the emitter node of Q2 gives
v v
ix = - +-------- (2-31)
R2 (re' + R ,)IIRref + r-rr2
where (re' + R,)IIR ref denotes the parallel combination of resistances ret + R,
and R ref• Assuming that the ratio of the two currents /2 and /ref are within a factor
of 10 or so, then rei is small relative to r-rr2 and can be neglected in Eq. (2-31).
This gives



2.1 Current Sources 63

Summing the voltages around the output loop gives



If I3Fro2 ~ (RdlRref + r",2), then the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2-35)
is negligibly small, yielding

Ro = (1 + I3FR2
RI11Rref R2 + r",2
) ro2 (2-36)

EXAMPLE. Find the output current and output resistance of the resistor-
ratioed current source of Fig. 2-14 with Vee = 10 V, R I = 1 kil, R2 = 4 kil, and
Rref = lOkil. Take for the transistors, I3F = 100, VA = 75 V, lSI = 5 X 10 -16 A,
IS2 = 2.5 X 10 -16 A, and AI = 2A 2 •

Equation (2-28) is transcendental and will be solved iteratively for 12 , lref is

not known until VBEI is determined; VBEI will be assumed initially to be equal to
0.7 V and this value will be used to determine an initial value for l ref , which,
in tum, is used in Eq. (2-28) to determine an initial value for 12 ; from this
value, an updated value for VBEI is determined and the procedure is repeated until
a converged solution is obtained. Fortunately, the non linearity in Eq. (2-8) is
logarithmic and so two or three iterations are usually sufficient to achieve a
converged solution of adequate accuracy. Using Eq. (2-29),
l ref = 10kil + 1 kil = 0.8455 rnA

which, used in Eq. (2-28), gives an initial value for 12 of 215.7 jJ.A. Using this
value in Eq. (2-27), gives
215.7X 10-6)
VBE2 = 0.0261n ( 16 V = 0.715 V
2.5 X 10
which is used in Eq. (2-26) to obtain an updated value for VBEI :
VBE1 = VBE2 + 12R2 - IrefR I = 0.715 V + (0.2157 rnA) (4kil) - (0.8455 rnA) (1 kil)
This value is used in Eq. (2-29) to obtain a new value for lref of 0.8425 rnA. A
second iteration cycle is sufficient, giving the final values:
lref = 0.8426 rnA, 12 = 215.0jJ.A
VBE1 = 0.732 V, VBE2 = 0.714 V
64 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

The ratio of 12 to I rer is

~ = 0.2150mA = 0.2552
I rer 0.8426 rnA
which is close to the value of 0.25 predicted by Eq. (2-30).
For the output resistance,
VA2 75 V
ro2 =- = = 348.8 kfl
12 0.215mA

r 2=
7r I3F = 100 = 12.1 kfl
gm2 0.215 rnA 10.026 V
which, combined in Eq. (2-36), gives

R = (1 + (lOO)(4kfl) ) (348.8 kfl) = 8.55Mfl

o (10 kflll(l kfl) + 4 kfl + 12.1 kfl

Wid/ar Current Source

Figure 2-16 shows a special case of the resistor-ratioed current source in which
the resistor in the emitter leg of QI is omitted. This configuration, called the
Widlar current source [2], is useful in providing very low output currents, but
without a commensurately low reference current, which would require a large
(and therefore impractical) reference resistance. Setting R I equal to zero in Eq.
(2-28) gives for the output current of the Widlar current source;

12 = kT In (~ lrer) (2-37)
qR 2 AI 12


I ref.

Figure 2-16 Widlar current source.

2.2 DC Level-Shift Stages 65


I - Vee - V BEI
ref - R (2-38)

Likewise, setting R I = 0 in the anaiysis previously carried out for the resistor-
ratioed current source gives for the output resistance of the Widlar current

R a -- (1 + I3FR2 .) ra2 ~
( 1
+ gm2 R 2 ) ra2 (2-39)
reI IIR ref + R2 + r,,2 1 + gm2R2/13F
where in the second equation we have neglected rei in comparison with r,,2 and
assumed that I3 F::'P 1. Further, if gm2R2 ~ I3F, then

2.2 DC Level-Shift Stages

In integrated circuits, large-value capacitors are impractical, and as a result,

successive stages in a circuit are dc coupled. DC level-shift stages are used to
provide voltage-level compatibility between the output of one stage and the
input of the next stage to which it is connected. There are a variety of
techniques available to accomplish the required level shift; some of the more
commonly used ones are discussed briefly in this section.

VSE Voltage Shift Stages

The base-emitter voltage of a forward-biased bipolar transistor can provide a

convenient, well-controlled voltage-level shift. Figure 2-17 illustrates some
commonly used level-shift stages based on the V BE drop. In Fig. 2-17(a), an
emitter follower stage provides a single VBE-Ievel shift:

=-In - (10) (2-42)
q lSI

An added benefit of this stage is the relatively high input resistance provided
by the emitter follower which reduces the loading at the output of the previous
stage to which it connects; most level-shift stages employ an emitter follower
(or source follower with MOS transistors) buffer as part of the level-shift
66 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Vee Vee Vee



Figure 2-17 DC level-shift stages using the base-emitter voltage drop: (a) single
VBE emitter follower; (b) multiple VBE diode string; (c) VBE multiplier.

Multiple diode-connected transistors can be used to provide level shifts

larger than V BE• In Fig. 2-17(b),
where it is assumed that the n diode-connected transistors are idential to the
emitter follower transistor QJ. As each diode requires a separate isolation region
in its fabrication, the diode string level-shift circuit can require sizable chip
area if several diodes are used. Additionally, a silicon pn junction shows a
negative voltage-temperature coefficient of about 2 mV per degree Kelvin; the
diode string will have an overall temperature coefficient of approximately
2 (n + 1) m V10 K, which can represent a significant temperature dependence if
many diodes are used.
An alternative to multiple series diodes is the VBE multiplier stage, illustrated
in Fig. 2-17(c). The current in R2 is equal to VBE2 1R2 and, neglecting base current,
is the same current in R j, giving
If the currents in RJ and R2 are small relative to la, then VBEJ = V BE2 , giving
for the level shift.
2.2 DC Level-Shift Stages 67


Figure 2-18 Level-shift stage using cascade emitter follower.

Cascade Emitter Follower Level-Shift Stage

Figure 2-18 shows a level-shift stage comprised of two emitter followers

connected in cascade. From the circuit, neglecting base currents,
If the output is connected to a high-impedance point, then the emitter current
of Q2 will be low, causing Q2 to operate in a region where it exhibits low
current gain I3F. A resistance (R 2 ) connected in the emitter leg of Q2 will raise
its emitter current; choosing a value of R2 to give h2 = 10 produces VSEI = VSE2 and,
for identical transitors, yields
V2 = VI - 2VSE - 10RI (2-47)

kT (/0)
VSE=-ln - (2-48)
q Is
Composite npn-pnp Level-Shift Stage

Both npn and pnp transistors can be combined to form level-shift circuits [3].
Figure 2-19 shows a commonly used stage. With approximately equal base-
emitter voltages for QI and Q2, the voltage at node a is equal to VI> and the
current in R I is (Vee - VI) IR I, which equals leI + I E2; neglecting base currents,
leI = 10 and h2 = 12. The level-shifted voltage Vz is equal to 12R z, which yields
V2 = -(Vee - VI) - loR2 (2-49)
68 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


Figure 2-19 Level-shift stage using composite npn-pnp.

This level-shift stage has a non unity voltage gain (A v = - R2 IR I) unless R I and
R2 are made equal. If R2 is eliminated, the circuit becomes a voltage-controlled
current source with


MOS Level-Shift Stages

Figure 2-20 shows two commonly used level-shift stages using NMOS tran-
sistors. Transistor M I operates as a source follower and M2 provides the bias
current. The level shift is equal to Vas" and as long as V I :5 (VDD + VTH ), M,
operates in the saturation region. Using Eq. (1-81), neglecting channel-length
modulation (X. = 0), we have for the circuit of Fig. 2-20(a):

1+ 1+
For (WIL)z« (WIL)" the radical terms in Eq. (2-51) are negligible and the
level shift is approximately
V 2 = VI - VTH (2-52)
For the special case in which (WIL), = (WILh, the circuit functions as a voltage
divider with

2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 69

Voo Voo

(a) (b)
Figure 2-20 NMOS source follower level-shift stages.

In the circuit of Fig. 2-20(b), M2 is in saturation provided

Vbias ::; -~r==== + -~r====- VTH (2-54)
(WIL) \ (WIL) \
and the level shift is

V2 = V\ - (1- (WILh
(WIL) \
---'---- Vbias
(WIL) \

For (W IL)\ = (W ILh,


2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages

Single transistors, combined with either resistive or active loads, produce the
simplest circuits which can provide useful amplification in analog circuits.
Although more complex circuits can provide improved characteristics, these
basic single-transistor gain stages are utilized in certain portions of many
analog integrated circuits. The three singie-transistor configurations utilizing
bipolar and fieid-effect transistors are briefiy discussed in this section, each of
which has a particular set of input resistance, output resistance, and gain
70 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


load element

Figure 2-21 Common-emitter gain stage with resistances added in the base and
emitter legs. Ri and R. represent the small-signal equivalent input and output resis-
tances, respectively. rl. is the smal-signal equivalent resistance of the load element.

Common-Emitter Gain Stages

A common-emitter (CE) stage, illustrated in Fig. 2-21, provides voltage gain
and exhibits both high input and output resistances. In this configuration, the
input is applied to the base and the output is taken at the collector. The
resistance RE added in the emitter leg produces emitter degeneration [4]. In
actuality, this resistance causes negative feedback for the common-emitter
transistor; the input voltage to the transistor (Vbe) is reduced from the input
signal (Vi) by the voltage drop across R E , which is proportional to the output
current (I c). As a result, both the input resistance and output resistance of the
stage are increased by the feedback; correspondingly, the voltage gain is
reduced. The resistance R8 added in the base leg represents the output resistance
of the signal source (Vi) driving the stage.
For the transistor operating in the forward-active region, we have for the
collector current

Ic=lseqVb<lkT(I+ i:) (2-57)

or, in terms of base current,



2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 71

Figure 2-22 Small-signal two-port equivalent circuit of the common-emitter gain



Vbe= kTln(Ie) = kT ln (!3Fh) (2-60)

q Is q Is
Substituting Eq. (2-59) into Eq. (2-58) yields

I = V (I + Vee)
!3F(Vi - be ) (2-61)
e RB + (!3F + I)RE VA
The two-port equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 2-22 may be used to represent
the small-signal behavior of the common-emitter stage. The small-signal input
resistance Ri can be obtained directly from Eq. (2-59):

dVi dVbe
Ri=-=--+RB+(!3F+ I)RE (2-62)
dh dh


which, for !3F» I, can be written as

Ri=RB+r1T(I+gmRE) (2-64)

The small-signal equivalent transconductance can be obtained from Eq. (2-61);

assuming that VA» Vee,

_1_ = _dV_i = _d_Vb_e + _R_B_+_(-,--!3-,-F_+_l_)_R_E

Gm dIe dIe !3F
which evaluates to

72 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

ro +

Figure 2-23 Small-signal equivalent circuit of CE stage for calculation of output


which, for 13 FA> 1, can be expressed as


The output resistance re seen looking into the collector of the CE transistor is
evaluated from the small-signal test circuit shown in Fig. 2-23; this circuit is
the same as that used to evaluate the output resistance of the resistor-ratioed
current source (Fig. 2-15) with (rei + RI)IIR,ef = RB and R2 = R E. From Eq. (2-36)

re =(I+ R B
+ RE + r 1T
)ro (2-68)

where ro is the small-signal output resistance of the transistor, given by VA lIe.

The total small-signal output resistance is

Common-Emitter Gain Stage with Resistive Load

A common-emitter gain stage utilizing a fixed resistance as a load element is

shown in Fig. 2-24. Here, Vo = Vee - leRe and Vee = Va- Using this, with RE = 0, in
Eq. (2-61), the large-signal voltage transfer relation is obtained:
Vee -I3F(Vi - Vbe)-
Vo = - - - - - - - - = - - (2-70)
1 + I3F(Vi - Vbe)Re
This relationship holds for the transistor operating in the forward-active region.
If we take the base-emitter voltage to be a constant VBE(on) for the active region,
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 73

Figure 2-24 Common-emitter gain stage with resistive load.

then for Vi < VBE(on), the transistor is off and the output voltage is at VCC. As Vi
increases, Va (and hence the collector voltage VJ decreases; when Vbc becomes
positive, the transistor enters the saturation region, giving Vo = VCE(sat). This occurs
at an input voltage

V - V + Vcc - VCE(sat) ( RB ) (2-71)

i(sat) - BE(on) I + v: IV ~
CE(sat) A ..... F C

Because VA» VCE(sat)' Eq. (2-71) simplifies to


The large-signal voltage transfer characteristic for the CE stage is sketched in

Fig. 2-25. The characteristic in the active region is linear for VA = 00.
The small-signal voltage gain of the resistive-loaded CE stage is calculated
from Fig. 2-22:


where, with RE set to zero in Eq. (2-66), the equivalent transconductance is


and from Eq. (2-69),

which combine to give
gm (rol IRe)
Av = (2-76)
1 +RBlr",
74 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


v CC 4-....:o;:.:,ff.:..-....

V CE(satrf - - - -- -~ -- - -- - -- - I

VBE(on) Vi(sat)

Figure 2-25 Output voltage versus input voltage for resistive-loaded CE stage.

EXAMPLE. Determine the small-signal voltage gain at room temperature of

the CE amplifier in Fig. 2-24. In the circuit, RB = 1 kO, Rc = 10 kO, and the
transistor is biased at Ie = 500 f.LA. The transistor parameters are /3F = 100 and
VA = 75V.
The transistor transconductance is

= q1c = 0.500 rnA = 19.2mAN

gm kT 0.026 V

The transistor output resistance is

VA 75V
ro = - = = 150 kll
Ie 0.500 rnA
and the transistor input resistance is

r1T=~= 100 =5.21kll

gm 19.2mAN
Using Eq. (2-76), the voltage gain is

A = - 19.2mAN (150kll) (10kll) - 151

v 1+(1 kll 15.2 I kO) 150kll + IOkll

Common-Emitter Gain Stage with Active Load

From a practical sense, the voltage gain of the resistive-loaded gain stage is
limited by the load resistor, Rc in the circuit of Fig. 2-24. Large gains require
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 75


I ref. +----0 Vo

Figure 2-26 Common-emitter gain stage with active load.

large resistance values, which, in turn, require a sizable chip area. The output
resistance of a transistor can be utilized as an effective load element, replacing
a fixed resistive load. Figure 2-26 shows a common-emitter gain stage with
an active load provided by a pnp current-source transistor, Qz; the effective
load resistance is roz, which when combined with the output resistance rol of the
CE transistor QI provides a high overall output resistance for the stage.
For the collector current of transistor QI in Fig. 2-26,

lei = lSI e QV;lkT(1 + Vo) (2-77)

Assuming that the two pnp transistors, Qz and Q3, are identical and noting that
VbeZ = Vbe3 , we have


where the pnp Early voltages, VAZ and VA3 , are taken as positive quantities. Now,
VecZ = Vee - Vo and Vec3 = Veb3 • Neglecting base current, we have le3 = lref' and
assuming that VA3 ~ Veb3 , Eq. (2-78) becomes approximately

lez = I ref (1 + _~_ee_-_V_o ) (2-79)

Equating lei and lez, and solving for the output voltage gives

v:ee + VAZ (1 _Ie

lSI QV;lkT)
Vo = ref (2-80)
I + VAZ ~ eQV;lkT
VAl I ref
76 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

0 1 off, O 2 sat
Vcc - VCE2(sat) +---.....

Vcc o 1 ,Q 2 active

Q 1 sat, Q 2 active
VCE1 (sat) --------~'-------------
+-----~------- .... Vi

Figure 2-27 Output voltage versus input voltage for active-loaded CE stage.

The voltage transfer characteristic is sketched in Fig. 2-27. At low input

voltage (Vi less than about 0.7 V), QI is off and Q2 is saturated (albeit at very
low current), and Vo = Vcc - VCEZ(sat). At high input voltage, QI is saturated, Qz is
active, and Va = V CEI(sat). At lei = lref, which occurs at an input voltage of


the output voltage is


If the npn and pnp Early voltages are equal, then at this operating point,
Vo = Vcc l2.
The small-signal voltage gain with no load connected to the output can be
obtained by differentiating Eq. (2-80):

A = dVa = _ q VAl VA2

v dV,' kT VAI + VAZ (lSI /lref) e qV,/kT X

2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 77

At lsI exp (qVJkT) = I ref, Eq. (2-83) simplifies to

A = - q VAl VA2 (1 + Vee ) (2-84)

v kT VAl + V A2 VAl + VA2
The second term inside the brackets of Eq. (2-84) is normally « 1; this gives

A = -}L ( VAl VA2 ) (2-85)

v kT VAl + V A2
U sing the relatonship VA = Ie ra. Eq. (2-85) can be recast as
Av= -gm(rol llro2) (2-86)
which is identical to the voltage gain obtained from a small-signal analysis of
the circuit in Fig. 2-26.
As an example of the potentially large voltage gain obtainable with the
active-loaded gain stage, consider the CE stage with VAl = VA2 = lOOY. At room
temperature, Eq. (2-85) calculates to

A = _ 1 ((lOOV)(lOOV)) = _ 1923
v O.026V lOOV+lOOV

Common-Source Gain Stage with Resistive Load

Figure 2-28(a) shows a common-source (CS) gain stage using NMOS transis-
tors. Here, a "diode"-connected transistor (M 2) is used as a nonlinear resistive
element, which eliminates the additional process steps required to fabricate
separate integrated-circuit resistors. The voltage transfer characteristic is
sketched in Fig. 2-28(b). For Vi < VTH , transistor MI is off, transistor M2 is in
saturation (at negligibly small current), and the output voltage is at V DD - VTH • As
Vi is increased above VTH , MI turns on, operating inti ally in the saturation region;
M2 operates always in saturation. Because M2 presents a relatively low value of
effective load resistance to the CS transistor Mj, the effects of channel-length
modulation can be neglected; in this region of operation,

Idl = - 2 - LW) I (Vi -

/-Ln C~x (
V TH )
2 (2-87)



Equating Idl and Id2 yields

(WIL) I V - V (2-89)
(WILh ( i TH)
78 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Voo !--------------------
M 1 off, M 2 sat
Voo- VTH f--"",

T--- -----

V OS(sat) ~
VTH Vi(sat)

(a) (b)

Figure 2-28 (a) Common-source gain stage with saturated transistor load. (b)
Output voltage versus input voltage.

The output voltage is seen to vary linearly with the input voltage; the approxi-
mate small-signal voltage gain can be obtained from the slope of this charac-

dVo (WIL)!
A =-= (2-90)
v dVi (WILh

Thus, for a voltage gain greater than unity, (W IL)! must be made larger than
(W ILh; usually, M! is made with a short channel length (L) and a wide channel
width (W), and M2 is made with a long channel length and a narrow channel
width. In practice, constraints on chip area limit gains to about 10.
At larger input voltage, M2 comes out of saturation and enters the triode
region. This occurs at,

Vi = Vi(satl
= ----;====--
~~~~~: V TH
(W IL)2

and the corresponding output voitage

2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 79


+ r 02

Figure 2-29 Small-signal equivalent circuit of the common-source gain stage.

The small-signal equivalent of the common-source gain NMOS gain stage

is shown in Fig. 2-29. Summing the currents at the output node gives


which evaluates to


Normally. gm» 1 Iro> in which case Eq. (2-94) reduces to


which, using Eq. (1-96), can be easily shown to be identical to Eq. (2-90).
The small-signal output resistance of this gain stage is


EXAMPLE. Determine the small-signal voltage gain and output resistance of

the CS amplifier in Fig. 2-28. In the circuit, Voo = 10V and the transistors are
biased at Vo = 5 V. The NMOS parameters are /-Ln C~x = 20/-LAN2, VTH = 1 V,
(W IL)1 = 60, and (W IL)2 = 1. The transistor output resistances may be negle-
Using Eq. (2-90), the small-signal voltage gain is

Av = - J 610 = - 7.75

From Eq. (1-96), the transconductance of M2 is

gm2 = /-Ln C~x (:)2 (Voo - Vo - VTH ) = (20 /-L AN2 ) (1) (10 - 5 - 1) V = 80 /-LAN
80 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

The output resistance from Eq. (2-96) is

Ro = 80 X 10 6 AN = 12.5 k!l

Common-Source Gain Stage with Active Load

The MOS equivalent of the active-loaded common-emitter gain stage depicted

in Fig. 2-26 is shown in Fig. 2-30(a), in which the PMOS current source
transistor M2 provides the active load for the NMOS common-source transistor
M I. Here, as with the bipolar counterpart, the high output resistance of the load
and gain transistors-when they are operating in the saturation region--com-
bine to give the stage large gain. The voltage transfer gharacteristic of the
active-loaded common-source stage is sketched in Fig. 2-30(b). For Vi less than
V TN, the threshold voltage of the NMOS transistor, MI is off and M2 is operating
in the triode region (at essentially zero current and zero voltage drop V ds ); the
output voltage in this region is at VDD • As Vi is increased beyond VTN , MI begins
to conduct and the output falls; in this region, MI operates in saturation and M2
remains in the triode region. When the output reaches VDD - VSG3 - Vm where VTP is
the threshold voltage of the PMOS transistors, M2 enters the saturation region
[identified as point I in Fig. 2-30(b)]. In this region of maximum gain, the
drain current of MI is given as


M 1 off, M 2 triode

V DD ~'-,~,,-
VDD-VSG3-VTP ---~-
M3 M2 I

fd2 I


I ref .. Va

Vi 0----1 M1 VDS(sa1)

VTN 2I ref


(a) (b)
Figure 2-30 (a) Common-source gain stage with active load. (b) Output voltage
versus input voltage.
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 81

The PMOS current mirror currents are related as

Id2 Id3
I + Az V sdZ I + }..3 Vsd3

Now, Id3 = I fef , V sd2 = VDD - Vm and Vsd3 = V sg3 « I /}..3, which used in
Eq. (2-98) gives


Equating Idl and I d2 , and solving for the output voltage results in

V DD +-I [1 -
- - (W) (Vi-VTN) 2]
}..2 2Ifef L 1
Vo = -------=----:---;----'---'------"- (2-100)
I +_1 C' (W)
}.. ~ - (Vi - VTN/
}..2 2Ifef L 1


(2-101 )

the output voltage is


which occurs at an input voltage


As Vi is increased further, Ml comes out of saturation and enters the triode

region [labeled point 2 in Fig. 2-30(b)). The normal range of operation on this
gain stage is between points 1 and 2 where both the gain and load transistors
are operating in saturation
The small-signal voltage gain with no load attached to the output can be
obtained by differentiating Eq. (2-100):

82 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


/-Ln c~x
- 2 - (W I L)I (Vi - VTN) 2 = I ref

which is at an operating point where Idl = Irer. Eq. (2-104) simplifies to


The second term inside the square brackets of Eq. (2-105) is normally« 1
and can be neglected. This gives


The numerator on the right-hand side of Eq. (2-106) is equal to the transcon-
ductance gml of transistor MI. Using Eq. (1-98) to relate the output resistance of
transistors M I and M2 to the operating current I ref and their respective channel-
length modulation parameters >-.., Eq. (2-106) can be expressed as


which is identical to the result obtained from a small-signal analysis of the

circuit in Fig. 2-30(a). The corresponding small-signal output resistance is


Common-Collector (Emitter Follower) Gain Stage

A common-collector (eC) stage with a resistive load is illustrated in Fig.

2-31 (a). This configuration in which the input is applied to the base and the
output is taken at the emitter is also referred to as an emitter follower. This
stage does not exhibit voltage gain-it does have current gain-but finds
application primarily as a buffer circuit owing to its high input resistance and
low output resistance. Unlike the common-emitter configuration in which the
load resistance is connected only to the output circuit, in the common-collector
configuration the load resistance is common to both the input and output
circuit. For this reason, both the input and output resistances of the stage
depend on the value of the load resistance (and on the value of the input source
resistance R8 as well). From Fig. 2-31(a) the output voltage is

2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 83


Vee - veE(sat)

o - t - - F - - - - - - - -... Vi

(a) (b)
Figure 2-31 (a) Common-collector (emitter follower) stage. (b) Voltage transfer

where for Vi ~ 0, the transistor is operating in the forward-active region, giving



kT (Ie)
kT (Is (1 + 1IIh)R
Is =q-In Vo ) (2-111)

Substituting Eqs. (2-110) and (2-111) into Eq. (2-109) yields the transfer

It should be remarked that for small values of the input V be will be small,
resulting in a small collector current and a near zero output voltage. As an
approximation, we assume the transistor to essentially be turned off until Vi
reaches VBE(on). The voltage transfer characteristic is sketched in Fig. 2-31(b). For
small and moderate values of Vo. the logarithmic term in Eq. (2-112) is small
and the characteristic is nearly linear with a slope of approximately

84 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks



I 0


Figure 2-32 (a) Small-signal equivalent circuit of the common-collector (emitter
follower) configuration. (b) Circuit for calculating the small-signal output resis-

which approaches unity gain for small values of RB and/or large values of R E•
The upper limit on the output is reached when the transistor enters the satu-
ration region, giving Vo(max) = Vee - VeE(sat).
Figure 2-32(a) shows the small-signal equivalent circuit of the common-
collector stage from which the input resistance and voltage gain are calculated.
The transistor output resistance ro is in parallel with RE and as, normally, ro»
R E , it is neglected. From the circuit
Vi = ib(R B + r,,) + Vo (2-114)
Vo = ieRE = (h + gm v,)RE (2-115)
v,=ibr", (2-116)
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 85

which combine to give

Vi = h(R B + r'lr) + ib(R E+ gmr'lrRE) (2-117)
The small-signal output resistance, noting that g m r'lr = ~ F, is


For ~F» 1, this is approximately

Ri=RB + r'lr(l + gmRE) (2-119)
From Eq. (2-115) the output voltage can be written as
Vo = (~F + 1) ibRE (2-120)
which, when combined with Eq. (2-118), gives the small-signal voltage gain
Av=-=------ (2-121)
Vi RB+r'lr
(~F+ l)RE

The voltage gain is less than unity; however, if (~F + 1) RE » RB + r,", the gain
can be close to unity.
The circuit for calculating the small-signal output resistance is shown in Fig.
2-32(b). Here, it is more convenient to use a test voltage Vx and calculate the
resulting current response ix • Summing the currents at the emitter node gives




Combining Eqs. (2-123) and (2-124) into Eq. (2-122) gives the output resis-

ix ~F + 1

The two-port equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 2-33 can be used to represent
the small-signal behavior of the common-collector (emitter follower) stage,
where R;, Av, and Ro are given by Eqs. (2-118), (2-121), and (2-125), respect-
86 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Figure 2-33 Small-signal two-port equivalent circuit of the common-collector

(emitter follower) stage.

ively. Because the voltage gain of the emitter follower is usually close to unity,
the dependent voltage-source form of the two-port equivalent circuit is more
appropriate than the equivalent Gm form, shown in Fig. 2-22.

EXAMPLE. Determine the input resistance, output resistance, and voltage

gain of the emitter follower stage in Fig. 2-31. In the circuit, R8 = 1 kO,
R£ = 2 kO, and the transistor is biased such that Va = 1 V. Assume room tem-
perature and take I3F = 100.
The de collector bias current is

Ie = (~) ( Va) = (~) (~) = 0.495 rnA

I3F+ 1 R£ 101 2kO

kT ( 0.026V )
r1T=-I3F= (100)=5.25kO
q1c 0.495 rnA

The input resistance is from Eq. (2-118):

Ri = 1 kO + 5.25kO + (101) (2kO) = 208kO

The output resistance is from Eq. (2-125):

1 kO + 5.25kO)
Ro=(2kO) II ( 101 =60.00

The voltage gain is from Eq. (2-121):

A,,= 1 kO ~ 5.25 kO = 0.970


EXERCISE. For the previous example, determine the input bias voltage re-
quired to give a de operating point of Va = 1 V. Take for the transistor
Is = 2 X 10 - 16 A. (Ans. 1.75 V)
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 87


Figure 2-34 Emitter follower stage with active load.

Emitter Follower Stage with Active Load

The linear range of the common-collector (emitter follower) stage can be

extended by using an active load in place of a resistive load. In Fig. 2-34, Qz
and Q3 comprise a current source which sets the emitter bias current of the
emitter follower transistor Q I. This fixes the base-emitter voltage of Q I to a
constant value and



kT (lei)
Vbel =-In - kT (lei)
=-In - (2-127)
q lSI q lSI

Using lei = le2 and taking lez = I ref, the transfer characteristic becomes

kT (/ref)
Vo=Vj--ln - (2-128)
q lSI

The linear range extends over the region in which both QI and Qz are operating
in the forward-active region; this range is VCE(sat) < Vo < Vcc - VCE(sat).

Common-Drain (Source Follower) Gain Stage

Like its bipolar counterpart, the common-drain (source follower) configuration

finds primary application as a buffer circuit. Figure 2-35(a) shows a source
follower stage with a resistive load. The output voltage is given by

88 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks



(a) (b)
Figure 2-35 (a) Common-drain (source follower) stage. (b) Voltage transfer char-

where, for VTH < Vi:S Voo + VTH , the transistor is operating in saturation with a
drain current (neglecting A) given by

Id = -J-Ln2 z:
C~x- ( W) (Vi - Vo - VTH ) 2 (2-130)

Substituting Eq. (2-129) into Eq. (2-130) and solving the resulting quadratic
equation for the output voltage yields

Vo = V; - VTH + I 1W [1 - J1 + 2J-Ln C~x (:) RsCVi - VTH ) ]

This characteristic is sketched in Fig. 2-35(b). For very large values of Rs, the
characteristic is nearly linear with a slope of unity.
A small-signal analysis of the source follower circuit [Fig. 2-35(a)] yields a
voltage gain of
_ Vo _
A •. - - - - - - - (2-132)
Vi 1
an input resistance
Ri= 00 (2-133)
and an output resistance

2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 89

Figure 2-36 Source follower with active load.

Source Follower Stage with Active Load

The linearity of the common-drain (source follower) stage may be improved

by current-source biasing. Figure 2-36 shows a source follower circuit with an
active load. The current source, consisting of M2 and M 3, sets the bias current
in M 1 and hence its gate-source voltage. For the circuit,
Vo= V j - VgS1 (2-135)
where, noting that ldl = Id2 = lref'

Common-Base Gain Stages

A common-base (CB) stage, illustrated in Fig. 2-37, provides voltage gain and
exhibits a low input resistance and a high output resistance. In this configur-
ation, the input is applied to the emitter and the output is taken at the collector.
The resistance RE represents the output resistance of the driving source and the
resistance RB added in the base leg produces base degeneration (in the same
fashion as the emitter degeneration resistance in the common-emitter stage).
Unlike the CE stage, however, in which the driving source supplies an input
base current, the input current to the CB stage is a much higher emitter current.
For this reason, the common-base configuration is not as widely employed as
the common-emitter configuration; it does have a couple of features which
make it attractive in certain applications: (1) The base-collector capacitance
(Cf.L) in a CE configuration provides negative feedback from the output to the
90 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


load element

Figure 2-37 Common-base gain stage with resistances added in the emitter and
base legs. Ri and Ro represent the small-signal input and output resistances, respect-
ively. TL is the small-signal equivalent resistance of the load element.

input; the feedback is enhanced by the gain of the stage (the Miller effect [5]),
resulting in a much degraded frequency response. In the CB configuration, this
capacitance appears at the output only, resulting in a much higher frequency
response. (2) The reverse-bias breakdown voltage between collector and base
is considerably higher than that between collector and emitter [6]; with the
same transistor, the CB configuration can provide higher output voltages,
which may be required in some high-voltage applications.
For the transistor operating in the forward-active region (which requires Vi
to be negative), we have for the collector current in terms of the input emitter
I = _Ie_(_I_+_V_ee_/_ (2-137)
c 1 Vee

Ie = (2-138)


kT (CiFIe)
Vbe=-ln -- (2-139)
q Is
Substituting Eq. (2-138) into Eq. (2-137) yields
(Vi + Vbe ) 1 + Vee/VA
Ic = (2-140)
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 91

Figure 2-38 Small-signal two-port equivalent circuit of the common-base gain


The unilateral two-port equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 2-38 may be used
to represent the small-signal behavior of the common-base stage; note the
direction of the collector current source relative to that in the CE two-port
equivalent circuit of Fig. 2-22. The small-signal input resistance Ri can be
obtained directly from Eq. (2-138):

dVi R8 dVbe
Ri= ---=RE+---+-- (2-141)
dIe I3F + 1 dIe

R=RE+r +--- (2-142)
I e I3F + 1

The small-signal equivalent transconductance can be obtained from Eq. (2-140);

assuming that VA» Vee.


which evaluates to


The output resistance rc seen looking into the collector of the CB transistor is
evaluated from the small-signal test circuit shown in Fig. 2-39; the common-
base equivalent circuit (Fig. 1-12) is used to model the transistor with the
collector current source being expressed in terms of the current i, in reo The
voltage Vx is equal to the voltage drop across ro plus the voltage drop across R E :
VX = (ix - (XFii) ro + [ix + (1 - (XF) i,] RE = ixCro + R E) + i, [(1 - (XF)R E - (XFr o]

92 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

...:- rc
e +-__--"'\ C I

Figure 2-39 Small-signal equivalent circuit of CB stage for calculation of output


The current i) is

. Vb-Ve (uF-l)i)RB-[ix+(l+uF)idR E
1)=---= (2-146)
fe fe

which, substituted into Eq. (2-145) gives

fC =2=[1+
ix fe + (1
- uF)(R B + R E )

which can be expressed alternately as


Note, that for RE large,

The total small-signal output resistance is

Common-Base Gain Stage with Resistive Load

A common-base gain stage utilizing a fixed resistive load is shown in Fig.

2-40(a) and the voltage transfer characteristic is sketched in Fig. 2-40(b). For
Vi > - V BE(on), the transistor is off and the output is at V cc. As Vi is increased
negatively beyond this point the transistor conducts, operating initially in the
active region, and the output falls. When Vo becomes negative, the base-
collector junction is forward biased and the transistor enters the saturation
region; in this region, the output saturates at - VBC(on), where VBC(on) is the
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 93


------1'-------;--+--.... Vi

sat .---_-vBE~O~;r - V Be(on)

(a) (b)
Figurz 2-40 (a) Common-base gain stage with resistive load. (b) Voltage transfer

"tum-on" voltage of the base collector junction (about 0.5 V for a silicon
integrated-circuit BJT).
Taking the base-emitter voltage to be a constant VBE(on) for operation in the
active region and setting RB = 0, we have from Eq. (2-140)

UF (Vi + VBE(On» ( 1 +Vee)
- (2-151)

Substituting Ie = (Vee - Vo)/Rc and Eq. (2-152) into Eq. (2-151) and solving for
the output voltage gives


For negligible Early effect (large VA), Eq. (2-153) simplifies to

Vo = Vee + UF(Vi + VBE(on»- (2-154)
The small-signal voltage gain of the CB stage in Fig. 2-39(a) is

94 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

where, setting RB = 0 in Eq. (2-144),

gm gm
1 + gmRElCip 1 + gmRE
where, from Eq. (2-148),

rc=(I+ RE )ro=(I+ gmRE )ru (2-158)

1 Igm + RElrpp 1 + gmRElrpF
The small-signal input resistance is, from Eq. (2-142),
Rj = RE + re = RE +- (2-159)
EXAMPLE. Determine the input resistance, output resistance, and small-sig-
nal voltage gain at room temperature of the CB amplifier in Fig. 2-40 (a). In
the circuit, RE = 1000, Re = 10 kO, and the transistor is biased at Ie = 500 /-LA.
The transistor parameters are rpF = 100 and V A= 75 V.
The transistor transconductance gm = 19.2 rnA N and the transistor output
resistance r0 = 150 kO. The small-signal emitter resistance is
(101)(19.2 X 10 3 A N) = 51.60
The input resistance is from Eq. (2-159)
R; = 1000 + 51.60 = 151.60
The resistance seen looking into the collector is from Eqn. (2-158)

r =(1+ (l9.2mAN)(0.lkO) )150kO=433kO

C (l9.2mAN)(0.1k0)
which is negligible with respect to Re; so the output resistance is
Ro=Rc= lOkO
The effective transconductance is from Eq. (2-156)

G = 19.2mAN =6.58mAN
m 1 + (19.2 rnA N)(O. 1k0)
Using Eq. (2-155), the voltage gain is
A,. = (6.58mAN)(lOkO) = 65.8
2.3 Single-Transistor Gain Stages 95


II re f
Vi •

Figure 2-41 Common-base stage with active load.

Common-Base Stage with Active Load

A common-base gain stage utilizing an active load is shown in Fig. 2-41. Like
the active-loaded common-emitter stage, this configuration also has a high
output resistance, resulting in high gain; the input resistance, however, is
low-a factor of 13 F + 1 lower than with an equivalent CE stage. The collector
current of Q I is

[ -
cl -
SI e
- qV;/kT
(1 + VV- V)


The collector current le2 of the current source transistor is given by Eq. (2-79),
which, equated with lei and solved for the output voltage, yields

V =
Vee + VA2 [1 + (~-

o (2-161)

Except for the negative input voltage, this result is similar to that obtained for
the active-loaded CE stage [see Eq. (2-80)].
The small-signal voltage gain is


The input resistance is

and the output resistance is
96 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


load element

Figure 2-42 Common-gate gain stage. R; and Ro represent the small-signal input
and output resistances, respectively.

Common-Gate Gain Stage

Figure 2-42 shows a common-gate stage fashioned with NMOS, which func-
tions very similarly to the common-base stage. For the transistor operating in
the saturation region (V j < - VTH - IsRs and Va;::: - VTH ), the drain current is
given as


Substituting Eqs. (2-166) and (2-167) into Eq. (2-165) yields

The two-port equivalent circuit of Fig. 2-38 also applies for the common-
gate stage. The small-signal input resistance R j can be obtained directly from
Eq. (2-166):
dV j _ dVgs _ dVgs
Rj = - - - R s + - - - R s + - - (2-169)
dI, dIs dId
Noting that d1d/dVgs is the transistor transconductance gm gives

2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 97

The small-signal equivalent transconductance G m can be obtained from Eq.

(2-168); assuming that XYds ~ 1,

Gm =- :~ = - fL. C~x (:) ( - Vi - V TH - fdRs) ( - 1 - Rs :~i) (2-171)

The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (2-171) is gm and the last fraction
is Ri - I. This yields


It is easily shown that the small-signal output resistance Ro is


2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages

Gain stages comprised of two interconnected transistors are widely used in

many analog integrated circuits. Like single-transistor stages, each configur-
ation has a unique set of characteristics. Three commonly used two-transistor
configurations are discussed in this section: (1) cascode, (2) cascade, and (3)
differential pair.

Cascade Configuration

The cascode configuration consists of a common-emitter (common-source)

-common-base (common-gate) interconnection, illustrated with bipolar transis-
tors in Fig. 2-43(a). The gain of this stage is provided by the CE transistor QI'
Q2, connected in a CB configuration, serves to reduce the feedback from the
output to the input that occurs at high frequency through the collector-base
capacitance CI'-; there is no Miller effect associated with Q2 because its base is
at ac ground potential, and the Miller effect associated with QI is minimal
because the output impedance at its collector is low (re2)' Thus, the cascode
stage can have large bandwidth along with high gain.
In Fig. 2-43(a) fe2 = aF2 feb and the transconductance for the two-port small-
signal equivalent circuit representation in Fig. 2-43(b) is
The input resistance is
98 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

I c2
_--:--0 Out

(a) (b)
Figure 2-43 (a) Cascode gain stage using BJTs. (b) Two-port small-signal equival-
ent circuit.

For the output resistance, we recognize that the output resistance of QI (rol) is
in series with the emitter of Q2; thus, Eq. (2-158) applies with "Re" = rol:

Ro= (I + 1 + gm2
gm2 r ol
)r02 (2-176)

Because gm2 ral is usually ~ ~F2' Eq. (2-176) reduces to

The input resistance of the cascode stage can be increased by employing an
emitter follower at the input, as illustrated in Fig. 2-44; this configuration is
used at the input stage of some wideband amplifiers, such as in the CA 3040.
An optional bias source (or resistance) may be used at the emitter of QI to
raise its operating current; without it, QI may operate in a region where its
current gain ~F is low, reducing its input resistance. From the circuit,
Vi = Vbel + Vbe2 (2-178)
and the small-signal input resistance is determined as
dVi dVbe I dVbe2 dVbe I dIc2 dVbe2
R- = - = -- +-- = ~FI-- +- - - (2-179)
I dIbl dIbl dhl dIcI dIbl dIc2
Ic2 = ~F2 Ib2 = ~F2 (leI - I bi..) = ~F2 [(~F1 + 1) hI - hi..] (2-180)
so dIc2 1dhl = ~F2(~F1 + 1) and
Ri=-+(~FI + 1 )~F2- = ..r",1 + (~FI + l)r"'2 (2-181)
gml gm2
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 99

.,----0 Out

Figure 2-44 Emitter follower cascode. The bias current source for QI is optional.

For I bias = 0,
I - ~F2(~F1 + 1) I (2-182)
c2 - A cl

which for identical transistors (~Fl = ~F2) gives r7l"1 = (~F + 1) r",2, and Eq. (2-181)
The effective transconductance of the emitter follower cascode is found from
1 dVj dV
be1 be2 be1 dV
be2 e2 dV dIc1 dV dI
- = -- =- - +-- =-- -- +-- -- (2-184)
Gm dIe3 dIe3 dIe3 dIe 1 dIe3 dIe2 dIe3
Neglecting base currents, we have dIe2 = dIe3 and dIc1 = dIb2 = dIe2 /~ F2 = dIe3 /~ F2.
Noting that dVbe/dIe = l/g m, Eq. (2-184) becomes

G = gmlgm2
m gml + gm2/~F2
For I bias = 0, gm2 = ~F2gml and
G = gm2 (2-186)
m 2
The small-signal output resistance Ro remains the same as given in Eq. (2-177).
The cascode gain stage fashioned with field-effect transistors is illustrated
in Fig. 2-45. In the JFET version [Fig. 2-45(b)], the input voltage is negative
and Vbias is set such that Vas2 is negative. Here, R j = 00. Because Idl = Id2 , the two-
port equivalent transconductance [Fig. 2-43(b)] is
100 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


M "'R o
+ 2
V bias_ y
In o--r-t~

, I

(a) (b)
Figure 2-45 Cascode gain stage using FETs: (a) MOSFETS; (b) JFETs.

The output resistance is determined from Eq. (2-173) by setting "Rs" = rot and
rL = 00, giving


Cascade Configuration

The cascade configuration consists of an input common-collector (emitter

follower) transistor interconnected with either a common-emitter transistor or
a second common-collector transistor; in both configurations, the input emitter
follower transistor is employed to increase current gain and input resistance.
The common-collector-common-emitter (CC-CE) cascade configuration is
shown in Fig. 2-46. As with the cascode configuration, an optional bias source
(or resistor) may be used to set the operating current of the input transistor.
An alternate form of the CC-CE cascade is shown in Fig. 2-46(b); this is the
so-called Darlington configuration, in which both collectors are tied together.
In the Darlington, both transistors can be fabricated within the same isolation
region, which results in a smaller chip area than would be required with the
normal cascade configuration [Fig. 2-46(a)] in which separate isolation regions
would be required for the two transistors. The Darlington configuration, how-
ever, has a much poorer frequency response due to the Miller effect of Q,
whose collector is now connected to the output; the Darlington is thus limited
to relatively low-frequency applications.
The small-signal input resistance of the CC-CE cascade is the same as the
emitter follower cascode:
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 101


In 0-,--1

I bias CD

(a) (b)
Figure 2-46 Common-collector-common-emitter cascade configuration. (a) Normal
connection with output taken at the collector of Q2' (b) Darlington connection with
the collectors of QI and Q2 tied together.

The small-signal output resistance for the cascade configuration in Fig.

2-46(a) is


The output resistance of the Darlington configuration in Fig. 2-46(b) is slightly

less than this [Eq. (2-190)] due to rob which is now connected to the output
The small-signal equivalent transconductance for the configuration in Fig.
2-46(a) is calculated from

1 dVi

Using Eq. (2-178) and noting that Ic2 = I3 F2 I c}' we obtain

G = gmlgm2
m gml + gm2 / 13F2
The transcoductance for the Darlington configuration [Fig. 2-46(b)] is deter-
mined from

1 dVi dVi
-=--=----- (2-193 )

If 13F2»I, this gives the same result as in Eq. (2-192).

102 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Vcc(10 V)

(20 kil)
.J---+-o Vo

I bias

Figure 2-47 CC-CE cascade amplifier example.

EXAMPLE. Determine the small-signal input resistance, output resistance,

and the voltage gain of the CC-CE cascade amplifier shown in Fig. 2-47.
Transistor Q2 is biased at V 0 = S V. The transistor parameters are 13 F = 100 and
The collector current of Q2 is

Vee - Vo 10 V - S V = 2S0 A
Rc 20 kfl J.1

Its transconductance is

= qfa = 0.2S0mA =9.62mAN

g",2 kT 0.026 V


r,,2 = I3n = 100 = lO.4kfl

gm2 9.62mAIV

The collector current of Q! is

f - I3F! f - I3Fl (f + f ) - I3FI (f + fa)

CI - I3Fl + 1 EI - I3FI + 1 bias HI - I3Fl + I bias I3n

= -100 ( 100 J.1A + 2S0 J.1A) = 10 I J.1A

101 100

Its transconductance is

0.101 rnA
gm! = 0.026 V = 3.88 rnA IV
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 103

r",1 = = 2S.8k!1
The input resistance, calculated from Eq. (2-181), is
Ri = 2S.8k!! + (l01)(10.4k!1) = 1.08M!1
The output resistance of Q2 is
ro2=-= =200k!1
Ic2 0.2S0mA
and the output resistance is
Ro = Rell ro2 = (20k!1) II (200k!!) = 18.2k!!
Using Eq. (2-18S), the transconductance of the amplifier is

G = (3.88mA/V)(9.62mA/V) =9.39mAN
m 3.88mA/V + (9.62 mA/V) 1100
The voltage gain is
Av= -GmRo= -(9.39mAN)(18.2k!!)= -171
The common-collector-common-collector (CC-CC) cascade configuration is
shown in Fig. 2-48. This configuration is used primarily as a buffer stage



----,.---t-<> Vo
I bias

Figure 2-48 Common-collector-common-collector (CC-CC) cascade configuration.

which provides increased input resistance over a single common-collector

(emitter follower) stage. The small-signal equivalent circuit of the CC-CC
cascade is shown in Fig. 2-49(a): The output resistance of transistor QI is
neglected because it is not connected to the output; likewise, the output
resistance of Q2 is neglected because it is connected to a low-resistance point,
104 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

'----+--r---....,.---o V0



Figure 2-49 (a) Small-signal equivalent circuit of the CC-CC cascade. (b) Circuit
for calculating the small-signal output resistance.

the emitter of Q2. With reference to Fig. 2-49(a): the voltage at the emitter of
QI is V2 + Vo> so the base current of QI is

Vi - V2 - Vo
i bl =----- (2-194)


2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 105



which combined with VI = ibl r,,1 yields


which gives the input resistance


For hi as = 0 and identical transistors, the input resistance becomes

R= 2r,,1 + (I3F + 1)2 RL (2-199)
Substituting VI = i hl r,,1 and Eq. (2-195) into Eq. (2-196) yields
Vo = (I3Fl + 1)(13F2 + 1) iblRL (2-200)
which, using Eq. (2-197), gives the voltage gain

Av = ~ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_ _ _ _ _ _ __ (2-201)
1+ r"2 r"I
+ --------.::~---
(13F2 + l)RL (I3F' + 1)(13F2 + 1)RL
which for identical transistors and hia, = 0 becomes


Figure 2-49(b) shows the circuit for calculating the output resistance of the
CC-CC cascade. In normal application, the load RL represents the input resis-
tance of the next stage and so it is not included as part of the output resistance
of the CC-CC stage (the total resistance at the output is RoIIRL)' Summing the
currents at node (1),

106 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

. V2
Ib2=- (2-206)
Tr 2 r
which combine to give

(~FI + I) r Tr 2
V2 =- v (2-207)
rTrI+(~FI+I)rTr2 x

Summing the currents at node (2),


which, using Eqs. (2-206) and (2-207), gives

. (~FI + 1)(~F2 + I)
Ix = Vx (2-209)
rTrI +(~FI + l)rTr2
The output resistance is

R =~= r Tr2 + rTrI (2-210)

o it ~F2 +I (~FI + 1)(~F2 + I)
which for hi•• = 0 and identical transistors becomes


The input and output resistances of the CC-CC cascade can also be simply
obtained using the results of the single emitter follower, Fig. 2-31 (a). Consider
the node connecting the emitter of QI and the base of Q2. Looking into the base
of Q2 at this node, we see a resistance of r Tr2 + (~F2 + I)R L • This resistance at the
emitter of QI corresponds to the resistance" R£" in Fig. 2-31(a), giving an input

which is identical to Eq. (2-198). Looking back into the emitter of Qh we see
a resistance of rTrI /(~FI + 1). This resistance at the base of Q2 corresponds to the
resistance "R8" in Fig. 2-31(a), giving an output resistance

"R8" +r 2 Tr
Ro=---- (2-213)
~F2 + 1

which is identical to Eq. (2-210).

As seen, two-transistor cascades using bipolar transistors provide increased
input resistance and current gain over their single-transistor counterparts. Be-
cause the input resistance of field-effect transistors is very high (nearly infi-
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 107


In 0..-----1
Vgs -

® CD

I bias


( a) (b)
Figure 2-50 BiCMOS cascades: (a) Common-drain-common-collector configur-
ation; (b) Darlington configuration.

nite), two-transistor cascade configurations are rarely used in all FET circuits.
However, in circuits fabricated with both BJTs and MOSFETs (tenned Bi-
CMOS) or BJTs and JFETs (tenned BiFET) several mixed two-transistor
cascade configurations find useful application. Figure 2-S0 shows two Bi-
CMOS cascades: (a) a common-drain-common-collector (CD-CC) configur-
ation; (b) a Darlington configuration. The CD-CC configuration in Fig. 2-S0(a)
is used as a unity-gain buffer circuit with infinite input resistance. From the


The small-signal effective transconductance Gm, calculated from Eq. (2-214) is


which, combined with the load resistance, gives the small-signal voltage gain


The BiCMOS Darlington configuration in Fig. 2-S0(b) can provide a large

voltage gain with infinte input resistance. The small-signal effective transcon-
108 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

(a) (b)
Figure 2-51 (a) PMOS-npn BJT cascade. (b) Composite equivalent.

ductance is calculated in a fashion similar to that for the all bipolar version
[Fig. 2-46 (b)], giving


The small-signal resistance seen looking into the drain of MI is (1 + g~ET r ... ) r~ET
[see Eq. (2-158) with I3F = 00] and the resistance seen looking into the collector
of Q I is r!fT. Thus, the small-signal resistance at the output of the BiCMOS
Darlington stage is

Ro=(1+gmFET r ...) roFET IlroBfT (2-218)

The PMOS-npn BJT cascade shown in Fig. 2-51(a) has interesting charac-
teristics [7, 8]. The base current in QI is set by the drain current in Mb which
is determined by the input applied across the gate and source. The output
current is


where for QI operating in the forward-active region


and for M I operating in saturation

2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 109

-t--~-----t------------,~ VCE
VBE(On) VBE(On)+IVOsatl

Figure 2-52 Output characteristics of the PMOS-npn BJT cascade.

Substituting Egs. (2-220) and (2-221), with Vsd = Vee - Vbe = Vee, into Eg. (2-219),
and neglecting the cross-product tenn containing AIVA gives approximately



VAeff = - - - (2-223)
1 + AVA

The output current thus appears to be that of the PMOS device multiplied by
a factor of I3F + 1. The composite equivalent shown in Fig. 2-51(b) may be
used to represent the PMOS-npn BJT cascade. This equivalent can be viewed
as a PMOS transistor with an effective W IL ratio that is (13 F + 1) times larger
than the actual PMOS device in the cascade. This equivalence must not be
taken too literally, however; Figure 2-52 shows the output characteristics of
the PMOS-npn BJT cascade, showing an offset of VBE(On) in the output voltage
The small-signal equivalent transconductance of the composite (for MI III
saturation and QI in the forward-active region) is

and the output resistance is

110 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


(a) (b)

+1 d2


Figure 2-53 Differential-pair configuration: (a) using BJTs; (b) using MOSFETs;
(c) using JFETs.

Differential Pair Configuration

Differential-pair gain stages are used widely in many monolithic analog cir-
cuits: operational amplifiers. comparators, and voltage regulators, to name a
few. The basic differential pair, illustrated in Fig. 2-53, consists of two emitter-
coupled (source-coupled) transistors with inputs applied to each base (gate) and
outputs taken at either or both collectors (drains). A current source is com-
monly used to bias the common-emitter (source) node, although a resistor can
also be used (with degraded amplifier characteristics). The symmetry between
the two branches of the differential pair provides for balanced operation of the
circuit in which inputs applied differentially are amplified and those applied
in common (to both inputs) are rejected [9]. In this section, we present the
characteristics of the differential-pair configuration using both bipolar and
field-effect transistors.
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 111

Bipolar Differential Pair.

Consider the BJT differential pair shown in Fig. 2-53(a). The biasing current
source, lEE, is assumed initially to be ideal-the effects of a finite output
resistance of the actual current source will be considered later. Summing the
currents at the common-emitter node, and assuming identical transistors, we


where, neglecting the Early effect,


Summing the voltages around the base-emitter loop of the two transistors gives


where V id denotes the difference of the two inputs, the differential input voltage.
The two collector currents thus scale as


which, combined with Eq. (2-226) gives


The collector currents (normalized to (XFIEE ) are plotted as a function of the

differential input voltage (normalized to kT /q) in Fig. 2-54. Note that for IVidl
equal to about 4kT/q (approximately 100 mV at room temperature), one
transistor is essentially off and the other conducts the full bias current lEE. The
differential output current, 10 = lei - lc2 , is


which can be manipulated to be expressed in the following form:

112 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

1.0 r--=::----,,---.,.----,.--:::::I::=--,

0.5 I - - - + - - - I - - - - l t - - - + - - - t - - - - \

0.0 '--_=:t::~.......J:...................J...o........o....I.-'-'~::t:::._....
-6 -4 -2 6

Figure 2-54 Collector currents as a function of differential input voltage for the
bipolar differential pair.

The slope of the Io-Vid characteristic represents the effective differential trans-


which is a maximum at Vid near zero:

dIn I (2-235)
dVid V,d=O

where ICQ represents the quiescent collector current of either transistor. The
maximum effective differential transconductance of the differential pair is thus
equal to the transistor transconductance.

MOSFET Differential Pair.

For the MOSFET differential pair [Fig. 2-53(b)], summing the currents at the
common-source node gives
where, for operation in the saturation region, assuming identical transistors and
neglecting channel-length modulation,

Id2 2 - (W)
= -JJ.nC~x L (Vgs2 - VTH )
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 113

Summing the voltages around the gate-source loop gives


which, using Eq. (2-237) yields

J /-Ln C~x21d!(W IL) J 21d2 (2-239)

- /-Ln C~x (W IL) = V id

Combining Eqs. (2-236) and (2-239) and solving the resulting quadratic equa-
tion gives the drain currents as a function of the differential input voltage:

I _/ss+/-LnC~x(W)v J 4/ss _y2 (2-240)

d!-T -4- L id /-LnC~x(WIL) id


I - Iss _ /-Ln C;x ( W) V

d2-T - 4 - L id
J /-LnC~x(WIL)
41ss - y2

The maximum drain current that either transistor can have is Iss and occurs
when V id is large enough such that one transistor is off and the other is
conducting the full bias current. Using Eq. (2-239), the range in V id for which
Eqs. (2-240) and (2-241) remain valid is

- J/-Ln Cox2/ss
, J 2/ss
< Vid < -------:,-------:- (2-242)
(W IL) /-Ln Cox (W IL)
Unlike the bipolar differential pair in which the input voltage range depends
only on temperature, the input range for the MOSFET differential pair depends
on device geometry as well as bias current; typical input ranges are from 1 to
3 y. Taking the differential output current 10 = Id! - I d2 , we have

I - /-Ln C;x (W) V

0-- 2- L id
J/-Ln 41ss
C~x (WIL)
_ y2

The output current (normalized to Iss) is plotted as a function of the differential

input voltage [normalized to J2/ss I/-Ln C~x (W IL)] in Fig. 2-55. The effective
differential transconductance of the MOSFET pair is

G d=
= /-Ln C~x (W) J
id 2 L
/-Ln C;x (W IL)
- V2d
4/ss 2

/-Ln C~x (W IL) - V id

114 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks





/ -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
V id

IlnCox (WIL)

Figure 2-55 Output current as a function of differential input voltage for a

MOSFET differential pair.

which is a maximum at Vid near zero:


Like the bipolar differential pair, the maximum effective differential transcon-
ductance of the MOSFET differential pair is equal to the quiescent transcon-
ductance of the transistor.

JFET Differential Pair.

Analysis of the JFET differential pair [Fig. 2-53(c)] proceeds in a fashion

similar to the MOSFET pair. Using Eq. (1-62) for the drain current in satura-
tion, the currents are found as

2Iss V~ 2
----Vid (2-246)
I Dss

2Iss V~
----Vid (2-247)
I Dss
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 115

The maximum drain current of either JFET in the pair is I DSS ; the resulting
differential input voltage range is

-SS- Vp<V
id < - ~SS
- - Vp

The differential output current 10 = IdJ - 1d2 is

I DSS 2/ss V p _ V2
I =--Vd
V~ id (2-249)
o I
The variation in current with input voltage is similar in form to the MOSFET
result and a plot of the JFET differential-pair transfer characteristic looks
similar to Fig. 2-55. The maximum effective differential transconductance of
the JFET pair is

G md (max) = dlo I =- I DSS J2/ss (2-250)

dVid Vid=O Vp I DSS
which again is equal to the pair transistor quiescent transconductance.

Resistor Load

A resistive-loaded differential gain stage using bipolar transistors is illustrated

in Fig. 2-56. The current source transistor Q3 provides the bias current for the
differential pair. The output voltages are given by

Figure 2-56 Resistive-loaded differential pair using BJTs.

116 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks





·6 ·4 ·2 o 2 4 6

Figure 2-57 Differential output voltage as a function of differential input voltage

for the resistive-loaded bipolar differential pair.

Using Eq. (2-233), the differential output voltage is

Vod = Vol - Vo2 = - loRc= <XFhERctanh( -2i;id) (2-253)

which is plotted (in normalized form) in Fig. 2-57. Note that Vod is zero when
V id is zero; this allows differential gain stages to be directly cascaded together
without introducing dc offset voltages, and thereby not requiring dc level
The range in input voltage over which the transfer characteristic in Fig. 2-57
is approximately linear is limited to about V id = ± kT/q. This linear range can
be extended by adding resistors in the emitter legs of the differential pair, as
illustrated in Fig. 2-58. This causes emitter degeneration and the "linear" range
is thereby increased by the voltage drop across the two resistors of lEE R E; the
voltage gain of the differential pair is, of course, reduced. Summing the
voltages around the base-emitter loop in Fig. 2-58 gives
For lEE RE ~ kT /q, the difference in the two base-emitter voltages will be small
compared to the leRE voltage drops allowing Vbel and Vbe2 to be taken as approxi-
mately equal in Eq. (2-254). Thus,
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 117

Figure 2-58 Bipolar differential pair with emitter degeneration resistors.

Using Eq. (2-255), combined with Eq. (2-226), gives for the collector currents


from which


which is valid for V id < lEE R E• The differential voltage gain in this case is deter-
mined by the ratio of the collector-load and emitter-degeneration resistances,
independent of the bias current of the pair.
The symmetry of the differential amplifier configuration allows the small-
signal response to be determined by splitting the amplifier into two equivalent
circuits, each of which is simpler than the original circuit. To do so, we decom-
pose the small-signal input voltages, Vii and ViZ, into two components: differential
and common; the total response is then given by the superposition of the
differential-mode and common-mode responses. With this in mind, we define

Vid == Vii - Vi2 (2-258)

as the difference of the inputs, representing the differential-mode component,
Vii + Vi2 (2-259)
Vic =
118 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Tv~: ::;dT
vi 1 Vi2

1 1


Figure 2-59 Differential pair with small-signal differential-mode and common-
mode inputs.

as the average of the inputs, representing the common-mode component. With

these definitions, the inputs are comprised of

2 v IC


Vi2 == --+V
2 IC

This is illustrated for the differential amplifier shown in Fig. 2-59, where the
current biasing transistor is represented by a current source lEE and a resistance
REE, representing the output resistance of the current source transistor. Vid is the
desired signal applied differentially at the input. Vic represents a signal that is
applied in common to both inputs, usually arising from noise or other ex-
traneous signals that enter the amplifier circuit; a measure of the performance
of a differential amplifier is the degree by which common-mode input signals
are rejected compared to the degree by which differential-mode input signals
are amplified.
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 119




Figure 2-60 (a) Differential-mode half-circuit. (b) Small-signal equivalent circuit.

Consider first the circuit with only small-signal differential inputs applied:
input + VidJ2 applied to QI and input - Vid/2 applied to Q2. As Vid goes positive
the emitter current of QI will increase by a small amount above its quiescent
value (of approximately h E /2), whereas the emitter current of Q2 will decrease
below its quiescent value by the same amount. As a result, the potential Ve at
the common emitter node will remain constant and equal to its quiescent value,
denoted V EQ ; as far as the differential response is concerned, the common emitter
node potential can be set to VEQ (approximately - 0.7 V in value) without any
change in circuit response. The resulting circuit can be split into two halves,
each half (called the differential-mode half-circuit) representing the circuit that
describes the response to a differential input voltage. Figure 2-60(a) shows the
differential-mode half-circuit for QI. The corresponding small-signal equivalent
circuit is given in Fig. 2-60(b). From the circuit, the small-signal differential
output voltage at the collector of QI is

Vodl = - gmRcT (2-262)
120 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

4-----a v oc




Figure 2-61 (a) Common-mode half-circuit. (b) Small-signal equivalent circuit.

The right-hand side of the differential pair is identical except for the opposite
input polarity; the corresponding output at the collector of Q2 is


The differential-mode voltage gain is then

A vd -- Vodl - Vod2 -
C (2-264)

Consider now the circuit with only a common-mode input. With Vic applied
to both inputs, each side conducts equally and the circuit can be split into two
halves without altering the response. The common-mode half-circuit is shown
in Fig. 2-6J(a), and the corresponding small-signal equivalent circuit is illus-
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 121

trated in Fig. 2-61(b). From the circuit, the small-signal common-mode output
voltage is

r" (2-266)
VI = Vie
r,,+2([3F+ l)REE
which substituted into Eq. (2-265) gives the common-mode voltage gain

A =~= _ gmr"R c (2-267)

ve Vie r,,+2([3F+l)R EE
The common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) characterizes the degree to
which common-mode inputs are amplified in comparison to differential-mode

CMRR= AVd (2-268)

For the resistive-loaded bipolar differential pair of Fig. 2-56, we have

CMRR = 1 + 2g m R EE ( 1 + ~J (2-269)

Alternately, because IEQ = IEEI2, Eq. (2-269) can be expressed as

CMRR = I + qIEEREE = 1 + qVA3 (2-270)

kT kT
Using a biasing current source with a high output resistance will increase the
common-mode rejection ratio.
The input resistance of the differential pair can be characterized by the
response to differential and common-mode inputs. The differential input resis-
tance Rid is the resistance seen between the two inputs with only a differential
input applied. By inspection of Fig. 2-60(b) the input resistance at QI is
-=r (2-271)
2 "
and similarly for the input at Qz, giving
R id =2r" (2-272)
The common-mode input resistance Ric is the resistance at one input with only
a common-mode input applied. From Fig. 2-61(b) the input resistance is
122 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Figure 2-62 Equivalent circuit for the input resistance of the bipolar differential

The input resistance of the differential pair can be represented by the equiv-
alent circuit illustrated in Fig. 2-62.

EXAMPLE. Detennine the differential-mode and common-mode voltage

gains, the common-mode rejection ratio, the differential input resistance, and
the common-mode input resistance of the differential amplifier shown in Fig.
2-63. Assume room temperature and take VBE(onl = 0.7 V. The transistor param-
eters are ~F = 100 and VA = 75 V. The output resistance of transistors Q, and Q2
can be neglected in comparison with the 10 - kil load resistors.
The reference current for Q4 is

I - VCC-VEE-VBE4 = 30V-0.7V = 0.733 rnA

ref - Rref 40 kil

+ 15 V

- 15 V

Figure 2-63 Example differential amplifier circuit.

2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 123

The biasing current is

VCE3) =0.733mA (14.3V)

hE=/ref (1 +~ 1 + 75V =0.873mA

The current source transistor output resistance is

VA 75V
REE = - = = 85.9kO
lEE 0.873mA
The quiescent collector current for the differential pair transistors is

I = fXFIEE = (100)(0.873mA) = 0.432mA

CQ 2 (2) (101)

The transistor transconductance is

= qlcQ = 0.432mA = 16.6mA/V

gm kT 0.026V

and the transistor input resistance is

~F 100
r",=-= =6.02kO
gm 16.6mA/V
The differential voltage gain, using Eq. (2-264), is
Avd = - (16.6mA/V)(10kfl) = - 166
The common-mode voltage gain, using Eq. (2-267), is

A = - (16.6mAIV)(10kO) = - 0.0576
ve 1 + (2)(16.6mAlV)(85.9kO)(1 + 11100)
and the common-mode rejection ratio is
Avd - 166
CMRR = Ave = _ 0.0576 = 2882 or 69.2dB

The differential input resistance, using Eq. (2-272), is

Rid = (2) (6.02 kO) = 12.0 kO
and the common-mode input resistance, using Eq. (2-273), is
Ric = 60.2kO + (2)(101)(85.9kO) = 17.4MO
The input resistance of the differential pair may be increased by employing
emitter followers at the inputs, such as illustrated in Fig. 2-64. This forms an
124 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


- 0.0_ _ _ , - - - - - 1 - - - - -

I bias $ $ I bias

Figure 2-64 Emitter follower input differential pair.

CC-CE cascade configuration for the differential-mode and common-mode

half circuits. Using Eq. (2-189), the differential input resistance of Fig. 2-64 is
Rid = 2 [r,,3 + (13 + l)r"d (2-274)
and using Eq. (2-192), the effective differential transconductance is

G md = (2-275)

G d = gmi (2-276)
m 2

Active Load

A bipolar differential pair with an active load is illustrated in Fig. 2-65. Here,
the reference current for Q3 is set by the collector current of QI; under quiescent
conditions, lref = aFhEI2. This circuit with a large-value load resistance at the
output has a large voltage gain, requiring only a small input signal (usually
considerably less than kT /q in magnitude) to drive the output to its full
operating range. For V id "large" negative, Qi is off and Q2 conducts the full bias
current lEE, saturating with the output at approximately - VBC(on)' For V id "large"
positive, Q2 is off and Q, conducts the full-bias current; Q4 is saturated (at very
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 125



Figure 2-65 Differential pair with active load.

low current) and the output is at Vcc - VCE(sat). In between, all transistors are operat-
ing in the active region. Writing the collector currents for the active region,

I cl = I SNPN e qVb<llkT(1 + Vee

I )

I c2 = I SNPN e qV,dkT (I + V~PN


[ c3 = [PNP
S eQV' b3 IkT(1 + VeC3)


where we have assumed the NPN transistors to be identical, likewise for the
PNP transistors, and have taken both Early voltages V~PN and V~NP to be positive
quantities. From the circuit,

where Ve is the potential at the common-emitter node connection of QI and Q2.

Because Vid is small, Ve = - Vbeh so

where we have taken Veb3 and Vbel to be equal because lei and Ic3 are approximate-
ly equal. For Q2,
126 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

where we have approximated V be2 by VBE(on)' Likewise for Q3,

Using Eq. (2-278) to express the ratio of the collector currents of the differ-
ential-pair transistors, we have

1 + veelv;iPN

Ic3 1 + VBE(on)IV~NP
Ic4 1 + (Vee - Va) IV~NP

Now, (·2 = (4, and neglecting base currents, lei = le3' Thus, equating Eqs. (2-279)
and (2-280) we have


Taking the natural logarithm of both sides of Eq. (2-281) gives

V = kT In [[1 + (Vo + VBE(On»IVZ PN ] [1 + VBE(On/V~NP]] (2-282)

,d q [1 + (Vee - Va) IV~NP] (1 + Vee IVZPN)
For VA large with respect to Vee, Va> and VBE , the factors on the right-hand side of
Eq. (2-282) are of the form I + x, where x« 1. Using the approximation
In (1 + x) = x, Eq. (2-282) can be written approximately as

V = kT (Va + VBE(onl + VBE(on) _ Vee - Va _ Vee) (2-283)

q A A A A

which solved for Va yields

2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 127

Vcc- VBE(on)

----~----l-o------ ... Vid


Figure 2-66 Voltage transfer characteristic for the active-loaded differential pair.

The voltage transfer characteristic is sketched in Fig. 2-66. A more detailed

analysis of Eq. (2-281) gives for the transfer characteristic [10]

2v1PN V~NP (QVid )

Vo = Vee - VBE(on) + v1PN + V~NP tanh 2kT (2-285)

For Vid « 2kT (which is generally true for the operating range of the active-
loaded differential pair), tanh (q Vid /2kn = q Vid /2kT, giving a result identical to
Eq. (2-284).
The slope of the transfer characteristic gives the small-signal voltage gain.
Using Eq. (2-284), we obtain
dVo Q v1PN V~NP
dVid = kT v1PN + V~NP


A small-signal equivalent circuit for the active-loaded differential pair is

shown in Fig. 2-67. The unloaded voltage gain is given by

~ = G md (NPN II
fo (2-288)

where Gmd is given by Eq. (2-235) and equals the transconductance gm of the pair
transistors, and the voltage gain is the same as that obtained in Eq. (2-287).
128 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

ro Vo

Figure 2-67 Small-signal equivalent circuit for the active-loaded differential pair.

An ideal active-loaded differential pair with perfectly matched transistors

has an infinite common-mode rejection ratio. This is illustrated in Fig. 2-68
which shows the small-signal currents resulting from a common-mode input
signal; the common-mode collector current of QI is mirrored at the output
which combines with collector current of Q2 to give zero output common-mode

i oem = 0

Figure 2-68 Small-signal common-mode currents in the active-loaded differential pair.

current. In practice, there is a small common-mode output resulting from

mismatches in transistor characteristics. A small-signal analysis of the circuit
in Fig. 2-65 gives the common-mode rejection ratio as [11]
CMRR = _______g_m_l_g_m_2_(g_m_3_+-.eg_m_4)_ _ _ _ _ __ (2-289)
(gm3 + gm4) (gml 1ro2 - gm2 lrol) + -R (gml gm4 - gm2gm3)
which becomes infinite for-matched NPN and PNP pairs.
Figure 2-69 shows a differential pair using NMOS transistors, with a fixed
resistance load in Fig. 2-69(a) and with a saturated NMOS load in Fig. 2-69(b).
For Fig. 2-69(a), the differential output voltage is
Vad = (/dl - 1d2)RD = loRD (2-290)
which using Eq. (2-243) gives

V - --2-
od - L RD V J J.Ln C~x4/ss(W IL) _V
J.Ln C~x (W)
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 129

Voo Voo


V01 V0 2
+0---1 +0---1
_ 0 ~
Vs Vid
_ 0

Vss Vss
(a) (b)
Figure 2-69 NMOS differential pair: (a) fixed resistance load; (b) saturated
NMOS load.

The small-signal equivalent circuits of the differential-mode and common-

mode half-circuits are shown in Fig. 2-70(a) and 2-70(b), respectively. For the
differential-mode response,

Vodl = (2-292)

and similarly for vod2, giving


For the common-mode response,


The common-mode rejection ratio is

A~ 1 +2gmRss= 1 +2Rss J~nCaAW/L)Iss

CMRR-= ' (2-295)

At comparable bias current levels, the transconductance of the MOSFET is

considerably less than that of the BJT; thus, the CMRR of the MOS differential
pair is smaller than a similar bipolar circuit.
130 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

.-------1---0 v od1

- S



Figure 2-70 Small-signal equivalent circuits for the resistive-loaded NMOS dif-
ferential pair: (a) differential mode; (b) common mode. The resistance Rss repre-
sents the output resistance of the bias current source Iss.

In Fig. 2-69(b), NMOS transistors M3 and M4 , operating in saturation, provide

the load elements for the differential pair transistors, M I and M 2 • For

- JI-Ln C~x2Iss(W ILh < V id < J 2Iss

I-Ln C~x (W IL) I
both transistors M I and M2 are conducting and operating in saturation. Assuming
that all transistors are identical, except for their W IL ratios, we write for the
drain currents,

I-Ln C~x (
= --2- L
W) I (Vgsl - VTH ) 2

Id2 = -I-Ln2C~x- (L W) 2 (Vgs2 - V TH )


Id3 = - C~x
I-Ln- - -- (W) (VDD - Vol - VTH ) 2
2 L 3

=- - (W)
C~x - (VDD - Vo2 - VTH ) 2 (2-296)
2 L 4
2.4 Two-Transistor Gain Stages 131

Equating Idl and Id3 yields

- - - (Vgs1 - VTH ) (2-297)

and equating Id2 and Id4 yields

v -
02 -
- V
_ I (WILh
V (W IL)4 (Vgs2 - V TH ) (2-298)

The differential output voltage is

(W IL)] V (2-299)
(WILh ,d

where we have assumed that the channel width-to-Iength ratios (W IL) of the
differential-pair transistors (M] and M 2) are equal as are those of the load
transistors (M3 and M4)'
It can be easily shown that the small-signal differential-mode voltage gain
is given by

gml (WIL) I
gm3 (WILh

and that the small-signal common-mode voltage gain is

A = _ gm] (2-301)
em gm3 (l + 2gm! Rss)

The common-mode rejection ratio is


and is identical to that of the resistive-loaded pair.

The active-loaded MOSFET differential pair, shown in Fig. 2-71, operates
in a fashion similar to its bipolar counterpart (Fig. 2-65). The unloaded small-
signal voltage gain is

-Vo -_ gm] ( roNMOS II roPMOS) (2-303)

132 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


+---00 Vo

- 0>--------1

Figure 2-71 CMOS differential pair with active load.

W hereroNMOS and roP Mare theO S.

output •
resIstances of the NMOS and PMOS transIStors,
respectively. The stage exhibits an output resistance of

Ro = roNMOS II roPMOS = 2 (2-304)

Iss (}IN + Ap)

where AN and Ap are the channel-length modulation parameters of the NMOS

and PMOS transistors, respectively. Also, as with the active-loaded bipolar
differential pair, the CMOS version has a very high common-mode rejection

2.5 Output Stages

Output stages are used as an interface to drive an external load connected to

the integrated circuit. In this role, the output stage must be able to deliver
power to the load with minimal distortion of the signal. It should also not limit
the frequency response of the circuit. Figure 2-72 shows the characteristics of
an ideal output stage. The linear transfer characteristic [Fig. 2-72(b)] produces
an undistorted output and the output voltage swing which ranges from the
negative power supply (V-) to the positive power supply (V+) provides the
maximum signal voltage that can be delivered to the load. The idealized output
characteristic [Fig. 2-72(d)] shows that the output stage can deliver any amount
of current required by the load; this implies a zero output resistance for the
stage, which means all of the signal is delivered to the load. An infinite input
resistance, as depicted in Fig. 2-72(c), produces no loading of the previous
2.5 Output Stages 133


+ V in
Vin Vo

-=- V-

(a) (b)

lin 10

Ro= 0
Rin= =
Vin Vo

(c) (d)

Figure 2-72 Characteristics of an ideal output stage.

stage at the input to the output stage; in an actual output stage, its input
resistance should be high.

Emitter Follower and Source Follower Output Stages

The nearly linear transfer characteristic and low output resistance of an emitter
follower make it ideal for use in an output stage. Figure 2-73(a) shows an
output stage using a single emitter follower. Q2 is a current-source transistor
which provides a bias current IQ for the emitter of Qj. This arrangement keeps
the bias current out of the load resistance which otherwise would result in
significant quiescent standby power being dissipated in the load. From the

134 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


(a) (b)
Figure 2-73 (a) Emitter follower output stage. (b) Source follower output stage.


lei = (XFl el = (XF(lQ + 1 = (XF(lQ + VoIR L )

0) (2-306)

which combined with Eq. (2-305) yields


The nonlinearity in this transfer characteristic is logarithmic, so for values of

load resistance such that lVolRLI is significantly less than the bias current I Q, the
output is very linear; for even larger values of output current, the nonlinearity
is still small, typically on the order of 0.1 % or so.
If this output stage is part of an integrated circuit, then the input voltage to
the stage will be limited to VEE < Vin < Vcc. Consequently, the maximum positive
output voltage will be approximately Vcc - VBE(on)' The maximum negative output
voltage depends on the value of the load resistance relative to the bias current.
For large values of R L , the output is limited when Q2 goes into saturation, giving
a maximum negative output voltage of VEE + VCE(sa!)' When Vo = - IQR L , then
lei = 0, causing QI to become cutoff. If RL is less than (VEE + VCE(sat))II Q in value,
then Q I will cutoff before Q2 goes into saturation, thereby limiting the maximum
negative output voltage to - IQR L • The voltage transfer characteristic for the
emitter follower output stage is sketched in Fig. 2-74, illustrated for two
different values of load resistance.
2.5 Output Stages 135


Q1 0ff

RL2--------~. ________ _
VEE + V CE(sat)

Figure 2-74 Voltage transfer characteristic for the emitter follower output stage
of Fig. 2-73(a) depicting two different values of RdRL2 > R Ll ).

This circuit, like all Class A-type stages, suffers from low-power efficiency;
this is because the bias current IQ flows in both Ql and Q2 at zero output,
resulting in a standby quiescent power dissipation of (Vee - VEE)/Q' The maximum
power efficiency is limited to about 25%.
A source follower output stage using MOSFETs is shown in Fig. 2-73(b).
For this circuit,

Va = Vin - Vgs1 = V in - VTH -

J 2Idl
C' (WIL) (2-308)
J.1n ox 1



resulting in

2(/Q+ VnIR L )
J.1n C~x (W IL)I = Vin - VTH

Here, the nonlinearity is square root, resulting in a somewhat less linear

transfer characteristic than with a bipolar transistor stage; the transfer charac-
136 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

teristic is similar to Fig. 2-74. Again, for small values of R L , transistor MI is

cutoff at Vo = - IQR L •

Complementary Output Stages

The low-power efficiency of the Class A-type stage can be improved by using
complementary devices in a push-pull configuration. Figure 2-75(a) illustrates
a complementary output stage using npn and pnp emitter followers operating
in Class AB. The two diode-connected transistors QI and Q2 provide a 2Vbe
voltage drop between the bases of Q3 and Q4; at zero output (VO = 0), both output
devices are biased slightly on with a quiescent current I Q• This arrangement
eliminates the "dead-band" (and the resulting crossover distortion) in the
transfer characteristic that would otherwise occur due to the positive Vbe re-
quired for Q3 to conduct and the negative Vbe required for Q4 to conduct.
Starting from Vo = 0, as V in is increased, the voltage at the base of Q4 is
increased, causing Q4 to conduct less; at the same time, the voltage at the base
of Q3 is increased due to the constant voltage drop across the two forward-
biased diodes QI and Q2, causing Q3 to conduct more heavily. With increasing
input voltage, Q4 turns off and Q3 sources the full output current to the load.
For a positive output, Q4 is essentially off and Q3 is on, giving
Vo = V in + Veb2 + V bel - Vbe3 = V in + VBE(on) (2-311)
The small-signal input resistance of the output stage for Vo positive is approxi-


(a) (b)

Figure 2-75 Class AB complementary output stage with crossover compensation:

(a) using BJTs; (b) using MOSFETs.
2.5 Output Stages 137

In the negative direction, as V in is lowered, the voltage at the base of Q4 is

lowered, causing Q4 to conduct more heavily; at the same time, the voltage at
the base of Q3 is also lowered, causing it to conduct less. With decreasing input
voltage, Q3 turns off and Q4 sinks the full output current from the load. For a
negative output, Q3 is essentially off and Q4 is on, giving
The input resistance for negative output is approximately
The quiescent bias current IQ can be determined by summing the base-emitter
voltages around the loop containing Q1-Q4:
where neglecting base currents gives

-kT In (hi"
- ) +-
kT In (-hi'" ) =kT
- In (-I Q ) +-
kT In (-I Q ) (2-316)
q IS1 q IS2 q IS3 q IS4

from which


Figure 2-76 shows an improved output stage using complementary emitter

follower transistors for crossover-distortion compensation [12]. Here, Vo = Vim


Vi n 0---+----/

Figure 2-76 Improved Class AB output stage with complementary emitter fol-
lower crossover distortion compensation.
138 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

resulting in very little offset between input and output. This stage also has a
higher input resistance; for Vo positive,
and for Vo negative,

A complementary output stage using MOSFETs is shown in Fig. 2-75(b).

The two diode-connected MOS transistors MI and M2 provide a 2Vgs voltage drop
for crossover compensation. The stage operates in a fashion similar to the BJT
version [Fig. 2-75(a)]. For positive output, M4 is essentially off and M3 is on,


For negative output, M3 is off and M4 is on, giving


The quiescent bias current I Q is determined by summing the gate-source

voltages around the loop containing M I-M 4:

where, assuming equal threshold voltages and gate-oxide thicknesses for the
NMOS transistors and likewise for the PMOS transistors, gives

J 21Q
+ /-Lp C~xp (W IL)4
Solving for I Q,

I = I. [(W IL)3 (W IL)4

(W IL) (W IL)
(\!I /-Ln C~xn (W IL)I + .jj /-Ln C~xp (W ILh )2] (2-324)
Q bIas
1 2 ~ /-LnC~xn(WILh + /-LpC~xp(WIL)4

EXAMPLE. Figure 2-77 shows a class AB BiCMOS output stage in which

the PMOS-npn composite forms a quasi-complementary device. (a) Determine
the quiescent bias current IQ, and the maximum positive Vo+ and negative Vo-
output voltages for Vin ranging from - 15 to - 15 Y. (b) Simulate the circuit
using SPICE to check the results in (a) and give plots of Vo> and IC5 and IC6 versus
Vin • The npn transistor parameters are Is = 2 X 10 - 17 A (IX device) and I3F = 100.
The PMOS transistor parameters are VTH = - 0.8 Y and /-Lp C~x = 25 /-LA/y2. As-
sume room temperature and take VBE(on) = 0.7 Y and VeE (sa!) = 0.2 Y.
2.5 Output Stages 139

Vee (+15V)

.1 0
Yin 10X

(30kn) Vo


VEE (-1 5 V)

Figure 2-77 Class AB quasi-complementary BiCMOS output stage. nx denotes

relative emitter areas of the bipolar transistors; the fractions denote the channel-
width and channel-length dimensions W IL ().Lm) of the PMOS transistors.

(a) Summing the base-emitter and gate-source voltages around the loop
containing M], Qz, M z, and Qs gives

Neglecting base currents, we have Idl = IbiaJ[3F and IdZ = I Q I[3F, which used in the
expression for the source-gate voltages yields

I n (IQ
-- Isz) + J 21Q = J 2hias (3-325)
q hias Iss [3F/-LpC~x(WILh [3F/-LpC~x(WIL)1

From the circuit, Ibias = I ref (/s4 Ils3 ), where I ref = (Vce - VEE - VBE(On)IR I = 977 /-LA,
giving I bias = 195 /-LA. Substituting into Eq. (2-325) provides

0.026 In ( IQ 1) + J(100)(25)(20/2)
195 /-LA 10
21 Q =
(100) (25) (100/2)

which solved numerically gives IQ = 175 /-LA.

For Vo positive, Qs is on and M z /Q6 are off, giving Vo = Vin - Vbe1 - VbeS
= V in - 2VBE (on). At V in = + 15 V, the maximum positive output is then V o+ =
15 - (2) (0.7 V) = 13.6 V. For Vo negative, Qs is off and M z /Q6 are on. The
maximum negative output is reached when Q4 goes into saturation (as Vin is
lowered, the collector voltage of Q4, which is equal to Vin - Vbel - Vsg1 - Vbe2 , is also
lowered, causing Q4 to saturate when its collector voltage reaches VEE + VCE4 (sat). At
140 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

this point Vo- = VEE + VCE4 (sat) + Vsg2 ' The source-gate voltage of M2 is given by

V - - V + J 21d2
sg2 - TH
f.Lp c'ox (WIL) 2

where Id2 = le2/~F and le2 = - VoIRL' which at maximum negative output is ap-
proximately VEE. So le2 = - VEEIR L = 15V/0.5kO = 30mA, giving IdZ = 30 mAl
100 = 300 f.LA. The source-gate voltage of M2 is then

Vsg2 = 0.8 V + (2) (300) V = 2.35 V

(25) (2012)

and the maximum negative output voltage is V o- = - 15 V + 0.2 V + 2.35 V

= - 12.45 V.
(b) A PSPICE program listing for the BiCMOS output stage is as follows:

BICMOS . CIR - BiCMOS Output Stage

VCC 10 0 15V
VEE 20 0 -15V
VIN 1 0 DC 1. 483V (this value gives Vo = 0 )
Ql 10 1 2 QN 1
Q2 2 3 4 QN 1
Q3 5 5 20 QN 5
Q4 4 5 20 QN 1
Q5 10 2 7 QN 10
Q6 7 6 20 QN 10
Ml 3 3 2 2 MP W = 100U L = 2U
M2 6 4 7 7 MP W = 20U L = 2U
Rl 10 5 30K
RL 7 0 500
. MODEL QN NPN (BF = 100 IS = 2E -17A)
. MODEL MP PMOS (VTO = - O. 8V KP = 25U)
. DC VIN -15 15 O. 1
. PLOT DC V (7) IC (Q5) IC (Q6)

Plots of Yo> le5, and 1c6 versus Yin are presented in Fig. 2-78. From the plot, the
maximum Vo+ and Vo- are about 13.5 and - 12.5 V, respectively. The quiescent
2.5 Output Stages 141

BICMOS5.CIR - BiCMOS Output Stage

Date/Time run: 05/07/93 12:54:23 Temperature: 27.0
15V t - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - +


OVt t

-15V + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - -- + - - - - - - - - - +
o V(7)
30mA +--------- + - - - - - - - - - +- -- - - - - - - -+- - - - - - - -- -+-- - - - - - - - + - -- - - - - - - +

G ./
20mA~ .~:
. . . .
. .. 0'" +I
· • I
· . I

• . . , .

10mAt t

omAl'~O- - - -+I- - ~D- -+;- ~'-----~,-----+,------_,.l

Ic(05) • Ic(Oo)

Figure 2-78 PSPICE plot of BiCMOS output stage characteristics. Upper curve:
Vo versus Vin- Lower curves: 1<5 and 1c6 versus V in -

currents from the simulation are fc4 (fbias ) = 193~, fc5 = 171J.1A, and fc6 = 173~,
all of which agree well with those calculated by hand.
142 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


For all problems assume room temperature, kTlq = 26mV.

Note: Where required, use the following device parameters unless otherwise
NPN: ~F= 100 Is= 2 X 10- 16 A VA = 75V
PNP: ~F= 50 Is=5XIO- 17 A VA = 75V
NMOS: W IL = 10 J.LnC~x = 30 J.LA/V 2 VTH = 1 V A=O.02V- 1
PMOS: WIL = 30 J.LnC~x = 10 J.LAN 2 VTH = -1 V A=O.02V- I .
2.1 A resistance added in series with the base of the basic current mirror, Fig.
2-79, can compensate for base current error. Show that if R is chosen such
that R = 2kTlql2' then 12 = lref' neglecting transistor output resistance.
Hint: You may find the approximation In (1 - x) = - x, for x ~ 1, useful.

Figure 2-79 Base-current compensation of basic current mirror for Problem 2.1.
2.2 Show that the output resistance of the Wilson current source, Fig. 2-11, is
given by Eq. (2-22).
2.3 Show that the output resistance of the NMOS Wilson current mirror, Fig.
2-13(a), is given by Eq. (2-25).
2.4 In the current source of Fig. 2-80, neglecting base currents, show that
A3 A S
I =--1 f
o AI A 4 re

where Ai = emitter area.

2.5 Derive an expression for the output current 12 in the current source of Fig.
2-81. The MOSFETs are identical, except for W IL ratios. neglect channel-
length modulation.
2.6 (a) For the improved Wilson current source of Fig. 2-12, show, neglecting
the Early effect for Q2, that 12 = l ref. Do not neglect base currents but assume
the transistors to be identical.
Problems 143


Figure 2-80 Current source for Problem 2.4.

I ref.

Figure 2-81 Current source for Problem 2.5.

(b) Simulate this circuit using SPICE (or equivalent circuit simulator) to
show a plot of 12 versus V e2 (the collector voltage of Q2) for Vez ranging from
o to 10 V. From your results, determine the output resistance of the current
source and compare with that calculated using Eq. (2-22). Take for the
circuit, Vee = 10 V and R = 10 kil. Note: Because of the high output resis-
tance of this circuit, you will need to reduce the tolerance in the SPICE
program to get an accurate simulation. To do so, add the following
statement in your SPICE file: .OPTIONS RELTOL = .00001
2.7 Find the output current and output resistance for the Widlar current source
of Fig. 2-16. The transistors are identical. Circuit parameters: Vee = lOY,
Rref = 20 kil, and Rz = 1 kil.
2.8 Find the output current 12 and the output resistance of the current source
shown in Fig. 2-82. The pnp transistors are identical except for their
emitter areas, as indicated.
144 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

+ 10 V

Figure 2-82 Current source for Problem 2.8. nx denotes relative emitter areas.


Figure 2-83 Level-shift circuit for Problem 2.9.

2.9 Find V2 relative to VI for the npn-pnp level-shift stage of Fig. 2-83. You
may neglect base currents and take Vbe = VBE(on)'

2.10 Neglecting base current, show that for the VBE multiplier circuit of Fig.
Problems 145

Figure 2-84 VBE multiplier circuit for Problem 2.10.

Figure 2-85 Inverting amplifier circuit for Problem 2.11.

2.11 (a) Derive an expression for the voltage transfer characteristic (Vo versus
V;) of the inverting amplifier circuit of Fig. 2-85. Base current may be
(b) Sketch the transfer characteristic for Vi ranging from 0 to + Vee.
(c) This circuit can be used as a unity-gain inverting amplifier for proper
values of Rl and R 2• Determine this relation.
2.12 Derive an expression that gives the large-signal transfer characteristic (VO
as a function of Vi) for the common-emitter gain stage of Fig. 2-24 with
RB = O. Do not neglect the Early effect; use the Early voltage VA in your
analysis. What does the characteristic become for VA ~ 00 ?
2.13 Figure 2-86 shows a common-emitter amplifier with diode biasing. Tak-
ing Vbe = VBE(on), detennine an expression for the output voltage V", assuming
146 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


Figure 2-86 Diode-biased common-emitter gain stage for Problem 2.13.



Figure 2-87 Active-loaded common-emitter gain stage for Problem 2.14.

transistor Q2 is operating in the forward-active mode. The transistors are

identical. What does Vo become for RI = 2R2?

2.14 Derive an expression giving Vo as a function of Vi for the PMOS active-

loaded common-emitter amplifier circuit of Fig. 2-87. Use VA and A to
characterize the Early effects in QI and MJ, respectively. Transistors MI
and M2 are identical.

2.15 The emitter follower stage of Fig. 2-31 is biased at Vi = Vee/2. Determine
the output voltage Va' the small-signal input resistance, output resistance,
and voltage gain. Take for the circuit, Vee = IOV, R8 = 5oon, and
R£ = 1 kn. You may take Vbe = VSE(on) = 0.7 V.

2.16 Verify that the small-signal output resistance of the common-gate gain
stage of Fig. 2-42 is given by Eq. (2-173).
Problems 147

+ 15 V

Figure 2-88 Cascade amplifier circuit for Problem 2.17.

2.17 For the cascade amplifier in Fig. 2-88 determine the quiescent (@ Vi = 0)
output voltage Va, the small-signal input resistance R;, output resistance Roo
and the voltage gain Va/Vi. Neglect the Early effect for Qj, but not for Q2.
2.18 Determine the quiescent (@ Vi = 0) collector current in Qj, drain current
in M j, output voltage Va, and the small-signal voltage gain Va /V i for the
BiCMOS Darlington stage shown in Fig. 2-89. Take Vbe = VBE(on) = 0.7 V
for Qj.

+ 15 V

3 kQ

r----r--o Vo

- R

+ S
Vbia~ 2.5 V

Figure 2-89 BiCMOS Darlington stage for Problem 2.18.

2.19 The /-LA 701 cascode amplifier circuit is shown in Fig. 2-90.
(a) Find the dc collector currents in the transistors and the output voltage
Va. Base currents may be neglected. Refer to Problem 2.13 for inspiration.
148 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Vee (+10 V)

t----r--o Va

Rs ~Ro
3 kQ

Figure 2-90 Cascode amplifier for Problem 2.19.

(b) Determine the small-signal input and output resistance, and the volt-
age gain Va Iv; for the amplifier.

2.20 For the emitter follower common-base cascode circuit of Fig. 2-91 de-
termine the small-signal input resistance R;, output resistance Rm and the


Figure 2-91 Emitter follower common-base cascode circuit for Problem 2.20.
Problems 149

Vee Vee

Figure 2-92 Differential gain stages for Problem 2.23.

effective transconductance G m , expressing each in tenns of the small-

signal device parameters r'IT' r e, r", and g m, as appropriate.

2.21 Carry out the analysis for the drain currents in a JFET differential pair
leading to Eqs. (2-246) and (2-247).

2.22 Consider the resistive-loaded differential pair circuit of Fig. 2-56 in

which the output resistances (ro) of transistors QJ and Q2 are not neglected.
(a) Show that the differential-mode voltage gain becomes

assuming I3F ~ 1.
(b) Show that the corresponding common-mode rejection ratio becomes

here it is assumed that I3Fro ~ Re.

2.23 Show that the two differential gain stages in Fig. 2-92 are equivalent.
Consider both the differential-mode and common-mode response. As-
sume that the output resistances of the current source transistors are much
larger than R E•

2.24 (a) Show for the single-ended amplifier of Fig. 2-93 that Va = ( - AVd +
Ave) v;l2. Neglect the output resistances of the differential-pair transistors.
150 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


Figure 2-93 Single-ended differential-pair amplifier for Problem 2.24.

(b) Show that the maximum voltage gain (vo/v;) is equal to qVee/kT. Under
what conditions is this maximum gain reached?

2.25 Consider the resistive-loaded differential amplifier of Fig. 2-56 in which

a resistance R8 is added in each base. Determine the small-signal differ-
ential-mode and common-mode voltage gains and the common-mode
rejection ratio.

2.26 Design an NMOS differential amplifier using saturated loads as in Fig.

2-69(b). The amplifier is to have a differential voltage gain of 5 and a
minimum input signal range of ± 1 V. Prescribed are + 6 V and - 6 V
power supplies. For your design you will need to specify the channel
dimensions of transistors MI-M4 and the value of the bias current Iss. The
fabrication process gives J..Ln C~x = 30 J..LA/V2 and a minimum channel di-
mension of 1.2 J..Lm. You should use the smallest-sized devices that will
meet the design specifications. Note: You will need to consider the
conditions required to ensure transistors MI and M2 remain operating in
saturation throughout the input signal range.

2.27 (a) Determine the differential-mode and common-mode voltage gains, the
common-mode rejection ratio, and the differential-mode and common-
mode input resistances of Fig. 2-58 with Rc = 10 kn, RE = 250 n, and
hE = 500 J..LA. Neglect VA for QI and Q2, but not for Q3. Compare the value
of AVd with that evaluated using Eq. (2-257), explaining any discrepancy.
(b) Determine the range in common-mode input voltage over which
transistors QI-Q3 remain active with Vee = + 10 V and VEE = - 10 V. Take
VBE(on) = 0.7 V and VeE(Sat) = 0.2 V.
Problems 151

Vee (+10 V)

VEE (-10 V)

Figure 2-94 Differential amplifier circuit for Problem 2.29.

2.28 Consider the active-loaded differential pair of Fig. 2-65 with a load
resistance RL connected to the output. Show that, neglecting transistor
base currents and Early effect, the voltage transfer characteristic is given

Vo = hERL tanh (~~; ).

2.29 Determine the differential input resistance Rid, the output resistance Rm and
the small-signal voltage gain Va/Vi for the differential amplifier of Fig.
2-94. Do not neglect the output resistances of the transistors. Check your
results by circuit simulation using SPICE.
2.30 The circuit shown in Fig. 2-95 is a current mirror with gain. Determine
an expression giving 12 in terms of I ref and Yd. Neglect the Early effect.
2.31 Figure 2-96 shows two versions of a BiCMOS differential gain stage. For
version (a) show that the small-signal voltage gain (neglecting base
currents) is given by
Va qVA
Vid kT(1 + X.VA )
where for version (b),

VO 2VA /La C~x (W /L)

Vid 1 + X.VA Iss
152 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks

Figure 2-95 Circuit for Problem 2.30.


+----0 Vo

Figure 2-96 BiCMOS differential gain stages for Problem 2.31.

Using the transistor parameters given at the beginning of the problem

section, calculate the voltage gains of the two stages. Take Iss = 300 /-LA.

2.32 Consider the emitter follower output stage of Fig. 2-73(a). The linearity
in the transfer characteristic can be calculated as Vo/(Vin - VBE(On)).
(a) Taking
Problems 153

show that this leads to

Linearity = - - - - - - - - -
1 +kT- In (1 +--Vo)

(b) Consider the circuit in which Vcc = 12 V, VEE = - 12 V, and IQ = 20 rnA.

Calculate the linearity at the maximum output that can occur without
clipping of the signal for (i) RL = 500 il and (ii) RL = 5 kil.
2.33 In a fashion similar to that carried out in Problem 2.32, show that the
linearity in the source follower output stage of Fig. 2-73(b) may be
expressed as

Linearity = ----;=======---;=====,---
1 +_1 J__ [j
Vo f-lnC~x(W/L)l
1 + Vo -1]


Calculate the linearity for the same circuit parameters as the emitter
follower stage. Take W IL = 300 for the MOSFETs.
2.34 For the output stage shown in Fig. 2-97 determine and carefully sketch
(including breakpoints, axis intercepts, slopes, etc.) the transfer charac-
teristic Vou , versus Vin for V in ranging from - 6 to + 6 V. You may neglect
base currents and take IVHE(on)1 =0.7V and IVCE(sat)1 =0.2V.


Figure 2-97 Output stage for Problem 2.34.

154 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


10 X

t---o V out

10 X

Figure 2-98 741 op amp output stage for Problem 2.35. Transistors Q4 and Qs are
identical to their npn and pnp counterparts, but have 10 times the emitter areas.

2.35 A simplified schematic of the 741 op amp output stage is shown in Fig.
(a) Show that at Vo = 0, the quiescent bias current of the output transistors
is given approximately by

51 52

(b) What is the maximum value for [bias if the quiescent power dissipation
in the output stage is limited to 12 mW? Take Vee = 15 V and VEE = - 15 V.
(c) Assuming VEE < V in < Vee, sketch the transfer characteristic VOU! verses
V in for Vin ranging from - 15 V to + 15 V Assume VBE(on) = 0.7 V.

2.36 A simplified schematic of the 1530 op amp output stage is shown in Fig.
(a) Describe qualitatively the operation of the circuit, including the maxi-
mum and minimum values for Vo.
(b) Determine the quiescent collector current [Q and the corresponding
input voltage ViQ at Va = 0
(c) Determine the small-signal voltage gain Va/Vi for Vi near ViQ. Neglect VA'
(d) Simulate the circuit using SPICE to verify your analysis. Show a plot
of Va versus V;.
Problems 155

VEE (-15 V)
Figure 2-99 1530 op amp output stage for Problem 2.36 nX denotes relative
emitter areas.

2.37 Repeat the example of Fig. 2-77 using the modified BiCMOS output
stage shown in Fig. 2-100. Explain any differences found with this circuit
compared to the example circuit.

Vee (+15V)


(30kQ) (500Q)


VEE (-15 V)

Figure 2-100 Class AB BiCMOS output stage for Problem 2-37. nx denotes rela-
tive emitter areas of the bipolar transistors; the fractions denote the channel-width
and channel-length dimensional WIL (fJ.m), respectively, the PMOS transistor.
156 Chapter 2 - Analog Integrated-Circuit Blocks


1. G.R. Wilson, "A Monolithic Junction FET-NPN Operational Amplifier," IEEE J. Solid State
Circuits, SC-3, 341-348 (1968).
2. R.I. Widlar, "Some Circuit Design Techniques for Linear Integrated Circuits," IEEE Trans.
Circuit Theory, CT-12, pp. 586-590 (1965).
3. A.B. Grebene, Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Wiley, New York, 1984,
Chap. 4.
4. P.R. Gray and RG. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed., Wiley,
New York, 1993, p. 215.
5. A.S. Sedra and K.c. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 2nd ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
New York, 1987, Chaps. 2 and 7.
6. A.S. Grove, Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley, New York, 1967, pp.
7. K. Tsugaru, Y. Sugimoto, M. Noda, and T. Ito, "A Single-Power-Supply lO-b Video BiCMOS
Sample-and-Hold IC," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, 25, 653-659 (1990).
8. P.R Gray and R.G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed., Wiley,
New York, 1993, p. 399.
9. L.I. Giacoletto, Differential Amplifiers, Wiley, New York, 1970, p. 5.
10. P.R. Gray and R.G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed., Wiley,
New York, 1993, pp. 299-301.
11. Y.S. Choi, BiCMOS Operational Amplifier Design, Ph.D. Dissertation, Arizona State Univer-
sity, 1993, p. 37.
12. K. Fukahori, Y. Nishikawa, and A.R Hamade, "A High Precision Micropower Operational
Amplifier," IEEE J. Solid State Circuits, SC-/4 (1979).
Chapter 3

Operational Amplifiers

An operational amplifier Cop-amp) is essentially a differential-input high-gain

direct-coupled analog circuit that is used to amplify the difference of two input
signals, either voltage or current. Originally, op-amps were very high-gain
voltage amplifiers which utilized negative feedback to perform mathematical
operations on analog signals, hence the name operational amplifier. In recent
years, a variety of operational amplifier circuits have evolved with differing
behavioral characteristics.
In this chapter, four basic op-amp circuit types are discussed: (1) voltage-
feedback amplifiers, (2) current-feedback amplifiers, (3) current-differencing
amplifiers, and (4) transconductance amplifiers.

3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers

Nearly all operational amplifiers operate with feedback, wherein a portion of

the output signal is fed back to the inverting input of the amplifier. In a
voltage-feedback amplifier, a fraction of the output voltage is combined (out
of phase) with the input voltage signal applied to the amplifier. This feedback
combined with the forward open-loop voltage gain of the amplifier sets the
overall closed-loop response of the amplifier. Figure 3-1 shows an idealized
model for a voltage-feedback amplifier. The transfer characteristics of most
operational amplifiers can be well approximated by a single-pole response,
usually a result of compensation (to be discussed in Chapter 4). For the
open-loop voltage gain, we have

a Uw) = _ _a_o_ _ (3-1)

l+j(w/w o )

where Wo is the frequency at which the open-loop gain is down by 3 dB from

the gain (a o ) at low frequency ( - 3 dB frequency).

158 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

a(fO) = {' 00 )
1+J -00

Figure 3-1 Idealized model for a voltage-feedback amplifier.

A noninverting amplifier configuration is shown in Fig. 3-2. Resistors R, and

R2 form a voltage divider to feed a fraction of the output voltage back to the
inverting input of the amplifier; for negligible amplifier input currents, the
feedback signal is Vfb = VoRl f(R, + R2)' which combined at the input gives

The closed-loop voltage gain is then

a Uw)
1 + TUw)
As expressed on the right-hand side of Eq. (3-3) the closed-loop gain is
determined by the loop gain T Uw), which is equal to the product of the
forward open-loop gain of the amplifier a Uw) and the voltage-feedback factor
f= vfbfvo = R, f(R, + R2)' Using Eq. (3-1) for the open-loop gain of the amplifier
in Eq. (3-3) yields
. 1 + R2fR, Avo
A. Uw) = = -~-=--- (3-4)
, I + j (w fWa) 1 + j (w fWa)
where Avo is the low-frequency closed-loop voltage gain (l + R2 fR I), and Wa is
the frequency at which the closed-loop gain is down by 3 dB and is given by


The product of the open-loop gain and 3-dB bandwidth a o Wo represents the
unity-gain frequency WT' The gain-versus-frequency characteristics of the volt-
age-feedback amplifier are sketched in Fig. 3-2. Note the gain-bandwidth
trade-off: Avof - 3dB = fT.
3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers 159



gain (dB)


( 1)

-- ......,_--- ....., -
(2)' ,

o dB+-----;,-- - - - - . : , .----:,---....3!r_--I.log (f)

10 IT 1.L
Avo Avo

Figure 3-2 (a) Noninverting amplifier. (b) Gain-versus-frequency characteristics.

Single-Stage Op-Amp

A single-stage operational amplifier consists of a differential-input gain stage

and a unity-gain output stage. These simple amplifier circuits are used primar-
ily for high-frequency (but relatively low-gain) amplifiers and for some low-
cost multiamplifier integrated-circuit chips (e.g., quad op-amps). Figure 3-3
shows a model of a single-stage op-amp. Compensation is applied at the output
160 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers


Input Stage Output Stage

(gain) (unity gain)

Figure 3-3 Model of a single-stage op-amp.

of the input gain stage and is assumed to dominate the frequency response of
the amplifier. The low-frequency open-loop gain is

where Gml is the effective transconductance of the input stage, Rol is the output
resistance of the input stage and Ri2 is the input resistance of the output stage.
The open-loop - 3-dB frequency is

w =----- (3-7)
o (R oI IIR i2 ) Cc

and the open-loop unity-gain frequency is


A simple single-stage operational-amplifier circuit is shown in Fig. 3-4. For

the input stage,




The intrinsic voltage gain of the input stage is

G R _ VA(eff)
ml 01 - -k-T-Iq- (3-11)


3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers 161

,----------------, Vee
1___________ - - - - - - - - - ,


°7 :,,
1 +--.;-.'-0 'lout

Input Stage Output Stage

Figure 3-4 Simple single-stage operational amplifier.

The voltage gain of the input stage is thus determined by the ratio of the
effective Early voltage of the input stage transistors to the thermal voltage.
Assuming a worst-case condition with a short circuit at the output, the input
resistance of the output stage is


where rd is the smaIl-signal resistance of diodes D J and D 2 • Assuming equal NPN

current gains for transistors Qs and Q6, Eq. (3-13) can be expressed as

Ri2 = ~~PN~[IQ
qlQ 12
+~NPNII (~+
~PNP)] (3-14)

Normally, the quiescent bias current (IQ) in the output transistors is of the same
order as the bias current 12 • Thus,

Ri2 = ~NPN-I-
3 kT ( 1~ ) (3-15)
q Q 1+ NPN

and is typically much larger than the output resistance of the input stage (R al ).
The voltage gain of the output stage is approximately unity, giving for the
overall low-frequency open-loop gain of the amplifier:

VA (eff)
a =--- (3-16)
o kT/q
162 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers






+ 0-:--1----1_--, :-0 Vo
v.In I
I ,


I ,
I '
a-. ____________ __,
Figure 3-S Simplified schematic of the HA-2S00 single-stage op-amp.

As an example, if the NPN and PNP Early voltages are 100 Veach, then at
room temperature, a o = 50 V/0.025 V = 2000 (or 66 dB).
A simplified schematic of the HA-2500 single-stage operational amplifier is
shown in Fig. 3-5. In the input stage, the cascode connections of QI-Q4 and
QrQ3 fonn a folded-cascode differential amplifier. This configuration gives a
higher bandwidth than a simple differential pair due to the reduced Miller
capacitance effect on the input stage.

Two-Stage Op-Amp

The most common operational amplifier is the two-stage configuration. As

illustrated in Fig. 3-6, the two-stage op-amp consists of two gain stages and
an output stage. As such, these amplifiers have higher gain than single-stage



~R01 ~Ro2
Input Stage Seoond Stage ~ Output Stage
(gain) (gain) (unity gain)

Figure 3-6 Model of a two-stage op-amp.

3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers 163

ce :

.1 a:

+ ~O_TI--------·I-------~ Q7 :
Vin I

I Vo
I : RL
I I-
I I-


--------------------~ --------~
Input Gain Stage Second Gain Stage Output Stage

Figure 3-7 Simple two-stage op-amp.

op-amps, but they have larger phase shift, requiring additional compensation
to ensure stability. The low-frequency open-loop gain is

where Gml and Gm2 are the effective transconductance of the input and second gain
stages, respectively, Rol and Ro2 are the output resistance of the input and second
gain stages, respectively, and Ri2 and Ri2 are the input resistance of the second
gain and output stages, respectively.
A simple two-stage operational-amplifier circuit is shown in Fig. 3-7. For
the input stage, G ml and Rol are the same as given in Eqs. (3-9) and (3-10),
respectively. For the second gain stage

G - gm6 _ q12 (3-18)

m2-T- 2kT

Ri2 = 2r'lrs = 2f3~PN = 2f3~PNkT (3-19)

gm6 q12


where rd is the small-signal diode resistance of diodes Dl and D 2 , and ron is the
output resistance of the bias current source 12 • In Eq. (3-18), we have assumed
164 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

equal current gains for transistors Q5 and Q6. For positive output, transistor Q7
is on, whereas for negative output, transistor Qs is on. Thus, the input resistance
of the output stage is given by
r,,7 + I3NPN R L , Va positive
R·3 = { (3-21)
I r"s + I3PNP R L , Va negative
Because the PNP beta is usually smaller than the NPN beta, the second
equation for Ri3 represents the worst-case loading on the second gain stage. In
addition, Ra2 will normally be much larger than R i3 •

High-Frequency Characteristics

A first-order ac circuit model to analyze the high-frequency characteristics of

the two-stage op-amp depicted in Fig. 3-7 is shown in Fig. 3-8 [1]; in this
model it is assumed that the compensation capacitance C e dominates the re-
sponse of the amplifier. The input stage provides a small-signal drive current
of gm Vi to the second gain stage, which, at high frequencies flows mainly
through C e . The high gain of the second stage places its input at near ac ground
potential, giving an output voltage of
gm Vi
V =-- (3-22)
() sCe
The open-loop unity-gain frequency is then


where gm is given by qI,12kT.

In practice, the value of C e is chosen such that CJh is less than or equal to
the dominant open-loop pole frequency of the uncompensated amplifier; this

+ o-------------------~

Figure 3-8 First-order ac circuit model to characterize small-signal frequency

3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers 165

forces the phase response to be dominated by the compensation capacitance,

providing amplifier stability (to be discussed in Chapter 4). For most general-
purpose operational amplifiers, C c will range in value from about 20 to 50pF.
As an example, at room temperature with II = 20 f.LA and C c = 25 pF,
qII 20 X 10 = 2.45 MHz (3-24)
fT= 41TkTC c (41T) (0.026) (25 X 10 12)

Slew Rate

The slew rate is a parameter used to characterize the rate at which the output
voltage of an operational amplifier can change; it is usually expressed in volts
per microsecond and is determined as the maximum rate of change in output
voltage for a large-signal step input. In practice, for op-amps whose frequency
response is dominated by the compensation capacitance, the slew rate is
limited by the maximum rate that the compensation capacitance can be
charged or discharged. Figure 3-9 shows a simplified model to calculate the
slew rate for a two-stage op-amp [1]. As depicted in the figure, for a large
positive step input, Q2 will tum off and QI will conduct the full input stage bias
current, II. This current, flowing into the reference transistor Q3, is mirrored in
Q4, giving a maximum output current 10 = II to charge C c: CcdVoldt = II.
The slew rate is thus determined by
S.R.=- (3-25)
Relating the transconductance of the input stage transistors to II, the slew rate
can be expressed in terms of the open-loop unity-gain frequency, Eq. (3-23):
II 2kT
S.R. = -{J)T= --{J)T (3-26)
gm q

Vo ~s R = dVo I
S.R. dt
--..t max

Figure 3-9 Simplified model to calculate slew rate.

166 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

- vee
Figure 3-10 Simplified schematic of LM-6365 high-speed operational amplifier.

The slew rate (for the case of a simple bipolar input stage) is thus independent
of the input stage bias current; the increase in transconductance accompanying
an increase in bias current produces a higher amplifier gain, which requires a
larger compensation capacitance to set WT. For the example above with
I, = 20/-LA and Cc = 25 pF, the slew rate is 0.8 V//-Ls. Careful design with high-
frequency transistors can produce high-performance amplifiers with improved
slew rate. A simplified schematic of the LM-6365 high-speed operational
amplifier is shown in Fig. 3-10. It boasts an /T of 725 MHz and a slew rate of
As expressed by Eq. (3-26), the slew rate for a given/T is determined by the
I,/gm ratio of the input stage, which for the simple bipolar circuit of the type
depicted in Fig. 3-9, is fixed at 2kT /q; altering the circuit to increase the I,/gm
ratio can improve the slew rate. One method is to use emitter degeneration to
reduce the transconductance of the input stage, illustrated in Fig. 3-11. Here,
the transconductance of the input stage is reduced by a factor of 1 + g,.RE, giving
an increased slew rate of

S.R. 2kT + I, RE) WT

= (-q- (3-27)

In the example above with I, = 20/-LA and RE = 20 kil, the slew rate would
increase from 0.8 V//-LS to about 7 V//-Ls. The physical reason for the increase
3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers 167

Figure 3-11 Reduction of input stage transconductance using emitter degenera-


is that with emitter degeneration the gain of the input stage is reduced,
lowering the overall open-loop gain of the amplifier, thereby requiring a
smaller value of compensation capacitance C e. The input stage bias current is
the same; therefore, as indicated by Eq. (3-25), the slew rate increases. The
drawback to using emitter degeneration is that mismatches in the resistor
values produce a dc input offset voltage.
Another method to increase the II Igm ratio is to use field-effect transistors in
the input stage, such as illustrated in Fig. 3-12 with p-channel JFETs. At a
given bias current, the transconductance of a field-effect transistor is much less
than that of a bipolar transistor, increasing the slew rate by a factor of perhaps
10-30 for a typical FET device. A disadvantage is the increased input offset
voltage with field-effect transistors over bipolar transistors.

+ 0------------1-----------,

Figure 3-12 Input stage using JFETs.

168 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers


+ I bias

+ + Vo

-- ° 10


Figure 3-13 Operational-amplifier circuit illustrating common-mode input range.

Common-Mode Input Range

The common-mode input range is the maximum range in dc voltage that can
be applied simultaneously to both inputs without causing the op-amp to cease
operating normally. This range is an important parameter because it represents
the maximum dc levels of signals that may be applied to the amplifier inputs;
as such, a wide common-mode input range is desirable. The limits in input
range are reached when one or more of the transistors in the amplifier no
longer operate in the active region, usually in the input stage.
As an example, consider the operational-amplifier circuit shown in Fig.
3-13. The lower limit on VIC is reached when current source transistor Q5

VI~ = V BE !,2 + V CE5 + VEE = VBE(on) + VCE(sat) + VEE (3-28)

The upper limit on VIC is reached when differential-pair transistor Q2 saturates:

VI~ = Vcc - V EB6 - V CE2 + V BE2 = Vcc - VCE(sat) (3-29)

Thus, for this example, the common-mode input range is from about 1 V above
the VEE supply to about 0.1 V below the Vcc supply. This common-mode range is
usually adequate when power supply voltages are relatively large; for oper-
ational amplifiers operated from low supply voltages (say, 1-2 V), this range
may pose some limitations in certain applications. There are modifications to
the input stage which can extend this common-mode input range [2].
3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers 169


I 1
+ 0>-------1

output stage

Figure 3-14 Simple two-stage CMOS op-amp.

Two-Stage CMOS Op-Amp

A simple two-stage operational amplifier implemented in CMOS technology is

shown in Fig. 3-14 [3]. Transistors M I-M 4 comprise an active-loaded differen-
tial-pair input stage, and Ms, with an active load provided by 12, is a common-
source second gain stage. For applications with light external loads, the am-
plifier does not use an output stage. The low-frequency, open-circuit, open-
loop voltage gain is

a o = Gml Rol Gm2 R 02 (3-30)


Gml = gml = JjJ.p C~x (W IL)I II (3-31)

ROI=r021Ir04=~( 1 )
II AN + Ap

Gm2 = gmS = J2jJ.n C~x (W IL)s 12 (3-33)


R02 = rosllron (3-34)

where roI2 is the output resistance of the second stage bias current source 12 •
Owing to the smaller transconductances, the CMOS op-amp will have a lower
gain than its bipolar counterpart operating at the same bias current.
170 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

Vo= a


Figure 3-15 Two-stage CMOS op-amp illustrating offset constraints. (From Ref. 3)

The slew rate of the CMOS amplifier is


Because of the lower gm/I ratio for MOSFET devices, the CMOS amplifier
generally has a higher slew rate than a comparable bipolar amplifier.
As discussed in Ref. 3, the relatively low gain per stage of the CMOS
operational amplifier results in the input-referred dc offset voltage being heav-
ily dependent on both the differential input stage and the second gain stage,
unlike the bipolar amplifier in which the much higher gain per stage results
in the input offset voltage being determined primarily by the gain of the input
stage alone. Consequently, design constraints are placed on the relative chan-
nel-width-channel-length (W IL) dimensions of the transistors in the CMOS
amplifier. In the two-stage CMOS op-amp shown in Fig. 3-15, we desire Vo = 0
with the inputs grounded. In the input stage, ID4 = ID3 = 11 /2,
and assuming matched transistors, we have, therefore, V OS4 = VOS3 = V GS3 ; thus,
VGS5 = VGS4, which using Eq. (l-81) leads to


3.1 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers 171


Now V GS1 = V GSS , which, noting that ID7 = 2ID4 and IDS = IDS, gives




Combining Eqs. (3-36) and (3-37), the zero offset voltage constraint is

[1 + AN (VTN + j-J.Ln-Cox,II(W
- - - )]


In practice, the channel lengths (L) of the NMOS and PMOS transistors are
held fixed, and the channel widths (W) are scaled to fit the constraint require-

EXAMPLE. Determine the required channel width (W) of transistor Ms to

achieve zero offset in the amplifier shown in Fig. 3-15 in which VDD = lOV,
Vss = - 10 V, and I bias = 50 1lA. For the transistors, J.Ln C~x = 30 J.LAIV 2, VTN = 1 V,
AN = 0.02 V-I, J.LP C~x = 10 J.LA/V2, V TP = - 1 V, and Ap = 0.02 V-I. The channel
lengths (L) are all 2 J.Lffi; the channel widths are W I,2,3,4,6,1 = 20 J.Lffi and Ws = 40 J.Lffi.
The first- and second-stage bias currents are

(W ILh (1 + Ap V SD7 ) _ (W IL)g (1 + Ap VSDS) I

II = (W IL)6 (1 + Ap V SD6 ) hi'S and 12 - (W IL)6 (1 + Ap V SD6 ) bias
172 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

respectively, with

V SD6 = VSG6 =- V TP + _ _2_I_bia_,_ _ = 2
/-Lp C~x (W IL)6

(W ILh I bias
(WIL)6 2
Vsm = = + V TP - = 8.29V
C~x (:)2


V SD8 = V DD = IOV
This gives I, = 56.0 /-LA and 12 = 115 /-LA. Now,

V =V +J I, = 1.43 V
DS4 TN /-Ln C~x ( WIL)4

Using Eq. (3-38), the offset constraint on Ms is

W) = (2)(4012)[1 + (0.02)(10) ](2012)[1 + (0.02)(1.43)] = 35.27

L s (20/2)[1 + (0.02)(8.29)][1 - (0.02)( - 10)]

Thus, Ws = 35.27 X 2 /-Lm = 70.54 /-Lm.

3.2 Current-Feedback Amplifiers

In a current-feedback amplifier, a fraction of the output current is combined

at the inverting input to the amplifier. These current-mode circuits can provide
larger closed-loop bandwidths and higher slewing rates than their voltage-mode
(i.e., voltage-feedback amplifier) counterparts [4]. Figure 3-16 shows an

voltage buffer

z(jO)) iINV

z(jO)) = - - - -
1+ j( :0)
Figure 3-16 Idealized model for a current-feedback amplifier.
3.2 Current-Feedback Amplifiers 173

idealized model for a current-feedback amplifier. The amplifier contains a

unity-gain voltage buffer between the inverting and noninverting inputs, caus-
ing the voltage at the input nodes to be equal. For an ideal current-feedback
amplifier, the input impedance at the inverting input is zero and the input
impedance at the noninverting input is infinite. At the output is a current-
controlled voltage source in which the output voltage is proportional to the
inverting input current iINV through the trans impedance parameter z Uoo). Again,
as a result of compensation in the amplifier, the transimpedance can be well
approximated by a single-pole response of the form

Z U00) = - - - - - (3-39)
1 + j(oo/ooo)
where 00 0 is the frequency at which the transimpedance is down by 3 dB from
its value (zo) at low frequency. In general, Zo will be high in value.
A noninverting amplifier configuration is shown in Fig. 3-17. Current is fed
back from the output through R z to the inverting input of the amplifier; due to
the unity-gain buffer between the two inputs, the voltage at the noninverting
input is equal to Vim and the feedback current is then (vo - vin)IR z, which, com-
bined at the input, gives

• _
Vin _
-(1 +
- -
Rz) Vin
Rl R z + zUoo)

The closed-loop voltage gain is then

2=A Uoo) = (1 + Rz) zUoo) = (1 + Rz) 1 (3-41)

Vin v Rl Rz + zUoo) Rl Rz
Using Eq. (3-39) for the transimpedance of the amplifier in Eq. (3-41), and
assuming that zo» Rz (generally true), yields

A Uoo) = 1 + RzIR l = Avo (3-42)

v 1 + j(oolw a) 1 + j(wlw a )
where Avo is the low-frequency closed-loop gain (1 + RzIR 1) and Wa is the fre-
quency at which the closed-loop gain is down by 3 dB and is given by


Note that the 3-dB bandwidth is a function only of the feedback resistance R 2 ;
it is, to first order, independent of the closed-loop gain. Unlike the voltage-
feedback amplifier, there is no gain-bandwidth trade-off. With the current-
174 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

gain (dB)

(1 )
R 2 fixed


o dB-t--------""""II:----=.:r---~-_+ log(f
Figure 3-17 (a) Noninverting current-feedback amplifier. (b) Gain·versus-fre-
quency characteristics.

feedback amplifier, the bandwidth is set by R2 and the gain is set by R I ,

illustrated for a fixed value of R2 in the lower portion of Fig. 3-17.
For the unity-gain voltage buffer at the input of the current-feedback am-
plifier, consider the circuit in Fig. 3-18. Summing the voltage drops around
the base-emitter loops of QI-Q4 gives

Assuming identical NPN and PNP transistors and neglecting base currents, the
base-emitter voltages give

kT (i3 I~NP) (i2 I~NP)

- In NPN -.- = -kT In NPN -.- (3-45)
q Is II q Is 14

which, combined with i I = i2 = 100 yields

3.2 Current-Feedback Amplifiers 175

+ vee


V.+o---+ -+ V·"


- Vee
Figure 3-18 Unity-gain voltage butTer circuit.

Under quiescent conditions, iINV = 0, i3 = i4 = la, and the input offset voltage from
Eq. (3-44) is


The input resistance at the noninverting input is

R+ = /3NPN/3PNP
I 2gm

and the input resistance at the inverting input is

_ 1
R- = - (3-49)
I 2gm

where gm = qlolkT. The input resistance at the noninverting input is thus quite
high, and at the inverting input, it is low.
The LH-4012 wideband buffer uses a circuit identical to that in Fig. 3-18
except that resistors are used in place of active bias current sources. The input
to the buffer is taken at the noninverting terminal and the output is taken at
the inverting terminal. It can provide ± 10 V output into a 50n load and
boasts a 3-dB bandwidth of 500 MHz, a slew rate of 12,000 V/f.LS, a risetime
of 1.2 ns, and a phase linearity of 1°.
176 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers


- Vee
Figure 3-19 Circuit embodiment of a current-feedback amplifier.

A circuit embodiment of a current-feedback amplifier is shown in Fig. 3-19.

Reference transistors Qs and Q6, inserted in the inverting side of the unity-gain
buffer, sense currents i3 and i 4, which are mirrored in the current source transistors
Q7 and Qs, respectively; the net current into node Z is thus equal to i INy. The voltage
presented to the output stage is then i INy times the impedance at node Z.


The impedance at node Z can be determined from the small-signal equivalent

circuit for the amplifier depicted in Fig. 3-20. In the circuit, the compensation
capacitance C c usually dominates the response. Current sources i3 and i4 reflect
the inverting currents from the input buffer, ra7 and raS are the output resis-
tances of transistors Q7 and Qs. respectively, and ri9 and rilO represent the input

Figure 3-20 Small-signal equivalent circuit of the current-feedback amplifier.

3.2 Current-Feedback Amplifiers 177

resistances of the output stage looking into the bases of Q9 and QIO. respectively.
From the equivalent circuit, the impedance at node Z is given by

Z Uw) = Zo
1 + jwzoC e
Under worst-case conditions with a short circuit at the output,
ri9,10 = r'IT9, 10 + 139,10 r'ITII, 12 (3-52)
Z Uw) represents the transimpedance of the current-feedback amplifier; its 3-dB
frequency is thus
w =-- (3-53)
o ZaCe

The output voltage is then given by v = vz = i'NV ZOo


Slew Rate

To first order, the slew rate of the current-feedback amplifier is not limited by
internal bias currents in the circuit, as is the case for the voltage-feedback
amplifier [see, for exampte, Eq. (3-25)]. Figure 3-21 depicts a first-order model
to characterize the slew rate of the current-feedback amplifier. The slew rate
is limited by the charging current of C e,

S.R. = ~= i lNV (3-54)

Ce Ce

t i 3~
V.+ V·- -+ Vo
---+ 1
iINV i4 ~ ~ic
i4t Output Stage

Figure 3-21 Slew rate model.

178 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

I. ~ Vo(final)
oV~Jt*" slope = S.R.
~t i INV •
Vi ~-.J\ o

Figure 3-22 Slew rate for noninverting amplifier configuration.

i INV is determined by the external circuit. Also, the required compensation

capacitance is generally small for a current-feedback amplifier, thus the slew
rate can be quite large.
Consider a noninverting amplifier configuration, as illustrated in Fig. 3-22.
With a positive step voltage applied at the input, the output is initially zero.
The inverting input current at t = 0 is


But, ViA ..o is the final value of the output voltage. Thus, the slew rate is given by

V,,(final) Wal .
S.R. = = - -o Va (final) = Wa Va (fmal) (3-56)
R2 C c R2
As an example, take fa = 100 MHz and Va = 5 V: According to Eq. (3-56), the
slew rate would be 3100 VIlLS.
A simplified schematic of the OPA603 current-feedback amplifier is shown
in Fig. 3-23. Here, instead of current mirrors, current sampling resistors are
used in the collectors of the input buffer. Over a range in voltage gain of 1-10,
this circuit exhibits a bandwidth of 100 MHz and a slew rate of 1000 VIlLS.

3.3 Current-Differencing Amplifiers

A current-differencing amplifier (also referred to as a Norton amplifier) pro-

duces an output voltage that is proportional to the difference in the input
currents; this is in contrast to the voltage-feedback amplifiers discussed in
Section 3.1 wherein the output voltage of the amplifier is proportional to the
difference in the input voltages. These amplifiers can be readily operated from
3.3 Current-Differencing Amplifiers 179



- Vee
Figure 3-23 Simplified schematic of the OPA603 current-feedback amplifier.

.+ - .
I in

Figure 3-24 Idealized model for a current-differencing amplifier.

a single supply and, as such, find application in industrial and automotive

control systems [5].
A model representation of the current-differencing amplifier is shown in Fig.
3-24. The output voltage is proportional to the difference in the input currents
(i j; - ij~) through the trans resistance parameter r m' At the input of the amplifier
is a current-differencing circuit, such as that illustrated in Fig. 3-25(a). This
circuit is essentially a current mirror in which the noninverting input current,
i j; , serves as the reference current, which is mirrored in the collector of Q2. The
output current is thus equal to the difference between i j; and ij~.
The basic gain stage of the current-differencing amplifier derives from the
circuit depicted in Fig. 3-25(b), which consists of a common-emitter (Qj)-emit-
ter follower (Q2) cascade. The output current of the stage is approximately
- ~ I ~2iin' Although this circuit can provide adequate gain, it requires a dc input
180 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers


(a) (b)
Figure 3-25 (a) Current differencing. (b) Basic gain stage.

current that is equal to the maximum output current divided by = [32; the input
current could be several microamperes for a peak output current of tens of
milliamperes, for example. To further reduce the input current requirements,
an additional buffer is added to the gain stage. Figure 3-26 shows a schematic
of the complete current-differencing amplifier; the pnp emitter follower (Q4)
provides additional buffering for the gain stage. The small-signal output volt-
age is given by


L - - -......---+---o v0
I 0-_-_--1

Figure 3-26 Schematic of a current-differencing (Norton) amplifier (MC-3301 type).

3.3 Current-Differencing Amplifiers 181

Ri4 is the small-signal resistance seen looking into the base of Q4 and is given by

Ri4 = r'IT4 + 134 (r'ITS + 135 R L) = 134 [kT + 135 ( kT + RL)] (3-59)
qII q(Iz - II)
ra3 is the output resistance of transistor Q3 and is determined from
134 VA3
ra3 =-1- - (3-60)

EXAMPLE. Determine the open-loop gain of the amplifier in Fig. 3-26. The
circuit parameters are II = 200/LA, 12 = 1.2 rnA, and RL = 5 kD. The transistor
parameters are v,iPN = 100 V, I3~PN = 100, and I3~NP = 40. Assume room tempera-
ture. From Eq. (3-60),

r 3 = (40)(100V) = 20MO
o 200/LA
Using the right-hand side of Eq. (3-59),

R i4 =(40)[26mV +(100)( 26mV +5000n)]= 20.1MO

0.2 rnA 1.2 rnA - 0.2 rnA
Va = (100)(20.1 M01120MO)di in = 1 X 109 di in
The transresistance is very large. In a closed-loop circuit, this large gain
forces the difference between ii; and ii~ to be quite small, analogous to Vi+ = Vj-
in a voltage-difference amplifier.

Inverting Amplifier

To illustrate an application of a current-differencing amplifier, consider the

inverting amplifier shown in Fig. 3-27. Note that, unlike a voltage-difference
amplifier, the noninverting input cannot be grounded; the potential at this input
is equal to V be • Summing the currents at the inverting input gives


and at the noninverting input

Noting that VI = V;E and that V;E = V~ = V BE , Eqs. (3-61) and (3-62) combine
to give

182 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

>--+--0 V 0

Figure 3-27 Inverting amplifier using a current-differencing op-amp.

If we set the value of R3 to be equal to R I IIRz, then the terms inside the square
brackets in Eq. (3-63) cancel, giving


A simplified schematic of the LM-3900 Norton op-amp is shown in Fig.

3-28. It differs from the circuit in Fig. 3-26 in that an additional pnp transistor
(Q6) is added to the gain stage. This transistor is normally off, but turns on
under large-signal excursions to provide additional current sinking capability
to improve the transient response (slew rate). Compensation is provided by


t----+---o v 0

1.3 rnA
+ O--t---+--1

Figure 3·28 Simplified schematic of the LM-3900 Norton op-amp.

3.4 Transconductance Amplifiers 183

vt 0----\

I bias t
Figure 3-29 Idealized model for a transconductance amplifier.

capacitor C e , which gives a single-pole response characteristic to the transresis-

tance parameter
rUw)=---- (3-65)
1 + j(w/w o )
similar to that of the current-feedback amplifier.

3.4 Transconductance Amplifiers

A transconductance amplifier (also referred to as an operational transconduc-
tance amplifier, OTA) produces an output current that is proportional to the
difference in input voltages; in this sense, the transconductance amplifier
operates as a voltage-controlled current source. In addition, the proportionality
between input voltage and output current is controlled by an external bias
current. These amplifiers can be used in a variety of applications, including
low-supply-voltage circuits [6] and active filter circuits [7].
A model representing the transconductance amplifier is shown in Fig. 3-29.
The output current is proportional to the difference in input voltages (vt - Vi-)
through the transconductance parameter gm, which is controlled by an external
bias current, hias' A basic configuration for a transconductance amplifier is shown
in Fig. 3-30; superimposed on the circuit are the small-signal coll~ctor cur-
rents. At the input stage is a differential pair with current sources for loads.
The output stage consists of a complementary pair of current sources driven
by the input stage; the collector current in the differential-pair transistor Q2
provides the reference current for the pnp current source, Q7 and Qs, whereas
the collector current in the current-source transistor Q4 provides the reference
current for the npn current source Q9 and QIO. At the output,

The external bias current ([bias) is the reference current for the current source (Qs and
Q6) biasing the differential pair, thus setting the value of the transconductance.
184 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

i o=9m v in

+-----'-, --~-() Vo

.;.... Ro


Ib~ 09

. Vee

Figure 3-30 Basic configuration for a transconductance amplifier.

With reference to Fig. 3-30, some observations are worthy of note: (1) The
output node is a high-impedance point with
Thus, for applications in which a large voltage gain is required, the external
load resistance, R L , must be large (some commercial transconductance ampli-
fiers have output buffers to maintain a high output impedance at this node).
(2) All the internal nodes are low-impedance points; they are connected to
base-emitter junctions. Thus, the frequency response of the amplifier is deter-
mined by the capacitance at the output node. Also, as a result, internal com-
pensation is usually not required.
A small-signal model representing the output of the transconductance am-
plifier is shown in Fig. 3-31. In the model, Co represents the output capacitance
of the amplifier itself and C L is any external load capacitance. From the circuit,
the small-signal voltage gain (Vo/Vin) is given by
. gm (RoIIRL)
Av Uw) = - - - = - - - - - - (3-69)
1 +jw(RoIIRL)(Co+CL)
where the - 3-dB frequency is given by
w =------- (3-70)
o (RoIIRL)(Ca + C L)
The low-frequency gain is determined by
3.4 Transconductance Amplifiers 185


Figure 3-31 Small-signal model for the transconductance amplifier.

A = qhias (R IIR ) (3-71)

vo 2kT 0 L

and is set by the value of the external bias current. This feature finds appli-
cation in gain-controlled amplifiers. The unity-gain frequency is then given by


If the transconductance amplifier is operated with negative feedback, the

closed-loop bandwidth is given by


Because Avo is controlled by fbias. this makes the closed-loop bandwidth control-
lable by the external bias current; an application employing this feature is in
active filters in which the bandwidth is electrically controlled [8]. The gain-
bandwidth characteristics of the transconductance amplifier is illustrated in Fig.

gain (dB)


o dB log (f)

Figure 3-32 Gain-bandwidth characteristics of the transconductance amplifier.

CL denotes the closed-loop behavior.
186 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

- 00-----1------'


- Vee
Figure 3-33 A simple circuit to externally control the bias current for the trans-
conductance amplifier.

A simple method to set the bias current with an external control voltage is
shown in Fig. 3-33. With this scheme, the bias current is determined by
Vc + Vee - VBE
[bias = R8 (3-74)

Unfortunately, with this circuit, the bias current is dependent on the supply
voltage as well as Vbe (which varies with the collector currents of Q5 and Q6). It
will be left as a problem for the reader to design a bias control circuit to give
[bias as a function of Vc only.
To increase the output resistance of the transconductance amplifier (Ro) and
to reduce current source errors, Wilson or cascode current sources are some-
times used in practice. The LM-3080 operational transconductance amplifier,
illustrated in Fig. 3-34, utilizes Wilson current sources.
Under open-loop operation, the input voltage (Vin ) may not be small in com-
parison to the thermal voltage, kT Iq. As a result, the transfer characteristic of
the amplifier will be nonlinear (due to the exponential relation between the
collector currents of the differential pair transistors and the input voltage). Two
techniques that can be used to improve linearity are (1) emitter degeneration
and (2) diode linearization.
Placing resistors (R E) in each of the emitter legs of the differential-pair
transistors (see Fig. 3- I I) increases the linear range of the input by approxi-
mately [bias RE voltS. Doing so, however, reduces the gain of the amplifier to the

3.4 Transconductance Amplifiers 187

14- Wilson

~~~~~~~J-~ V,


I bias

- Vce
Figure 3-34 Simplified schematic of the LM-3080 operational transconductance

A more profitable approach is to place diodes at the inputs of the differential

pair, as illustrated in Fig. 3-35; here, the voltages across forward-biased diodes
DI and D2 are used to counteract the exponential base-emitter characteristics of
transistors QI and Q2. With reference to Fig. 3-35, the transistor pair currents are

. 1bi • s
and 12 = l+e qVblkT (3-76)

where the voltage at the base of QI (Vb) is

In (1D2) (3-77)

Neglecting the base currents in QI and Q2, the diode currents are 1DI = (ID - i,) and
1D2 = (ID + i,).

- --. -
kT In (ID
Vb=- is) (3-78)
q 1D + Is
188 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

Figure 3-35 Diode linearization scheme for the input stage of a transconductance

Using Eq. (3-78) in Eq. (3-76), the transistor currents become

d . Ibias (lD + is)

an '2 = 2/D (3-79)

The output current is

. . . hias .
1 =/2-/1 = - - 1 (3-80)
o s ID

which is seen to be linear with respect to the input source current, is.
This type of diode linearization is employed in many commercial trans-
conductance amplifiers; Figure 3-36 shows a simplified schematic of the
LM-13600 operational transconductance amplifier. With this amplifier, gm is
adjustable over six decades in bias current, ranging from 0.1 iJ.A to 1 rnA,
with good linearity. It has an open-loop bandwidth of 2 MHz and a unity-
gain compensated slew rate of 50 V/iJ.s. An optional Darlington buffer is also


Several applications utilizing transconductance amplifiers will now be illus-

trated: (1) Figure 3-37 illustrates a sample-and-hold circuit; during the sample
interval, the hold capacitor is charged to voltage V in + 2VBE • During the hold
interval, the amplifier is cutoff and the output is equal to the value of the input
3.4 Transconductance Amplifiers 189

Diode Bias Buffer Out

- In ~-"----I

+ In o....------/------J

I bias

- Vee

Figure 3-36 Simplified schematic of the LM-13600 operational transconductance


+vecjb sample

- V ee
+ Vee
I bias ~

1...-----------------+--0 Vout = Vin

- Vee

Figure 3-37 Application of a transconductance amplifier in a sample-and-hold

190 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

i o = __-

I bias t

Figure 3-38 Analog multi circuit using a transconductance amplifier.

signal and the end of the previous sample interval. (2) Figure 3-38 shows an
analog mUltiplier circuit; the y input is used to control the bias current which
sets the gain of the transconductance amplifier in response to the x input. For
a Wilson current source (as in Fig. 3-36), the bias current is given as

V,. + Vee - 2VBE

hias = . R (3-81)

which, combined at the output, gives


Normally, one would modify the bias current control circuit to give hias directly
proportional to Vy and thereby eliminate the Vx offset in Eq. (3-82). (3) A
voltage-controlled low-pass filter is illustrated in Fig. 3-39; the 3-dB band-
width of the filter is given by

3.4 Transconductance Amplifiers 191

Vc o----"'~.~------........,

+ vce


- vee
Figure 3-39 Voltage-controlled low-pass filter using a transconductance amplifier.

CMOS Transconductance Amplifier

Figure 3-40 illustrates a transconductance amplifier using CMOS transistors.

Like the bipolar counterpart, an external bias current sets the transconductance
of the differential-pair input stage, which is reflected in the output current: In
the circuit, i2 is the reference current for the current source comprising transis-
tors M4 and M 6 ; then, neglecting channel-length modulation and assuming that
all PMOS transistors are identical (and that all NMOS transistors are likewise
identical), i6 = i 2 . Likewise, i j is the reference current for the current source
comprising transistors M3 and Ms; thus, is = i j • Also, is is the reference current
for the current source comprising transistors M7 and Mg; thus, i g = is. The output
current is then
and is equal to the difference in currents in the differential pair M j and M 2 .

In practice, owing to the effects of channel-length modulation, the effective
transconductance of the amplifier will differ somewhat from that calculated by
192 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers


Ms M3 M4 M6

.i S
•i1 i 2• i 6.


M1 Vo
V. is.
+ 0
tI bias

I bias

Figure 3-40 CMOS transconductance amplifier.

Eg. (3-86). Also of note: In the CMOS amplifier, the transconductance varies
as the square root of the bias current, compared to a linear variation in the
bipolar amplifier [see Eq. (3-67)]. The output resistance of the amplifier can
be increased by using cascode pairs for transistors M6 and Ms [9].


Figure 3-41 illustrates a scheme by which the linear range of a MOSFET

transconductance amplifier can be increased [10]. This technique utilizes two
transistors, M3 and M 4 , connected between the sources of the differential pair.
These transistors, operating in the triode region, act as voltage-controlled
source-degeneration resistances. With reference to the circuit: At node (a) we
have II = 10 + 13 - h and at node (b) we have 12 = 10 - 13 + h For M3 and M4
operating in the triode region, we have



3.4 Transconductance Amplifiers 193

f1 I 2•

M1 M2

-- M3
a 3 b
1 '
M4 tl4


Figure 3-41 Linearization scheme for a MOSFET transconductance amplifier.

where the asterisk is used to denote the channel width /length ratio for the
linearization transistors M3 and M4 (which is different than that of the differen-
tial-pair transistors Ml and M2)' The node potentials are given by

Va = Vi - VGS1 = Vi - V TH -
J 211
C' (WIL) (3-89)
I-Ln ox

I 212
Vb = - VGS2 = - VTH - V I-Ln C~x (W IL)
Defining the output current as 11 - 12 = 2 (13 - 14), and noting that Vba = - Vah , we

I - I _ (WIL)(WIL)* 2 I-Ln C'ox (fj + fj) V

3 4 - -(W-IL-)-+-4-(W-IL-)*- (WIL) './11 './12 I

Substituting for 11 and 12 in terms of 10, 13, and h and solving the resulting
quadratic equation, we obtain

I -I _ 4 (WIL)* 2I-Ln C~Jo

~---Vi (3-92)
1 2 ---4-(W-----'---IL-)*- (WIL)
1 +----

which is linear in Vi. For a given bias current, 10, there is a relation between
194 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

the channel width !length ratios which optimizes the linear range; typically this
in a range (WIL) -:- (WIL)* of about 3-7.


For all problems assume room temperature, kT/q == 26mV.

Note: Where required, use the following device parameters unless otherwise
NPN: (3F == 100 I s ==2XlO- '6 A VA == 75V
PNP: (3F == 50 Is == 5 X to - 17 A VA == 75V
NMOS: W IL == 10 /LnC;, == 30 /LA /V 2 VTH == 1 V A ==O.02V- '

PMOS: WIL == 30 /LpC;, == 10 /LA /V 2 VTH == - 1 V A == O.02V- '

3.1 Verify text Eqs (3-6) through (3-8) for the single-stage op-amp model
shown in Fig. 3-3.
3.2 For the folded-cascode differential amplifier stage shown in Fig. 3-42
(a) The low-frequency, small-signal voltage gain, VouJVin' for V in near zero.
(b) The maximum and minimum values for Vout . You may assume
IVCE(sat)i == 0.2 V.
+ 10 V


- 10 V
Figure 3-42 Folded-cascode differential amplifier for Problem 3.2.
Problems 195

Figure 3-43 Cascode differential amplifier for Problem 3.3.

3.3 (a) For the cascode differential amplifier stage shown in Fig. 3-43 deter-
mine the low-frequency small-signal voltage gain Avo. The diodes are fab-
ricated from NPN transistors.
(b) The frequency response of the circuit is dominated by the 10-pF load
capacitance. Determine the - 3-dB frequency for the amplifier stage.
(c) Use SPICE to simulate the circuit to check your results above. Spe-
cifically, (1) plot the dc transfer characteristic for Vin ranging from - 5 mY
to + 5 mY, and (2) plot the small-signal voltage gain versus frequency
(log-log plot) for frequency ranging from 1 Hz to 100 MHz.
3.4 For the two-stage voltage op-amp shown in Fig. 3-44, compensation can
be achieved either by placing C c as a feedback capacitor across the second
gain stage (a) or as a shunt capacitance at the input of the second stage
(b). In either case, Cc dominates the response. For this problem, the current
sources can be assumed to be ideal and the output resistances of the
transistors can be neglected.
(a) Find the low-frequency voltage gain, Avo and, for the feedback compen-
sation connection, the slew rate, S.R., the unity-gain bandwidth,fT, and the
- 3-dB frequency, fa.
(b) For the shunt compensation connection, find S.R., fr, and fa.
3.5 Derive an expression for the low-frequency voltage gain, Va/Vim for the
single-stage op-amp shown in Fig. 3-45. Express your result in terms of
196 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers


12 200 IlA

20,F ~~smg,
--l '-,u.
50 Kn

- Vee
Figure 3-44 Op-amp circuit for Problem 3.4.


+--__--0 Vo

Figure 3-45 Single-stage operational amplifier for Problem 3.5.

the Early voltages of the bipolar transistors and other parameters as


3.6 A two-stage BiCMOS operational amplifier is shown in Fig. 3-46.

(a) Determine an expression for the low-frequency, open-loop voltage gain
for Vo near zero. Assume that both output transistors, Q4 and Q5, are
conducting in this calculation.
(b) Calculate the voltage gain, taking II = 100 fJ.A, 12 = 200fJ.A, and
Problems 197

+ 0------1

Figure 3-46 BieMOS op-amp for Problem 3.6.

RL = I kD. Diode Dl is fashioned from an NPN transistor and diode D2 is

fashioned from a PNP transistor.
(c) Determine the common-mode input range for the amplifier.

3.7 The high-speed buffer circuit of Fig. 3-47 is relatively insensitive to the
load current in RL due to the current absorbing capability of Q9, controlled
by feedback through Q6.
(a) Describe the operation of the circuit, showing that Vo = Vin , and that this
result is maintained under a varying load current.

+ 10 V

_~----...--..---o Vo

1 rnA

- 10 V

Figure 3-47 High-speed buffer circuit for Problem 3.7.

198 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers


t-----1---;:-O V out

Figure 3-48 Closed-loop buffer circuit for Problem 3.8.

(b) Simulate the circuit using SPICE for values of RL of 2kil, 5 kil, and
20 kil, to show Vo versus V in for V in ranging from - 10 V to + 10 V. Qs is
identical to the other NPN transistors except for its emitter area which is
twice the size.
(c) Show that the input offset voltage (for Vo = 0) is given by

kT In
Vos=- (ICllcs)
q 2IC2
Calculate Vas and compare with that determined from your simulation.
3.8 Figure 3-48 shows a closed-loop unity-gain buffer circuit in which the
feedback loop comprising Q2 and Q3 provides a low output resistance.
(a) Show that Vo = Vi, and Ro = 2 Ifh gm2'
(b) Show that the input offset voltage is given by

kT In (II
Vas=- -12/~F)
q II - 12/~F
(c) Calculate Ro and Vas, given that II = 12 = 500 J.1A.
3.9 (a) Calculate the low-frequency value of the transimpedance, Zoo for the
current-feedback amplifier depicted in Fig. 3-19. Take 10 = 1 rnA, I bias = 2 rnA,
and assume a near short-circuit load at the output.
(b) The capacitance C c comprises primarily the base-collector junction
capacitance of transistors Q7 though QIO. If the capacitance of each transistor
is 0.05 pF, determine the open-loop, - 3-dB frequency, fo, for the ampli-
(c) Repeat (a) and (b) for a 5-kil load at the output instead of a short
circuit; assume that Vo is still near zero for this calculation.
Problems 199

10 kn

Figure 3·49 Norton gain stage for Problem 3.11.

3.10 For the inverting amplifier shown in Fig. 3-27 with a transresistance
parameter r Uw) given by Eq. (3-65), show that for R3 = R ,IIR z, the closed-
loop voltage gain is given by

where Avo = - Rz fR I and Wa = Rzfwo roo assuming that ro:::;P R2 •

3.11 (a) For the Norton amplifier gain stage in Fig. 3-49 show that the
small-signal output current is given by in = -j3}iin, where QI and Q2 are
identical transistors.
(b) Simulate the circuit using SPICE, showing In versus lin> for lin ranging
from 2 to 5 J-LA. From the simulation, verify the result in (a). Take
Is=2X 1O-'5 A and j3F=50.
3.12 In Fig. 3-50, a transconductance amplifier is used as an inverting ampli-
fier. Show that the small-signal voltage gain is given by
Vo 1-g m R 2
Vi l+gm R I

Vi I

I bias f I

Figure 3·50 Transconductance amplifier circuit for Problem 3.12.

200 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

Figure 3-51 Diode-compensated transconductance amplifier circuit for Problem 3.13.

and that the output resistance is given by

RI +R 2
R =----
o 1 + gmRI
3.13 In the diode-compensated transconductance amplifier shown in Fig. 3-51,
show that
. hias Vs
You may neglect base currents and assume that ~ V BE is small relative to Vs.
3.14 For the multiplier circuit using the diode-linearized transconductance
amplifier in Fig. 3-52, design a circuit that gives for the multiplier
V" = KVx V,., where K is a constant. Do not use op-amps in your part of
the circuit.
3.15 (a) Show that the open-loop, low-frequency voltage gain of the CMOS
transconductance amplifier in Fig. 3-40 is given by

2RL j f.Ln C~x (W IL)Nlbias

Avo = - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - -
2 + hiasRdx'N + X,p)
(b) Calculate Avo and the - 3-dB frequency for this amplifier operating at
a bias current of 100 f.LA and RL = 100 kn if its unity-gain frequency is
(c) Show that the optimum bias current which maximizes the voltage
gain is given by
lb· (opt) = - - - -
las RL (x'N + X,p)
References 201

Figure 3-52 Analog multiplier circuit for Problem 3-14.

3.16 Carry through the analysis using Eqs. (3-87), (3-88), and (3-91) to obtain
Eq. (3-92) for the linearized MOSFET transconductance amplifier.


I. l.E. Soloman, "The Monolithic Op Amp: A Tutorial Study," IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits,
SC-9, 314--332 (Dec. 1974).
2. l.H. Huijsing and D. Linebarger, "Low-Voltage Operational Amplifier with Rail-to-Rail Input
and Output Ranges," IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-20, 1144-1150 (Dec. 1985).
3. P.R. Gray and R.G. Meyer, "MOS Operational Amplifier Design-A Tutorial Overview," IEEE
1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-17, 969-982 (Dec. 1982).
4. P.E. Allen and M.B. Terry, "The Use of Current Amplifiers for High-Performance Voltage
Applications," IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-I5, 155-162 (Apr. 1980).
5. T.M. Frederiksen, W.F. Davis, and D.W. Zobel, "A New Current-Differencing Single-Supply
Operational Amplifier," IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-6, 340-347 (Dec. 1971).
6. O.H. Schade, lr. and EJ. Kramer, "A Low-Voltage BiMOS Op Amp," IEEE 1. Solid-State
Circuits, SC-I6, 661-668 (Dec. 1981).
202 Chapter 3 - Operational Amplifiers

7. R.L. Geiger and E. Sanchez-Sinencio, "Active Filter Design Using Operational Transconduc-
tance Amplifiers: A Tutorial," IEEE Circuits Devices Mag., I-i, 20-32 (Mar. 1985).
8. K. Fukahori, "A Bipolar Voltage-Controlled Tunable Filter," IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits,
SC-i6, 729-737 (Dec. 1981).
9. E.A. Vittoz, "The Design of High-Performance Analog Circuits on Digital CMOS Chips,"
IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-20, 657-665 (Jun. 1985).
10. F. Krummenacher and N. Joehl, "4-MHz CMOS Continuous-Time Filter with On-Chip Au-
tomatic Tuning," IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-23, 750-758 (Jun. 1988).
Chapter 4

Feedback and Compensation of

Feedback Amplifiers

Feedback, whereby a portion of the signal at the output of a circuit is delib-

erately applied to its input, is used in many analog circuits. Negative feedback
is widely used in amplifier circuits to alter their behavioral characteristics.
Among them are: (1) a stabilization of the gain with respect to changes in
circuit element and device parameter values, variations in supply voltage and
temperature, (2) a reduction in distortion and noise effects, (3) an increased
bandwidth, and (4) an alteration of the amplifier's input and output impedan-
Amplifiers employing negative feedback may produce self-oscillation if the
gain is sufficiently high and the feedback signal is in phase with the input at
some frequency; these amplifiers require compensation to stabilize them
against self-oscillation.
In this chapter, we examine negative feedback as it applies to amplifier
circuits and present a systematic classification and analysis procedure for
various feedback configurations. Stability considerations and methods for com-
pensation of feedback amplifiers are also discussed.

4.1 Basic Feedback Concepts

Figure 4-1 shows a block diagram of a general feedback amplifier system. The
basic amplifier is characterized by a forward gain a and the feedback network
is characterized by its reverse transmission! The input Xi and output Xo signals
may be voltages or currents. The signal is sampled at the output of the
amplifier and applied to the right-hand port of the feedback network. At the
left-hand port, the feedback signal fxo is mixed with the input signal, giving a
signal equal to Xi - fx o at the input to the amplifier. The output is then

204 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

Xi - f Xo

input output
basic amplifier
forward gain (a)
input output
Xi mixing sampling Xo

network network
feedback network
reverse transmission (f)

Figure 4-1 Block diagram of a general feedback amplifier system.

The overall gain of the amplifier with feedback is

~=A= __
a_ (4-2)
Xi 1+ af
The product of a and f represents the net gain in the signal traversing forward
through the amplifier and back through the feedback network; it is referred to
as the loop gain T ( = af) and thereby Eq. (4-2) can be expressed as

~=A=_a_ (4-3)
Xi 1+ T
Equation (4-3) is a fundamental relation for negative feedback which expresses
the closed-loop gain (with feedback applied) A in terms of the open-loop gain
of the amplifier (without feedback) a and the loop gain T. The system gain is
thus reduced by a factor 1 + T. It is to be noted that if T ~ 1, then
a 1
A=-=- (4-4)
T f
and is independent of the gain of the basic amplifier. Because the feedback
network is often composed of stable, passive elements, the closed-loop gain is
well controlled.

Gain Stabilization

In practice, the gain of the basic amplifier, a, is not well controlled; it is

influenced by variations in integrated-circuit processing, changes in transistor
device parameters, variations in operating bias, and variations in temperature.
Negative feedback reduces the sensitivity of the overall gain A to variations
in a. To see this, we differentiate Eq. (4-2), giving
dA 1 1
da = (1 + af)2 = (l + T/
4.1 Basic Feedback Concepts 205

Thus, if a changes by an amount Lla, then A changes by an amount

M= Lla
(1 + T)2
Expressed as a fractional change,

M Lla 1 Lla
-----,,- - --- (4-6)
A A(1+T)2 1+ T a

As expressed by Eq. (4-6), the fractional change in the overall closed-loop gain
A is a factor of 1 + T smaller than the fractional change in a. As an example,
if the gain a of an amplifier with T = 49 changes by 10%, then the closed-loop
gain A changes by 10%/(1 + 49) = 0.2%.

Reduction in Distortion

Nonlinearities in the basic amplifier give rise to distortion in the output signal,
especially if the signals in the amplifier are relatively large in magnitude. Such
conditions are often encountered, for example, in the output stage of an
amplifier where the output voltage has a large swing. Negative feedback
applied to such an amplifier causes the distortion components of the output
signal (also referred to as distortion products) to be fed back into the input of
the amplifier where they subtract from themselves, resulting in a decrease in
the overall distortion. The following discussion will demonstrate this process.
Consider the feedback amplifier system depicted in Fig. 4-1. Let the input
to the basic amplifier be denoted XE; with feedback, this is equal to the
difference in the input signal Xi and the feedback signal Jxo- In this context, X E
is referred to as the error signal. Without feedback, the output of the amplifier
Xo is equal to aXE. To see the reduction in distortion by feedback, it is simpler

to view the process in reverse [1]. Instead of viewing a pure input producing
a distorted output, we determine what predistortion is required at the input to
produce a pure undistorted output. In this case, we relate the input as a
function of the output, say in terms of a power series:


where U h Uz, U3,... are constants. For a linear amplifier (no distortion), all
constants but U] would be zero. Normalizing with respect to the linear term,
we obtain

206 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation



Figure 4-2 Nonlinear amplifier with negative feedback.

The higher-order terms (x~, x~, ... ) are a measure of the distortion products in
the signal. With feedback applied, a signal - fx o is added to the input, giving

Again, normalizing with respect to the linear term,

... ) (4-10)

Noting that al = I la, we have

(4- I I)
a I +f I + af I +T
Comparing Eqs. (4-8) and (4-10), we see that the distortion terms with feed-
back are reduced by a factor of I + T. In actuality, the nonlinear components
are reduced relative to the linear components.
To demonstrate the reduction in distortion with negative feedback, a non-
linear amplifier, depicted in Fig. 4-2, is simulated. The large-signal, voltage
transfer characteristic of the amplifier with and without feedback is shown in
Fig. 4-3; the improvement in linearity with feedback is evident. The price paid
is, of course, the lower closed-loop gain with feedback.

Increased Bandwidth

To illustrate the increase in the bandwidth of an amplifier operated with

negative feedback, consider the basic amplifier to have a single pole in its
transfer characteristic such that

a(jw)=---- (4- 12)
1 + j(wlw o )
4.1 Basic Feedback Concepts 207




-2.0V -l.OV ov l.OV 2.0V
[] V(3) • V(30)

Figure 4-3 Voltage transfer characteristic of a nonlinear amplifier with and with-
out negative feedback.

where Wo is the frequency at which the open-loop gain of the basic amplifier
in down by 3 dB from the gain at low frequency a o . Further, assume that the
feedback network is purely resistive such that the feedback factor ! is a
constant. From Eq. (4-2), the closed-loop gain is then
AUw)- aUw) aUw) (4-13)
1 + a Uw)! 1 + TUw)
which, using Eq. (4-12), results in

Noting that the low-frequency closed-loop gain, ADO is

Eq. (4-14) can be expressed as
AUw) = Ao (4-16)

1 +j[WoOw+To)]
where To = aJ and is the low-frequency loop gain.
208 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

gain (log scale)

ao +-----...

Ao +-----.....--....::1...
with feedback

-+-----.:-----:---~,---- ... <0 (log scale)

Figure 4-4 Gain versus frequency for a feedback amplifier.

The closed-loop gain A (jw) also has a single-pole response; its frequency is
larger than that of the basic amplifier by a factor of 1 + To. Feedback has thus
increased the - 3-dB bandwidth of the amplifier from Wo to (l + To) w o , as
illustrated in Fig. 4-4. This increase in bandwidth is accompanied by a decrease
in gain by the same factor (l + To).

4.2 Feedback Circuit Example

The simple circuit of Fig. 4-5 will serve as an example to illustrate the analysis
of a feedback amplifier. In this circuit, a single transistor is connected as a
common-emitter transresistance amplifier; it develops an output voltage Vo pro-
portional to an input current signal 15 , Feedback is provided by resistor RF which
samples the voltage at the output node and feeds a current that is proportional

feedback network

I 5

Figure 4-5 Feedback amplifier circuit.

4.2 Feedback Circuit Example 209

- - - - - Vee

- ,,, R F ''
~-- -----~

' RF
, , '
feedback signal ~ Vo Vbe~ feedforward signal
,, '
~, ____________
-= : _____ 1''
(a) equivalent feedback network

--...,--- Vee

,- - - - - - - - - - - --
- -,
(b) approximate feedback network

Figure 4·6 (a) Equivalent circuit represention of the feedback network for the
amplifier of Fig. 4·5. (b) Neglecting the feedforward signal in the feedback network.

to the output voltage back to the input where it is mixed with the input signal.
To see that this is negative feedback, consider that the output voltage increases:
An increase in Vo results in an increase in the signal fed back to the base of the
transistor, resulting in an increased collector current; the increased collector
current results in a decrease in collector-to-emitter voltage, and hence a decrease
in Vo.
The feedback network may be replaced by the equivalent circuit shown in Fig.
4-6(a); this circuit produces the same feedforward and feedback signals as the
210 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation


_ , loading of feedback
network at output
-= loading of feedback
feedback signal network at input
If b = • - Vo



Figure 4-7 (a) Representing the feedback signal as a current. (b) Small-signal
equivalent circuit of the feedback amplifier. (c) Small-signal circuit for calculating
the output resistance.

original feedback network of Fig. 4-5. The signal fed forward through the
feedback network is normally much smaller than the signal fed forward through
the basic amplifier and can thus be neglected, resulting in the approximate
equivalent circuit of the feedback network shown in Fig. 4-6(b). In Fig. 4-7(a),
the feedback voltage source is replaced by its Norton equivalent, a current source
of value - VolRF in parallel with the resistance RF; this current source, I fb , is
directed opposite to the input signal, I" to emphasize the negative feedback. In
this equivalent circuit, the feedback resistance RF appears as a shunt at both the
input and output of the amplifier and represents the loading of the basic amplifier
by the feedback network.
4.2 Feedback Circuit Example 211

The closed-loop, small-signal gain, valis> is determined using the small-signal

equivalent circuit of the feedback amplifier shown in Fig. 4-7(b). At the output,
where we have introduced the parameter Rom which equals RLIIR F; the reason for
using this parameter will become evident later. At the input,

VI = (is - itb(RsIIRFllr,,) = (is + ~: )RiO (4-18)

On the right-hand side of Eq. (4-18) we have substituted for the feedback current
itb = - VO IR F, and have introduced the parameter Rim which equals RsllRFllr". Substi-
tuting for VI from Eq. (4-18) into Eq. (4-17) yields
Va gmRioRoo
is 1 + gmRoRoolRF
This is the closed-loop gain of the amplifier with feedback.
If the feedback signal is removed (i.e., make itb = 0), the gain of the amplifier
can be easily shown to be

Va I = - gmRioRoo == a (4-20)
is i(b=O

In this context, a is the gain of the basic amplifier without feedback. Further, it
is profitable to define the feedback factor

f= (4-21)

such that the feedback signal is

itb = foo (4-22)
Using these parameters, Eq. (4-19) can be expressed in the form

is 1 + af
which is the fundamental feedback equation.

Input Resistance

With reference to Fig. 4-7(b), the input resistance of the amplifier with feedback

I •
212 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

where from Eq. (4-17)



which, using Eq. (4-19), results in


It is to be noted that if the feedback signal ilb is removed, the input resistance
would be

Ri lifb=o = RsIIRFllr'll" = Rio (4-27)

The input resistance of this amplifier is thus reduced by a factor of 1 + T by the


Output Resistance

The test circuit of Fig. 4-7(c) is used to calculate the output resistance of the
feedback amplifier. Formally,

o Vo
• 1 (4-28)
10 iJ=O

where in Fig. 4-7(c), Vo is a test voltage source.

At the output,


At the input,

4.3 Feedback Configurations 213

which, upon substitution into Eq. (4-29), gives


It is also noted that if the feedback is removed, the output resistance would be

Ro I. =RLIIRF=Roo (4-32)

The output resistance of this amplifier is thus reduced by a factor of I + T by

the feedback.

4.3 Feedback Configurations

In a feedback amplifier, the output signal, which may be either a voltage or a

current, is sampled and a feedback signal, again either a voltage or a current,
which is proportional to the output signal is mixed at the input of the amplifier.
Accordingly, four basic feedback configurations can be identified [2, 3]. These
are illustrated in Fig. 4-8.
In Figs. 4-8(a) and 4-8(b), the feedback network samples the output voltage;
these two amplifiers are said to have voltage feedback. In Figs. 4-8(c) and 4-8(d),
the feedback network samples the output current; these two amplifiers are said
to have current feedback. If the feedback signal is a voltage, it is combined in
series with the input signal (a voltage) at the input of the amplifier; this is
referred to as series mixing. If the feedback signal is a current, it is combined
in parallel with the input signal (a current) at the input of the amplifier, this is
referred to as shunt mixing.
In the feedback arrangement depicted in Fig. 4-8(a), the feedback network
produces a feedback voltage, Vtb, which is proportional to the output voltage and
is equal to fv o. The input to the basic amplifier (which in this case is a voltage
amplifier), Vi, is thus reduced by the feedback voltage. This feedback configur-
ation is called series voltage, referring to the fact that feedback signal is mixed
in series with the input and its value derives from the output voltage. Unfortu-
nately, this terminology is not universal; another commonly used term for this
configuration is series-shunt, referring to feedback network being in series with
the input and in shunt across the output.
In Fig. 4-8(b), the feedback network produces a feedback current, i tb , which is
proportional to the output voltage and is equal to fvo. The input to the basic
amplifier (in this case a transresistance amplifier), ii, is thus reduced by the
feedback current. This feedback configuration is called shunt voltage, referring
to the fact that the feedback signal is mixed in shunt with the input signal; the
RS ii
---+ .j::.
basic + basic +
v;n- +
Vi voltage Vo is transresistance Vo
amplifier amplifier
vf b +
If b
I., ()
+ ---+ + '0
/v:l feedback feedback
Vo f Vo Vo Cll
network network ..,
( a) (b)

Rs ii
---+ Il)
basic ::J
+ 4- basic 4- a.
v;n vi transconductance io RL is current io RL ()
amplifier 0
amplifier 3
- vf b +
It' If b Cll
+ 4- 0'
feedback feedback -
f i0 io Fio
network I_~~ network
( c) (d)

Figure 4-8 Feedback configurations. (a) Series voltage feedback (series-shunt); (b)
shunt voltage feedback (shunt-shunt); (c) series current feedback (series-series);
(d) shunt current feedback (shunt-series).
4.3 Feedback Configurations 215

other terminology used for this configuration is shunt-shunt, referring to the

feedback network which shunts both the input and output.
In Fig. 4-8(c), the feedback network produces a feedback voltage, Vfb, which is
proportional to the output current and is equal to fiG" The input to the basic
amplifier (in this case a transconductance amplifier), Vi, is thus reduced by the
feedback voltage. This feedback configuration is called series current, referring
to the fact that the feedback signal is mixed in series with the input signal; the
other terminology used for this configuration is series-series, referring to the
feedback network which is in series with both the input and output.
In Fig. 4-8(d), the feedback network produces a feedback current, ifb , which is
proportional to the output current and is equal to Ji a • The input to the basic
amplifier (in this case a current amplifier), ii, is thus reduced by the feedback
current. This feedback configuration is called shunt current, referring to the fact
that the feedback signal is mixed in shunt with the input signal; the other
terminology used for this configuration is shunt-series, referring to the feedback
network which shunts the input and is in series with the output. In the following
sections, each of these feedback configurations are discussed in detail.

Series Voltage

In the series voltage feedback configuration, repeated in Fig. 4-9(a), the output
voltage Va is sampled by the feedback network and a feedback voltage fo 0 is mixed
in series at the input. The effect of the feedback network on the amplifier can
be seen by the circuit transformation depicted in Fig. 4-9(b). As far as the
feedback network is concerned, it sees a current is at its input and a voltage Va at
its output; it is appropriate, therefore, to represent the input side of the feedback
network by its Thevenin equivalent and the output side by its Norton equivalent.
The Thevenin equivalent at the input consists of resistance rif in series with the
open-circuit voltage Voc; rif is the equivalent resistance at the input port of the
feedback network, evaluated with Va set to zero (output short circuited), and Voc is
the voltage at the input of the feedback network with is set to zero (input open
circuited). Voc is the feedback signal, equal to foa. The Norton equivalent at the
output consists of resistance roJ in parallel with the short-circuit current isc; rof is the
equivalent resistance at the output port of the feedback network, evaluated with
(, set to zero (input open circuited), and isc is the current at the output of the
feedback network with v0 set to zero (output short circuited). isc is the feedforward
signal. Because the feedback network is passive, this feedforward signal is
usually much smaller than the signal fed forward through the basic amplifier; isc
can thus be neglected, resulting in the approximate equivalent circuit for the
feedback network shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 4-9(b).
The basic voltage amplifier is represented by the equivalent circuit shown in
the upper portion of Fig. 4-1O(a); here ria represents the input resistance of the
216 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

basic +
+ voltage Vo

f Vo



Thevenin Norton
equivalent equivalent

equivalent feedback network

I r if '

;~+Yoc ;"
,, -
!---7 -------------- ----~
feedback signal ~ feedforward signal

approximate feedback network

1:9+ 8
, --------------------- I
I ri f '

1 Yo
0..:L ____________________ :-0 J


Figure 4-9 (a) Series voltage feedback amplifier. (b) Transformation of feedback
4.3 Feedback Configurations 217

equivalent amplifier circuit



: ri f :
• •

f Vo


approximate feedback network


Figure 4-10 (a) Series voltage feedback configuration using an equivalent circuit
for the basic amplifier. (b) Circuit for calculating the output resistance.

basic voltage amplifier and roa its output resistance. The feedback network is
replaced by its approximate equivalent circuit. From the circuit in Fig. 4-1O(a)
we have for the input current


218 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation


and represents the input resistance of the amplifier without feedback (j= 0).
At the output,




and represents the output resistance of the amplifier without feedback.

The input voltage to the basic amplifier Vi is equal to is riO' which combined with
Eqs. (4-33) and (4-35) yields


which gives for the voltage gain


Va roaRio
Vs 1+ avriaRoo f
roa Rio

It is to be noted that if the feedback signal is removed,

Vo I v
-a -ria
-= Roo
=a (4-39)
Vs f~O roaRio

In this context, a represents the gain of the amplifier without feedback. Equation
(4-38) can thus be expressed in terms of the fundamental feedback equation:

a a
Vs 1 + af 1+ T

Input Resistance

With reference to Fig. 4-1O(a), the input resistance of the amplifier with feed-
back is

I . (4-41)

where, using Eqs. (4-33) and (4-40),

4.3 Feedback Configurations 219

i = Vs - fvo =
s Rio
(1 _--.!!L).2
1 + af Rio

Ri = (1 + af)Rio = (1 + T)Rio (4-43)
The input resistance of the amplifier with series feedback is increased by a
factor 1 + T. The reason for this is that the feedback voltage fv 0 subtracts from
the input voltage v" giving a smaller net input voltage to the amplifier and
thereby a smaller input current, is.

Output Resistance

To determine the output resistance of the amplifier with feedback, we set the
input signal source, v" to zero and apply a test source at the output; using a test
voltage vm the circuit is shown in Fig. 4-1O(b). The output current resulting from
the test voltage is


At the input,


Substituting for Vi in Eq. (4-44) gives


R=2=~=~ (4-47)
o io 1 + af 1+T
The output resistance of the amplifier with voltage feedback is reduced by a
factor 1 + T. The physical reason why voltage sampling by the feedback network
lowers the output resistance can be seen by examining Fig. 4-1O(b). Due to the
negative feedback signal, the dependent voltage source a v Vi in the equivalent
amplifier circuit will be a negative voltage, giving an increased current in rom
thereby increasing the output current io from what it would be without feedback;
220 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation


I .L--_-'" ...,----.-
I _ I
L _-__________I

feedback network

Figure 4-11 Two-stage series voltage feedback amplifier.

the output resistance is thereby reduced. It should be remarked that this will be
the case regardless of how the feedback signal is mixed at the input; the shunt
voltage feedback configuration will also have a reduced output resistance.

Series Voltage Feedback Example

A simple two-stage amplifier employing series voltage feedback is shown in Fig.

4-11. In the circuit, the feedback network samples the output voltage, and a
feedback voltage, proportional to Va, is applied in series with the input. To see
this, envision that the output voltage is increasing: This increases the voltage at
the emitter of Q J, thereby lowering its base-emitter voltage; the resulting decrease
in the collector current of QI increases the voltage at its collector and also thereby
the base-emitter voltage of Q2. Q2 conducts more heavily, lowering the output
The procedure for calculating the equivalent circuit of the feedback network
is illustrated in Fig. 4-12. As shown in Fig. 4-12(a), we open-circuit the input
side of the feedback network to calculate the feedback voltage


and the output resistance


As shown in Fig. 4-12(b), we short-circuit the output side of the feedback

network to calculate the input resistance
4.3 Feedback Configurations 221

open X
Vfb short

(a) (b)
Figure 4-12 (a) Procedure for calculating feedback voltage and equivalent output
resistance of the feedback network. (b) Procedure for calculating the equivalent
input resistance of the feedback network.


The equivalent circuit of the feedback network (neglecting its feedforward

signal) is added to the basic amplifier, as shown in Fig. 4-13(a). Here, the
feedback voltage, Vtb, and the equivalent input resistance of the feedback network,
rif' appear in series with the base-emitter input circuit of the amplifier, and the
equivalent output resistance of the feedback network, roj, appears in parallel
(shunt) with the output of the amplifier. The equivalent circuit of the feedback
amplifier shown in Fig. 4-13(a) can be analyzed directly for the closed-loop
voltage gain and the input and output resistances. Alternately, the circuit could
be analyzed with the feedback signal removed, giving the open-loop gain, a, and
the input and output resistances, Rio and Roo respectively; the standard feedback
formulas can then be used to determine the closed-loop response. This later
procedure is usually simpler than a direct analysis of the circuit with the
feedback signal applied. The small-signal equivalent circuit of the feedback
amplifier with the feedback signal removed is shown in Fig. 4-13(b).
From Fig. 4-13(b),


222 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation


-r----r----f R C2 4 - R 0

loading of feedback network at output

4-- loading of feedback network at input






Figure 4-13 (a) AC equivalent circuit of the series voltage feedback amplifier. (b)
Small-signal equivalent circuit without feedback.

where in the right-hand term ofEq. (4-52) we have used gml r.,,1 = f3FI. The output
voltage is

Vo =- gm2 V2 [RC2I1(RE + RF )] (4-53)

which, after combining with Eq. (4-52), yields

Vo I f3FI f3F2RCI [Rd I(RE + RF )]

~ 1=0 = a = (r.,,2 + R CI ) [Rs + r,,1 + (f3F1 + l)(R EIIR F )]
where we have used gm2 r,,2 = f3F2.
The closed-loop gain with feedback is then

a a
Vs 1 + af 1+T



The input resistance without feedback [see Fig. 4-12(b)] is

Rio = Rs + r 1T1 + (f3F1 + 1) (REIIR F ) (4-57)

4.3 Feedback Configurations 223

The input resistance with feedback is then

Ri = (1 + T)Rio = (1 + T) [Rs + r1TI + (i3F1 + l)(REIIR F)] (4-58)
The output resistance without feedback [see Fig. 4-l2(b)] is

Roo = Rall(RE + R F ) (4-59)

The output resistance with feedback is then
Roo RC211(RE + R F)
R =--=----- (4-60)
o l+T l+T

Shunt Voltage

In the shunt voltage feedback configuration, repeated in Fig. 4-14(a), the output
voltage v 0 is sampled by the feedback network and a feedback current fv 0 is mixed
in parallel at the input. The effect of the feedback network on the amplifier is
illustrated in the circuit transformation depicted in Fig. 4-l4(b). As far as the
feedback network is concerned, it sees a voltage Vi, the voltage at the input to
the basic amplifier, at its input and a voltage v 0 at its output; it is appropriate,
therefore, to represent the input and output sides of the feedback network by
their Norton equivalents. The Norton equivalent at the input consists of resis-
tance rif in parallel with the short-circuit current ise; rif is the equivalent resistance
at the input port of the feedback, evaluated with Vo set to zero (output short
circuited), and i,e is the current at the input of the feedback network with Vi set
to zero (input short circuited). i,e is the feedback signal, equal to fv The Norton

equivalent at the output consists of resistance roJ in parallel with the short-circuit
feedforward current, which is neglected in comparison with the feedforward
signal through the basic amplifier. raj is the equivalent resistance at the output
port of the feedback network, evaluated with Vi set to zero (input short circuited).
The resulting approximate equivalent circuit for the feedback network is shown
in the bottom panel of Fig. 4-14(b).
The basic transresistance amplifier is represented by the equivalent circuit
shown in the upper portion of Fig. 4-l5(a); here, rio represents the input resistance
of the basic transresistance amplifier and roo its output resistance. The feedback
network is represented by its approximate equivalent circuit. From the circuit in
Fig. 4-15(a), the output voltage is


224 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

+ basic +
RS vi transresistance RL Vo
i fb
f v0



Norton Norton
equivalent equivalent

approximate feedback network


: rif + f v0 S' r of

feedback signal

Figure 4-14 (a) Shunt voltage feedback amplifier. (b) Transformation of feedback

and represents the output resistance of the amplifier without feedback (j= 0).
At the input,
Ro == Rsllrifllr;a (4-64)
and represents the input resistance of the amplifier without feedback.
4.3 Feedback Configurations 225

equivalent amplifier circuit

___________________ J
(a) approximate feedback network

Figure 4-15 (a) Shunt voltage feedback configuration using an equivalent circuit
for the basic amplifier. (b) Circuit for calculating the output resistance.

The input current to the basic amplifier ii is equal to vslria, which, combined
with Eqs. (4-61) and (4-63), yields


which gives for the gain

ria roa
1 + rm Rio Roo f
ria roa

It is to be noted that for this amplifier the feedback factor f has units of
amps Ivolt. Further, it is noted that if the feedback signal is removed,

226 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

In this context, a (which has units of volts/amp) represents the gain of the
amplifier without feedback. Thus, Eq. (4-66) can be expressed in terms of the
fundamental feedback equation
a a
is 1+ af 1+ T

Input Resistance

With reference to Fig. 4-15(a), the input resistance with feedback is

I •

where, using Eqs. (4-63) and (4-68),

Vi=(is-foo)Rio=(I- 1 ;af)isR;o (4-70)

_ Rio _ RiO
R------ (4-71)
I 1 + af 1+T

The input resistance with shunt feedback is reduced by a factor 1 + T. The

reason for this reduction can be seen by examining Fig. 4-15(a): To maintain
the same output with feedback, the input current is has to be increased because
the feedback current fo 0 subtracts from the input current to the amplifier ii'

Output Resistance

The test circuit shown in Fig. 4-15(b) is used to calculate the output resistance
of the shunt voltage feedback amplifier. The output current resulting from the
test voltage is


At the input,


Substituting into Eq. (4-72) gives

4.3 Feedback Configurations 227


I s

feedback network

Figure 4-16 Shunt voltage feedback amplifier.

where in the last term we have used Eq. (4-67). The output resistance is then

_ Vo _ Roo _ Roo
R -------- (4-75)
o io 1 + at 1+T

Voltage feedback reduces the output resistance by a factor of 1 + T.

Shunt Voltage Feedback Example.

Figure 4-16 illustrates a shunt voltage feedback amplifier employing a common-

emitter gain stage followed by an emitter follower output stage. In the circuit,
the feedback network samples the output voltage and a feedback current, pro-
portional to Va. is applied in shunt with the input. To show that this circuit
constitutes negative feedback, visualize the output voltage increasing: An in-
crease in Vo increases the current flowing through the feedback resistance RF to
the input node; this increases the base current of Qb causing it to conduct more
heavily, lowering the voltage at its collector. The output voltage of the emitter
follower transistor Q2 follows this drop in voltage.
The procedure for calculating the equivalent circuit of the feedback network
is illustrated in Fig. 4-17. As shown in Fig. 4-17(a), we short-circuit the input
side of the feedback network to calculate the feedback current


and the output resistance

228 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

-+ I
I fb RF I
r if-:'"
J r of

(a) (b)
Figure 4-17 (a) Procedure for calculating feedback current and equivalent output
resistance of the feedback network. (b) Procedure for calculating the equivalent
input resistance of the feedback network.

As shown in Fig. 4-17(b), we short-circuit the output side of the feedback to

calculate the input resistance


The equivalent circuit of the feedback network (neglecting its feedforward

signal) is added to the basic amplifier, as shown in Fig. 4-18(a). Here, the
feedback current, i fb , and the equivalent input resistance of the feedback network,
rif' appear in parallel (shunt) with the input of the amplifier, and the equivalent
output resistance of the feedback network appears in parallel (shunt) with the
output of the amplifier.
The small-signal equivalent circuit of the amplifier without feedback (f= 0)
is shown in Fig. 4-18(b); we use this circuit to calculate the open-loop par-
ameters, a, Rim and Roo> of the feedback amplifier. Summing the currents at the
output node gives


where in the second term we have used gm2 r,,2 = 13F2. Summing the currents at
the collector of QJ gives

V2+Vo V2
gmJvJ+ +-=0 (4-80)
Rc r,,2
4.3 Feedback Configurations 229


loading of feedback loading of feedback
network at input network at output

1...----4----',-0 V 0


Figure 4-18 (a) AC equivalent circuit of the shunt voltage feedback amplifier. (b)
Small-signal equivalent circuit without feedback.

which, solved for V2 and substituted into Eq. (4-79), yields


At the input node,


which, solved for VI and substituted into Eq. (4-81), gives for the open-loop gain

Va I ~FI ([~F2 + 1) Rc<Rsl IRF)(RFI IRE) (4-83)

T. ~=o = a = - (RsIIR F + r"I)[(~F2 + 1) (RFIIR E) + Rc+ r,,2]
where we have used gml r,,1 = ~FI'
The closed-loop gain with feedback is then

a a
is 1 + af 1+T
230 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

T=af= - - (4-85)
The input resistance without feedback [see Fig. 4-18(b)] is
Rio = --'----- (4-86)
RsIIRF+ r,,1
The input resistance with feedback is then


The output resistance without feedback [see Fig. 4-18(b)] is calculated by

reflecting Rc + r ,,2 into the emitter circuit of Q2 and combining in parallel with
the resistance, RFIIR E• This gives
R = (RFIIR E) (Rc + r ,,2)
00 (J3n + I)(RFIIR E) + Rc + r,,2
The output resistance with feedback is then

R =~ = (J3n + I)(RFIIR E ) + Rc + r,,2 (4-89)

o I+T I+T

Series Current

In the series current feedback configuration, repeated in Fig. 4-19(a), the

output current io is sampled by the feedback network and a feedback voltage
flo is mixed in series at the input. The effect of the feedback network on the
amplifier can be seen by the circuit transformation depicted in Fig. 4-19(b).
As far as the feedback network is concerned, it sees a current is at its input
and a current io at its output; it is appropriate, therefore, to represent both the
input side and the output side of the feedback network by its Thevenin
equivalent. The Thevenin equivalent at the input consists of resistance rif in
series with the open-circuit voltage Voc; rif is the equivalent resistance at the input
port of the feedback network, evaluated with io set to zero (output open
circuited), and Voc is the voltage at the input of the feedback network with is set
to zero (input open circuited). Voc is the feedback signal, equal to flo. The
Thevenin equivalent at the output consists of resistance rot in series with the
open-circuit feedforward voltage, which is neglected in comparison with the
4.3 Feedback Configurations 231

is io
~ ~
+ transconductance


feedback ~
f i0 10


is io

Thevenin Thevenin
equivalent equivalent

approximate feedback network

: ri f :


Figure 4-19 (a) Series current feedback amplifier. (b) Transformation of feedback

feedforward signal through the basic amplifier. roJ is the equivalent resistance
at the output port of the feedback network, evaluated with is set to zero (input
open circuited). The resulting approximate equivalent circuit for the feedback
network is shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 4-19(b).
The basic transconductance amplifier is represented by the equivalent circuit
shown in the upper portion of Fig. 4-20(a); here, ria represents the input
resistance of the basic transconductance amplifier and roa its output resistance.
232 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

equivalent amplifier circuit


I 0

+ + I

Vs ria vi roa:
I •

: ri f :

•• I

•• f io

•. --------------------•
approximate feedback network

Figure 4-20 (a) Series current feedback configuration using an equivalent circuit
for the basic amplifier. (b) Circuit for calculating the output resistance.

The feedback network is represented by its approximate equivalent circuit.

From the circuit in Fig. 4-20(a), the output current is


Roo = Toa+ TOf+RL (4-91)
and represents the output resistance of the amplifier without feedback (f= 0).
4.3 Feedback Configurations 233

At the input,


and represents the input resistance of the amplifier without feedback.
The input voltage to the basic amplifier Vi is equal to is ria, which, substituted
into Eq. (4-90) and combined with Eq. (4-92), yields the gain
grn ria roa
Rio Roo

It is noted that for this amplifier the feedback factor f has units of volts lamp.
If the feedback signal is removed,

io I = grn ria roa == a (4-95)

Vs f~O Rio Roo
Here, a (which has units of amps Ivolt) represents the gain of the amplifier
without feedback. Thus, Eq. (4-94) can be expressed in terms of the funda-
mental feedback equation
a a
-=--=-- (4-96)
Vs 1 + af 1+ T

Input Resistance

With reference to Fig. 4-20(a), the input resistance of the amplifier with
feedback is
R·=-I •

where, using Eqs. (4-92) and (4-96),

i,= vs-fio =(1-~)2 (4-98)

Rio 1+ af Rio
Ri = (1 + af)Rio = (1 + T)Rio (4-99)
As expected, the input resistance of the amplifier is increased by the series
234 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

Output Resistance

In the series current feedback amplifier, the output signal is a current (io). The
output resistance is determined by breaking the series output circuit and ap-
plying a test current as shown in Fig. 4-20(b). The output voltage resulting
from the test current is
At the input,

ria fi == r;afio
Vi == -----1 (4-101)
Rs + ria + rif 0
Substituting for Vi into Eq. (4-100) gives




The output resistance of the amplifier with current feedback is increased by

a factor 1 + T. The reason why current sampling by the feedback network
raises the output resistance can be seen by examining Fig. 4-20(b). Due to the
negative feedback signal, the dependent current source gm Vi in the amplifier
circuit will be a negative current, giving an increased current in roa , thereby
increasing the output voltage V0 from what it would be without feedback; the
output resistance is thereby increased. This will be the case regardless of how
the feedback signal is mixed at the input; the shunt current feedback configur-
ation will also have an increased output resistance.

Series Current Feedback Example

A series triple amplifier employing series current feedback is shown in Fig.

4-21. This circuit is useful as a wideband amplifier [4]; the Me 1553 integ-
rated analog amplifier is based on this circuit configuration. In the circuit of
Fig. 4-21, the feedback network samples the emitter current of Q3, which is
equal to Io/aF], and is thus proportional to the output current. The voltage
developed across REl is sampled by the voltage divider comprising REI and RF,
producing the feedback voltage across REI; this feedback voltage is in series with
the base-emitter input circuit of QI'
4.3 Feedback Configurations 235


feedback network

Figure 4-21 Series current feedback triple.

The procedure for calculating the equivalent circuit of the feedback network
is illustrated in Fig. 4-22. As shown in Fig. 4-22(a), we open-circuit the input
side of the feedback network to calculate the feedback voltage. The voltage
developed across RE2 is




(a) (b)
Figure 4-22 (a) Procedure for calculating the feedback voltage and the equivalent
output resistance of the feedback network. (b) Procedure for calculating the equiv-
alent input resistance of the feedback network.
236 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

The output resistance of the feedback network is

roJ = RE2II(RF + REI) (4-106)
As shown in Fig. 4-22(b), we open-circuit the output side of the feedback
network to calculate the input resistance
The equivalent circuit of the feedback network (neglecting its feedforward
signal) is added to the basic amplifier, as shown in Fig. 4-23(a). Here, the
feedback voltage, VIb, and the equivalent input resistance of the feedback net-
work, rif, appear in series with the base-emitter input circuit of the amplifier,
and the equivalent output resistance of the feedback network, roJ, appears in
series with the output circuit of the amplifier.
The small-signal equivalent circuit of the amplifier without feedback (j= 0)
is shown in Fig. 4-23(b); we use this circuit to calculate the open-loop gain,
a. In analyzing this circuit, we will make use of the results for the series
voltage feedback example of Fig. 4-13. Here, the first two stages of Fig. 4-23
correspond to the series voltage circuit in which REIIRF in Fig. 4-13 corresponds
to REJII(RF + R E2 ) in Fig. 4-23 and Rczll(RE + R F) in Fig. 4-13 corresponds to
RCZllReq3 in Fig. 4-23 where R eq3 represents the input resistance of the third
stage (Q3), given by
Req3 = r rr3 + (I~F3 + 1) [RE2II(RF + REI)] (4-108)
Making these substitutions into Eq. (4-54) results in

~ = I3FII3F2Rcl (Rczl IR eq3) (4-109)

Vs (r rr2 + R Cl ) (Rs + Reql )
From Fig. 4-23(b),
rrr3 rrr3
V3 = V o2 = --Vo2 (4-112)
rrr3 + (13F3 + 1) [RE2II(RF + REI)] Req3
Substituting for Vo2 from Eq. (4-105) then gives

io I I3FI 13F213F3 RCI RC2 (4-113)

7, J= = a = (Rcz + Req3 ) (r + R cl ) (Rs + Reql )
0 rr2

where we have used gm3 rrr3 = 13F3'


V,1:" AS
RE2I1( R F+ R E1 )
~\ i:.v
loading of feedback "T1
R E111 ( R F+ R E2 ) CI>
~ loading of feedback network at output CI>
(a) network at input
Req1~ Req3~ cO"
v 02 c
+ Pi0"
vs ::J
RL (J)

R E2 II ( R F+ R E1)

Figure 4-23 (a) AC equivalent circuit of the series current triple. (b) Small-signal equivalent circuit without feedback. -...J
238 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

The closed-loop gain with feedback is then

a a
Vs 1 + af 1+ T

T= af= - - - - - - - (4-115)
aF3 (REI + RF + Rd
Typically, the open-loop gain for the series current triple is very large (a
numerical example follows). The loop gain T will, therefore, usually be much
larger than unity, giving

io 1 aF3 (REI + RF + Rd
-=- =------- (4-116)
Vs f REI RE2

The gain is thus set principally by the resistance values of the feedback

EXAMPLE. Determine a, T, the closed-loop gain iolvso and R j for the series
current triple amplifier of Fig. 4-21. The circuit elements are Rs = 6000,
RCI = 5 kO, RC2 = 3 ill, REI = 200 0, RE2 = 1000, and RF = 1 k!1. The bias collector
currents are I CI = 500 ,....A, I C2 = 1 rnA, and I C3 = 2 rnA. In addition,
I3FI = 13F2 = 13F3 = 100. Take room temperature.
These bias currents give r1TI = 5.2 kO, r1T2 = 2.6 kO, and r1T3 = 1.3 kO. Using Eqs.
(4-110) and (4-108),

Reql = 5.2 kO + (101)[0.2kOII(1 kO + O.lkO)] = 5.37 kO


Req3 = 1.3 kO + (101) [0.1 kOIl(1 kO + 0.2kO)] = 1.39kO

From Eq. (4-113),

a= (100)(100) (100)(5 kO)(3 kO) = 29 025 mA/V

(10 kO + 1.39 kO)(2.6 kO + 5 kO)(0.6 kO + 5.37 kO) ,

Using Eq. (4-105), the feedback factor is

= (0.2kO)(0.lkO) = 0.0155 VirnA

f (0.99) (0.2 kO + 1 kO + 0.1 kO)
Thus, the loop gain is
T= (29,025 mA/V) (0.0155 VirnA) = 450
4.3 Feedback Configurations 239

which indeed is much larger than unity. Hence, the closed-loop gain is
io 1
Vs f
For the input resistance
Rio = Rs + R eql = 0.6 kO + 5.37 kO = 5.97 kO
Ri = (l + T)Rio = (451) (5.97 kO) = 2.69MO
which is large.
Shunt Current
In the shunt current feedback configuration, repeated in Fig. 4-24(a), the
output current io is sampled by the feedback network and a feedback current flo
is mixed in parallel at the input. The effect of the feedback network on the
amplifier can be seen by the circuit transformation depicted in Fig. 4-24(b).
As far as the feedback network is concerned, it sees a voltage Vi, the voltage
at the input to the basic amplifier, at its input and a current io at its output; it
is appropriate, therefore, to represent the input side of the feedback network
by its Norton equivalent and the output side of the feedback network by its
Thevenin equivalent. The Norton equivalent at the input consists of resistance
rif in parallel with the short-circuit current ise; rif is the equivalent resistance at
the input port of the feedback network, evaluated with io set to zero (output
open circuited), and isc is the current at the input of the feedback network with
Vi set to zero (input short circuited). isc is the feedback signal, equal to flo. The
Thevenin equivalent at the output consists of resistance r of in series with the
open-circuit feedforward voltage, which is neglected in comparison with the
feedforward signal through the basic amplifier. roJ is the equivalent resistance
at the output port of the feedback network, evaluated with Vi set to zero (input
short circuited). The resulting approximate equivalent circuit for the feedback
network is shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 4-24(b).
The basic current amplifier is represented by the equivalent circuit shown
in the upper portion of Fig. 4-25(a); here, ria represents the input resistance of
the basic current amplifier and roa its output resistance. The feedback network
is represented by its approximate equivalent circuit. From the circuit in Fig.
4-25(a), the output current is


and represents the output resistance of the amplifier without feedback if = 0).
240 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

i i

i s RS vi current

+it b

f io
feedback ~



Norton Thevenin
equivalent equivalent

approximate feedback network


l,u + lio

feedback signal

Figure 4-24 (a) Shunt current feedback amplifier. (b) Transformation of feedback

Summing the currents at the input gives

. Vi Vi Vi Vi
Is = - + - + - + flo = - + flo (4-119)
Rs ria rif Rio
Rio = Rsl Irial Irif (4-120)
and represents the input resistance of the amplifier without feedback.
4.3 Feedback Configurations 241

equivalent amplifier circuit



~------------- ______ I
(a) approximate feedback network

(b) r of

Figure 4-25 (a) Shunt current feedback configuration using an equivalent circuit
for the basic amplifier. (b) Circuit for calculating the output resistance.

The input current to the basic amplifier is equal to VJria, which, substituted
into Eq. (4-117) and combined with Eq. (4-119), gives the gain

ria Roo

It is noted that for this amplifier the feedback factor f has units of amps lamp.
If the feedback signal is removed,

io I =a = airoaRio (4-122)
is /=0 ria Roo
Here, a (which has units of amps lamp) represents the gain of the amplifier
242 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

without feedback. Thus, Eq. (4-121) can be expressed in terms of the funda-
mental feedback equation
a a
is 1+ af 1+ T

Input Resistance

With reference to Fig. 4-25(a), the input resistance of the amplifier with
feedback is

I •

where, using Eqs. (4-119) and (4-123),

Vi = (is - flo) Rio = (1 - 1;af) is Rio (4-125)


I 1+ af 1+ T

The input resistance with shunt feedback is reduced by a factor 1 + T.

Output Resistance

The output resistance is determined by breaking the series output circuit and
applying a test current as shown in Fig. 4-25(b). The output voltage resulting
from the test current is
At the input,

ii = - Rsllrif flo =_ Rioflo (4-128)

Rsllrif + ria ria
Substituting for ii into Eq. (4-127) gives




The output resistance of the amplifier with current feedback is increased by

a factor 1 + T.
4.3 Feedback Configurations 243


I 5

1.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

feedback network
Figure 4-26 Shunt current feedback example.

Shunt Current Feedback Example

Figure 4-26 illustrates a shunt current feedback amplifier employing two com-
mon-emitter gain stages. In the circuit, the feedback network samples the
output current and a feedback current, proportional to 10> is applied in shunt
with the input. To show that this circuit constitutes negative feedback, visual-
ize the output current increasing: An increase in 10 increases the voltage across
RE which increases the current flowing through the feedback resistance RF to the
input node; this increases the base current of Qh causing it to conduct more
heavily, lowering the voltage at its collector. Q2 conducts less, lowering its
collector current 10 ,
The procedure for calculating the equivalent circuit of the feedback network
is illustrated in Fig. 4-27. As shown in Fig. 4-27(a), we short-circuit the input
side of the feedback network to calculate the feedback current


and the output resistance


As shown in Fig. 4-27(b), we open-circuit the output side of the feedback to

calculate the input resistance

244 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

---+ I
I fb
r if-:'"

(a) (b)
Figure 4-27 (a) Procedure for calculating feedback current and equivalent output
resistance of the feedback network. (b) Procedure for calculating the equivalent
input resistance of the feedback network.

The equivalent circuit of the feedback network (neglecting its feedforward

signal) is added to the basic amplifier, as shown in Fig. 4-28(a). Here, the
feedback current, i tb , and the equivalent input resistance of the feedback net-
work, rif, appear in parallel (shunt) with the input of the amplifier and the
equivalent output resistance of the feedback network appears in series with the
output circuit of the amplifier.
The small-signal equivalent circuit of the amplifier without feedback (j= 0)
is shown in Fig. 4-28(b). It is left as an exercise to show that the open-loop
gain is given by

io I = a=
i, /=0 [r"l + Rsll(RF + Rd][Rc + r ,,2 + (13F2 + l)(RFIIR E)]

4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback

Amplifiers may simultaneously employ both shunt and series feedback; such
amplifiers are termed dual-loop feedback amplifiers in that two separate feed-
back paths exist. Dual-loop feedback allows a more independent control of the
amplifier's closed-loop input and output impedances; this is useful, for
example, if the amplifier is to interface with specified source and load imped-
ances [5].


feedback current ~
~"loading of feedback
network at output oc
(a) OJ
io II
~ (1)
gm2 v 2 RL ~
;'~-Rsf-:~Ri ,.1:, 7'


Figure 4-28 (a) AC equivalent circuit of the shunt current feedback amplifier. (b)
Small-signal equivalent circuit without feedback. I\)
246 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

shunt voltage
feedback network
.--- l-

amplifier +
+ .--- I-
vs RLS Vo

""- I-
series current
feedback network


shunt current
feedback network
.--- l-

../'v I-
.--- l- )

series voltage
feedback network

Figure 4-29 (a) Series current-shunt voltage dual-loop feedback amplifier. (b)
Series voltage-shunt current dual-loop feedback amplifier.

Figure 4-29 illustrates the two possible global dual-loop configurations em-
ploying shunt and series feedback. In Fig. 4-29(a), a series current-shunt
voltage feedback amplifier is depicted, and in Fig. 4-29(b), a series volt-
age-shunt current feedback amplifier is shown. Each of these will be consider-
ed in the sections that follow.
4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 247
shunt voltage feedback network

r olv


: ria Vi
: '
,, rile

feio role

L ____________________ ~ ,
series current feedback network

Figure 4-30 Dual-loop series current-shunt voltage feedback using an equivalent

circuit for the basic amplifier.

Series Current-Shunt Voltage

Figure 4-30 shows a dual-loop series current and shunt voltage feedback
amplifier using a transconductance equivalent circuit model for the basic
amplifier. Any of the four equivalent circuit representations for the basic
amplifier could be used; the transconductance model is a convenient and
familiar form. Parameters representing the equivalent circuit of the series
current feedback network are denoted with the subscript c (for current) and
those representing the shunt voltage feedback network are denoted with the
subscript v (for voltage). We analyze this circuit for the closed-loop voltage
gain, volvs.
At the output, the voltage across the output resistance of the amplifier roo is
gm Vi roa [roJc + (rojVIIR L)]
vroa = - gm Vi roal I[roJc + (rojVIIR L)] = - -'-----'---'---- (4-135)
roo + roJc + (rojvlIRL)
The output voltage, using the voltage-divider relation, is
Vo = Vroa (4-136)
(rojVllRL + roje)
248 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

Then, using Eq. (4-l35),

gm Vi roa (rojvIIR )
v=----='-----"---__ (4-l37)
o roa + roJe + (rojvIIR L)
which can be manipulated into the following fonn:




and represents the output resistance of the amplifier without feedback and
excluding the external load, R L•
Summing the currents at the input gives


where, from the output,





and represents the input resistance of the amplifier without feedback, excluding
the source resistance, Rs. Applying the voltage-divider relation at the input


which, after using Eq. (4-142), yields

V = ria RiO { 1+-

V -[Rs/, - (Rs) ( 1 + -RL) -Ie] V }
I (ria + rifJ (Rs + R;o) s v rifv rojv RL 0

4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 249

Substituting Eq. (4-145) into Eq. (4-138) then gives

vo = - _--,=-gm_r_io_ro_a_R_io(_R_oo_IIR_L-,-)__ {vs _ [Rslv - (1 + _R_s) (1 + ~)£]Vo}

(ria + rife) (roo + rofJ (Rs + Ro) rifv rojv RL

Equation (4-146) is in the form

Va = avs - afvo (4-147)


a= (4-148)



The closed-loop gain is then

v, 1 + af

Here, f represents the net feedback factor combining both the series and shunt
feedback paths. If the loop gain, af, is much greater than unity, the closed-loop
gain is approximately


Input Resistance

To calculate the input resistance, excluding the source resistance, we place a

test source at the input of the feedback amplifier, as indicated in Fig. 4-31
(a). The input current resulting from the test voltage is


which, after substituting for io from Eq. (4-141), yields

250 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

i in
.--i 0


r ofc




As r if v
r ofc



Figure 4-31 (a) Circuit for calculating the input resistance. (b) Circuit for calcu-
lating the output resistance.

Combining Eqs. (4-138) and (4-144) gives

a(1 +~)
v = -----'---'---- Vin (4-154)
o I _a (I +~)
(I +~) £RL

which, after substituting into Eq. (4-153), yields

4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 251

The input resistance is then

- (1 +
I-a ( 1 +RS) RL)-Ie-
R-=~= Rio rojv RL R- (4-156)
iin 1 + a(Rs + Rio) r/v _ (1 + ~)~]
1 10

rojv rifvRL
The numerator of Eq. (4-156) represents the increase in input resistance due
to the series feedback path and the denominator represents the decrease in
resistance due to the shunt feedback path.
If the series and shunt loop gains a( ) are much larger than unity, then the
input resistance is approximately


Output Resistance
To calculate the output resistance, excluding the load resistance, we place a
test source at the output of the feedback amplifier, as indicated in Fig. 4-31(b).
The output resistance is calculated from

o • (4-158)

where, from the output,


which gives


which, substituted into Eq. (4-159), yields


Summing the currents at the input, denoting the voltage across the parallel
combination of resistors Rs and rifv as Vin' gives

~+f,v + vin-Ieio =0 (4-163)

Rsllrifv v 0 ria + rife
252 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

which leads to


Applying the voltage-divider relation at the input provides


which, solved for Vin and substituted into Eq. (4-164), gives


Then, using Eq. (4-159), we have

Finally, combining Eq. (4-167) with Eq. (4-162), and noting Eq. (4-148), yields

ix[l-a(1 +RS)(I
Roo RL Roo
+a(1 +Roo)[Rslv_
(I +Rs)£]}
rifv rofo


1-a(l +~)(I +~)£ rift, Roo RL R

1+ (I + (I +~)£]
Ro = (4-169)
a Roo) [RsI,' _ 00

RL rifv rofo
The numerator of Eq. (4-169) represents the increase in output resistance due
to the series feedback path and the denominator represents the decrease in
resistance due to the shunt feedback path.
If the series and shunt loop gains a( ) are much larger than unity, then the
output resistance is approximately

(I + ~)fc
R = __'----_r2.:ift:. .'.-,- - - (4-170)
o ( R)I'
1 + _s _J_'c - Rslv
rifv r ofo
4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 253

Figure 4-32 Dual-loop series current-shunt voltage feedback amplifier using local

Series Current-5hunt Voltage Feedback Example 1

Figure 4-32 shows a dual-loop feedback employing local series current and
shunt voltage feedback; emitter-degeneration resistor RE provides the series
feedback for the single-transistor amplifier. and resistor RF provides shunt
feedback between collector and base. In this circuit, rife = rote = RE and rifv = rop = RF.
The series feedback voltage (neglecting base current) is


The shunt feedback current (determined by shorting the input to the amplifier)




In this amplifier, rio = r m Rio = RFII(r + RE)' and Rno = R F, neglecting rna = roo

Using Eq. (4-148), the open-loop gain, assuming that roo ~ raJe (i.e., ro ~ R E), is

a = - --------'---'---------- (4-175)
[(r 1T + R E) (Rs + RF) + RsRFl (RF + RL)
where we have substituted I3F = gm r 1T.
254 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

From Eg. (4-149), the combined feedback factor is

f= (4-176)

The loop gain is then

(4- I 77)

If the value of the loop gain is considerably larger than unity (for this ampli-
fier, this is achieved by making gmRE» 1), then the closed-loop gain of the
amplifier can be approximated as

Va I
-=-= (4- I 78)
V, f ~+(I+RS)(I+RL)RE
Further, if the shunt feedback resistance RF is much larger than both the source
(Rs) and load (R L ) resistances, then the gain is

-= ----- (4-179)
The first term on the right-hand side of Eg. (4- I 79) represents the contribution
to the closed-loop gain resulting from the shunt feedback path, and the second
term represents the contribution to the gain from the series feedback path.
Also, for the loop gain much larger than unity, the input resistance (exclud-
ing Rs) from Eg. (4-157) is

(I +~) RE
R i = ---,---'-=--,------.:..--- (4-180)
(I +~)~+-I-
Likewise, from Eg. (4-170), the output resistance (excluding R L ) is


Note the symmetry in Egs. (4-180) and (4-181) as they relate to the source
and load resistances.
4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 255

As a further example, assume this amplifier is to match its input resistance

to Rs and its output resistance to RL. Additionally, take RF ~ RL, Rs, and RE (which
is normally the case). The matched input and output resistances are then
Ri= =Rs (4-182)
Ro= =RL (4-183)
As evidenced by Eqs. (4-182) and (4-183), a simultaneous match at both the
input and output requires that Rs = RL. With this match, the series and shunt
feedback resistances are related through
where R = Rs = RL.
From Eq. (4-179), the voltage gain is
-=A = - - - - - (4-185)
v, v R RE
which, using Eq. (4-184), gives


To design for a specific closed-loop gain under matched conditions, the feed-
back resistances are then given by


Series Current-Shunt Voltage Feedback Amplifier Example 2

Figure 4-33(a) shows a series triple amplifier employing series current and
shunt voltage feedback; the feedback network comprising resistors REb RFh and
RE2 samples the output current and applies a feedback voltage in series at the
input, and resistor RF2 provides shunt voltage feedback from the output to the
input of the amplifier.
256 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

shunt voltage
feedback network


series current
(a) feedback network



Figure 4-33 (a) Dual-loop series current-shunt voltage feedback amplifier. (b) AC
circuit for calculating feedback parameters.

The ac circuit for calculating the feedback parameters is illustrated in Fig.

4-33(b). With the input shorted, the shunt feedback current is
;fb= - Rn =f"v o (4-189)


fv= (4-190)
4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 257

With the emitter of QI open-circuited, the voltage at the emitter of Q3 is


where in the rightmost term we have taken aF3 to be unity. The series feedback
voltage is then




From Eq. (4-149), the combined feedback factor is

1= - Rs _ (1 + Rs) (1 + RL) REI RE2 (4-194)

RF2 RF2 RF2 (REI + RFI + RE2 ) RL
The series triple amplifier has a large open-loop gain, a. Therefore, it is
expected that the loop gain with feedback, af, will be much larger than unity.
Thus, the closed-loop gain is approximately

v, I RsRL(REI + RFI + Rd + REI RE2RF2
In arriving at Eq. (4-195), we have assumed that RF2 » Rs and RL. Likewise, the
input resistance (excluding Rs) is, from Eq. (4-157),

R= Ie (4-196)
I £-Rdv

From Eq. (4-170), the output resistance (excluding R L ) is


As with the previous example, a simultaneous match at both the input and
output requires that Rs = RL, giving
where R = Rs = RL.
258 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

For RF2 ~ R, this simplifies to


From Eq. (4-195), the corresponding voltage gain is

A,. = - RF2 R (REI

+ RFI + Rd (4-200)
R (REI + RFI + Rd + REI R£2 RF2
which, using Eq. (4-199), gives

RF2 1 RF2 (REI + RFI + Rd

v ---= (4-201)
2R 2 REIR£2

Series Voltage-Shunt Current

The dual-loop series voltage and shunt current feedback amplifier, also using
a transconductance equivalent circuit model for the basic amplifier, is shown
in Fig. 4-34. Analysis of this circuit proceeds in a fashion similar to that

shunt current feedback network

,---------------------, 1
1 1
.--------,~--~_, r----+-----,
: r ilc role

I 1
I + 1
I r oa :
I 1

liin ~----------------------!
: r ilv :
fvvo r olv :
L ____________________ 1,

series voltage feedback network

Figure 4-34 Dual-loop series voltage-shunt current feedback using an equivalent

circuit for the basic amplifier.
4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 259

carried out for the series current-shunt voltage configuration. Again, the
closed-loop voltage gain can be expressed as
Vo a
Vs 1 + af

a= (4-203)







If the loop gain, of, is much greater than unity, the closed-loop gain is given
approximately by


Input Resistance

The circuit in Fig. 4-35(a) is used to calculate the closed-loop input resistance;
Ri is equal to Vin li in , and results in

1+ a (1 + Rs )fv
RIO R. (4-208)
l-a(R s +R io)[(1 +~)£_£] 10

roIv RL rije
The numerator of Eq. (4-208) represents the increase in input resistance due
to the series feedback path and the denominator represents the decrease in
resistance due to the shunt feedback path.
For large loop gain,

260 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

i in io
-+- 4-

r olc +
+ r olv RL Vo
vin r ilc + Icio

Iv v0


r olc
r olv Vo
RS r ilc + Icio

Iv Vo

Figure 4-35 (a) Circuit for calculating the input resistance. (b) Circuit for calcu-
lating the output resistance.

Output Resistance

The test circuit in Fig. 4-35(b) is used to calculate the closed-loop output
resistance; Ro is equal to voli m and results in

I - a (I + Roo) Rs fe
RL Roo R
Ro = (4-210)
I +a(l + Roo)[(l +~)fe-!!!...fe] 00

RL rife roJv
The numerator of Eq. (4-210) represents the increase in output resistance due
to the series feedback path and the denominator represents the decrease in
resistance due to the shunt feedback path.
If the loop gain is much larger than unity, the output resistance is approxi-
4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 261


+ .- - - - - - - - - - - -- -.
"- - - - - - - - I

1 1 ,
, shunt current
R E2: feedback network
1 1 ,
1 1 ,
1 _ 1 , _
1____________ -' ,_____ _

series voltage
(a) feedback network

Rc .- io . ; - Ro

+ RF2
I fb
-L- RF1

(b) - --

Figure 4-36 (a) Dual-loop series voltage-shunt current feedback amplifier. (b) AC
circuit for calculating feedback parameters.

Series Voltage-Shunt Current Feedback Amplifier Example

Figure 4-36(a) shows a two-stage amplifier employing series voltage and shunt
current feedback; the voltage divider comprising resistors REI and RFI provide the
feedback voltage and the current divider comprising resistors RE2 and RF2 provide
the feedback current.
262 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

The ac circuit for calculating the feedback parameters is illustrated in Fig.

4-36(b). With the input shorted, the shunt feedback current is



fc= (4-213)



With the emitter of QI open-circuited, the series feedback voltage is






From Eq. (4-204), the combined feedback factor is

Typically, the feedback resistances RFI and Rn will be considerably larger than
the source, R s, and load, R L , resistances. If this is the case, then Eq. (4-218)
simplifies to


And for large loop gain, the closed-loop gain is then

4.4 Dual-Loop Feedback 263

From Eqs. (4-209) and (4-211), the approximate input and output resistances



R = RsRE2 (REI + RFl )

o RsRE2 + REI (Rs + RE2 + Rd

EXERCISE. Assuming that the current gain (I3F) of the transistors are much
larger than unity, show that the open-loop gain of the dual-loop feedback
amplifier in Fig. 4-36(a) is given by

Figure 4-37 shows the schematic diagram of a commercial wideband ampli-

fier employing the basic dual-loop feedback pair of Fig. 4-36(a). This amplifier
is designed to drive a 50-0 load with a gain of about 20 dB and exhibits a
- 3-dB bandwidth of 700 MHz using transistors with unity-gain frequencies

Vee (+6 V)

200 n

~------+---~ Vo

12 n

200 n
Figure 4-37 NE5205 wideband amplifier employing series voltage and shunt cur-
rent feedback.
264 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

(fT) of about 2 GHz [6]. In the circuit, the Darlington pair comprising transistors
Q2 and Q6 are used in place of the single second gain transistor Q2 in Fig.
4-36(a); this provides additional buffering at the output. Transistor Q3 buffers
the feedback loading of RFI at the output, and the diodes formed by Q4 and Qs
provide dc level shifting.

4.5 Stability of Feedback Amplifiers

A feedback amplifier is normally operated with negative feedback: The feed-

back signal presented to the input of the amplifier is 180° out of phase with
respect to the input signal, thereby reducing the net input to the amplifier. The
phase of the feedback signal derives from the phase of the signal propagating
forward through the amplifier and back through the feedback network. The
phase shift of the amplifier generally increases with frequency; if at some
frequency the phase of the feedback signal were to increase by 180°, then at
that frequency the feedback signal would be in phase with the input to the
amplifier, resulting in the amplifier operating with positive feedback. If the
magnitude of the loop gain TUw) at that frequency (see Fig. 4-38) is greater
than unity, then the output of the amplifier would continue to build, even in
the absence of an external input signal. The amplifier at this point would
become unstable and would likely oscillate at some frequency where the
magnitude and phase of the loop gain leads to positive feedback. The closed-
loop gain of the feedback amplifier depicted in Fig. 4-38 can be expressed as
. vo aUw)
A Uw) = -;;- = I + ITUw)1 ejcl><w) (4-223)

It is clear that for IT(jw) I = I and <I> = - 180°, the gain [from Eq. (4-223)]
would become infinite. The conditions for stability can be stated: If the
magnitude of the loop gain is equal to or greater than unity at some frequency
where the phase of the loop gain is - 180°, then the amplifier is unstable.
Stated mathematically,
ITUw)l::=: I atw where L TUw) =- 1800 (4-224)

Gain and Phase Relationship

Both the gain and phase are affected by feedback. Consider the feedback
system depicted in Fig. 4-38 in which the feedback network is independent of
frequency-such as would be for a feedback network fashioned from passive
resistive elements. As there is no phase shift associated with the feedback
network, the closed-loop phase derives solely from the amplifier. Denoting the
4.5 Stability of Feedback Amplifiers 265

Figure 4-38 Feedback amplifier configuration.

phase shift of the amplifier by 8, the closed-loop gain can be expressed in the

. Vo laUw)1 L 8 I aUw) I (4-225)

A Uw) = ~ = I + ITUw)1 L 8 = 1 + TUw) L <I>

where <I> is the phase with feedback and is determined by

<I> - I [ tan (8) ] (4-226)

= - tan 1 + ITUw)lj 1 + tan 2 (8)

The denominator in Eq. (2-226) is larger than unity, giving <I> < 8. Thus, the
phase is reduced with negative feedback.
To illustrate the gain and phase relationship with feedback, consider first an
amplifier with a single pole at frequency PI' The open-loop gain of the ampli-
fier is then


which has a gain magnitude of


and phase

LaUw)= -tan -I( -w )
266 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

With feedback


1 + jw/lpd
where To = ao! and Ao = aol(l + To).
In terms of gain magnitude and phase,

IAUw)1 = Ao 2
(4-231 )
~ 1+ [wl(l + To)PI]


LA Uw) =- tan - I [ W ] (4-232)

(l + To)lpll
The effect of feedback is to move the open-loop pole of the amplifier at PI to
higher frequency (l + To) times PI. This is illustrated in the gain and phase plots
(Bode plot) of Fig. 4-39. Because the maximum phase is - 90°, this feedback
amplifier is stable for all closed-loop gains.
gain (dB)

20 log(a o ) I---,t.-----~


20 10g(A 0) I - - - ' ' - - - - - - l - - - ' ' - - - -_ _..........

+-------r-------t--------=:~ ro (log scale)

phase (deg)

o +------.-------.--------+- ro (log scale)


-90 ----------------------------- ---~-

maximum phase = _90 0 ' /

Figure 4-39 Gain and phase characteristics of a single-pole feedback amplifier.

4.5 Stability of Feedback Amplifiers 267

gain (dS)
closed· loop gain at this value is stable

a closed-loop gain at this

value (and less) is unstable

20 10g(Ao)

= ~t I

for To» 1

;------,------r--,------r--.------r-'-. !O (log scale)

phase (deg)

o -t--==::::---------t-_-_--...-------.---l~!O (log scale)





Figure 4-40 Gain and phase plot of a multiple-pole amplifier.

Consider now an amplifier with multiple poles (more than two) such that

aUw) = . . . (4-233)
(1 +~)(1


-La U)
w=tan -I(W)
--+tan -I(W)
--+tan _I(W)
- - + ... (4-234)
Ipll Ip21 Ip3 1

The gain and phase characteristics of this amplifier are illustrated in Fig. 4-40.
The phase shift for an amplifier with three or more poles can exceed 180°, so
the potential for instability exists with feedback applied. If the magnitude of
the loop gain TUw) is greater than or equal to unity at the frequency at which
268 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

its phase is - 180°, then the amplifier will be unstable; the frequency at the
180° phase point is denoted WISO and marks the boundary between stable and
unstable operation: As illustrated in Fig. 4-40, a feedback amplifier with a
closed-loop gain equal to or smaller than that given for IT(jw)1 = 1 at W = WISO
is unstable-closed-Ioop gains larger than this value are stable and have a
phase less than - 180°. The difference between this phase and the 180° line
is the phase margin, denoted <Pm. At W = WISO, the amplifier's open-loop phase is

- La U ) =tan -I(WISO)
WISO - - +tan -I(WISO) - - + ... = 1800
- - +tan -I(WISO)
Ipil Ip21 Ip31

The poles in most amplifiers are usually widely separated in frequency. Thus,
poles beyond the third contribute little to the total phase shift of the amplifier.
In addition, one pole is usually dominant, meaning it is at a frequency that is
perhaps 5 or 10 times lower than the frequency of the next pole. If this is the
case, then the first dominant pole, say p" will contribute nearly 900 to the phase
shift of the amplifier. Thus,




where a trigonometric identity has been used for the middle terms in Eq.
(4-237). Thus, the WISO frequency is approximated by

WISO= j P2P3 (4-238)

Effect of Phase Margin on Closed-Loop Response

From the standpoint of stability, it is desired to have a certain degree of phase

margin to allow for variations in the transfer characteristics of the amplifier
due to changes in circuit element values, temperature, power supply, etc. The
amount of phase margin also affects the closed-loop response of the amplifier.
Consider a feedback amplifier with a phase margin <Pm and denote the
frequency at which the magnitude of the loop gain is unity as WOo Then at this

4.5 Stability of Feedback Amplifiers 269

For a feedback network in which the feedback factor f is constant, independent

of frequency,
ITUwo)1 = la UwJfl = 1 (4-240)
from which


The magnitude of the closed-loop gain at Wo is

IA UWo)1 = I f(1 ~ ej<\>m) I (4-242)

If the low-frequency loop gain To = aof is much greater than unity, then 1 If = Am
and the gain at Wo relative to the gain at low frequency becomes

I A~~o) 1= 11 _lej<t>m 1= J(l- COS~~)2 + sin2~m (4-243)

The relative gain at Wo for various values of phase margin is listed in Table
4-1. A phase margin of 90° is achievable only for amplifiers containing a
single pole. At a 60° phase margin, the response is flat at woo Smaller values
of phase margin give rise to gain peaking. In practice, amplifiers are designed
for phase margins in excess of 30° to minimize peaking of the response.

Table 4-1 Relative Gain for Various Values of Phase Margin

90° 0.707 ( - 3 dB) Single pole only

60° (0 dB)
45° 1.31 ( + 2.3 dB) Gain peaking
30° 1.92 ( + 5.7 dB) Gain peaking
15° 3.83 ( + 11.7 dB) Gain peaking
0° 00 Oscillating

Figure 4-41 shows the simulated gain and phase response of a feedback
amplifier containing three poles, at - 10 kHz, - 100 kHz, and - 1 MHz.
Without feedback, the open-loop gain is 60dB. Various amounts of feedback
are applied to give closed-loop gains of 40, 30, and 20dB. Both gain peaking
and the steepness of the phase shift increase with increased feedback, f At
40 dB gain, the phase margin is 58° with a gain peaking of 0.3 dB. At 30 dB,
the phase margin is 26° with a gain peaking of 6.8 dB, and at 20 dB, the phase
margin is 14° with a gain peaking of 12dB.
270 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

gain (dB)
60 " - -_ _ __
40 dB
30 +---- . . ----:~--- . . - - - - -
30 dB

20 dB

1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
phase (deg)

o !J_iS~~!!!::::::{'~*::==:=:=:::: ,~

U.... ;
-----------------------~ - - - -180
Figure 4-41 Gain and phase response of a three-pole feedback amplifier.

4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers

Generally, compensation involves altering the open-loop transfer function

a Uw) of the amplifier such that, with feedback, the amplifier is stable for all
values of closed-loop gain. To illustrate various compensation schemes, we
will consider an amplifier with three poles, such that


The gain and phase characteristics of this amplifier are sketched in Fig. 4-42.
The maximum phase shift is 27ff, which can lead to instability if the amplifier
is operated with sufficient feedback such that phase shift is 180 at a frequency

where the magnitude of the loop gain is unity. For unconditional stability, that
4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 271

gain (dB)

20 log(ao) I--------,.~

I stable

20 10g(A 0) - - - - - - - - L-~ -------:


o +-----r-------i----i-----;.-----'\or---+ (0 (log scale)

phase (deg)

: - - - - - - - I..~ (0 (log scale)



- 270

Figure 4-42 Gain and phase characteristics of an amplifier containing three poles.

is for all closed-loop gains, we compensate the amplifier so that it is stable

down to unity gain (J= 1) with some phase margin, <Pm.

Compensation Methods

(1) Add an Additional Dominant Pole

A simple brute-force method of compensation is to add an additional pole to

the amplifier at a frequency low enough so that it dominates the response. This
illustrated in Fig. 4-43, which shows a Bode plot of the feedback amplifier
with and without the added compensation pole. The added pole (PA) shifts the
gain and phase response to a much lower frequency such that phase shift at
the compensated unity-gain frequency COTe is less than 180°. Implicit in this
illustration is that the added pole does not appreciably alter the location of the
original poles of the amplifier; this is not generally true, but is close for many
amplifiers. Additionally, if we make COTe = Ip \1, the compensated amplifier will
have a phase margin of about 45°. The chief drawback to this type of com-
pensation is that it requires a relatively large value of capacitance, as the
following example illustrates.
gain (dB) I\)

20 log(ao)


o I ",,, \: • (0 (log scale) a.
Ip A I Ip 11 (OTC Ip ;1 Ip 3 I (OTU
phase (deg) ~
ot • (0 (log scale) ::J
-90 3
compensated phase "0
-1 80 en


Figure 4-43 Compensation by adding a dominant pole.

4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 273
+ vee

. vee
Figure 4-44 Two-stage op-amp using added-pole compensation.

Added-Pole Compensation Example

A simplified schematic of a two-stage op-amp is shown in Fig. 4-44. Com-

pensation capacitance C c adds a dominant pole; prior to compensation, the
amplifier has three negative real poles at ip' = - I MHz, iP2 = - 6 MHz, and
iP3 = - 40 MHz. Setting the frequency of the added pole iPA = ip' lao gives a phase
margin of 45°. Neglecting the output resistance of the transistors, the open-loop
low-frequency gain au is about 2 X 105. Thus,
iPA = 2 X 105 = - 5 Hz

which indeed is at a frequency much lower than the original dominant pole
(1 MHz) of the amplifier. The resistance in parallel with Cc sets the added-pole
IPAI = 21T !fpA I = 31.4 radsls = ------,-
(R ol IIR i2 ) C c
where Ro' is the output resistance of the differential input stage (neglected in
this example) and R;2 is the input resistance of the second gain stage (Q5 and
Q6) and is equal to approximately 600 k!1. The value of the compensation
capacitance is then
Cc = =53nF
(31.4 rads/s)(600k!1)
which is rather large.

(2) Move Dominant Pole to a Lower Frequency

A more commonly used method of compensation is to shift the dominant pole of

the amplifier to a lower frequency such that the phase shift at the new unity-gain
frequency ((UTe) is less than 180°; this is illustrated in the Bode plot of Fig. 4-45.

gain (dB)

20 log(a 0)


o I '-toe:: \. ~ ro (Jog scale) o
Ip'1 I III Ip 1 I ro TG Ip 2I Ip 3 I ro TU Il)
phase (deg) :::J
ot ~ ro (log scale) oo
-90 en
compensated phase C/l
- 180 o·
--------------------------------f-------~. :::J


Figure 4-45 Compensation by moving the dominant pole of the amplifier to a lower frequency.
4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 275



i s

Figure 4-46 (a) Pole-splitting compensation capacitance added to amplifier gain
stage. (b) Equivalent circuit of gain stage with compensation capacitance.

This approach yields a much larger bandwidth than with the added dominant
pole method because (J)rc is now near pz. which may be 5-10 times the frequency
of PI. Also, the required value of the compensation capacitance is much lower,
making it integratable on-chip.
Moving the dominant pole is achieved by Miller multiplication, in which
the compensation capacitor is connected as a feedback element across the
second-gain stage. This is illustrated in Fig. 4-46(a). In Fig. 4-46(b), the gain
stage is modeled in terms of the total resistance R; and capacitance C; at its
input, the total resistance Ro and capacitance Co at its output, and the effective
transconductance Gm of the stage. Compensation capacitance Cc is connected
between the input and output of the stage.
Consider first the response of the stage without the compensation capacitor.
It is easy to show that

GmRiRo ao
(l + SRi C;) (1 + sRo Co) (1 - s /PI)(l - s /P2)

where a o = - GmRiRo. The stage has two poles at

PI= and P2 = (4-246)
276 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

Consider now the circuit with the compensation capacitor. Summing the cur-
rents at the input node in Fig. 4-46 gives


At the output node


Combining Eqs. (4-247) and (4-248) gives, for the response of the stage,
Vo - RiRo(Gm - sCc)
i, 1 + S [Ri(Ci + Cc) + Ro(C + Cc) + GmRiRol +/ RiRo [CC + CdC + Co)]
The response has two poles and a zero; the zero is at a frequency Gm/C e . The
compensation capacitance C e is generally small. Thus, if the transconductance
G m of the stage is reasonably large, then the zero will be at a much higher
frequency than those of the poles. The zero will have a negligible effect on
the response and can be neglected. In addition, the term GmR;Ro is generally
much larger than the first two terms mUltiplying s in the denominator of Eq.
(4-249). Thus, Eq. (2-249) becomes approximately
Vo ao
-= (4-250)
is 1 + sGmR;Ro + i R;Ro [CC o + CdC; + Co)]
which can be written as
Vn an ao
i, (l-s/p[)(I-s/pD l-s(lIp[+lIpD+i(lIp[pD
where p[ and p~ are the new pole frequencies of the gain stage. Normally, one
of the poles will be dominant, say p [. Hence,
Vo an
-=-----:-....."..---:---:- (4-252)
is l-s/p[+i(lIp[pD
Equating the coefficients of s in the denominator of Eqs. (4-250) and (4-252)

p[= (4-253)

Equating the coefficients of i in the denominator of Eqs. (4-250) and (4-252)

and substituting for p[ from Eq. (4-253) gives

4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 277

If the value of the compensation capacitance is considerably larger than the

capacitance at the output of the stage, then pi simplifies to

P2 (4-255)

for CC::::P Co.

As a result of the Miller multiplication, the original poles of the stage have
been split further apart: p I is reduced to a lower frequency, and P2 increases to
a higher frequency. This pole splitting actually enhances the compensation
process because the phase shift due to the second pole is moved to a higher

Move Dominant·Pole Compensation Example

The same two-stage op-amp used in the previous added-pole compensation

example is repeated in Fig. 4-47; Ri and C i denote respectively the resistance
and capacitance at the input to the gain stage, and Ro and Co denote respectively
the resistance and capacitance at the output of the stage. The effective trans-
conductance of the stage is denoted Gm• Pole-splitting compensation capacitance
Cc is connected between the input and output of the stage. Ri is again 600 kf!,
so for PI at - I MHz, Ci = - lIR i PI = 0.265 pF. Ro is 50kf!, so for P2 at
- 6 MHz, Co = - 1 IR oP2 = 0.53 pF. In addition,


_ 0'----1------1

--.- ,, Co
,: Ci

- Vee '--v--'
Figure 4-47 Two-stage op-amp using pole-splitting compensation.
278 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

Setting WTC = W p2 gives a phase margin of 45°. Thus,

I Wp2
W 1
= - a = - 189 rads/s (- 30Hz)

This frequency is six times larger than the 5 Hz obtained in the previous
example. The required value for the compensation capacitance is from Eq.
(7.5mAIV)(600ko')(50X 10 3 0,)(174 rads/s)
which is considerably smaller than the 58 nF required in the previous example.
The second pole (originally at - 6 MHz) has been moved out [using Eq.
(4-255)] to
I Gm 7.5xlO- 3
-9.43 X 109 rads Is ( - 1.5 GHz)
P2=- C;+Co =- (0.265+0.53)XlO 12

which is now truly nondominant. The third pole of this amplifier at - 40 MHz
now becomes the second most dominant pole.

Pole-Splitting Compensation with MOSFET Gain Stages

If MOSFETs are used in the second gain stage, the value of Gm will be
considerably lower (perhaps a factor of 10) than for a bipolar stage. The
transfer function of the stage is still given by Eq. (4-249); however, due to the
lower value of G m , the frequency of the zero may not (in fact, probably not)
be much higher than that of the poles. Consequently, the effect of the zero
cannot be ignored; the zero tends to flatten the gain at high frequencies due
to its + 20 dB Idecade contribution to the amplitude response. In addition, this
positive real zero contributes - 90° to the phase shift, giving a negative phase
margin at the unity-gain frequency. As a result, the compensation will not be
effective in stabilizing the amplifier.
Two techniques, illustrated in Fig. 4-48, have been developed to eliminate
the effect of this low-frequency zero. At high frequencies, the feedforward
signal through the feedback network (Cd is not negligible with respect to the
feedforward gain of the amplifier stage; in Fig. 4-48(a), a unity-gain buffer
inserted in the feedback path eliminates the feedforward signal through Cc [7].
Although this technique works well, it does require additional devices and adds
to the circuit complexity. A simpler method is to insert a nulling resistor, R z,
in series with the compensation capacitance, as illustrated in Fig. 4-48(b) [8].
With this resistor, the frequency of the zero is given by
z=------ (4-256)
(1 IG m - Rz) Cc
4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 279



Figure 4·48 Compensation schemes for MOSFET gain stages: (a) using a buffer to
eliminate the feedforward signal through the compensation capacitor; (b) using a
resistor to alter the location of the zero.

As evidenced by Eq. (4-256), the zero can be eliminated by making Rz equal

to I/G m • Increasing Rz beyond this value moves the zero to a negative frequency
which can improve the phase margin.
(3) Add a Feedback Zero

A third method of compensation is to alter the transmission characteristics of

the feedback network; adding a zero in the feedback path can alter the pole
response of the basic amplifier. Generally, this technique is applied to fixed-
gain amplifiers. To illustrate the process, consider an amplifier with three poles
such that
a (s) = -----~---­ (4-257)
(I - slpl)(1 - Slp2)(1 - Slp3)
where Ip31 > Ip21 > Ipll.
This amplifier is connected to a feedback network which contains a single
zero such that

280 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

For the special case in which the frequency of the zero is set equal to that of
the dominant pole PI, the loop gain becomes

T(s) = a (s)f(s) = (l - s IP:;{; - s Ip3)

The closed-loop gain is then

A (s) _ _ a_(s_)_ (4-260)

I + T(s) To
I + -----,--------,--
(I - Slp2)(1 - Slp3)

which can be manipulated in the following fashion:

A (s) = -a-o
1 + To (I - slpI)(I- Slp2)(1 - Slp3) To I
- - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - + - - (I - s PI)
1 + To 1 + To
The term aol(l + TJ is recognized as the low-frequency, closed-loop gain An
and the factor Tn I (I + To) in the last term in the denominator is approximately
equal to unity. Thus, Eq. (4-260) is approximately

(I__S)[I+_I (1 __S)(I-_S)]
A (s) = --c-----,--;:------------:;-

PI + 1 To P2 P3

( I_~)[I
+_1 __
s (_I +_1)+
I+Tn I+Tn P2 P3
(l+To )P2P3

In the denominator of Eq. (4-262), the term 11(1 + To) can be neglected with
respect to 1. In addition, if P3 is much larger than P2, then the term Ilp3 may
be neglected with respect to the I1p2 term in the denominator. Consequently,
Eq. (4-262) becomes approximately
A (s) = (4-263)

(1 -S)[
- 1- S +-----
PI (l + Tn) P2 (l + To) P2P3
which, for Ip31 » Ip21, can be expressed in the form

A (s) = Ao (4-264)
(1 -PIS)(
- 1-
+ To ]P2
4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 281

gain (dB)

20 log(ao) 1 - - - - - - ,......

20 10g(Ao) +-------j.. . .

o +-----.;------;..---Y---....;.lr-----.:~~ w (log scale)

Ip 21 Ip 31
phase (deg)
: ~ (1 +T 0 )Ip 2 I
o +-===----.;------;'----------;:---~~ w (log scale)

-9 0
-180 ---------------------- ~- ---- -f~

open-loop /" ~

Figure 4-49 Compensation by adding a feedback zero.

As seen by Eq. (4-264), the effect of a feedback zero at PI is to move the

secondmost dominant pole P2 out to a higher frequency, by a factor of approxi-
mately 1 + To. In practice, both P2 and P3 will be moved by the feedback;
however, for Ip31 ~ Ip21, the shift will be primarily in P2. The phase is shifted
to a higher frequency, resulting in a positive phase margin for the amplifier,
as illustrated in Fig. 4-49.
Feedback Zero Compensation Example

Figure 4-50(a) shows the ac schematic of a fixed-gain series voltage amplifier

employing a zero in the feedback network. With the emitter of QI open-
circuited, the feedback voltage is

vo (Xl
I I\)

200 ,-- 11~v~ -L -L 5 k I C1 = rnA

vS +(; - --
- IC2=2rnA
- - - - - -- - - - -,
- - - -- -IV\, o
: + Dl
RF 6 k "0
: v fb RE CD
I 600 .j::>.
(a) I

L._______ -- FBN CD
RS 200 0.1 pF 0.1 Dl
\, II L---------,r:::-i'-O v 0 a.
+ ~~----~----~~--~~II RC2 n
Vs o
5 k 3


Figure 4-50 (a) AC schematic of feedback zero amplifier. (b) Small-signal equivalent circuit.
4.6 Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers 283

and a pole at

Because RF ~ R E , the feedback zero is dominant and PFI can be neglected, giving



At a bias current of 1 rnA, gml = 40mA/V for QI, and gm2 = 80mA/V for Q2
biased at 2 rnA; for 13 F = 100, r'IT I = 2.5 kG for Q h and r 'lT2 = 1.3 kG for Q2. For the
transistors, CjE and CjC are taken as 0.3 pF and 0.1 pF, respectively, and 'TF is given
as 30 ps. This gives C'lT1 = 1.S pF and C'lT2 = 3 pF. The small-signal equivalent
circuit for the feedback amplifier is shown in Fig. 4-S0(b).
Figure 4-S1 shows the simulated gain and phase response for the feedback
amplifier of Fig. 4-S0(b). Two sets of characteristics are shown: one without
the feedback zero (C F = 0), and one with O.IS pF of feedback capacitance.
Without the feedback zero, the amplifier is unstable; with the zero, the ampli-
fier has a phase margin of about 7So.

gain (dB)



1 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 1 GHz 10 GHz
phase (deg) frequency
o o-----.-----o~ee~~=_--------------------~--~-- ••


-200 . . . ~

\ . . . 0,
Figure 4-51 Gain and phase response of a feedback zero amplifier.
284 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

For all problems assume room temperature, kT/q = 26mV.
Note: Where required, use the following device parameters unless otherwise
NPN: 13F = 100 I s =2XlO- 16 A
PNP: 13F = 50 Is = 5 X 10 -17 A VA = 75 V
NMOS: W /L = 10 f-lnC~x = 30 I-J.A /V 2 VTH = 1 V
PMOS: W /L = 30 f-lpC~x = 10 f-lA/V 2 VTH = - 1 V A = 0.02 V-I
4.1 An amplifier has a measured gain of 2000. After adding negative feed-
back, the gain is reduced to 50.
(a) Find the loop gain, T, and the feedback factor, f
(b) The gain of the basic amplifier has a sensitivity to temperature of 10%.
What is the sensitivity of the closed-loop gain (with feedback) to tempera-
4.2 A feedback amplifier is to have a closed-loop gain of 30dB and a sensitivity
of 2% with respect to gain variations in the basic amplifier. What open-loop
gain, a, of the basic amplifier is required? Determine the loop gain, T.
4.3 A feedback amplifier has a low-frequency open-loop gain, am of 104 and
an open-loop unity-gain frequency,fr, of 100 MHz. The basic amplifier can
be characterized by a single-pole response. With feedback, the amplifier
is to have a - 3-dB bandwidth of 2 MHz. Determine the required feedback
factor, 1, and the resulting low-frequency, closed-loop gain, Am of the
4.4 In the feedback amplifier of Fig. 4-52, the transistor bias currents are
lei = 500 f-lA and IC2 = 1.2 rnA. Determine the closed-loop gain, Vo/Vi, and the

bias currents
I C1 = 500 IlA
I C2= 1.2 rnA

Figure 4-52 Feedback amplifier for Problem 4.4.

Problems 285
+ 10 V

'-----+-00 Vo

Figure 4-53 BieMOS buffer for Problem 4.5.

closed-loop input, R, and output, Rm resistances. Neglect the Early effect

for both transistors.
4.5 The BiCMOS buffer of Fig. 4-53 has a low output resistance due to the
feedback provided by the l-kfl resistance.
(a) Determine the quiescent bias drain current of M], the collector current
of Q2, and the output voltage, Vo. For M], W IL = 50. The I-rnA bias current
source may be assumed to be ideal and the Early effect for both transistors
can be neglected.
(b) Determine the closed-loop, small-signal, low-frequency voltage gain,
Va Iv i, and the output resistance of the buffer.

4.6 In the buffered feedback amplifier of Fig. 4-54, Q3 removes feedback

loading at the output. Show that
Va - RF
Vs Rs 1 + RFIGMR* RL

Figure 4-54 Buffered feedback amplifier for Problem 4.6.

286 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

of---1~:-o v0

Figure 4-55 NMOS feedback amplifier for Problem 4.7.



R* = RsIIRFII[I3, (2r1T2 + 132RE)]

4.7 In the feedback amplifier of Fig. 4-55, determine expressions for the
open-loop gain, a, the closed-loop gain, vo/v" and the output resistance, RD.
Assume the MOSFETs are operating in saturation and neglect rD.
4.8 For the feedback amplifier shown in Fig. 4-56, calculate the closed-loop
gain, v0 /v" the loop gain, T, and the input and output resistance. For the

+6 V

-6 V
Figure 4-56 Feedback amplifier for Problem 4.8.
Problems 287

' -IR o

Figure 4-57 Amplifier circuit for Problem 4.10.

transistors, take IVBE (on) I = 0.8 V and VA = 00. Assume the quiescent output
voltage is zero.
4.9 Show that the open-loop gain of the amplifier in Fig. 4-26 is given by
Eq. (4-134).

4.10 In the analysis of the feedback amplifier of Fig. 4-57, To of the transistor
may be neglected.
(a) Show that the open-loop gain is given by
a- -
Vo _
- -
..::....c....:.......'--....:.......-'---_ _
Vs Rs+(RFIIT,,)

(b) Excluding the source and load resistances, show that the closed-loop
input and output resistances are given by



and f= RF

4.11 A transimpedance amplifier employing shunt-current feedback is shown

in Fig. 4-58.
(a) Determine the quiescent (Is = 0) collector currents for the transistors
and the output voltage, Vo. For the transistors, take VBE(on) = 0.75 V and
neglect the Early effect.
288 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation




Figure 4-58 Transimpedance amplifier for Problem 4.11.

(b) Determine the open-loop gain a = in/is, the closed-loop gain vn/i s, and
the closed-loop input resistance, R i•
(c) Check your results in (b) using SPICE (or similar) circuit simulation.

4.12 For the CMOS feedback amplifier shown in Fig. 4-59, determine the
open-loop gain, a = vn/v" the closed-loop voltage gain, and the closed-
loop output resistance. Use the transistor parameters given at the begin-
ning of the problem section except for M 7, which has a channel width/
length ratio W /L = 60.

+5 V

W/L = 60

I -__.J\I\~--+---o V 0

- M6 Me

-5 V

Figure 4-59 CMOS amplifier for Problem 4.12.

Problems 289
.. --------------., I
V in + I
(unregulated) I .
I series pass
: circuit

- 0-' I
II I II II .I ________ •

L - - - - - - -' L- --- -- =-- - - - - - • sampling resistors

voltage error amplifier

Figure 4-60 Voltage regulator circuit for Problem 4.13.

4.13 Figure 4-60 shows a voltage regulator circuit; its purpose is to deliver a
constant (regulated) voltage from a power supply which may vary in
value. Additionally, the output voltage, Vo> should remain constant with
changes in the load, RL • The circuit functions as a feedback amplifier
which forces the voltage at the base of Qz (the inverting input of the
differential amplifier) to be equal to the reference voltage connected at
the noninverting input of the amplifier. The voltage divider provided by
the feedback sampling resistors then gives Vo = (l + RFIR E) Vref •
(a) The loading of the feedback network may be neglected in comparison
with R L • Show that the open-loop gain, depicting the gain between the
base of Qz and the output, is given approximately by

a= !l!.!....(~
VAZ VA4 II13F513 F6 Yo)
2kT 11 VAZ + VA4 10
(b) To maintain good regulation with respect to changes in the load, the
regulator should have a very low output resistance. Again neglecting the
loading effect of the feedback network, and assuming that the loop gain
T is much larger than unity, show that the closed-loop output resistance
of the regulator, including R L , is given by

where roa is the open-loop output resistance of the amplifier, given by

2VAZ VA4 2kT
roa = +--
I3F513F6Il (VAZ + VA4) qIo
290 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

2 kQ

- I c(bias) = 10 rnA

Figure 4-61 Cascode feedback amplifier for Problem 4.14.

(c) The change in output voltage resulting from a change in load current
is determined by LlVa = LlloRo- The load regulation is defined as
Ll Vo Ra
Load regulation = - - = -Ma
Va Va
Determine the load regulation for the circuit of Fig. 4-60 for a change
in output current of lOOmA in which Va = IOV and 10 = lOrnA.
4.14 Determine the closed-loop voltage gain, input resistance, and output
resistance of the cascode feedback amplifier shown in Fig. 4-6\. The
transistors are each biased at 10 rnA and their output resistances, ra> may
be neglected.
4.15 Figure 4-62 shows the NE5205 used as a high-frequency amplifier. The
dc blocking capacitors, Cs and CL , may be assumed large such that they
have zero impedance at the frequencies used by the amplifier.
(a) Calculate the quiescent bias collector currents of all transistors in the
amplifier as well as the quiescent voltage at the collectors of Q2 and Q6.
You may neglect the Early voltage for the transistors and take
VBE(onl = 0.75 V.
(b) Determine the closed-loop voltage gain, va/v" as well as the input (R;)
and output (Ra) resistances, as indicated in the figure.
(c) Check your results in (a) and (b) using SPICE circuit simulation.
4.16 Verify Eq. (4-226) for the closed-loop phase of a feedback amplifier.
4.17 An amplifier has a low-frequency gain of 60 dB (1000) and a frequency
response with three negative real poles at - 100 kHz, - 1 MHz, and
- 10MHz.
(a) This amplifier is to be connected in a feedback loop withf= constant
and a low-frequency closed-loop gain of 40 dB (100). Determine the
bandwidth fa> the phase margin <Pm, and the amount of gain peaking atfo-
(b) Repeat (a) for a closed-loop gain of 20 dB (l0).
Problems 291

Vee (+6 V)

650 n R e


50 n Cs

200 n

Figure 4-62 NE5205 amplifier circuit for Problem 4.15.

4.18 The amplifier of Problem 4.17 is to be unity-gain compensated with a

phase margin of 45°.
(a) If compensation is to be achieved by adding a dominant-pole, calcu-
late the required dominant-pole frequency PA and the resulting bandwidth
fm assuming that the original poles of the amplifier remain fixed.
(b) If compensation is to be achieved by moving the dominant pole of
the amplifier to a lower frequency, calculate the new dominant pole
frequency p( and the bandwidthfrc assuming that the other two amplifier
poles remain fixed.

4.19 The operational amplifier shown in Fig. 4-63 is to be compensated using

a pole-splitting capacitor Cc. Before compensation, the gain response has
three negative real poles at - 1 MHz, - 4 MHz, and - 12 MHz. As a
result of pole splitting, the second pole (at - 4 MHz) is moved out well
beyond - 200 MHz so as to make it negligible. Assume that the third
pole (at - 12 MHz) is unaffected by the compensation.
Determine the value of compensation capacitance required to achieve a
phase margin of 55° in a unity-gain feedback connection. Calculate also
the unity-gain bandwidth fTc. The low-frequency, open-loop gain of the
amplifier is 80 dB (10,000). The resistance measured at the input to the
second gain stage (Qs, Q6) is 100 kil, and the resistance measured at its
output is 50 kil.
292 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation


- Vce
Figure 4-63 Operational amplifier circuit for Problem 4.19.

+5 V

_0--1 . . . ---...~2
M_1 R Z 2 pF


W/L = 5

-5 V

Figure 4-64 Circuit for Problem 4.20.

4.20 In the CMOS operational amplifier shown in Fig. 4-64, resistor Rz is used
in conjunction with the 2-pF compensation capacitor to move the zero to
infinity. The amplifier itself can be characterized as having a capacitance
of 0.5 pF at the output of the input stage (from the drain of M2 to ground)
and a capacitance of 0.5 pF at the output (from the drain of M7 to ground).
(a) Determine the value of the resistance Rz needed to move the zero to
infinity. Use the transistor parameters given at the beginning of the
problem section except for Ms which has a channel width !length ratio
Problems 293

+5 V

Figure 4·65 MOSFET resistor for Problem 4.22.

(b) Calculate the open-loop voltage gain a, the - 3-dB bandwidthfm and
the unity-gain frequency he.
(c) Compare your results in (b) with a SPICE circuit simulation. Also,
simulate the circuit with Rz set to zero to show the effect of the zero on
the phase margin of the amplifier.
4.21 In the CMOS amplifier of Fig. 4-64, a load capacitance CL is connected
at the output.
(a) Determine the largest value for CL for which the amplifier maintains a
phase margin of 45°. Assume that the conditions stated in Problem 4.20
(b) Using the value for C L determined in (a), simulate the circuit using
SPICE to verify the phase margin.
4.22 In Fig. 4-65 (which shows a portion of the CMOS amplifier of Fig. 4-64),
transistor M9 is used in place of the zero compensation resistor R z . Deter-
mine the required channel widthllength ratio (WILh of M9 such that its
resistance is equal to that required to move the zero to infinity.
4.23 The ac schematic of a fixed-gain feedback amplifier is given in Fig. 4-66.


Figure 4·66 Fixed-gain amplifier circuit for Problem 4.23.

294 Chapter 4 - Feedback and Compensation

Determine the value of the feedback capacitance C F needed to cancel the

dominant pole of the amplifier. The transistors are biased at collector
currents of 1 rnA, which gives a value for C" of 2 pF for each transistor.
The value of C" is small such that it can be neglected. Additionally, To
may be neglected. Determine the closed-loop gain, volin of the amplifier
as well as the - 3 dB bandwidth with the value of C F determined above.


1. F.D. Waldhauer, Feedback, Wiley-Interscience. New York, 1982, Chap. 1.

2. A.S. Sedra and K.c. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 2nd ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
New York. 1987, Chap. 12.
3. P.R. Gray and R.G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed., Wiley,
New York, 1993, Chap. 8.
4. J.E. Solomon and G.R. Wilson, "A Highly Densensitized Wideband Monolithic Amplifier,"
IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-i, 19-28 (Sept. 1966).
5. A.B. Grebene, Bipolar and MOS Analog integrated Circuit Design, Wiley-Interscience, New
York, 1984, Chap. 8.
6. R.G. Meyer and R.A. Blauschild, "A Four-Terminal Wideband Monolithic Amplifier," IEEE
1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-i7, 634--638 (Dec. 1981).
7. Y.P. Tsividis and P.R. Gray, "An Integrated NMOS Operational Amplifier with Internal
Compensation," IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-ll, 748-754 (Dec. 1976).
8. P.R. Gray and R.G. Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed., Wiley,
New York, 1993, pp. 621--{i23.
Chapter 5

Translinear Circuits

Translinear circuits form a class of circuits which exploit the linear relation-
ship between the transconductance of a transistor and its voltage or current.
These circuits were originally developed with integrated bipolar transistors [1],
but more recently, have included integrated MOSFET devices as well [2].
Applications of translinear circuits include (1) wideband current amplifiers, (2)
analog multiplier/divider circuits, (3) root-mean-square (rms) conversion cir-
cuits, (4) sine/cosine generation circuits, and (5) other signal processing cir-
cuits, to name a few.
In this chapter, we present the translinear circuit principle as it applies to
bipolar and MOS circuits. Several types of translinear circuits are also dis-

5.1 Translinear Circuit Classes

There are two classes of trans linear circuits which relate the transconductance
of a transistor to either its current or voltage:

Transconductance Linear with Current

A transistor whose transconductance varies linearly with its current has


where a is a constant (with respect to lor V). Integrating gives

1= be av (5-2)
where b is another constant.
Equation (5-2) describes the Ic:-VBE characteristic for a bipolar transistor. It is
observed that the transconductance of a bipolar transistor varies linearly with

296 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

I 1

Figure 5-1 Simple translinear circuit.

its collector current and that this relationship is maintained over a wide range
(many orders of magnitude) in current. This property, as we shall see, when
applied to circuits containing loops of base-emitter junctions and which have
inputs and outputs consisting of currents allows precise linear and nonlinear
signal processing functions to be implemented.
An example of a simple translinear circuit is shown in Fig. 5-1; the reader
will recognize this circuit as a basic current mirror. Here, however, we will
view the circuit in a slightly different context. The base-emitter voltages of
the two transistors are



V be2 = kT In (_/2_) (5-4)

q J s2 A 2

where JS I,2 and A 1.2 are the saturation current densities and emitter areas of tran-
sistors QI and Q2, respectively. In the right-hand term of Eq. (5-3), we have
neglected base currents and approximated lei by the current source h Assuming
identical transistors (except for emitter areas), J SI = JS2 , and noting that Vbel = Vbe2 ,
Eqs. (5-3) and (5-4) give


The remarkable thing is that this relationship is independent of temperature,

and the specific values of J s, II, and 12 over the range in which the transconduc-
tance (gm) remains linear with current; for a bipolar transistor, this covers about
5.1 Translinear Circuit Classes 297

Figure 5-2 Two-input translinear circuit.

six decades in current and several hundred degrees Celsius. In the circuit of
Fig. 5-1, current source II may be viewed as an input signal and 12 as an output;
this circuit functions then as a current amplifier, with a gain equal to A 2 IA I •
Figure 5-2 shows another translinear circuit; here Ix and Iv are input currents
and the output is taken as the collector current of Q4, 10 • We will neglect base
currents and assume that the four transistors are identical. Summing the base-
emitter voltages around the closed-loop containing Qh Q2, Q3, and Q4 gives

Substituting for the base-emitter voltages yields

kT (Ix)
2-ln kT (Iv)
- = -In --'- kT (10)
+ -In - (5-7)
q Is q Is q Is
from which

I=~ (5-8)
o Iv

which again, over a wide range, is independent of temperature, the value of Is,
or the magnitudes of signals Ix and Iv.

Translinear Circuit Principle

Consider a closed-loop containing an even number of forward-biased base-

emitter junctions, half arranged with clockwise polarities and half arranged
with counterclockwise polarities, such as illustrated in Fig. 5-3. Arbitrary
298 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

--- _......
Figure 5-3 Translinear loop containing bipolar transistors.

current sources are shown connected as inputs and outputs are taken as col-
lector currents. Summing the base-emitter voltages around the loop gives

L Vbej = 0
or L Vbej = L Vbej


kT (le
Vbej=-ln --j )
q Ajls
Substituting Eq. (5-10) into Eq. (5-9) and assuming identical transistors, except
for emitter areas, yields

"" kT
L -In(/ej -
) _-"L - n (Ie
" kTI - j) (5-11)
cw q Aj ccw q Aj
which can be written as

n(/c,) n (/c
cw AJ


Noting that lejlA j equals the collector-current density, Eq. (5-12) expresses the
trans linear circuit principle for bipolar transistors: The product of the current
densities in a clockwise direction equals the product of current densities in a
counterclockwise direction [1].
5.1 Translinear Circuit Classes 299

Figure 5-4 Translinear circuit illustrating clockwise and counterclockwise polar-


The translinear circuit of Fig. 5-2 is repeated in Fig. 5-4 to illustrate analysis
using the translinear circuit principle. Transistors Q3 and Q4 have clockwise
base-emitter polarities and transistors QI and Q2 have counterclockwise polar-
ities. With identical emitter areas, we have
Iylo = Ix Ix ~ 10 = ~ (5-13)
Figure 5-5 shows another example of a translinear circuit having two inputs;
the bidirectional arrow on the Ix input current indicates that it may flow in

Figure 5-5 Another example of a translinear circuit.

300 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

either direction. Input Iv may flow only in the direction indicated. The IX and
2X notations indicate relative emitter areas for the transistors. Applying the
translinear principle to loop 1 containing transistors Q I, Qz, Q4, and Q5 yields
Icl Iez Iv Iv
----- (5-14)
2 2
and for loop 2 comprising Q I and Q3,


Taking I, to be a positive quantity when flowing into the circuit, summing the
currents at the x input (neglecting base currents) gives
At the output,
Substituting Eq. (5-15) into Eq. (5-17) and combining with Eq. (5-16) yields
10 + Ix 10 - Ix
lei =--- and I cz =--2- (5-18)
which, using Eq. (5-14), gives

This circuit forms a vector magnitude.
Gilbert [1] classifies translinear loops according to the arrangement of base-
emitter junctions. In Fig. 5-6(a), the translinear loop contains junctions ar-
ranged with alternating polarities, and in Fig. 5-6(b), the arrangement is bal-
anced. Both circuits have the same translinear response, namely
12 14 II 13
A2 A4 Al A3
There is a difference, however, with respect to I3F sensitivity as it relates to
base current. Consider currents II and 12 to be inputs and the collector currents
of Q3 and Q4 to be outputs. Then for equal emitter areas,

13 12
In the balanced arrangement, the base currents of Q3 and Q4 are dependent on
the emitter currents of QI and Q2, and hence on the input currents II and 12• The
relationship in Eq. (5-21) is thereby sensitive to I3F. In the alternate arrange-
5.1 Translinear Circuit Classes 301



Figure 5-6 (a) Translinear loop with alternating polarities. (b) Loop in which the
polarities are balanced.

ment, the base currents of Q3 and Q4 are not dependent on II and 12 and thus the
relationship is, to first order, independent of I3F.

Translinear Loops with Voltage Sources

Consider a translinear circuit with a voltage source Vs inserted into the loop.
Taking Vs to be positive for a clockwise sense, summation of the voltages
around the loop gives

V~i+ Vs= I
Vbej (5-22)

Substituting for V be gives

In n(~) +
cw AJs
qVs = In
ccw AJs
302 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

Figure 5-7 Differential pair as a translinear loop.

from which
n (Icj)
cw Aj = e -qV,lkT
n (Icj)
ccw Aj
The differential pair shown in Fig. 5-7 may be analyzed as a translinear loop
containing a voltage source. From Eq. (5-24), we have directly

II qV,lkT
-=e (5-25)

Transconductance Linear with Voltage

A transistor whose transconductance varies linearly with its voltage has

gm= dV =aV (5-26)

where a is a constant (with respect to lor V).

Integrating gives

1 2
1=-aV+b (5-27)
where b is another constant.
Equation (5-27) describes the ID - Vas characteristic for a MOSFET operating
in saturation. Like the bipolar counterpart, circuits containing loops of gate-
source junctions of MOSFETs operate in a translinear fashion. The range in
current over which the transconductance remains linear with voltage is con-
siderably less than with bipolar transistors. None the less, useful MOSFET
translinear circuits have been produced.
5.1 Translinear Circuit Classes 303

Figure 5-8 Translinear loop containing MOS transistors.

Translinear Circuit Principle

Figure 5-8 illustrates a loop of MOSFET junctions comprising an equal numb-

er of clockwise and counterclockwise polarities. Summing the gate-source
voltages around the loop gives

Icw V gsj = I
Vgsj (5-28)




K = fLC;x
.I 2



For matched devices, the threshold voltage terms cancel, and thereby the K j
terms. The translinear principle for MOSFETs then becomes

~"~dj- - - - - -_ ~
" ~dj
----- (5-31)
cw (W IL)j ccw (W IL)j
304 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

Figure 5-9 Translinear MOSFET circuit.

which states: The sum of the square-root currents per unit aspect ratio in a
clockwise direction equals the sum of the square-root currents per unit aspect
ratio in a counterclockwise direction [2].
A MOSFET translinear circuit is shown in Fig. 5-9; the (4X) notation on
transistors M 1 and M2 indicate that their channel !length ratios (W IL) are four
times that of the other transistors. Application of Eq. (5-3\) to the loop
containing transistors M J, Mb M 3, and M4 yields

J1;1 + J1;2 = J1~3 + J1~4 (5-32)

Here, Idl = Id2 = II'. Also, Id4 = Id3 + Ix = IdS, and 10 = Id3 + IdS. Combining these

relations into Eq. (5-32) results in

2 - - /10
-- + It+ J-
10 - -
Ix (5-33)
4 V 2 2
which solved for 10 yields

5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 305

Figure 5-10 Vector magnitude circuit.

5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits

In this section, several translinear circuits used to implement analog functions

are presented. These circuits have application in a variety of signal processing

Vector Magnitude

Figure 5-10 shows a bipolar translinear circuit which implements a vector

magnitude function. This version is preferred over the circuit illustrated in
Fig. 5-5 in that the circuit symmetry tends to cancel degradations caused
by parasitic base and emitter resistances of the transistors [3]. The trans-
linear principle applied to the loop containing transistors QJ, Q2, Q3, and Q4
where Ic3 = 10 ,

For the loop containing Q3, Qs, Q6, and Q7,


Combining Eqs. (5-35) and (5-36) into Eq. (5-37) then gives

10 = JI; + I; (5-38)
306 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits


Figure 5-11 Voltage-to-current converter circuit.

The vector magnitude circuit of Fig. 5-10 operates in a current mode; input
signals, as well as the output, are currents. For the circuit to operate with
voltage signals, voltage-to-current converter circuits can be placed at the inputs
and a current-to-voltage converter circuit can be placed at the output.
Figure 5-11 illustrates a circuit that functions well as a voltage-to-current
converter. In the circuit, QI and Q2 form a current mirror which, due to their
equal base-emitter voltages, have the same collector currents. These current
are reflected in the collector currents of Q3 and Q4, causing them to have the
same base-emitter voltages; the voltage at the emitter of Q4 is thereby equal to
the input voltage Vx at the emitter of Q3. The emitter current of Q4 is thus equal
to VJR" which is then (neglecting base currents) equal to the collector current
of Q2. This current is mirrored by Q5 giving an output current that is propor-
tional to the input voltage. This circuit derives from a general form of this
configuration called a current conveyor [4].
The circuit of Fig. 5-10, combined with voltage/current converter circuits,
results in the voltage-mode vector magnitude circuit shown in Fig. 5-12. In the
circuit, the current mirror provided by QI and Q2 converts the output current to
an output voltage Vo = R 2 I o. Thus,


Two-Quadrant Squarer

Circuits that provide an output proportional to the square of the input find
application in power measurement and high-frequency, radio-frequency (RF)
5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 307

+ +

Figure 5-12 Practical embodiment of a voltage-mode vector magnitude circuit.

detection. Figure 5-13 shows a translinear circuit that functions as a two-

quadrant squarer. From the loop containing transistors QJ, Q2, Q4, and Qs,

2 2
Neglecting base currents and taking Ix positive entering the input node,
which combine to give
I bias + Ix
= ---.::.:=---.:.:..
2 and (5-42)



Figure 5-13 Two-quadrant squarer circuit.

308 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits


Figure 5-14 CMOS version of the two-quadrant squarer.

Now, Ic4 = hias and Ics = Ibias -1

0• These relations, combined with Eq. (5-42) into
Eq. (5-40), yields


A CMOS version of the two-quadrant squarer is shown in Fig. 5-14; tran-

sistors M s, M6, M 7, and M9 implement the I bias sources. It is left as an exercise for
the reader to show that this circuit gives
I = __x_ (5-44)
o 8/bias

Absolute Value

Circuits which provide an output that is proportional to the absolute value of

an input signal find application as RF detectors. The vector magnitude circuit
of Fig. 5-5 would function as an absolute-value circuit if signal I, is made zero;
transistors Q4 and Qs would thereby not be needed. Such a circuit, although
functional, would suffer from errors caused by base current.
An improved absolute-value circuit is shown in Fig. 5-15. In this circuit, the
current source comprising transistors Q6 and Q7 forward biases the two series
diodes, formed by Q8 and Q9; the voltage at the base of Q4 is then equal to 2Vbe •
As a consequence of this bias arrangement, the Darlington pair, transistors Q2,
Q4, and transistor QI will not conduct at the same time. For Ix positive (entering
the circuit), the Darlington pair is off and current Ix flows through transistor
5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 309

----'1----------+--- vee


Figure 5-15 Absolute-value circuit.

QI. which is part of a Wilson current source comprising transistors Qt, Q3, and
Qs. The output current is then given from Eq. (2-24) as

I = I [1 -
o x
]= I
(I - ~)

For Ix negative, the Wilson current source is off and the output current flows
through transistors Q2 and Q4. It is easily shown that

I =I
a x
[1 - ~}+2~F+2
1 ]= I (1 __~;,1_)

To a high degree of accuracy, the circuit gives

10 = II) (5-47)
The only real problem with this circuit is the switching on and off of the
transistors as Ix changes polarity; thus, 10 is not continuous as Ix crosses zero.
This can induce switching noise in the circuit. Nonetheless, the circuit func-
tions well, as illustrated by the simulation shown in Fig. 5-16.

Analog Multipliers

Analog muitiplier circuits produce an output that is proportional to the product

of two input signals; they find wide application in communications circuits,
310 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits



-10 rnA o 10 rnA
Figure 5-16 Simulation of the absolute-value circuit.

such as mixers, balanced modulators, and phase detectors. The Gilbert multi-
plier cell, illustrated in Fig. 5-17, fonns the basis of many multiplier circuits
The Gilbert cell consists of two cross-coupled differential pairs (QJ, Q2 and
Q3, Q4), fed serially by a third differential pair (Q5, Q6); the x-input signal is


+ 0----/

Figure 5-17 Gilbert multiplier cell.

5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 311

applied to the upper differential pairs and the y-input signal is applied to the
lower differential pair. The output is taken differentially at the collectors of
the cross-coupled pairs, expressed as

As expressed by the right-hand term in Eq. (5-48), the output is equal to the
difference in the differential collector currents of the two upper differential
pairs. The differential output current of a single pair is given by Eq. (2-233)


where base currents have been neglected; V!2 is the differential input voltage.
Applying Eq. (5-49) to Eq. (5-48) gives


Substituting for the differential current of the lower differential pair, Eq. (5-50)

fo - bias
(qV y) (qVx)
tanh 2kT tanh 2kT (5-51)

The product is nonlinear in Vx and Vy • If, however, the amplitudes of the signais
are much smaller than the thermal voltage, kT /q, then the tanh functions are
approximately linear, giving


To remove this restriction on the signal amplitudes, the input signals can be
preprocessed to compensate for the tanh nonlinearity. In this regard, consider
the circuit shown in Fig. 5-18. Here, the modulation parameter x in the current

Figure 5-18 Inverse hyperbolic tangent conversion.

312 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

Figure 5-19 Linearized multiplier.

sources represents an input signal; its value can vary between - I and + I.
The voltage difference between the emitters of the two transistors is given by

LlV= Vbe2 - Vbel kT (1

= -In -+-
X) (5-53)
q I-x

Applying the trigonometric identity

tanh ~I x =I - I n - - (5-54)
2 I-x

shows that the circuit in Fig. 5-18 can be used to compensate for the tanh
nonlinearity of the differential pairs in the multiplier circuit. This compensa-
tion needs to be applied only to the x input; because (Fig. 5-17) Ie5 - Ic6 varies
as tanh (V,), the lower differential pair (Qs, Q6) can be eliminated if the y inputs
are supplied as currents. Such a linearized multiplier circuit is shown in Fig.
5-19. In the circuit, the x and y signals are proportional to the input voltage
signals: x = K, V, and y = K, V" The output current (lei + Ie3 ) - (lc2 + I(4 ) is given by

10 = [(1 + y) I, - qLlV)
(1 - y) Iv] tanh ( 2kT (5-55)

which, using Eqs. (5-53) and (5-54), results in

10 = 2I, xy = (2KxKJ\.) Vx Vy (5-56)
For the multiplier to function with voltage signals, a differential voltage-to-
current converter is needed at the inputs. Two methods are commonly em-
ployed: diode linearization and emitter degeneration.
5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 313


Figure 5-20 Diode linearization.

Diode Linearization

Connecting forward-biased diodes at the inputs of a differential pair results in

currents that are linearly proportional to input voltages, similar to that em-
ployed in the transconductance amplifier (see Fig. 3-35). Consider the circuit
shown in Fig. 5-20. The translinear loop comprising transistors Q]-Q4 provides
Neglecting base currents, we have
Ie3 = I bias + i, and Ie4 = I bias - i (5-58)
Combining Eqs. (5-57) and (5-58) gives

lei = (1 + _1_·


Summing the voltages at the input,

V= iR + Vbel - Vbe2 + iR (5-60)
Now, if hiasR» kTlq, then the differences in the base-emitter voltages of
transistors Q I and Q2 will be small in comparison to iR, giving i = v 12R. Thus,

lei = (1 +_V_)h= (l + x) IE
2hias R

Ie2 = (1 - _V_)h= (l -x)h (5-61)

2hias R
314 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

v R R
- o~----------I----------~
2 IE

Figure 5-21 Two forms of linearization by emitter degeneration_

where x = V f2hias R. The two collector currents are now linearly proportional to
the input voltage V.

Emitter Degeneration

Placing resistors in the emitter circuit of a differential pair can linearize the
response; the resistors provide emitter degeneration and two alternate forms
are shown in Fig. 5-21. For the circuit in Fig. 5-21(a), summing the voltages
around the base-emitter loop yields


where base currents have been neglected. If IER» kT fq, then the two base-
emitter voltages in Eq. (5-62) can be assumed to be approximately equal; they
thereby cancel, giving leI - Ie2 = V fR. Also, leI + Ie2 = 2/e. Combining these
relations with Eq. (5-62) gives

leI = (I + _V_) Ie = I +x
5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 315

+ vee

+-_--()+ V Z - 0----+


- vee
Figure 5-22 Four-quadrant analog multiplier (MC-1495 type).


Ic2= (I-~)IE=

where x = V 12IeR.
The version shown in Fig. 5-2I(b) gives the same result [Eq. (5-63)];
however, it has a voltage range that is about 2Vbe less than that using the version
in Fig. 5-2l(a).
A simplified schematic of a commercial four-quadrant analog multiplier
circuit is shown in Fig. 5-22; it utilizes the second version of emitter degen-
eration [Fig. 5-21(b)] for linearization. The output voltage Vz = loRz = 2lyR z xy,
which, using Eqs. (5-52) and (5-63), results in


Resistors R x, R y, and R z are connected externally, usually chosen such that

2Rz Ilx RxRy = 0.1, giving Vz = 0.1 VxV". With ± 15-V power supplies, this allows
inputs in excess of ± 10 V to be used. Simulation of the circuit in Fig. 5-22
316 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits


v z (volts)
o ~----~------------~~~------------------~

-10 -5 o 5 10
Vx (volts)

Figure 5-23 Simulation of the multiplier circuit of Fig. 5-22.

is shown in Fig. 5-23. In the circuit, Ix = I y = 1 rnA, Rx = R y = 15 kfl, and

R z = 11.25 kfl.

MOS Four-Quadrant Multiplier

The MOS version of the Gilbert multiplier cell is shown in Fig. 5-24 [6]. As
with the bipolar transistor version, the output is taken differentially as


The differential output current of a single differential pair is given by Eq.


W) 2Iss _ V2
Idl - Id2 = K (L VIZ K(WIL) 12

where K = I-LnC~x 12 and VIZ is the differential input voltage, with a range given by

VKcWii5 VK(Wii) 12
5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 317


Figure 5-24 MOS Gilbert multiplier cell.

The output current is thus

I = K( W) V 21dS _ V2 _ K( W) V 21d6 - V2 (5-68)

o L x K(WIL) x L x K(WIL) x

Substituting for IdS and Id6 gives

hi as +V 2/bias _ V2 _ V2
K(W IL) y K(W IL) y x

-- --V 2 2]
21bias -V-V (5-69)

which, after some manipulation, can be rewritten in the following form:

I -_K(W)
-V [( hias V; + Vy)2
-- - - V2
o L x K(WIL) 2 [2 x

_J( K(WIL) hias - V~

_ Vv [2)2 _ V2
318 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

Here, the output current is nonlinear in Vx and Vy , in which both inputs interact.
Thus, the inputs cannot be predistorted to compensate for the nonlinearity as
was done with the bipolar multiplier circuit. However, if the magnitudes of
the inputs are kept small with respect to I bias K (W IL), Eq. (5-70) simplifies to

Io=K(~)Vx[ K:~L) - i~ + ~-(

=!2 K( ~) Vx Vy (5-71)

which is linear in Vx and V,,; typically, the inputs are limited to about ± 0.5 V
before significant nonlinearity appears.


Consider the differential pair shown in Fig. 5-25 wherein a component pro-
portional to the square of the differential input voltage is added to the com-
mon-source bias current. Here,

hi., K (W IL) 2Ibias

Idl=-+ V
2 2 K(WIL)

I bia, K (W IL) 2Ibias

I d2 = T - 2 V K(WIL)



+ 0----1
- O~----I

Figure 5-25 MOSFET linearization.

5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 319

- 0-----1--------'

K (W' L) v2 K (W' L) v2
+ 0>------1 2 x 2 x
- 0---------- ---------~

Figure 5-26 Linearized MOS Gilbert multiplier cell.

The differential output current is thus linearly proportional to V. This lineariz-

ation applied to the MOS Gilbert cell in Fig. 5-26 gives


The linear range has now been increased to

hias [bias
---<Vx,y< (5-75)

which implies that a small channel width--channel length ratio (W IL) is desired
for a large input range; VDsat is equal to this range, however. Thus, Vx needs to
have a large common-mode component relative to the differential-mode com-
ponent to keep transistors M 1-M2 and MrM4 operating in the saturation region.
320 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

I hi" ~
- O~----~--------------I

+ O~------I~
- 0--1 Ms M6

Figure 5-27 Folded CMOS Gilbert cell.

Using a folded CMOS Gilbert cell structure, shown in Fig. 5-27, allows a
smaller common-mode voltage to be used. For this circuit,

I =KN(W) V [ 2(lbia,-ldS ) -V; - 2(lbias- I d6) -V;] (5-76)


hias Kp (W IL)p
Id6=-+ V (5-77)
2 2 v

Substituting for IdS and Id6 into Eq. (5-76) results in

5.2 Analog Functions with Translinear Circuits 321

Vx can now have a smaller common-mode component relative to its differential-

mode component. The V;
nonlinearity can be removed by adding a component
KN(WIL)N V;J2 to the x-input differential-pair bias currents, as was done in Fig.
5-26, giving

Linearization Implementation

The two circuits shown in Fig. 5-28 can be used to implement the MOS
linearization scheme. Consider first the circuit of Fig. 5-28(a), in which input
Vx contains a common-mode component Vex. The output current is

Io=Idl+ld2=KN(~)N(Vex+ ~x -vTNf +KN(~)N(Vcx- ~x -VTNf

= 2K (W) (V _ V )2
x (5-80)


+ 0---1

0 - - - -__-1

Figure 5-28 Linearization circuits for the MOS multiplier.
322 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

The first tenn on the right-hand side of Eq. (5-80) represents the bias current
due to the common-mode voltage, Ven and the second tenn represents the
linearization component. The common-mode component can be implemented
by the circuit of Fig. 5-28(b) in which


A complete analog CMOS multiplier circuit using the linearization circuits

of Fig. 5-28 is shown in Fig. 5-29. Transistors M I-M6 comprise the folded
multiplier cell in which the bias current of the y-input differential pair (M5, M 6)
is biased by the common-mode voltage. This current, mirrored in MI3 and M 14,
is also used to bias the two source follower transistors, MI7 and MIS, used to level
shift the x input. The output voltage is developed across the load resistors,
resulting in


5.3 Trigonometric Functions with Translinear Circuits

Circuits which implement trigonometric functions, that is circuits which pro-

duce an output proportional to a trigonometric function of an input, find
application in signal processing, servo-control systems, and signal generation.
Among the most useful are circuits which generate sine and cosine functions.
Consider the translinear circuit shown in Fig. 5-30. The translinear principle
applied to the base-emitter loop gives

Then ignoring base currents,


Combining Eq. (5-84) with Icl + Ic2 = 2hias gives

(1 + X)2
and Ic2 = 1 2 I bias (5-85)


Equation (5-86) IS an approximation to a sine function for - 1 < x < 1,

M11 M 16 w
RO cO·




M 21 S·
M 20 -.
Figure 5-29 Linearized CMOS multiplier circuit.

324 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

I c 1 + I c5 + +IC2+I C6

Figure 5-30 Translinear sine function circuit.

Translinear sine generation

1.0 r - - - - - r - - - - r - - - - , . - - - - - - - ,

TL sine



( ,)


-1 .0 1-.I.--'--'--'--1......&--'--'--'--I........L--'--'-..L....JL.......I.--'--'-............
-1 .0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

X (radians)
Figure 5-31 Plots of Eq. (5-86) and sin (x).

which corresponds to an angle - 1T < e < 1T radians, and is plotted in Fig. 5-31
along with the trigonometric sine function. The maximum error in the two
curves is about 3%.
A more accurate synthesis of the sine function can be obtained with the
circuit shown in Fig. 5-32 [7]. In this circuit, the inner transistor bases (Q2 and
Q3) are biased at a potential l88R more positive than the outer transistor bases
(QI and Q4); here, the voltage drop lEER controls the angle scaling factor. The
5.3 Trigonometric Functions with Translinear Circuits 325

Figure 5-32 A more accurate version of a trigonometric sine function circuit.

input signal Vx controls the equivalent angle of the sine function, and for one
cycle of the function ( - 1 < x < 1)


When Vx = 0, the circuit is balanced with lei = Ic4 and Ie2 = I e3 . Taking the output
differentially as


then has 10 = O. When Vx is made positive, the circuit symmetry is unbalanced

with lei> Ie4 and Ie2 > I e3 , resulting in a positive output; for Vx negative, Ie4 > lei
and 1c3 > le2, giving a negative output. As Vx is varied from - 31BB RITr to
+ 31BB R ITr, the output traces one cycle of the function.
Denoting the voltages at the base nodes of transistors Q2 and Q3 as V2 and V 3 ,
respectively, and summing the currents at these nodes (neglecting base cur-
rents) yields

326 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

Solving for the node voltages,


The transistor collector currents are

IcI=Is exp[k~(VX-VE)]=Is exp ( - qki) exp(~i)=Ic4 exp(~i)

Ic2=Is exp[k~(V2-VE)]=Ic4 exp[k~(~ Vx+IBBR)]
Ic3=Is exp[k~(V3-Vd]=Ic4 exp[kqT(~ Vx+IBBR)]


Summing the currents at the common-emitter node gives


Combining Eqs. (5-91) and (5-92) and substituting into Eq. (5-88) yields
1- + eqlssRlkT (e2q'M3kT _ e qV,13kT)

1 + eqV,/kT + eql88RlkT (e 2qV,/kT + eqV.13kT) (5-93)

It is profitable to let a = qIBB R IkT; then from Eq. (5-87), q Vx 13kT = a1T Ix. This
allows Eq. (5-93) to be cast in the following form:
~ = 1- e(3cdlT)x + eO. (e(2o.h')X _ e(o.h,)x)
hE 1 + e(3o.h,)x + eO. (e(2o.h')X + e(o.h,)x) (5-94)

In this form, x represents the angle of the function, ranging from - 1T to + 1T

radians. A plot of Eq. (5-94) presents a very close approximation of a sine
function, with a maximum error of about 0.2% for a set to a value of 3.
A simulation of the circuit in Fig. 5-32 is shown in Fig. 5-33, where
R = I kO and IBB = 75 /-LA were used. A simulation at three temperatures is
shown. The input range is from - 200mV to + 200mV for the angle ranging
from - 180° to + 180°, and is virtually independent of temperature. Only the
amplitude of the sine function is appreciably sensitive to temperature. As
described in Ref. 7, the angular range can be increased by 1T radians by adding
an additional transistor to the circuit; a six-transistor circuit would have a range
of ± 360°.
5.4 Gilbert Gain Cell 327

600uA ~------------------------------------------------~

10 0A

-~0uA ~------~------~--------T-------~------~r-----~
-300mV -200mV -100mV 0.mV 100mV 200mV 300mV
Figure 5-33 Simulation of the circuit in Fig. 5-32 at various temperatures.

5.4 Gilbert Gain Cell

An interesting translinear circuit is shown in Fig. 5-34; if x is taken as an input

signal, then it is reused by combining it at the output, taken at the collectors
of QI and Q4. This configuration is referred to as a Gilbert gain cell and can
be used as a controlled-gain current-mode amplifier [3]. This circuit can be
viewed as a differential cascode amplifier with a current gain larger than unity.
Applying the translinear principle to the base-emitter loop gives

~I c2+ [c4

( 1-X)Ix

Figure 5-34 Gilbert gain cell.

328 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

where, neglecting base currents, lei = (1 - x)/x and Ie4 = (1 + X)/e4' Additionally,
Iez + Ie3 = 2Iy (neglecting base currents), which, combined with Eq. (5-95), gives
Iez = (1 + x) Iy and Ie3 = (1 - x) Iy (5-96)
Taking the output differentially at the collectors of QI, Q3 and Qz, Q4, we obtain
10 = (lez + I e4 ) - (lcl - I e3 ) = 2x(Ix + I,,) (5-97)
Likewise, taking the input differentially at the emitters of QI and Q4,
lin = (1 + X) If - (1 - X) Ix = 2xlx (5-98)
The gain of this amplifier is then expressed as


where the ratio of the bias currents Ix and Iv sets the gain. The minimum gain
is unity and the maximum gain is limited to about 10 or so due to errors due
to finite base currents; the base currents of transistors Qz and Q3 add to the
output via transistors QI and Q4, which are out of phase. It is left as an exercise
for the reader to show that if base currents are taken into account, the gain is
given approximately by

10 i3F ( i3F Iv) (5-100)

lin = i3F + I I + i3F + 1 I~
Several cells can be cascaded together to form an amplifier with larger gain,
as illustrated in Fig. 5-35. The total gain is now

. II Iz In
Gam = 1 +-+-+ ... +- (5-101)
Ii Ii Ii
The gain of each stage is limited to a maximum of about 10 and can be
independently controlled by its bias current, In. Used as a current-mode ampli-
fier, this circuit achieves a large bandwidth.


For all problems assume room temperature, kT/q = 26mV.

Note: Where required, use the following device parameters unless otherwise
NPN: i3F = 100 Is = 2 X 10 - 16 A

PNP: i3F= 50 Is = 5 X 10 - 17 A
Problems 329

(1-X)Io + "'--OUTPUT~ +(1+X)l o

(1-X)Ij (1+X)Ij

..--- INPUT---I~

Figure 5-35 Current-mode amplifier using cascaded gain cells.

330 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

Figure 5-36 Diode ring for Problem 5.1.

NMOS: W IL = 10 f.LnC~x = 30 f.LA /V 2 VTH = 1 Y h = O.02y- 1

PMOS: W IL = 30 f.LpC~x = 10 f.LA /V 2 VTH =- 1Y h=O.02y- 1

5.1 Using the translinear circuit principle, determine the currents 11-/4 in the
diode ring in Fig. 5-36.

5.2 Using four bipolar transistors and a bias current source, design a trans-
linear circuit that gives

where A 1.2, 3, 4 are the emitter areas of the transistors, Base currents may be

5.3 Using three MOS transistors and a bias current source, design a translinear
circuit that gives

I = (WILh I
o (W IL) 1 + (W ILh bias

where (WIL)I,2,3 are the channel widthllength dimensions of the transistors,

5.4 Treating the MOSFET differential pair in Fig. 5-37 as a translinear loop
containing a voltage source, show that

10 = Idl -1d2 = K( W
L ) Vs 2/bias - V2
K(WIL) s
Problems 331

Figure 5-37 MOSFET differential pair for Problem 5.4.

+ Vee

- Vee
Figure 5-38 Class AB output stage for Problem 5.5.

5.5 The Class AB output stage shown in Fig. 5-38 may be viewed as a
translinear circuit. Neglecting base currents, show that for VOU! = 0, the
quiescent bias current of the output transistors is given by

where A 1-4 are the emitter areas of transistors QI-4, respectively.

5.6 Simulate, using SPICE, the two-quadrant squarer circuit of Fig. 5-13. Take
Vee = 5 V, [bias = I rnA, and neglect VA in the transistor model. Connect the hias
332 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits

Figure 5-39 Circuit for Problem 5.S.

sources for transistors Q2 and Q5 to Vee and connect a second 5-V source to
the collector of Q5 to measure the output current 10 , In the simulation, vary
Ix from - 1 rnA to + 1 rnA, and plot the square root of 10 versus Ix to show
the squarer relationship. Simulate the circuit first with I3F set to 10,000 and
then with I3F set to 100 to show the effects of base current on the circuit
performance. Comment on it.
5.7 Verify that the output current of the two-quadrant CMOS squarer circuit
in Fig. 5-14 is given by Eq. (5-44).
5.8 In the translinear circuit shown in Fig. 5-39, all transistors are identical.
Determine the output current 100 neglecting base currents.
5.9 In the translinear circuit shown in Fig. 5-40, all transistors are identical,


Figure 5-40 Circuit for Problem 5.9.

Problems 333

Figure 5-41 Translinear loop circuit for Problem 5.10.

except for emitter areas as noted. Detennine the output current 10. neglect-
ing base currents.
5.10 Show that the offset voltage VBA in the translinear loop circuit shown in
Fig. 5-41 is given approximately by
2ql bias
Base currents may be neglected and you may assume that the output
current 10 is much smaller than 2/bias •
5.11 The Gilbert cell shown in Fig. 5-42 may be used as a four-quadrant

I cHIc2 +

( 1 _x) I bias lb·

(1 +x) ~
2 2

Figure 5-42 Gilbert cell used as a four-quadrant multiplier for Problem 5.11.
334 Chapter 5 - Translinear Circuits



I x

Figure 5-43 CMOS four-quadrant multiplier for Problem 5.12.

multiplier. Assuming identical devices and neglecting base currents, de-

rive an expression for the output current 10 , taking it as (lei + le2) - (lc3 + le4).
5.12 Figure 5-43 shows another version of a CMOS four-quadrant multiplier.
The NMOS transistors are identical, as are the PMOS transistors. Show
that the output current is given by

21x l v
10 = . 2
KN(W IL)N(Vbias - 2VTN )

5.13 Figure 5-44 shows an analog function circuit in which input signal x
varies from - 1 to + 1. Determine the output function, taken as
10 = (lc2 + leg) - (lei + le7), expressing it as a function of x; base currents may
be neglected. Plot your result, normalized to I bia" for x varying from - 1
to + 1.
5.14 Show that the gain of the Gilbert gain cell shown in Fig. 5.34 is given
by Eq. (5-100).
Problems 335

I c1 + I c7 +

(1 +x) I bias (1-x) I bias

Figure 5-44 Analog function circuit for Problem 5.13.


1. B. Gilbert, "Translinear Circuits: A Proposed Classification," Electron. Lett., 11, 14-16 (1975).
2. E. Seevinck and R.J. Wiegerink, "Generalized Translinear Circuit Principle," IEEE 1. Solid-
State Circuits, 26, 1098-1102 (Aug. 1991).
3. B. Gilbert, "Current-Mode Circuits from a Translinear Viewpoint: A Tutorial," Analogue IC
Design: The Current-Mode Approach, C. Toumazou, F.l. Lidgey, and D.G. Haigh, Eds., Peter
Peregrinus, London, 1990, Chap. 2.
4. A.S. Sedra and G.W. Roberts, "Current Conveyor Theory and Practice," Analogue IC Design:
The Current-Mode Approach, C. Toumazou, F.l. Lidgey, and D.G. Haigh, Eds., Peter Peregri-
nus, London, 1990, Chap. 3.
5. B. Gilbert, "A Precise Four-Quadrant Multiplier with Subnanosecond Response," IEEE 1.
Solid-State Circuits, SC-3, 365-373 (Dec. 1968).
6. l.N. Babanezhad and G.C. Ternes, "A 20-V Four-Quadrant CMOS Analog Multiplier," IEEE
1. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC-20, 1158-1168 (Dec. 1985).
7. B. Gilbert, "A Monolithic Microsystem for Analog Synthesis of Trigonometric Functions and
Their Inverses," IEEE 1. Solid-State Circuits, SC-17, 1179-1191, (Dec. 1982).

A Small-Signal Models, 14
saturation current, 3, 5
absolute value, 308
Transistor Cutoff Frequency, 18
additional pole, 271
transconductance, 16, 22
analog multiplier, 190
transit time, 10
Bode plot, 266 Cascode,97
base-emitter voltage, 16, 50 input resistance, 98
base-emitter voltages, 296 output resistance, 98, 100
bias current, 111, 124, 133, 137, 166, 185 transconductance, 97, 99
bipolar junction transistor, 1 Cascade, 100
Base-Width Modulation, 10 input resistance, 100, 106
base resistance, 16, 22 output resistance, 101, 106
Cutoff,7 transconductance, 101, 107
Charge storage, 10 CMOS op-amp, 170
collector current, 4, 12 Common-Base, 89
collector-current density, 298 Active Load, 95
common-base current gain, 8 Gain Stages, 89
common-emitter current gain, 8 input resistance, 91, 94
diffusion capacitance, 10, 16 Miller effect, 90
Early effect, 11 output resistance, 91
Early voltage, 11 Resistive Load, 92
Ebers-Moll, 9 transconductance, 91
Ebers-Moll model, 2, 7 voltage gain, 93
emitter current, 4 Common-Emitter, 70
Forward-active, 5 Active Load, 74
junction currents, 3 Early voltages, 75 - 76
junction capacitances, 9 Gain Stages, 70
output conductance, 11 input resistance, 71
output resistance, 16, 22 output resistance, 72, 75
Parasitic Elements, 17 output voltage, 73, 76
Reverse-active, 6 Resistive Load, 72

338 Index

transconductance, 71, 73 collector current, 4

transfer characteristic, 73, 76 common-mode voltage, 322
voltage gain, 73, 76 compensation capacitance, 276
Common-Gate, 96 complementary output stage, 136, 138
Gain Stage, 96
output resistance, 97 D
transconductance, 97
Dual-loop feedback, 244
Common-Source, 77
Darlington, 100, 107, 308
Active Load, 80
transcoductance, 10 I
Gain Stage, 77
Differential Pair, 110
output resistance, 79, 82
Active Load, 124
output voltage, 77, 81
Bipolar Differential Pair, III
transfer characteristic, 77
common-mode, 117
voltage gain, 79, 81
common-mode rejection ratio, 121, 128-
Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers, 270
129, 131
Compensation with MOSFET Gain Stages
common-mode voltage gain, 121
differential amplifier, 118
closed-loop gain, 280
differential-mode, 117
Feedback Zero, 279
differential-mode voltage gain, 120
low-frequency zero, 278
differential transconductance, 112 - 113, 115
Miller multiplication, 275
input range, 113
pole splitting, 277
input resistance, 121, 123
Compensation capacitance, 273
input voltage, III, 113, lIS - 116
Current Sources, 50
JFET Differential Pair, 114
Base-Current Compensated Current Mirror
linear range, 116
MOSFET Differential Pair, 112
Basic Current Mirror, 50
NMOS transistors, 128
base-current cancellation, 59
output current, III, 113, lIS
base-current error, 54
output resistance, 132
Cascode Current Source, 55
output voltage, 116, 128, 131
Multiple current sources, 52
Resistor Load, lIS
MOS current mirror, 53
transconductance, 112, 127
minimum output voltage, 61
transfer characteristic, 127
NMOS Wilson current mirror, 60
voltage gain, 117, 127, 131
output characteristic, 51
Dominant Pole, 273
output resistance, 56, 58 - 60, 63, 65
diode linearization, 186
Resistor-Ratioed Current Source, 61
diode string, 66
reference current, 50, 53, 62, 64
drain current, 25, 37
resistor- ratioed current source, 63
Widlar Current Source, 64
Wilson Current Source, 58
current-differencing amplifier, 178 Early effect, 27
current-feedback amplifier, 172 Emitter Follower, 82
current-mode amplifier, 327 Active Load, 87
cutoff frequency, 18, 33, 43 Gain Stage, 82
capacitance, 10, 30,40 input resistance, 84, 86
cascade, 109 output resistance, 84 - 86
cascode current source, 55 transfer characteristic, 83
channel, 23 voltage gain, 84, 86
closed-loop gain, 269 emitter current, 4
Index 339

emitter degeneration, 166, 186 G

gain and phase, 264
gain magnitude, 265
Feedback, 203 gate-source voltage, 25
Compensation Methods, 271 gate-to-source voltage, 54
Compensation of Feedback Amplifiers, 270
Configurations, 213 J
current amplifier, 239 Junction Diode, 22
current feedback, 213
small-signal equivalent circuit, 23
closed-loop gain, 204, 207, 211, 249, 259 Junction Field-Effect Transistor, 23
closed-loop voltage gain, 247, 259 Charge storage, 30
Dual-Loop Feedback, 244
error signal, 205 channel-length modulation, 26
feedback amplifier system, 203 channel-length parameter, 27
feedback factor, 207, 225, 233, 241, 249, Device Characteristics, 24
Drain current, 25
feedback signal, 211
drain current, 27
Gain and Phase, 264
Large-Signal Model, 28
Gain Stabilization, 204
output resistance, 31
gain, 225, 233 Parasitic Elements, 32
gain and phase, 270
pinch-off voltage, 25
Increased Bandwidth, 206 Small-Signal Model, 31
Input Resistance, 211, 218, 226, 233, 242,
saturation region, 26
249, 259
saturation voltage, 25
input resistance, 218, 233, 248
Transistor Cutoff Frequency, 33
loop gain, 204
transconductance, 31
Output Resistance, 212, 219, 226, 234, 242,
triode region, 26
output resistance, 218, 232 L
Phase Margin, 268
positive feedback, 264 Level-Shift, 65
Reduction in Distortion, 205 Cascade Emitter Follower Level-Shift Stage,
Series Current, 230 67
Series Current-Shunt Voltage, 247 Composite npn-pnp, 67
Series Voltage, 215 diode-connected transistors, 66
Series Current Voltage-Shunt Current, 258 MOS Level-Shift Stages, 68
Shunt Current, 239 VBE multiplier, 66
Shunt Voltage, 223 VBE Voltage Shift Stages, 65
Stability of Feedback Amplifiers, 264 linearization, 312
series mixing, 213 linearized multiplier, 312
series triple amplifier, 234 loop gain, 204
shunt mixing, 213 low-pass filter, 190
transconductance amplifier, 231
transresistance amplifier, 223
voltage amplifier, 215 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Tran-
voltage feedback, 213 sistor, 35
voltage gain, 218 aspect ratio, 304
feedback factor, 257 body-effect, 39
feedforward, 209, 215, 223, 230, 239 channel,36
four-quadrant analog multiplier, 315 channel-length modulation, 37
340 Index

drain current, 37 Slew Rate, 165, 177

Fermi potential, 37 slew rate, 170
inversion layer, 36 Transconductance Amplifiers, 183
MOSFET Capacitance, 40 Transimpedance, 176
output resistance, 43 Two-Stage CMOS Op-Amp, 169
Small-Signal Model, 42 Op-Amp, 162
saturation region, 37 transimpedance, 173
Transistor Cutoff Frequency, 43 transresistance, 179
threshold voltage, 36, 39 Voltage-Feedback Amplifiers, 157
transconductance, 42 voltage gain, 160, 169
transconductance parameter, 39 output stage, 132
triode region, 37 BiCMOS output stage, 138
Miller effect, 97, 100 Complementary Output Stages, 136
MOS Four-Quadrant Multiplier, 319 crossover-distortion, 137
folded CMOS Gilbert cell, 320 dead-band, 136
linearization, 319 emitter follower, 133
input resistance, 136
N push-pull, 136
quiescent bias current, 138
Negative feedback, 203
quiescent current, 136
NMOS gain stage, 79
quiescent bias current, 137
Norton amplifier. 178
source follower, 135
Norton op-amp. 182
transfer characteristic, 132, 134
negative feedback, 264
phase, 265
operational amplifier, 157 phase margin, 268
unity-gain frequency. 164. 185 phase shift, 265
ac circuit model. 164
bandwidth. 158. 173 s
Current-Differencing Amplifiers. 178
Current-Feedback Amplifiers. 172 Source Follower, 87
Active Load, 89
CMOS amplifier. 170
Gain Stage, 87
CMOS Transconductance Amplifier. 191
input resistance, 88
Common-Mode Input Range. 168
output resistance, 88
current-feedback amplifier. 176
voltage gain, 88
closed-loop bandwidth. 185
SPICE, 7, 9, 11,29, 39,41
closed-loop gain. 158. 173
sample-and-hold circuit, 188
compensation. 173
series triple amplifier, 255
compensation capacitance. 165
sine function, 324
dc offset voltage. 170
slew rate, 165, 177
feedback factor. 158
stability, 264
folded-cascode. 162
Inverting Amplifier. 181
input resistance. 161. 164. 175
Linearization. 186. 192 resistor-ratioed current source, 61
non inverting amplifier. 158. 173. 178
output resistance. 163. 169 T
open-loop gain. 158. 163 Translinear circuits, 295
Single-Stage Op-Amp, 159 Absolute Value, 308
Index 341

Analog Functions, 305 Applications, 188

Analog Multipliers, 309 transimpedance, 173
current conveyor, 306 transit time, 21
compensation, 312 transresistance amplifier, 208, 213
Diode Linearization, 313
Emitter Degeneration, 314 U
folded CMOS Gilbert cell, 320 unilateral two-port equivalent circuit, 91
Gilbert cell, 310 unity-gain frequency, 271
Gilbert Gain Cell, 327
Linearization, 318
MOS Four-Quadrant Multiplier, 316 vector magnitude, 300
Transconductance Linear with Current, 295 voltage-controlled current source, 68
Transconductance Voltage, 302 voltage divider, 68
Translinear Circuit Principle, 297, 303 voltage-feedback amplifier, 157
Trigonometric Functions, 322 voltage-to- current converter, 312
tanh nonlinearity, 311
translinear loop, 302 w
Vector Magnitude, 305 Widlar current source, 65
transconductance, 295 - 296, 302 Wilson current source, 58, 190
transconductance amplifier, 183, 215 Wilson current sources, 186

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