OBTL Strategic Business Analysis Dr. Calma

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FIRST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2021 - 2022
Outcome Based Teaching Learning Plan for STRATEGIC BUSINESS ANALYSIS

VISION: Seeing our graduates working across the Philippines and around the world, MISSION: We are here to educate and train students, the global way.
proud and tall as Filipinos.

This course will provide a solid foundation for a career in business analysis. It explores the strategy, phases, components and process a BA uses to develop a project. From conducting
an enterprise analysis to assessing the solution's implementation, and provide basics of how to manage the process and determine the appropriate parties to be involved.


At the end of this program, graduates will have the ability to:

 Pass the CPA Licensure Examinations

 Work effectively as entry level professional accountants and should have the capacity for growth to positions of increase responsibility.
 Carry out abstract logical thinking and learn the process of critical thinking.
 Review, interpret, and evaluate financial data and systems /operational data / controls in order to form conclusion and/or make recommendations on
validity/usefulness/correctness / compliance within established policies, procedures, guidelines, agreements and/or legislation.
 Discern the true nature of a situation and evaluation of applicable principles and techniques.
 Link data, knowledge and insight together from different sources and disciplines to make informed decisions.
 To work in groups and being a team player. It includes the skills to participate as member of a team and contributing to group effort; teaching others new skills; working to satisfy
clients’ expectations; negotiation skills and working with diversity or working well with men and women from diverse backgrounds.
 Explain verbally, and/or in writing financial/statistical/administrative matters/ policies/procedures/regulatory matters/ audit results at a level appropriate to the audience.
 Ask clear, concise and relevant questions to obtain desired information to perform a task.
 Negotiate effectively.
 Effectively and efficiently use information and communication technology (ICT)
 Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility, and exercise high personal moral and ethical standards of the profession.


NUMBER OF UNITS: 3 Units Lecture

1. Discuss the approaches and strategies in areas such as situation investigation and business process modelling.
2. Explain how to apply concepts and techniques in business analysis.
3. Understand the role of the business analyst through the business change life cycle.
4. Determine the business process model and defining solution to business.


Week Topic Assessment Tasks

Learning Materials Intended Learning Outcomes
(Requirements with
schedule or time allotment)

Module 1 Books/References: Discuss Business Analysis with

1 What is Business Analysis? Debra Paul, James Cadle and Donald Yeates (editors), regards to its origins,
Business Analysis, Third edition development and its scope, the Objective type (Activities
 Introduction role and responsibilities of provided in the module)
 The origins of business analysis business analyst Quizzes
 The development of business Test
analysis Suggested Web Reading: Assignments
 The scope of business analysis Major Exams
work Business Analysis
 The role and responsibilities of a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_analysis Case Study -Mini Case
business analyst
 The business analysis maturity https://www.theknowledgeacademy.com/courses/business-
model analysis-training/history-of-business-analysis/
 Professionalism and business
 The future of business analysis

Module 2 Books/References: Explain the Competencies of a

2 The Competencies of a Business Debra Paul, James Cadle and Donald Yeates (editors), business Analyst in terms of its Objective type (Activities
Analyst Business Analysis, Third edition Personal qualities, Business provided in the module)
knowledge, Skills and Industry Quizzes
 Introduction qualifications Test
 Personal qualities Assignments

 Business knowledge Suggested Web Reading: Major Exams
 Professional techniques
 The right skills for the right https://www.businessanalyststoolkit.com/transform-your- Case Study -Mini Case
situation career/business-analysis-competencies/#:~:text=
 How can I develop my skills?
 Industry skills frameworks https://modernanalyst.com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/ID/4
 Industry qualifications 63/Eight-Competencies-a-Business-Analyst-Needs-to-

Module 3 Books/References: Understand the Strategy

3 Strategy Analysis Debra Paul, James Cadle and Donald Yeates (editors), Analysis, its context and Objective type (Activities
Business Analysis, Third edition definition, External and Internal provided in the module)
 Introduction environment analysis, SWOT Quizzes
 The context for strategy and executing strategy Test
 What is strategy? Suggested Web Reading: Assignments
 Strategy development Major Exams
 External environment analysis https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/str
 Internal environment analysis ategy/strategic-analysis/ Case Study -Mini Case
 SWOT analysis
 Executing strategy https://www.batimes.com/articles/8-tools-and-techniques-to-

Module 4 Books/References: Identify the Business Analysis

4 The Business Analysis Process Model Debra Paul, James Cadle and Donald Yeates (editors), Process Model, Approach to
Business Analysis, Third edition problem solving, Investigate Objective type (Activities
 Introduction situation, consider perspectives, provided in the module)
 An approach to problem solving analyse needs, evaluate options, Quizzes
 The business analysis process Suggested Web Reading: define requirements and deliver Test
model changes. Assignments
 Investigate situation https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/business-analysis- Major Exams
 Consider perspectives models#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20business%20analysis,e
 Analyse needs Case Study -Mini Case
 Evaluate options https://www.bridging-the-gap.com/business-analysis-
 Define requirements process/
 Deliver changes
Module 5 Books/References: Understand Investigation
5 Investigation Techniques Debra Paul, James Cadle and Donald Yeates (editors), Techniques through Prior
Business Analysis, Third edition research, investigation,
 Introduction interviews, observation, Objective type (Activities
 Prior research workshops, scenarios, user provided in the module)
 Investigation techniques analysis, prototyping, Quizzes
 Interviews Suggested Web Reading: quantitative approaches, Test
 Observation suitability of techniques and Assignments
 Workshops https://business-analysis-excellence.com/business-analysis- documenting the current Major Exams
 Scenarios techniques/#:~:text=The%20SWOT%20Analysis%20is situation
 User analysis %20an,organizations%20positio Case Study -Mini Case
 Prototyping
 Quantitative approaches https://baanswers.com/ba-skills/investigation-techniques-
 Suitability of techniques every-business-analyst-should-know/
 Documenting the current situation

Module 6 Books/References: Discuss Stakeholder Analysis

6 Stakeholder Analysis and Management Debra Paul, James Cadle and Donald Yeates (editors), and Management, Stakeholder
Business Analysis, Third edition categories and identification, Objective type (Activities
 Introduction Analysing stakeholders, provided in the module)
 Stakeholder categories and Stakeholder management Quizzes
identification strategies, Summary of Test
 Analysing stakeholders Suggested Web Reading: stakeholder management Assignments
 Stakeholder management strategies https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_07.htm strategies, Managing and Major Exams
 Summary of stakeholder understanding stakeholder
management strategies https://project-management.com/what-is-stakeholder- perspectives Case Study -Mini Case
 Managing stakeholders analysis/
 Defining stakeholder involvement –
RACI and RASCI charts https://www.cio.com/article/2395825/project-management-
 Using social media in stakeholder how-to-design-a-successful-raci-project-plan.html
 Understanding stakeholder

Module 7 Books/References: Explain Modelling Business
Modelling Business Processes Debra Paul, James Cadle and Donald Yeates (editors), Processes, Organisational Objective type (Activities
7 Business Analysis, Third edition context and alternative view, provided in the module)
 Introduction Value propositions, Quizzes
 Organisational context Business process models, Test
 An alternative view of an Suggested Web Reading: Analysing the ‘as is’ process, Assignments
organisation Improving business process, Major Exams
 The organisational view of business https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_process_modeling#:~ and Process measurement,
processes :text=A%20business%20process%20model%20is,inte  Case Study -Mini Case
 Value propositions
 Business process models https://www.smartsheet.com/beginners-guide-business-
 Analysing the ‘as is’ process process-modeling
 Improving business processes
 Process measurement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Process_Model_and_
 Business Process Model and Notation

8 Module 8 Books/References: Define the Solution, gap

Defining the Solution Debra Paul, James Cadle and Donald Yeates (editors), analysis, formulating options,
Business Analysis, Third edition defining business requirements, Objective type (Activities
 Introduction Introduction and definition, provided in the module)
 Gap analysis structure and techniques of Quizzes
 Formulating options Suggested Web Reading: business architecture. Test
 Defining business requirements Assignments
 Introduction to business https://www.dummies.com/business/business-strategy/how- Major Exams
architecture to-define-solution-requirements-through-business-analysis/
 Definition of business architecture Case Study -Mini Case
 Structure of a business architecture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_architecture
 Business architecture techniques

Final Examination (with



Grading System:
Formative & Summative Assessments/ Class Standing (Theories and Applications/Class Activities) 60%
Major Examination 40%

Online Course Policies:

1. Success in this course is dependent on your active participation and engagement throughout the course. As such, students are required to complete all worksheets/student
assigned activities by the due date.
2. All students are required to participate in the on-line broadcast or consultation to ensure proper monitoring of students. Any queries will be entertained thru Messenger Account,
Email or Cell phone number.
3. If you find that you cannot meet the class' minimum discussion requirements due to such a circumstance, please contact your instructor as soon as possible thru Messenger
Account, Email or Cellphone Number (Number will be given directly to the students enrolled in the course).

Instructor’s Contact Details:

Name: Myrna C. Calma, CPA, Ph.D.

Email Add: [email protected] / [email protected]
Messenger Account: Myra Cuento Calma
Online Office Days/Hours: Tue/Fri: 3:00 – 4:30pm

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Myrna C. Calma, CPA, Ph.D. Dr. Marcelo V. Fernandez, CPA

Associate Professor Dean, College of Business Administration and Accountancy

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