Episode 8 The K To 12 Grading System: My Learning Episode Overview

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Episode 8

The K to 12 Grading System

My Learning Episode Overview

With the implementation of the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum of 2013, more
popularly known as K to 12, is a new grading system that is aligned to the new assessment policy
of the Department of Education based on DepEd Memo 8, s. 2015. in this Episode, you will be
made to observe how this is implemented in schools.

My Learning Essentials
In the K to 12 curriculum, a student’s grade is based on his/her written work,
performance task and quarterly assessment.
The weights of the components (written work, performances task and quarterly assessment) vary
among groups of subjects from Grade 1 to 10 and from Grade 11 and 12. See Tables below:

Weight of the components For Grades 1-10

Components Languages/AP/EsP Science/Math MAPEH/EPP/TLE
Written Work 40% 40% 20%
1 - 10 Performance 40% 40% 60%
Quarterly 20% 20% 20%

Weight of the Components for Grades 11-12

Academic Track Technical-Vocational and Livelihood
(TVL/Sports/Arts and Design Track
Core All Work
Subject other Immersion/Research/Business All Work
s subject Enterprise Simulation/Exhibit other Immersion/Research/Exhibit
s Performance subjec Performance
Written 25% 25% 35% 20%
Performanc 50% 45% 40% 60%
11 e Task
- Quarterly 25% 30% 25% 20%
12 Assessment

Components of Summative Assessment

A. Written Work includes ‘’long quizzes and unit or long test. other written work may include
essays, written reports, and other written output…’’ It is strongly recommended that items in
long quizzes and tests be distributed across the cognitive process dimensions of Anderson and
Krathwohl (2001)’’ – DepEd Oreder 8, s.2015.
The written Work component ‘’ensures that students are able to express skills and
concepts in written form.’’
If you are looking for the application KPUP (knowledge, process, understanding and
performance of DepO. 73, s.2012) This is it. In assessment, teacher sees to it that written tests are
assess the cognitive processes of remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating
and creating with emphasis on the higher dimensions.
B. ‘’The Performance Task component allows learners to show what they know and are able to
do in diverse ways. They may create or innovate products or do performance-based tasks.
Performance-based task may include skills demonstration, group presentation, and work,
multimedia presentations and research projects.’’ (DepED, Order 8, s.2015). It also includes
written outputs.
C. Quarterly Assessment measures student learning at the end of the quarter. These may be
objective tests, performance-based assessment or a combination of both. (DepED, Order 8,
Reporting Learners Program
DepEd Order 8, s.2015 sates:
The summary of learner progress is shown quarterly to parents and guardians through
parent-teacher conference, in which the report card is discussed. The Table below presents the
grading scale with its corresponding descriptors and remarks.
Grading Scale
Outstanding 90-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed
Satisfactory 80-84 Passed
Fairly Satisfactory 75-79 Passed
Did Not Meet Expectation Below 79 Passed
My Reflections
In an era where the emphasis is self-directed learning, demonstration of knowledge,
skills and values learned (outcomes-based education) do grades really matter?
It is still but not like before that they really emphasize its importance. Now, the emphasis
is on individual strength and abilities like based on performance and not in written

What are your thoughts about the reflection of core values of the Filipino child in
the Report Card?
For me, this is just for me. You cannot really measure if a child is Makatao, Makabansa,
Makakalikasan, or Makadiyos, because you don’t see what they do outside of the
classroom and that’s really hard to measure like what kind of assessment tools/task
should you use?

2. Points for Improvement

To be fair, 50% on written and 50% on performance task is okay as long as a teacher is
fair in scoring and gives opportunity to every pupil, I think any grading system would

My Learning Portfolio
Show sample computations of a grade and subject of your choice.

Written Work Performance Task

1 15/15 1 15/20
2 20/20 2 13/15
3 23/25 3 10/10
4 13/15 38/45 = 0.84
0.84 x 100 = 84%
71/75 = 0.95
0.95 x 100 = 95%

Assessment 57/60 = 0.95 x 100 = 95 %

95% x 0.25 = 23.7

84% x 0.50 = 42
95% x 0.25 = 23.7
Transmuted Grade = 93 OUTSTANDIN

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