User'S Manual Vibrating-Wire Piezometers Big Boy: Model 98050 Slim Jim: Model 98051 Conehead: Model Number 98052 Serial No.

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Big Boy: Model 98050

Slim Jim: Model 98051
Conehead: Model Number 98052

Serial No._____________________________

140 Chestnut Street

San Francisco, CA 94111 USA
Tel (415) 364-3200
Fax (415) 861-1448
[email protected]

Copyright ©2008 by Applied Geomechanics, All rights reserved.

Document No. D0031A

1. Introduction and Specifications ......................................................................................................................1

2. Operating Principle.........................................................................................................................................2

3. Taking Readings .............................................................................................................................................3

4. Converting Frequency Readings to Pressure..................................................................................................3

5. Temperature Measurement .............................................................................................................................6

6. Temperature Correction of Pressure Readings ...............................................................................................8

7. Barometric Pressure Correction......................................................................................................................8

8. Installation ......................................................................................................................................................8

8.1 Saturating Filters ...............................................................................................................................8

8.2 Taking Zero Readings; Acceptance Test ..........................................................................................9

8.3 Borehole Installation Using Sand......................................................................................................9

8.4 Grouted Borehole Installation .........................................................................................................10

8.5 In Situ or Push-In Installation .........................................................................................................10

8.6 Embankment Installation ................................................................................................................11

8.7 Installation in Open Standpipes.......................................................................................................12

8.8 Cable Care.......................................................................................................................................12

9. Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................12

10. Warranty and Limitation of Liability ..................................................................................................13

1. Introduction and Specifications
The Applied Geomechanics family of vibrating-wire piezometers includes the following models:
• Big Boy Piezometer (Model 98050)
• Slim Jim Piezometer (Model 98051)
• Conehead Push-in Piezometer (Model 98052)
Each of these piezometers is available in a variety of pressure ranges, indicated by the dash number
following the model number (Table 1). All are constructed of stainless steel to retard corrosion and enhance
long-term performance in field installations. All use an internal magnetic wire, attached at one end to a
moveable diaphragm and anchored at the other end, to measure pore water pressure. Pressure changes move
the diaphragm, lengthening or shortening the wire and altering its resonant frequency. Factory calibrations
of the piezometers are used to convert the measured frequency to pressure. Key features of the three
piezometer types are summarized below.
• Big Boy – Recommended for general use because of its low cost and robust construction. Diameter
is 42mm (Figure 1).
• Slim Jim – With a diameter of only 19 mm, the Slim Jim is designed for monitoring water levels and
pore water pressure in small-diameter wells and standpipes (Figure 2).
• Conehead – The rugged push-in design is useful for measuring water pressure in soft soils or
landfills. It has a pointed cone tip at one end and drill rod threads at the other end. May be pushed in
hydraulically or by hand (Figure 3).
Each piezometer includes a built-in thermistor for measuring temperature and, if necessary, for
correcting the zero reading for effects of temperature change. Each piezometer also contains a
surge arrestor that helps protect the vibrating-wire pluck-and-read coils from high-voltage
transients. High-voltage transients may be induced by nearby lightning strikes and are one of the
common causes of failure of geotechnical field instruments.

Table 1. Piezometer Model Numbers and Pressure Ranges

Big Boy, Model No. Pressure Range
98050-02 0.3 MPa (44 psi)
98050-04 0.7 MPa (100 psi)
98050-05 1.0 MPa (145 psi)
98050-08 3.5 MPa (500 psi)
Slim Jim, Model No.
98051-01 0.35 MPa (50 psi)
98051-02 0.7 MPa (100 psi)
98051-03 1.0 MPa (145 psi)
98051-04 2.0 MPa (290 psi)
Conehead, Model No.
98052-01 0.35 MPa (50 psi)
98052-02 0.7 MPa (100 psi)
98052-03 1.0 MPa (145 psi)
98052-04 2.0 MPa (290 psi)

D00031A 1
Table 2. Specifications
Big Boy Slim Jim Conehead
Dimensions 42 mm dia. x 185 mm 19 mm dia. x 100 mm 35 mm dia. x 166 mm
Accuracy ± 0.25% of full span (FS) ± 0.2% of full span ± 0.2% of full span(FS)
Nonlinearity ± 0.5% FS
Over Range Limit 150% of range
Temperature Range -20° to 70°C
Materials Stainless steel

Figure 1. Big Boy piezometer Figure 2. Slim Jim piezometer

Figure 3. Conehead piezometer

2. Operating Principle
The vibrating-wire piezometer contains a magnetic, high-tensile-strength stretched wire, one end of which is
anchored and the other end fixed to a diaphragm. The diaphragm deflects in response to applied pore water
pressure, changing the tension in the wire and its resonant frequency. Calibration of the piezometer
establishes the relationship between pore water pressure and resonance frequency.
To operate the piezometer, the wire is plucked by sending a broadband signal down the piezometer cable to a
coil magnet assembly beside the wire. When the plucking signal is turned off, the wire continues to vibrate
at its resonance frequency, which induces an alternating current in the coil magnet. This signal can be read at
the other end of the cable and then converted to units of pressure.

The relationship between wire tension and resonant frequency is given by the following equation:

D00031A 2
f = [σg/ρ]1/2/ 2L Hz

where f = resonant frequency

σ = tension of wire in kg/cm2
g = 980 cm/sec2
ρ = density of wire in kg/cm3
L = length of wire in cm

The resonant frequency is directly proportional to the square root of wire tension and inversely proportional
to the length of the wire.

3. Taking Readings
The easiest way to take readings from your vibrating-wire piezometer is using the Applied Geomechanics
VW Advisor portable readout unit. The VW Advisor reads the piezometer, displays the reading, and stores
is for subsequent downloading to your computer. Please refer to the VW Advisor user’s manual for
complete details.

For situations where you need to continuously log piezometer output, Applied Geomechanics offers two
solutions: the Handi-Logger Mini single-channel logger, and the Model 798-1000 Handi-Logger, which
can record 128 vibrating-wire sensors using multiplexers. Please refer to the user’s manuals of these
products for operational details.

Color coding of the wires in your vibrating-wire piezometer cable is as follows:

Table 3. Wire Color Code

Wire Color Function
Red Vibrating Wire
Black Vibrating Wire
White Thermistor
Green Thermistor
Bare Wire Shield

The following sections 4 through 7 describe the conversion of frequency readings to pressure. Many of these
functions can be performed automatically by the devices described above.

After installation of the piezometer in the field, allow it to reach thermal equilibrium (typically 20-25
minutes) before taking the first reading. Temperature gradients through the body of a piezometer can cause
reading errors.

4. Converting Frequency Readings to Pressure

Calibration values are given in the Calibration Certificate provided with each piezometer. The calibration
units (digits) are frequency2 x 10-3. The Calibration Certificate also gives the coefficients needed to convert
field readings into units of pressure using the linear or the polynomial conversion method.
To convert readings to water pressure P using the linear method, apply the following equation:

D00031A 3
P = (R0 – R1) x G

where P = pressure in engineering units

R0 = initial reading in digits
R1 = current reading in digits
G = linear gage factor (see calibration certificate)

The initial reading R0 can be the factory calibration value at zero applied pressure. Or, you may suspect that
temperature or barometric pressure conditions are different at the time of installation than they were at the
time of calibration. If so, you can take a reading in the field before installing the piezometer and use that as
the initial reading.

For polynomial conversion, pressure is calculated by following equation:

P = A(R1)² + B(R1)² + C (MPa)

where R1 = current reading in digits

A, B, C = polynomial constants (see calibration certificate)

Polynomial constants A, B and C in the calibration certificate are determined at barometric pressure and
room temperature at the time of calibration. When the piezometer arrives at your installation site, the value
of C can be slightly different as the result of barometric pressure or temperature changes, or rough handling
during shipping and transport. To reduce possible error, the value of C should be recomputed to reflect
conditions at the time of installation. This is done in the following manner: Take a reading R1 just before
piezometer installation. Substitute that reading into the polynomial equation above. Then set P=0 and
substitute the values of coefficients A and B from the calibration certificate into the equation. Compute a
new value of C. Use that new value when computing the pore water pressure from future readings.

D00031A 4
Table 4

Instrument Piezometer Date 01.06.2006

Serial no. 10211 Temperature 29°C
Capacity 0.3 MPa Atm. Pressure 0.099 MPa

Input Observed value Average End point Poly

pressure Up1 Down Up2 fit fit
(MPa) (Digit) (Digit) (Digit) (Digit) (MPa) (MPa)

0.0 6443.0 6441.4 6441.4 6442 0.000 0.000

0.1 6023.9 6023.4 6024.8 6024 0.099 0.100
0.2 5601.6 5601.9 5601.8 5602 0.200 0.200
0.3 5179.2 5179.2 5180.1 5180 0.300 0.300

Error (%FS) 0.24 0.06

Digit (units) f ² X 10E-3
Linear gage factor (G) 2.376E-04 MPa/digit
Thermal factor (K) 0.000 MPa/°C
Polynomial constants
A=-1.4257E-09 B=-2.2094E-04 C=1.4826E+00
Pressure "P" is calculated with the following equation:
Linear P (MPa) =G (R0-R1)+K (T1-T0)-(S1-S0)
Polynomial P (MPa) = A (R1)² + B(R1) + C+K(T1-T0)-(S1-S0)
R1 = current reading & R0 = initial reading (digits)
S1 and T1 = current atmospheric pressure(MPa) and temperature (°C)
Readings at the time of test Date: July 10,2006
f Hz 2540.2
f² digits 6452.6
Temperature °C 19
Thermistor Ohm 3783
Atm. pressure MPa 0.099
Coil resistance Ohm 124

Zero conditions in field must be established by recording digits R0 (digit), temperature T0 (°C) and atmospheric
pressure S0 (MPa) at time of installation.

Pin configuration/wiring code:

Red & black: vibrating-wire signal Green & white: thermistor

Checked by Tested by

D00031A 5
5. Temperature Measurement
Each piezometer contains a built-in thermistor for temperature measurement. The thermistor is a variable
resistor whose resistance decreases nonlinearly with increasing temperature. You can measure this resistance
with an Ohmmeter and convert it to temperature using the equation or the lookup table below. (the
thermistor is connected between the green and white leads).

Cable resistance may be subtracted from the Ohmmeter reading to get a more accurate thermistor resistance.
However the effect is small and is usually ignored. The cable supplied by Applied Geomechanics with our
vibrating-wire piezometers has 22 AWG wires, which have a resistance of approximately 50 Ohms per 1000
meters. If you were measuring thermistor resistance at the end of a 1000m cable, the cable would add 100
Ohms to the measurement because there are two wires in the circuit.

Thermistor type Dale 1C3001-B3

Temperature resistance equation

T = 1/[A + B(LnR) + C(LnR)3] - 273.2 oC

where T = temperature in oC
LnR = Natural log of thermistor resistance
A = 1.4051 x 10-3
B = 2.369 x 10-4
C = 1.019 x 10-7

D00031A 6
Table 5. Thermistor Look-up Table
Ohm T e mp . o C Ohm T e mp . o C Ohm T e mp . o C
2 01 .1k - 50 1 6 .60 K - 10 2 417 +30
1 87 .3 K - 49 1 5 .72 K -9 2 317 31
1 74 .5 K - 48 1 4 .90 K -8 2 221 32
1 62 .7 K - 47 1 4 .12 K -7 2 130 33
1 51 .7 K - 46 1 3 .39k -6 2 042 34
1 41 .6 K - 45 1 2 .70 K -5 1 959 35
1 32 .2 K - 44 1 2 .05 K -4 1 880 36
1 23 .5 K - 43 1 1 .44 K -3 1 805 37
1 15 .4 K - 12 1 0 .86 K -2 1 733 38
1 07 .9 K - 41 1 0 .31 K -1 1 664 39
1 01 .0 K - 40 9 796 0 1 598 40
9 4 .48 K - 39 9 310 +1 1 535 41
8 8 .46 K - 38 8 851 2 1 475 42
8 2 .87 K - 37 8 417 3 1 418 43
7 7 .66 K - 36 8 006 4 1 363 44
7 2 .81 K - 35 7 618 5 1 310 45
6 8 .30 K - 34 7 252 6 1 260 46
6 4 .09 K - 33 6 905 7 1 212 47
6 0 .17 K - 32 6 576 8 1 167 48
5 6 .51 K - 31 6 265 9 1 123 49
5 3 .10 K - 30 5 971 10 1 081 50
4 9 .91 K - 29 5 692 11 1 040 51
4 6 .94 K - 28 5 427 12 1 002 52
4 4 .16 K - 27 5 177 13 9 65 .0 53
4 1 .56k - 26 4 939 14 9 29 .6 54
3 9 .13 K - 25 4 714 15 8 95 .8 55
3 6 .86 K - 24 4 500 16 8 63 .3 56
3 4 .73 K - 23 4 297 17 8 32 .2 57
3 2 .74 K - 22 4 105 18 8 02 .3 58
3 0 .87 K - 21 3 922 19 7 73 .7 59
2 9 .13 K - 20 3 748 20 7 46 .3 60
2 7 .49 K - 19 3 583 21 7 19 .9 61
2 5 .95 K - 18 3 426 22 6 94 .7 62
2 4 .51 K - 17 3 277 23 6 70 .4 63
2 3 .16 K - 16 3 135 24 6 47 .1 64
2 1 .89 K - 15 3 000 25 6 24 .7 65
2 0 .70 K - 14 2 872 26 6 03 .3 66
1 9 .58 K - 13 2 750 27 5 82 .6 67
1 8 .52 K - 12 2 633 28 5 62 .8 68
1 7 .53 K - 11 2 523 29 5 25 .4 70

D00031A 7
6. Temperature Correction of Pressure Readings
Each vibrating-wire piezometer is individually compensated for temperature-induced zero drift. It is
therefore relatively insensitive to temperature changes and the effect of temperature is commonly ignored.
However, if temperature compensation is required, it is made by substituting the thermal factor (temperature
coefficient) K, provided in the calibration certificate, into the following equation:

Pc o r r e c t i o n = K x (T1 – T0)

where T1 is the current temperature and T0 is the temperature at the time of calibration. Pcorrection is added to
the pressure computed in Section 4 to correct for the effect of temperature change.

The coefficient K is obtained in the factory placing the piezometer in a thermal chamber and then measuring
the zero shift that occurs with changing temperature.

7. Barometric Pressure Correction

Your piezometer was sealed in the factory under a vacuum of about 10-3 Torr to remove water vapour and
other elements present in air that could cause corrosion and affect the readings. For this reason, the
piezometer will respond to barometric pressure fluctuations. Since the magnitude of these fluctuations is of
the order of +/- 0.0003 MPa, correction is generally not required. If a correction is required, we recommend
that you record the barometric pressure each time you take a piezometer reading. This pressure is then
referenced to the barometric pressure at the time of piezometer installation, or at the time of factory
calibration (see Calibration Certificate), to obtain the pressure correction.

Pc o r r e c t i o n = (S1 – S0)

This correction is subtracted from the piezometer pressure reading (section 4) to obtain the corrected pore
water pressure.

8. Installation

8.1 Saturating Filters

Remove the filter from piezometer and soak or boil it in water for about 15 minutes, or until the filter is
saturated with water. In Big Boy the filter can be removed by opening the locking nut with a spanner
wrench. In Slim Jim the filter is removed by pulling out the filter holder. In Conehead the filter can be
removed by unscrewing the conical tip.

Before replacing the filter, fill the end of the piezometer with water. With the filter end of the piezometer
facing up, replace the filter. A small amount of water should squeeze through the filter stone as this is done.
Now quickly insert the assembled piezometer into a bottle or bucket off water, keeping it submerged while
you transport it to the field. Make sure that the water enclosed between diaphragm and filter does not leak
out before you install the piezometer. A saturated filter with no air gap is necessary for accurate readings!

D00031A 8
8.2 Taking Zero Readings; Acceptance Test
It is important to take zero readings in the field prior to installation of each piezometer. The zero reading
provided in the calibration certificate is the output of the piezometer at atmospheric pressure under laboratory
conditions. The zero reading that you will take in the field, before the piezometer is installed underground,
provides your baseline reference under field conditions. Zero readings are most easily taken with the VW
Advisor readout unit. Take a series of readings until repeatable values are attained.

Zero readings should be taken with the piezometer shaded and out of direct sunlight. Temperature extremes
and temperature gradients across the body of a piezometer can cause reading errors.

The zero readings that you take before piezometer installation also serve as an acceptance test – a verification
that the piezometer is working properly. Small differences between your field readings and the zero readings
in the calibration certificate are to be expected. Large differences in these readings may indicate a faulty
sensor or damaged cable.

8.3 Borehole Installation Using Sand

A traditional borehole installation requires that the total depth of the hole be drilled to one meter past the
planned piezometer installation depth. Installation proceed

1. Flush the borehole with water or biodegradable drilling mud.

2. Create a sand zone using a tremie to drop wet sand to the borehole bottom. Elevate casing to
maintain casing above the sand level.

3. Tie piezometer to signal cable in the filter-end-up position.

4. Lower the piezometer into the borehole when the desired sand level is achieved.

5. After piezometer is lowered to the desired depth, add sand with a tremie and continue pulling the
casing until it is above piezometer. Continue filling with sand until at least six inches (150 mm) of
sand has been layered above the piezometer.

Alternative to steps 4 and 5: Bag Installation. Placing a piezometer into a canvas bag filled with
sand and lowering the bag into the borehole is also an acceptable piezometer placement technique.

6. Isolate the piezometer by creating a bentonite clay seal above the piezometer sand zone created in
step 5. Refer to the installation specifications for thickness of seal. Typical seal thickness is a
minimum of one foot. Use bentonite chips and create the seal slowly to ensure you do not disturb
the piezometer placement. Continue to pull casing up as you complete this step.

Bentonite Setup Time: Maintain a water-filled borehole while the bentonite sets up. Typical time
for the bentonite chips to set up and form a seal is two-to-three hours. Consult bentonite supplier’s
directions for recommended time intervals.

7. Completely fill remaining borehole with bentonite-cement grout mixture.

8. Mark piezometer cable at surface with stake or flag. Terminate wires and connect to Model 798-
1000 Handi-Logger, Handi-Logger Mini or Advisor Vibrating-Wire Readout. The weatherproof field
case of the Advisor Vibrating Wire Readout requires no further protection from the elements.

D00031A 9
9. Begin to collect periodic readings. Initial pressure readings typically will be high. Continue to
evaluate readings as installation stabilizes. Installation stabilization is contingent on local
conditions, including soil permeability. Complete datum readings after installation stabilizes; this
period can be hours or days depending on local conditions.

8.4 Grouted Borehole Installation

A grouted borehole installation requires that the total depth of the hole be drilled to one meter past the
planned piezometer installation depth.

1. Flush the borehole with water or biodegradable drilling mud.

2. Tie piezometer to signal cable in the filter-end-up orientation.

3. Lower piezometer into borehole. Add additional weight (sand bag) if necessary.

4. Completely fill remaining borehole with bentonite-cement grout mixture.

5. Mark piezometer cable at surface with stake or flag. Terminate wires and connect to Model 798-
1000 Handi-Logger, Handi-Logger Mini or Advisor Vibrating-Wire Readout. The weatherproof field
case of the Advisor Vibrating Wire Readout requires no further protection from the elements.

6. Begin to collect periodic readings. Initial pressure readings typically will be high. Continue to
evaluate readings as installation stabilizes. Installation stabilization is contingent on local
conditions, including soil permeability. Complete datum readings after installation stabilizes; this
period can be hours or days depending on local conditions.

Table 6. Grout Mixes

Grout Mix for Hard and Medium Soils
Materials Weight Ratio by Weight
Portland Cement 94 lb. (1 bag) 1
Bentonite 25 lb. (as required) 0.3
Water 30 gallons 2.5
Grout Mix for Soft Soils
Materials Weight Ratio by Weight
Portland Cement 94 lb. (1 bag) 1
Bentonite 39 lb. (as required) 0.4
Water 75 gallons 6.6

8.5 In Situ or Push-In Installation

This installation method requires a Conehead piezometer. It provides the advantage of readings from an
instrument placed directly into the native formation. However, it also requires extra precaution to prevent
twisting of the signal cable or damaging the piezometer by exerting too much force while driving it into

The piezometer has a right-hand thread. You will need a disposable adapter to thread onto to the piezometer
to make the drill rod connection.

D00031A 10
1. Flush the borehole with water or biodegradable drilling mud.

2. Assemble the adapter to the piezometer.

3. Attach a coupling pin to the bottom of the drill rod and feed signal cable through the drill rod.
Continue assembling the drill rod string while threading the cable. Cable length should be adequate
for total installation depth plus surface distance requirements. Warning: if borehole depth requires
drill rod be added as piezometer is lowered, ensure that no twisting of cable occurs!

4. Connect the Advisor Vibrating-Wire Readout to the cable. Begin taking readings as piezometer is
pushed into the borehole bottom. Ensure that pressures do not exceed the maximum range (capacity)
of the piezometer shown on the calibration certificate. If pressure exceeds this maximum, slow or
halt the piezometer push-in until the excess pressure dissipates.

5. Detach drill rod.

6. Completely fill remaining borehole with bentonite-cement grout mixture.

7. Wait for pressure readings to stabilize. Excessive porewater pressure caused by the push-in is
typical immediately after installation. Exception: Installation of a bentonite cap may cause a
reverse pressure effect as the bentonite draws water away from the piezometer.

8. Mark piezometer cable at surface with stake or flag. Terminate wires and connect to Model 798-
1000 Handi-Logger, Handi-Logger Mini or Advisor Vibrating-Wire Readout. The weatherproof field
case of the Advisor Vibrating Wire Readout requires no further protection from the elements.

9. Begin to collect periodic readings. Initial pressure readings typically will be high. Continue to
evaluate readings as installation stabilizes. Installation stabilization is contingent on local
conditions, including soil permeability. Complete datum readings after installation stabilizes; this
period can be hours or days depending on local conditions.

8.6 Embankment Installation

This procedure is for piezometers that will be installed in an embankment as it is being constructed.

1. Form a shallow horizontal trench or slot for the piezometer. Carefully place the piezometer into the
trench. Avoid kinking the cable during installation.

2. Place a bentonite seal over the installation to isolate the piezometer. Continue to build the
embankment over the piezometer.

3. Continue to protect the cable from sharp bends along its path. Avoid crossing cables. If necessary to
cross cable paths, isolate cables with fill material between them.

4. Bury cable using fine embankment materials, compacting lightly. Continue process creating layers
over the cable until it is covered with at least 18 inches of material. Use only light tamping

5. Build water stops as specified.

D00031A 11
6. Mark piezometer cable at surface with stake or flag. Terminate wires and connect to Model 798-
1000 Handi-Logger, Handi-Logger Mini or Advisor Vibrating-Wire Readout. The weatherproof field
case of the Advisor Vibrating Wire Readout requires no further protection from the elements.

7. Begin to collect periodic readings. Initial pressure readings typically will be high. Continue to
evaluate readings as installation stabilizes. Installation stabilization is contingent on local
conditions, including soil permeability. Complete datum readings after installation stabilizes; this
period can be hours or days depending on local conditions.

8.7 Installation in Open Standpipes

For monitoring water level in an open standpipe, allow sufficient time for level to stabilize after lowering
piezometer assembly into the borehole. This is especially true for small diameter boreholes.

8.8 Cable Care

Cable problems are a common cause of bad data in geotechnical measurement programs. A few simple
precautions will help reduce the chances of cable damage in your project:

1. Protect the cable from sharp objects, which can cut through the jacket and into the conductors. If the
cable must be buried, use find sand or clay as the burial material, not rocks or sharp stones. If this is
not possible, protect the cable by enclosing it in conduit.

2. To prevent tension of buried cable resulting from ground settlement, route the cable with a zig zag
pattern. A horizontal zig zag of 0.5m every 15m is normally sufficient.

3. If multiple cables are routed in the same trench, separate them by 25mm or more. Avoid crossing

4. Tag cables at regular intervals to make for easy identification in the field.

5. Keep cables away from chemical solvents, as certain solvents can attack the plastic jacket and

9. Troubleshooting
After installation a piezometer is typically inaccessible, so that the opportunity for remedial action is limited.
Maintenance consists mainly of keeping the cable in good condition and the connections clean and dry.
Possible problems that you may encounter, and troubleshooting actions that you can employ, are listed

Symptom: piezometer reading unstable

Check the insulation resistance. The resistance between any lead and the cable jacket should be >500
MegaOhm. If not, cut a meter or so from the end of cable and check again.

Check the readout. Does it also give unstable readings with other piezometers? If so, the readout may have a
low battery or may be malfunctioning. Consult the manual of the readout unit for charging or troubleshooting

D00031A 12
Is there a source of electrical noise nearby? Common sources of electrical noise are motors, generators,
transformers, arc welders and antennas. If so, the problem could be reduced by shielding the electrical noise.

Symptom: piezometer fails to read

Is the cable cut or crushed? Check the nominal resistance between the two VW wires in the cable (red and
black) using an Ohmmeter. It should be within 120 - 150 Ohm. The correct value is given in the piezometer
test certificate. Remember to add the cable resistance. For our standard 22 AWG vibrating-wire cable, the
resistance is 50 Ohm/km. If the resistance reads infinite or a very high value, a cut in the cable is likely. If
the resistance reads very low (<100 Ohm), a short in the cable is likely.

Check the readout. Does it also give unstable readings with other piezometers? If so, the readout may have a
low battery or may be malfunctioning. Consult the manual of the readout unit for charging or troubleshooting

Please contact Applied Geomechanics at [email protected] or telephone 415-364-3200 (USA) for

further assistance.

10. Warranty and Limitation of Liability

Standard goods (those listed in Applied Geomechanics’ published sales literature, excluding software)
manufactured by Applied Geomechanics Inc. (AGI) are warranted against defects in materials and
workmanship for twelve (12) months from the date of shipment from AGI’s premises with the following
exceptions: AGI will repair or replace (at its option) goods that prove to be defective during the warranty
period provided that they are returned prepaid to AGI and:

(a) that the goods were used at all times for the purpose for which they were designed and in accordance
with any instructions given by AGI in respect of them,

(b) that notice is received by AGI within 30 days of the defects becoming apparent, and

(c) that return authorization is received from AGI prior to the goods being sent back.

Should goods be damaged in transit to the Purchaser, AGI will accept no liability unless the Purchaser can
show that such damage arose solely from AGI’s failure to pack the goods properly for shipment.

Software products are warranted to perform substantially in accordance with their documentation for 90 days
following your receipt of the software. AGI and its suppliers do not and cannot warrant the performance or
results you may obtain by using the software or its documentation.

In respect of goods or parts thereof manufactured by others and resold by AGI, AGI will pass on to the
customer the benefit of any guarantee or warranty received by AGI from the original manufacturer insofar as
such guarantee or warranty is assignable.



D00031A 13

AGI’s liability arising out of the sale of its goods is expressly limited to the repair and/or replacement of
defective parts or the cost of such repair and/or replacement.

If software does not perform substantially in accordance with the documentation, the entire and exclusive
liability and remedy shall be limited to either, at AGI’s option, the replacement of the software or the refund
of the license fee you paid for the software.

Liability for any other form of loss or damage is hereby expressly excluded.

Customer shall indemnify AGI against any third party claim arising out of the use of goods and/or services
supplied by AGI, including any claim arising directly or indirectly out of alleged negligence on the part of
AGI, its employees, servants, representatives or agents.

D00031A 14

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