Ge 10 - Activity 1-2 Icao, Farah

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Watch the different videos below on YouTube that relates to
environmental science. Make sure to take down notes and understand these
videos. The main objective is to assess and enhance your knowledge about
environmental science.

1. Humans and the Environment | Essentials of Environmental Science:

Humans and the Environment | Essentials of Environmental Science

2. I-Witness: ‘Climate Justice,’ a documentary by Howie Severino (with

English subtitles)

3. Polar Bears & Climate Change

4.The Race is On - Climate Change Documentary 2020

Questions after watching the videos:

1. How much did you know about this subject before we started?
2. What is/are your expectation/s on this subject?
3. After watching these videos, what are the things this subject want you to
4. What did you learn about yourself after you watched these videos?
5. What's the one thing that you have seen in these videos that greatly affects
you? Why?
6. As you watch these videos, what's one thing that you would like to change or
to do?
7. How would you relate climate change to human activities?

1. I know a little about this subject. However as shown on the video I have
learned that environmental science deals with the interactions between the
physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment. As things
such as climate change and global warming are major concerns effecting
people today, environmental scientists use their research to look for ways to
inhibit the continuation of these problems, and, in turn, creating a sustainable
future for the earth. They also investigate any possible ecological problems
and look at ways to ensure these problems do not come to fruition.
2. I expect to learn a lot of ways in preserving the environment in order for me to
share it to the youth and create a significant change.
3. After watching the video this subject wants us, the students, to know that the
environment needs help. Calamities in different parts of the world are
occurring and animals not just humans are suffering by losing their habitat. All
of the videos that I have calls us for action to save the environment. It’s not
wrong to seek for development but we should not put our environment, the
earth, in expense. We should opt for renewable energy and sustainable
4. As a youth, I have done so much thing that contributes to the climate change.
From not segregating my garbage, throwing my garbage anywhere and
burning plastics. All these simple acts contribute to the climate change.
5. On the second video, the documentary about the super typhoon Yolanda really
affected me. As a Filipino it hurts to see the destruction in brought to a lot of
families. The numerous death it led to was really devastating. It will always
leave a scar to every victim.
6. Upon watching the videos, I have realized that it is still not too late to change
and care for the environment. I will use my voice and influence the youth to
take action and form part in any organizations that will help the environment.
Youth is the future or the world, and since most of them are using social
media, I will be using this platform to encourage them to create change and
care for the environment through simple actions and starting it at their
7. Human activities maybe small or big contributes to the climate change. To
name a few first is increases in atmospheric CO2 and other long-lived
greenhouse gases (methane, nitrous oxide and halo carbons). Second,
increases in short-lived greenhouse gases (mainly ozone). Third, changes to
land cover (replacement of darker forests with paler croplands and grasslands)
and lasty, increases in aerosols (tiny particles in the atmosphere).
Activity 2:

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